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Danyel Varejao

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Tudo que Danyel Varejao postou

  1. Substitua para essa: Cylinder* Player::__queryDestination(int32_t& index, const Thing* thing, Item** destItem, uint32_t& flags) { if(!index /*drop to capacity window*/ || index == INDEX_WHEREEVER) { *destItem = NULL; const Item* item = thing->getItem(); if(!item) return this; std::list<std::pair<Container*, int32_t> > containers; std::list<std::pair<Cylinder*, int32_t> > freeSlots; bool autoStack = !((flags & FLAG_IGNOREAUTOSTACK) == FLAG_IGNOREAUTOSTACK); for(int32_t i = SLOT_FIRST; i < SLOT_LAST; ++i) { if(Item* invItem
  2. Posta a função __queryDestination do player.cpp aqui.
  3. @Rayo o erro apresentado é que você não possui a função creature:moveTo(pos) em sua source, verifique se seguiu o tutorial corretamente e compilou sua source.
  4. local room = { -- room with demons fromX = 33229, fromY = 31697, fromZ = 14, toX = 33224, toY = 31697, toZ = 14 } local monster_pos = { [1] = {pos = {33224, 31695, 14}, monster = "Demon"}, [2] = {pos = {33226, 31695, 14}, monster = "Demon"}, [3] = {pos = {33228, 31697, 14}, monster = "Demon"}, [4] = {pos = {33229, 31697, 14}, monster = "Demon"}, [5] = {pos = {33227, 31699, 14}, monster = "Demon"}, [6] = {pos = {33225, 31699, 14}, monster = "Demon"} } local monster_area = { area = { topLeftPos = {x = 33224, y = 31695, z = 14}, bottomRightPos = {x = 33250, y = 31750, z =
  5. @poko360 me fala como você quer, com os magic effect etc, que da pra fazer tudo na source mesmo, além de mais otimizado seria a melhor forma pra isso sem consumir muito processamento.
  6. Em game.cpp procure por: bool Game::playerMove(uint32_t playerId, Direction dir) Dentro dessa função terá isso daqui: if(player->getNoMove()) { player->sendCancelWalk(); return false; } Logo abaixo adicione isso: std::string value; player->getStorage("6000", value); int32_t playerStorage = atoi(value.c_str()); if(playerStorage > 0) { player->sendCancelWalk(); return false; } Feche, salve, compile novamente e teste.
  7. Troca a lib para esta e veja se corrige. --[[ Auto Loot System by Danyel Varejão ]] AutoLoot = { Min_Level = 100, -- Level minimo pra utilizar o auto loot. Max_Slots = 5, -- Máximo de slots permitidos. Boost_Actived = true, -- Nao mexa daqui pra baixo caso nao entenda -- Storage_Boost = 45000, Storage_On_Items = 45001, Storage_On_Gold = 45002, Storages = { Count_Gold = 45003, Count_Items = 45004, Count_Table = 45005, Slots = {45006, 45007, 45008, 45009, 45010} -- Storage pra cada slot. } } AutoLoot_Boost = { -- [ID do item] = Valor, [2406] = 36, [2537] = 4800, [
  8. Poste seu script aqui. data/spells/scripts/support/sharpshooter.lua
  9. <?php if(!defined('INITIALIZED')) exit; if(count($config['site']['worlds']) > 1) { foreach($config['site']['worlds'] as $idd => $world_n) { if($idd == (int) $_REQUEST['world']) { $world_id = $idd; $world_name = $world_n; } } } if(!isset($world_id)) { $world_id = 0; $world_name = $config['server']['serverName']; } if(count($config['site']['worlds']) > 1) { $main_content .= '<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH=100%><TR><TD></TD><TD> <FORM ACTION="" METHOD=g
  10. Fala galerinha do TK, aqui vai um script muito útil para vários servidores. O script serve para salvar o player e a house do mesmo, utilizando o comando !save. O script foi testado em OTXServer 2. local Configs = { Exhausted = 180, Storage_Exhausted = 5000001, Messages = { SALVED = "You character has been salved.", EXHAUST = "You need wait %d seconds to save again.", }, } local function doSavePlayerAndHouse(cid) doPlayerSave(cid) if getHouseByPlayerGUID(getPlayerGUID(cid)) then doSaveHouse(getHouseByPlayerGUID(getPlayerGUID(cid))) end return true end
  11. local cf = { teleportPosition = {x = 167, y = 49, z = 7, stackpos = 1}, -- Where the teleport will be created teleportToPosition = {x = 540, y = 665, z = 7}, -- Where the teleport will take you from = {x=508,y=641,z=7}, -- left top corner of event room to = {x=575,y=691,z=7} -- right bottom corner of event room } local function LoopEffectInTeleport(Position) local Teleport = getTileItemById(Position, 1387).uid if Teleport > 0 then doSendMagicEffect(Position, 55) doSendMagicEffect(Position, 56) addEvent(LoopEffectInTeleport, 5 * 1000) end end function onTime() doItemSetAttri
