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(Resolvido)Preciso De Algum Scripter

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Preciso De Algum Scripter Que Saiba Meche Com Level System Pfv Se Alguém For Scripter Fale Com Migo


Do Rep+ Se Me Ajudar ^^

Editado por zangoosedoido (veja o histórico de edições)
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Poketibia ?

Gente, não dou suporte via mp, caso queira ajuda crie um tópico no fórum!!!
youtube.png  10869_64x64.png
Ajudei? Clicar em gostar não vai te matar

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ss poketibia

tenho um script* de system level aki do pgalaxy

Editado por oiuhygwueuho (veja o histórico de edições)

Gente, não dou suporte via mp, caso queira ajuda crie um tópico no fórum!!!
youtube.png  10869_64x64.png
Ajudei? Clicar em gostar não vai te matar

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Não manjo de level system, mas se falar o que é, posso ajudar.

é um sistema que da level ao pokemon.

Gente, não dou suporte via mp, caso queira ajuda crie um tópico no fórum!!!
youtube.png  10869_64x64.png
Ajudei? Clicar em gostar não vai te matar

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Gostaria De Editar O level máximo em que um pokemon pode chegar. To usando Pgalaxy com level, e queria


aumentar o nível máximo, porque só vai ate 150 Se Alguem Poder Me Ajudar Agradeço Muito E


Do Rep+

Editado por zangoosedoido (veja o histórico de edições)
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é um sistema que da level ao pokemon.

Eu sei o que é, queria saber o que ele quer. UAHEHUAE


Zangoose, no seu creaturescripts tem algum arquivo com nome de pokelevel, pokeup, level...

Vê se acha algo com nome relacionado ao level do pokemon e manda aqui.

Att. Featzen.

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bom achei umas partes aki, n sei se e nesse lugar que edita...


for x = 1, 100 do
if exp >= leveltable[x] and exp < leveltable[x+1] then
newlevel = x
Bom acho que começa editando o " 1, 100 " colocando porr 1,900 
if getItemAttribute(item, "exp") + expe > leveltable[100] then
givePokemonExpInBp(cid, item, leveltable[100] - getItemAttribute(item, "exp"), ballid)
return true
aki e o msm so q no lugar do 100 eu acho que tem q bota a quantidade q qér, tipo ali eu segueri 900...
if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "exp") + expe > leveltable[100] then
givePokemonExp(cid, item, leveltable[100] - getItemAttribute(item.uid, "exp"))
return true
aki tbm é a msm merda fio

Gente, não dou suporte via mp, caso queira ajuda crie um tópico no fórum!!!
youtube.png  10869_64x64.png
Ajudei? Clicar em gostar não vai te matar

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Ss Tem 2 Level System E Outro Com Level Table Vou Mandar OS 2 ^^



Esse Ae Ta Configurado Para Lvl 100 Só O Meu Ainda Ta Pra 150 Mas Quando Eu Mudo N Pega

