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Ajuda no Grizzly adams erro attempt to call global 'getStorageValue' <a nil value>

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Galera por favor me ajuda está faltando apenas isto para minhas tasks funcionar de boa, está dando a misera desse erro e estou desde madrugada tentando concertar mas sem sucesso.


por favor me ajuda, na distro ad este erro:



Este aqui é o meu script:

local THESNAPPER_POSITION = {x = 32611, y = 32723, z = 8}
local HIDE_POSITION = {x = 32815, y = 32703, z = 8}
local THEBLOODTUSK_POSITION = {x = 32102, y = 31125, z = 8}
local SHARDHEAD_POSITION = {x = 32152, y = 31137, z = 3}
local THUL_POSITION = {x = 32078, y = 32779, z = 13}
local ESMERALDA_POSITION = {x = 32759, y = 31252, z = 9}
local THEOLDWIDOW_POSITION = {x = 32804, y = 32281, z = 8}
local THEMANY_POSITION = {x = 32921, y = 32893, z = 8}
local LEVIATHAN_POSITION = {x = 31915, y = 31072, z = 10}
local STONECRACKER_POSITION = {x = 33260, y = 31695, z = 15}
local THENOXIUSSPAWN_POSITION = {x = 32843, y = 32668, z = 11}
local MERIKHTHESLAUGHTERER_POSITION = {x = 32875, y = 31115, z = 1}
local FAHIMTHEWISE_POSITION = {x = 32814, y = 31118, z = 2}
local RANDOMPIRATEBOSS_POSITION = {x = 31973, y = 32853, z = 1}
local THEHORNEDFOX_POSITION = {x = 32458, y = 31994, z = 9}
local NECROPHARUS_POSITION = {x = 33029, y = 32428, z = 12}

local tasks =
[1] = {questStarted = 1510, questStorage = 65000, killsRequired = 100, raceName = "Trolls", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 200}, {enable = true, type = "money", values = 200}}},

[2] = {questStarted = 1511, questStorage = 65001, killsRequired = 150, raceName = "Goblins", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 300}, {enable = true, type = "money", values = 250}}},

[3] = {questStarted = 1512, questStorage = 65002, killsRequired = 300, raceName = "Rotworms", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 1000}, {enable = true, type = "money", values = 400}}},

[4] = {questStarted = 1513, questStorage = 65003, killsRequired = 500, raceName = "Cyclops", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 3000}, {enable = true, type = "money", values = 800}}},

[5] = {questStarted = 1514, questStorage = 65004, killsRequired = 300, raceName = "Crocodiles", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 800}, {enable = true, type = "boss", values = THESNAPPER_POSITION}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 7}}},

[6] = {questStarted = 1515, questStorage = 65005, killsRequired = 300, raceName = "Tarantulas", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "money", values = 1500}, {enable = true, type = "boss", values = HIDE_POSITION}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 2}}},

[7] = {questStarted = 1516, questStorage = 65006, killsRequired = 150, raceName = "Carniphilas", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 1500}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 1}}},

[8] = {questStarted = 1517, questStorage = 65007, killsRequired = 200, raceName = "Stone Golems", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 2000}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 1}}},

[9] = {questStarted = 1518, questStorage = 65008, killsRequired = 300, raceName = "Mammoths", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 4000}, {enable = true, type = "boss", values = THEBLOODTUSK_POSITION}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 2}}},

[10] = {questStarted = 1519, questStorage = 65009, killsRequired = 300, raceName = "Ice Golems", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 15000}, {enable = true, type = "boss", values = SHARDHEAD_POSITION}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 2}}},

[11] = {questStarted = 1520, questStorage = 65010, killsRequired = 300, raceName = "Quaras Scout", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 10000}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 1}}},

[12] = {questStarted = 1521, questStorage = 65011, killsRequired = 300, raceName = "Quaras", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 12000}, {enable = true, type = "boss", values = THUL_POSITION}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 2}}},

[13] = {questStarted = 1522, questStorage = 65012, killsRequired = 70, raceName = "Water Elementals", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 7000}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 1}}},

[14] = {questStarted = 1523, questStorage = 65013, killsRequired = 70, raceName = "Earth Elementals", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 10000}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 1}}},

[15] = {questStarted = 1524, questStorage = 65014, killsRequired = 70, raceName = "Energy Elementals", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 10000}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 1}}},

[16] = {questStarted = 1525, questStorage = 65015, killsRequired = 70, raceName = "Fire Elementals", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 7000}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 1}}},

[17] = {questStarted = 1526, questStorage = 65016, killsRequired = 200, raceName = "Mutated Rats", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 10000}, {enable = true, type = "boss", values = ESMERALDA_POSITION}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 2}}},

[18] = {questStarted = 1527, questStorage = 65017, killsRequired = 500, raceName = "Giant Spiders", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 5000}, {enable = true, type = "boss", values = THEOLDWIDOW_POSITION}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 2}}},

[19] = {questStarted = 1528, questStorage = 65018, killsRequired = 2000, raceName = "Hydras", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "boss", values = THEMANY_POSITION}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 4}}},

[20] = {questStarted = 1529, questStorage = 65019, killsRequired = 2000, raceName = "Sea Serpents", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "boss", values = LEVIATHAN_POSITION}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 4}}},

[21] = {questStarted = 1530, questStorage = 65020, killsRequired = 2000, raceName = "Behemoths", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "boss", values = STONECRACKER_POSITION}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 4}}},

[22] = {questStarted = 1531, questStorage = 65021, killsRequired = 1500, raceName = "Serpents Spawn", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "teleport", values = THENOXIUSSPAWN_POSITION}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 4}}},

