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Sobre badurek95

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  1. @Pepeco eu consegui aqui, só foi remover os -- das linhas -- if not parent:isTile() and (parent:addItem(potion.emptyId, 1) or topParent:addItem(potion.emptyId, 1)) then item:remove(1) return true --end Valeu pelo suporte!
  2. Boa noite galera, gostaria de saber como eu faço pra adicionar o empty flask quando o player usar a potion. local config = { -- strong health potion [7588] = {health = {min = 250, max = 350}, vocations = {3, 4}, text = 'paladins and knights', level = 50, emptyId = 7634}, -- strong mana potion [7589] = {mana = {min = 115, max = 185}, vocations = {1, 2, 3}, text = 'sorcerers, druids and paladins', level = 50, emptyId = 7634}, -- great mana potion [7590] = {mana = {min = 150, max = 250}, vocations = {1, 2}, text = 'sorcerers and druids', level = 80, emptyId = 7635}, -- great hea
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