Level System


function getPokemonStatus(name, multiplier)
local a = pokes[name]
local m = 1
if not a then return false end
if not a.offense then return false end
if multiplier then m = multiplier end
local ret = {} = a.offense * m
ret.offense =
ret.def = a.defense * m
ret.defense = ret.def
ret.agi = a.agility * m
ret.agility = ret.agi
ret.spatk = a.specialattack * m
ret.specialattack = ret.spatk
ret.vit = a.vitality * m
ret.vitality = ret.vit
return ret
function getPokemonXMLOutfit(name)                --alterado v2.9 \/
local path = "data/monster/pokes/Shiny Kanto/"".xml"
local tpw = io.type(
if not tpw then
   path = "data/monster/pokes/Nesil 2/"".xml"
   tpw = io.type(
if not tpw then
   path = "data/monster/pokes/Nesil 1/"".xml"
   tpw = io.type(
if not tpw then
   path = "data/monster/pokes/Nesil 3/"".xml"
   tpw = io.type(
if not tpw then
   path = "data/monster/pokes/Nesil 4/"".xml"
   tpw = io.type(
if not tpw then
   path = "data/monster/pokes/Nesil 5/"".xml"
   tpw = io.type(
if not tpw then
   path = "data/monster/pokes/Novelty/"".xml"
   tpw = io.type(
if not tpw then
   path = "data/monster/pokes/Shiny Hoenn/"".xml"
   tpw = io.type(
if not tpw then
   path = "data/monster/pokes/Shiny Johto/"".xml"
   tpw = io.type(
if not tpw then
   path = "data/monster/pokes/Shiny Sinnoh/"".xml"
   tpw = io.type(
if not tpw then
   path = "data/monster/pokes/"".xml"
   tpw = io.type(
if not tpw then
   return print("[getPokemonXMLOutfit] Poke with name: "" ins't in any paste on monster/pokes/") and 2
   local arq =, "a+")
   local txt = arq:read("*all")
   local a, b = txt:find('look type="(.-)"')
   txt = string.sub(txt, a + 11, b - 1)
return tonumber(txt)
function doEvolutionOutfit(cid, oldout, outfit)
if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
if getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType == oldout then
doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = outfit}, -1)
doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = oldout}, -1)
function doStartEvolution(cid, evolution, seconds)
if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
local a = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1007)
local b = getCreatureHealth(cid) / getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)
local d = getThingPos(cid)
local e = getCreatureMaster(cid)
if getHappinessRate(cid) < 1 then return true end
local f = getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType
local g = getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(e, 8).uid, "nick") or getCreatureName(cid)
local h = getPokemonXMLOutfit(evolution)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(e, 8).uid, "hp", b)
doCreatureSay(e, "What? My "..g.." is evolving!", TALKTYPE_SAY)
doSummonMonster(e, "Evolution")
doReturnPokemon(e, cid, getPlayerSlotItem(e, 8), 0, true)
local evo = getCreatureSummons(e)[1]
doEvolutionOutfit(evo, h, f)
doCreatureSetHideHealth(evo, true)
doCreatureSetLookDir(evo, 2)
setPlayerStorageValue(evo, 1007, g)
doTeleportThing(evo, d, false)
addEvent(sendSSJEffect, 250, evo)
doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(evo), "EVOLUTION", COLOR_GRASS)
doSendEvolutionEffect(evo, getThingPos(evo), evolution, 20, false, false, f, h)
function doSendEvolutionEffect(cid, pos, evolution, turn, ssj, evolve, f, h)
if not isCreature(cid) then
doSendAnimatedText(pos, "CANCEL", 215)
return true end
if evolve then
doEvolvePokemon(getCreatureMaster(cid), {uid = cid}, evolution, 0, 0)
return true
doSendMagicEffect(pos, 18)
if ssj then
doEvolutionOutfit(cid, f, h)
addEvent(doSendEvolutionEffect, math.pow(1900, turn/20), cid, getThingPos(cid), evolution, turn - 1, turn == 19, turn == 2, f, h)
function sendSSJEffect(cid)
if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
local pos1 = getThingPos(cid)
local pos2 = getThingPos(cid)
pos2.x = pos2.x + math.random(-1, 1)
pos2.y = pos2.y - math.random(1, 2)
doSendDistanceShoot(pos1, pos2, 37)
addEvent(sendSSJEffect, 45, cid)
function sendFinishEvolutionEffect(cid, alternate)
if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
local pos1 = getThingPos(cid)
if alternate then
local pos = {
[1] = {-2, 0},
[2] = {-1, -1},
