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DeadPoolHost - Confira!





Fui útil? Realmente útil? Obrigado!

Não sabe como compensar?

Doe quanto puder... Seu ato é o que vale!


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Salve TK!   Após a morte subta de um ... bom vocês estão aparte do acontecido... Bom, resolvi disponibilizar minhas versões dos meus websites compatível com o mais novo e complexo TFS 1.0 (T

kk, quantos erros ....   CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `reports` ( `id` int(20) NOT NULL auto_increment, `player_id` varchar(30) NOT NULL, `date` varchar(30) NOT NULL, `reason` varchar(255) N

você não tem a tabela announcements em sua database. Tente executar esse comando na sua dabatabase pleo phpmyadmin:   CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `announcements` ( `id` int(10) NOT NULL auto_in

Erros estão sendo corrigidos amigos =) 


quer dia + ou - você bota o novo site meu irmão.


Só uso seu site e estou sem mexe em site por causa do site!

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esta bugado [shop na hora de por itens a venda/ serverinfo o exp fica errado/ o facebook vc clika no link e nao vai ]

Editado por kinglekke (veja o histórico de edições) Inauguração DOMONIGO as 18:00 | 18/03/2018 | Stages | Custom Map |VENHA SER TOP TABOOS!

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@Drafenous, caso queira colocar o sistema automatico do pagseguro, aconselho olhar esse tutorial .. 



@kinglekke, você ganha acesso god ao site na instalação quando tu cria a account do admin, mas se quiser criar outra e dar o acesso, conseguirá apenas pelo phpmyadmin, onde tu irá abrir a tabela 'accounts', selecionar a account do individuo e mudar a coluna 'page_acess' de valor 0 para 6.

Espero ter ajudado!


encontrei aqui, no caso já vem no sistema... porém não estou encontrando o de retorno automático do paypal...

Tem algum script aqui no forum? não estou encontrando.

Draferia Online:


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ta dando problema no arquivo OTS_Player.php

Antica Global - Server Online



EXP: 999x [sTAGES]
ML: 300x
SKILL: 500x
LOOT: 10x
VERSÃO: 10.77
PORTA: 7171
1 - 8 level, 999x
9 - 20 level, 950x
21 - 50 level, 800x
51 - 100 level, 750x
101 - 130 level, 650x
131 - 180 level, 550x
181 - 230 level, 450x
231 - 300 level, 350x
301+ level, 300x
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eu coloquei pelo vertrigo tudo certinho, instalei a database mysql funcionou e bateu certo com o  server on, dai quando entro no site local aparece Impossível de conectar-se com o banco de dados, informe para o WebMaster do website.  não sei pq disso, no uniform serv tb dava a mesma coisa, alguem pode me ajudar?

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@lamina, pelo jeito que tu quer adivinhemos o problema ..  


EUheuhEU mals.


Aqui uma imagem:



E aqui ta o arquivo:


 * @version 0.0.1

 * @package POT
 * @version 0.1.5
 * @author Wrzasq <[email protected]>
 * @copyright 2007 - 2008 (C) by Wrzasq
 * @license GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3

 * OTServ character abstraction.
 * @package POT
 * @version 0.1.5
 * @property string $name Character name.
 * @property OTS_Account $account Account to which character belongs.
 * @property OTS_Group $group Group of which character is member.
 * @property int $sex Gender.
 * @property int $vocation Vocation.
 * @property int $experience Experience points.
 * @property int $level Experience level.
 * @property int $magLevel Magic level.
 * @property int $health Hit points.
 * @property int $healthMax Maximum hit points.
 * @property int $mana Mana.
 * @property int $manaMax Maximum mana.
 * @property int $manaSpent Spent mana.
 * @property int $soul Soul points.
 * @property int $direction Looking direction.
 * @property int $lookBody Body color.
 * @property int $lookFeet Feet color.
 * @property int $lookHead Hairs color.
 * @property int $lookLegs Legs color.
 * @property int $lookType Outfit type.
 * @property int $lookAddons Addons.
 * @property int $posX Spawn X coord.
 * @property int $posY Spawn Y coord.
 * @property int $posZ Spawn Z coord.
 * @property int $cap Capacity.
 * @property int $lastLogin Last login timestamp.
 * @property int $lastIP Last login IP number.
 * @property string $conditions Binary conditions.
 * @property int $redSkullTime Timestamp for which red skull will last.
 * @property string $guildNick
 * @property OTS_GuildRank $rank
 * @property int $townId
 * @property int $lossExperience
 * @property int $lossMana
 * @property int $lossSkills
 * @property int $lossItems
 * @property int $balance Bank balance.
 * @property bool $save Player save flag.
 * @property bool $redSkull Player red skull flag.
 * @property bool $banned Player banned state.
 * @property-read int $id Player ID.
 * @property-read bool $loaded Loaded state.
 * @property-read string $townName Name of town in which player residents.
 * @property-read OTS_House $house House which player rents.
 * @property-read OTS_Players_List $vipsList List of VIPs of player.
 * @property-read string $vocationName String vocation representation.
 * @property-read array $spellsList List of known spells.
 * @tutorial POT/Players.pkg
class OTS_Player extends OTS_Row_DAO
 * Player data.
 * @version 0.1.2
 * @var array
    private $data = array('sex' => POT::SEX_FEMALE, 'vocation' => 0, 'experience' => 0, 'level' => 1, 'maglevel' => 0, 'health' => 100, 'healthmax' => 100, 'mana' => 100, 'manamax' => 100, 'manaspent' => 0, 'soul' => 0, 'direction' => POT::DIRECTION_NORTH, 'lookbody' => 10, 'lookfeet' => 10, 'lookhead' => 10, 'looklegs' => 10, 'looktype' => 136, 'lookaddons' => 0, 'posx' => 0, 'posy' => 0, 'posz' => 0, 'cap' => 0, 'lastlogin' => 0, 'lastip' => 0, 'save' => true, 'skull' => 0, 'guildnick' => '', 'loss_experience' => 10, 'loss_mana' => 10, 'loss_skills' => 10, 'loss_items' => 10, 'balance' => 0, 'deleted' => 0, 'promotion' => 0, 'online' => 0, 'marriage' => 0, 'comment' => '', 'created' => 0, 'hide_char' => 0, 'old_name' => '', 'world_id' => 0);

 * Player skills.
 * @version 0.0.2
 * @since 0.0.2
 * @var array
    private $skills = array();

 * Magic PHP5 method.
 * Allows object serialisation.
 * @return array List of properties that should be saved.
 * @version 0.0.4
 * @since 0.0.4
    public function __sleep()
        return array('data', 'skills');

 * Loads player with given id.
 * @version 0.1.2
 * @param int $id Player's ID.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function load($id)
        // SELECT query on database
        $this->data = $this->db->query('SELECT ' . $this->db->fieldName('id') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('name') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('account_id') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('group_id') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('sex') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('vocation') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('experience') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('level') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('maglevel') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('health') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('healthmax') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('mana') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('manamax') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('manaspent') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('soul') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('direction') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lookbody') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lookfeet') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lookhead') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('looklegs') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('looktype') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lookaddons') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('posx') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('posy') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('posz') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('cap') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lastlogin') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lastip') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('save') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('conditions') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('skull') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('guildnick') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('rank_id') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('town_id') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('loss_experience') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('loss_mana') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('loss_skills') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('loss_items') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('balance') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('online') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('deleted') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('promotion') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('marriage') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('comment') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('created') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('hide_char') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('old_name') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('world_id') . ' FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('players') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('id') . ' = ' . (int) $id)->fetch();

        // loads skills
        if( $this->isLoaded() )
            foreach( $this->db->query('SELECT ' . $this->db->fieldName('skillid') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('value') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('count') . ' FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_skills') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'])->fetchAll() as $skill)
                $this->skills[ $skill['skillid'] ] = array('value' => $skill['value'], 'tries' => $skill['count']);

 * Loads player by it's name.
 * @version 0.0.5
 * @since 0.0.2
 * @param string $name Player's name.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function find($name)
        // finds player's ID
        $id = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('players') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('name') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($name) )->fetch();

        // if anything was found
        if( isset($id['id']) )
			// finds player's ID
	        $id = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('players') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('old_name') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($name) . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('nick_verify') .' = 1')->fetch();

	        // if anything was found
	        if( isset($id['id']) )

 * Checks if object is loaded.
 * @return bool Load state.
    public function isLoaded()
        return isset($this->data['id']);

 * Saves player in database.
 * <p>
 * If player is not loaded to represent any existing group it will create new row for it.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.1.2
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function save()
        // updates existing player
        if( isset($this->data['id']) )
            // UPDATE query on database
            $this->db->query('UPDATE ' . $this->db->tableName('players') . ' SET ' . $this->db->fieldName('name') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($this->data['name']) . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('account_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['account_id'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('group_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['group_id'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('sex') . ' = ' . $this->data['sex'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('vocation') . ' = ' . $this->data['vocation'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('experience') . ' = ' . $this->data['experience'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('level') . ' = ' . $this->data['level'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('maglevel') . ' = ' . $this->data['maglevel'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('health') . ' = ' . $this->data['health'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('healthmax') . ' = ' . $this->data['healthmax'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('mana') . ' = ' . $this->data['mana'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('manamax') . ' = ' . $this->data['manamax'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('manaspent') . ' = ' . $this->data['manaspent'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('soul') . ' = ' . $this->data['soul'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('direction') . ' = ' . $this->data['direction'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lookbody') . ' = ' . $this->data['lookbody'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lookfeet') . ' = ' . $this->data['lookfeet'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lookhead') . ' = ' . $this->data['lookhead'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('looklegs') . ' = ' . $this->data['looklegs'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('looktype') . ' = ' . $this->data['looktype'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lookaddons') . ' = ' . $this->data['lookaddons'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('posx') . ' = ' . $this->data['posx'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('posy') . ' = ' . $this->data['posy'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('posz') . ' = ' . $this->data['posz'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('cap') . ' = ' . $this->data['cap'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lastlogin') . ' = ' . $this->data['lastlogin'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lastip') . ' = ' . $this->data['lastip'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('save') . ' = ' . (int) $this->data['save'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('conditions') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($this->data['conditions']) . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('skull') . ' = ' . $this->data['skull'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('guildnick') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($this->data['guildnick']) . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('rank_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['rank_id'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('town_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['town_id'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('loss_experience') . ' = ' . $this->data['loss_experience'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('loss_mana') . ' = ' . $this->data['loss_mana'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('loss_skills') . ' = ' . $this->data['loss_skills'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('loss_items') . ' = ' . $this->data['loss_items'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('balance') . ' = ' . $this->data['balance'] . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id']);
        // creates new player
            // INSERT query on database
            $this->db->query('INSERT INTO ' . $this->db->tableName('players') . ' (' . $this->db->fieldName('name') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('account_id') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('group_id') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('sex') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('vocation') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('experience') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('level') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('maglevel') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('health') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('healthmax') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('mana') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('manamax') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('manaspent') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('soul') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('direction') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lookbody') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lookfeet') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lookhead') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('looklegs') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('looktype') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lookaddons') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('posx') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('posy') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('posz') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('cap') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lastlogin') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lastip') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('save') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('conditions') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('skull') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('guildnick') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('rank_id') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('town_id') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('loss_experience') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('loss_mana') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('loss_skills') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('loss_items') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('balance') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('created') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('promotion') . ') VALUES (' . $this->db->quote($this->data['name']) . ', ' . $this->data['account_id'] . ', ' . $this->data['group_id'] . ', ' . $this->data['sex'] . ', ' . $this->data['vocation'] . ', ' . $this->data['experience'] . ', ' . $this->data['level'] . ', ' . $this->data['maglevel'] . ', ' . $this->data['health'] . ', ' . $this->data['healthmax'] . ', ' . $this->data['mana'] . ', ' . $this->data['manamax'] . ', ' . $this->data['manaspent'] . ', ' . $this->data['soul'] . ', ' . $this->data['direction'] . ', ' . $this->data['lookbody'] . ', ' . $this->data['lookfeet'] . ', ' . $this->data['lookhead'] . ', ' . $this->data['looklegs'] . ', ' . $this->data['looktype'] . ', ' . $this->data['lookaddons'] . ', ' . $this->data['posx'] . ', ' . $this->data['posy'] . ', ' . $this->data['posz'] . ', ' . $this->data['cap'] . ', ' . $this->data['lastlogin'] . ', ' . $this->data['lastip'] . ', ' . (int) $this->data['save'] . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->data['conditions']) . ', ' . $this->data['skull'] . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->data['guildnick']) . ', ' . $this->data['rank_id'] . ', ' . $this->data['town_id'] . ', ' . $this->data['loss_experience'] . ', ' . $this->data['loss_mana'] . ', ' . $this->data['loss_skills'] . ', ' . $this->data['loss_items'] . ', ' . $this->data['balance'] . ', ' . time() . ', ' . $this->data['promotion'] . ')');
            // ID of new group
            $this->data['id'] = $this->db->lastInsertId();