[23] = {questStarted = 1532, questStorage = 65022, killsRequired = 500, raceName = "Green Djinns", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 10000}, {enable = true, type = "money", values = 5000}, {enable = true, type = "boss", values = MERIKHTHESLAUGHTERER_POSITION}}},

[24] = {questStarted = 1533, questStorage = 65023, killsRequired = 500, raceName = "Blue Djinns", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 10000}, {enable = true, type = "money", values = 5000}, {enable = true, type = "boss", values = FAHIMTHEWISE_POSITION}}},

[25] = {questStarted = 1534, questStorage = 65024, killsRequired = 3000, raceName = "Pirates1", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 10000}, {enable = true, type = "money", values = 5000}, {enable = true, type = "boss", values = RANDOMPIRATEBOSS_POSITION}}},

[26] = {questStarted = 1535, questStorage = 65025, killsRequired = 3000, raceName = "Pirates2", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 10000}, {enable = true, type = "money", values = 5000}}},

[27] = {questStarted = 1536, questStorage = 65026, killsRequired = 5000, raceName = "Minotaurs", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "boss", values = THEHORNEDFOX_POSITION}}},

[28] = {questStarted = 1537, questStorage = 65027, killsRequired = 4000, raceName = "Magicians1", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "boss", values = NECROPHARUS_POSITION}}},

[29] = {questStarted = 1538, questStorage = 65028, killsRequired = 1000, raceName = "Magicians2", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 40000}}},

[30] = {questStarted = 1539, questStorage = 65029, killsRequired = 6666, raceName = "Demons", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "storage", values = {65535, 1}}}}

local rankStorage = 32150
local choose = {}

local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new()
local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler)
local talkState = {}

function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end
function onCreatureDisappear(cid) npcHandler:eonCreatureDisappear(cid) end
function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end
function onThink() npcHandler:onThink() end
function getTasksStarted(cid)
local tmp = {}
for k, v in pairs(tasks) do
if getPlayerStorage(cid, v.questStarted) == 1 then
table.insert(tmp, k)
return tmp

function getTaskByName(name)
for k, v in pairs(tasks) do
if v.raceName:lower() == name:lower() then
return k
return false

function creatureSayCallback(cid, type, msg)

if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then
return false
if isInArray({"task", "tasks"}, msg:lower()) then
selfSay("There you can see the following tasks, please tell me the number of the task that you want to do.", cid)
local text = ""
for i = 1, table.maxn(tasks) do
text = text .. (text == "" and "" or "\n") .. i .. " - " .. tasks.raceName .. (getPlayerStorage(cid, tasks.questStarted) == 1 and " [...]" or getPlayerStorage(cid, tasks.questStarted) == 2 and " [x]" or "")
return doShowTextDialog(cid, 5956, text)

elseif getTaskByName(msg) or tasks[tonumber(msg)] then
msg = (getTaskByName(msg) or tonumber(msg))
if getPlayerStorage(cid, tasks[msg].questStarted) == 1 then
selfSay("You already started this task.", cid)
talkState[talkUser] = 0
return true
if getPlayerStorage(cid, tasks[msg].questStarted) == 2 then
selfSay("You already finished this task.", cid)
talkState[talkUser] = 0
return true
if tasks[msg].level and getPlayerLevel(cid) < tasks[msg].level then
selfSay("You need level " .. tasks[msg].level .. " or higher to make this task.", cid)
talkState[talkUser] = 0
return true
selfSay("Are you sure that do you want to start the task number " .. msg .. "? In this task you will need to defeat " .. tasks[msg].killsRequired .. " " .. tasks[msg].raceName .. ".", cid)
choose[cid] = msg
talkState[talkUser] = 1
elseif msgcontains(msg, "yes") and talkState[talkUser] == 1 then
doCreatureSetStorage(cid, tasks[choose[cid]].questStarted, 1)
selfSay("You have started the task number " .. choose[cid] .. ", remember... in this task you will need to defeat " .. tasks[choose[cid]].killsRequired .. " " .. tasks[choose[cid]].raceName .. ". Good luck!", cid)
talkState[talkUser] = 0
return true

elseif msg:lower() == "report" then
local t = getTasksStarted(cid)
local response = "You are currently making " .. (#t > 1 and "these" or "this") .. " task" .. (#t > 1 and "s" or "") .. ":\n"
if table.maxn(t) > 0 then
for _, tsk in ipairs(t) do
if getPlayerStorage(cid, tasks[tsk].questStorage) < 0 then doCreatureSetStorage(cid, tasks[tsk].questStorage, 0) end
response = response .. " Name: " .. tasks[tsk].raceName .. " Kills: " .. getPlayerStorage(cid, tasks[tsk].questStorage) .. " - " .. tasks[tsk].killsRequired .. ".\n"
response = response .. "Please say report and the name of the task that do you want to report, example: 'Report Trolls'."
return selfSay(response, cid)
return selfSay("You need to start at least one task first.", cid)
elseif string.sub(msg:lower(), 0, 6) == "report" then
local t = getTaskByName(string.sub(msg, 8, string.len(msg)))
if not t then
return selfSay("That task does not exists.", cid)

if getPlayerStorage(cid, tasks[t].questStarted) == 2 then
return selfSay("You already finished this task.", cid)

if getPlayerStorage(cid, tasks[t].questStarted) < 1 then
return selfSay("You don't have started this task.", cid)

if tasks[t].killsRequired > getPlayerStorage(cid, tasks[t].questStorage) then
return selfSay("Current " .. getPlayerStorage(cid, tasks[t].questStorage) .. " " .. tasks[t].raceName .. " killed, you need to kill " .. tasks[t].killsRequired .. ".", cid)

