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  1. as pessoas têm um problema compilar tudo bem, o servidor anda a página anda, tudo está bem, exceto que ao criar uma conta ou um personagem não acredita, mesmo na phpmyadmin nada aparece. @bumb up
  2. How can add storage exaust this script? when using a person the lever alos 5 them d the sotrage of exaust 1 day
  3. PLEASE need code or script to player kill monster and get storage ( or players kill same monster all player get the same storage) Você tem alguma imagem que possa auxiliar no problema? Se sim, coloque-a aqui.
  4. Dont works :$ i Recompiled only the changes its Yellow bordes in equipment, but you did not need that only need commands !bless to buy 5 blessings and yellow bordes :C up
  5. PLEASE HOW CAN REMOVE NEWS BLESSING IN OTX version 11.49 and add !bless with YELLOW BORDERS :$? to normal bless?
  6. I have 10 pple in mi server AND MI WEB SITE SAY "0" ONline in Layout.php have this if($config['status']['serverStatus_online'] == 0) in load.compat.php have this $statusInfo = new ServerStatus('', $config['server']['statusPort'], 1); y use Uniserver :$ apparently my problem is that my Phpmyadmin does not edit the player_online table
  7. please friend i need ::( that when I clicked on a lever, I teleported and made a monster to that teleported place. and that can only be used once a day. Anihi style for 5 players but it is not mandatory that the 5 players are, but that the X players give them the same storage so they can not do it up to 24 hours
  8. @Serginho Marques what version of gesior are you using? Do you use xampp or uniformserver?
  9. @Serginho Marques You need to edit the path to your server's config.lua file, you can do that by editing the file located at www/config/config.php
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