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  1. someone have instal.php file ?
  2. TFS 1.3; Client 11.4 Hello GuysPlease see ss, and if you can explain for me how to remowe this "Gratis ..." to real amout of premium days. Groups.xml: <group id="1" name="Player" flags="0" access="0" maxdepotitems="0" maxvipentries="0" /> and Config.lua: -- Misc. allowChangeOutfit = true freePremium = false kickIdlePlayerAfterMinutes = 15 maxMessageBuffer = 4 Like you see i have set flags at 0 and in config lua i have freePremium = falseso that must be something else. Becouse normal players can youse ships anyway.also Config.php: # Create Ac
  3. Someone know from where i can get this files ?
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