for i = 1, table.maxn(tasks[t].rewards) do
if(tasks[t].rewards.enable) then
if isInArray({"boss", "teleport", 1}, tasks[t].rewards.type) then
doTeleportThing(cid, tasks[t].rewards.values)
elseif isInArray({"exp", "experience", 2}, tasks[t].rewards.type) then
doPlayerAddExperience(cid, tasks[t].rewards.values)
elseif isInArray({"item", 3}, tasks[t].rewards.type) then
doPlayerAddItem(cid, v.rewards.values[1], tasks[t].rewards.values[2])
elseif isInArray({"money", 4}, tasks[t].rewards.type) then
doPlayerAddMoney(cid, tasks[t].rewards.values)
elseif isInArray({"storage", "stor", 5}, tasks[t].rewards.type) then
doCreatureSetStorage(cid, tasks[t].rewards.values[1], tasks[t].rewards.values[2])
elseif isInArray({"points", "rank", 2}, tasks[t].rewards.type) then
doCreatureSetStorage(cid, rankStorage, getPlayerStorage(cid, rankStorage) + tasks[t].rewards.values)
print("[Warning - Npc::KillingInTheNameOf] Wrong reward type: " .. (tasks[t].rewards.type or "nil") .. ", reward could not be loaded.")
local rank = getPlayerStorage(cid, rankStorage)
selfSay("Great!... you have finished the task number " .. t .. "" .. (rank > 4 and ", you are a " or "") .. "" .. (((rank > 4 and rank < 10) and ("Huntsman") or (rank > 9 and rank < 20) and ("Ranger") or (rank > 19 and rank < 30) and ("Big Game Hunter") or (rank > 29 and rank < 50) and ("Trophy Hunter") or (rank > 49) and ("Elite Hunter")) or "") .. ". Good job.", cid)
return doCreatureSetStorage(cid, tasks[t].questStarted, 2)
return true

npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback)

Por favor gente me ajuda!


Agradeço desde já.



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Amigo agora está dando este erro:




e quando consigo falar com npc ele me fala este error:




Este erro aparece assi que digo esta mensagem


23:04 Xotserv [117]: Giant Spiders
23:04 Grizzly Adams: Are you sure that do you want to start the task number 18? In this task you will need to defeat 500 Giant Spiders.
23:04 Xotserv [117]: yes


Não estou a conseguir consertar este problema.

Por favor me ajudem.