[3] = {0, -2},
[4] = {1, -1},
[5] = {2, 0},
[6] = {1, 1},
[7] = {0, 2},
[8] = {-1, 1}}
for a = 1, 8 do
local pos2 = getThingPos(cid)
pos2.x = pos2.x + pos[a][1]
pos2.y = pos2.y + pos[a][2]
local pos = getThingPos(cid)
doSendDistanceShoot(pos2, pos, 37)
addEvent(doSendDistanceShoot, 300, pos, pos2, 37)
for a = 0, 3 do
doSendDistanceShoot(pos1, getPosByDir(pos1, a), 37)
for a = 4, 7 do
addEvent(doSendDistanceShoot, 600, pos1, getPosByDir(pos1, a), 37)
function doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, theevo, stone1, stone2)
if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
if not pokes[theevo] or not pokes[theevo].offense then
doReturnPokemon(cid, item2.uid, getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8), pokeballs[getPokeballType(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid)].effect, false, true)
return true
local owner = getCreatureMaster(item2.uid)
local pokeball = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8)
local description = "Contains a "..theevo.."."
local pct = getCreatureHealth(item2.uid) / getCreatureMaxHealth(item2.uid)
doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "hp", pct)
doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "poke", theevo)
doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "description", "Contains a "..theevo..".")
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Congratulations! Your "..getPokeName(item2.uid).." evolved into a "..theevo.."!")
doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(item2.uid), 18)
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 7).uid, fotos[theevo])
doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 173)
local oldpos = getThingPos(item2.uid)
local oldlod = getCreatureLookDir(item2.uid)
local oldlvl = getPokemonLevel(item2.uid)
doSummonMonster(cid, theevo)
local pk = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]
doTeleportThing(pk, oldpos, false)
doCreatureSetLookDir(pk, oldlod)
sendFinishEvolutionEffect(pk, true)
addEvent(sendFinishEvolutionEffect, 550, pk, true)
addEvent(sendFinishEvolutionEffect, 1050, pk)
doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, stone1, 1)
doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, stone2, 1)
doAddPokemonInOwnList(cid, theevo)
local status = getPokemonStatus(getCreatureName(pk))
local off = * 7.5
local def = status.def * 7.5
local agi = status.agi * 7.5
local spatk = status.spatk * 7.5
local vit = status.vit * 7.5
doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "offense", getItemAttribute(pokeball.uid, "offense") + off)
doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "defense", getItemAttribute(pokeball.uid, "defense") + def)
doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "speed", getItemAttribute(pokeball.uid, "speed") + agi)
doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "specialattack", getItemAttribute(pokeball.uid, "specialattack") + spatk)
doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "vitality", getItemAttribute(pokeball.uid, "vitality") + vit)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Evolution bonus: • Offense: +"..doMathDecimal(off).."  • Defense: +"..doMathDecimal(def).."  • Spc. Atk: +"..doMathDecimal(spatk).."  • Agility: +"..doMathDecimal(agi).."  • Vitality: +"..doMathDecimal(vit).."")
local happy = getItemAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy")
doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy", happy + happyGainedOnEvolution)
if happy + happyGainedOnEvolution > 255 then
doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy", 255)
adjustStatus(pk, pokeball.uid, true, false)
if useKpdoDlls then
function givePokemonExp(cid, item, expe, pct, rarecandy)
if expe <= 0 or not isCreature(cid) then return true end
local leveltable = getPokemonExperienceTable(getPokeballName(item.uid, true))
if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "exp") + expe > leveltable[150] then
givePokemonExp(cid, item, leveltable[150] - getItemAttribute(item.uid, "exp"))
return true
doItemSetAttribute(item.uid, "exp", getItemAttribute(item.uid, "exp") + expe)
doItemSetAttribute(item.uid, "happy", getItemAttribute(item.uid, "happy") + 1)