        // updates skills - doesn't matter if we have just created character - trigger inserts new skills
        foreach($this->skills as $id => $skill)
            $this->db->query('UPDATE ' . $this->db->tableName('player_skills') . ' SET ' . $this->db->fieldName('value') . ' = ' . $skill['value'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('count') . ' = ' . $skill['tries'] . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'] . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('skillid') . ' = ' . $id);

 * Player ID.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Player ID.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getId()
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['id'];

    public function getWorld()
        if( !isset($this->data['world_id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['world_id'];
    public function getHideChar()
        if( !isset($this->data['hide_char']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['hide_char'];
    public function getMarriage()
        if( !isset($this->data['marriage']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['marriage'];
 * Player name.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return string Player's name.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getName()
        if( !isset($this->data['name']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['name'];

    public function getOldName()
        if( !isset($this->data['old_name']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['old_name'];
 * Sets players's name.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param string $name Name.
    public function setName($name)
        $this->data['name'] = (string) $name;

    public function setWorld($id)
        $this->data['world_id'] = (int) $id;
 * Returns account of this player.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.1.0
 * @return OTS_Account Owning account.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function getAccount()
        if( !isset($this->data['account_id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        $account = new OTS_Account();
        return $account;

 * Assigns character to account.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param OTS_Account $account Owning account.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If passed <var>$account</var> parameter is not loaded.
    public function setAccount(OTS_Account $account)
        $this->data['account_id'] = $account->getId();

 * Returns group of this player.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.1.0
 * @return OTS_Group Group of which current character is member.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function getGroup()
        if( !isset($this->data['group_id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['group_id'];

 * Assigns character to group.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param OTS_Group $group Group to be a member.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If passed <var>$group</var> parameter is not loaded.
    public function setGroup($group)
        $this->data['group_id'] = $group;

 * Player's Premium Account expiration timestamp.
 * @version 0.1.5
 * @since 0.0.3
 * @return int Player PACC expiration timestamp.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @deprecated 0.1.5 Use OTS_Account->getPremiumEnd().
    public function getPremiumEnd()
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->getAccount()->getPremiumEnd();

 * Player gender.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Player gender.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getSex()
        if( !isset($this->data['sex']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['sex'];

	public function isDeleted()
        if( !isset($this->data['deleted']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['deleted'] > 0;
    public function isOnline()
        if( !isset($this->data['online']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['online'] == 1;

    public function getCreated()
        if( !isset($this->data['created']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['created'];
	public function getcreation()
        if( !isset($this->data['creation']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['creation'];
    public function getComment()
        if( !isset($this->data['comment']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['comment'];

 * Sets player gender.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $sex Player gender.
    public function setSex($sex)
        $this->data['sex'] = (int) $sex;

 * Player proffesion.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Player proffesion.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getVocation()
        if( !isset($this->data['vocation']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['vocation'];

    public function getPromotion()
        if( !isset($this->data['promotion']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['promotion'];
 * Sets player proffesion.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $vocation Player proffesion.
    public function setVocation($vocation)
        $this->data['vocation'] = (int) $vocation;

    public function setPromotion($promotion)
        $this->data['promotion'] = (int) $promotion;
 * Experience points.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Experience points.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getExperience()
        if( !isset($this->data['experience']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['experience'];

 * Sets experience points.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $experience Experience points.
    public function setExperience($experience)
        $this->data['experience'] = (int) $experience;

 * Experience level.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Experience level.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getLevel()
        if( !isset($this->data['level']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['level'];

 * Sets experience level.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $level Experience level.
    public function setLevel($level)
        $this->data['level'] = (int) $level;

 * Magic level.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Magic level.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getMagLevel()
        if( !isset($this->data['maglevel']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['maglevel'];

 * Sets magic level.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $maglevel Magic level.
    public function setMagLevel($maglevel)
        $this->data['maglevel'] = (int) $maglevel;

 * Current HP.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Current HP.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getHealth()
        if( !isset($this->data['health']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['health'];

 * Sets current HP.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $health Current HP.
    public function setHealth($health)
        $this->data['health'] = (int) $health;

 * Maximum HP.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Maximum HP.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getHealthMax()
        if( !isset($this->data['healthmax']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['healthmax'];

 * Sets maximum HP.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $healthmax Maximum HP.
    public function setHealthMax($healthmax)
        $this->data['healthmax'] = (int) $healthmax;

 * Current mana.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Current mana.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getMana()
        if( !isset($this->data['mana']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['mana'];

 * Sets current mana.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $mana Current mana.
    public function setMana($mana)
        $this->data['mana'] = (int) $mana;

 * Maximum mana.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Maximum mana.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getManaMax()
        if( !isset($this->data['manamax']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['manamax'];

 * Sets maximum mana.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $manamax Maximum mana.
    public function setManaMax($manamax)
        $this->data['manamax'] = (int) $manamax;

 * Mana spent.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Mana spent.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getManaSpent()
        if( !isset($this->data['manaspent']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['manaspent'];

 * Sets mana spent.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $manaspent Mana spent.
    public function setManaSpent($manaspent)
        $this->data['manaspent'] = (int) $manaspent;

 * Soul points.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Soul points.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getSoul()
        if( !isset($this->data['soul']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['soul'];

 * Sets soul points.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $soul Soul points.
    public function setSoul($soul)
        $this->data['soul'] = (int) $soul;

 * Looking direction.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Looking direction.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getDirection()
        if( !isset($this->data['direction']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['direction'];

 * Sets looking direction.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $direction Looking direction.
    public function setDirection($direction)
        $this->data['direction'] = (int) $direction;

 * Body color.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Body color.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getLookBody()
        if( !isset($this->data['lookbody']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['lookbody'];

 * Sets body color.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $lookbody Body color.
    public function setLookBody($lookbody)
        $this->data['lookbody'] = (int) $lookbody;

 * Boots color.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Boots color.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getLookFeet()
        if( !isset($this->data['lookfeet']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['lookfeet'];

 * Sets boots color.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $lookfeet Boots color.
    public function setLookFeet($lookfeet)
        $this->data['lookfeet'] = (int) $lookfeet;

 * Hair color.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Hair color.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getLookHead()
        if( !isset($this->data['lookhead']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['lookhead'];

 * Sets hair color.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $lookhead Hair color.
    public function setLookHead($lookhead)
        $this->data['lookhead'] = (int) $lookhead;

 * Legs color.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Legs color.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getLookLegs()
        if( !isset($this->data['looklegs']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['looklegs'];

 * Sets legs color.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $looklegs Legs color.
    public function setLookLegs($looklegs)
        $this->data['looklegs'] = (int) $looklegs;

 * Outfit.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Outfit.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getLookType()
        if( !isset($this->data['looktype']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['looktype'];

 * Sets outfit.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $looktype Outfit.
    public function setLookType($looktype)
        $this->data['looktype'] = (int) $looktype;

 * Addons.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Addons.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getLookAddons()
        if( !isset($this->data['lookaddons']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['lookaddons'];

 * Sets addons.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $lookaddons Addons.
    public function setLookAddons($lookaddons)
        $this->data['lookaddons'] = (int) $lookaddons;

 * X map coordinate.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int X map coordinate.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getPosX()
        if( !isset($this->data['posx']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['posx'];

 * Sets X map coordinate.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $posx X map coordinate.
    public function setPosX($posx)
        $this->data['posx'] = (int) $posx;

 * Y map coordinate.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Y map coordinate.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getPosY()
        if( !isset($this->data['posy']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['posy'];

 * Sets Y map coordinate.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $posy Y map coordinate.
    public function setPosY($posy)
        $this->data['posy'] = (int) $posy;

 * Z map coordinate.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Z map coordinate.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getPosZ()
        if( !isset($this->data['posz']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['posz'];

 * Sets Z map coordinate.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $posz Z map coordinate.
    public function setPosZ($posz)
        $this->data['posz'] = (int) $posz;

 * Capacity.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Capacity.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getCap()
        if( !isset($this->data['cap']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['cap'];

 * Sets capacity.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $cap Capacity.
    public function setCap($cap)
        $this->data['cap'] = (int) $cap;

 * Last login timestamp.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Last login timestamp.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getLastLogin()
        if( !isset($this->data['lastlogin']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['lastlogin'];

 * Sets last login timestamp.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $lastlogin Last login timestamp.
    public function setLastLogin($lastlogin)
        $this->data['lastlogin'] = (int) $lastlogin;

 * Last login IP.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Last login IP.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getLastIP()
        if( !isset($this->data['lastip']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['lastip'];

 * Sets last login IP.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $lastip Last login IP.
    public function setLastIP($lastip)
        $this->data['lastip'] = (int) $lastip;

 * Checks if save flag is set.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.7
 * @return bool PACC days.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function isSaveSet()
        if( !isset($this->data['save']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['save'];

 * Unsets save flag.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.7
    public function unsetSave()
        $this->data['save'] = false;

 * @version 0.0.7
 * @since 0.0.6
 * @return int Save counter.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @deprecated 0.0.7 Save field is back as flag not a counter.
    public function getSave()
        if( !isset($this->data['save']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['save'];

 * Sets save flag.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.7
 * @param int $save Deprecated, unused, optional.
    public function setSave($save = 1)
        $this->data['save'] = true;

 * Conditions.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return string Conditions binary string.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getConditions()
        if( !isset($this->data['conditions']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['conditions'];

 * Sets conditions.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param string $conditions Condition binary string.
    public function setConditions($conditions)
        $this->data['conditions'] = $conditions;

 * Red skulled time remained.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Red skulled time remained.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getRedSkullTime()
        if( !isset($this->data['redskulltime']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['redskulltime'];

 * Sets red skulled time remained.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $redskulltime Red skulled time remained.
    public function setRedSkullTime($redskulltime)
        $this->data['redskulltime'] = (int) $redskulltime;

 * Checks if player has red skull.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return bool Red skull state.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function hasRedSkull()
        if( !isset($this->data['redskull']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['redskull'];

 * Unsets red skull flag.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
    public function unsetRedSkull()
        $this->data['redskull'] = false;

 * Sets red skull flag.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
    public function setRedSkull()
        $this->data['redskull'] = true;

 * Guild nick.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return string Guild title.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getGuildNick()
        if( !isset($this->data['guildnick']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['guildnick'];

 * Sets guild nick.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param string $guildnick Name.
    public function setGuildNick($guildnick)
        $this->data['guildnick'] = (string) $guildnick;

 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Guild rank ID.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @deprecated 0.0.4 Use getRank().
    public function getRankId()
        if( !isset($this->data['rank_id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['rank_id'];

 * Assigned guild rank.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.1.0
 * @return OTS_GuildRank|null Guild rank (null if not member of any).
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function getRank()
        if( !isset($this->data['rank_id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        if($this->data['rank_id'] == 0)
            return null;

        $guildRank = new OTS_GuildRank();
        return $guildRank;

 * @param int $rank_id Guild rank ID.
 * @deprecated 0.0.4 Use setRank().
    public function setRankId($rank_id)
        $this->data['rank_id'] = (int) $rank_id;

 * Assigns guild rank.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param OTS_GuildRank|null Guild rank (null to clear assign).
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If passed <var>$guildRank</var> parameter is not loaded.
    public function setRank(OTS_GuildRank $guildRank = null)
        if( isset($guildRank) )
            $this->data['rank_id'] = $guildRank->getId();
            $this->data['rank_id'] = 0;

 * Residence town's ID.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Residence town's ID.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getTownId()
        if( !isset($this->data['town_id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['town_id'];

 * Sets residence town's ID.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $town_id Residence town's ID.
    public function setTownId($town_id)
        $this->data['town_id'] = (int) $town_id;

 * Percentage of experience lost after dead.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Percentage of experience lost after dead.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getLossExperience()
        if( !isset($this->data['loss_experience']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['loss_experience'];

 * Sets percentage of experience lost after dead.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $loss_experience Percentage of experience lost after dead.
    public function setLossExperience($loss_experience)
        $this->data['loss_experience'] = (int) $loss_experience;

 * Percentage of used mana lost after dead.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Percentage of used mana lost after dead.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getLossMana()
        if( !isset($this->data['loss_mana']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['loss_mana'];

 * Sets percentage of used mana lost after dead.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $loss_mana Percentage of used mana lost after dead.
    public function setLossMana($loss_mana)
        $this->data['loss_mana'] = (int) $loss_mana;

 * Percentage of skills lost after dead.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Percentage of skills lost after dead.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getLossSkills()
        if( !isset($this->data['loss_skills']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['loss_skills'];

 * Sets percentage of skills lost after dead.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $loss_skills Percentage of skills lost after dead.
    public function setLossSkills($loss_skills)
        $this->data['loss_skills'] = (int) $loss_skills;

