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Por Kuds
Boas pessoal!
Estou disponibilizando neste fórum a oportunidade para quem é fan de Lord Of the Rings e gostaria de participar na recriação de um mapa baseado no universo de Tolkien. Comecei a projetar o mapa pois sempre gostei do antigo servidor Bronson, então pensei em melhorar ele da melhor forma que posso, e mesmo não sendo Mapper de muito tempo as partes que fiz ja receberam aprovação de conhecidos que acharam interessante o meu estilo por mais simples que seja.
Atualmente ja possuo a base do mapa inteiro de LOTR, recriei ele do 0 seguindo fielmente o formato do mapa, porém ele está com mais de 4x o tamanho do Bronson original. E conforme tenho tempo vou criando áreas do mapa, e no momento ja possuo Bree e Edoras prontas, e estou no processo para recriar Minas Tirith.
Meu objetivo com este Post é achar pessoas que estariam dispostas á participar do grupo de WPP que criei para poder opinar nas votações que faço a respeito do mapa, e talvez achar alguem interessado em ajudar com este projeto. Então qualquer pessoa que tiver interesse fique a vontade para me mandar PM no site!
PS: Não existe nenhuma obrigatoriedade de se manter no grupo, considerando que este é apenas um projeto de carinho ao Tibia e LOTR todos estão livres de sair do projeto a qualquer momento.
Por Asnan
Fusion Games Studio, com orgulho, apresenta um servidor que o levará de volta aos dias de ouro dos jogos, onde a habilidade fazia a diferença, jogar sem bots era o padrão, cada derrota doía e cada vitória trazia uma satisfação genuína.
Nosso servidor revive o espírito dos jogos clássicos — sem atalhos, sem trapaças, apenas pura estratégia e habilidade.
Data de lançamento oficial: 18.10.24 15:00
Junte-se ao Shinobi Legacy hoje!
Site: https://www.shinobilegacy.pl
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/ervPpDqjQt
Vídeo promocional
Jogue como um dos 16 personagens do universo de Naruto.
Um dos sistemas disponíveis no jogo
Aproximamo-nos do Shinobi Legacy com total comprometimento e paixão, cuidando até dos menores detalhes. Nossos esforços e abordagem única nos diferenciam de outros servidores — isso é perceptível desde o primeiro momento em que você experimenta nosso jogo.
Nosso mapa personalizado em Shinobi Legacy é cuidadosamente elaborado para imergir os jogadores no mundo de Naruto como nunca antes. Cada zona é projetada com detalhes, oferecendo tanto uma experiência nostálgica quanto novos desafios para jogadores de todos os níveis. Masmorras ocultas, caminhos secretos e zonas de guerra perigosas aguardam aqueles que ousam explorar!
No Shinobi Legacy, o PvP está no coração da experiência. Nossos sistemas, como as habilidades baseadas em guildas, o sistema de adrenalina e a encantação, garantem que nenhuma batalha seja a mesma.
Capturas de tela do jogo
Por BTitan
Baiak Titan: Uma Experiência Incomparável no Universo Baiak
O Baiak Titan combina a nostalgia dos antigos tempos de OTServ com a inovação e modernidade atuais. Oferecemos um mapa vasto, com mais de 100 áreas de caça para explorar, além de vocações equilibradas para um PvP justo e emocionante. Diversos eventos automáticos ocorrem diariamente, garantindo diversão constante para os jogadores. O servidor conta com vários sistemas, como por exemplo, montarias para quem utiliza o cliente exclusivo, monstros do Tibia 9.6+, sistema de mineração, entre outros!
Por Que Escolher o Baiak Titan?
PvP de Alta Qualidade: Embora seja um servidor Baiak, nosso mapa é cuidadosamente projetado para proporcionar ganho de experiência sem perder a seriedade do jogo, oferecendo desafios instigantes e um equilíbrio perfeito para combates épicos.
Jogabilidade Customizada: O mapa Baiak foi exclusivamente adaptado para promover intensas batalhas de PvP, com recursos inovadores que mantêm a jogabilidade sempre fresca e emocionante.
Detalhes do Servidor:
IP: baiaktitan.com Website: https://baiaktitan.com Account Manager: 1/1
Principais Características:
Uptime 24/7, Sem Lag: Jogue a qualquer hora com a estabilidade de servidores dedicados e de alta performance. Velocidade de Ataque Equilibrada: Ajustada perfeitamente para garantir combates dinâmicos e justos. Sistema de Cast: Transmita suas jogadas ao vivo e assista aos seus amigos em ação. Cliente Exclusivo: Software personalizado com novos outfits, montarias e criaturas, enriquecendo ainda mais sua experiência no jogo. Runas, Poções e Flechas Não Infinitas: Valorizamos uma jogabilidade mais estratégica e desafiadora, onde os recursos precisam ser geridos com sabedoria.
