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Posts postados por HexusAlphos

  1. 20 horas atrás, L3K0T disse:


    teste ai


    local t = {
        storage = {13910}, -- Storage e valor necessário.
        maxSkillLevel = 11, -- Nível máximo da habilidade.
        resetSkillLevel = 10 -- Nível para o qual a habilidade será redefinida.
    function onAdvance(cid, skill, oldLevel, newLevel)
        if skill == SKILL_SWORD then
            if newLevel > t.maxSkillLevel then
                doPlayerAddSkillTry(cid, SKILL_SWORD, getPlayerRequiredSkillTries(cid, SKILL_SWORD, t.resetSkillLevel) - getPlayerSkillTries(cid, SKILL_SWORD))
                doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Você atingiu o nível máximo de habilidade de espada. Sua habilidade foi redefinida para o nível " .. t.resetSkillLevel .. ".")
        return true


    funcionou o contrário, quando se passa do limite, ao invés de retornar para 10, a skill foi para 20

  2. Estou tentando criar um quickloot para meu servidor, onde o jogador clicar no corpo da criatura, todos os itens são puxados para a bag. Consegui parcialmente, os itens vão para bag, mas tenho que ficar clicando no corpo da criatura até todos os itens serem coletados, como faço para coletar todos de uma só vez? 


    function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
        if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "corpseowner") ~= getPlayerGUID(cid) then
            return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Esse corpo foi morto por outro jogador")
        local items = {}
        for i = 1, getContainerSize(item.uid) do
            local it = getContainerItem(item.uid, i - 1)
            if it.uid > 0 then
                table.insert(items, {it.itemid, it.type})
        if #items > 0 then
            for k = 1, #items do
                local playerItem = getPlayerItemById(cid, true, items[k][1])
                if playerItem.uid > 0 then
                    local totalType = playerItem.type + items[k][2]
                    if totalType > 100 then
                        doPlayerAddItem(cid, items[k][1], totalType - 100)
                        doTransformItem(playerItem.uid, items[k][1], 100)
                        doTransformItem(playerItem.uid, items[k][1], totalType)
                    doPlayerAddItem(cid, items[k][1], items[k][2])
            return true
        return false


  3. Tem como modificar esse script aqui para ao invés de deixar o level do jogador travado em 1000, ser uma skill? OBS: Isso é um script de creaturescript

    Exemplo: Deixar sword sempre em 10, se ganhar 1 lvl ele retorna para o lvl 10 de skill sword


    local t = {
        storage = {13910}, -- Storage e valor necessário.
    maxLevel = 1000 -- Level máximo.
    function onAdvance(cid, skill, oldLevel, newLevel)
        if skill == SKILL__LEVEL then
            if getPlayerStorageValue(cid,[1]) ~=[2] then
                if newLevel >= t.maxLevel then
                    doPlayerAddExp(cid, getExperienceForLevel(t.maxLevel)-getPlayerExperience(cid))
                    doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Você atingiu o level máximo, faça a quest para continuar upando.")
       return true


  4. 9 horas atrás, Mateus Robeerto disse:

    Adicionei o comando "print" para imprimir no console e saber o que aconteceu, etc. Isso vai ajudar bastante.

    local config = {
        minSkill = 10, -- Valor mínimo da habilidade para começar a treinar
        gainChance = 50, -- Chance de ganhar skill, em porcentagem
        requiredItemID = 2140, -- ID do item necessário para treinar
        trainInterval = 3000, -- Intervalo de tempo para tentar ganhar skill (em milissegundos)
        skillsToTrain = { -- Habilidades correspondentes para cada vocação
            [0] = {1, 2}, -- Vocação sem classe
            [1] = {1, 2}, -- Knight
            [2] = {3}, -- Paladin
            [3] = {4}, -- Sorcerer
            [4] = {4}, -- Druid
            [5] = {4}, -- Master Sorcerer
            [6] = {4} -- Elder Druid
    local skillEvents = {} -- Tabela para armazenar os eventos de treino
    function isInRange(playerPosition, centerPosition, range)
        return math.abs(centerPosition.x - playerPosition.x) <= range and
               math.abs(centerPosition.y - playerPosition.y) <= range and
               centerPosition.z == playerPosition.z
    function onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition)
        print("Entrou na função onStepIn")
        if not isPlayer(cid) then
            print("O personagem não é um jogador")
            return false
        local vocation = getPlayerVocation(cid)
        print("Vocação do jogador: " .. vocation)
        if not config.skillsToTrain[vocation] then
            print("Vocação não encontrada na configuração de treino")
            return false
        for _, skillToTrain in ipairs(config.skillsToTrain[vocation]) do
            local skillLevel = getPlayerSkillLevel(cid, skillToTrain)
            print("Nível da habilidade " .. skillToTrain .. ": " .. skillLevel)
            if skillLevel < config.minSkill then
                doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, "Você não tem a habilidade necessária para treinar aqui.")
                return true
            local rightSlotItem = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_RIGHT)
            if not rightSlotItem or rightSlotItem.itemid ~= config.requiredItemID then
                doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, "Você precisa estar equipado com o item necessário para treinar aqui.")
                return true
            if skillEvents[cid] then
                doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, "Você já está em treinamento.")
                return true
            skillEvents[cid] = addEvent(function()
                print("Iniciando evento de treinamento")
                if not isPlayer(cid) then
                    skillEvents[cid] = nil
                local currentPlayerPosition = getCreaturePosition(cid)
                if not isInRange(currentPlayerPosition, position, 1) then
                    doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, "Você não está mais na posição correta para treinar.")
                    skillEvents[cid] = nil
                if math.random(100) <= config.gainChance then
                    doPlayerAddSkillTry(cid, skillToTrain)
                    doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, "Você ganhou experiência em " .. getSkillName(skillToTrain) .. ".")
                    doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, "Você não ganhou experiência em " .. getSkillName(skillToTrain) .. ".")
            end, config.trainInterval)
            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, "Iniciando treinamento em " .. getSkillName(skillToTrain) .. "...")
        return true
    function onLogout(cid)
        if skillEvents[cid] then
            skillEvents[cid] = nil
        return true




    esse é o erro

  5. 11 horas atrás, L3K0T disse:

    posta sua lib 032-position pra nos ver que tipo de pos vc usa


    function isInRange(position, fromPosition, toPosition)
    	return (position.x >= fromPosition.x and position.y >= fromPosition.y and position.z >= fromPosition.z and position.x <= toPosition.x and position.y <= toPosition.y and position.z <= toPosition.z)
    function getDistanceBetween(fromPosition, toPosition)
    	local x, y = math.abs(fromPosition.x - toPosition.x), math.abs(fromPosition.y - toPosition.y)
    	local diff = math.max(x, y)
    	if(fromPosition.z ~= toPosition.z) then
    		diff = diff + 9 + 6
    	return diff
    function getDirectionTo(pos1, pos2)
    	local dir = NORTH
    	if(pos1.x > pos2.x) then
    		dir = WEST
    		if(pos1.y > pos2.y) then
    			dir = NORTHWEST
    		elseif(pos1.y < pos2.y) then
    			dir = SOUTHWEST
    	elseif(pos1.x < pos2.x) then
    		dir = EAST
    		if(pos1.y > pos2.y) then
    			dir = NORTHEAST
    		elseif(pos1.y < pos2.y) then
    			dir = SOUTHEAST
    		if(pos1.y > pos2.y) then
    			dir = NORTH
    		elseif(pos1.y < pos2.y) then
    			dir = SOUTH
    	return dir
    function getCreatureLookPosition(cid)
    	return getPosByDir(getThingPos(cid), getCreatureLookDirection(cid))
    function getPositionByDirection(position, direction, size)
    	local n = size or 1
    	if(direction == NORTH) then
    		position.y = position.y - n
    	elseif(direction == SOUTH) then
    		position.y = position.y + n
    	elseif(direction == WEST) then
    		position.x = position.x - n
    	elseif(direction == EAST) then
    		position.x = position.x + n
    	elseif(direction == NORTHWEST) then
    		position.y = position.y - n
    		position.x = position.x - n
    	elseif(direction == NORTHEAST) then
    		position.y = position.y - n
    		position.x = position.x + n
    	elseif(direction == SOUTHWEST) then
    		position.y = position.y + n
    		position.x = position.x - n
    	elseif(direction == SOUTHEAST) then
    		position.y = position.y + n
    		position.x = position.x + n
    	return position
    function doComparePositions(position, positionEx)
    	return position.x == positionEx.x and position.y == positionEx.y and position.z == positionEx.z
    function getArea(position, x, y)
    	local t = {}
    	for i = (position.x - x), (position.x + x) do
    		for j = (position.y - y), (position.y + y) do
    			table.insert(t, {x = i, y = j, z = position.z})
    	return t


