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  1. <?php class Character_model extends Model { function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->database(); } public function getAccountID() { $this->db->select('id'); $sql = $this->db->get_where('accounts', array('name' => $_SESSION['name']))->row_array(); return (int)$sql['id']; } public function getPlayersOnline() { @$world = (int)$_REQUEST['world']; @$order = $_REQUEST['sort']; $where = array('online' => 1); if(!empty($world)) $where['world_id'] = $world; $o = "level DESC"; $allowed = array('level', 'vocati
  2. @Sekk Problem [0:11:46.251] [Error - Spell Interface] [0:11:46.259] data/spells/scripts/vip/minato/izanagi.lua:onCastSpell [0:11:46.262] Description: [0:11:46.264] (luaSetConditionParam) Condition not found [0:11:46.273] [Error - Spell Interface] [0:11:46.276] data/spells/scripts/vip/minato/izanagi.lua:onCastSpell [0:11:46.279] Description: [0:11:46.286] data/spells/scripts/vip/minato/izanagi.lua:7: attempt to perform arithmetic on a boolean value [0:11:46.291] stack traceback: [0:11:46.294] data/spells/scripts/vip/minato/izanagi.lua:7: in function 'REVIVE' [0:11:46.303] d
  3. sim,mas nao tem como colocar tipo essa vocaçao quando usar ira aparecer x effect essa outra usa e aparece x effect? se nao tiver deixa
  4. entao queria colocar para teleportar e ser curado o HP no local que for teleportado
  5. quando o player usar a spell ele vai ser teleportado certo ? até ai vc entendeu? 2 ele vai voltar no mesmo lugar que usou. queria que cada vocation apareça um efeito diferente
  6. para teleportar o char e dps usar event back para voltar naonde o char usou a spell.
  7. local porcent = 10 -- porcentagem de vida dos players para healar local exaust = 1 -- exhausted em segundos local effect = {36} -- efeito que ira aparecer nos player, caso for mais de 1, adicionar virgulas dentro da tabela local function REVIVE(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end if getTilePzInfo(getThingPos(cid)) == false and getCreatureHealth(cid) <= math.floor(getCreatureHealth(cid)*porcent/setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, 200000)) then doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 8855, -1) els
  8. [20:25:34.961] [Error - GlobalEvent Interface] [20:25:34.962] data/globalevents/scripts/shop.lua:onThink [20:25:34.963] Description: [20:25:34.964] data/globalevents/scripts/shop.lua:25: attempt to call field 'executeQuery' (a nil value) [20:25:34.965] stack traceback: [20:25:34.965] data/globalevents/scripts/shop.lua:25: in function <data/globalevents/scripts/shop.lua:1> [20:25:34.966] [Error - GlobalEvents::think] Couldn't execute event: Shop [20:25:38.079] Error during getDataInt(vocation). [20:25:38.112] Error during getDataInt(looktype). [20:25:38.113] [Error - GlobalEvent Interfa
  9. ta dando item sem parar [18:53:48.473] Error during getDataInt(vocation). [18:53:48.474] Error during getDataInt(looktype). ta dando esse erro tbm
  10. qual a tag que vai no globalevents? tem q configurar o script?
  11. function onThink(interval, lastExecution, thinkInterval) local result = db.getResult("SELECT * FROM shop_history WHERE `processed` = 0;") if(result:getID() ~= -1) then while(true) do cid = getCreatureByName(tostring(result:getDataString("player"))) product = tonumber(result:getDataInt("product")) itemr = db.getResult("SELECT * FROM shop_offer WHERE `id` = "..product..";") if isPlayer(cid) then local id = tonumber(itemr:getDataInt("item")) local tid = tonumber(result:getDataInt("id")) local count = tonumber(itemr:getDataInt("count")) local tipe
  12. function onStepIn(cid, item, pos) local tp = {x = 75, y = 80, z = 7} local pos = {x = 91, y = 13, z = 6} if item.actionid == 7460 then doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), 9) doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, 159, -1) doPlayerAddSkill(cid, 4, 2) doTeleportThing(cid, pos) doSendMagicEffect(tp, 14) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 22, "Você se encarnou em um elfo!") end return true end tenta essa function onStepIn(cid, item,pos) local tp = {x = 75, y = 80, z = 7} local pos = {x = 91, y = 13, z=6} if item.actionid
  13. <Buff Evolution> Essa Spell da 400 de Speed 80 de Poitons para tds skills e lembrando da outfist 2 Funçao da Script o player usa e quando ele quiser evoluir ela ele fala x palavra e apareçe "8 portoes liberado" e uma nova outfist lembrando o effect sempre vai mudar quando ele se transformar. Obs Tera 3 Evolutions - Logo tera 3 Fala diferente para abrir o proximo lvl Cada transformaçao da uma nova outfist e um novo effect e os skill de cada uma transformaçao aumenta! @Bodak Reborn
  14. Abra Pasta Mods e Crie um arquivo com os sequintos codigos <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <mod name="Experience Stages Scroll" version="1.0" author="TomCrusher" contact="" enabled="yes"> <action itemid="9004" event="script" value="expstagescroll.lua"/> <creatureevent type="think" name="ExpStage" event="script" value="expstagescroll.lua"/> <creatureevent type="login" name="ExpStageLogin" event="script" value="expstagescroll.lua"/> </mod> abra mods/scripts crie um arquivo e cole esses codigos = { rate = 2, sto
  16. voçe alterou o client? tem que alterar o client tbm '-' por isso e so para a versao 8.60
  17. esse tutorial e para tfs 0.4 8.60 nao para tfs 0.3.6 8.54 so serve para tfs 0.4
  18. Erros [17:1:31.504] [Warning - Spells::registerEvent] Duplicate registered instant spell with words: Katon dragon furie [17:1:31.884] [Warning - Spells::registerEvent] Duplicate registered instant spell with words: Explosion Katon [17:1:31.887] [Warning - Spells::registerEvent] Duplicate registered instant spell with words: Explosion Katon script ... [16:37:56.078] [Error - Spell Interface] [16:37:56.084] data/spells/scripts/Kakashi/kamui me.lua:onCastSpell [16:37:56.086] Description: [16:37:56.094] (luaDoCreateTeleport) Tile not found [16:25:09.147] [Error - Spell Interface] [16:25:0
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