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Tudo que wilk1366 postou
Hi I have a question, do you know what file I have to change the Sorgue to be able to hammer 200000000level? 2. What is responsible for the .dmg file / hp Which can give monsterom such 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999 ----- >> Aktualniemax is 1999999999999 2. what file is responsible for exprience in monsterach I could give as he wants and not max 4kk sorry for the wrong forum
This script above is at the door or do not understand how
Sorry for the link but I use this script in this link ---- I was looking for this: function getPlayerRebirth(cid) local Info = db.getResult("SELECT `Rebirths` FROM `players` WHERE `id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. " LIMIT 1") if Info:getID() ~= LUA_ERROR then local rebs= Info:getDataInt("Rebirths") Info:free() return rebs end return LUA_ERROR end function doAddRebirth(cid, rebs) db.executeQuery("UPDATE `players` SET `Rebirths` = `Rebirths` + " .. rebs .. " WHERE `id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. ";") end function doRemoveRebirth(cid, rebs) db.executeQuery("UPDATE `players` SET `Rebirth
That is one such script and I myself will give advice to convert to other inputs, etc. Storage I do not have a script local config = { price = 0, -- Price of first rebirth priceIncrease = 0, -- Works as 'price' + current rebirths * priceIncrease. rebirthLevel = 717171, -- Level for first rebirth. rebirthIncrease = 0, -- Works as 'rebirthLevel' + current rebirths * rebirthIncrease. maxRebirths = 1000, -- Number of times a player can rebirth. level = 8, -- The level the player is set to apon rebirth. healthPercent = 1.00, -- 1.00 = 100%. health = 100, -- Only used if 'healthPerce
Hi I have a question if someone can write me a script on the door That must have 20 reborn, and you can enter but how will he 30 is no longer
Hey I have a question if anyone knows about writing scripts?. If so I have a request if someone could write me a script for the, uh, mr, sd, manauh of rebirth reborn ie, the larger the more cures.
Summon monsters script of rebirth
wilk1366 respondeu ao tópico de wilk1366 em Suporte Tibia OTServer
No, no, it's not such a thing in terms you use the rune and get a command! summon that recalls Demon Monsters eg 1 rb 10 rb Dragon, etc. -
Hi I have a question if someone can write a script to Summon Rune consists of It uses Rune eg id 2100 which gives us a command! Summon through which we invoke a monster that does not attack us. Attacks only selected persons / Creatures When we use this rune get this command on a rune disappears forever. Summon must follow own or be owned teleport when far gone
I mean something like in this picture the level 828k and normally can only 717k http://scr.hu/31fd/fxm5w
At one servie is a command! Figure next to relog and you can drive a level to 903k again later! Next and to 1,3mln how did they do it?
I wanted to ask if anyone loved to write a script that I dig max lvl 717k and entered! next relog and you can level up to 903k for example, Refresh
Reborn Stystem Reset system Help me please
wilk1366 respondeu ao tópico de wilk1366 em Suporte Tibia OTServer
Good written his church may write off or give advice And could someone write a script on the command upon driving the 712,717 level is part of the command, eg. (! Next) and relog character and you can level up to 903k? -
Reborn Stystem Reset system Help me please
wilk1366 respondeu ao tópico de wilk1366 em Suporte Tibia OTServer
Only if he adds that how you look player clicks on it will be seen how many resets have? and that adds% to dmg? I'm weak in scripting -
Reborn Stystem Reset system Help me please
wilk1366 respondeu ao tópico de wilk1366 em Suporte Tibia OTServer
With now just wait until someone to speak at such a thing has: P -
Reborn Stystem Reset system Help me please
wilk1366 respondeu ao tópico de wilk1366 em Suporte Tibia OTServer
Speak English iam from Poland Good Sorry that I did something wrong; d but does anyone have something like this? -
Hi has anyone can script on "Reborb System" "reset system" He needs a script that I give because I have taken rebirth Dmg hp and mp and who could see how much is done. If someone has let me write to church or something Unless someone can do the trick to write this script if wrong forum please move it to the appropriate By ErroR
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