    11 horas atrás, Mateus Robeerto disse:

    nao testado!

    local config = {
        minSkill = 10, -- Valor mínimo da habilidade para começar a treinar
        gainChance = 50, -- Chance de ganhar skill, em porcentagem
        requiredItemID = 1234, -- ID do item necessário para treinar
        trainInterval = 3000, -- Intervalo de tempo para tentar ganhar skill (em milissegundos)
        skillsToTrain = { -- Habilidades correspondentes para cada vocação
            [0] = {1, 2}, -- Vocação sem classe
            [1] = {1, 2}, -- Knight
            [2] = {3}, -- Paladin
            [3] = {4}, -- Sorcerer
            [4] = {4}, -- Druid
            [5] = {4}, -- Master Sorcerer
            [6] = {4} -- Elder Druid
    local skillEvents = {} -- Tabela para armazenar os eventos de treino
    function isInRange(playerPosition, centerPosition, range)
        return math.abs(centerPosition.x - playerPosition.x) <= range and
               math.abs(centerPosition.y - playerPosition.y) <= range and
               centerPosition.z == playerPosition.z
    function onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition)
        if not isPlayer(cid) then
            return false
        local vocation = getPlayerVocation(cid)
        if not config.skillsToTrain[vocation] then
            return false
        for _, skillToTrain in ipairs(config.skillsToTrain[vocation]) do
            local skillLevel = getPlayerSkillLevel(cid, skillToTrain)
            if skillLevel < config.minSkill then
                doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, "Você não tem a habilidade necessária para treinar aqui.")
                return true
            local rightSlotItem = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_RIGHT)
            if not rightSlotItem or rightSlotItem.itemid ~= config.requiredItemID then
                doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, "Você precisa estar equipado com o item necessário para treinar aqui.")
                return true
            if skillEvents[cid] then
                doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, "Você já está em treinamento.")
                return true
            skillEvents[cid] = addEvent(function()
                if not isPlayer(cid) then
                    skillEvents[cid] = nil
                local currentPlayerPosition = getCreaturePosition(cid)
                if not isInRange(currentPlayerPosition, position, 1) then
                    doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, "Você não está mais na posição correta para treinar.")
                    skillEvents[cid] = nil
                if math.random(100) <= config.gainChance then
                    doPlayerAddSkillTry(cid, skillToTrain)
                    doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, "Você ganhou experiência em " .. getSkillName(skillToTrain) .. ".")
                    doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, "Você não ganhou experiência em " .. getSkillName(skillToTrain) .. ".")
            end, config.trainInterval)
            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, "Iniciando treinamento em " .. getSkillName(skillToTrain) .. "...")
        return true
    function onLogout(cid)
        if skillEvents[cid] then
            skillEvents[cid] = nil
        return true


    não aponta nenhum erro na distro, mas também não upa a skill. Não sei se é pq meu servidor possui muitas voc (800+), já que é uma variação de nto

  6. Em 31/03/2024 em 13:48, L3K0T disse:
    function onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition)
        if not isPlayer(cid) then
            return false
        local playerPosition = getCreaturePosition(cid)
        local vocation = getPlayerVocation(cid)
        -- Defina as habilidades correspondentes para cada vocação
        local skillsToTrain = {
            [0] = {1, 2}, -- Vocação sem classe
            [1] = {1, 2}, -- Knight
            [2] = {3}, -- Paladin
            [3] = {4}, -- Sorcerer
            [4] = {4}, -- Druid
            [5] = {4}, -- Master Sorcerer
            [6] = {4} -- Elder Druid
        local minSkill = 10 -- Substitua 10 pelo valor mínimo da habilidade para começar a treinar
        local gainChance = 50 -- Chance de ganhar skill, em porcentagem
        local requiredItemID = 1234 -- Substitua 1234 pelo ID do item necessário para treinar
        if not skillsToTrain[vocation] then
            return false
        for _, skillToTrain in ipairs(skillsToTrain[vocation]) do
            local skillLevel = getPlayerSkillLevel(cid, skillToTrain)
            if skillLevel < minSkill then
                doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, "Você não tem a habilidade necessária para treinar aqui.")
                return true
            -- Verifica se o jogador está equipado com o item necessário
            local rightSlotItem = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_RIGHT)
            if not rightSlotItem or rightSlotItem.itemid ~= requiredItemID then
                doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, "Você precisa estar equipado com o item necessário para treinar aqui.")
                return true
            -- Verifica se o jogador está na posição correta
            if not isInRange(playerPosition, position, 1) then
                doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, "Você não está na posição correta para treinar.")
                return true
            -- Verifica se o jogador ganha skill
            if math.random(100) <= gainChance then
                doPlayerAddSkillTry(cid, skillToTrain)
                doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, "Você ganhou experiência em " .. getSkillName(skillToTrain) .. ".")
                doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, "Você não ganhou experiência em " .. getSkillName(skillToTrain) .. ".")
        return true




    Desculpa tá enchendo o saco, mas como seria esse script sem a parte de vocation? É um tile que só vai treinar uma skill para todas as vocations do servidor (existem muitas)


  7. Adicionei uma nova vocação no meu servidor (WODBO), porém ao tentar transformar ou reverter, o personagem não consegue e dá o aviso in game "Não é possível se transformar", sendo que outras vocations consegue normalmente. Não sei onde foi que errei, adicionei a vocation no xml corretamente. 

    Mais precisamente foi a vocation "Goku Legendary" que foi adicionado e ao meu ver está tudo igual como as outras. Onde posso ter errado?