 * Percentage of items lost after dead.
 * @version 0.1.4
 * @since 0.1.4
 * @return int Percentage of items lost after dead.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getLossItems()
        if( !isset($this->data['loss_items']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['loss_items'];

 * Sets percentage of items lost after dead.
 * @version 0.1.4
 * @since 0.1.4
 * @param int $loss_items Percentage of items lost after dead.
    public function setLossItems($loss_items)
        $this->data['loss_items'] = (int) $loss_items;

 * Bank balance.
 * @version 0.1.2
 * @since 0.1.2
 * @return int Amount of money stored in bank.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getBalance()
        if( !isset($this->data['balance']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['balance'];

 * Sets bank balance value.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.1.2
 * @since 0.1.2
 * @param int $balance Amount of money to be set in bank.
    public function setBalance($balance)
        $this->data['balance'] = (int) $balance;

 * Reads custom field.
 * <p>
 * Reads field by it's name. Can read any field of given record that exists in database.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Note: You should use this method only for fields that are not provided in standard setters/getters (SVN fields). This method runs SQL query each time you call it so it highly overloads used resources.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.5
 * @since 0.0.3
 * @param string $field Field name.
 * @return string Field value.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function getCustomField($field)
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        $value = $this->db->query('SELECT ' . $this->db->fieldName($field) . ' FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('players') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'])->fetch();
        return $value[$field];

 * Writes custom field.
 * <p>
 * Write field by it's name. Can write any field of given record that exists in database.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Note: You should use this method only for fields that are not provided in standard setters/getters (SVN fields). This method runs SQL query each time you call it so it highly overloads used resources.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Note: Make sure that you pass $value argument of correct type. This method determinates whether to quote field value. It is safe - it makes you sure that no unproper queries that could lead to SQL injection will be executed, but it can make your code working wrong way. For example: $object->setCustomField('foo', '1'); will quote 1 as as string ('1') instead of passing it as a integer.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.5
 * @since 0.0.3
 * @param string $field Field name.
 * @param mixed $value Field value.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function setCustomField($field, $value)
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        // quotes value for SQL query
        if(!( is_int($value) || is_float($value) ))
            $value = $this->db->quote($value);

        $this->db->query('UPDATE ' . $this->db->tableName('players') . ' SET ' . $this->db->fieldName($field) . ' = ' . $value . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id']);

 * Returns player's skill.
 * @version 0.0.2
 * @since 0.0.2
 * @param int $skill Skill ID.
 * @return int Skill value.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getSkill($skill)
        if( !isset($this->skills[$skill]) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->skills[$skill]['value'];

 * Sets skill value.
 * @version 0.0.2
 * @since 0.0.2
 * @param int $skill Skill ID.
 * @param int $value Skill value.
    public function setSkill($skill, $value)
        $this->skills[ (int) $skill]['value'] = (int) $value;

 * Returns player's skill's tries for next level.
 * @version 0.0.2
 * @since 0.0.2
 * @param int $skill Skill ID.
 * @return int Skill tries.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getSkillTries($skill)
        if( !isset($this->skills[$skill]) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->skills[$skill]['tries'];

 * Sets skill's tries for next level.
 * @version 0.0.2
 * @since 0.0.2
 * @param int $skill Skill ID.
 * @param int $tries Skill tries.
    public function setSkillTries($skill, $tries)
        $this->skills[ (int) $skill]['tries'] = (int) $tries;

 * Returns value of storage record.
 * @version 0.1.3
 * @since 0.1.2
 * @param int $key Storage key.
 * @return int|null Stored value (null if not set).
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function getStorage($key)
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        $value = $this->db->query('SELECT ' . $this->db->fieldName('value') . ' FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_storage') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('key') . ' = ' . (int) $key . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'])->fetch();

        if($value !== false)
            return null;

        return $value['value'];

 * Sets value of storage record.
 * @version 0.1.2
 * @since 0.1.2
 * @param int $key Storage key.
 * @param int $value Stored value.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function setStorage($key, $value)
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        $current = $this->getStorage($key);

        // checks if there is any row to be updates
        if( isset($current) )
            $this->db->query('UPDATE ' . $this->db->tableName('player_storage') . ' SET ' . $this->db->fieldName('value') . ' = ' . (int) $value . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'] . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('key') . ' = ' . (int) $key);
        // inserts new storage record
            $this->db->query('INSERT INTO ' . $this->db->tableName('player_storage') . ' (' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('key') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('value') . ') VALUES (' . $this->data['id'] . ', ' . (int) $key . ', ' . (int) $value . ')');

 * Deletes item with contained items.
 * @version 0.0.5
 * @since 0.0.3
 * @param int $sid Item unique player's ID.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    private function deleteItem($sid)
        // deletes all sub-items
        foreach( $this->db->query('SELECT ' . $this->db->fieldName('sid') . ' FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_items') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'] . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('pid') . ' = ' . $sid)->fetchAll() as $item)

        // deletes item
        $this->db->query('DELETE FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_items') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'] . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('sid') . ' = ' . $sid);

 * Returns items tree from given slot.
 * <p>
 * You need global items list resources loaded in order to use this method.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.1.2
 * @since 0.0.3
 * @param int $slot Slot to get items.
 * @return OTS_Item|null Item in given slot (items tree if in given slot there is a container). If there is no item in slot then null value will be returned.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded or there is no global items list resource loaded.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotAContainer If item which is not of type container contains sub items.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function getSlot($slot)
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        // loads current item
        $item = $this->db->query('SELECT ' . $this->db->fieldName('itemtype') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('sid') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('count') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('attributes') . ' FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_items') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'] . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName($slot > POT::SLOT_AMMO ? 'sid' : 'pid') . ' = ' . (int) $slot)->fetch();

        if( empty($item) )
            return null;

        // checks if there are any items under current one
        $items = array();
        foreach( $this->db->query('SELECT ' . $this->db->fieldName('sid') . ' FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_items') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'] . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('pid') . ' = ' . $item['sid'])->fetchAll() as $sub)
            $items[] = $this->getSlot($sub['sid']);

        // item type
        $slot = POT::getInstance()->getItemsList()->getItemType($item['itemtype'])->createItem();

        // checks if current item has any contained items
        if( !empty($items) )
            // checks if item is realy a container
            if(!$slot instanceof OTS_Container)
                throw new E_OTS_NotAContainer();

            // puts items into container
            foreach($items as $sub)

        return $slot;

 * Sets slot content.
 * @version 0.1.2
 * @since 0.0.3
 * @param int $slot Slot to save items.
 * @param OTS_Item $item Item (can be a container with content) for given slot. Leave this parameter blank to clear slot.
 * @param int $pid Deprecated, not used anymore.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function setSlot($slot, OTS_Item $item = null, $pid = 0)
        static $sid;

        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        // clears current slot
        if($slot <= POT::SLOT_AMMO)
            $id = $this->db->query('SELECT ' . $this->db->fieldName('sid') . ' FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_items') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'] . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('pid') . ' = ' . (int) $slot)->fetch();
            $this->deleteItem( (int) $id['sid']);

        // checks if there is any item to insert
        if( isset($item) )
            // current maximum sid (over slot sids)
            if( !isset($sid) )
                $sid = $this->db->query('SELECT MAX(' . $this->db->fieldName('sid') . ') AS `sid` FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_items') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'])->fetch();
                $sid = $sid['sid'] > POT::SLOT_AMMO ? $sid['sid'] : POT::SLOT_AMMO;


            // inserts given item
            $this->db->query('INSERT INTO ' . $this->db->tableName('player_items') . ' (' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('sid') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('pid') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('itemtype') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('count') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('attributes') . ') VALUES (' . $this->data['id'] . ', ' . $sid . ', ' . (int) $slot . ', ' . $item->getId() . ', ' . $item->getCount() . ', ' . $this->db->quote( $item->getAttributes() ) . ')');

            // checks if this is container
            if($item instanceof OTS_Container)
                $pid = $sid;

                // inserts all contained items
                foreach($item as $sub)
                    $this->setSlot($pid, $sub);

        // clears $sid for next public call
        if($slot <= POT::SLOT_AMMO)
            $sid = null;

 * Deletes depot item with contained items.
 * @version 0.0.5
 * @since 0.0.3
 * @param int $sid Depot item unique player's ID.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    private function deleteDepot($sid)
        // deletes all sub-items
        foreach( $this->db->query('SELECT ' . $this->db->fieldName('sid') . ' FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_depotitems') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'] . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('pid') . ' = ' . $sid)->fetchAll() as $item)

        // deletes item
        $this->db->query('DELETE FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_depotitems') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'] . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('sid') . ' = ' . $sid);

 * Returns items tree from given depot.
 * <p>
 * You need global items list resources loaded in order to use this method.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.1.2
 * @since 0.0.3
 * @param int $depot Depot ID to get items.
 * @return OTS_Item|null Item in given depot (items tree if in given depot there is a container). If there is no item in depot then null value will be returned.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded or there is no global items list resource loaded.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotAContainer If item which is not of type container contains sub items.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function getDepot($depot)
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        // loads current item
        $item = $this->db->query('SELECT ' . $this->db->fieldName('itemtype') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('sid') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('count') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('attributes') . ' FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_depotitems') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'] . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName($depot > POT::DEPOT_SID_FIRST ? 'sid' : 'pid') . ' = ' . (int) $depot)->fetch();

        if( empty($item) )
            return null;

        // checks if there are any items under current one
        $items = array();
        foreach( $this->db->query('SELECT ' . $this->db->fieldName('sid') . ' FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_depotitems') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'] . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('pid') . ' = ' . $item['sid'])->fetchAll() as $sub)
            $items[] = $this->getDepot($sub['sid']);

        // item type
        $depot = POT::getInstance()->getItemsList()->getItemType($item['itemtype'])->createItem();

        // checks if current item has any contained items
        if( !empty($items) )
            // checks if item is realy a container
            if(!$depot instanceof OTS_Container)
                throw new E_OTS_NotAContainer();

            // puts items into container
            foreach($items as $sub)

        return $depot;

 * Sets depot content.
 * @version 0.1.2
 * @since 0.0.3
 * @param int $depot Depot ID to save items.
 * @param OTS_Item $item Item (can be a container with content) for given depot. Leave this parameter blank to clear depot.
 * @param int $pid Deprecated, not used anymore.
 * @param int $depot_id Internal, for further use.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function setDepot($depot, OTS_Item $item = null, $pid = 0, $depot_id = 0)
        static $sid;

        // if no depot_id is specified then it is same as depot slot
        if($depot_id == 0)
            $depot_id = $depot;

        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        // clears current depot
        if($depot <= POT::DEPOT_SID_FIRST)
            $id = $this->db->query('SELECT ' . $this->db->fieldName('sid') . ' FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_depotitems') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'] . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('pid') . ' = ' . (int) $depot)->fetch();
            $this->deleteDepot( (int) $id['sid']);

        // checks if there is any item to insert
        if( isset($item) )
            // current maximum sid (over depot sids)
            if( !isset($sid) )
                $sid = $this->db->query('SELECT MAX(' . $this->db->fieldName('sid') . ') AS `sid` FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_depotitems') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'])->fetch();
                $sid = $sid['sid'] > POT::DEPOT_SID_FIRST ? $sid['sid'] : POT::DEPOT_SID_FIRST;


            // inserts given item
            $this->db->query('INSERT INTO ' . $this->db->tableName('player_depotitems') . ' (' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('depot_id') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('sid') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('pid') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('itemtype') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('count') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('attributes') . ') VALUES (' . $this->data['id'] . ', ' . $depot_id . ', ' . $sid . ', ' . (int) $depot . ', ' . $item->getId() . ', ' . $item->getCount() . ', ' . $this->db->quote( $item->getAttributes() ) . ')');

            // checks if this is container
            if($item instanceof OTS_Container)
                $pid = $sid;

                // inserts all contained items
                foreach($item as $sub)
                    $this->setDepot($pid, $sub, 0, $depot_id);

        // clears $sid for next public call
        if($depot <= POT::DEPOT_SID_FIRST)
            $sid = null;

 * @version 0.1.5
 * @since 0.0.5
 * @param int $time Time for time until expires (0 - forever).
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
 * @deprecated 0.1.5 Use OTS_PlayerBan class.
    public function ban($time = 0)
        // can't ban nothing
        if( !$this->isLoaded() )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        // creates ban entry
        $ban = new OTS_PlayerBan();
        $ban->setAdded( time() );

 * @version 0.1.5
 * @since 0.0.5
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
 * @deprecated 0.1.5 Use OTS_PlayerBan class.
    public function unban()
        // can't unban nothing
        if( !$this->isLoaded() )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        // deletes ban entry
        $ban = new OTS_PlayerBan();

