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(Resolvido)[ERRO GESIOR] Column not found:

Ir para solução Resolvido por luanluciano93,

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Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'g.logo_gfx_name' in 'field list'' in C:\xampp\htdocs\latestnews.php:32 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\latestnews.php(32): PDO->query('SELECT `g`.`id`...') #1 C:\xampp\htdocs\index.php(63): include('C:\xampp\htdocs...') #2 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\latestnews.php on line 32





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Agora aparece esse 


Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'joinserver.z_news_tickers' doesn't exist' in C:\xampp\htdocs\latestnews.php:122 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\latestnews.php(122): PDO->query('SELECT * FROM `...') #1 C:\xampp\htdocs\index.php(63): include('C:\xampp\htdocs...') #2 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\latestnews.php on line 122

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CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `z_news_tickers` (
`date` int(11) NOT NULL default '1',
`author` int(11) NOT NULL,
`image_id` int(3) NOT NULL default '0',
`text` text NOT NULL,
`hide_ticker` tinyint(1) NOT NULL
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Gerou outro erro o que pode ta acontecendo? Me perdoe pelo abuso.


Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'joinserver.z_forum' doesn't exist' in C:\xampp\htdocs\latestnews.php:285 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\latestnews.php(285): PDO->query('SELECT `z_forum...') #1 C:\xampp\htdocs\index.php(63): include('C:\xampp\htdocs...') #2 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\latestnews.php on line 285

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REATE TABLE `z_forum` (
						`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
						`sticky` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
						`closed` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
						`first_post` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
						`last_post` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
						`section` int(3) NOT NULL default '0',
						`icon_id` int(3) NOT NULL default '1',
						`replies` int(20) NOT NULL default '0',
						`views` int(20) NOT NULL default '0',
						`author_aid` int(20) NOT NULL default '0',
						`author_guid` int(20) NOT NULL default '0',
						`post_text` text NOT NULL,
						`post_topic` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
						`post_smile` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
						`post_date` int(20) NOT NULL default '0',
						`last_edit_aid` int(20) NOT NULL default '0',
						`edit_date` int(20) NOT NULL default '0',
						`post_ip` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
						PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
						KEY `section` (`section`)
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consulta SQL:

REATE TABLE `z_forum` (

`id` int( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `sticky` tinyint( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `closed` tinyint( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `first_post` int( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0', `last_post` int( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0', `section` int( 3 ) NOT NULL default '0', `icon_id` int( 3 ) NOT NULL default '1', `replies` int( 20 ) NOT NULL default '0', `views` int( 20 ) NOT NULL default '0', `author_aid` int( 20 ) NOT NULL default '0', `author_guid` int( 20 ) NOT NULL default '0', `post_text` text NOT NULL , `post_topic` varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL , `post_smile` tinyint( 1 ) NOT NULL default '0', `post_date` int( 20 ) NOT NULL default '0', `last_edit_aid` int( 20 ) NOT NULL default '0', `edit_date` int( 20 ) NOT NULL default '0', `post_ip` varchar( 32 ) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY ( `id` ) , KEY `section` ( `section` )


Mensagens do MySQL : b_help.png

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'REATE TABLE `z_forum` (
                        `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
                        `sti' at line 1 

















Editado por maresoft (veja o histórico de edições)
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  • Solução
CREATE TABLE `z_forum` (
						`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
						`sticky` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
						`closed` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
						`first_post` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
						`last_post` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
						`section` int(3) NOT NULL default '0',
						`icon_id` int(3) NOT NULL default '1',
						`replies` int(20) NOT NULL default '0',
						`views` int(20) NOT NULL default '0',
						`author_aid` int(20) NOT NULL default '0',
						`author_guid` int(20) NOT NULL default '0',
						`post_text` text NOT NULL,
						`post_topic` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
						`post_smile` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
						`post_date` int(20) NOT NULL default '0',
						`last_edit_aid` int(20) NOT NULL default '0',
						`edit_date` int(20) NOT NULL default '0',
						`post_ip` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
						PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
						KEY `section` (`section`)

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