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Fala galera estou com um problema no meu site que algumas vocations não estão vindo de acordo com as que eu tenho no server por exemplo:


As vocations madara,minato,tobi,jiraya e nagato,antes quando estava no account maneger essas vocations se coquistava apenas pela quest então não dava para criar pelo account maneger ficava tipo "Madara[QUEST]" 


Mas quando tirei do account maneger para o site essas vocations aparecem la na hora quando vai escolher qual vocation quer,só que quando você escolhe algumas dessas eles vem sem spell alguma.


Dae quero saber como colocar as vocations de acordo com meu server,pra quando eu colocar para criar o tobi vim com todas as spells certinhas.Pois vou deichar eles todos free..



REP+ ;)

Editado por reglachek (veja o histórico de edições)





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Sim mas quero saber como eu faço para editar de acordo com o meu server.


O config.php é esse:



/*These configs are neccessary in order to make Modern AAC work.*/
/*URL of website including http:// and without slash at the end! */
$config['website'] = $config['website'] = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/'.trim(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), '/.\\');
/*Database information*/
$config['database']['host'] = "localhost";
$config['database']['login'] = "root";
$config['database']['password'] = "";
$config['database']['database'] = "****";
/*Name of server*/
$config['server_name'] = "NarutoForce";
// Sistema automatico Pagseguro by tatu_hunter
// Seu email cadastrado no pagseguro
$config['pagseguro']['email'] = '[email protected]';
// Nome do Produto
$config['pagseguro']['produtoNome'] = 'Pontos VIP';
// Valor unitario do produto ou seja valor de cada ponto
// Exemplo de valores
// 100 = R$ 1,00
// 235 = R$ 2,35
// 4254 = R$ 42,54
$config['pagseguro']['produtoValor'] = '100'; 
// Token gerado no painel do pagseguro
$config['pagseguro']['token'] = 'EFEB3B4CA8914CB3963C3695A6947965';  
/*End of most important configs*/
/*List of cities, declare by using city ID and name eg. 2=>"Eternia City" etc.*/
$config['cities'] = array(1=>'Konoha');
/* Simple ticket system */
$config['newsTickerLimit'] = 4; 
$config['newsTickerWords'] = 4;  
/*List of vocation available to choose when creating new character*/
$config['vocations'] = array(1=>"Naruto", 13=>"Sasuke", 25=>"Lee", 34=>"Sakura", 50=>"Gaara", 70=>"Neji", 90=>"Kiba", 110=>"Shikamaru", 130=>"Hinata", 150=>"Tenten", 170=>"Itachi", 190=>"Killer Bee", 200=>"Kakashi", 620=>"Yamato", 220=>"Tobi", 580=>"Kakuzu", 550=>"Hidan", 520=>"Raikage", 235=>"Minato", 500=>"Kisame", 600=>"Madara", 210=>"Temari", 251=>"Sasori");
/*List of vocation that exists on server*/
$config['server_vocations'] = array(1=>"Naruto", 13=>"Sasuke", 25=>"Lee", 34=>"Sakura", 50=>"Gaara", 70=>"Neji", 90=>"Kiba", 110=>"Shikamaru", 130=>"Hinata", 150=>"Tenten", 170=>"Itachi", 190=>"Killer Bee", 200=>"Kakashi", 620=>"Yamato", 220=>"Tobi", 580=>"Kakuzu", 550=>"Hidan", 520=>"Raikage", 235=>"Minato", 500=>"Kisame", 600=>"Madara", 210=>"Temari", 251=>"Sasori");
/*List of promotions, the key is vocation without promotion*/
$config['promotions'] = array(1=>"Master Sorcerer", 2=>"Elder Druid", 3=>"Royal Paladin", 4=>"Elite Knight");
/*Resitricted names*/
$config['restricted_names'] = array("god", "gamemaster", "admin", "account manager");
/*Names with any of this value cannot be created*/
$config['invalidNameTags'] = array("god", "gm", "cm", "gamemaster", "hoster", "admin");
/*ID and names of worlds*/
$config['worlds'][0] = "Naruto Force";
// Enable multiworld by uncommenting this
//$config['worlds'][1] = "Second World";
/* Addresses of each server */
$config['servers'][0] = array('address'=>'', 'port'=>7171, 'vapusid'=>'%VAPUS_ID%');
// Enable multiworld by uncommenting this
//$config['servers'][1] = array('address'=>'', 'port'=>7173, 'vapusid' => 'XXX');
/*Groups that exists on server*/
$config['groups'] = array(0=>"Player", 1=>"Player", 2=>"Tutor", 3=>"Senior Tutor", 4=>"Gamemaster", 5=>"Community Manager", 6=>"God");
/*Names of vocations as in database as samples. First key is world id and second vocation id.*/
$config['newchar_vocations'][0][1] = "Naruto Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][0][13] = "Sasuke Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][0][25] = "Lee Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][0][34] = "Sakura Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][0][50] = "Gaara Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][0][70] = "Neji Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][0][90] = "Kiba Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][0][110] = "Shikamaru Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][0][130] = "Hinata Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][0][150] = "Tenten Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][0][170] = "Itachi Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][0][190] = "Killer