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Por WalkerKing
Olá preciso de uma ajudinha aqui... Quando meu ot tá on e tento entrar da esse erro...
Alguém pode me dizer oque é?
Error during getDataInt(honor).
Error during getDataInt(world_id).
Error during getDataInt(isNoPVP).
Error during getDataInt(lastPVPChange).
Error during getDataStream(conditions).
Error during getDataInt(vocation).
Error during getDataInt(promotion).
Error during getDataInt(health).
Error during getDataInt(healthmax).
Error during getDataInt(mana).
Error during getDataInt(manamax).
Error during getDataInt(maglevel).
Error during getDataLong(manaspent).
Error during getDataInt(looktype).
Error during getDataInt(lookhead).
Error during getDataInt(lookbody).
Error during getDataInt(looklegs).
Error during getDataInt(lookfeet).
Error during getDataInt(lookaddons).
Error during getDataInt(skull).
Error during getDataInt(skulltime).
Error during getDataInt(town_id).
Error during getDataInt(loss_experience).
Error during getDataInt(loss_mana).
Error during getDataInt(loss_skills).
Error during getDataInt(loss_containers).
Error during getDataInt(loss_items).
Error during getDataInt(posz).
Error during getDataInt(posy).
Error during getDataInt(posx).
Error during getDataLong(lastlogin).
Error during getDataLong(lastlogout).
Error during getDataInt(lastip).
Error during getDataInt(rank_id).
Error during getDataString(guildnick).
mysql_real_query(): SELECT `targetGuildId` FROM `guild_wars` WHERE `ownGuildId`
= 0 AND `status` = 1; - MYSQL ERROR: Table 'otserv2.guild_wars' doesn't exist (1
mysql_real_query(): SELECT `ownGuildId` FROM `guild_wars` WHERE `targetGuildId`
= 0 AND `status` = 1; - MYSQL ERROR: Table 'otserv2.guild_wars' doesn't exist (1
No tibia aparece isso:
Temple position is wrong. Contact with the administration.
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