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Sobre arti1194

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  1. Thanks for answering but I have this problem: [Warning - Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. I haven't problem with: firearea, redshimmer, blueshimmer, poison ,greenshimmer, energyarea. In other forum I have answer: "To fix this problem change back the promotion in PMA from "1" to "0" because there comes to a crash between the ids that already have promotion like vocation id="5" name="Master Sorcerer". You can't give promotion to a vocation that already has one. Hope i helped anyone with this kind of problem." I checked in database and vocatio
  2. Hi gleison157 I have the same problem. Most of accounts changed vocations and some charachters get like 58967 distance or 3294 sword , etc. When these players login the server get crash and no one can login. engine TFS 0.4 rev. 3777 Error in console: [Warning - Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. Why vocation is change in game? Oi gleison157 Eu tenho o mesmo problema. A maioria das contas mudou de vocação e alguns personagens ganham como 58967 de distância ou 3294 espadas, etc. Quando esses jo
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