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Tudo que lilian98 postou

  1. Oii, vi umas publicaçoes antigas suas como:  [TUTORIAL] Resolvendo qualquer erro na data base

    E queria sua ajuda com dois erros que estou tendo:

    Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'DatabaseException'
    Message: Notice: AutoSetup has attempted to create missing tables for you. Please create MySQL tables manually from "database.sql" if you are still getting this message.
    Online help: More Info
    File: sql.php on line: 150
    Script was terminated because something unexpected happened. You can report this, if you think it's a bug.


    e principalmente esse:

    Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'DatabaseQueryException'
    Message: Error #1048:Column 'ip' cannot be null
    SQL query: INSERT INTO `nicaw_account_logs` (id, ip, account_id, date, action) VALUES(1, INET_ATON('::1'), 2, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()), 'Created')
    File: sql.php on line: 94
    Script was terminated because something unexpected happened. You can report this, if you think it's a bug.


    Poderia me ajudar?

  2. Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'DatabaseQueryException' Message: Error #1048:Column 'ip' cannot be null SQL query: INSERT INTO `nicaw_account_logs` (id, ip, account_id, date, action) VALUES(1, INET_ATON('::1'), 2, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()), 'Created') File: sql.php on line: 94 Script was terminated because something unexpected happened. You can report this, if you think it's a bug. Debug Backtrace:Disabled Quando vou criar conta, char ou deletar recebo essa msg Obs: Em "VALUES(1", É "VALUES(NULL" está assim por estou tentando arrumar mais nao consigo
  3. mais nakele escript nao mostra onde fica o local, ou tem q ser em outro scrip? (paciencia sou nova no assunto) kkk
  4. bom galera eu abri um otserv 8.60 hoje e nao dava nem pra dizer !buyvip2 ai eu consegui arruma o erro era em talkactions nao estava adicionado o comando, agora quando o player diz o comando ainda nao da pra entrar somente invitando por "aleta sio" aq esta o script do vip: function onSay(cid, words, param) if doPlayerRemoveItem(cid,2157,200) then doPlayerSetVocation(cid,13) doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_MORTAREA) doCreatureSay(cid, "SUPER VIP ! S2 S2 S2 GOGO WAR!", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1) else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, 'You do not have 200 Gold Nuggets.') doSendMagicEffect(get
  5. eu usei esse script pra criar sistm fly no meu ot soq qando digo o comando !fly diz "You cannot fly." qal o erro?
  6. criei um ot esses dias e apareceu um bug no Lood Buyer sempre q eu vou clicar pra vender o scarab coin diz q eu nao tenho esse objeto aqui esta o script dele: <npc name="Loot Buyer" script="data/npc/scripts/default.lua" floorchange="0" access="5" level="1" maglevel="1"> <look type="151" head="114" body="12" legs="90" feet="115" addons="3" corpse="2212"/> <parameters> <parameter key="message_greet" value="Salutations, |PLAYERNAME|. Welcome to the vip seller shop {trade} eu compro loots."/> <parameter key="message_farewell" value="Thanks for doin
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