Editado por 001rafa (veja o histórico de edições)
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local THESNAPPER_POSITION = {x = 32611, y = 32723, z = 8}
local HIDE_POSITION = {x = 32815, y = 32703, z = 8}
local THEBLOODTUSK_POSITION = {x = 32102, y = 31125, z = 8}
local SHARDHEAD_POSITION = {x = 32152, y = 31137, z = 3}
local THUL_POSITION = {x = 32078, y = 32779, z = 13}
local ESMERALDA_POSITION = {x = 32759, y = 31252, z = 9}
local THEOLDWIDOW_POSITION = {x = 32804, y = 32281, z = 8}
local THEMANY_POSITION = {x = 32921, y = 32893, z = 8}
local LEVIATHAN_POSITION = {x = 31915, y = 31072, z = 10}
local STONECRACKER_POSITION = {x = 33260, y = 31695, z = 15}
local THENOXIUSSPAWN_POSITION = {x = 32843, y = 32668, z = 11}
local MERIKHTHESLAUGHTERER_POSITION = {x = 32875, y = 31115, z = 1}
local FAHIMTHEWISE_POSITION = {x = 32814, y = 31118, z = 2}
local RANDOMPIRATEBOSS_POSITION = {x = 31973, y = 32853, z = 1}
local THEHORNEDFOX_POSITION = {x = 32458, y = 31994, z = 9}
local NECROPHARUS_POSITION = {x = 33029, y = 32428, z = 12}
local tasks = {
   [1] = {questStarted = 1510, questStorage = 65000, killsRequired = 100, raceName = "Trolls", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 200}, {enable = true, type = "money", values = 200}}},
   [2] = {questStarted = 1511, questStorage = 65001, killsRequired = 150, raceName = "Goblins", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 300}, {enable = true, type = "money", values = 250}}},
   [3] = {questStarted = 1512, questStorage = 65002, killsRequired = 300, raceName = "Rotworms", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 1000}, {enable = true, type = "money", values = 400}}},
   [4] = {questStarted = 1513, questStorage = 65003, killsRequired = 500, raceName = "Cyclops", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 3000}, {enable = true, type = "money", values = 800}}},
   [5] = {questStarted = 1514, questStorage = 65004, killsRequired = 300, raceName = "Crocodiles", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 800}, {enable = true, type = "boss", values = THESNAPPER_POSITION}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 7}}},
   [6] = {questStarted = 1515, questStorage = 65005, killsRequired = 300, raceName = "Tarantulas", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "money", values = 1500}, {enable = true, type = "boss", values = HIDE_POSITION}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 2}}},
   [7] = {questStarted = 1516, questStorage = 65006, killsRequired = 150, raceName = "Carniphilas", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 1500}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 1}}},
   [8] = {questStarted = 1517, questStorage = 65007, killsRequired = 200, raceName = "Stone Golems", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 2000}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 1}}},
   [9] = {questStarted = 1518, questStorage = 65008, killsRequired = 300, raceName = "Mammoths", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 4000}, {enable = true, type = "boss", values = THEBLOODTUSK_POSITION}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 2}}},
   [10] = {questStarted = 1519, questStorage = 65009, killsRequired = 300, raceName = "Ice Golems", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 15000}, {enable = true, type = "boss", values = SHARDHEAD_POSITION}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 2}}},
   [11] = {questStarted = 1520, questStorage = 65010, killsRequired = 300, raceName = "Quaras Scout", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 10000}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 1}}},
   [12] = {questStarted = 1521, questStorage = 65011, killsRequired = 300, raceName = "Quaras", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 12000}, {enable = true, type = "boss", values = THUL_POSITION}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 2}}},
   [13] = {questStarted = 1522, questStorage = 65012, killsRequired = 70, raceName = "Water Elementals", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 7000}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 1}}},
   [14] = {questStarted = 1523, questStorage = 65013, killsRequired = 70, raceName = "Earth Elementals", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 10000}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 1}}},
   [15] = {questStarted = 1524, questStorage = 65014, killsRequired = 70, raceName = "Energy Elementals", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 10000}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 1}}},
   [16] = {questStarted = 1525, questStorage = 65015, killsRequired = 70, raceName = "Fire Elementals", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 7000}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 1}}},
   [17] = {questStarted = 1526, questStorage = 65016, killsRequired = 200, raceName = "Mutated Rats", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 10000}, {enable = true, type = "boss", values = ESMERALDA_POSITION}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 2}}},
   [18] = {questStarted = 1527, questStorage = 65017, killsRequired = 500, raceName = "Giant Spiders", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 5000}, {enable = true, type = "boss", values = THEOLDWIDOW_POSITION}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 2}}},
   [19] = {questStarted = 1528, questStorage = 65018, killsRequired = 2000, raceName = "Hydras", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "boss", values = THEMANY_POSITION}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 4}}},
   [20] = {questStarted = 1529, questStorage = 65019, killsRequired = 2000, raceName = "Sea Serpents", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "boss", values = LEVIATHAN_POSITION}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 4}}},
   [21] = {questStarted = 1530, questStorage = 65020, killsRequired = 2000, raceName = "Behemoths", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "boss", values = STONECRACKER_POSITION}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 4}}},
   [22] = {questStarted = 1531, questStorage = 65021, killsRequired = 1500, raceName = "Serpents Spawn", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "teleport", values = THENOXIUSSPAWN_POSITION}, {enable = true, type = "points", values = 4}}},
   [23] = {questStarted = 1532, questStorage = 65022, killsRequired = 500, raceName = "Green Djinns", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 10000}, {enable = true, type = "money", values = 5000}, {enable = true, type = "boss", values = MERIKHTHESLAUGHTERER_POSITION}}},
   [24] = {questStarted = 1533, questStorage = 65023, killsRequired = 500, raceName = "Blue Djinns", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 10000}, {enable = true, type = "money", values = 5000}, {enable = true, type = "boss", values = FAHIMTHEWISE_POSITION}}},
   [25] = {questStarted = 1534, questStorage = 65024, killsRequired = 3000, raceName = "Pirates1", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 10000}, {enable = true, type = "money", values = 5000}, {enable = true, type = "boss", values = RANDOMPIRATEBOSS_POSITION}}},
   [26] = {questStarted = 1535, questStorage = 65025, killsRequired = 3000, raceName = "Pirates2", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 10000}, {enable = true, type = "money", values = 5000}}},
   [27] = {questStarted = 1536, questStorage = 65026, killsRequired = 5000, raceName = "Minotaurs", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "boss", values = THEHORNEDFOX_POSITION}}},
   [28] = {questStarted = 1537, questStorage = 65027, killsRequired = 4000, raceName = "Magicians1", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "boss", values = NECROPHARUS_POSITION}}},
   [29] = {questStarted = 1538, questStorage = 65028, killsRequired = 1000, raceName = "Magicians2", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "exp", values = 40000}}},
   [30] = {questStarted = 1539, questStorage = 65029, killsRequired = 6666, raceName = "Demons", rewards = {{enable = true, type = "storage", values = {65535, 1}}}}
local rankStorage = 32150
local choose = {}
local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new()
local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler)
local talkState = {}
function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end
function onCreatureDisappear(cid) npcHandler:eonCreatureDisappear(cid) end
function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end
function onThink() npcHandler:onThink() end
function getTasksStarted(cid)
   local tmp = {}
   for k, v in pairs(tasks) do
   if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, v.questStarted) == 1 then
         table.insert(tmp, k)
   return tmp
function getTaskByName(name)
   for k, v in pairs(tasks) do
      if v.raceName:lower() == name:lower() then
         return k
   return false
function creatureSayCallback(cid, type, msg)
   if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then
      return false
   if isInArray({"task", "tasks"}, msg:lower()) then
      selfSay("There you can see the following tasks, please tell me the number of the task that you want to do.", cid)
      local text = ""
      for i = 1, table.maxn(tasks) do
         text = text .. (text == "" and "" or "\n") .. i .. " - " .. tasks[i].raceName .. (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, tasks[i].questStarted) == 1 and " [...]" or getPlayerStorageValue(cid, tasks[i].questStarted) == 2 and " [x]" or "")
      return doShowTextDialog(cid, 5956, text)
   elseif getTaskByName(msg) or tasks[tonumber(msg)] then
      local msg = (getTaskByName(msg) or tonumber(msg))
      if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, tasks[msg].questStarted) == 1 then
         selfSay("You already started this task.", cid)
         talkState[talkUser] = 0
         return true
      if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, tasks[msg].questStarted) == 2 then
         selfSay("You already finished this task.", cid)
         talkState[talkUser] = 0
         return true
      if tasks[msg].level and getPlayerLevel(cid) < tasks[msg].level then
         selfSay("You need level " .. tasks[msg].level .. " or higher to make this task.", cid)
         talkState[talkUser] = 0
         return true
      selfSay("Are you sure that do you want to start the task number " .. msg .. "? In this task you will need to defeat " .. tasks[msg].killsRequired .. " " .. tasks[msg].raceName .. ".", cid)
      choose[cid] = msg
      talkState[talkUser] = 1
   elseif msgcontains(msg, "yes") and talkState[talkUser] == 1 then
      setPlayerStorageValue(cid, tasks[choose[cid]].questStarted, 1)
      selfSay("You have started the task number " .. choose[cid] .. ", remember... in this task you will need to defeat " .. tasks[choose[cid]].killsRequired .. " " .. tasks[choose[cid]].raceName .. ". Good luck!", cid)
      talkState[talkUser] = 0
      return true
   elseif msg:lower() == "report" then
      local t = getTasksStarted(cid)
      local response = "You are currently making " .. (#t > 1 and "these" or "this") .. " task" .. (#t > 1 and "s" or "") .. ":\n"
      if table.maxn(t) > 0 then
         for _, tsk in ipairs(t) do
            if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, tasks[tsk].questStorage) < 0 then
               setPlayerStorageValue(cid, tasks[tsk].questStorage, 0)
            response = response .. " Name: " .. tasks[tsk].raceName .. " Kills: " .. getPlayerStorageValue(cid, tasks[tsk].questStorage) .. " - " .. tasks[tsk].killsRequired .. ".\n"
         response = response .. "Please say report and the name of the task that do you want to report, example: 'Report Trolls'."
         return selfSay(response, cid)
         return selfSay("You need to start at least one task first.", cid)
   elseif string.sub(msg:lower(), 0, 6) == "report" then
      local t = getTaskByName(string.sub(msg, 8, string.len(msg)))
      if not t then
         return selfSay("That task does not exists.", cid)
      if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, tasks[t].questStarted) == 2 then
         return selfSay("You already finished this task.", cid)
      if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, tasks[t].questStarted) < 1 then
         return selfSay("You don't have started this task.", cid)
      if tasks[t].killsRequired > getPlayerStorageValue(cid, tasks[t].questStorage) then
         return selfSay("Current " .. getPlayerStorageValue(cid, tasks[t].questStorage) .. " " .. tasks[t].raceName .. " killed, you need to kill " .. tasks[t].killsRequired .. ".", cid)
      for i = 1, table.maxn(tasks[t].rewards) do
         if(tasks[t].rewards.enable) then
            if isInArray({"boss", "teleport", 1}, tasks[t].rewards.type) then
               doTeleportThing(cid, tasks[t].rewards.values)
            elseif isInArray({"exp", "experience", 2}, tasks[t].rewards.type) then
               doPlayerAddExperience(cid, tasks[t].rewards.values)
            elseif isInArray({"item", 3}, tasks[t].rewards.type) then
               doPlayerAddItem(cid, v.rewards.values[1], tasks[t].rewards.values[2])
            elseif isInArray({"money", 4}, tasks[t].rewards.type) then
               doPlayerAddMoney(cid, tasks[t].rewards.values)
            elseif isInArray({"storage", "stor", 5}, tasks[t].rewards.type) then
               setPlayerStorageValue(cid, tasks[t].rewards.values[1], tasks[t].rewards.values[2])
            elseif isInArray({"points", "rank", 2}, tasks[t].rewards.type) then
               setPlayerStorageValue(cid, rankStorage, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, rankStorage) + tasks[t].rewards.values)
               print("[Warning - Npc::KillingInTheNameOf] Wrong reward type: " .. (tasks[t].rewards.type or "nil") .. ", reward could not be loaded.")
      local rank = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, rankStorage)
      selfSay("Great!... you have finished the task number " .. t .. "" .. (rank > 4 and ", you are a " or "") .. "" .. (((rank > 4 and rank < 10) and ("Huntsman") or (rank > 9 and rank < 20) and ("Ranger") or (rank > 19 and rank < 30) and ("Big Game Hunter") or (rank > 29 and rank < 50) and ("Trophy Hunter") or (rank > 49) and ("Elite Hunter")) or "") .. ". Good job.", cid)
      return setPlayerStorageValue(cid, tasks[t].questStarted, 2)
   return true
npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback)