Eventos Automáticos:
Zombie Team Battle Monster Hunter Castle (War of Emperium) Capture The Flag DOTA Corrida Arena War (O último sobrevivente ganha) Fire Storm
Taxas do Servidor:
EXP: 200x (com stages)
Skill: 100x
Magic: 30x
Loot: 3x
Junte-se à nossa comunidade e viva essa aventura única. O Baiak Titan espera por você!
Por HoSOnline
Hello, I would like to introduce you to a server that I have been working on for some time.
Start HoSOnline - Beta 20.09.2024r 18:00 / BR 6:00 pm
Discord: https://discord.gg/g7uzMzr3dg
AccMaker: https://hosonline.eu/home.html
FanPage FB: https://www.facebook.com/historyofshinobionline
Exp Rate: MEDIUM
On the server I currently have:
(all systems are described on AccMaker)
○ 17 Professions
○ Shippuden (Reborn System with DB OTS)
○ Task System
○ Rider System
○ Fly System
○ Florist System (only Ino)
○ Upgrade System
○ Class System Broni/EQ
○ 'Combo' System
○ Specials Jutsu
○ Perks System
○ Cast System
○ Crafting System
○ Hiraishin Kunai
○ Boss System
○ Sag System..
Sample Screens from the game:
Por MarcusCores
Welcome to ShadeCores
We are excited to finally present to you: ShadeCores!
After a long time of development and testing, we're finally ready to launch this awesome game!
Quick Info for laziness:
Rates: Tibia 7.4 theme 1x Experience 1x Skills 1x Magic 1x Loot 1x Regen General info:
Official launch: April 24, 17:00 CEST.
Create characters: 1 hour before launch (16:00 CEST).
Website: https://shadecores.com/?subtopic=news
Authentic Damages Monster attacks Monsters carrying equipment & loot Monster Spawns & respawn depending on players online World light and watches Traps Line of sight system Floor saving system Exhaustion system Much more.. General Cannot multi-client REAL Proven & Verified Anti-Cheat system = No cheaters Many quests modified to add mystery to the game for everyone Much more..
What is ShadeCores?
ShadeCores is a game designed to mimic the oldschool version of Tibia.com, but in a slower pace.
Our goal is to be a long lasting and functional game that doesn't run a course of being broken after a few years.
Read more at: https://shadecores.com/?subtopic=about&view=about.
World Map
The map contains all places of Tibia 7.70.
It also contains 100% spawns of Tibia 7.70.
With exception of Ankrahmun and Port Hope that was removed for balancing purposes.
Built authentically
ShadeCores was built hand in hand with hacked Tibia files (7.70 version) and is very accurate to how Tibia was (with exception things that has been improved).
If you played Tibia back in 7.4-7.70 and join ShadeCores, you will yourself notice how scary accurate every single spawn is.
Read more at: https://shadecores.com/?subtopic=about&view=additional.
Game health
We have made many modifications to ensure a healthy economy and game.
Read more at: https://shadecores.com/?subtopic=about&view=balance.
Creature Behavior
In ShadeCores, same as in CipSoft's, creatures that's fleeing for their life (low health) will not make any pauses no matter how close the player is.
Creatures also doesn't have any exhaustion of their abilities such as attacks, healings and more.
Read more at: https://shadecores.com/?subtopic=support&view=faq&topic=5-Features+-Creature+Behavior.
Creature spawns
ShadeCores has the very same spawn system that CipSoft's had back in the day.
All creatures that spawns has a "home".
And this "home" has a set amount of creatures that belongs to it, always same type of creature.
Read more at: https://shadecores.com/?subtopic=support&view=faq&topic=3-Features+-Creature+spawns.
Accurate creature loot & inventory
ShadeCores have an accurate loot & inventory system for creatures, working identically as it did in CipSoft's back in the day.
Which means that creatures with items that give light, will also light up the creature, or armors that will increase the armor of the creature, or that when a creature wear boots of haste, it will run noticeably faster!
Read more at: https://shadecores.com/?subtopic=support&view=faq&topic=1-Features+-Creatures+equipping+their+loot+%26amp%3B+loot+system.
Authentic exhaustions
Believe it or not, OT's have it completely wrong, OTs uses 1 or 2 kind of exhaustions depending on which version they're meant to reflect (healing + attacking spells).
