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Tudo que muttley postou

  1. muttley

    [8.2+] Muttley Bot

    Fixed HUD, Healing and added 8.72 support
  2. muttley

    [8.2+] Muttley Bot

    Updated to 8.71 + Added Tibia Progress Bar (Windows 7 only)
  3. muttley

    [8.2+] Muttley Bot

    Yes, works with all Tibias after 8.2
  4. muttley

    [8.2+] Muttley Bot

    Yes, it sends packets. I'm trying to prevent it from sending don't needed packets so using it shouldn't result in a ban.
  5. At first: I'm from Poland and I can't speak Portuguese so I'll post everything in English (Trasnlators are a little bugged) Hello, I would like to introduce Muttley Bot - I'm developing this tool from Nov 2009. - here is original thread, where I'm verified member, so you can be sure that is not a keylogger. Please use my installer - it downloads example scripts also so you have a base for new scripts. List of functions the bot has: Auto Healing Level Spy CaveBot Navigation FastHand Targeting Fast Hand Scr
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