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Tudo que Dorianek postou

  1. Patient Tfs 1.3 linux Client 11.44 I have debug in depo will help someone? I have no problem on Client 10 Czy masz dostępny kod? Jeśli opublikujesz to tutaj: Czy masz jakiś obraz, który mógłby pomóc w rozwiązaniu problemu? Jeśli tak, umieść to tutaj.
  2. Hello, I have the same problem, so I have a caveat on the client 11.45 I have in some places debug on the client 10x I do not have or could you provide a link to item otb and xml some stable? because my works well on 10x but on 11:45 wonders are happening just that in the current item xml and otb I have items from global type yetislippers etc. and virtually nowhere I found it in another file in advance thank you
  3. When typing / c Falcon Paladin there is no such monster on the map When entering / m Falcon Paladin Crash and you can not do anything but a new character
  4. Eu recebo uma mensagem assim no começo. 10:46 Bem-vindo ao Tibia-Global! Por favor, escolha sua roupa. 10:46 Você recebeu toda a bênção para você estar no nível inferior a 80! onde você pode mudar isso? e onde mudar lvl abençoe de 80 lvl para menor ou maior?
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