  12. Os efeitos é só pra quando o evento estiver aberto correto?
  13. Não deve ser problema no script e sim nas configurações da TownID da house, do player ou do depot que você está abrindo.
  14. Script LeverHunt.lua local Configs = { Item_Necessary_ID = 2131, Item_Necessary_Count = 1, Enter = { {x = 159, y = 386, z = 6}, {x = 160, y = 386, z = 6}, {x = 161, y = 386, z = 6}, {x = 162, y = 386, z = 6} }, Exit_Position = {x = 160, y = 390, z = 6} } local function checkPlayersInTile() local Players = {} for i = 1, #Configs.Enter do local pid = getTopCreature(Configs.Enter[i]).uid if isPlayer(pid) and getPlayerItemCount(pid, Configs.Item_Necessary_ID) >= Configs.Item_Necessary_Count then table.insert(Players, pid) end end return Players end functio
  15. Dento do script fechazombie.lua no globalevents pesquise por: function onTimer() e altere por: function onTime()
  16. Explica direito oque você quer, isso que criei é somente pra setar storage.
  17. local Configs = { Teleport_ID = 1387, Effect = 10, Time_To_Remove = 60, Exhaust_Use = 120, Destinations = { {x = 85, y = 121, z = 6}, {x = 85, y = 122, z = 6}, {x = 85, y = 123, z = 6}, {x = 86, y = 121, z = 6}, {x = 86, y = 122, z = 6} } } local function isWalk(cid, Position) Position.stackpos = 0 if getTileThingByPos(Position).uid ~= 0 then local TileInfo = getTileInfo(Position) if getTopCreature(Position).uid == 0 and doTileQueryAdd(cid, Position) == RETURNVALUE_NOERROR then return true end end end local function removeTelepo
  18. function onLogin(cid) registerCreatureEvent(cid, "MC_Block_Target") registerCreatureEvent(cid, "MC_Block_Combat") return true end function onTarget(cid, target) if isPlayer(cid) and isPlayer(target) then if getPlayerIp(cid) == getPlayerIp(target) then return false end return true end return true end function onCombat(cid, target) if isPlayer(cid) and isPlayer(target) then if getPlayerIp(cid) == getPlayerIp(target) then return false end return true end return true end <event type="login" name="MC_Block_Login" event="script" value="NoTargetMC.lua"/> <event
  19. Em data/creaturescripts/scripts adicione um arquivo chamado Kill_Pks.lua local Configs = { Crystal_Coin_ID = 2160, Count = 5, } function onLogin(cid) registerCreatureEvent(cid, "Kill_PKS") return true end function onKill(cid, target) if isPlayer(target) and isPlayer(cid) then if getCreatureSkull(target) == SKULL_WHITE then doPlayerAddItem(cid, Configs.Crystal_Coin_ID, Configs.Count) end end return true end Em data/creaturescripts/creaturescripts.xml adicione a tag: <event type="kill" name="Kill_PKS" event="script" value="Kill_Pks.lua"/>
  20. Script local Storages = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition) for i = 1, #Storages do setPlayerStorageValue(cid, Storages[i], 1) end return true end XML <action itemid="ID DO ITEM" event="script" value="NOME DO SCRIPT.lua"/>
  21. local skills = specialabilities local surfborders = {4644, 4645, 4646, 4647, 4648, 4649, 4650, 4651, 4652, 4653, 4654, 4655, 4656, 4657, 4658, 4659, 4660, 4661, 4662, 4663} local txt = { ["rock smash"] = {"break that rock!", "smash that rock!", "destroy that rock!", "smash it!", "break it!", "destroy it!"}, ["cut"] = {"cut that bush!", "cut it down!", "cut it off!", "cut off that bush!", "cut down that bush!", "cut that bush down!"}, ["move"] = {"move!", "move there!", "go there!", "walk there!"}, ["light"] = {"flash!", "light!", "flash this place!", "light up this place!"}, ["dig"] = {"open
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