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Como ligar hospedagem 'site' no server

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To com uma dúvida, nunca usei hospedagem de sites sempre usei xampp e to com uma dúvida..

Como faço pra ligar os pontos e por server online ??


Na hora de instalar o gesior o que boto em:

$config['site']['serverPath'] = "..";



Antica Global - Server Online



EXP: 999x [sTAGES]
ML: 300x
SKILL: 500x
LOOT: 10x
VERSÃO: 10.77
PORTA: 7171
1 - 8 level, 999x
9 - 20 level, 950x
21 - 50 level, 800x
51 - 100 level, 750x
101 - 130 level, 650x
131 - 180 level, 550x
181 - 230 level, 450x
231 - 300 level, 350x
301+ level, 300x
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@lamina, precisa adaptar ... na verdade o gesior busca o config.lua para pegar os dados de conexão mysql e algumas outras coisas simples, basta tu pegar um config.lua qualquer que tenha os dados de conexão mysql e coloca dentro do site no local que tu hospedar ... bem simples! 

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@lamina, precisa adaptar ... na verdade o gesior busca o config.lua para pegar os dados de conexão mysql e algumas outras coisas simples, basta tu pegar um config.lua qualquer que tenha os dados de conexão mysql e coloca dentro do site no local que tu hospedar ... bem simples! 


Só eu criar um arquivo .lua na hospedagem então ? hum..

Antica Global - Server Online



EXP: 999x [sTAGES]
ML: 300x
SKILL: 500x
LOOT: 10x
VERSÃO: 10.77
PORTA: 7171
1 - 8 level, 999x
9 - 20 level, 950x
21 - 50 level, 800x
51 - 100 level, 750x
101 - 130 level, 650x
131 - 180 level, 550x
181 - 230 level, 450x
231 - 300 level, 350x
301+ level, 300x
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cria um config.lua e coloca os dados tipo SqlType .. sqldatadabase e etc ...


Resolvido? Se sim clique em melhor resposta para que o tópico fique automaticamente como resolvido.

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cria um config.lua e coloca os dados tipo SqlType .. sqldatadabase e etc ...


Resolvido? Se sim clique em melhor resposta para que o tópico fique automaticamente como resolvido.


Acho que não é bem isso n, por que na hora de instalar o gesior, não localizou o arquivo vocations.xml, system/compart.lua


Tipo isso:


Warning: parse_ini_file() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/anticagl/public_html/system/load.compat.php on line 62

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/anticagl/public_html/system/load.compat.php on line 63

Warning: parse_ini_file() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/anticagl/public_html/system/load.compat.php on line 249

Antica Global - Server Online



EXP: 999x [sTAGES]
ML: 300x
SKILL: 500x
LOOT: 10x
VERSÃO: 10.77
PORTA: 7171
1 - 8 level, 999x
9 - 20 level, 950x
21 - 50 level, 800x
51 - 100 level, 750x
101 - 130 level, 650x
131 - 180 level, 550x
181 - 230 level, 450x
231 - 300 level, 350x
301+ level, 300x
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Sim, o site precisa do vocations.xml e do groups.xml, eu mudei o caminho deles num arquivo em classes/, no erro mostra o arquivo, entre lá e mude o caminho de {pach} etc etc, coloca os arquivos vocations e groups dentro das classes, e coloque o caminho para eles, é bem simples! Mais incompatibilidades poste aqui.

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Sim, o site precisa do vocations.xml e do groups.xml, eu mudei o caminho deles num arquivo em classes/, no erro mostra o arquivo, entre lá e mude o caminho de {pach} etc etc, coloca os arquivos vocations e groups dentro das classes, e coloque o caminho para eles, é bem simples! Mais incompatibilidades poste aqui.