 * @version 0.1.5
 * @since 0.0.5
 * @return bool True if player is banned, false otherwise.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
 * @deprecated 0.1.5 Use OTS_PlayerBan class.
    public function isBanned()
        // nothing can't be banned
        if( !$this->isLoaded() )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();
		if( !isset($this->data['banned']) )
        return ($this->data['banned'] == 1);
    public function getBanTime()
        // nothing can't be banned
        if( !$this->isLoaded() )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();
		if( !isset($this->data['banned_time']) )
        return $this->data['banned_time'];
    public function loadBan()
        // nothing can't be banned
        if( !$this->isLoaded() )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();
		$ban = $this->db->query('SELECT ' . $this->db->fieldName('active') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('expires') . ' FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('bans') . ' WHERE (' . $this->db->fieldName('type') . ' = 3 OR ' . $this->db->fieldName('type') . ' = 5) AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('active') . ' = 1 AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('value') . ' = ' . $this->data['account_id'] . ' AND (' . $this->db->fieldName('expires') . ' > ' . time() .' OR ' . $this->db->fieldName('expires') . ' = -1)')->fetch();
		$this->data['banned'] = $ban['active'];
		$this->data['banned_time'] = $ban['expires'];
    public function loadNameLock()
        // nothing can't be namelocked
        if( !$this->isLoaded() )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();
		$ban = $this->db->query('SELECT ' . $this->db->fieldName('active') . ' FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('bans') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('type') . ' = 2 AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('active') . ' = 1 AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('value') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'])->fetch();
		$this->data['namelock'] = $ban['active'];
    public function addNameLock()
		//nothing can't be namelocked
        if( !$this->isLoaded() )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();
		$this->db->query('INSERT INTO ' . $this->db->tableName('bans') . ' (' . $this->db->fieldName('type') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('value') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('param') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('active') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('expires') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('added') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('admin_id') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('comment') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('reason') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('action') . ') VALUES (2, ' . (int) $this->data['id']. ', 4294967295, 1, -1, ' . time() . ', 0, ' . $this->db->quote('Name lock from site') . ', 1, 1)');
	public function removeNameLock()
		//nothing can't be namelocked
        if( !$this->isLoaded() )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();
		$this->db->query('UPDATE ' . $this->db->tableName('bans') . ' SET ' . $this->db->fieldName('active') .' = 0 WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('value') . ' = ' . (int) $this->data['id'] . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('type') . ' = 2');
    public function isNameLocked()
        //nothing can't be namelocked
        if( !$this->isLoaded() )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();
		if( !isset($this->data['namelock']) )
        return ($this->data['namelock'] == 1);
 * Deletes player.
 * @version 0.0.5
 * @since 0.0.5
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function delete()
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        // deletes row from database
        $this->db->query('UPDATE ' . $this->db->tableName('players') . ' SET ' . $this->db->fieldName('deleted') . ' = 1 WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id']);

        // resets object handle

 * Player proffesion name.
 * <p>
 * You need global vocations list resource loaded in order to use this method.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.1.0
 * @since 0.0.6
 * @return string Player proffesion name.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded or global vocations list is not loaded.
    public function getVocationName()
        if( !isset($this->data['vocation']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return POT::getInstance()->getVocationsList()->getVocationName($this->data['vocation']);

 * Player residence town name.
 * <p>
 * You need global map resource loaded in order to use this method.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.1.0
 * @since 0.1.0
 * @return string Player town name.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded or global map is not loaded.
    public function getTownName()
        if( !isset($this->data['town_id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return POT::getInstance()->getMap()->getTownName($this->data['town_id']);

 * Returns house rented by this player.
 * <p>
 * You need global houses list resource loaded in order to use this method.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.1.0
 * @since 0.1.0
 * @return OTS_House|null House rented by player.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded or global houses list is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function getHouse()
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        // SELECT query on database
        $house = $this->db->query('SELECT ' . $this->db->fieldName('id') . ' FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('houses') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('owner') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'])->fetch();

        if( !empty($house) )
            return POT::getInstance()->getHousesList()->getHouse($house['id']);

        return null;

 * Returns list of VIPs.
 * <p>
 * It means list of players which this player have on his/her list.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.1.3
 * @since 0.1.3
 * @return OTS_Players_List List of VIPs.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function getVIPsList()
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        $list = new OTS_Players_List();

        // foreign table fields identifiers
        $field1 = new OTS_SQLField('player_id', 'player_viplist');
        $field2 = new OTS_SQLField('vip_id', 'player_viplist');

        // creates filter
        $filter = new OTS_SQLFilter();
        $filter->addFilter($field1, $this->data['id']);
        $filter->compareField('id', $field2);

        // puts filter onto list

        return $list;

 * Adds player to VIP list.
 * @version 0.1.4
 * @since 0.1.3
 * @param OTS_Player $player Player to be added.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function addVIP(OTS_Player $player)
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        $this->db->query('INSERT INTO ' . $this->db->tableName('player_viplist') . ' (' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('vip_id') . ') VALUES (' . $this->data['id'] . ', ' . $player->getId() . ')');

 * Checks if given player is a VIP for current one.
 * @version 0.1.5
 * @since 0.1.3
 * @param OTS_Player $player Player to check.
 * @return bool True, if given player is on VIP list.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function isVIP(OTS_Player $player)
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->db->query('SELECT COUNT(' . $this->db->fieldName('vip_id') . ') FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_viplist') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'] . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('vip_id') . ' = ' . $player->getId() )->fetchColumn() > 0;

 * Deletes player from VIP list.
 * @version 0.1.4
 * @since 0.1.3
 * @param OTS_Player $player Player to be deleted.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function deleteVIP(OTS_Player $player)
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        $this->db->query('DELETE FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_viplist') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'] . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('vip_id') . ' = ' . $player->getId() );

 * Returns list of known spells.
 * <p>
 * You need global spells list resource loaded in order to use this method.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.1.4
 * @since 0.1.4
 * @return array List of known spells.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function getSpellsList()
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        $spells = array();
        $list = POT::getInstance()->getSpellsList();

        // reads all known spells
        foreach( $this->db->query('SELECT ' . $this->db->fieldName('name') . ' FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_spells') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id']) as $spell)
            // checks if there is rune, instant or conjure spell with given name

            if( $list->hasRune($spell['name']) )
                $spells[] = $list->getRune($spell['name']);

            if( $list->hasInstance($spell['name']) )
                $spells[] = $list->getInstance($spell['name']);

            if( $list->hasConjure($spell['name']) )
                $spells[] = $list->getConjure($spell['name']);

        return $spells;

 * Checks if player knows given spell.
 * @version 0.1.5
 * @since 0.1.4
 * @param OTS_Spell $spell Spell to be checked.
 * @return bool True if player knows given spell, false otherwise.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function hasSpell(OTS_Spell $spell)
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->db->query('SELECT COUNT(' . $this->db->fieldName('name') . ') FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_spells') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'] . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('name') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote( $spell->getName() ) )->fetchColumn() > 0;

 * Adds given spell to player's spell book (makes him knowing it).
 * @version 0.1.4
 * @since 0.1.4
 * @param OTS_Spell $spell Spell to be learned.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function addSpell(OTS_Spell $spell)
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        $this->db->query('INSERT INTO ' . $this->db->tableName('player_spells') . ' (' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('name') . ') VALUES (' . $this->data['id'] . ', ' . $this->db->quote( $spell->getName() ) . ')');

 * Removes given spell from player's spell book.
 * @version 0.1.4
 * @since 0.1.4
 * @param OTS_Spell $spell Spell to be removed.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function deleteSpell(OTS_Spell $spell)
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        $this->db->query('DELETE FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_spells') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'] . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('name') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote( $spell->getName() ) );

 * Magic PHP5 method.
 * @version 0.1.5
 * @since 0.1.0
 * @param string $name Property name.
 * @return mixed Property value.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded When player is not loaded.
 * @throws OutOfBoundsException For non-supported properties.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function __get($name)
            case 'id':
                return $this->getId();

            case 'name':
                return $this->getName();

            case 'account':
                return $this->getAccount();

            case 'group':
                return $this->getGroup();

            case 'sex':
                return $this->getSex();

            case 'vocation':
                return $this->getVocation();

            case 'experience':
                return $this->getExperience();

            case 'level':
                return $this->getLevel();

            case 'magLevel':
                return $this->getMagLevel();

            case 'health':
                return $this->getHealth();

            case 'healthMax':
                return $this->getHealthMax();

            case 'mana':
                return $this->getMana();

            case 'manaMax':
                return $this->getManaMax();

            case 'manaSpent':
                return $this->getManaSpent();

            case 'soul':
                return $this->getSoul();

            case 'direction':
                return $this->getDirection();

            case 'lookBody':
                return $this->getLookBody();

            case 'lookFeet':
                return $this->getLookFeet();

            case 'lookHead':
                return $this->getLookHead();

            case 'lookLegs':
                return $this->getLookLegs();

            case 'lookType':
                return $this->getLookType();

            case 'lookAddons':
                return $this->getLookAddons();

            case 'posX':
                return $this->getPosX();

            case 'posY':
                return $this->getPosY();

            case 'posZ':
                return $this->getPosZ();

            case 'cap':
                return $this->getCap();

            case 'lastLogin':
                return $this->getLastLogin();

            case 'lastIP':
                return $this->getLastIP();

            case 'save':
                return $this->isSaveSet();

            case 'conditions':
                return $this->getConditions();

            case 'redSkullTime':
                return $this->getRedSkullTime();

            case 'redSkull':
                return $this->hasRedSkull();

            case 'guildNick':
                return $this->getGuildNick();

            case 'rank':
                return $this->getRank();

            case 'townId':
                return $this->getTownId();

            case 'townName':
                return $this->getTownName();

            case 'house':
                return $this->getHouse();

            case 'lossExperience':
                return $this->getLossExperience();

            case 'lossMana':
                return $this->getLossMana();

            case 'lossSkills':
                return $this->getLossSkills();

            case 'lossItems':
                return $this->getLossItems();

            case 'balance':
                return $this->getBalance();

            case 'loaded':
                return $this->isLoaded();

            case 'banned':
                return $this->isBanned();

            case 'vipsList':
                return $this->getVIPsList();

            case 'vocationName':
                return $this->getVocationName();

            case 'spellsList':
                return $this->getSpellsList();

                throw new OutOfBoundsException();

 * Magic PHP5 method.
 * @version 0.1.5
 * @since 0.1.0
 * @param string $name Property name.
 * @param mixed $value Property value.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded When passing object value which represents not-initialised instance.
 * @throws OutOfBoundsException For non-supported properties.
    public function __set($name, $value)
            case 'name':

            case 'account':

            case 'group':

            case 'sex':

            case 'vocation':

            case 'experience':

            case 'level':

            case 'magLevel':

            case 'health':

            case 'healthMax':

            case 'mana':

            case 'manaMax':

            case 'manaSpent':

            case 'soul':

            case 'direction':

            case 'lookBody':

            case 'lookFeet':

            case 'lookHead':

            case 'lookLegs':

            case 'lookType':

            case 'lookAddons':

            case 'posX':

            case 'posY':

            case 'posZ':

            case 'cap':

            case 'lastLogin':

            case 'lastIP':

            case 'conditions':

            case 'redSkullTime':

            case 'guildNick':

            case 'rank':

            case 'townId':

            case 'lossExperience':

            case 'lossMana':

            case 'lossSkills':

            case 'lossItems':

            case 'balance':

            case 'redSkull':

            case 'save':

            case 'banned':

                throw new OutOfBoundsException();

 * Returns string representation of object.
 * <p>
 * If any display driver is currently loaded then it uses it's method. Else it returns character name.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.1.3
 * @since 0.1.0
 * @return string String representation of object.
    public function __toString()
        $ots = POT::getInstance();

        // checks if display driver is loaded
        if( $ots->isDisplayDriverLoaded() )
            return $ots->getDisplayDriver()->displayPlayer($this);

        return $this->getName();




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Antica Global - Server Online



EXP: 999x [sTAGES]
ML: 300x
SKILL: 500x
LOOT: 10x
VERSÃO: 10.77
PORTA: 7171
1 - 8 level, 999x
9 - 20 level, 950x
21 - 50 level, 800x
51 - 100 level, 750x
101 - 130 level, 650x
131 - 180 level, 550x
181 - 230 level, 450x
231 - 300 level, 350x
301+ level, 300x
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EUheuhEU mals.