Bee Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][0][200] = "Kakashi Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][0][620] = "Yamato Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][0][220] = "Tobi Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][0][580] = "Kakuzu Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][0][550] = "Hidan Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][0][520] = "Raikage Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][0][235] = "Minato Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][0][500] = "Kisame Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][0][600] = "Madara Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][0][210] = "Temari Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][0][251] = "Sasori Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][1][1] = "Naruto Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][13][13] = "Sasuke Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][25][25] = "Lee Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][34][34] = "Sakura Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][50][50] = "Gaara Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][70][70] = "Neji Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][90][90] = "Kiba Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][110][110] = "Shikamaru Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][130][130] = "Hinata Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][150][150] = "Tenten Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][170][170] = "Itachi Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][190][190] = "Killer Bee Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][200][200] = "Kakashi Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][620][620] = "Yamato Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][220][220] = "Tobi Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][580][580] = "Kakuzu Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][550][550] = "Hidan Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][520][520] = "Raikage Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][235][235] = "Minato Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][500][500] = "Kisame Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][600][600] = "Madara Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][210][210] = "Temari Sample";
$config['newchar_vocations'][251][251] = "Sasori Sample";
/*Don't show chaarcters with group id higher than*/
$config['players_group_id_block'] = 3;
/*Min. level to create guild*/
$config['levelToCreateGuild'] = 100;
/*Limit of latest deaths*/
$config['latestdeathlimit'] = 20;
/*Limit news per page*/
$config['newsLimit'] = 10;
/*Limit comments per page*/
$config['commentLimit'] = 10;
/*Template that should be used on website*/
$config['layout'] = "naruto";
/*Title of a website*/
$config['title'] = "NtoForce - Powered by [ADM]Leo";
/*Premdays given when creating new account.*/
$config['premDays'] = 2;
/*Positions to start when creating character*/
$startPos['x'] = 1028;
$startPos['y'] = 912;
$startPos['z'] = 5;
/*Trigger password for scaffolding system.*/
$config['scaffolding_trigger'] = "password";
/*Minimum page access for admin priviliges*/
$config['adminAccess'] = 6;
/*Max threads per page*/
$config['threadsLimit'] = 10;
/*Max posts per page in a thread*/
$config['postsLimit'] = 10;
/*Time between posts*/
$config['timeBetweenPosts'] = 30;
/*Limit of submissions per page in bug tracker*/
$config['bugtrackerPageLimit'] = 10;
/*Limit of houses on listing page*/
$config['housesLimit'] = 10;
/*Level to buy house*/
$config['houseLevel'] = 50;
/*Lenght of housing auction in seconds*/
$config['houseAuctionTime'] = 604800;
/*Default timezone*/
$config['timezone'] = "Europe/London";
/*Allowed IPs to use command prompt in admin panel*/
$config['allowedToUseCMD'] = array("", "localhost");
/* Path to your UI theme */
$config['UItheme'] = "smoothness/jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.css";
/*Destination to guilds logos folder, must be writable.*/
$config['uploads'] = "/public/guild_logos/";
/* Status timeout (recheck if server is online) */
$config['statusTimeout'] = 1 + (5 * 60); // Default to 5min
/* Wrap words longer than */
$config['wrap_words'] = 80;
/*Limit comments per page in videos view*/
$config['videoCommentsLimit'] = 10;
/*Limit of videos to show while searching*/
$config['videoSearchLimit'] = 10;
/*Maximum amount of characters per account*/
$config['maxCharacters'] = 20;
/*Limit of inbox/outbox messages per page*/
$config['messagesLimit'] = 10;
/*Amount of names to be saved when looking for characters*/
$config['characterSearchLimit'] = 10;
/*Switch on Admin Window*/
$config['adminWindow'] = true;
/*Integrate facebook to AAC? (TRUE/FALSE)*/
$config['facebook'] = true;
/*Max amount of saved actions*/
$config['actionsCount'] = 15;
/*Player per page in hishscore */
$config['highscore']['per_page'] = 15;
/*Total players to show in highscores*/
$config['highscore']['total'] = 300;
/* Guild board creation */
$config['guildboardTitle'] = "Guildboard for %NAME%";
$config['guildboardDescription'] = "This is the guildboard for the great %NAME% guild!";
/* VAPus Settings */
$config['VAPusGraphStep'] = 1; // step * update time = time steps on graph, etc 6 with an update time of 10min = one hour
//Enable delay between creating characters
$config['characterDelay'] = false;
//Time between creating characters in seconds
$config['characterDelayTime'] = 240;
//Enable delay between creating accounts
$config['accountDelay'] = false;