Acho que entendi, vou testar.. 5 min


Olha no que deu:

Warning: parse_ini_file() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/anticagl/public_html/system/load.compat.php on line 62

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/anticagl/public_html/system/load.compat.php on line 63

Warning: parse_ini_file() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/anticagl/public_html/system/load.compat.php on line 249


Me explica melhor ai, que não entendi n =/

Editado por lamina (veja o histórico de edições)

Antica Global - Server Online



EXP: 999x [sTAGES]
ML: 300x
SKILL: 500x
LOOT: 10x
VERSÃO: 10.77
PORTA: 7171
1 - 8 level, 999x
9 - 20 level, 950x
21 - 50 level, 800x
51 - 100 level, 750x
101 - 130 level, 650x
131 - 180 level, 550x
181 - 230 level, 450x
231 - 300 level, 350x
301+ level, 300x
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me manda as linhas que dão erro .... 


Linha 62:

$layout_ini = parse_ini_file($layout_name.'/layout_config.ini');


foreach($layout_ini as $key => $value)


$config['status'] = parse_ini_file('cache/DONT_EDIT_serverstatus.txt');

Antica Global - Server Online



EXP: 999x [sTAGES]
ML: 300x
SKILL: 500x
LOOT: 10x
VERSÃO: 10.77
PORTA: 7171
1 - 8 level, 999x
9 - 20 level, 950x
21 - 50 level, 800x
51 - 100 level, 750x
101 - 130 level, 650x
131 - 180 level, 550x
181 - 230 level, 450x
231 - 300 level, 350x
301+ level, 300x
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manda o seu load.compat.php




// DEFINE VARIABLES FOR SCRIPTS AND LAYOUTS (no more notices 'undefinied variable'!)
if(!isset($_REQUEST['subtopic']) || empty($_REQUEST['subtopic']) || is_array($_REQUEST['subtopic']))
	$_REQUEST['subtopic'] = "latestnews";
	$_REQUEST['subtopic'] = (string) $_REQUEST['subtopic'];

	if(Website::fileExists("pages/" . $_REQUEST['subtopic'] . ".php"))
		$subtopic = $_REQUEST['subtopic'];
		new Error_Critic('CRITICAL ERROR', 'Cannot load page <b>' . htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['subtopic']) . '</b>, file does not exist.');
	new Error_Critic('CRITICAL ERROR', 'Cannot load page <b>' . htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['subtopic']) . '</b>, invalid file name [contains illegal characters].');

// action that page should execute
	$action = (string) $_REQUEST['action'];
	$action = '';

$logged = false;
$account_logged = new Account();
$group_id_of_acc_logged = 0;
// with ONLY_PAGE option we want disable useless SQL queries
	// logged boolean value: true/false
	$logged = Visitor::isLogged();
	// Account object with account of logged player or empty Account
	$account_logged = Visitor::getAccount();
	// group of acc. logged
		$group_id_of_acc_logged = Visitor::getAccount()->getPageAccess();
$layout_name = './layouts/' . Website::getWebsiteConfig()->getValue('layout');

$title = ucwords($subtopic) . ' - ' . Website::getServerConfig()->getValue('serverName');

$topic = $subtopic;

$passwordency = Website::getServerConfig()->getValue('passwordType');
if($passwordency == 'plain')
	$passwordency = '';

$news_content = '';
$vocation_name = array();
foreach(Website::getVocations() as $vocation)
	$vocation_name[$vocation->getId()] = $vocation->getName();

$layout_ini = parse_ini_file($layout_name.'/layout_config.ini');
foreach($layout_ini as $key => $value)
	$config['site'][$key] = $value;

//###################### FUNCTIONS ######################
function microtime_float()
	return microtime(true);

function isPremium($premdays, $lastday)
	return Functions::isPremium($premdays, $lastday);

function saveconfig_ini($config)
	new Error_Critic('', 'function <i>saveconfig_ini</i> is deprecated. Do not use it.');

function password_ency($password, $account = null)
	new Error_Critic('', 'function <i>password_ency</i> is deprecated. Do not use it.');

function check_name($name)
	$name = (string) $name;
	$temp = strspn("$name", "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM- [ ] '");
	if($temp != strlen($name))
		return false;
	if(strlen($name) > 25)
		return false;

	return true;

