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  1. im find for people for make some OT 7.4 Rl Map with custom spawns some task etc im noob in this but i want to learn, i can host ot all days 24/7 need people for create pag and put online on my pc thanks in advance
  2. Hello my name is Sergio i have 22 years old and all time in world im only for offer i can open your OT (Baiak,Evo,Custom Rl) 8.60 i have good pc and good internet can host 24/7 all day im only find Tibia Coins in RL no need $$ from Donations. Talk me PM Thanks all
  3. wtf is this sqlite3_prepare_v2(): SQLITE ERROR: near "LIMIT": syntax error (UPDATE "players" SET "broadcasting" = 0, "viewers" = 0 WHERE "id" = 10 LIMIT 1) edit: How to create guild??? and 30 days of donate acc no work item when use .... help me
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