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Tudo que Nekokan postou

  1. Hello, He gave me access to the download link but for me it is not working, I mean the client it is not even opening. [ot\] <- I pasted download dll. [ot\mods] <- here I pasted the Advanced Sound that contains the lua, otmod and sounds folder. And the Game side, Advanced Sound.lua, it is located in the lib folder [\server\data\lib\AdvancedSoundFunctions.lua] but my ot v8 client crashes without any error on the logs or terminal... (only disabling the autoload option it works obv.) I tested it out in the edubart client as well, and client
  2. any update on this? I want to test this out but I have no clue how to install it drive link is only for requester, but seems he is not accepting Any one has a link or an idea??
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