    Código de transformar: 

    local config = {
    --[vocation id] = { level, nova voc, looktype, efeito}
    -- Goku
    [1] = { 30, 2, 3, 118},
    [2] = { 50, 3, 4, 114},
    [3] = { 75, 4, 5, 114},
    [4] = { 100, 5, 6, 121},
    [5] = { 150, 6, 7, 114},
    [6] = { 180, 7, 8, 116},
    [7] = { 200, 8, 9, 114},
    [9] = { 50, 10, 11, 114},
    [10] = { 100, 11, 12, 114},
    [11] = { 150, 12, 13, 114},
    [12] = { 200, 13, 14, 125},
    [13] = { 250, 14, 15, 121},
    [14] = { 400, 15, 16, 34},
    [15] = { 600, 16, 17, 32},
    [16] = { 600, 473, 18, 32},
    -- Vegeta
    [17] = { 30, 18, 20, 34},
    [18] = { 50, 19, 21, 34},
    [19] = { 75, 20, 22, 116},
    [20] = { 100, 21, 6, 121},
    [21] = { 150, 22, 23, 114},
    [22] = { 200, 23, 24, 114},
    [24] = { 50, 25, 26, 116},
    [25] = { 100, 26, 27, 114},
    [26] = { 150, 27, 28, 114},
    [27] = { 200, 28, 29, 113},
    [28] = { 250, 29, 15, 121},
    [29] = { 400, 30, 30, 34},
    [30] = { 600, 31, 32, 32},
    [31] = { 600, 474, 649, 41},
    -- Piccolo
    [32] = { 50, 33, 34, 122},
    [33] = { 100, 34, 35, 31},
    [34] = { 150, 35, 36, 31},
    [35] = { 200, 36, 37, 119},
    [37] = { 50, 38, 39, 122},
    [38] = { 100, 39, 40, 31},
    [39] = { 150, 40, 41, 31},
    [40] = { 200, 41, 42, 31},
    [41] = { 250, 42, 43, 119},
    [42] = { 400, 43, 44, 31},
    [43] = { 600, 44, 643, 31},
    -- C17
    [45] = { 50, 46, 47, 34},
    [46] = { 100, 47, 48, 34},
    [47] = { 150, 48, 51, 34},
    [48] = { 200, 49, 49, 34},
    [50] = { 50, 51, 47, 34},
    [51] = { 100, 52, 48, 34},
    [52] = { 150, 53, 51, 34},
    [53] = { 200, 54, 52, 34},
    [54] = { 400, 55, 53, 34},
    [55] = { 600, 56, 54, 34},
    -- Gohan
    [57] = { 30, 58, 56, 34},
    [58] = { 50, 59, 57, 34},
    [59] = { 100, 60, 58, 114},
    [60] = { 150, 61, 59, 116},
    [61] = { 175, 62, 60, 127},
    [62] = { 200, 63, 61, 114},
    [64] = { 50, 65, 63, 116},
    [65] = { 100, 66, 64, 116},
    [66] = { 150, 67, 65, 114},
    [67] = { 200, 68, 66, 124},
    [68] = { 400, 69, 67, 34},
    [69] = { 600, 70, 68, 34},
    -- Trunks
    [71] = { 50, 72, 70, 114},
    [72] = { 100, 73, 71, 116},
    [73] = { 150, 74, 72, 114},
    [74] = { 200, 75, 73, 114},
    [76] = { 50, 77, 75, 114},
    [77] = { 100, 78, 76, 114},
    [78] = { 150, 79, 77, 114},
    [79] = { 200, 80, 78, 112},
    [80] = { 400, 81, 79, 34},
    [81] = { 400, 82, 80, 34},
    [82] = { 600, 490, 530, 32},
    -- Cell
    [83] = { 50, 84, 82, 119},
    [84] = { 100, 85, 83, 119},
    [85] = { 150, 86, 84, 119},
    [86] = { 200, 87, 85, 31},
    [88] = { 50, 89, 82, 119},
    [89] = { 100, 90, 83, 119},
    [90] = { 150, 91, 84, 119},
    [91] = { 200, 92, 85, 31},
    [92] = { 400, 93, 86, 34},
    [93] = { 600, 94, 87, 34},
    -- Freeza
    [95] = { 30, 96, 89, 123},
    [96] = { 50, 97, 90, 117},
    [97] = { 75, 98, 91, 117},
    [98] = { 100, 99, 92, 117},
    [99] = { 150, 100, 93, 117},
    [100] = { 200, 101, 94, 34},
    [102] = { 30, 103, 89, 123},
    [103] = { 50, 104, 90, 117},
    [104] = { 75, 105, 91, 117},
    [105] = { 100, 106, 92, 117},
    [106] = { 150, 107, 93, 117},
    [107] = { 200, 108, 95, 112},
    [108] = { 400, 109, 97, 34},
    [109] = { 600, 110, 96, 34},
    -- Majin Boo
    [111] = { 30, 112, 99, 29},
    [112] = { 50, 113, 100, 30},
    [113] = { 75, 114, 101, 30},
    [114] = { 100, 115, 102, 30},
    [115] = { 150, 116, 103, 30},
    [116] = { 200, 117, 104, 29},
    [118] = { 30, 119, 99, 29},
    [119] = { 50, 120, 100, 30},
    [120] = { 75, 121, 101, 30},
    [121] = { 100, 122, 102, 30},
    [122] = { 150, 123, 103, 30},
    [123] = { 200, 124, 104, 29},
    [124] = { 400, 125, 105, 29},
    [125] = { 600, 126, 106, 29},
    [126] = { 600, 475, 107, 34},
    -- Broly
    [127] = { 50, 128, 109, 34},
    [128] = { 100, 129, 110, 34},
    [129] = { 150, 130, 111, 114},
    [130] = { 200, 131, 112, 114},
    [132] = { 50, 133, 114, 115},
    [133] = { 100, 134, 115, 114},
    [134] = { 150, 135, 116, 114},
    [135] = { 200, 136, 117, 126},
    [136] = { 250, 137, 118, 121},
    [137] = { 400, 138, 119, 34},
    [138] = { 600, 139, 120, 32},
    -- C18
    [140] = { 50, 141, 121, 34},
    [141] = { 100, 142, 122, 34},
    [142] = { 150, 143, 123, 34},
    [143] = { 200, 144, 123, 34},
    [145] = { 50, 146, 121, 34},
    [146] = { 100, 147, 122, 34},
    [147] = { 150, 148, 125, 34},
    [148] = { 200, 149, 124, 34},
    [149] = { 400, 150, 126, 29},
    [150] = { 600, 151, 127, 29},
    -- Uub
    [152] = { 50, 153, 129, 117},
    [153] = { 100, 154, 130, 117},
    [154] = { 150, 155, 131, 117},
    [155] = { 200, 156, 132, 117},
    [157] = { 50, 158, 129, 112},
    [158] = { 100, 159, 130, 112},
    [159] = { 150, 160, 131, 112},
    [160] = { 200, 161, 132, 112},
    [161] = { 400, 162, 133, 34},
    [162] = { 600, 163, 134, 34},
    -- Goten
    [164] = { 30, 165, 136, 114},
    [165] = { 50, 166, 137, 121},
    [166] = { 75, 167, 138, 121},
    [167] = { 100, 168, 139, 121},
    [168] = { 150, 169, 140, 114},
    [169] = { 200, 170, 141, 114},
    [171] = { 50, 172, 143, 114},
    [172] = { 100, 173, 144, 121},
    [173] = { 150, 174, 145, 114},
    [174] = { 200, 175, 146, 114},
    [175] = { 400, 176, 147, 113},
    [176] = { 600, 177, 148, 112},
    -- Chibi Trunks
    [178] = { 30, 179, 150, 114},
    [179] = { 50, 180, 137, 121},
    [180] = { 75, 181, 138, 121},
    [181] = { 100, 182, 139, 121},
    [182] = { 150, 183, 140, 114},
    [183] = { 200, 184, 141, 114},
    [185] = { 50, 186, 152, 114},
    [186] = { 100, 187, 144, 121},
    [187] = { 150, 188, 145, 114},
    [188] = { 200, 189, 146, 114},
    [189] = { 400, 190, 147, 113},
    [190] = { 600, 191, 148, 112},
    -- Cooler
    [192] = { 50, 193, 154, 113},
    [193] = { 75, 194, 155, 113},
    [194] = { 100, 195, 156, 113},
    [195] = { 150, 196, 157, 113},
    [196] = { 200, 197, 158, 34},
    [198] = { 50, 199, 154, 113},
    [199] = { 75, 200, 155, 113},
    [200] = { 100, 201, 159, 115},
    [201] = { 150, 202, 161, 112},
    [202] = { 200, 203, 160, 113},
    [203] = { 400, 204, 532, 32},
    [204] = { 400, 493, 162, 34},
    [493] = { 600, 205, 163, 34},
    -- Dende
    [206] = { 50, 207, 165, 119},
    [207] = { 100, 208, 166, 119},
    [208] = { 150, 209, 167, 119},
    [209] = { 200, 210, 168, 119},
    [211] = { 50, 212, 170, 119},
    [212] = { 100, 213, 171, 119},
    [213] = { 150, 214, 172, 119},
    [214] = { 200, 215, 172, 119},
    [215] = { 400, 216, 173, 31},
    [216] = { 600, 217, 174, 31},
    -- Tsuful
    [218] = { 50, 219, 176, 114},
    [219] = { 100, 220, 177, 115},
    [220] = { 150, 221, 178, 114},
    [221] = { 200, 222, 179, 114},
    [223] = { 50, 224, 181, 114},