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 * @version 0.0.1

 * @package POT
 * @version 0.1.5
 * @author Wrzasq <[email protected]>
 * @copyright 2007 - 2008 (C) by Wrzasq
 * @license GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3

 * OTServ character abstraction.
 * @package POT
 * @version 0.1.5
 * @property string $name Character name.
 * @property OTS_Account $account Account to which character belongs.
 * @property OTS_Group $group Group of which character is member.
 * @property int $sex Gender.
 * @property int $vocation Vocation.
 * @property int $experience Experience points.
 * @property int $level Experience level.
 * @property int $magLevel Magic level.
 * @property int $health Hit points.
 * @property int $healthMax Maximum hit points.
 * @property int $mana Mana.
 * @property int $manaMax Maximum mana.
 * @property int $manaSpent Spent mana.
 * @property int $soul Soul points.
 * @property int $direction Looking direction.
 * @property int $lookBody Body color.
 * @property int $lookFeet Feet color.
 * @property int $lookHead Hairs color.
 * @property int $lookLegs Legs color.
 * @property int $lookType Outfit type.
 * @property int $lookAddons Addons.
 * @property int $posX Spawn X coord.
 * @property int $posY Spawn Y coord.
 * @property int $posZ Spawn Z coord.
 * @property int $cap Capacity.
 * @property int $lastLogin Last login timestamp.
 * @property int $lastIP Last login IP number.
 * @property string $conditions Binary conditions.
 * @property int $redSkullTime Timestamp for which red skull will last.
 * @property string $guildNick
 * @property OTS_GuildRank $rank
 * @property int $townId
 * @property int $lossExperience
 * @property int $lossMana
 * @property int $lossSkills
 * @property int $lossItems
 * @property int $balance Bank balance.
 * @property bool $save Player save flag.
 * @property bool $redSkull Player red skull flag.
 * @property bool $banned Player banned state.
 * @property-read int $id Player ID.
 * @property-read bool $loaded Loaded state.
 * @property-read string $townName Name of town in which player residents.
 * @property-read OTS_House $house House which player rents.
 * @property-read OTS_Players_List $vipsList List of VIPs of player.
 * @property-read string $vocationName String vocation representation.
 * @property-read array $spellsList List of known spells.
 * @tutorial POT/Players.pkg
class OTS_Player extends OTS_Row_DAO
 * Player data.
 * @version 0.1.2
 * @var array
    private $data = array('sex' => POT::SEX_FEMALE, 'vocation' => 0, 'experience' => 0, 'level' => 1, 'maglevel' => 0, 'health' => 100, 'healthmax' => 100, 'mana' => 100, 'manamax' => 100, 'manaspent' => 0, 'soul' => 0, 'direction' => POT::DIRECTION_NORTH, 'lookbody' => 10, 'lookfeet' => 10, 'lookhead' => 10, 'looklegs' => 10, 'looktype' => 136, 'lookaddons' => 0, 'posx' => 0, 'posy' => 0, 'posz' => 0, 'cap' => 0, 'lastlogin' => 0, 'lastip' => 0, 'save' => true, 'skull' => 0, 'guildnick' => '', 'loss_experience' => 10, 'loss_mana' => 10, 'loss_skills' => 10, 'loss_items' => 10, 'balance' => 0, 'deleted' => 0, 'promotion' => 0, 'online' => 0, 'marriage' => 0, 'comment' => '', 'created' => 0, 'hide_char' => 0, 'old_name' => '', 'world_id' => 0);

 * Player skills.
 * @version 0.0.2
 * @since 0.0.2
 * @var array
    private $skills = array();

 * Magic PHP5 method.
 * Allows object serialisation.
 * @return array List of properties that should be saved.
 * @version 0.0.4
 * @since 0.0.4
    public function __sleep()
        return array('data', 'skills');

 * Loads player with given id.
 * @version 0.1.2
 * @param int $id Player's ID.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function load($id)
        // SELECT query on database
        $this->data = $this->db->query('SELECT ' . $this->db->fieldName('id') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('name') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('account_id') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('group_id') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('sex') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('vocation') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('experience') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('level') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('maglevel') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('health') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('healthmax') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('mana') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('manamax') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('manaspent') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('soul') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('direction') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lookbody') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lookfeet') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lookhead') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('looklegs') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('looktype') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lookaddons') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('posx') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('posy') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('posz') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('cap') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lastlogin') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lastip') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('save') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('conditions') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('skull') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('guildnick') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('rank_id') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('town_id') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('loss_experience') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('loss_mana') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('loss_skills') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('loss_items') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('balance') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('online') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('deleted') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('promotion') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('marriage') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('comment') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('created') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('hide_char') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('old_name') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('world_id') . ' FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('players') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('id') . ' = ' . (int) $id)->fetch();

        // loads skills
        if( $this->isLoaded() )
            foreach( $this->db->query('SELECT ' . $this->db->fieldName('skillid') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('value') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('count') . ' FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_skills') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'])->fetchAll() as $skill)
                $this->skills[ $skill['skillid'] ] = array('value' => $skill['value'], 'tries' => $skill['count']);

 * Loads player by it's name.
 * @version 0.0.5
 * @since 0.0.2
 * @param string $name Player's name.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function find($name)
        // finds player's ID
        $id = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('players') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('name') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($name) )->fetch();

        // if anything was found
        if( isset($id['id']) )
			// finds player's ID
	        $id = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('players') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('old_name') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($name) . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('nick_verify') .' = 1')->fetch();

	        // if anything was found
	        if( isset($id['id']) )

 * Checks if object is loaded.
 * @return bool Load state.
    public function isLoaded()
        return isset($this->data['id']);

 * Saves player in database.
 * <p>
 * If player is not loaded to represent any existing group it will create new row for it.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.1.2
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function save()
        // updates existing player
        if( isset($this->data['id']) )
            // UPDATE query on database
            $this->db->query('UPDATE ' . $this->db->tableName('players') . ' SET ' . $this->db->fieldName('name') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($this->data['name']) . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('account_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['account_id'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('group_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['group_id'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('sex') . ' = ' . $this->data['sex'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('vocation') . ' = ' . $this->data['vocation'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('experience') . ' = ' . $this->data['experience'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('level') . ' = ' . $this->data['level'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('maglevel') . ' = ' . $this->data['maglevel'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('health') . ' = ' . $this->data['health'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('healthmax') . ' = ' . $this->data['healthmax'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('mana') . ' = ' . $this->data['mana'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('manamax') . ' = ' . $this->data['manamax'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('manaspent') . ' = ' . $this->data['manaspent'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('soul') . ' = ' . $this->data['soul'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('direction') . ' = ' . $this->data['direction'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lookbody') . ' = ' . $this->data['lookbody'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lookfeet') . ' = ' . $this->data['lookfeet'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lookhead') . ' = ' . $this->data['lookhead'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('looklegs') . ' = ' . $this->data['looklegs'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('looktype') . ' = ' . $this->data['looktype'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lookaddons') . ' = ' . $this->data['lookaddons'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('posx') . ' = ' . $this->data['posx'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('posy') . ' = ' . $this->data['posy'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('posz') . ' = ' . $this->data['posz'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('cap') . ' = ' . $this->data['cap'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lastlogin') . ' = ' . $this->data['lastlogin'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lastip') . ' = ' . $this->data['lastip'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('save') . ' = ' . (int) $this->data['save'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('conditions') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($this->data['conditions']) . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('skull') . ' = ' . $this->data['skull'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('guildnick') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote($this->data['guildnick']) . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('rank_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['rank_id'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('town_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['town_id'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('loss_experience') . ' = ' . $this->data['loss_experience'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('loss_mana') . ' = ' . $this->data['loss_mana'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('loss_skills') . ' = ' . $this->data['loss_skills'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('loss_items') . ' = ' . $this->data['loss_items'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('balance') . ' = ' . $this->data['balance'] . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id']);
        // creates new player
            // INSERT query on database
            $this->db->query('INSERT INTO ' . $this->db->tableName('players') . ' (' . $this->db->fieldName('name') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('account_id') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('group_id') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('sex') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('vocation') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('experience') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('level') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('maglevel') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('health') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('healthmax') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('mana') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('manamax') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('manaspent') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('soul') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('direction') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lookbody') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lookfeet') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lookhead') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('looklegs') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('looktype') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lookaddons') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('posx') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('posy') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('posz') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('cap') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lastlogin') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('lastip') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('save') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('conditions') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('skull') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('guildnick') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('rank_id') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('town_id') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('loss_experience') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('loss_mana') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('loss_skills') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('loss_items') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('balance') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('created') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('promotion') . ') VALUES (' . $this->db->quote($this->data['name']) . ', ' . $this->data['account_id'] . ', ' . $this->data['group_id'] . ', ' . $this->data['sex'] . ', ' . $this->data['vocation'] . ', ' . $this->data['experience'] . ', ' . $this->data['level'] . ', ' . $this->data['maglevel'] . ', ' . $this->data['health'] . ', ' . $this->data['healthmax'] . ', ' . $this->data['mana'] . ', ' . $this->data['manamax'] . ', ' . $this->data['manaspent'] . ', ' . $this->data['soul'] . ', ' . $this->data['direction'] . ', ' . $this->data['lookbody'] . ', ' . $this->data['lookfeet'] . ', ' . $this->data['lookhead'] . ', ' . $this->data['looklegs'] . ', ' . $this->data['looktype'] . ', ' . $this->data['lookaddons'] . ', ' . $this->data['posx'] . ', ' . $this->data['posy'] . ', ' . $this->data['posz'] . ', ' . $this->data['cap'] . ', ' . $this->data['lastlogin'] . ', ' . $this->data['lastip'] . ', ' . (int) $this->data['save'] . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->data['conditions']) . ', ' . $this->data['skull'] . ', ' . $this->db->quote($this->data['guildnick']) . ', ' . $this->data['rank_id'] . ', ' . $this->data['town_id'] . ', ' . $this->data['loss_experience'] . ', ' . $this->data['loss_mana'] . ', ' . $this->data['loss_skills'] . ', ' . $this->data['loss_items'] . ', ' . $this->data['balance'] . ', ' . time() . ', ' . $this->data['promotion'] . ')');
            // ID of new group
            $this->data['id'] = $this->db->lastInsertId();

        // updates skills - doesn't matter if we have just created character - trigger inserts new skills
        foreach($this->skills as $id => $skill)
            $this->db->query('UPDATE ' . $this->db->tableName('player_skills') . ' SET ' . $this->db->fieldName('value') . ' = ' . $skill['value'] . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('count') . ' = ' . $skill['tries'] . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'] . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('skillid') . ' = ' . $id);

 * Player ID.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Player ID.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getId()
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['id'];

    public function getWorld()
        if( !isset($this->data['world_id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['world_id'];
    public function getHideChar()
        if( !isset($this->data['hide_char']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['hide_char'];
    public function getMarriage()
        if( !isset($this->data['marriage']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['marriage'];
 * Player name.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return string Player's name.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getName()
        if( !isset($this->data['name']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['name'];

    public function getOldName()
        if( !isset($this->data['old_name']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['old_name'];
 * Sets players's name.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param string $name Name.
    public function setName($name)
        $this->data['name'] = (string) $name;

    public function setWorld($id)
        $this->data['world_id'] = (int) $id;
 * Returns account of this player.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.1.0
 * @return OTS_Account Owning account.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function getAccount()
        if( !isset($this->data['account_id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        $account = new OTS_Account();
        return $account;

 * Assigns character to account.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param OTS_Account $account Owning account.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If passed <var>$account</var> parameter is not loaded.
    public function setAccount(OTS_Account $account)
        $this->data['account_id'] = $account->getId();

 * Returns group of this player.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.1.0
 * @return OTS_Group Group of which current character is member.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function getGroup()
        if( !isset($this->data['group_id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['group_id'];

 * Assigns character to group.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param OTS_Group $group Group to be a member.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If passed <var>$group</var> parameter is not loaded.
    public function setGroup($group)
        $this->data['group_id'] = $group;

 * Player's Premium Account expiration timestamp.
 * @version 0.1.5
 * @since 0.0.3
 * @return int Player PACC expiration timestamp.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @deprecated 0.1.5 Use OTS_Account->getPremiumEnd().
    public function getPremiumEnd()
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->getAccount()->getPremiumEnd();

 * Player gender.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Player gender.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getSex()
        if( !isset($this->data['sex']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['sex'];

	public function isDeleted()
        if( !isset($this->data['deleted']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['deleted'] > 0;
    public function isOnline()
        if( !isset($this->data['online']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['online'] == 1;

    public function getCreated()
        if( !isset($this->data['created']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['created'];
	public function getcreation()
        if( !isset($this->data['creation']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['creation'];
    public function getComment()
        if( !isset($this->data['comment']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['comment'];

 * Sets player gender.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $sex Player gender.
    public function setSex($sex)
        $this->data['sex'] = (int) $sex;

 * Player proffesion.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Player proffesion.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getVocation()
        if( !isset($this->data['vocation']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['vocation'];

    public function getPromotion()
        if( !isset($this->data['promotion']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['promotion'];
 * Sets player proffesion.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $vocation Player proffesion.
    public function setVocation($vocation)
        $this->data['vocation'] = (int) $vocation;

    public function setPromotion($promotion)
        $this->data['promotion'] = (int) $promotion;
 * Experience points.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Experience points.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getExperience()
        if( !isset($this->data['experience']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['experience'];

