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Sobre tarantonio

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  1. Thanks for this server, easy the best server around. If you need help contact me.
  2. alissonfgp can i suggest to you to use as source for your map? It's an incredible track of the new Rookgaard map, including the new island of destiny, all with correct spawns etc.. Btw i don't know if it's allowed to post links of another forum here (if not, please forgive me)
  3. Report bugs (i will edit this for more): - No houses on outlaw camp
  4. What's the cemetery like in the sea between thais and carlin? a jail place? Some more bugs: In Rookgaard and Quirefang i found that the spawns are like triple than normal, is this a bug or it's my fault only? Dragons below central plaza on Rookgaard?? Dragon Lords, Grim Reapers, etc on Island of Destiny?? In the sorcerers guild of Thais the teleport tiles that get other vocations away are not working. Missing houses, like open theater in thais, etc... No teleporters on Knightwatch Tower {x = 31924, y = 31331, z = 7} Around this position are missing tiles No Isle of Solitude (http:/
  5. Hi, There is still missing zones, like Nibelor Crystal Spider Cave, and doors that leads to IQ zone, but anyway good server. Maybe deleting unused map zones and adding 10.10 monster loots and attacks and this server will be the best available now. Good joob!
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