//Time between creating accounts in seconds
$config['accountDelayTime'] = 240;
//Account restrictions
$config['restrictedAccounts'] = array('1'); 
# Event fired just after main framework to gain access to all features
$config['onLoad'] = array();
# Event fired after all finished loading no headers should be sent
$config['onReady'] = array();
 * Do not touch any of the configs below if you are not 100% sure what you are doing!
 * These are config to the engine, usually the default ones works well so no change needed for unexperienced users.
// Tiny hack to figure if we use Windows or not.
if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'WIN') @define('USING_WINDOWS', 1);
else @define('USING_WINDOWS', 0);
if(USING_WINDOWS) $config['engine']['PHPversion'] = "5.3.0";
else $config['engine']['PHPversion'] = "5.3.0";
$config['engine']['indexPage'] = "index.php";
$config['engine']['uri_protocol'] = "AUTO";
$config['engine']['charSET'] = "UTF-8";
$config['engine']['enable_hooks'] = FALSE;
$config['engine']['permitted_uri_chars'] = "a-z 0-9~%.:_\-'+";
$config['engine']['enable_query_strings'] = FALSE;
$config['engine']['global_xss_filtering'] = TRUE;
$config['engine']['compress_output'] = FALSE;
$config['engine']['proxy_ip'] = "";
$config['engine']['autoload_libraries'] = array();
$config['engine']['autoload_helper'] = array();
$config['engine']['autoload_plugin'] = array();
$config['engine']['autoload_config'] = array();
$config['engine']['autoload_model'] = array();
$config['engine']['default_controller'] = "home";
$config['engine']['platforms'] = array('windows nt 6.0' => 'Windows Longhorn', 'windows nt 5.2' => 'Windows 2003', 'windows nt 5.0' => 'Windows 2000', 'windows nt 5.1' => 'Windows XP', 'windows nt 4.0' => 'Windows NT 4.0', 'winnt4.0' => 'Windows NT 4.0', 'winnt 4.0' => 'Windows NT', 'winnt' => 'Windows NT', 'windows 98' => 'Windows 98', 'win98' => 'Windows 98', 'windows 95' => 'Windows 95', 'win95' => 'Windows 95', 'windows' => 'Unknown Windows OS', 'os x' => 'Mac OS X', 'ppc mac' => 'Power PC Mac', 'freebsd' => 'FreeBSD', 'ppc' => 'Macintosh', 'linux' => 'Linux', 'debian' => 'Debian', 'sunos' => 'Sun Solaris', 'beos' => 'BeOS', 'apachebench' => 'ApacheBench', 'aix' => 'AIX', 'irix' => 'Irix', 'osf' => 'DEC OSF', 'hp-ux' => 'HP-UX', 'netbsd' => 'NetBSD', 'bsdi' => 'BSDi', 'openbsd' => 'OpenBSD', 'gnu' => 'GNU/Linux', 'unix' => 'Unknown Unix OS' );
$config['engine']['mobiles'] = array('mobileexplorer' => 'Mobile Explorer', 'palmsource' => 'Palm', 'palmscape' => 'Palmscape', 'motorola' => "Motorola", 'nokia' => "Nokia", 'palm' => "Palm", 'iphone' => "Apple iPhone", 'ipod' => "Apple iPod Touch", 'sony' => "Sony Ericsson", 'ericsson' => "Sony Ericsson", 'blackberry' => "BlackBerry", 'cocoon' => "O2 Cocoon", 'blazer' => "Treo", 'lg' => "LG", 'amoi' => "Amoi", 'xda' => "XDA", 'mda' => "MDA", 'vario' => "Vario", 'htc' => "HTC", 'samsung' => "Samsung", 'sharp' => "Sharp", 'sie-' => "Siemens", 'alcatel' => "Alcatel", 'benq' => "BenQ", 'ipaq' => "HP iPaq", 'mot-' => "Motorola", 'playstation portable' => "PlayStation Portable", 'hiptop' => "Danger Hiptop", 'nec-' => "NEC", 'panasonic' => "Panasonic", 'philips' => "Philips", 'sagem' => "Sagem", 'sanyo' => "Sanyo", 'spv' => "SPV", 'zte' => "ZTE", 'sendo' => "Sendo", 'symbian' => "Symbian", 'SymbianOS' => "SymbianOS", 'elaine' => "Palm", 'palm' => "Palm", 'series60' => "Symbian S60", 'windows ce' => "Windows CE", 'obigo' => "Obigo", 'netfront' => "Netfront Browser", 'openwave' => "Openwave Browser", 'mobilexplorer' => "Mobile Explorer", 'operamini' => "Opera Mini", 'opera mini' => "Opera Mini", 'digital paths' => "Digital Paths", 'avantgo' => "AvantGo", 'xiino' => "Xiino", 'novarra' => "Novarra Transcoder", 'vodafone' => "Vodafone", 'docomo' => "NTT DoCoMo", 'o2' => "O2", 'mobile' => "Generic Mobile", 'wireless' => "Generic Mobile", 'j2me' => "Generic Mobile", 'midp' => "Generic Mobile", 'cldc' => "Generic Mobile", '' => "Generic Mobile", 'up.browser' => "Generic Mobile", 'smartphone' => "Generic Mobile", 'cellphone' => "Generic Mobile" );
$config['engine']['robots'] = array('googlebot' => 'Googlebot', 'msnbot' => 'MSNBot', 'slurp' => 'Inktomi Slurp', 'yahoo' => 'Yahoo', 'askjeeves' => 'AskJeeves', 'fastcrawler' => 'FastCrawler', 'infoseek' => 'InfoSeek Robot 1.0', 'lycos' => 'Lycos' );
$config['engine']['browsers'] = array('Opera' => 'Opera', 'MSIE' => 'Internet Explorer', 'Internet Explorer' => 'Internet Explorer', 'Shiira' => 'Shiira', 'Firefox' => 'Firefox', 'Chimera' => 'Chimera', 'Phoenix' => 'Phoenix', 'Firebird' => 'Firebird', 'Camino' => 'Camino', 'Netscape' => 'Netscape', 'OmniWeb' => 'OmniWeb', 'Safari' => 'Safari', 'Mozilla' => 'Mozilla', 'Konqueror' => 'Konqueror', 'icab' => 'iCab', 'Lynx' => 'Lynx', 'Links' => 'Links', 'hotjava' => 'HotJava', 'amaya' => 'Amaya', 'IBrowse' => 'IBrowse' );