function check_account_name($name)
	$name = (string) $name;
	$temp = strspn("$name", "QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM0123456789");
	if ($temp != strlen($name))
		return false;
	if(strlen($name) < 1)
		return false;
	if(strlen($name) > 32)
		return false;

	return true;

function check_name_new_char($name)
	$name = (string) $name;
	$name_to_check = strtolower($name);
	//first word can't be:
	$first_words_blocked = array('gm ','cm ', 'god ','tutor ', "'", '-');
	//names blocked:
	$names_blocked = array('gm','cm', 'god', 'tutor');
	//name can't contain:
	$words_blocked = array('gamemaster', 'game master', 'game-master', "game'master", '--', "''","' ", " '", '- ', ' -', "-'", "'-", 'fuck', 'sux', 'suck', 'noob', 'tutor');
	foreach($first_words_blocked as $word)
		if($word == substr($name_to_check, 0, strlen($word)))
			return false;
	if(substr($name_to_check, -1) == "'" || substr($name_to_check, -1) == "-")
		return false;
	if(substr($name_to_check, 1, 1) == ' ')
		return false;
	if(substr($name_to_check, -2, 1) == " ")
		return false;
	foreach($names_blocked as $word)
		if($word == $name_to_check)
			return false;
	for($i = 0; $i < strlen($name_to_check); $i++)
		if($name_to_check[$i-1] == ' ' && $name_to_check[$i+1] == ' ')
			return false;
	foreach($words_blocked as $word)
		if (!(strpos($name_to_check, $word) === false))
			return false;
	for($i = 0; $i < strlen($name_to_check); $i++)
		if($name_to_check[$i] == $name_to_check[($i+1)] && $name_to_check[$i] == $name_to_check[($i+2)])
			return false;
	for($i = 0; $i < strlen($name_to_check); $i++)
		if($name_to_check[$i-1] == ' ' && $name_to_check[$i+1] == ' ')
			return false;
	$temp = strspn("$name", "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM- '");
	if ($temp != strlen($name))
		return false;
	if(strlen($name) < 1)
		return false;
	if(strlen($name) > 25)
		return false;

	return true;

function check_rank_name($name)
	$name = (string) $name;
	$temp = strspn("$name", "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM0123456789-[ ] ");
	if($temp != strlen($name))
		return false;
	if(strlen($name) < 1)
		return false;
	if(strlen($name) > 60)
		return false;

	return true;

function check_guild_name($name)
	$name = (string) $name;
	$words_blocked = array('--', "''","' ", " '", '- ', ' -', "-'", "'-", '  ');
	$temp = strspn("$name", "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM0123456789-' ");
	if($temp != strlen($name))
		return false;
	if(strlen($name) < 1)
		return false;
	if(strlen($name) > 60)
		return false;

	foreach($words_blocked as $word)
		if (!(strpos($name, $word) === false))
			return false;

	return true;

function check_password($pass)
	$pass = (string) $pass;
	$temp = strspn("$pass", "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM1234567890");
	if($temp != strlen($pass))
		return false;
	if(strlen($pass) > 40)
		return false;

	return true;

function check_mail($email)
	$email = (string) $email;
	$ok = "/[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}/";
	return (preg_match($ok, $email))? true: false;

function items_on_player($characterid, $pid)
	new Error_Critic('', 'function <i>items_on_player</i> is deprecated. Do not use it. It used too many queries!');

function getReason($reasonId)
	return Functions::getBanReasonName($reasonId);

//################### DISPLAY FUNCTIONS #####################
//return shorter text (news ticker)
function short_text($text, $chars_limit) 
	if(strlen($text) > $chars_limit)
		return substr($text, 0, strrpos(substr($text, 0, $chars_limit), " ")).'...';
		return $text;
//return text to news msg
function news_place()
	return '';
//set monster of week
function logo_monster()
	new Error_Critic('', 'function <i>logo_monster</i> is deprecated. Do not use it!');