However, in CipSoft's, there were 3 different exhaustions in the old days, 4 if you include "using item on.." exhaustion which was 1 second.
Read more at: https://shadecores.com/?subtopic=support&view=faq&topic=6-Features+-Exhaustion+system.
Floor saving
ShadeCores are running with a map-saving system that allow the map to save certain edits done by players.
The edits can almost be anything from items added to certain places, to open doors, wall torches that's lit or not, items hiding in boxes, book cases or even unexpected containers invisible to the naked eye.
Read more at: https://shadecores.com/?subtopic=support&view=faq&topic=12-Features+-Floor+saving+system.
Game health balance
To ensure that ShadeCores become as perfect as possible, a lot has to be considered and corrected.
Our goal is to make a long lasting and functional game that doesn't run a course of being broken after a few years.
In ShadeCores, you're not meant to get unlimited supplies, hunting dragons, dragon lords, demons or other demonic critters, we don't fancy the rushed pace much of Tibia has become along with the community.
Read more at: https://shadecores.com/?subtopic=support&view=faq&topic=13-Features+-Game+Health+Balance+(creatures%2C+supplies%2C+gold).
Keep valuables valuable
In ShadeCores it's harder to obtain "good" equipment, which will turn lower level equipment into the new good equipment.
Read more at: https://shadecores.com/?subtopic=support&view=faq&topic=14-Features+-Game+Health+Balance+(equipment).
Line of sight system
In ShadeCores we use the same line-of-sight system as in CipSoft's.
You may notice when you're playing that sometimes you can throw things in a way you can't do in most OT's.
And you' may also notice that sometimes, you cannot throw things in same way as in most OT's.
Read more at: https://shadecores.com/?subtopic=support&view=faq&topic=8-Features+-Line+of+sight+system.
Poison storm
Almost every OT either has ticking poison damage from around 50 counting down until 0, while others have an instant damage followed by poison or some other mixtures.
While in reality, damage of the poison storm is decided by level and magic level, from the first tick of damage, it decreases with a few % until it reaches 0.
Read more at: https://shadecores.com/?subtopic=support&view=faq&topic=7-Features+-Poison+storm.
Traps functionality
Traps does a static amount of damage. 30 to be exact, it's always 30.
However, traps cause a physical damage that listen to the creatures armor.
It means that the damage can and will be reduced by any armor the creature may have.
Read more at: https://shadecores.com/?subtopic=support&view=faq&topic=2-Features+-Traps+(item).
World light & watches
In ShadeCores, time and world light works exactly like it did in CipSoft's back in the day.
Read more at: https://shadecores.com/?subtopic=support&view=faq&topic=9-Features+-World+lights+%26amp%3B+watches.
Anti-Cheat system
We have a very advanced and automatic anti-cheat system that detects all kind of cheats rather quickly, be it bot, macro, tasker or others.
This system was first developed and proven to work very well in RetroCores world "Cleanera".
It has since then been improved to be faster and detect a wider array of cheats that people could use.
A lot of servers has basically lied about that they're anti-bot, most of players have been in "anti-bot" servers that's been exploding with cheats and nobody gets punished, which is why most with good reason wont trust whenever someone says they're "antibot".
But through Cleanera@RetroCores, we've verified for a lot of people that we're not bullshitting you, we're legit, we have a system that works and a lot of people have tested it and found themselves shocked when their "secret cheat" got caught even though nobody was nearby them.
Additionally to the anti-cheat, ShadeCores does not allow multi-clienting
Multi-Clienting will be treated as a cheat and lead to a deletion.
To make sure nobody accidentally use multi-client without knowing the rules, we've made so that it's not possible to start more than one instance of the client.
If you try to start a new client while already having one open, you will face this little message.
Other Game Features
Ability to play for free. No level restrictions on items nor spells. Non-stackable runes/fluids. No Runes from NPCs. No item-hotkeys. No wands/rods. No protection zone on boats/carpets. Manual aiming Anti-lag system. Great and improved monster systems. Monsters can be lured anywhere. No stairjump exhaust. Possibility to make UH traps. Accurate 7.4 formulas. Classic premium system. Classic promotion system. Many and random raids with possibility to loot raid-rare items.
If you're new to the community, you're welcome to join the ShadeCores Discord server to chat with other players and staff!
plain link: https://discord.gg/BtZmNDNUz6
ShadeCores will officially launch on April 24 at 17:00 CEST!
You will be able to create characters starting at 16:00 CEST the same day!
ShadeCores Staff
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