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Minning woodcutting problem

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Hello im using avesta 7.6 distro and when im trying to use mining:
--By:Cykotitan   Improvised Version--
local config = {
stones = {1285, 1356, 1357, 1358, 1359, 3608, 3615, 3607, 3609, 3616, 3666, 3667, 3668, 3670, 1295, 1290},
level = 20,
skill = SKILL_CLUB,
skillReq = 15,
addTries = 3,
debris = 1336,
msgType = 11,
soul = 5
local t = {
[{1, 100}] = {msg = "Oh no, you missed and picked a hole in the ground and a rat came out of it!", summon = "Rat"},
[{101, 200}] = {msg = "You found %A %N.", item = 2157, amountmax = 5},
[{201, 300}] = {msg = "You found %A %N.", item = 2145, amountmax = 5},
[{301, 400}] = {msg = "You found %A %N.", item = 2225},
[{401, 500}] = {msg = "You found %A %N.", item = 2148, amountmax = 100},
[{501, 600}] = {msg = "You found %A %N.", item = 2146, amountmax = 5},
[{601, 700}] = {msg = "You found %A %N.", item = 2149, amountmax = 5},
[{701, 800}] = {msg = "You found %A %N.", item = 2150, amountmax = 3},
[{1001, 1100}] = {msg = "You found %A %N.", item = 2147, amountmax = 2},
[{1101, 1200}] = {msg = "You found %A %N.", item = 2143, amountmax = 4},
[{1201, 1300}] = {msg = "You found %A %N.", item = 2144, amountmax = 5},
[{1301, 1400}] = {msg = "An angry dwarf came out of the rock piles!", summon = "Dwarf"},
[{1401, 1500}] = {msg = "A badger got unstuck and it looks angry!", summon = "Badger"},
[{1501, 1600}] = {msg = "A rotworm came from a hole you made on the ground!", summon = "Rotworm"},
[{1701, 1800}] = {msg = "A weak troll has appeared from the pile of rocks!", summon = "Troll"},
[{1801, 1900}] = {msg = "Woah! A skeleton just appeared from the pile of rocks!", summon = "Skeleton"},
[{1901, 2000}] = {msg = "Your pick has been heavily damaged and it broke...", destroy = true}
function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
if isInArray(config.stones, itemEx.itemid) and config.level <= getPlayerLevel(cid) and config.skillReq <= getPlayerSkill(cid, config.skill) and config.soul <= getPlayerSoul(cid) then
local v, amount, damage = math.random(2000), 1, nil
for i, k in pairs(t) do
if v >= i[1] and v <= i[2] then
if k.destroy then
if k.summon then
doSummonCreature(k.summon, toPosition)
if k.item then
if k.amountmax then
amount = math.random(k.amountmax)
doPlayerAddItem(cid, k.item, amount)
if k.msg then
local msg = k.msg
if msg:find("%%") then
if msg:find("%%A") and k.item then
msg = msg:gsub("%%A", amount > 1 and amount or getItemDescriptions(k.item))
if msg:find("%%N") and k.item then
msg = msg:gsub("%%N", amount > 1 and getItemDescriptions(k.item).plural or getItemName(k.item))
if msg:find("%%D") and damage then
msg = msg:gsub("%%D", damage)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, config.msgType, msg)
doTransformItem(itemEx.uid, config.debris)
doPlayerAddSoul(cid, -config.soul)
doPlayerAddSkillTry(cid, config.skill, config.addTries)
return true
return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You either aren't experienced, skilled or don't have enough soul, or this isn't a breakable rock.")
and woodcutting scripts:
local config = {
trees = {2701,2702,2703,2704,2705,2706,2707,2708,2709,2710,2712,2717,2718,2720,2722},
t = {
[{1, 100}] = {tree = 2701},
[{101, 200}] = {tree = 2702},
[{201, 300}] = {tree = 2703},
[{301, 400}] = {tree = 2704},
[{401, 500}] = {tree = 2705},
[{501, 600}] = {tree = 2706},
[{601, 700}] = {tree = 2707},
[{701, 800}] = {tree = 2708},
[{801, 900}] = {tree = 2709},
[{901, 1000}] = {tree = 2710},
[{1001, 1100}] = {tree = 2712},
[{1101, 1200}] = {tree = 2717},
[{1201, 1300}] = {tree = 2718},
[{1301, 1400}] = {tree = 2720},
[{1401, 1500}] = {tree = 2722}
level = 15,
skill = SKILL_AXE,
skillReq = 10,
addTries = 100,
branches = 2767,
soul = 3,
minutes = 1
local t = {
[{1, 500}] = {msg = "You choped the tree and got some wood", item = 2149, amountmax = 3},
[{501, 750}] = {msg = "You have damaged your axe and it broke!", destroy = true},
[{751, 1550}] = {msg = "You choped the tree down, but the the wood was not good."},
[{1551, 1650}] = {msg = "oh no the tree had a Wasps nest in it!", summon = "Wasp"},
[{1751, 2000}] = {msg = "You choped the tree and got some wood", item = 2148, amountmax = 5},
[{2001, 2250}] = {msg = "A Spider that was stuck jumped from the choped tree", summon = "Spider"},
[{2251, 2500}] = {msg = "There was a bird's nest in the tree and you took some eggs from the nest", item = 2695, amountmax = 5},
[{2501, 2750}] = {msg = "Hahaa! You found a sack with coins in it!", item = 2148, amountmax = 50},
[{2751, 3000}] = {msg = "A rat jumped at you!", summon = "Rat"}
function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
if isInArray(config.trees, itemEx.itemid) and config.level <= getPlayerLevel(cid) and config.skillReq <= getPlayerSkill(cid, config.skill) and config.soul <= getPlayerSoul(cid) then
local v, amount, damage = math.random(3000), 1, nil
for i, k in pairs(t) do
if v >= i[1] and v <= i[2] then
if k.destroy then
if k.summon then
doSummonCreature(k.summon, toPosition)
if k.item then
if k.amountmax then
amount = math.random(k.amountmax)
doPlayerAddItem(cid, k.item, amount)
if k.msg then
local msg = k.msg
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, config.msgType, msg)
local function regen(parameter)
doCreatureAddHealth(cid, 20)
addEvent(regen, 10*1000, {cid = cid})
local function stopRegen(parameter)
addEvent(stopRegen, 61*1000, {cid = cid})
doCreatureAddHealth(cid, 20)
addEvent(regen, 10*1000, {cid = cid})
doTransformItem(itemEx.uid, config.branches)
doPlayerAddSoul(cid, -config.soul)
doSendMagicEffect(toPosition, k.destroy and CONST_ME_HITAREA or config.effect) 
return doPlayerAddSkillTry(cid, config.skill, config.addTries)
return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Either this tree can't be choped or you don't have enough experience, skill or soul to chop this tree.")
but when im using axe or pick i have an errors:22291d1376829783-mining-woodcutting-prob i cant find error, plz help.
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