-"Supra Omnes Lux Lucis"

- Acima de todos brilha a Luz -


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Muito obrigado esto muito agradecido,

pela sua ajuda ele esta funcionando ate uma parte, nao es querendo pedir mais.


mas estou com pequeno problema o npc no esta contando quantos monstros :(


olha meu creatuscript:

local questCreatures =
["troll"] = {questStarted = 1510, questStorage = 65000, creatureStorage = 15000, killsRequired = 100, raceName = "Trolls"},
["frost troll"] = {questStarted = 1510, questStorage = 65000, creatureStorage = 15001, killsRequired = 100, raceName = "Trolls"},
["furious troll"] = {questStarted = 1510, questStorage = 65000, creatureStorage = 15002, killsRequired = 100, raceName = "Trolls"},
["island troll"] = {questStarted = 1510, questStorage = 65000, creatureStorage = 15003, killsRequired = 100, raceName = "Trolls"},
["swamp troll"] = {questStarted = 1510, questStorage = 65000, creatureStorage = 15004, killsRequired = 100, raceName = "Trolls"},
["troll champion"] = {questStarted = 1510, questStorage = 65000, creatureStorage = 15005, killsRequired = 100, raceName = "Trolls"},
["troll legionnaire"] = {questStarted = 1510, questStorage = 65000, creatureStorage = 15006, killsRequired = 100, raceName = "Trolls"},