doItemSetAttribute(item.uid, "nextlevelexp", getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nextlevelexp") - expe)
if pct then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Your "..getPokeballName(item.uid).." has received "..expe.." experience points ("..pct.."%).")
if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nextlevelexp") > 0 then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Your "..getPokeballName(item.uid).." ["..getItemAttribute(item.uid, "level").."] has received "..expe.." experience points ("..getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nextlevelexp").." to next level).")
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Your "..getPokeballName(item.uid).." ["..getItemAttribute(item.uid, "level").."] has received "..expe.." experience points and has leveled up!")
if isBeingUsed(item.itemid) then
doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), expe, 215)
if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nextlevelexp") <= 0 then
local summon = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]
if not isCreature(summon) then return true end
doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(summon), "Level up!", 215)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 26, "sounds/Levelup.wav")
adjustPokemonLevel(item.uid, cid, item.itemid)
   doCreatureAddHealth(summon, getCreatureMaxHealth(summon))
function givePokemonExpInBp(cid, item, expe, ballid, pct, hidemessage)
if expe <= 0 or not isCreature(cid) then return true end
local leveltable = getPokemonExperienceTable(getPokeballName(item, true))
if getItemAttribute(item, "exp") + expe > leveltable[150] then
givePokemonExpInBp(cid, item, leveltable[150] - getItemAttribute(item, "exp"), ballid)
return true
doItemSetAttribute(item, "exp", getItemAttribute(item, "exp") + expe)
doItemSetAttribute(item, "happy", getItemAttribute(item, "happy") + 1)
doItemSetAttribute(item, "nextlevelexp", getItemAttribute(item, "nextlevelexp") - expe)
if not hidemessage then
if pct then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Your "..getPokeballName(item).." has received "..expe.." experience points ("..pct.."%).")
if getItemAttribute(item, "nextlevelexp") > 0 then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Your "..getPokeballName(item).." ["..getItemAttribute(item, "level").."] has received "..expe.." experience points inside his pokeball ("..getItemAttribute(item, "nextlevelexp").." to next level).")
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Your "..getPokeballName(item).." ["..getItemAttribute(item, "level").."] has received "..expe.." experience points and has leveled up inside his pokeball.")
adjustPokemonLevel(item, cid, ballid)
function doMathDecimal(number, casas)
if math.floor(number) == number then return number end
local c = casas and casas + 1 or 3
for a = 0, 10 do
if math.floor(number) < math.pow(10, a) then
local str = string.sub(""..number.."", 1, a + c)
return tonumber(str)
return number
function adjustPokemonLevel(item, cid, id, rarecandy)
if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
local exp = getItemAttribute(item, "exp")
local level = getItemAttribute(item, "level")
local leveltable = getPokemonExperienceTable(getPokeballName(item, true))
local newlevel = 1
for x = 1, 150 do
if exp >= leveltable[x] and exp < leveltable[x+1] then
newlevel = x
if newlevel <= 1 then return true end
local levelsup = (newlevel - level)
local pokemon = getItemAttribute(item, "poke")
local happy = getItemAttribute(item, "happy")
local rate = happy / happy
local newhappiness = happy
if happy >= 250 then
newhappiness = 255
elseif happy >= 230 then
newhappiness = happy + 4
elseif happy >= 210 then
newhappiness = happy + 6
elseif happy >= 180 then
newhappiness = happy + 8
elseif happy >= 140 then
newhappiness = happy + 10
elseif happy >= 110 then
newhappiness = happy + 12
newhappiness = happy + 15
local status = getPokemonStatus(pokemon)
local off = * rate * levelsup
local def = status.def * rate * levelsup
local agi = status.agi * rate * levelsup
local spatk = status.spatk * rate * levelsup
local vit = status.vit * rate * levelsup
