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[Open Source][C#] ListBox para Walker (Sem TibiaApi)

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Bom galera hoje vim trazer aqui para vocês um Walker Simples , porem nao utilíza TibiaApi, Por exemplo como controlar o Walker em um método que cria padrões humanos, utilizando o método mais lógico com uma coisa chamada Um algoritmo de busca .



#region using

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.ComponentModel;

using System.Data;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Windows.Forms;[/center]

[center]// My added namespaces

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

using System.Diagnostics;

using System.IO;

// End[/center]


[center]//The namespace of our project.

namespace TibiaInfo


//The class, Mainwindow.

public partial class MainWindow : Form


	 #region declarations

	 /* These two variables are very important to reading memory. You've probably seen the word "BasedAddress" a

		 * lot if you've been trying to program recently, and the variable "Base" is what will store this address

		 * as an integer. In order to obtain the BaseAddress we will use a variable to store information on the

		 * Tibia Client, making it a little easier to do. The buffer will make it easier to add memory reading

		 * functions to our program later. It's not neccessary but is nice to have. */

	 public static int Base = 0;

	 public static Process Tibia = null;

	 byte[] buffer;[/center]

[center]	 /* These are the integer variables which will store our characters information, such as health, mana,

		 * experience, magic level, level, capacity, coordinates, and exp to level. */

	 public int hp;

	 public int mp;

	 public int xp;

	 public int ml;

	 public int lvl;

	 public int cap;

	 public int xpos;

	 public int ypos;

	 public int zpos;

	 public int xpup;

	 public int xpbet;

	 public int xpprog;

	 public int toup;[/center]

[center]	 /* In these we will store some information in a string format, such as our name, first quest in the quest log. */

	 public string name;

	 public string quest;[/center]

[center]	 #endregion[/center]

[center]	 #region addresses

	 /* Here comes a list of our addresses which we will read. Note that I posted each address twice, once just an

		 * address, and once the address + 0x400000. If you're using Windows XP or have ASLR disabled for some miscallanious

		 * reason, you should use the address with L on the end. For instance for the Exp Address, use XpAdrL, not XpAdr.

		 * You'll also then need to remove the other ASLR related material from this, we'll get to that in a while though. */[/center]

[center]	 // XOR Address

	 UInt32 Pxor = 0x3ABF8C;

	 // EXP Address

	 UInt32 XpAdr = 0x3ABF98;

	 UInt32 XpAdrL = 0x3ABF98 + 0x400000;

	 // Mana Address

	 UInt32 MpAdr = 0x3ABFE0;

	 UInt32 MpAdrL = 0x3ABFE0 + 0x400000;

	 // Health Address

	 UInt32 HpAdr = 0x541000;

	 UInt32 HpAdrL = 0x541000 + 0x400000;

	 // Cap Address

	 UInt32 CapAdr = 0x578E94;

	 UInt32 CapAdrL = 0x578E94 + 0x400000;

	 // Level Address

	 UInt32 LvlAdr = 0x3ABFC8;

	 UInt32 LvlAdrL = 0x3ABFC8 + 0x400000;

	 // Magic Address

	 UInt32 MlAdr = 0x3ABFD0;

	 UInt32 MlAdrL = 0x3ABFD0 + 0x400000;

	 // Name Address

	 UInt32 NameAdr = 0x3b5d98;

	 UInt32 NameAdrL = 0x3b5d98 + 0x400000;

	 //XPos Address

	 UInt32 XAdr = 0x578ea8;

	 UInt32 XAdrL = 0x578ea8 + 0x400000;

	 //YPos Address

	 UInt32 YAdr = 0x578eac;

	 UInt32 YAdrL = 0x578eac + 0x400000;

	 //ZPos Address

	 UInt32 ZAdr = 0x578eb0;

	 UInt32 ZAdrL = 0x578eb0 + 0x400000;

	 //First Quest Address

	 UInt32 QstAdr = 0x3AD0D5;

	 UInt32 QstAdrL = 0x3AD0D5 + 0x400000;

	 //Battle List Start Address

	 UInt32 BAdr = 0x541008;

	 UInt32 BAdrL = 0x541008 + 0x400000;[/center]

[center]	 #endregion[/center]

[center]	 #region import functions

	 // Import WindowsAPI Function to read process memory without using unmanaged code directly.


	 public static extern Int32 ReadProcessMemory(IntPtr hProcess, IntPtr lpBaseAddress,

		 [In, Out] byte[] buffer, UInt32 size, out IntPtr lpNumberOfBytesRead);


[center]	 #region formload shit

	 public MainWindow()




[center]	 private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


		 /* The formload event is where we want to select a client to use. If we don't do it here we'll have to

			 * do it every time we want to do it every time we want to read any memory. For that reason, we'll do

			 * this now.*/

		 // Get a list of processes, store them in an array named "TibiaProcess", only include processes called Tibia.

		 Process[] TibiaProcess = Process.GetProcessesByName("Tibia");

		 // Declare that the client we're using is the one which comes first in the array.

		 Tibia = TibiaProcess[0];

		 // Declare that the Base Address is the Base Address of the process this client uses.

		 Base = Tibia.MainModule.BaseAddress.ToInt32();

		 // Display the name of the character on the client which the bot is attached to.

		 MessageBox.Show(ReadString(Tibia.Handle, BAdr + Base));



[center]	 #region using imported functions[/center]

[center]	 /* Read bytes from address - This is a function, effectively, which takes X, Y, and Z input, and uses it to get A output.