    [224] = { 100, 225, 182, 116},
    [225] = { 150, 226, 183, 116},
    [226] = { 200, 227, 185, 34},
    [227] = { 400, 228, 186, 34},
    [228] = { 600, 229, 187, 34},
    -- Bardock
    [230] = { 30, 231, 189, 34},
    [231] = { 50, 232, 190, 34},
    [232] = { 100, 233, 191, 116},
    [233] = { 150, 234, 192, 116},
    [234] = { 200, 235, 193, 114},
    [236] = { 50, 237, 189, 34},
    [237] = { 100, 238, 195, 34},
    [238] = { 150, 239, 196, 114},
    [239] = { 200, 240, 197, 112},
    [240] = { 250, 241, 118, 121},
    [241] = { 400, 242, 198, 34},
    [242] = { 600, 243, 199, 34},
    -- Kuririn
    [244] = { 50, 245, 201, 116},
    [245] = { 100, 246, 202, 116},
    [246] = { 150, 247, 203, 116},
    [247] = { 200, 248, 204, 116},
    [249] = { 50, 250, 205, 116},
    [250] = { 100, 251, 206, 116},
    [251] = { 150, 252, 206, 116},
    [252] = { 200, 253, 207, 112},
    [253] = { 400, 254, 208, 112},
    [254] = { 600, 255, 209, 34},
    -- Pan
    [256] = { 50, 257, 211, 116},
    [257] = { 100, 258, 212, 116},
    [258] = { 150, 259, 213, 114},
    [259] = { 200, 260, 214, 114},
    [261] = { 50, 262, 213, 114},
    [262] = { 100, 263, 214, 114},
    [263] = { 150, 264, 215, 112},
    [264] = { 200, 265, 216, 112},
    [265] = { 400, 266, 217, 34},
    [266] = { 600, 267, 218, 34},
    -- Kaio
    [268] = { 50, 269, 220, 113},
    [269] = { 100, 270, 221, 113},
    [270] = { 150, 271, 222, 113},
    [271] = { 200, 272, 222, 113},
    [273] = { 50, 274, 222, 113},
    [274] = { 100, 275, 223, 113},
    [275] = { 150, 276, 223, 113},
    [276] = { 200, 277, 224, 113},
    [277] = { 400, 278, 225, 113},
    [278] = { 600, 279, 226, 34},
    -- Videl
    [280] = { 50, 281, 228, 116},
    [281] = { 100, 282, 229, 116},
    [282] = { 150, 283, 230, 116},
    [283] = { 200, 284, 231, 115},
    [285] = { 50, 286, 228, 116},
    [286] = { 100, 287, 229, 116},
    [287] = { 150, 288, 230, 116},
    [288] = { 200, 289, 231, 115},
    [289] = { 400, 290, 232, 115},
    [290] = { 600, 291, 233, 112},
    -- Janemba
    [292] = { 50, 293, 235, 34},
    [293] = { 100, 294, 236, 34},
    [294] = { 150, 295, 237, 34},
    [295] = { 200, 296, 238, 113},
    [297] = { 50, 298, 235, 34},
    [298] = { 100, 299, 236, 34},
    [299] = { 150, 300, 237, 34},
    [300] = { 200, 301, 238, 113},
    [301] = { 400, 302, 239, 113},
    [302] = { 600, 303, 240, 34},
    [303] = { 600, 491, 241, 34},
    -- Tenshinhan
    [304] = { 50, 305, 243, 116},
    [305] = { 100, 306, 244, 116},
    [306] = { 150, 307, 244, 116},
    [307] = { 200, 308, 245, 116},
    [309] = { 50, 310, 247, 116},
    [310] = { 100, 311, 248, 116},
    [311] = { 150, 312, 248, 114},
    [312] = { 200, 313, 249, 112},
    [313] = { 400, 314, 250, 34},
    [314] = { 600, 315, 251, 34},
    -- Jenk
    [316] = { 50, 317, 253, 116},
    [317] = { 100, 318, 254, 114},
    [318] = { 150, 319, 255, 114},
    [319] = { 200, 320, 256, 114},
    [321] = { 50, 322, 258, 34},
    [322] = { 100, 323, 259, 34},
    [323] = { 150, 324, 260, 112},
    [324] = { 200, 325, 261, 112},
    [325] = { 400, 326, 262, 34},
    [326] = { 600, 327, 263, 115},
    -- Raditz
    [328] = { 50, 329, 265, 116},
    [329] = { 100, 330, 266, 114},
    [330] = { 150, 331, 267, 116},
    [331] = { 200, 332, 268, 114},
    [333] = { 50, 334, 266, 114},
    [334] = { 100, 335, 267, 116},
    [335] = { 150, 336, 268, 114},
    [336] = { 200, 337, 269, 112},
    [337] = { 400, 338, 270, 34},
    [338] = { 600, 339, 271, 34},
    -- C16
    [340] = { 50, 341, 273, 34},
    [341] = { 100, 342, 274, 34},
    [342] = { 150, 343, 275, 34},
    [343] = { 200, 344, 276, 34},
    [345] = { 50, 346, 273, 34},
    [346] = { 100, 347, 274, 34},
    [347] = { 150, 348, 275, 34},
    [348] = { 200, 349, 276, 34},
    [349] = { 400, 350, 278, 34},
    [350] = { 600, 351, 279, 34},
    -- Turles
    [352] = { 50, 353, 281, 34},
    [353] = { 100, 354, 282, 34},
    [354] = { 150, 355, 283, 114},
    [355] = { 200, 356, 284, 114},
    [357] = { 50, 358, 286, 34},
    [358] = { 100, 359, 287, 34},
    [359] = { 150, 360, 288, 114},
    [360] = { 200, 361, 289, 112},
    [361] = { 400, 362, 290, 34},
    [362] = { 600, 363, 291, 34},
    -- Bulma
    [364] = { 50, 365, 293, 116},
    [365] = { 100, 366, 294, 116},
    [366] = { 150, 367, 295, 116},
    [367] = { 200, 368, 295, 115},
    [369] = { 50, 370, 297, 114},
    [370] = { 100, 371, 297, 114},
    [371] = { 150, 372, 298, 114},
    [372] = { 200, 373, 299, 112},
    [373] = { 400, 374, 300, 115},
    [374] = { 600, 375, 301, 115},
    -- Shenron
    [376] = { 50, 377, 303, 34},
    [377] = { 100, 378, 304, 34},
    [378] = { 150, 379, 305, 34},
    [379] = { 200, 380, 305, 121},
    [381] = { 50, 382, 303, 34},
    [382] = { 100, 383, 304, 34},
    [383] = { 150, 384, 305, 34},
    [384] = { 200, 385, 305, 121},
    [385] = { 400, 386, 306, 34},
    [386] = { 600, 387, 307, 121},
    -- Vegetto
    [388] = { 50, 389, 309, 114},
    [389] = { 100, 390, 310, 114},
    [390] = { 150, 391, 311, 114},
    [391] = { 200, 392, 311, 114},
    [393] = { 50, 394, 309, 114},
    [394] = { 100, 395, 310, 114},
    [395] = { 150, 396, 311, 114},
    [396] = { 200, 397, 312, 121},
    [397] = { 400, 398, 314, 121},
    [398] = { 600, 399, 315, 32},
    -- Tapion
    [400] = { 50, 401, 317, 111},
    [401] = { 100, 402, 318, 116},
    [402] = { 150, 403, 319, 111},
    [403] = { 200, 404, 320, 112},
    [405] = { 50, 406, 322, 116},
    [406] = { 100, 407, 323, 112},
    [407] = { 150, 408, 324, 116},
    [408] = { 175, 409, 325, 115},
    [409] = { 200, 410, 326, 115},
    [410] = { 400, 411, 327, 112},
    [411] = { 600, 412, 329, 34},
    [412] = { 600, 476, 528, 112},
    -- Kame
    [413] = { 50, 414, 331, 116},
    [414] = { 100, 415, 332, 116},
    [415] = { 150, 416, 333, 116},
    [416] = { 200, 417, 334, 114},
    [418] = { 50, 419, 336, 114},
    [419] = { 100, 420, 337, 116},
    [420] = { 150, 421, 338, 112},
    [421] = { 200, 422, 339, 114},
    [422] = { 400, 423, 340, 34},
    [423] = { 600, 424, 341, 34},
    -- King Vegeta
    [425] = { 50, 426, 343, 116},
    [426] = { 100, 427, 344, 114},
    [427] = { 150, 428, 345, 114},
    [428] = { 200, 429, 346, 114},
    [430] = { 50, 431, 348, 114},
    [431] = { 100, 432, 348, 114},
    [432] = { 150, 433, 349, 112},
    [433] = { 200, 434, 350, 115},
    [434] = { 400, 435, 351, 112},
    [435] = { 600, 436, 352, 32},
    -- Kagome
    [437] = { 50, 438, 354, 116},
    [438] = { 100, 439, 355, 114},
    [439] = { 150, 440, 355, 114},
    [440] = { 200, 441, 356, 114},
    [442] = { 50, 443, 358, 114},
    [443] = { 100, 444, 359, 114},
    [444] = { 150, 445, 359, 114},
    [445] = { 200, 446, 360, 114},
    [446] = { 400, 447, 361, 112},
