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Tudo que henkas postou

  1. Hello, everyone! I’m excited to invite you all to a brand-new season starting on the 28th of this month! Let’s take a look at some of the exciting updates and improvements you can expect: New Features & Gameplay Enhancements New PvP Mechanic: "Stopwatch" – This new feature works similarly to League of Legends, granting temporary immunity for a short duration. It introduces new outplay potential in PvP but comes at a high gold cost to prevent spam usage. Early Game Improvements – The early game felt a bit slow and challenging, so
  2. Welcome to our Dragon Ball adventures! Dive into exciting PvPE and PvP battles against other players. Join our vibrant community, enjoy stunning graphics, and explore a wealth of content. Come join us and embark on your epic journey today
  4. Very nice! But i pref this kind of graphic
  5. Hi can someone help me to fix this npc slow sending message? Like if i talk with npc i say hi he teleport me and i have to wait couple seconds to get this message <parameter key="message_walkaway" value="Let's go"/> How can i make it send way faster like i say hi and i get instantly message. This is NPCHANDLER
  6. Does anyone have nice vocation sprites? Like Goku,Vegeta,Gohan,Brolly,Freeza,Janemba and etc?
  7. Hi i have question how can i know about tfs supporting clients like tfs 1.3 can suppot only 10.98 client. So is there any client that can support more then one client like 8.40, 8.54, 8.60, 8.70 and etc...
  8. Hi so i get this error if i delete player accounts from SQL. How to fix it>? This is account.php This is character.php
  9. Hi maybe there is a guy with free time these days and can help me edit website? If yes write me in PM or give your skype i'll add you. Thanks
  10. -- Advanced NPC System (Created by Jiddo), -- Modified by TheForgottenServer Team. if(NpcHandler == nil) then -- Constant talkdelay behaviors. TALKDELAY_NONE = 0 -- No talkdelay. Npc will reply immedeatly. TALKDELAY_ONTHINK = 1 -- Talkdelay handled through the onThink callback function. (Default) TALKDELAY_EVENT = 2 -- Not yet implemented -- Currently applied talkdelay behavior. TALKDELAY_ONTHINK is default. NPCHANDLER_TALKDELAY = TALKDELAY_ONTHINK -- Constant conversation behaviors. CONVERSATION_DEFAULT = 0 -- Conversation through default window, like it was
  11. Hi i have problem with npc when i talk with npc "hi" he send msg to default chat and to npc, so i want to make it send only in npc. How can i fix it? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <npc name="Dederin" script="dederin.lua" walkinterval="0"> <health now="100" max="100"/> <look type="459"/> <parameters> <parameter key="module_shop" value="1"/> <parameter key="message_greet" value="I can take you to {Small City}, {Namek Island}, {Big City}, {Ice City}, {Frozen City}, {West Island}, {East Island}, {Broken City}, {Assa
  12. Maybe someone have nice dragon ball sprites? Something new because i have these old dbko 8.00 sprites. So if someone have, pls share with me
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