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Tudo que Ryxan postou

  1. Hello all, I have a problem with "Rush War Event" when someone die he have PZlooked. And after Event finished players also got pzlooked. How can I fix it? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <mod name="Rush Event" version="1.0" author="" contact="[email protected]" enabled="yes"> <config name="re"><![CDATA[ t = { a = 32145, g = 32146, l = 32147, u = 32148, h = 32149, wv = 32150, c = 0, q = "Rush Event has been started! Enjoy and have fun!", f = 5447, f_1 = 5448, f_2 = 5449, d_1 = {x = 986, y = 1116, z = 6}, -- red temple d_2 = {x = 986, y =
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