["goblin"] = {questStarted = 1511, questStorage = 65001, creatureStorage = 15007, killsRequired = 150, raceName = "Goblins"},
["goblin assassin"] = {questStarted = 1511, questStorage = 65001, creatureStorage = 15008, killsRequired = 150, raceName = "Goblins"},
["goblin leader"] = {questStarted = 1511, questStorage = 65001, creatureStorage = 15009, killsRequired = 150, raceName = "Goblins"},
["goblin scavenger"] = {questStarted = 1511, questStorage = 65001, creatureStorage = 15010, killsRequired = 150, raceName = "Goblins"},

["rotworm"] = {questStarted = 1512, questStorage = 65002, creatureStorage = 15011, killsRequired = 300, raceName = "Rotworms"},
["carriom worm"] = {questStarted = 1512, questStorage = 65002, creatureStorage = 15012, killsRequired = 300, raceName = "Rotworms"},

["cyclops"] = {questStarted = 1513, questStorage = 65003, creatureStorage = 15013, killsRequired = 500, raceName = "Cyclops"},
["cyclops smith"] = {questStarted = 1513, questStorage = 65003, creatureStorage = 15014, killsRequired = 500, raceName = "Cyclops"},
["cyclops drone"] = {questStarted = 1513, questStorage = 65003, creatureStorage = 15015, killsRequired = 500, raceName = "Cyclops"},

["crocodile"] = {questStarted = 1514, questStorage = 65004, creatureStorage = 15016, killsRequired = 300, raceName = "Crocodiles"},

["tarantula"] = {questStarted = 1515, questStorage = 65005, creatureStorage = 15017, killsRequired = 300, raceName = "Tarantulas"},

["carniphila"] = {questStarted = 1516, questStorage = 65006, creatureStorage = 15018, killsRequired = 150, raceName = "Carniphilas"},

["stone golem"] = {questStarted = 1517, questStorage = 65007, creatureStorage = 15019, killsRequired = 200, raceName = "Stone Golems"},

["mammoth"] = {questStarted = 1518, questStorage = 65008, creatureStorage = 15020, killsRequired = 300, raceName = "Mammoths"},

["ice golem"] = {questStarted = 1519, questStorage = 65009, creatureStorage = 15021, killsRequired = 300, raceName = "Ice Golems"},

["quara predator scout"] = {questStarted = 1520, questStorage = 65010, creatureStorage = 15022, killsRequired = 300, raceName = "Quaras Scout"},
["quara constrictor scout"] = {questStarted = 1520, questStorage = 65010, creatureStorage = 15023, killsRequired = 300, raceName = "Quaras Scout"},
["quara hydromancer scout"] = {questStarted = 1520, questStorage = 65010, creatureStorage = 15024, killsRequired = 300, raceName = "Quaras Scout"},
["quara mantassin scout"] = {questStarted = 1520, questStorage = 65010, creatureStorage = 15025, killsRequired = 300, raceName = "Quaras Scout"},
["quara pincher scout"] = {questStarted = 1520, questStorage = 65010, creatureStorage = 15026, killsRequired = 300, raceName = "Quaras Scout"},

["quara predator"] = {questStarted = 1521, questStorage = 65011, creatureStorage = 15027, killsRequired = 300, raceName = "Quaras"},
["quara constrictor"] = {questStarted = 1521, questStorage = 65011, creatureStorage = 15028, killsRequired = 300, raceName = "Quaras"},
["quara hydromancer"] = {questStarted = 1521, questStorage = 65011, creatureStorage = 15029, killsRequired = 300, raceName = "Quaras"},
["quara mantassin"] = {questStarted = 1521, questStorage = 65011, creatureStorage = 15030, killsRequired = 300, raceName = "Quaras"},
["quara pincher"] = {questStarted = 1521, questStorage = 65011, creatureStorage = 15031, killsRequired = 300, raceName = "Quaras"},

["water elemental"] = {questStarted = 1522, questStorage = 65012, creatureStorage = 15032, killsRequired = 70, raceName = "Water Elementals"},
["roaring water elemental"] = {questStarted = 1522, questStorage = 65012, creatureStorage = 15033, killsRequired = 70, raceName = "Water Elementals"},
["slick water elemental"] = {questStarted = 1522, questStorage = 65012, creatureStorage = 15034, killsRequired = 70, raceName = "Water Elementals"},
["massive water elemental"] = {questStarted = 1522, questStorage = 65012, creatureStorage = 15035, killsRequired = 70, raceName = "Water Elementals"},

["earth elemental"] = {questStarted = 1523, questStorage = 65013, creatureStorage = 15036, killsRequired = 70, raceName = "Earth Elementals"},
["jagged earth elemental"] = {questStarted = 1523, questStorage = 65013, creatureStorage = 15037, killsRequired = 70, raceName = "Earth Elementals"},
["massive earth elemental"] = {questStarted = 1523, questStorage = 65013, creatureStorage = 15038, killsRequired = 70, raceName = "Earth Elementals"},
["muddy earth elemental"] = {questStarted = 1523, questStorage = 65013, creatureStorage = 15039, killsRequired = 70, raceName = "Earth Elementals"},