$config['engine']['mimes'] = array('hqx' => 'application/mac-binhex40', 'cpt' => 'application/mac-compactpro', 'csv' => array ('text/x-comma-separated-values', 'text/comma-separated-values', 'application/octet-stream', 'application/', 'text/csv', 'application/csv', 'application/excel', 'application/vnd.msexcel' ), 'bin' => 'application/macbinary', 'dms' => 'application/octet-stream', 'lha' => 'application/octet-stream', 'lzh' => 'application/octet-stream', 'exe' => 'application/octet-stream', 'class' => 'application/octet-stream', 'psd' => 'application/x-photoshop', 'so' => 'application/octet-stream', 'sea' => 'application/octet-stream', 'dll' => 'application/octet-stream', 'oda' => 'application/oda', 'pdf' => array ('application/pdf', 'application/x-download' ), 'ai' => 'application/postscript', 'eps' => 'application/postscript', 'ps' => 'application/postscript', 'smi' => 'application/smil', 'smil' => 'application/smil', 'mif' => 'application/vnd.mif', 'xls' => array ('application/excel', 'application/', 'application/msexcel' ), 'ppt' => array ('application/powerpoint', 'application/' ), 'wbxml' => 'application/wbxml', 'wmlc' => 'application/wmlc', 'dcr' => 'application/x-director', 'dir' => 'application/x-director', 'dxr' => 'application/x-director', 'dvi' => 'application/x-dvi', 'gtar' => 'application/x-gtar', 'gz' => 'application/x-gzip', 'php' => 'application/x-httpd-php', 'php4' => 'application/x-httpd-php', 'php3' => 'application/x-httpd-php', 'phtml' => 'application/x-httpd-php', 'phps' => 'application/x-httpd-php-source', 'js' => 'application/x-javascript', 'swf' => 'application/x-shockwave-flash', 'sit' => 'application/x-stuffit', 'tar' => 'application/x-tar', 'tgz' => 'application/x-tar', 'xhtml' => 'application/xhtml+xml', 'xht' => 'application/xhtml+xml', 'zip' => array ('application/x-zip', 'application/zip', 'application/x-zip-compressed' ), 'mid' => 'audio/midi', 'midi' => 'audio/midi', 'mpga' => 'audio/mpeg', 'mp2' => 'audio/mpeg', 'mp3' => array ('audio/mpeg', 'audio/mpg' ), 'aif' => 'audio/x-aiff', 'aiff' => 'audio/x-aiff', 'aifc' => 'audio/x-aiff', 'ram' => 'audio/x-pn-realaudio', 'rm' => 'audio/x-pn-realaudio', 'rpm' => 'audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin', 'ra' => 'audio/x-realaudio', 'rv' => 'video/vnd.rn-realvideo', 'wav' => 'audio/x-wav', 'bmp' => 'image/bmp', 'gif' => 'image/gif', 'jpeg' => array ('image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg' ), 'jpg' => array ('image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg' ), 'jpe' => array ('image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg' ), 'png' => array ('image/png', 'image/x-png' ), 'tiff' => 'image/tiff', 'tif' => 'image/tiff', 'css' => 'text/css', 'html' => 'text/html', 'htm' => 'text/html', 'shtml' => 'text/html', 'txt' => 'text/plain', 'text' => 'text/plain', 'log' => array ('text/plain', 'text/x-log' ), 'rtx' => 'text/richtext', 'rtf' => 'text/rtf', 'xml' => 'text/xml', 'xsl' => 'text/xml', 'mpeg' => 'video/mpeg', 'mpg' => 'video/mpeg', 'mpe' => 'video/mpeg', 'qt' => 'video/quicktime', 'mov' => 'video/quicktime', 'avi' => 'video/x-msvideo', 'movie' => 'video/x-sgi-movie', 'doc' => 'application/msword', 'docx' => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document', 'xlsx' => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'word' => array ('application/msword', 'application/octet-stream' ), 'xl' => 'application/excel', 'eml' => 'message/rfc822' );
$config['engine']['doctypes'] = array('xhtml11' => '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" """>' 'xhtml1-trans' => '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">' 'xhtml1-frame' => '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN" "">' 'html5' => '<!DOCTYPE html>', 'html4-strict' => '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">' 'html4-trans' => '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">' 'html4-frame' => '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "">' );
$config['engine']['url_suffix'] = ".ide";
$config['engine']['sess_cookie_name'] = 'ci_session';
$config['engine']['sess_expiration'] = 7200;
$config['engine']['sess_encrypt_cookie'] = FALSE;
$config['engine']['sess_use_database'] = FALSE;
$config['engine']['sess_table_name'] = 'ci_sessions';
$config['engine']['sess_match_ip'] = FALSE;
$config['engine']['sess_match_useragent'] = TRUE;
$config['engine']['sess_time_to_update'] = 300;
$config['engine']['rewrite_short_tags'] = false;
if(USING_WINDOWS == 1) {
//Load management is not available on Windows.
$config['engine']['loadManagement'] = false;
} else {
//Load management is a maximum ammount of processes website is using. If the website is flooded it will drop connection with users outside this amount.
$config['engine']['loadManagement'] = false;
$config['engine']['maxLoad'] = 60;
| Error Logging Threshold
| If you have enabled error logging, you can set an error threshold to 
| determine what gets logged. Threshold options are:
| You can enable error logging by setting a threshold over zero. The
| threshold determines what gets logged. Threshold options are:
| 0 = Disables logging, Error logging TURNED OFF
| 1 = Error Messages (including PHP errors)
| 2 = Debug Messages
| 3 = Informational Messages
| 4 = All Messages
| For a live site you'll usually only enable Errors (1) to be logged otherwise
| your log files will fill up very fast.
$config['engine']['log_threshold'] = 0;
@DEFINE('LEVELTOCREATEGUILD', $config['levelToCreateGuild']);
@DEFINE('PREMDAYS', $config['premDays']);
@DEFINE('HOSTNAME', $config['database']['host']);
@DEFINE('USERNAME', $config['database']['login']);
@DEFINE('PASSWORD', $config['database']['password']);
@DEFINE('DATABASE', $config['database']['database']);
@DEFINE('WEBSITE', $config['website']);