 * Sets experience points.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $experience Experience points.
    public function setExperience($experience)
        $this->data['experience'] = (int) $experience;

 * Experience level.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Experience level.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getLevel()
        if( !isset($this->data['level']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['level'];

 * Sets experience level.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $level Experience level.
    public function setLevel($level)
        $this->data['level'] = (int) $level;

 * Magic level.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Magic level.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getMagLevel()
        if( !isset($this->data['maglevel']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['maglevel'];

 * Sets magic level.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $maglevel Magic level.
    public function setMagLevel($maglevel)
        $this->data['maglevel'] = (int) $maglevel;

 * Current HP.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Current HP.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getHealth()
        if( !isset($this->data['health']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['health'];

 * Sets current HP.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $health Current HP.
    public function setHealth($health)
        $this->data['health'] = (int) $health;

 * Maximum HP.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Maximum HP.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getHealthMax()
        if( !isset($this->data['healthmax']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['healthmax'];

 * Sets maximum HP.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $healthmax Maximum HP.
    public function setHealthMax($healthmax)
        $this->data['healthmax'] = (int) $healthmax;

 * Current mana.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Current mana.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getMana()
        if( !isset($this->data['mana']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['mana'];

 * Sets current mana.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $mana Current mana.
    public function setMana($mana)
        $this->data['mana'] = (int) $mana;

 * Maximum mana.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Maximum mana.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getManaMax()
        if( !isset($this->data['manamax']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['manamax'];

 * Sets maximum mana.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $manamax Maximum mana.
    public function setManaMax($manamax)
        $this->data['manamax'] = (int) $manamax;

 * Mana spent.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Mana spent.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getManaSpent()
        if( !isset($this->data['manaspent']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['manaspent'];

 * Sets mana spent.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $manaspent Mana spent.
    public function setManaSpent($manaspent)
        $this->data['manaspent'] = (int) $manaspent;

 * Soul points.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Soul points.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getSoul()
        if( !isset($this->data['soul']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['soul'];

 * Sets soul points.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $soul Soul points.
    public function setSoul($soul)
        $this->data['soul'] = (int) $soul;

 * Looking direction.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Looking direction.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getDirection()
        if( !isset($this->data['direction']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['direction'];

 * Sets looking direction.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $direction Looking direction.
    public function setDirection($direction)
        $this->data['direction'] = (int) $direction;

 * Body color.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Body color.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getLookBody()
        if( !isset($this->data['lookbody']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['lookbody'];

 * Sets body color.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $lookbody Body color.
    public function setLookBody($lookbody)
        $this->data['lookbody'] = (int) $lookbody;

 * Boots color.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Boots color.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getLookFeet()
        if( !isset($this->data['lookfeet']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['lookfeet'];

 * Sets boots color.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $lookfeet Boots color.
    public function setLookFeet($lookfeet)
        $this->data['lookfeet'] = (int) $lookfeet;

 * Hair color.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Hair color.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getLookHead()
        if( !isset($this->data['lookhead']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['lookhead'];

 * Sets hair color.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $lookhead Hair color.
    public function setLookHead($lookhead)
        $this->data['lookhead'] = (int) $lookhead;

 * Legs color.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Legs color.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getLookLegs()
        if( !isset($this->data['looklegs']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['looklegs'];

 * Sets legs color.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $looklegs Legs color.
    public function setLookLegs($looklegs)
        $this->data['looklegs'] = (int) $looklegs;

 * Outfit.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Outfit.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getLookType()
        if( !isset($this->data['looktype']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['looktype'];

 * Sets outfit.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $looktype Outfit.
    public function setLookType($looktype)
        $this->data['looktype'] = (int) $looktype;

 * Addons.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Addons.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getLookAddons()
        if( !isset($this->data['lookaddons']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['lookaddons'];

 * Sets addons.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $lookaddons Addons.
    public function setLookAddons($lookaddons)
        $this->data['lookaddons'] = (int) $lookaddons;

 * X map coordinate.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int X map coordinate.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getPosX()
        if( !isset($this->data['posx']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['posx'];

 * Sets X map coordinate.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $posx X map coordinate.
    public function setPosX($posx)
        $this->data['posx'] = (int) $posx;

 * Y map coordinate.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Y map coordinate.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getPosY()
        if( !isset($this->data['posy']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['posy'];

 * Sets Y map coordinate.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $posy Y map coordinate.
    public function setPosY($posy)
        $this->data['posy'] = (int) $posy;

 * Z map coordinate.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Z map coordinate.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getPosZ()
        if( !isset($this->data['posz']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['posz'];

 * Sets Z map coordinate.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $posz Z map coordinate.
    public function setPosZ($posz)
        $this->data['posz'] = (int) $posz;

 * Capacity.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Capacity.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getCap()
        if( !isset($this->data['cap']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['cap'];

 * Sets capacity.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $cap Capacity.
    public function setCap($cap)
        $this->data['cap'] = (int) $cap;

 * Last login timestamp.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Last login timestamp.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getLastLogin()
        if( !isset($this->data['lastlogin']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['lastlogin'];

 * Sets last login timestamp.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $lastlogin Last login timestamp.
    public function setLastLogin($lastlogin)
        $this->data['lastlogin'] = (int) $lastlogin;

 * Last login IP.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Last login IP.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getLastIP()
        if( !isset($this->data['lastip']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['lastip'];

 * Sets last login IP.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $lastip Last login IP.
    public function setLastIP($lastip)
        $this->data['lastip'] = (int) $lastip;

 * Checks if save flag is set.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.7
 * @return bool PACC days.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function isSaveSet()
        if( !isset($this->data['save']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['save'];

 * Unsets save flag.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.7
    public function unsetSave()
        $this->data['save'] = false;

 * @version 0.0.7
 * @since 0.0.6
 * @return int Save counter.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @deprecated 0.0.7 Save field is back as flag not a counter.
    public function getSave()
        if( !isset($this->data['save']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['save'];

 * Sets save flag.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.7
 * @param int $save Deprecated, unused, optional.
    public function setSave($save = 1)
        $this->data['save'] = true;

 * Conditions.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return string Conditions binary string.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getConditions()
        if( !isset($this->data['conditions']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['conditions'];

 * Sets conditions.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param string $conditions Condition binary string.
    public function setConditions($conditions)
        $this->data['conditions'] = $conditions;

 * Red skulled time remained.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Red skulled time remained.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getRedSkullTime()
        if( !isset($this->data['redskulltime']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['redskulltime'];

 * Sets red skulled time remained.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $redskulltime Red skulled time remained.
    public function setRedSkullTime($redskulltime)
        $this->data['redskulltime'] = (int) $redskulltime;

 * Checks if player has red skull.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return bool Red skull state.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function hasRedSkull()
        if( !isset($this->data['redskull']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['redskull'];

 * Unsets red skull flag.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
    public function unsetRedSkull()
        $this->data['redskull'] = false;

 * Sets red skull flag.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
    public function setRedSkull()
        $this->data['redskull'] = true;

 * Guild nick.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return string Guild title.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getGuildNick()
        if( !isset($this->data['guildnick']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['guildnick'];

 * Sets guild nick.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param string $guildnick Name.
    public function setGuildNick($guildnick)
        $this->data['guildnick'] = (string) $guildnick;

 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Guild rank ID.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @deprecated 0.0.4 Use getRank().
    public function getRankId()
        if( !isset($this->data['rank_id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['rank_id'];

 * Assigned guild rank.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.1.0
 * @return OTS_GuildRank|null Guild rank (null if not member of any).
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function getRank()
        if( !isset($this->data['rank_id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        if($this->data['rank_id'] == 0)
            return null;

        $guildRank = new OTS_GuildRank();
        return $guildRank;

 * @param int $rank_id Guild rank ID.
 * @deprecated 0.0.4 Use setRank().
    public function setRankId($rank_id)
        $this->data['rank_id'] = (int) $rank_id;

 * Assigns guild rank.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param OTS_GuildRank|null Guild rank (null to clear assign).
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If passed <var>$guildRank</var> parameter is not loaded.
    public function setRank(OTS_GuildRank $guildRank = null)
        if( isset($guildRank) )
            $this->data['rank_id'] = $guildRank->getId();
            $this->data['rank_id'] = 0;

 * Residence town's ID.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Residence town's ID.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getTownId()
        if( !isset($this->data['town_id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['town_id'];

 * Sets residence town's ID.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $town_id Residence town's ID.
    public function setTownId($town_id)
        $this->data['town_id'] = (int) $town_id;

 * Percentage of experience lost after dead.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Percentage of experience lost after dead.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getLossExperience()
        if( !isset($this->data['loss_experience']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['loss_experience'];

 * Sets percentage of experience lost after dead.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $loss_experience Percentage of experience lost after dead.
    public function setLossExperience($loss_experience)
        $this->data['loss_experience'] = (int) $loss_experience;

 * Percentage of used mana lost after dead.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Percentage of used mana lost after dead.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getLossMana()
        if( !isset($this->data['loss_mana']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['loss_mana'];

 * Sets percentage of used mana lost after dead.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $loss_mana Percentage of used mana lost after dead.
    public function setLossMana($loss_mana)
        $this->data['loss_mana'] = (int) $loss_mana;

 * Percentage of skills lost after dead.
 * <p>
 * Note: Since 0.0.3 version this method throws {@link E_OTS_NotLoaded E_OTS_NotLoaded} exception instead of triggering E_USER_WARNING.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.3
 * @return int Percentage of skills lost after dead.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getLossSkills()
        if( !isset($this->data['loss_skills']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['loss_skills'];

 * Sets percentage of skills lost after dead.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @param int $loss_skills Percentage of skills lost after dead.
    public function setLossSkills($loss_skills)
        $this->data['loss_skills'] = (int) $loss_skills;

 * Percentage of items lost after dead.
 * @version 0.1.4
 * @since 0.1.4
 * @return int Percentage of items lost after dead.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getLossItems()
        if( !isset($this->data['loss_items']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['loss_items'];

 * Sets percentage of items lost after dead.
 * @version 0.1.4
 * @since 0.1.4
 * @param int $loss_items Percentage of items lost after dead.
    public function setLossItems($loss_items)
        $this->data['loss_items'] = (int) $loss_items;

 * Bank balance.
 * @version 0.1.2
 * @since 0.1.2
 * @return int Amount of money stored in bank.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getBalance()
        if( !isset($this->data['balance']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->data['balance'];

 * Sets bank balance value.
 * <p>
 * This method only updates object state. To save changes in database you need to use {@link OTS_Player::save() save() method} to flush changed to database.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.1.2
 * @since 0.1.2
 * @param int $balance Amount of money to be set in bank.
    public function setBalance($balance)
        $this->data['balance'] = (int) $balance;

 * Reads custom field.
 * <p>
 * Reads field by it's name. Can read any field of given record that exists in database.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Note: You should use this method only for fields that are not provided in standard setters/getters (SVN fields). This method runs SQL query each time you call it so it highly overloads used resources.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.5
 * @since 0.0.3
 * @param string $field Field name.
 * @return string Field value.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function getCustomField($field)
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        $value = $this->db->query('SELECT ' . $this->db->fieldName($field) . ' FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('players') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'])->fetch();
        return $value[$field];

 * Writes custom field.
 * <p>
 * Write field by it's name. Can write any field of given record that exists in database.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Note: You should use this method only for fields that are not provided in standard setters/getters (SVN fields). This method runs SQL query each time you call it so it highly overloads used resources.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Note: Make sure that you pass $value argument of correct type. This method determinates whether to quote field value. It is safe - it makes you sure that no unproper queries that could lead to SQL injection will be executed, but it can make your code working wrong way. For example: $object->setCustomField('foo', '1'); will quote 1 as as string ('1') instead of passing it as a integer.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.0.5
 * @since 0.0.3
 * @param string $field Field name.
 * @param mixed $value Field value.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function setCustomField($field, $value)
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        // quotes value for SQL query
        if(!( is_int($value) || is_float($value) ))
            $value = $this->db->quote($value);

        $this->db->query('UPDATE ' . $this->db->tableName('players') . ' SET ' . $this->db->fieldName($field) . ' = ' . $value . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id']);

 * Returns player's skill.
 * @version 0.0.2
 * @since 0.0.2
 * @param int $skill Skill ID.
 * @return int Skill value.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getSkill($skill)
        if( !isset($this->skills[$skill]) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->skills[$skill]['value'];

 * Sets skill value.
 * @version 0.0.2
 * @since 0.0.2
 * @param int $skill Skill ID.
 * @param int $value Skill value.
    public function setSkill($skill, $value)
        $this->skills[ (int) $skill]['value'] = (int) $value;