    [447] = { 600, 448, 744, 112},
    -- Zaiko
    [449] = { 50, 450, 364, 112},
    [450] = { 100, 451, 365, 112},
    [451] = { 150, 452, 366, 114},
    [452] = { 200, 453, 367, 114},
    [454] = { 50, 455, 369, 114},
    [455] = { 100, 456, 370, 114},
    [456] = { 150, 457, 371, 111},
    [457] = { 200, 458, 372, 111},
    [458] = { 400, 459, 373, 34},
    [459] = { 600, 460, 476, 34},
    [460] = { 600, 477, 374, 32},
    -- Chilled
    [461] = { 50, 462, 376, 113},
    [462] = { 100, 463, 377, 113},
    [463] = { 150, 464, 378, 113},
    [464] = { 200, 465, 379, 34},
    [466] = { 50, 467, 376, 113},
    [467] = { 100, 468, 377, 113},
    [468] = { 150, 469, 378, 113},
    [469] = { 200, 470, 381, 29},
    [470] = { 400, 471, 380, 29},
    [471] = { 600, 472, 382, 29},
    [472] = { 600, 492, 531, 29},
    -- Bills
    [478] = { 50, 479, 516, 34},
    [479] = { 100, 480, 516, 34},
    [480] = { 150, 481, 515, 34},
    [481] = { 200, 482, 513, 34},
    [483] = { 50, 484, 515, 34},
    [484] = { 100, 485, 515, 34},
    [485] = { 150, 486, 515, 34},
    [486] = { 200, 487, 513, 34},
    [487] = { 400, 488, 512, 34},
    [488] = { 600, 489, 518, 34},
    -- Wiss
    [510] = { 50, 511, 650, 9},
    [511] = { 100, 512, 651, 9},
    [512] = { 150, 513, 652, 9},
    [513] = { 200, 514, 652, 9},
    [515] = { 50, 516, 650, 9},
    [516] = { 100, 517, 651, 9},
    [517] = { 150, 518, 652, 9},
    [518] = { 200, 519, 653, 9},
    [519] = { 400, 520, 654, 9},
    [520] = { 600, 521, 655, 9},
    -- Goku God
    [522] = { 50, 523, 623, 9},
    [523] = { 100, 524, 624, 9},
    [524] = { 150, 525, 625, 9},
    [525] = { 200, 526, 626, 9},
    [527] = { 50, 528, 627, 9},
    [528] = { 100, 529, 627, 9},
    [529] = { 150, 530, 627, 9},
    [530] = { 200, 531, 628, 9},
    [531] = { 400, 532, 628, 9},
    [532] = { 600, 533, 629, 9},
    -- Bills Evolution
    [534] = { 50, 535, 672, 60},
    [535] = { 100, 536, 667, 60},
    [536] = { 150, 537, 669, 60},
    [537] = { 200, 538, 671, 60},
    [539] = { 50, 540, 668, 60},
    [540] = { 100, 541, 670, 60},
    [541] = { 150, 542, 664, 60},
    [542] = { 200, 543, 665, 60},
    [543] = { 400, 544, 663, 60},
    [544] = { 600, 545, 662, 60},
    -- Yamcha
    [546] = { 50, 547, 674, 9},
    [547] = { 100, 548, 675, 9},
    [548] = { 150, 549, 676, 9},
    [549] = { 200, 550, 677, 9},
    [551] = { 50, 552, 678, 9},
    [552] = { 100, 553, 679, 9},
    [553] = { 150, 554, 680, 9},
    [554] = { 200, 555, 681, 9},
    [555] = { 400, 556, 683, 9},
    [556] = { 600, 557, 684, 9},
    -- Evolution Frezza
    [558] = { 50, 559, 697, 9},
    [559] = { 100, 560, 702, 9},
    [560] = { 150, 561, 700, 9},
    [561] = { 200, 562, 700, 9},
    [563] = { 50, 564, 704, 9},
    [564] = { 100, 565, 703, 9},
    [565] = { 150, 566, 701, 9},
    [566] = { 200, 567, 698, 9},
    [567] = { 400, 568, 699, 9},
    [568] = { 600, 569, 695, 9},
    -- Evolution Frezza
    [570] = { 50, 571, 712, 9},
    [571] = { 100, 572, 712, 9},
    [572] = { 150, 573, 716, 9},
    [573] = { 200, 574, 708, 9},
    [575] = { 50, 576, 712, 9},
    [576] = { 100, 577, 709, 9},
    [577] = { 150, 578, 713, 9},
    [578] = { 200, 579, 710, 9},
    [579] = { 400, 580, 711, 9},
    [580] = { 600, 581, 707, 9},
    -- c13
    [582] = { 50, 583, 723, 9},
    [583] = { 100, 584, 723, 9},
    [584] = { 150, 585, 719, 9},
    [585] = { 200, 586, 720, 9},
    [587] = { 50, 588, 720, 9},
    [588] = { 100, 589, 724, 9},
    [589] = { 150, 590, 718, 9},
    [590] = { 200, 591, 718, 9},
    [591] = { 400, 592, 721, 9},
    [592] = { 600, 593, 725, 9},
    -- Xicor
    [594] = { 50, 595, 742, 60},
    [595] = { 100, 596, 738, 60},
    [596] = { 150, 597, 738, 60},
    [597] = { 200, 598, 734, 60},
    [599] = { 50, 600, 738, 60},
    [600] = { 100, 601, 740, 60},
    [601] = { 150, 602, 735, 60},
    [602] = { 200, 603, 741, 60},
    [603] = { 400, 604, 739, 60},
    [604] = { 600, 605, 737, 60},
    -- C20 Android
    [609] = { 50, 610, 769, 60},
    [610] = { 100, 611, 769, 60},
    [611] = { 150, 612, 771, 60},
    [612] = { 200, 613, 773, 60},
    [614] = { 50, 615, 774, 60},
    [615] = { 100, 616, 770, 60},
    [616] = { 150, 617, 773, 60},
    [617] = { 200, 618, 774, 60},
    [618] = { 400, 619, 775, 60},
    [619] = { 600, 620, 772, 60},
    -- Paikuhan
    [621] = { 50, 622, 763, 60},
    [622] = { 100, 623, 763, 60},
    [623] = { 150, 624, 762, 60},
    [624] = { 200, 625, 764, 60},
    [626] = { 50, 627, 762, 60},
    [627] = { 100, 628, 761, 60},
    [628] = { 150, 629, 764, 60},
    [629] = { 200, 630, 765, 60},
    [630] = { 400, 631, 765, 60},
    [631] = { 600, 632, 766, 60},
    -- Mr Satan
    [634] = { 50, 635, 790, 60},
    [635] = { 100, 636, 790, 60},
    [636] = { 150, 637, 791, 60},
    [637] = { 200, 638, 792, 60},
    [639] = { 50, 640, 792, 60},
    [640] = { 100, 641, 796, 60},
    [641] = { 150, 642, 796, 60},
    [642] = { 200, 643, 797, 60},
    [643] = { 400, 644, 795, 60},
    [644] = { 600, 645, 794, 60},
    -- C8
    [646] = { 50, 647, 778, 60},
    [647] = { 100, 648, 779, 60},
    [648] = { 150, 649, 780, 60},
    [649] = { 200, 650, 781, 60},
    [651] = { 50, 652, 782, 60},
    [652] = { 100, 653, 783, 60},
    [653] = { 150, 654, 786, 60},
    [654] = { 200, 655, 787, 60},
    [655] = { 400, 656, 788, 60},
    [656] = { 600, 657, 789, 60},
    -- Vados
    [658] = { 50, 659, 777, 60},
    [659] = { 100, 660, 777, 60},
    [660] = { 150, 661, 802, 60},
    [661] = { 200, 662, 802, 60},
    [663] = { 50, 664, 804, 60},
    [664] = { 100, 665, 804, 60},
    [665] = { 150, 666, 803, 60},
    [666] = { 200, 667, 803, 60},
    [667] = { 400, 668, 801, 60},
    [668] = { 600, 669, 800, 60},
    -- Goku Legendary 
    [851] = { 25, 852, 958, 263},
    [852] = { 50, 853, 959, 263},
    [853] = { 100, 854, 960, 263},
    [854] = { 200, 855, 961, 263},
    [856] = { 50, 857, 963, 263},
    [857] = { 100, 858, 964, 263},
    [858] = { 150, 859, 965, 263},
    [859] = { 300, 860, 966, 263},
    [860] = { 600, 861, 967, 263}
    function onSay(cid, words, param, channel)
    local voc = config[getPlayerVocation(cid)]
    if voc then
    if getPlayerLevel(cid) >= voc[1] then
    doPlayerSetVocation(cid, voc[2])
    doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING, "Voce se transformou!")
    doCreatureSay(cid, "Transformar", 19)
    local outfit = {lookType = voc[3]}
    doCreatureChangeOutfit(cid, outfit)
    doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), voc[4])
    doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING, "Voce precisa estar no level " .. voc[1] .. " para transformar.")
    doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Nao é possível se transformar.")
    return true