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List of vocation available to choose when creating new character*/ $config['vocations'] = array(1=>"Naruto", 13=>"Sasuke", 25=>"Lee", 34=>"Sakura", 50=>"Gaara", 70=>"Neji", 90=>"Kiba", 110=>"Shikamaru", 130=>"Hinata", 150=>"Tenten", 170=>"Itachi", 190=>"Killer Bee", 200=>"Kakashi", 620=>"Yamato", 220=>"Tobi", 580=>"Kakuzu", 550=>"Hidan", 520=>"Raikage", 235=>"Minato", 500=>"Kisame", 600=>"Madara", 210=>"Temari", 251=>"Sasori");    
/*List of vocation that exists on server*/ $config['server_vocations'] = array(1=>"Naruto", 13=>"Sasuke", 25=>"Lee", 34=>"Sakura", 50=>"Gaara", 70=>"Neji", 90=>"Kiba", 110=>"Shikamaru", 130=>"Hinata", 150=>"Tenten", 170=>"Itachi", 190=>"Killer Bee", 200=>"Kakashi", 620=>"Yamato", 220=>"Tobi", 580=>"Kakuzu", 550=>"Hidan", 520=>"Raikage", 235=>"Minato", 500=>"Kisame", 600=>"Madara", 210=>"Temari", 251=>"Sasori");
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Obrigado vou editar aki qualquer coisa posto aki