 * Returns player's skill's tries for next level.
 * @version 0.0.2
 * @since 0.0.2
 * @param int $skill Skill ID.
 * @return int Skill tries.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
    public function getSkillTries($skill)
        if( !isset($this->skills[$skill]) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->skills[$skill]['tries'];

 * Sets skill's tries for next level.
 * @version 0.0.2
 * @since 0.0.2
 * @param int $skill Skill ID.
 * @param int $tries Skill tries.
    public function setSkillTries($skill, $tries)
        $this->skills[ (int) $skill]['tries'] = (int) $tries;

 * Returns value of storage record.
 * @version 0.1.3
 * @since 0.1.2
 * @param int $key Storage key.
 * @return int|null Stored value (null if not set).
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function getStorage($key)
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        $value = $this->db->query('SELECT ' . $this->db->fieldName('value') . ' FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_storage') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('key') . ' = ' . (int) $key . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'])->fetch();

        if($value !== false)
            return null;

        return $value['value'];

 * Sets value of storage record.
 * @version 0.1.2
 * @since 0.1.2
 * @param int $key Storage key.
 * @param int $value Stored value.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function setStorage($key, $value)
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        $current = $this->getStorage($key);

        // checks if there is any row to be updates
        if( isset($current) )
            $this->db->query('UPDATE ' . $this->db->tableName('player_storage') . ' SET ' . $this->db->fieldName('value') . ' = ' . (int) $value . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'] . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('key') . ' = ' . (int) $key);
        // inserts new storage record
            $this->db->query('INSERT INTO ' . $this->db->tableName('player_storage') . ' (' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('key') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('value') . ') VALUES (' . $this->data['id'] . ', ' . (int) $key . ', ' . (int) $value . ')');

 * Deletes item with contained items.
 * @version 0.0.5
 * @since 0.0.3
 * @param int $sid Item unique player's ID.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    private function deleteItem($sid)
        // deletes all sub-items
        foreach( $this->db->query('SELECT ' . $this->db->fieldName('sid') . ' FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_items') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'] . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('pid') . ' = ' . $sid)->fetchAll() as $item)

        // deletes item
        $this->db->query('DELETE FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_items') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'] . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('sid') . ' = ' . $sid);

 * Returns items tree from given slot.
 * <p>
 * You need global items list resources loaded in order to use this method.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.1.2
 * @since 0.0.3
 * @param int $slot Slot to get items.
 * @return OTS_Item|null Item in given slot (items tree if in given slot there is a container). If there is no item in slot then null value will be returned.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded or there is no global items list resource loaded.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotAContainer If item which is not of type container contains sub items.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function getSlot($slot)
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        // loads current item
        $item = $this->db->query('SELECT ' . $this->db->fieldName('itemtype') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('sid') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('count') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('attributes') . ' FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_items') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'] . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName($slot > POT::SLOT_AMMO ? 'sid' : 'pid') . ' = ' . (int) $slot)->fetch();

        if( empty($item) )
            return null;

        // checks if there are any items under current one
        $items = array();
        foreach( $this->db->query('SELECT ' . $this->db->fieldName('sid') . ' FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_items') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'] . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('pid') . ' = ' . $item['sid'])->fetchAll() as $sub)
            $items[] = $this->getSlot($sub['sid']);

        // item type
        $slot = POT::getInstance()->getItemsList()->getItemType($item['itemtype'])->createItem();

        // checks if current item has any contained items
        if( !empty($items) )
            // checks if item is realy a container
            if(!$slot instanceof OTS_Container)
                throw new E_OTS_NotAContainer();

            // puts items into container
            foreach($items as $sub)

        return $slot;

 * Sets slot content.
 * @version 0.1.2
 * @since 0.0.3
 * @param int $slot Slot to save items.
 * @param OTS_Item $item Item (can be a container with content) for given slot. Leave this parameter blank to clear slot.
 * @param int $pid Deprecated, not used anymore.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function setSlot($slot, OTS_Item $item = null, $pid = 0)
        static $sid;

        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        // clears current slot
        if($slot <= POT::SLOT_AMMO)
            $id = $this->db->query('SELECT ' . $this->db->fieldName('sid') . ' FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_items') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'] . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('pid') . ' = ' . (int) $slot)->fetch();
            $this->deleteItem( (int) $id['sid']);

        // checks if there is any item to insert
        if( isset($item) )
            // current maximum sid (over slot sids)
            if( !isset($sid) )
                $sid = $this->db->query('SELECT MAX(' . $this->db->fieldName('sid') . ') AS `sid` FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_items') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'])->fetch();
                $sid = $sid['sid'] > POT::SLOT_AMMO ? $sid['sid'] : POT::SLOT_AMMO;


            // inserts given item
            $this->db->query('INSERT INTO ' . $this->db->tableName('player_items') . ' (' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('sid') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('pid') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('itemtype') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('count') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('attributes') . ') VALUES (' . $this->data['id'] . ', ' . $sid . ', ' . (int) $slot . ', ' . $item->getId() . ', ' . $item->getCount() . ', ' . $this->db->quote( $item->getAttributes() ) . ')');

            // checks if this is container
            if($item instanceof OTS_Container)
                $pid = $sid;

                // inserts all contained items
                foreach($item as $sub)
                    $this->setSlot($pid, $sub);

        // clears $sid for next public call
        if($slot <= POT::SLOT_AMMO)
            $sid = null;

 * Deletes depot item with contained items.
 * @version 0.0.5
 * @since 0.0.3
 * @param int $sid Depot item unique player's ID.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    private function deleteDepot($sid)
        // deletes all sub-items
        foreach( $this->db->query('SELECT ' . $this->db->fieldName('sid') . ' FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_depotitems') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'] . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('pid') . ' = ' . $sid)->fetchAll() as $item)

        // deletes item
        $this->db->query('DELETE FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_depotitems') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'] . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('sid') . ' = ' . $sid);

 * Returns items tree from given depot.
 * <p>
 * You need global items list resources loaded in order to use this method.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.1.2
 * @since 0.0.3
 * @param int $depot Depot ID to get items.
 * @return OTS_Item|null Item in given depot (items tree if in given depot there is a container). If there is no item in depot then null value will be returned.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded or there is no global items list resource loaded.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotAContainer If item which is not of type container contains sub items.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function getDepot($depot)
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        // loads current item
        $item = $this->db->query('SELECT ' . $this->db->fieldName('itemtype') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('sid') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('count') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('attributes') . ' FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_depotitems') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'] . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName($depot > POT::DEPOT_SID_FIRST ? 'sid' : 'pid') . ' = ' . (int) $depot)->fetch();

        if( empty($item) )
            return null;

        // checks if there are any items under current one
        $items = array();
        foreach( $this->db->query('SELECT ' . $this->db->fieldName('sid') . ' FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_depotitems') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'] . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('pid') . ' = ' . $item['sid'])->fetchAll() as $sub)
            $items[] = $this->getDepot($sub['sid']);

        // item type
        $depot = POT::getInstance()->getItemsList()->getItemType($item['itemtype'])->createItem();

        // checks if current item has any contained items
        if( !empty($items) )
            // checks if item is realy a container
            if(!$depot instanceof OTS_Container)
                throw new E_OTS_NotAContainer();

            // puts items into container
            foreach($items as $sub)

        return $depot;

 * Sets depot content.
 * @version 0.1.2
 * @since 0.0.3
 * @param int $depot Depot ID to save items.
 * @param OTS_Item $item Item (can be a container with content) for given depot. Leave this parameter blank to clear depot.
 * @param int $pid Deprecated, not used anymore.
 * @param int $depot_id Internal, for further use.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function setDepot($depot, OTS_Item $item = null, $pid = 0, $depot_id = 0)
        static $sid;

        // if no depot_id is specified then it is same as depot slot
        if($depot_id == 0)
            $depot_id = $depot;

        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        // clears current depot
        if($depot <= POT::DEPOT_SID_FIRST)
            $id = $this->db->query('SELECT ' . $this->db->fieldName('sid') . ' FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_depotitems') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'] . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('pid') . ' = ' . (int) $depot)->fetch();
            $this->deleteDepot( (int) $id['sid']);

        // checks if there is any item to insert
        if( isset($item) )
            // current maximum sid (over depot sids)
            if( !isset($sid) )
                $sid = $this->db->query('SELECT MAX(' . $this->db->fieldName('sid') . ') AS `sid` FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_depotitems') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'])->fetch();
                $sid = $sid['sid'] > POT::DEPOT_SID_FIRST ? $sid['sid'] : POT::DEPOT_SID_FIRST;


            // inserts given item
            $this->db->query('INSERT INTO ' . $this->db->tableName('player_depotitems') . ' (' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('depot_id') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('sid') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('pid') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('itemtype') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('count') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('attributes') . ') VALUES (' . $this->data['id'] . ', ' . $depot_id . ', ' . $sid . ', ' . (int) $depot . ', ' . $item->getId() . ', ' . $item->getCount() . ', ' . $this->db->quote( $item->getAttributes() ) . ')');

            // checks if this is container
            if($item instanceof OTS_Container)
                $pid = $sid;

                // inserts all contained items
                foreach($item as $sub)
                    $this->setDepot($pid, $sub, 0, $depot_id);

        // clears $sid for next public call
        if($depot <= POT::DEPOT_SID_FIRST)
            $sid = null;

 * @version 0.1.5
 * @since 0.0.5
 * @param int $time Time for time until expires (0 - forever).
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
 * @deprecated 0.1.5 Use OTS_PlayerBan class.
    public function ban($time = 0)
        // can't ban nothing
        if( !$this->isLoaded() )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        // creates ban entry
        $ban = new OTS_PlayerBan();
        $ban->setAdded( time() );

 * @version 0.1.5
 * @since 0.0.5
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
 * @deprecated 0.1.5 Use OTS_PlayerBan class.
    public function unban()
        // can't unban nothing
        if( !$this->isLoaded() )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        // deletes ban entry
        $ban = new OTS_PlayerBan();

 * @version 0.1.5
 * @since 0.0.5
 * @return bool True if player is banned, false otherwise.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
 * @deprecated 0.1.5 Use OTS_PlayerBan class.
    public function isBanned()
        // nothing can't be banned
        if( !$this->isLoaded() )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();
		if( !isset($this->data['banned']) )
        return ($this->data['banned'] == 1);
    public function getBanTime()
        // nothing can't be banned
        if( !$this->isLoaded() )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();
		if( !isset($this->data['banned_time']) )
        return $this->data['banned_time'];
    public function loadBan()
        // nothing can't be banned
        if( !$this->isLoaded() )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();
		$ban = $this->db->query('SELECT ' . $this->db->fieldName('active') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('expires') . ' FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('bans') . ' WHERE (' . $this->db->fieldName('type') . ' = 3 OR ' . $this->db->fieldName('type') . ' = 5) AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('active') . ' = 1 AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('value') . ' = ' . $this->data['account_id'] . ' AND (' . $this->db->fieldName('expires') . ' > ' . time() .' OR ' . $this->db->fieldName('expires') . ' = -1)')->fetch();
		$this->data['banned'] = $ban['active'];
		$this->data['banned_time'] = $ban['expires'];
    public function loadNameLock()
        // nothing can't be namelocked
        if( !$this->isLoaded() )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();
		$ban = $this->db->query('SELECT ' . $this->db->fieldName('active') . ' FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('bans') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('type') . ' = 2 AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('active') . ' = 1 AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('value') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'])->fetch();
		$this->data['namelock'] = $ban['active'];
    public function addNameLock()
		//nothing can't be namelocked
        if( !$this->isLoaded() )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();
		$this->db->query('INSERT INTO ' . $this->db->tableName('bans') . ' (' . $this->db->fieldName('type') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('value') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('param') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('active') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('expires') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('added') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('admin_id') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('comment') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('reason') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('action') . ') VALUES (2, ' . (int) $this->data['id']. ', 4294967295, 1, -1, ' . time() . ', 0, ' . $this->db->quote('Name lock from site') . ', 1, 1)');
	public function removeNameLock()
		//nothing can't be namelocked
        if( !$this->isLoaded() )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();
		$this->db->query('UPDATE ' . $this->db->tableName('bans') . ' SET ' . $this->db->fieldName('active') .' = 0 WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('value') . ' = ' . (int) $this->data['id'] . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('type') . ' = 2');
    public function isNameLocked()
        //nothing can't be namelocked
        if( !$this->isLoaded() )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();
		if( !isset($this->data['namelock']) )
        return ($this->data['namelock'] == 1);
 * Deletes player.
 * @version 0.0.5
 * @since 0.0.5
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function delete()
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        // deletes row from database
        $this->db->query('UPDATE ' . $this->db->tableName('players') . ' SET ' . $this->db->fieldName('deleted') . ' = 1 WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id']);