doItemSetAttribute(item, "level", newlevel)
if not rarecandy then
doItemSetAttribute(item, "happy", newhappiness)
local nextexp = leveltable[newlevel + 1] - exp
doItemSetAttribute(item, "nextlevelexp", nextexp)
doItemSetAttribute(item, "offense", getItemAttribute(item, "offense") + off)
doItemSetAttribute(item, "defense", getItemAttribute(item, "defense") + def)
doItemSetAttribute(item, "speed", getItemAttribute(item, "speed") + agi)
doItemSetAttribute(item, "specialattack", getItemAttribute(item, "specialattack") + spatk)
doItemSetAttribute(item, "vitality", getItemAttribute(item, "vitality") + vit)
if newlevel > getPlayerLevel(cid) + pokemonMaxLevelAbovePlayer then
addEvent(doPlayerSendTextMessage, 30, cid, 18, "Warning: Your "..getPokeballName(item).."'s ["..newlevel.."] level is much higher than yours, so you will not be able to call him to battles.")
if isCreature(cid) and id >= 1 and isBeingUsed(id) then
adjustStatus(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], item, false, true)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "• Level: "..newlevel.." (+"..levelsup..")  • Offense: +"..doMathDecimal(off).."  • Defense: +"..doMathDecimal(def).."  • Spc. Atk: +"..doMathDecimal(spatk).."  • Agility: +"..doMathDecimal(agi).."  • Vitality: +"..doMathDecimal(vit).."")
if happy < minHappyToEvolve then return true end
if pokemonsCanEvolveByLevel then
local summon = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]
local reqlevel = poevo[getCreatureName(summon)] and poevo[getCreatureName(summon)].level or -1
local level = getItemAttribute(item, "level")
local evolution = "none"
local name = getCreatureName(summon)
if name == "Tyrogue" and level >= 20 then
if getOffense(summon) == getDefense(summon) then
evolution = "Hitmontop"
elseif getOffense(summon) > getDefense(summon) then
evolution = "Hitmonlee"
evolution = "Hitmonchan"
elseif name == "Eevee" then
if happy >= maxHappyToEvolve then
if isDay() then
evolution = "Espeon"
evolution = "Umbreon"
elseif name == "Slowpoke" and level >= 28 then
evolution = "Slowbro"
elseif name == "Poliwhirl" and level >= 36 then
evolution = "Poliwrath"
elseif reqlevel > 4 and level >= reqlevel then
evolution = poevo[getCreatureName(summon)].evolution
elseif reqlevel == 2 and happy >= maxHappyToEvolve then
evolution = poevo[getCreatureName(summon)] and poevo[getCreatureName(summon)].evolution or "none"
if evolution ~= "none" then
doStartEvolution(summon, evolution, 4)
function doAdjustWithDelay(cid, pk, health, vit, status)
if isCreature(cid) then                                   --alterado v2.5
   if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
   adjustStatus(pk, getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, health, vir, status)
function adjustStatus(pk, item, health, vite, conditions)
if not isCreature(pk) then return true end
local bonusoffense = getItemAttribute(item, boffense) or 0
local bonusdefense = getItemAttribute(item, bdefense) or 0
local bonusagility = getItemAttribute(item, bagility) or 0
local bonussattack = getItemAttribute(item, bsattack) or 0
setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1000, getItemAttribute(item, "level"))
setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1001, getItemAttribute(item, "offense") + bonusoffense)
setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1002, getItemAttribute(item, "defense") + bonusdefense)
setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1003, getItemAttribute(item, "speed") + bonusagility)
setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1005, getItemAttribute(item, "specialattack") + bonussattack)
local gender = getItemAttribute(item, "gender") and getItemAttribute(item, "gender") or 0
doCreatureSetSkullType(pk, gender)
if vite == true then
local pct = getCreatureHealth(pk) / getCreatureMaxHealth(pk)
local vit = getItemAttribute(item, "vitality") - getPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1004)
setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, getCreatureMaxHealth(pk) + ( vit * HPperVIT ))
doCreatureAddHealth(pk, pct * vit * HPperVIT)
setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1004, getItemAttribute(item, "vitality"))