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Se você cria a vocação e ela vem sem spell, acho que você tem que alterar a vocation id do Madara Sample no phpmyadmin

Projeto Zerphys Dragon Ball Online V1.0 (Open Source) Em breve!


 - Mapa 3%

 - Monstros 0%

 - Vocações 0%

 - Spells 0%

 - Scripts (talkactions, sistemas,mods, geral etc ...) 0%

 - Client 0%

 - Website 0%


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Mas e pra min ver o id da vocation que tem no meu ot eu vou onde para ver ?

Se você cria a vocação e ela vem sem spell, acho que você tem que alterar a vocation id do Madara Sample no phpmyadmin

Eu mudei o id dele para o que tem spell que no caso é o do meu ot e não o do site,mas mesmo eu mudando la não auterou nada..


Mudei no config.php e no sample e quando fui criar para testar deu esse erro no cadastro.



A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: 209

Filename: controllers/character.php

Line Number: 133

An Error Was Encountered

Sample character could not be found!

Editado por reglachek (veja o histórico de edições)





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Por exemplo no server você tem a vocação madara que no SERVER a vocation id, é 1 (exemplo)


No phpmyadmin você abre para editar o Madara Sample, e muda a voc id para 1 (exemplo)


No config para criar o personagem, não é pra por 1, e sim o id do "SAMPLE" cada player da sua database tem um id, se não me engano account manager é o 0, nesse caso seria o madara com o id "1". Se o account manager fosse 1, seu madara teria que ser o 2. Espero que o erro seja isso

Projeto Zerphys Dragon Ball Online V1.0 (Open Source) Em breve!


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A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: 700

Filename: controllers/character.php

Line Number: 133

An Error Was Encountered

Sample character could not be found!



Alguem me ajuda pfv, to tentando por a vocation ANBU no meu ot, id dela no ot é 700

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