  8. Em 23/02/2024 em 19:45, FeeTads disse:

    mas o erro disse aonde foi o erro: não existe o campo "executeQuery" pra fazer uma edição na sua DB

    db.executeQuery("UPDATE `accounts` SET `vipdays` = `vipdays` + " .. days .. " WHERE `id` = " .. getPlayerAccountId(cid) .. ";")

    troca pra:

    db.query("UPDATE `accounts` SET `vipdays` = `vipdays` + " .. days .. " WHERE `id` = " .. getPlayerAccountId(cid) .. ";")

    Se continuar dando erro, faz uma busca no teu servidor por "query", pode ser que seja outro modo de executar uma query na DB via lua no teu servidor.

    Funcionou, valeuzão e desculpa a demora

  9. Em 14/02/2024 em 10:03, GM Vortex disse:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <mod name="Vipsystem" version="1.0" author="Aco" contact="" enabled="yes">
        <!--- Information
        Vip Item = 10503
        set action id 11223 to the tile you want to be vip tile 
        set action id 2112 to the door you want to be vip door 
        ALTER TABLE `accounts` ADD `vipdays` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
        <config name="VipFuctions"><![CDATA[
            --- Vip functions by Kekox
            function getPlayerVipDays(cid)
                local Info = db.getResult("SELECT `vipdays` FROM `accounts` WHERE `id` = " .. getPlayerAccountId(cid) .. " LIMIT 1")
                if Info:getID() ~= LUA_ERROR then
                    local days = Info:getDataInt("vipdays")
                    return days
                return LUA_ERROR
            function doAddVipDays(cid, days)
                db.executeQuery("UPDATE `accounts` SET `vipdays` = `vipdays` + " .. days .. " WHERE `id` = " .. getPlayerAccountId(cid) .. ";")
            function doRemoveVipDays(cid, days)
                db.executeQuery("UPDATE `accounts` SET `vipdays` = `vipdays` - " .. days .. " WHERE `id` = " .. getPlayerAccountId(cid) .. ";")
        <globalevent name="VipDaysRemover" time="00:01" event="script"><![CDATA[
            --- Script by Kekox.
            function onTime()
                db.executeQuery("UPDATE accounts SET vipdays = vipdays - 1 WHERE vipdays > 0;")
                return true
        <globalevent name="vipEffect" interval="2" event="script"><![CDATA[
            --- Script By Kekox.
            function onThink(interval, lastExecution)
                for _, name in ipairs(getOnlinePlayers()) do
                    local cid = getPlayerByName(name)
                    if getPlayerVipDays(cid) >= 1 then
                        doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), 27)
                        doSendAnimatedText(getPlayerPosition(cid), "VIP!", TEXTCOLOR_RED)
                return true
        <event type="login" name="Vip" event="script"><![CDATA[
            --- Script by Kekox.
            function onLogin(cid)
                registerCreatureEvent(cid, "VipCheck")
                return true
        <event type="login" name="VipCheck" event="script"><![CDATA[
            --- Script by Kekox.
            function onLogin(cid)
                if getPlayerVipDays(cid) >= 1 then
                    doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 19, "You have ".. getPlayerVipDays(cid) .." vip days left.")
                return true
        <movevent type="StepIn" actionid="11223" event="script"><![CDATA[
            --- Script by Kekox.
            function onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition)
                if getPlayerVipDays(cid) == 0 then
                    doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition)
                    doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Only VIP Account can go there.")
                return true
        <action actionid="13500" event="script"><![CDATA[
            --- Script by Kekox.
            function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)
                if getPlayerVipDays(cid) >= 1 then
                    pos = getPlayerPosition(cid)
                    if pos.x == topos.x then
                        if pos.y < topos.y then
                            pos.y = topos.y + 1
                            pos.y = topos.y - 1
                    elseif pos.y == topos.y then
                        if pos.x < topos.x then
                            pos.x = topos.x + 1
                            pos.x = topos.x - 1
                        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 22, "Stand in front of the door.")
                        return true
                    doTeleportThing(cid, pos)
                    doSendMagicEffect(topos, 12)
                    doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 22, 'Only VIP Account can go there.')
                return true
        <action itemid="11111" event="script"><![CDATA[
            --- Script by Kekox.
            function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
                if getPlayerVipDays(cid) > 365 then
                    doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can only have 1 year of vip account or less.")
                    doAddVipDays(cid, 30)
                    doCreatureSay(cid, "Vip", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
                    doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "We have added 30 vip days to your account.")
                return true