["energy elemental"] = {questStarted = 1524, questStorage = 65014, creatureStorage = 15040, killsRequired = 70, raceName = "Energy Elementals"},
["charged energy elemental"] = {questStarted = 1524, questStorage = 65014, creatureStorage = 15041, killsRequired = 70, raceName = "Energy Elementals"},
["massive energy elemental"] = {questStarted = 1524, questStorage = 65014, creatureStorage = 15042, killsRequired = 70, raceName = "Energy Elementals"},
["overcharged energy elemental"] = {questStarted = 1524, questStorage = 65014, creatureStorage = 15043, killsRequired = 70, raceName = "Energy Elementals"},

["fire elemental"] = {questStarted = 1525, questStorage = 65015, creatureStorage = 15044, killsRequired = 70, raceName = "Fire Elementals"},
["blazing fire elemental"] = {questStarted = 1525, questStorage = 65015, creatureStorage = 15045, killsRequired = 70, raceName = "Fire Elementals"},
["blistering fire elemental"] = {questStarted = 1525, questStorage = 65015, creatureStorage = 15046, killsRequired = 70, raceName = "Fire Elementals"},
["massive fire elemental"] = {questStarted = 1525, questStorage = 65015, creatureStorage = 15047, killsRequired = 70, raceName = "Fire Elementals"},

["mutated rat"] = {questStarted = 1526, questStorage = 65016, creatureStorage = 15048, killsRequired = 200, raceName = "Mutated Rats"},

["giant spider"] = {questStarted = 1527, questStorage = 65017, creatureStorage = 15049, killsRequired = 500, raceName = "Giant Spiders"},

["hydra"] = {questStarted = 1528, questStorage = 65018, creatureStorage = 15050, killsRequired = 2000, raceName = "Hydras"},

["sea serpent"] = {questStarted = 1529, questStorage = 65019, creatureStorage = 15051, killsRequired = 2000, raceName = "Sea Serpents"},

["behemoth"] = {questStarted = 1530, questStorage = 65020, creatureStorage = 15052, killsRequired = 2000, raceName = "Behemoths"},

["serpent spawn"] = {questStarted = 1531, questStorage = 65021, creatureStorage = 15053, killsRequired = 1500, raceName = "Serpents Spawn"},

["green djinn"] = {questStarted = 1532, questStorage = 65022, creatureStorage = 15054, killsRequired = 500, raceName = "Green Djinns"},
["efreet"] = {questStarted = 1532, questStorage = 65022, creatureStorage = 15055, killsRequired = 500, raceName = "Green Djinns"},

["blue djinn"] = {questStarted = 1533, questStorage = 65023, creatureStorage = 15056, killsRequired = 500, raceName = "Blue Djinns"},
["marid"] = {questStarted = 1533, questStorage = 65023, creatureStorage = 15057, killsRequired = 500, raceName = "Blue Djinns"},

["pirate buccaneer"] = {questStarted = 1534, questStorage = 65024, creatureStorage = 15058, killsRequired = 3000, raceName = "Pirates"},
["pirate corsair"] = {questStarted = 1534, questStorage = 65024, creatureStorage = 15059, killsRequired = 3000, raceName = "Pirates"},
["pirate cutthroat"] = {questStarted = 1534, questStorage = 65024, creatureStorage = 15060, killsRequired = 3000, raceName = "Pirates"},
["pirate ghost"] = {questStarted = 1534, questStorage = 65024, creatureStorage = 15061, killsRequired = 3000, raceName = "Pirates"},
["pirate marauder"] = {questStarted = 1534, questStorage = 65024, creatureStorage = 15062, killsRequired = 3000, raceName = "Pirates"},
["pirate skeleton"] = {questStarted = 1534, questStorage = 65024, creatureStorage = 15063, killsRequired = 3000, raceName = "Pirates"},

["pirate buccaneer"] = {questStarted = 1535, questStorage = 65025, creatureStorage = 15064, killsRequired = 3000, raceName = "Pirates"},
["pirate corsair"] = {questStarted = 1535, questStorage = 65025, creatureStorage = 15065, killsRequired = 3000, raceName = "Pirates"},
["pirate cutthroat"] = {questStarted = 1535, questStorage = 65025, creatureStorage = 15066, killsRequired = 3000, raceName = "Pirates"},
["pirate ghost"] = {questStarted = 1535, questStorage = 65025, creatureStorage = 15067, killsRequired = 3000, raceName = "Pirates"},
["pirate marauder"] = {questStarted = 1535, questStorage = 65025, creatureStorage = 15068, killsRequired = 3000, raceName = "Pirates"},
["pirate skeleton"] = {questStarted = 1535, questStorage = 65025, creatureStorage = 15069, killsRequired = 3000, raceName = "Pirates"},

["minotaur"] = {questStarted = 1536, questStorage = 65026, creatureStorage = 15070, killsRequired = 5000, raceName = "Minotaurs"},

["necromancer"] = {questStarted = 1537, questStorage = 65027, creatureStorage = 15071, killsRequired = 4000, raceName = "Magicians"},
["priestess"] = {questStarted = 1537, questStorage = 65027, creatureStorage = 15072, killsRequired = 4000, raceName = "Magicians"},

["necromancer"] = {questStarted = 1538, questStorage = 65028, creatureStorage = 15073, killsRequired = 1000, raceName = "Magicians"},
["priestess"] = {questStarted = 1538, questStorage = 65028, creatureStorage = 15074, killsRequired = 1000, raceName = "Magicians"},

