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Olá galera, ultimamente está saindo várias novidades para os servidores e eu estou atualizando para os brasileiros :3   Você sabia que o gesior também migrou para o GitHub? Bom, ele migrou e agora

Tente deixar o seu config.lua assim: -- MySQL mysqlHost = " ou localhost" -- fica  seu critério. mysqlUser = "root" mysqlPass = "SENHA" mysqlDatabase = "DATABASE" mysqlPort = 3306 passwordT

Adicone no config.lua depois disso: -- MySQL mysqlHost = "localhost" mysqlUser = "root" mysqlPass = "SENHA" mysqlDatabase = "DATABASE" mysqlPort = 3306  Isso: passwordType = 'sha1'

Em 4/12/2013 at 01:03, Comedinha disse:




TFS 1.0:



en donde coloco o donde se encuentra 



case "bountyhunters";
        $topic = "Bounty Hunters";
        $subtopic = "bountyhunters";



no lo puedo encontrar.


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  • 1 month later...
Em 04/07/2015 at 12:56, gileadeh disse:

Check server configuration

Error occured!

Error ID: #C-2
More info: ERROR: #C-2 : Class::ConfigLUA - LUA config file doesn't exist. Path:C:/Users/Gileade/Desktop/Project Neptune/config.lua

File: C:\xampp\htdocs\classes/configlua.php   Line: 24
File: C:\xampp\htdocs\classes/configlua.php   Line: 12
File: C:\xampp\htdocs/install.php   Line: 207



alguem pode me ajudar a resouver isso ?


Mesmo problema aqui

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  • 1 month later...

Boa noite.

Estou tendo problemas em configurar o site. Ele para no STEP 4 com o seguinte erro:



Add samples to DB:

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function fetch() on boolean in C:\xampp\htdocs\classes\account.php:33 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\classes\account.php(21): Account->load(1, 'name') #1 C:\xampp\htdocs\install.php(353): Account->__construct(1, 'name') #2 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\classes\account.php on line 33

Alguém sabe como proceder?


Nos passos anteriores recebo a seguinte mensagem (que imagino que sejam esperadas receber em caso de sucesso)


STEP start

Welcome to Gesior Account Maker installer. After 5 simple steps account maker will be ready to use!
CAN WRITE TO FILE: config/config.php
CAN WRITE TO FILE: cache/flags
CAN WRITE TO FILE: cache/DONT_EDIT_usercounter.txt
CAN WRITE TO FILE: cache/DONT_EDIT_serverstatus.txt
CAN WRITE TO FILE: custom_scripts
CAN WRITE TO FILE: install.txt


Check database connection
If you don't see any errors press link to STEP 3 - Add tables and columns to DB. If you see some errors it mean server has wrong configuration. Check FAQ or ask author of acc. maker.


Add tables and columns to DB
Installer try to add new tables and columns to database.
Could not add column key to table accounts. Already exist?
Could not add column email_new to table accounts. Already exist?
Could not add column email_new_time to table accounts. Already exist?
Could not add column rlname to table accounts. Already exist?
Could not add column location to table accounts. Already exist?
Could not add column page_access to table accounts. Already exist?
Could not add column email_code to table accounts. Already exist?
Could not add column next_email to table accounts. Already exist?
Could not add column premium_points to table accounts. Already exist?
Could not add column create_date to table accounts. Already exist?
Could not add column create_ip to table accounts. Already exist?
Could not add column last_post to table accounts. Already exist?
Could not add column flag to table accounts. Already exist?
Could not add column description to table guilds. Already exist?
Could not add column guild_logo to table guilds. Already exist?
Could not add column create_ip to table guilds. Already exist?
Could not add column balance to table guilds. Already exist?
Could not add column deleted to table players. Already exist?
Could not add column description to table players. Already exist?
Could not add column comment to table players. Already exist?
Could not add column create_ip to table players. Already exist?
Could not add column create_date to table players. Already exist?
Could not add column hide_char to table players. Already exist?
Could not create table z_ots_comunication. Already exist?
Could not create table z_shop_offer. Already exist?
Could not create table z_shop_history_item. Already exist?
Could not create table z_forum. Already exist?
Tables and columns added to database.
Go to STEP 4 - Add samples


OBS: Utilizo XAMPP e MySQL como programas separados (não sei se isso ajuda em algo).

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  • 2 years later...

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      ►Gesior By Jobsonmb For Tibiaking◄
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      - Enquetes
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