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Sobre flaviioh

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  1. Port 8090 (You can run a website) Port 7171 (People can see their character list) Port 7172 (People can join your server) You can run a server. Everything checks out fine! Tendi vlw por ajuda, ja consegui colocar on
  2. Warning: DOMDocument::load() [function.DOMDocument-load]: Opening and ending tag mismatch: defense line 23 and attack in file:///C%3A/Users/FLAVIO/Desktop/Projeto%20OT/Baiak%20Jungle%20by%20%5BADM%5D%20Brenewnz/data/monster/Demon%20bosses/quara%20squicher.xml, line: 25 in C:\xampp\htdocs\pot\OTS_MonstersList.php on line 119 Warning: DOMDocument::load() [function.DOMDocument-load]: expected '>' in file:///C%3A/Users/FLAVIO/Desktop/Projeto%20OT/Baiak%20Jungle%20by%20%5BADM%5D%20Brenewnz/data/monster/Demon%20bosses/quara%20squicher.xml, line: 26 in C:\xampp\htdocs\pot\OTS_MonstersList.php
  3. Consegui resolver agora o site está online! Vlw ae qm ajudou!
  4. Port 80 (You can't run a website) Port 7171 (People can see their character list) Port 7172 (People can't join your server) Somethings will not work if you try to host a server. Please open the other ports
  5. So consigo entrar no meu Site pelo LocalHost vou citar aqui tudo q eu fiz me ajudem! Eu uso Windows 7 Eu uso net compartilhada Meu pc nao é o PC servidor -Instalei o Xampp -Desbloquiei as portas 7171, 7172 / 8090 do Firewall -Desbloquiei as portas 7171, 7172 / 8090 do Rotiador -No config.lua a onde fica o "ip" eu coloquei Meu ip -Entrei no e fiz a mascara do ip "" -Fui no c:\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf e mudei os 80 para 8090 -Fui no c:xampp\apache\conf\httpd.ssl e mudei "Listen 443 para 4499" "<VirtualHost _default_:4499>" "ServerNam
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