["demon"] = {questStarted = 1539, questStorage = 65029, creatureStorage = 15075, killsRequired = 6666, raceName = "Demons"}


function onKill(cid, target, lastHit)

local creature = questCreatures[getCreatureName(target):lower()]

if creature then
if isPlayer(target) or isSummon(target) then return true end

if getCreatureStorage(cid, creature.questStarted) > 0 then
if getCreatureStorage(cid, creature.questStorage) < creature.killsRequired then
if getCreatureStorage(cid, creature.questStorage) < 0 then
doCreatureSetStorage(cid, creature.questStorage, 0)

if getCreatureStorage(cid, creature.creatureStorage) < 0 then
doCreatureSetStorage(cid, creature.creatureStorage, 0)
doCreatureSetStorage(cid, creature.questStorage, getCreatureStorage(cid, creature.questStorage) + 1)
doCreatureSetStorage(cid, creature.creatureStorage, getCreatureStorage(cid, creature.creatureStorage) + 1)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, msgType, getCreatureStorage(cid, creature.creatureStorage) .. " " .. getCreatureName(target) .. " defeated. Total [" .. getCreatureStorage(cid, creature.questStorage) .. "/" .. creature.killsRequired .. "] " .. creature.raceName .. ".")
return true

Este não esta a contar quantos monstros eu mato fica em 0 o tempo todo, poderia me ajudar nisto?

Muito obrigado.

Editado por 001rafa (veja o histórico de edições)
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Poderia postar seu data/creaturescripts/creaturescripts.xml e seu data/creaturescripts/data/login.lua?

-"Supra Omnes Lux Lucis"

- Acima de todos brilha a Luz -


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O tópico foi movido para a área correta, preste mais atenção da próxima vez!

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De: "OTServScriptingMonsters e NPCs"

Para: "OTServSuporte OTServSuporte de OTServ Geral"

Bruno Carvalho / Ex-Administrador TibiaKing

[email protected]


Em 26/12/2016 em 03:47, Spraypaint disse:

A força da alienação vem dessa fragilidade dos indivíduos, quando apenas conseguem identificar o que os separa e não o que os une.





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Agradeço pela ajuda segue abaixo o creaturescript.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<!-- Elemental Spheres Quest -->
	<event type="kill" name="elementalspheresquestOverlords" script="elemental spheres quest/ElementalSpheresQuestKillOverlords.lua"/>

	<!-- Bigfoot Burden Quest -->
	<event type="kill" name="bigfootBurdenQuestVesperoth" script="bigfoot burden quest/bigfootBurdenQuestVesperoth.lua"/>
	<event type="kill" name="bigfootBurdenQuestWarzone" script="bigfoot burden quest/bigfootBurdenQuestWarzone.lua"/>
	<event type="kill" name="bigfootBurdenQuestWeeper" script="bigfoot burden quest/bigfootBurdenQuestWeeper.lua"/>
	<event type="kill" name="bigfootBurdenQuestWiggler" script="bigfoot burden quest/bigfootBurdenQuestWiggler.lua"/>

	<!-- Svargrond Arena Quest -->
	<event type="kill" name="SvargrondArenaKill" script="svargrond arena quest/arena_kill.lua"/>
	<!-- Boss Summoning -->
	<event type="kill" name="bossSummoning" script="boss summoning/bossSummoning.lua"/>
	<!-- In Service Of Yalahar Quest -->
	<event type="kill" name="inServiceOfYalaharQuestsDiseased" script="in service of yalahar quest/inServiceOfYalaharQuestsDiseased.lua"/>
	<event type="kill" name="inServiceOfYalaharQuestsMorik" script="in service of yalahar quest/inServiceOfYalaharQuestsMorik.lua"/>
	<event type="kill" name="inServiceOfYalaharQuestsQuara" script="in service of yalahar quest/inServiceOfYalaharQuestsQuara.lua"/>
	<!-- Inquisition Quest -->
	<event type="kill" name="inquisitionQuestBosses" script="inquisition quest/inquisitionQuestBosses.lua"/>
	<event type="kill" name="inquisitionQuestUngreez" script="inquisition quest/inquisitionQuestUngreez.lua"/>
	<!-- Killing In The Name Of Quest -->
	<!-- <event type="kill" name="killingInTheNameOfQuestKills" script="killing in the name of quest/killingInTheNameOfQuestKills.lua"/> -->
<event type="kill" name="KillingInTheNameOf" event="script" value="killinginthenameof.lua"/>
	<!-- The Masters Voice Quest -->
	<event type="kill" name="masterVoiceQuest" script="their master's voice quest/masterVoiceQuest.lua"/>
	<!-- Storage Conversion -->
	<event type="login" name="StorageConversion" script="others/StorageConversion.lua"/>

	<!-- Others -->
	<event type="login" name="PlayerLogin" script="others/login.lua"/>
	<event type="death" name="PlayerDeath" script="others/playerdeath.lua"/>
	<event type="advance" name="AdvanceSave" script="others/advance_save.lua"/>
	<event type="login" name="FirstItems" script="others/firstitems.lua"/>
	<event type="extendedopcode" name="ExtendedOpcode" script="others/extendedopcode.lua"/>


Segue abaixo o login.lua:

function onLogin(cid)
	local player = Player(cid)
	registerCreatureEvent(cid, "KillingInTheNameOf")
	local loginStr = "Welcome to " .. configManager.getString(configKeys.SERVER_NAME) .. "!"
	if player:getLastLoginSaved() <= 0 then
		loginStr = loginStr .. " Please choose your outfit."
		if loginStr ~= "" then
			player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_DEFAULT, loginStr)

		loginStr = string.format("Your last visit was on %s.","%a %b %d %X %Y", player:getLastLoginSaved()))
	player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_DEFAULT, loginStr)
	return true

Muito obrado pela ajuda que esra me dando.

Comedinhas perdoe pelo lugar errado, foi devido a entender pouco portugues apesar  de morar no brasil compreendo pouco portugues ainda.

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