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Sobre firenzie
No there are no errors
Can you explain please? Dont understand what you mean
Hey guys! When a monster or player is killed on my server, it takes about 0.5 seconds for them to hit the ground. Does anyone know how to change this time? When someone die, I want them to hit the ground faster. Im using:
Normal Sobre Aviso BattlEye Protection
firenzie respondeu ao tópico de Nych em Suporte Tibia OTServer
If you found how to fix this, please share! -
(Resolvido)Tutorial Flash Client
firenzie respondeu ao tópico de firenzie em Suporte Tibia OTServer (Resolvidos)
This is how it looks, which should be right? -
(Resolvido)Tutorial Flash Client
firenzie respondeu ao tópico de firenzie em Suporte Tibia OTServer (Resolvidos)
They are in C:\xampp\htdocs\config\config.php -
(Resolvido)Tutorial Flash Client
firenzie respondeu ao tópico de firenzie em Suporte Tibia OTServer (Resolvidos)
@Enzo Caue Hey! Now it works :D But i have noticeded some new problems, my character starts with with "no vocation" in main, even when I changed this: $config['site']['newchar_vocations'] = array(1 => 'Sorcerer Sample', 2 => 'Druid Sample', 3 => 'Paladin Sample', 4 => 'Knight Sample'); $config['site']['newchar_towns'] = array(1,2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11); $config['site']['max_players_per_account'] = 10; And I also get Survey when I log in, and the survey doesnt exist Thanks alot btw! -
firenzie reagiu a uma resposta no tópico: (Resolvido)Tutorial Flash Client
(Resolvido)Tutorial Flash Client
firenzie respondeu ao tópico de firenzie em Suporte Tibia OTServer (Resolvidos)
Where do I find html_public folder? The only thing with tutorial in my login.php is this: while ($ dbRet = $ dbResource-> fetch ()) { $ dict = array ( "worldid" => 0, "name" => $ dbRet ["name" ], "ismale" => (($ dbRet ["sex"] == 1)? true: false), "tutorial" => (($ dbRet ["lastlogin"]> 1)? false: true) If I change it to "false" I get this error when I try to log in: -
(Resolvido)Tutorial Flash Client
firenzie respondeu ao tópico de firenzie em Suporte Tibia OTServer (Resolvidos)
Im using Anything more you need to know? -
Hey guys!Im looking for some help regarding a problem i cant figure out how to fix.I want every character to start in Rookgaard, but wierd things happends;This is what is says in the config.php:$towns_list = array(1 => 'Venore', 2 => 'Thais', 3 => 'Kazordoon', 4 => 'Carlin', 5 => 'Ab\'Dendriel', 6 => 'Rookgaard', 7 => 'Liberty Bay', 8 => 'Port Hope', 9 => 'Ankrahmun', 10 => 'Darashia', 11 => 'Edron', 12 => 'Svargrond', 13 => 'Yalahar', 14 => 'Farmine', 28 => 'Gray Beach',29 => 'Roshamuul',33 => 'Rathleton',34 => 'Krailos',51 => 'Dawnport
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