		 * It will take an window handle, in form of an IntPtr, an address, in form of a 64 bit Int, and BytesToRead, in form of a tiny int. */

	 public static byte[] ReadBytes(IntPtr Handle, Int64 Address, uint BytesToRead)


		 IntPtr ptrBytesRead;

		 // Declare a buffer, this is the no mans land in which the information travels to get from the memory address to our programs memory.

		 byte[] buffer = new byte[BytesToRead];

		 // Call to the windows function to get the information.

		 ReadProcessMemory(Handle, new IntPtr(Address), buffer, BytesToRead, out ptrBytesRead);[/center]

[center]		 // The result of this function will be the contents of buffer. Any information which was stored at the memory address passed in, is now in the buffer.

		 return buffer;


[center]	 // This should convert the contents of "buffer" - or any other byte variable - to a usable Int32.

	 public static int ReadInt32(IntPtr Handle, long Address)


		 return BitConverter.ToInt32(ReadBytes(Handle, Address, 4), 0);


[center]	 // This should convert the contents of "buffer" - or any other byte variable - to a usable String.

	 public static string ReadString(IntPtr Handle, long Address)


		 return System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.Default.GetString(ReadBytes(Handle, Address, 32));


[center]	 #endregion[/center]

[center]	 #region Waypoint Builder[/center]

[center]	 #region adding

	 private void addwpt()


		 listBox1.Items.Add("W:" + Convert.ToString(ReadInt32(Tibia.Handle, XAdr + Base) + ", " + ReadInt32(Tibia.Handle, YAdr + Base) + ", " + ReadInt32(Tibia.Handle, ZAdr + Base)));


[center]	 private void addButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)




[center]	 #endregion[/center]

[center]	 #region removing

	 private void removeButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


		 int zero = new int();

		 zero = -1;

		 if (listBox1.SelectedIndex != zero)


			 listBox1.SelectedIndex = listBox1.SelectedIndex - 1;

			 listBox1.Items.RemoveAt(listBox1.SelectedIndex + 1);




			 MessageBox.Show("Please select a waypoint to remove.");



[center]	 private void clearButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)



		 MessageBox.Show("All waypoints removed.");



[center]	 #region writing to file

	 private void saveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


		 StreamWriter fs = new StreamWriter(fileName.Text, false);

		 foreach (string itm in listBox1.Items)




		 MessageBox.Show(null, "Wrote " + (listBox1.Items.Count) + " lines to " + fileName.Text + ".", "Saved Successfully.", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);




[center]	 #region reading from file[/center]

[center]	 private void loadButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


		 int counter = 0;

		 string line;

		 StreamReader read = new StreamReader(fileName.Text);

		 while ((line = read.ReadLine()) != null)








[center]	 #endregion[/center]

[center]	 #region statusbar updater

	 private void statusBarTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)



		 statusLevel.Text = "Level: " + Convert.ToString(ReadInt32(Tibia.Handle, LvlAdr + Base));

		 statusExp.Text = "Exp: " + Convert.ToString(ReadInt32(Tibia.Handle, XpAdr + Base));

		 statusHp.Text = "Hp: " + Convert.ToString(ReadInt32(Tibia.Handle, (HpAdr + Base)) ^ ReadInt32(Tibia.Handle, (Pxor + Base)));

		 statusMp.Text = "Mp: " + Convert.ToString(ReadInt32(Tibia.Handle, (MpAdr + Base)) ^ ReadInt32(Tibia.Handle, (Pxor + Base)));

		 statusToLevel.Text = "To Level: " + Convert.ToString(toup);

		 xpbar.Maximum = xpbet;

		 xpbar.Minimum = 0;

		 xpbar.Value = xpprog;


[center]	 private void xpToLevel()


		 // xpbet is the var which stores the exp between current level and next level.

		 // calc contains the exp required for next level.

		 // calc1 contains the exp required for current level.

		 int lv = ReadInt32(Tibia.Handle, LvlAdr + Base);

		 int calc = (50 * lv * lv * lv - 150 * lv * lv + 400 * lv) / 3;

		 int lv1 = (ReadInt32(Tibia.Handle, LvlAdr + Base) - 1);

		 int calc1 = (50 * lv1 * lv1 * lv1 - 150 * lv1 * lv1 + 400 * lv1) / 3;

		 xpbet = (calc - calc1);

		 toup = calc - ReadInt32(Tibia.Handle, XpAdr + Base);

		 xpprog = xpbet - toup;


[center]	 #endregion[/center]

[center]	 #region Menu Controls[/center]

[center]	 private void exitToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)




[center]	 private void cGBotToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


		 MessageBox.Show("CGBot is an open source program released under the public GNU License.");


[center]	 #endregion




O projeto está em GoogleCode tambem:

Creditos 99% MainInTheCave (TPForums)

1% Mek Fiuchem (Eu) por trazer aqui para voces :/

Obs: Lembrando que as addresses são da versao 9.44 (é tbm 9.46)

Obs²: Ignorem o [ center] [ /center] nas codes (removelas)

Editado por Mek Fiuchem (veja o histórico de edições)



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Errei , nao é um walker (nao vai andar sozinho) , porem ele adiciona as coodernadas no listbox , acho que isso é um bom começo para fazer o seu walker.



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