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11.x [v32] GlobalFull 11/12 - New Asuras, Falcons, Warzones 4,5,6 . (Updates Frequentes)

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Todo trabalho na 1.0 vai ter que fazer tudo denovo pra passa pra 1.2 pra suporta verção 10.80 :ha:


Depois vai ser 1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6,1.7,1.8,1.9,2.0 ...

Era pra poder atualizar o motor grafico sem alteração no datapack.


Essas mounts novas 10.80 mudaro a cor do monstro Kongra.



Eu quero receber 30 mil reais pra desenha 3 macacos coloridos.

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Global 11/12x [v32]       - New Falcons - New Asuras - Warzone 4,5,6 - Exercise Training - Raids 100% - Monstros 100% - Trainer Offline 100% - Trainer Online 1

as quest que nos outros algumas são bugadas nesse não são, e uns detalhes baixe olhe e veja você mesmo. ja esta no topico, printer nao tem wote, warzone e bugada falta subsolo de gray nao tem, Chaye

galera que tiver tendo problemas me der REP+ que resolvo todos os problemas de voces. tenho esse servidor ai 100% site + servidor, com base do maluco totalmente sem bug

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Mano, baixei tudo certinho, mais quando eu abro  a pasta do servidor não tem os DLLS.. so vem 3 ou 4 DLLS isso ta certo ? ou aconteceu alguma coisa errada na hora de eu baixar ?


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Galera, pq o server fica caindo? "Parando de responder e fecha"

amera_banner.gif.29bbf8f5ce75868cb628288e527ef273.gif - Rádio Amera ATS • TeamSpeak 3 • Cliente 10.99 e 11.00

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alguem pode enviar um vídeo explicado para cria um com mapa global

estou com rede fibra 110 mega upload e unidades de armazenamento Solid State Drive 98.000 leitura aleatoria

criei server de ts3 e todos amigos que moram próximo a sp conseguiram ping de 0 ms (zero milissegundo)

um open tibia de sp com 110 megas upload suportaria nessas condições 1000 players mantendo um ping abaixo de 30ms? 

faz 10 anos que nao jogo sou do crossfireAL (ping para o server deles é 2ms ~ 5ms) apenas tive essa curiosidade de criar um open tibia por possibilidade de fornecer ate 0 ms de ping para regioes proximas a sp seria mais uma curiosidade que gostaria de por em pratica

ver a qualidade de conexão uma vez que todos ots que testei possuem servers fora do país e outros de net virtua/gvt que não possuem um upload interessante sem contar que não são 100% fibra. se poderem me ajudar manda mensage privada obg

Editado por raphaelSP (veja o histórico de edições)
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Como tirar as missões das quest ?


Wote, inquisition, yalahar como tirar as missões das quest ?


Coloquei serve sem missoes Wote,inquisition,yalahar,coloquei as Keys mas a moderação não aprovou topico ainda.



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alguem ajuda






Error ID: #C-5
More info: ERROR: #C-5 : Class::ConfigPHP - Key passwordType doesn't exist.

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Quando tento abrir o site dá isso:


Error occured!

Error ID: #C-2
More info: ERROR: #C-2 : Class::ConfigLUA - LUA config file doesn't exist. Path: /otserv/config.lua

File: C:\xampp\htdocs\classes/configlua.php   Line: 24
File: C:\xampp\htdocs\classes/configlua.php   Line: 12
File: C:\xampp\htdocs\system/load.init.php   Line: 42
File: C:\xampp\htdocs/index.php   Line: 18

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Eu tenho um problema quando eu tento abrir o site no programa xampp me dá um erro que diz:
"Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on a non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\install.php on line 4"
Eu gosto amigo ariano para resolver esse problema, você pode me ajudar?
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minha duvida é a seguinte funcionou tudo certinho mas quando vou executar alguns comandos de god ou gm eles não funcionam exemplo do comando /i 2160 não pega, o server nao da nenhum erro e nao pega o comando, o comando /c xnome nao pega tb, alguem poderia me ajudar a resolver isso?

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Quando tento abrir o site dá isso:


Error occured!

Error ID: #C-2

More info: ERROR: #C-2 : Class::ConfigLUA - LUA config file doesn't exist. Path: /otserv/config.lua

File: C:\xampp\htdocs\classes/configlua.php   Line: 24

File: C:\xampp\htdocs\classes/configlua.php   Line: 12

File: C:\xampp\htdocs\system/load.init.php   Line: 42

File: C:\xampp\htdocs/index.php   Line: 18


Voce tem que entra na pasta htdocs/config/ e abri o config.php


nessa linha $config['site']['serverPath'] = "\otserv/";


substitua para


$config['site']['serverPath'] = "DIRETORIO NA PASTA DO TIBIA";


exemplo do meu


$config['site']['serverPath'] = "C:\Users\PC\Desktop\otserv/";


 Servidor de Dragon Ball Online -

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Strict Standards: date() []: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. Please use the date.timezone setting, the TZ environment variable or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'America/Sao_Paulo' for '-3.0/no DST' instead in C:\xampp\htdocs\classes\account.php on line 189