    continua com o mesmo erro na distro


    [12:54:02.261] [Error - Action Interface]
    [12:54:02.262] domodlib('VipFuctions')
    [12:54:02.263]         --- Script by Kekox.
    [12:54:02.264]         function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
    [12:54:02.266]             if getPlayerVipDays(cid) > 365 then
    [12:54:02.267]                 doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can only have 1 year of vip account or less.")
    [12:54:02.268]             else
    [12:54:02.269]                 doAddVipDays(cid, 30)
    [12:54:02.269]                 doCreatureSay(cid, "Vip", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
    [12:54:02.270]                 doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "We have added 30 vip days to your account.")
    [12:54:02.271]                 doRemoveItem(item.uid)
    [12:54:02.272]             end
    [12:54:02.273]             return true
    [12:54:02.274]         end
    [12:54:02.275] :onUse
    [12:54:02.276] Description:
    [12:54:02.276] [string "--- Vip functions by Kekox..."]:13: attempt to call field 'executeQuery' (a nil value)
    [12:54:02.277] stack traceback:
    [12:54:02.278]  [string "--- Vip functions by Kekox..."]:13: in function 'doAddVipDays'
    [12:54:02.279]  [string "LuaInterface::loadBuffer"]:7: in function <[string "LuaInterface::loadBuffer"]:3>


  10. Tenho um MOD de vip em meu servidor que está dando erro na distro, como que resolve esse problema? 


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <mod name="Vipsystem" version="1.0" 
    author="Aco" contact="" enabled="yes">
    <!--- Information
    Vip Item = 10503
    set action id 11223 to the tile you want to be vip tile 
    set action id 2112 to the door you want to be vip door 
    ALTER TABLE `accounts` ADD
    `vipdays` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
    <config name="VipFuctions"><![CDATA[
    --- Vip functions by Kekox
    function getPlayerVipDays(cid)
        local Info = db.getResult("SELECT `vipdays` FROM `accounts` WHERE `id` = " .. getPlayerAccountId(cid) .. " LIMIT 1")
            if Info:getID() ~= LUA_ERROR then
            local days= Info:getDataInt("vipdays")
            return days
         return LUA_ERROR
    function doAddVipDays(cid, days)
        db.executeQuery("UPDATE `accounts` SET `vipdays` = `vipdays` + " .. days .. " WHERE `id` = " .. getPlayerAccountId(cid) .. ";")
    function doRemoveVipDays(cid, days)
        db.executeQuery("UPDATE `accounts` SET `vipdays` = `vipdays` - " .. days .. " WHERE `id` = " .. getPlayerAccountId(cid) .. ";")
    <globalevent name="VipDaysRemover" time="00:01" event="script"><![CDATA[
    		--- Script by Kekox.
    		function onTime()
                     db.executeQuery("UPDATE accounts SET vipdays = vipdays - 1 WHERE vipdays > 0;")
            return true
    <globalevent name="vipEffect" interval="2" event="script"><![CDATA[
    	--- Script By Kekox.
    	function onThink(interval, lastExecution)
             for _, name in ipairs(getOnlinePlayers()) do
             local cid = getPlayerByName(name)
                   if getPlayerVipDays(cid) >= 1 then
                      doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), 27)
                      doSendAnimatedText(getPlayerPosition(cid), "VIP!", TEXTCOLOR_RED)
             return true
    <event type="login" name="Vip" event="script"><![CDATA[
    		--- Script by Kekox.
            function onLogin(cid)
        registerCreatureEvent(cid, "VipCheck")
            return true
    <event type="login" name="VipCheck" event="script"><![CDATA[
    		--- Script by Kekox.
    function onLogin(cid)
             if getPlayerVipDays(cid) >= 1 then
                doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 19, "You have ".. getPlayerVipDays(cid) .." vip days left.")
             return true
    <movevent type="StepIn" actionid="11223" event="script"><![CDATA[
    		--- Script by Kekox.
    		function onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition)
             if getPlayerVipDays(cid) == 0 then
                 doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, FALSE)
    			 doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Only VIP Account can go there.")
    	return true
    <action actionid="13500" event="script"><![CDATA[
    	--- Script by Kekox.
    	function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)
             if getPlayerVipDays(cid) >= 1 then
                pos = getPlayerPosition(cid)
                if pos.x == topos.x then
                   if pos.y < topos.y then
                      pos.y = topos.y + 1
                      pos.y = topos.y - 1
                elseif pos.y == topos.y then
                       if pos.x < topos.x then
                          pos.x = topos.x + 1
                          pos.x = topos.x - 1
                    doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,22,"Stand in front of the door.")
                return true
                doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,22,'Only VIP Account can go there.')
             return true
    <action itemid="11111" event="script"><![CDATA[
    	--- Script by Kekox.
    		function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
             if getPlayerVipDays(cid) > 365 then
                doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You can only have 1 year of vip account or less.")
                doAddVipDays(cid, 30)
    			doCreatureSay(cid, "Vip", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
    			doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "We have added 30 vip days to your account.")
            return true



  11. Eu tava buscando um script para colocar um bloqueio em upar de nível que só é liberado se tiver uma certa storage. Buscando em foruns, encontrei esse script que estará logo a seguir, porém ele é para tfs 1.x, mas gostaria que fosse para tfs 0.4. Como fazer?


    -- Put this in data/global.lua
    function getExpForLevel(level)
        level = level - 1
        return ((50 * level * level * level) - (150 * level * level) + (400 * level)) / 3
    -- Put this in data/events/scripts/player.lua before Player:onGainExperience (outside of function)
    local level_tiers = {
        {level = 20, storage = 50000, value = 1}, -- level, quest_storage, value_required
        {level = 40, storage = 50001, value = 1},
        {level = 60, storage = 50002, value = 1},
    -- Put this in data/events/scripts/player.lua within Player:onGainExperience before "return exp"
    for _, array in pairs(level_tiers) do
        if self:getStorageValue( < array.value then
            local current_exp, level_exp = self:getExperience(), getExpForLevel(array.level)
            if (current_exp + exp) > level_exp then
                exp = math.max(0, level_exp - current_exp)


