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[Resolvido] AJUDA - Informaçao Player

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Uso esse seguinte sistema para informações de players.

function onSay(cid, words, param, channel)

if(param == '') then

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Command param required.")

return true


local pid = getPlayerByNameWildcard(param)

if(not pid or (isPlayerGhost(pid) and getPlayerGhostAccess(pid) > getPlayerGhostAccess(cid))) then

doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Player " .. param .. " not found.")

return true


local tmp = {accountId = getPlayerAccountId(pid), ip = getPlayerIp(pid)}

local pos = getCreaturePosition(pid)

doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, "Character Information\n_______________________________\n" ..

"\nName:								 "..getCreatureName(pid)..

"\nSex:									"..(getPlayerSex(pid) == 0 and "female" or "Male")..

"\nVocation:						 "..getVocationInfo(getPlayerVocation(pid)).name..

"\nLevel:								"..getPlayerLevel(pid)..

"\nAchievement Points:	 "..getCreatureStorage(pid, 15200)..

"\nReputation Points:		 "..getCreatureStorage(pid, 102086)..

"\nResidence:						"..getPlayerTown(pid)..

"\nGuild membership:		 "..getPlayerGuildRank(pid) .."".. getPlayerGuildName(pid)..

"\nAccount Status:			 "..(isPremium(pid) and "Premium Account" or "Free Account")..

"\n\nMagic:								 "..getPlayerMagLevel(pid)..

"\nFist:									"..getPlayerSkillLevel(pid, SKILL_FIST)..

"\nClub:									"..getPlayerSkillLevel(pid, SKILL_CLUB)..

"\nSword:								"..getPlayerSkillLevel(pid, SKILL_SWORD)..

"\nAxe:									"..getPlayerSkillLevel(pid, SKILL_AXE)..

"\nDistance:							"..getPlayerSkillLevel(pid, SKILL_DISTANCE)..

"\nShield:								 "..getPlayerSkillLevel(pid, SKILL_SHIELD)..

"\nFish:									 "..getPlayerSkillLevel(pid, SKILL_FISHING))

return true

ele funciona normalmente, porém nessa linha...
"\nResidence:						"..getPlayerTown(pid)..

...ele mostra o numero do town id.

Ex: thais id:1. venore id:2, thais id:3 etc...

Se o cara for de venore, não irá mostrar Residence: venore. Ele mostra Residence: 2.

Preciso colocar nomes, não números no Residence:

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