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Sobre zolax

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  1. Hello im using avesta 7.6 distro and when im trying to use mining: --By:Cykotitan Improvised Version-- local config = { stones = {1285, 1356, 1357, 1358, 1359, 3608, 3615, 3607, 3609, 3616, 3666, 3667, 3668, 3670, 1295, 1290}, level = 20, skill = SKILL_CLUB, skillReq = 15, effect = CONST_ME_BLOCKHIT, addTries = 3, debris = 1336, msgType = 11, soul = 5 } local t = { [{1, 100}] = {msg = "Oh no, you missed and picked a hole in the ground and a rat came out of it!", summon = "Rat"}, [{101, 200}] = {msg = "You found %A %N.", item = 2157, amountmax = 5}, [{201, 300}] = {msg = "You found %A %N.",
  2. Hello i have a problem with banmanager talkaction. Im using avesta 7.6 and when i used command i have an error: here is error.txt : Debug Assertion time: Fri Aug 16 16:57:41 2013 line: 102 module: Talk assertion: false position: [154,52,7] ---------------------------------------- and here is banmanager.lua: -- BANNING -- usage /ban add, player, character_name, lenght_in_days_numeric_number (default until server save) -- will ban Player -- usage /ban add, ip , character_name, lenght_in_days_numeric_number (default until server save) -- will ban IP -- usage /ban add, account,
  3. Hello when i click right on empty pokeball(7632) or destroyed pokeball(7633) i got error [23/05/2013 16:29:09] [Error - Action Interface] [23/05/2013 16:29:09] data/actions/scripts/inne/pet_system.lua:onUse [23/05/2013 16:29:09] Description: [23/05/2013 16:29:09] (luaGetCreatureHealth) Creature not found how i can fix it?
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