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Sobre nargor34

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813 visualizações
  1. wait, so you knew? and im not all Sherlock Holmes? dude... not funny bro... well, is there any way that you could adapt it for tibia non-classic control? xD so if i have to switch fast i dont die from my own stupidity and discordination xD
  2. It seems to be that i figured the problem out... It had nothing to do with the screen (I wont get straight into it, because... because fuck you, thats why, and i wanna tell the story xD) I tried it again, and it did the same thing as always, it threw random clicks on the map, but they were right clicks... so, i thought, what are they right clicking, as soon as the bar appeared, i pressed look... It was looking... THE MONSTERS!, so i thought, maybe this is made to work with tibia CLASSIC CONTROL! And so it was, i enabled tibia classic control on options, general, and now it works.
  3. Ok, now i can put items on the looter, at least that part is solved... Thanks. Now, it wont attack and it wont open the corpses as well haha xD Is there any chance that some resolutions will bug the bot? I use a screen of 17'', 1600x900, in which i play tibia, and i play with extended screen to one of 1920x1080, so i can watch movies, streams, etc in the other one.
  4. Ok, so i have tried really hard to understand the bot, the interface is really user friendly... until i try to use it... The "attacker" doesnt woek... when i add creatures, without a spell to attack, it does nothing, when i add with spell to attack, it still does nothing, but casts spells randomly (exori flams in my case, and it just casts it), therefore it wont follow anyone... I tried combining it with another bot, so this would move and the other attacks, but then i realized, i gotta loot... When i get to this point, i try to add items, but as soon as i try adding one it says somethin
  5. System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Acceso denegado a la ruta de acceso 'Config/'. en System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) en System.IO.Directory.InternalCreateDirectory(String fullPath, String path, Object dirSecurityObj) en System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(String path) en  .(String , String ) en  .(String , String , String , Boolean ) That's the problem that it gives me... i thought maybe it was .net framework, so i installed it again but the same error appears, i thought it could be the firewall, but i turned it off so i cou
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