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Morgaroth Noia

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Tudo que Morgaroth Noia postou

  1. tfs 1.3 script: -- Config # -- local areafrom = {x = 17023, y = 16853, z = 8} -- ENTRADA from local areato = {x = 17032, y = 16862, z = 8} -- ENTRADA to local pos_exit = {x = 17035, y = 16858, z = 8} -- POS SAIDA local pos_entrance = {x = 17033, y = 16858, z = 8} -- POS ENTRADA local global_stor = 230050 local player_stor = 245319 local timetokick_free = {60, "min"} -- tempo local timetokick_vip = {90, "min"} -- tempo -- END -- local function convertTime(a) if(type(tonumber(a)) == "number" and a > 0) then if (a <= 3599) then local minute = math.floor(a/60)
  2. alguem de bom ? converte esses script pra min? para tfs 1.3 grato... local m_1 = {x=17024, y=16855, z=8} local m_2 = {x=17031, y=16854, z=8} local m_3 = {x=17024, y=16861, z=8} local m_4 = {x=17030, y=16861, z=8} function onUse(cid, item, frompos, itemEx, topos) local ran_2 = math.random(1, 100) local ran_3 = math.random(1, 100) local ran_4 = math.random(1, 100) if(itemEx.itemid == 9825) then if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 45315) <= 0 then -- QTD = 1 doCreateMonster("Cave Frost Dragon", m_1, false, true); elseif getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 45315) == 1
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