Strict Standards: date() []: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. Please use the date.timezone setting, the TZ environment variable or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'America/Sao_Paulo' for '-3.0/no DST' instead in C:\xampp\htdocs\classes\account.php on line 189

Strict Standards: date() []: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. Please use the date.timezone setting, the TZ environment variable or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'America/Sao_Paulo' for '-3.0/no DST' instead in C:\xampp\htdocs\classes\account.php on line 189

Strict Standards: date() []: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. Please use the date.timezone setting, the TZ environment variable or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'America/Sao_Paulo' for '-3.0/no DST' instead in C:\xampp\htdocs\classes\account.php on line 189

Strict Standards: date() []: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. Please use the date.timezone setting, the TZ environment variable or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'America/Sao_Paulo' for '-3.0/no DST' instead in C:\xampp\htdocs\classes\account.php on line 189

Strict Standards: date() []: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. Please use the date.timezone setting, the TZ environment variable or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'America/Sao_Paulo' for '-3.0/no DST' instead in C:\xampp\htdocs\classes\account.php on line 189

Strict Standards: date() []: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. Please use the date.timezone setting, the TZ environment variable or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'America/Sao_Paulo' for '-3.0/no DST' instead in C:\xampp\htdocs\classes\account.php on line 189

Strict Standards: date() []: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. Please use the date.timezone setting, the TZ environment variable or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'America/Sao_Paulo' for '-3.0/no DST' instead in C:\xampp\htdocs\classes\account.php on line 189

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM in C:\xampp\htdocs\classes\databaselist.php on line 105B ''

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Strict Standards: date() []: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. Please use the date.timezone setting, the TZ environment variable or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'America/Sao_Paulo' for '-3.0/no DST' instead in C:\xampp\htdocs\classes\account.php on line 189

Strict Standards: date() []: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. Please use the date.timezone setting, the TZ environment variable or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'America/Sao_Paulo' for '-3.0/no DST' instead in C:\xampp\htdocs\classes\account.php on line 189

Strict Standards: date() []: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. Please use the date.timezone setting, the TZ environment variable or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'America/Sao_Paulo' for '-3.0/no DST' instead in C:\xampp\htdocs\classes\account.php on line 189

Strict Standards: date() []: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. Please use the date.timezone setting, the TZ environment variable or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'America/Sao_Paulo' for '-3.0/no DST' instead in C:\xampp\htdocs\classes\account.php on line 189

Strict Standards: date() []: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. Please use the date.timezone setting, the TZ environment variable or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'America/Sao_Paulo' for '-3.0/no DST' instead in C:\xampp\htdocs\classes\account.php on line 189

Strict Standards: date() []: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. Please use the date.timezone setting, the TZ environment variable or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'America/Sao_Paulo' for '-3.0/no DST' instead in C:\xampp\htdocs\classes\account.php on line 189

Strict Standards: date() []: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. Please use the date.timezone setting, the TZ environment variable or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'America/Sao_Paulo' for '-3.0/no DST' instead in C:\xampp\htdocs\classes\account.php on line 189

Strict Standards: date() []: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. Please use the date.timezone setting, the TZ environment variable or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'America/Sao_Paulo' for '-3.0/no DST' instead in C:\xampp\htdocs\classes\account.php on line 189

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM in C:\xampp\htdocs\classes\databaselist.php on line 105B ''

nao tenho culpa se voce e noob suficiente pra nao saber mecher, kkkk e por a culpa em coisa nada haver.

 Whatsapp: +55 (48) 98815-0709 Discord: Qwizer#5713


Global 100% 7.40 com Website

TFS 1.2 10.97-11.00 + GlobalFull OtherWorld ...


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nao tenho culpa se voce e noob suficiente pra nao saber mecher, kkkk e por a culpa em coisa nada haver.


Com certeza é essa a resposta que alguém espera, é exatamente porque sou noob que postei isso esperando que você ou alguém me ajudasse

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Cara, boa noite.


Eu queria muito entender o por que o titulo ser 10.79 se o que está disponivel para download pega só para 10.76, me corrijam se eu estiver enganado, sem conta que os DLL supostamente liberado não está completo e sendo assim tendo que fazer o download separadamente. Eu entendo que todos estao para ajudar, mas podiam deixa a galera avisada, muitos fazem este hobby por que gosta e talz, mas se está disposto ajudar, ajude!

Muito tenso não haver observaçoes sobre o ot ou se caso eu mesmo que não tenha conhecimento fiz algo que não consegui acessa o ot cm este distro cm 10.79

Queria apenas deixar o meu parecer.



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Changelog V14

Versao 10.79
Addons e Montarias 10.79, alguns ajustes foram feitos entre outras pequenas correções.

 Whatsapp: +55 (48) 98815-0709 Discord: Qwizer#5713


Global 100% 7.40 com Website

TFS 1.2 10.97-11.00 + GlobalFull OtherWorld ...


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