// we don't want to count AJAX scripts/guild images as page views, we also don't need status
	$statustimeout = 1;
	foreach(explode("*", str_replace(" ", "", $config['server']['statusTimeout'])) as $status_var)
		if($status_var > 0)
			$statustimeout = $statustimeout * $status_var;
	$statustimeout = $statustimeout / 1000;
	$config['status'] = parse_ini_file('cache/DONT_EDIT_serverstatus.txt');
	if($config['status']['serverStatus_lastCheck']+$statustimeout < time())
		$config['status']['serverStatus_checkInterval'] = $statustimeout+3;
		$config['status']['serverStatus_lastCheck'] = time();
		$statusInfo = new ServerStatus($config['server']['ip'], $config['server']['statusProtocolPort'], 1);
			$config['status']['serverStatus_online'] = 1;
			$config['status']['serverStatus_players'] = $statusInfo->getPlayersCount();
			$config['status']['serverStatus_playersMax'] = $statusInfo->getPlayersMaxCount();
			$h = floor($statusInfo->getUptime() / 3600);
			$m = floor(($statusInfo->getUptime() - $h*3600) / 60);
			$config['status']['serverStatus_uptime'] = $h.'h '.$m.'m';
			$config['status']['serverStatus_monsters'] = $statusInfo->getMonsters();
			$config['status']['serverStatus_online'] = 0;
			$config['status']['serverStatus_players'] = 0;
			$config['status']['serverStatus_playersMax'] = 0;
		$file = fopen("cache/DONT_EDIT_serverstatus.txt", "w");
		$file_data = '';
		foreach($config['status'] as $param => $data)
	$file_data .= $param.' = "'.str_replace('"', '', $data).'"
		fwrite($file, $file_data);
	$views_counter = "cache/DONT_EDIT_usercounter.txt";
	// checking if the file exists
	if (file_exists($views_counter))
		$actie = fopen($views_counter, "r+"); 
		$page_views = fgets($actie, 9); 
		fputs($actie, $page_views, 9); 
		// the file doesn't exist, creating a new one with value 1
		$actie = fopen($views_counter, "w"); 
		$page_views = 1; 
		fputs($actie, $page_views, 9); 

Antica Global - Server Online



EXP: 999x [sTAGES]
ML: 300x
SKILL: 500x
LOOT: 10x
VERSÃO: 10.77
PORTA: 7171
1 - 8 level, 999x
9 - 20 level, 950x
21 - 50 level, 800x
51 - 100 level, 750x
101 - 130 level, 650x
131 - 180 level, 550x
181 - 230 level, 450x
231 - 300 level, 350x
301+ level, 300x
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up :cry:

Antica Global - Server Online



EXP: 999x [sTAGES]
ML: 300x
SKILL: 500x
LOOT: 10x
VERSÃO: 10.77
PORTA: 7171
1 - 8 level, 999x
9 - 20 level, 950x
21 - 50 level, 800x
51 - 100 level, 750x
101 - 130 level, 650x
131 - 180 level, 550x
181 - 230 level, 450x
231 - 300 level, 350x
301+ level, 300x
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Antica Global - Server Online



EXP: 999x [sTAGES]
ML: 300x
SKILL: 500x
LOOT: 10x
VERSÃO: 10.77
PORTA: 7171
1 - 8 level, 999x
9 - 20 level, 950x
21 - 50 level, 800x
51 - 100 level, 750x
101 - 130 level, 650x
131 - 180 level, 550x
181 - 230 level, 450x
231 - 300 level, 350x
301+ level, 300x
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  • 2 weeks later...

Desculpe, estive um tempo sem entrar, se puder colocar no tópico como resolveu, talvez alguem mais esteja com a mesma dúvida ... 


Não usei hospedagem paga de site, usei no dedicado debian 7, nginx. Pesquisem é bom :D

Antica Global - Server Online



EXP: 999x [sTAGES]
ML: 300x
SKILL: 500x
LOOT: 10x
VERSÃO: 10.77
PORTA: 7171
1 - 8 level, 999x
9 - 20 level, 950x
21 - 50 level, 800x
51 - 100 level, 750x
101 - 130 level, 650x
131 - 180 level, 550x
181 - 230 level, 450x
231 - 300 level, 350x
301+ level, 300x
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