        // resets object handle

 * Player proffesion name.
 * <p>
 * You need global vocations list resource loaded in order to use this method.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.1.0
 * @since 0.0.6
 * @return string Player proffesion name.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded or global vocations list is not loaded.
    public function getVocationName()
        if( !isset($this->data['vocation']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return POT::getInstance()->getVocationsList()->getVocationName($this->data['vocation']);

 * Player residence town name.
 * <p>
 * You need global map resource loaded in order to use this method.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.1.0
 * @since 0.1.0
 * @return string Player town name.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded or global map is not loaded.
    public function getTownName()
        if( !isset($this->data['town_id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return POT::getInstance()->getMap()->getTownName($this->data['town_id']);

 * Returns house rented by this player.
 * <p>
 * You need global houses list resource loaded in order to use this method.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.1.0
 * @since 0.1.0
 * @return OTS_House|null House rented by player.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded or global houses list is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function getHouse()
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        // SELECT query on database
        $house = $this->db->query('SELECT ' . $this->db->fieldName('id') . ' FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('houses') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('owner') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'])->fetch();

        if( !empty($house) )
            return POT::getInstance()->getHousesList()->getHouse($house['id']);

        return null;

 * Returns list of VIPs.
 * <p>
 * It means list of players which this player have on his/her list.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.1.3
 * @since 0.1.3
 * @return OTS_Players_List List of VIPs.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function getVIPsList()
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        $list = new OTS_Players_List();

        // foreign table fields identifiers
        $field1 = new OTS_SQLField('player_id', 'player_viplist');
        $field2 = new OTS_SQLField('vip_id', 'player_viplist');

        // creates filter
        $filter = new OTS_SQLFilter();
        $filter->addFilter($field1, $this->data['id']);
        $filter->compareField('id', $field2);

        // puts filter onto list

        return $list;

 * Adds player to VIP list.
 * @version 0.1.4
 * @since 0.1.3
 * @param OTS_Player $player Player to be added.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function addVIP(OTS_Player $player)
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        $this->db->query('INSERT INTO ' . $this->db->tableName('player_viplist') . ' (' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('vip_id') . ') VALUES (' . $this->data['id'] . ', ' . $player->getId() . ')');

 * Checks if given player is a VIP for current one.
 * @version 0.1.5
 * @since 0.1.3
 * @param OTS_Player $player Player to check.
 * @return bool True, if given player is on VIP list.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function isVIP(OTS_Player $player)
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->db->query('SELECT COUNT(' . $this->db->fieldName('vip_id') . ') FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_viplist') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'] . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('vip_id') . ' = ' . $player->getId() )->fetchColumn() > 0;

 * Deletes player from VIP list.
 * @version 0.1.4
 * @since 0.1.3
 * @param OTS_Player $player Player to be deleted.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function deleteVIP(OTS_Player $player)
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        $this->db->query('DELETE FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_viplist') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'] . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('vip_id') . ' = ' . $player->getId() );

 * Returns list of known spells.
 * <p>
 * You need global spells list resource loaded in order to use this method.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.1.4
 * @since 0.1.4
 * @return array List of known spells.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function getSpellsList()
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        $spells = array();
        $list = POT::getInstance()->getSpellsList();

        // reads all known spells
        foreach( $this->db->query('SELECT ' . $this->db->fieldName('name') . ' FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_spells') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id']) as $spell)
            // checks if there is rune, instant or conjure spell with given name

            if( $list->hasRune($spell['name']) )
                $spells[] = $list->getRune($spell['name']);

            if( $list->hasInstance($spell['name']) )
                $spells[] = $list->getInstance($spell['name']);

            if( $list->hasConjure($spell['name']) )
                $spells[] = $list->getConjure($spell['name']);

        return $spells;

 * Checks if player knows given spell.
 * @version 0.1.5
 * @since 0.1.4
 * @param OTS_Spell $spell Spell to be checked.
 * @return bool True if player knows given spell, false otherwise.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function hasSpell(OTS_Spell $spell)
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        return $this->db->query('SELECT COUNT(' . $this->db->fieldName('name') . ') FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_spells') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'] . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('name') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote( $spell->getName() ) )->fetchColumn() > 0;

 * Adds given spell to player's spell book (makes him knowing it).
 * @version 0.1.4
 * @since 0.1.4
 * @param OTS_Spell $spell Spell to be learned.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function addSpell(OTS_Spell $spell)
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        $this->db->query('INSERT INTO ' . $this->db->tableName('player_spells') . ' (' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ', ' . $this->db->fieldName('name') . ') VALUES (' . $this->data['id'] . ', ' . $this->db->quote( $spell->getName() ) . ')');

 * Removes given spell from player's spell book.
 * @version 0.1.4
 * @since 0.1.4
 * @param OTS_Spell $spell Spell to be removed.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded If player is not loaded.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function deleteSpell(OTS_Spell $spell)
        if( !isset($this->data['id']) )
            throw new E_OTS_NotLoaded();

        $this->db->query('DELETE FROM ' . $this->db->tableName('player_spells') . ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $this->data['id'] . ' AND ' . $this->db->fieldName('name') . ' = ' . $this->db->quote( $spell->getName() ) );

 * Magic PHP5 method.
 * @version 0.1.5
 * @since 0.1.0
 * @param string $name Property name.
 * @return mixed Property value.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded When player is not loaded.
 * @throws OutOfBoundsException For non-supported properties.
 * @throws PDOException On PDO operation error.
    public function __get($name)
            case 'id':
                return $this->getId();

            case 'name':
                return $this->getName();

            case 'account':
                return $this->getAccount();

            case 'group':
                return $this->getGroup();

            case 'sex':
                return $this->getSex();

            case 'vocation':
                return $this->getVocation();

            case 'experience':
                return $this->getExperience();

            case 'level':
                return $this->getLevel();

            case 'magLevel':
                return $this->getMagLevel();

            case 'health':
                return $this->getHealth();

            case 'healthMax':
                return $this->getHealthMax();

            case 'mana':
                return $this->getMana();

            case 'manaMax':
                return $this->getManaMax();

            case 'manaSpent':
                return $this->getManaSpent();

            case 'soul':
                return $this->getSoul();

            case 'direction':
                return $this->getDirection();

            case 'lookBody':
                return $this->getLookBody();

            case 'lookFeet':
                return $this->getLookFeet();

            case 'lookHead':
                return $this->getLookHead();

            case 'lookLegs':
                return $this->getLookLegs();

            case 'lookType':
                return $this->getLookType();

            case 'lookAddons':
                return $this->getLookAddons();

            case 'posX':
                return $this->getPosX();

            case 'posY':
                return $this->getPosY();

            case 'posZ':
                return $this->getPosZ();

            case 'cap':
                return $this->getCap();

            case 'lastLogin':
                return $this->getLastLogin();

            case 'lastIP':
                return $this->getLastIP();

            case 'save':
                return $this->isSaveSet();

            case 'conditions':
                return $this->getConditions();

            case 'redSkullTime':
                return $this->getRedSkullTime();

            case 'redSkull':
                return $this->hasRedSkull();

            case 'guildNick':
                return $this->getGuildNick();

            case 'rank':
                return $this->getRank();

            case 'townId':
                return $this->getTownId();

            case 'townName':
                return $this->getTownName();

            case 'house':
                return $this->getHouse();

            case 'lossExperience':
                return $this->getLossExperience();

            case 'lossMana':
                return $this->getLossMana();

            case 'lossSkills':
                return $this->getLossSkills();

            case 'lossItems':
                return $this->getLossItems();

            case 'balance':
                return $this->getBalance();

            case 'loaded':
                return $this->isLoaded();

            case 'banned':
                return $this->isBanned();

            case 'vipsList':
                return $this->getVIPsList();

            case 'vocationName':
                return $this->getVocationName();

            case 'spellsList':
                return $this->getSpellsList();

                throw new OutOfBoundsException();

 * Magic PHP5 method.
 * @version 0.1.5
 * @since 0.1.0
 * @param string $name Property name.
 * @param mixed $value Property value.
 * @throws E_OTS_NotLoaded When passing object value which represents not-initialised instance.
 * @throws OutOfBoundsException For non-supported properties.
    public function __set($name, $value)
            case 'name':

            case 'account':

            case 'group':

            case 'sex':

            case 'vocation':

            case 'experience':

            case 'level':

            case 'magLevel':

            case 'health':

            case 'healthMax':

            case 'mana':

            case 'manaMax':

            case 'manaSpent':

            case 'soul':

            case 'direction':

            case 'lookBody':

            case 'lookFeet':

            case 'lookHead':

            case 'lookLegs':

            case 'lookType':

            case 'lookAddons':

            case 'posX':

            case 'posY':

            case 'posZ':

            case 'cap':

            case 'lastLogin':

            case 'lastIP':

            case 'conditions':

            case 'redSkullTime':

            case 'guildNick':

            case 'rank':

            case 'townId':

            case 'lossExperience':

            case 'lossMana':

            case 'lossSkills':

            case 'lossItems':

            case 'balance':

            case 'redSkull':

            case 'save':

            case 'banned':

                throw new OutOfBoundsException();

 * Returns string representation of object.
 * <p>
 * If any display driver is currently loaded then it uses it's method. Else it returns character name.
 * </p>
 * @version 0.1.3
 * @since 0.1.0
 * @return string String representation of object.
    public function __toString()
        $ots = POT::getInstance();

        // checks if display driver is loaded
        if( $ots->isDisplayDriverLoaded() )
            return $ots->getDisplayDriver()->displayPlayer($this);

        return $this->getName();




E aqui ta o site:


Tenho os mesmos problemas :P

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Alguema coluna que o site usa para criar um characater não existe na database.


Agora já foi, estou usando znote.

Antica Global - Server Online



EXP: 999x [sTAGES]
ML: 300x
SKILL: 500x
LOOT: 10x
VERSÃO: 10.77
PORTA: 7171
1 - 8 level, 999x
9 - 20 level, 950x
21 - 50 level, 800x
51 - 100 level, 750x
101 - 130 level, 650x
131 - 180 level, 550x
181 - 230 level, 450x
231 - 300 level, 350x
301+ level, 300x
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Alguem Conseguio Tira O Erro Do Server Offline?

Que Ajuda? Me Contate.







E Muito Mais ;D 


Você tem o direito de falar o que pensa
Mas não tem o direito de julgar quem não conhece
Liberdade de expressão é um direito de todos
Mas em vez de falar, então faça algo que preste


~Charlie Brown Jr

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Postei anteriormente que tive alguns problemas com o site, mas não dei detalhes. Bom, agora estou trazendo detalhes sobre os erros que encontrei. Se alguém souber como corrigir, agradeço :rolleyes:


Erro que aparece após criar um char (lembrando que apesar do site mostrar esse erro após você clicar em "create character", ele cria o char, porém com deformações. Exemplo: você cria um char masculino e o site cria feminino, a cap do char vem zerada.



Erro que aparece ao tentar acessar a página de guilds.




Até agora esses foram os únicos erros que encontrei. Parece que o site está perfeito, exceto por esses dois problemas.

Editado por ADM Guardian (veja o histórico de edições)
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Estou com o seguinte erro:

- O Who Is Online não mostra quem está online

- O Online Pedestal, no canto direito não mostrar players online


Alguém pode ajudar? :|



Antes que me peçam os arquivos, está idêntico ao que baixei, não mudei nada.



Mais um erro, ao criar a conta, você colocar o nome do char que quer, mas o char não é criado, só a conta.

Outro erro também, quando cria char dentro de uma conta, o char é criado, mas quando clica pra criar, a tela fica branca, nao redireciona pra nada.

Editado por massucoserver (veja o histórico de edições)
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Bom, depois de muito trabalho consegui resolver os problemas do website. Agora só falta alguns ajustes básicos. ;)

Obrigado por compartilhar seu trabalho Victor.

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esta inutilizável, muito bug, mas sei que o Vitor ira melhorar muito, só não sabe quando né, mas ótimo trabalho cara.

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esta inutilizável, muito bug, mas sei que o Vitor ira melhorar muito, só não sabe quando né, mas ótimo trabalho cara.

Acho que ele não vai arruma p***a nenhuma, falei com ele no skype ele disse que n quer saber.. kkkk

Antica Global - Server Online



EXP: 999x [sTAGES]
ML: 300x
SKILL: 500x
LOOT: 10x
VERSÃO: 10.77
PORTA: 7171
1 - 8 level, 999x
9 - 20 level, 950x
21 - 50 level, 800x
51 - 100 level, 750x
101 - 130 level, 650x
131 - 180 level, 550x
181 - 230 level, 450x
231 - 300 level, 350x
301+ level, 300x
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@lamina, não precisa falar assim, ele não é obrigado a fazer nada por ninguém aqui ...


Estou pensando em colocar um Gesior para TFS 1.0 e ir atualizando ele de acordo com os pedidos e necessidades ... 

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