  12. Como eu posso arrumar esses erros?


    [18:52:54.889] mysql_real_query(): SELECT `house_id`, `player_id`, `bid` FROM `house_auctions` WHERE `endtime` < 1698184374 - MYSQL ERROR: Table 'murim.house_auctions' doesn't exist (1146)
    [18:52:54.898] > Houses synchronization time: 0.009 seconds.
    [18:52:54.902] mysql_real_query(): SELECT * FROM `houses` WHERE `world_id` = 0 - MYSQL ERROR: Unknown column 'world_id' in 'where clause' (1054)
    [18:52:54.910] mysql_real_query(): SELECT `house_id`, `data` FROM `house_data` WHERE `world_id` = 0 - MYSQL ERROR: Table 'murim.house_data' doesn't exist (1146)
    [18:52:54.919] > Content unserialization time: 0.018 seconds.
    [18:52:54.922] >> Checking world type... Open PvP
    [18:52:54.925] >> Initializing game state and binding services...
    [18:52:54.932] mysql_real_query(): SELECT `key`, `value` FROM `global_storage` WHERE `world_id` = 0; - MYSQL ERROR: Unknown column 'world_id' in 'where clause' (1054)
    [18:52:54.942] mysql_real_query(): SELECT `id`, `text` FROM `server_motd` WHERE `world_id` = 0 ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1 - MYSQL ERROR: Table 'murim.server_motd' doesn't exist (1146)
    [18:52:54.951] > ERROR: Failed to load motd!
    [18:52:54.955] mysql_real_query(): SELECT `record` FROM `server_record` WHERE `world_id` = 0 ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC LIMIT 1 - MYSQL ERROR: Table 'murim.server_record' doesn't exist (1146)
    [18:52:54.964] > ERROR: Failed to load players record!
    [18:52:54.968] mysql_real_query(): SELECT `player_skills`.`value`, `players`.`name` FROM `player_skills`,`players` WHERE `player_skills`.`skillid`=0 AND `player_skills`.`player_id`=`players`.`id` ORDER BY `player_skills`.`value` DESC, `player_skills`.`count` DESC LIMIT 15 - MYSQL ERROR: Table 'murim.player_skills' doesn't exist (1146)
    [18:52:54.986] mysql_real_query(): SELECT `player_skills`.`value`, `players`.`name` FROM `player_skills`,`players` WHERE `player_skills`.`skillid`=1 AND
    [18:59:23.046] mysql_real_query(): SELECT `name`, `password`, `premdays`, `lastday`, `key`, `warnings` FROM `accounts` WHERE `id` = 1 LIMIT 1 - MYSQL ERROR: Unknown column 'warnings' in 'field list' (1054) `player_skills`.`player_id`=`players`.`id` ORDER BY `player_skills`.`value` DESC, `player_skills`.`count` DESC LIMIT 15 - MYSQL ERROR: Table 'murim.player_skills' doesn't exist (1146)
    [18:52:55.003] mysql_real_query(): SELECT `player_skills`.`value`, `players`.`name` FROM `player_skills`,`players` WHERE `player_skills`.`skillid`=2 AND `player_skills`.`player_id`=`players`.`id` ORDER BY `player_skills`.`value` DESC, `player_skills`.`count` DESC LIMIT 15 - MYSQL ERROR: Table 'murim.player_skills' doesn't exist (1146)
    [18:52:55.021] mysql_real_query(): SELECT `player_skills`.`value`, `players`.`name` FROM `player_skills`,`players` WHERE `player_skills`.`skillid`=3 AND `player_skills`.`player_id`=`players`.`id` ORDER BY `player_skills`.`value` DESC, `player_skills`.`count` DESC LIMIT 15 - MYSQL ERROR: Table 'murim.player_skills' doesn't exist (1146)
    [18:52:55.039] mysql_real_query(): SELECT `player_skills`.`value`, `players`.`name` FROM `player_skills`,`players` WHERE `player_skills`.`skillid`=4 AND `player_skills`.`player_id`=`players`.`id` ORDER BY `player_skills`.`value` DESC, `player_skills`.`count` DESC LIMIT 15 - MYSQL ERROR: Table 'murim.player_skills' doesn't exist (1146)
    [18:52:55.055] mysql_real_query(): SELECT `player_skills`.`value`, `players`.`name` FROM `player_skills`,`players` WHERE `player_skills`.`skillid`=5 AND `player_skills`.`player_id`=`players`.`id` ORDER BY `player_skills`.`value` DESC, `player_skills`.`count` DESC LIMIT 15 - MYSQL ERROR: Table 'murim.player_skills' doesn't exist (1146)
    [18:52:55.074] mysql_real_query(): SELECT `player_skills`.`value`, `players`.`name` FROM `player_skills`,`players` WHERE `player_skills`.`skillid`=6 AND `player_skills`.`player_id`=`players`.`id` ORDER BY `player_skills`.`value` DESC, `player_skills`.`count` DESC LIMIT 15 - MYSQL ERROR: Table 'murim.player_skills' doesn't exist (1146)
    [18:52:55.092] mysql_real_query(): SELECT `id`, `ownerid`, `creationdata`, `checkdata` FROM `guilds` WHERE `world_id` = 0; - MYSQL ERROR: Unknown column 'checkdata' in 'field list' (1054)
    [18:52:55.102] mysql_real_query(): UPDATE `players` SET `online` = 0 WHERE `world_id` = 0 AND `online` > 0; - MYSQL ERROR: Unknown column 'world_id' in 'where clause' (1054)
    [18:52:55.111] mysql_real_query(): SELECT `name`, `password`, `premdays`, `lastday`, `key`, `warnings` FROM `accounts` WHERE `id` = 1 LIMIT 1 - MYSQL ERROR: Unknown column 'warnings' in 'field list' (1054)
    [18:52:55.121] mysql_real_query(): SELECT `name`, `password`, `premdays`, `lastday`, `key`, `warnings` FROM `accounts` WHERE `id` = 2 LIMIT 1 - MYSQL ERROR: Unknown column 'warnings' in 'field list' (1054)

  13. Estou tentando compilar um otc usando codeblock, mas está dando esses erros. Como posso arrumar?




    ||=== Build: all in otclient (compiler: GNU GCC Compiler) ===|
    C:\OTC\src\framework\stdext\time.cpp||In function 'void stdext::millisleep(std::size_t)':|
    C:\OTC\src\framework\stdext\time.cpp|47|error: 'std::this_thread' has not been declared|
    C:\OTC\src\framework\stdext\time.cpp||In function 'void stdext::microsleep(std::size_t)':|
    C:\OTC\src\framework\stdext\time.cpp|52|error: 'std::this_thread' has not been declared|
    CMakeFiles\otclient.dir\build.make|184|recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/otclient.dir/src/framework/stdext/time.cpp.obj' failed|
    CMakeFiles\Makefile2|82|recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/otclient.dir/all' failed|
    C:\Users\Joao Paulo\Desktop\SaidaDx9\Makefile|134|recipe for target 'all' failed|
    ||=== Build failed: 5 error(s), 0 warning(s) (1 minute(s), 13 second(s)) ===|


  14. 2 horas atrás, Fabi Marzan disse:

    Essa tabela "guild_wars" está faltando no SQL.


    Em SqlStudio, 




    CREATE TABLE guild_wars ( 
        id          INTEGER       NOT NULL,
        guild_id    INT           NOT NULL,
        enemy_id    INT           NOT NULL,
        [begin]     BIGINT        NOT NULL
                                  DEFAULT '0',
        [end]       BIGINT        NOT NULL
                                  DEFAULT '0',
        frags       INT           NOT NULL
                                  DEFAULT '0',
        payment     BIGINT        NOT NULL
                                  DEFAULT '0',
        guild_kills INT           NOT NULL
                                  DEFAULT '0',
        enemy_kills INT           NOT NULL
                                  DEFAULT '0',
        status      TINYINT( 1 )  NOT NULL
                                  DEFAULT '0',
        PRIMARY KEY ( id ),
        FOREIGN KEY ( guild_id ) REFERENCES guilds ( id ),
        FOREIGN KEY ( enemy_id ) REFERENCES guilds ( id ) 


    Me ajudou, irmão! valeuzão de verdade

  15. .Qual servidor ou website você utiliza como base? 

    tfs 0.4; tibia 8.6


    Então, busquei por algum tempo (acho que durante alguns dias) um script de quest para baú entregar uma recompensa aleatória. Os que encontrei no forum é sempre de recompensa diária, mas não encontrei de ser recompensa única. Pegar a recompensa uma única vez por personagem. Uso tfs 0.4 tibia 8.6



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