local nick = getItemAttribute(item, "poke")
if string.find(tostring(nick), "Shiny") then
  nick = tostring(nick):match("(Shiny .*)")
if getItemAttribute(item, "nick") then
nick = getItemAttribute(item, "nick")
setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1007, nick)
local boostlevel = getItemAttribute(item, "boost") or 0
local boostshow = hideBoost and "]" or " + "..boostlevel.."]"
local lvlstr = ""
if showBoostSeparated then
boostshow = hideBoost and "]" or "] [+"..boostlevel.."]"
if hideSummonsLevel then
if not hideBoost then
nick = nick.." [+"..boostlevel.."]"
nick = nick.." ["..getItemAttribute(item, "level")..""..boostshow..""
doCreatureSetNick(pk, nick)
if not getItemAttribute(item, "happy") then
doItemSetAttribute(item, "happy", 120)
if not getItemAttribute(item, "hunger") then
doItemSetAttribute(item, "hunger", 5)
local happy = getItemAttribute(item, "happy")
if happy < 0 then
happy = 1
setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1008, happy)
local hunger = getItemAttribute(item, "hunger")
setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1009, hunger)
if health == true then
local mh = getCreatureMaxHealth(pk) + HPperVIT * getVitality(pk)
local rd = 1 - (tonumber(getItemAttribute(item, "hp")))
setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, mh)
doCreatureAddHealth(pk, getCreatureMaxHealth(pk))
doCreatureAddHealth(pk, -(getCreatureMaxHealth(pk) * rd))
if isSummon(pk) and conditions then                        --alterado v2.5 daki pra baixo!!
local burn = getItemAttribute(item, "burn")   
if burn and burn >= 0 then
  local ret = {id = pk, cd = burn, check = false, damage = getItemAttribute(item, "burndmg"), cond = "Burn"}
  addEvent(doCondition2, 3500, ret)
local poison = getItemAttribute(item, "poison")
if poison and poison >= 0 then
  local ret = {id = pk, cd = poison, check = false, damage = getItemAttribute(item, "poisondmg"), cond = "Poison"}
  addEvent(doCondition2, 1500, ret)
        local confuse = getItemAttribute(item, "confuse")
if confuse and confuse >= 0 then
  local ret = {id = pk, cd = confuse, check = false, cond = "Confusion"}
  addEvent(doCondition2, 1200, ret)                                                --alterado v2.5
        local sleep = getItemAttribute(item, "sleep")
if sleep and sleep >= 0 then
  local ret = {id = pk, cd = sleep, check = false, first = true, cond = "Sleep"}
local miss = getItemAttribute(item, "miss")     
if miss and miss >= 0 then      
          local ret = {id = pk, cd = miss, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "missEff"), check = false, spell = getItemAttribute(item, "missSpell"), cond = "Miss"}
        local fear = getItemAttribute(item, "fear")
        if fear and fear >= 0 then
           local ret = {id = pk, cd = fear, check = false, skill = getItemAttribute(item, "fearSkill"), cond = "Fear"}
        local silence = getItemAttribute(item, "silence")
        if silence and silence >= 0 then      
           local ret = {id = pk, cd = silence, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "silenceEff"), check = false, cond = "Silence"}
        local stun = getItemAttribute(item, "stun")
        if stun and stun >= 0 then
           local ret = {id = pk, cd = stun, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "stunEff"), check = false, spell = getItemAttribute(item, "stunSpell"), cond = "Stun"}
        local paralyze = getItemAttribute(item, "paralyze")
        if paralyze and paralyze >= 0 then
           local ret = {id = pk, cd = paralyze, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "paralyzeEff"), check = false, first = true, cond = "Paralyze"}
        local slow = getItemAttribute(item, "slow")
        if slow and slow >= 0 then
           local ret = {id = pk, cd = slow, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "slowEff"), check = false, first = true, cond = "Slow"}
        local leech = getItemAttribute(item, "leech")
        if leech and leech >= 0 then
           local ret = {id = pk, cd = leech, attacker = 0, check = false, damage = getItemAttribute(item, "leechdmg"), cond = "Leech"}
        for i = 1, 3 do
            local buff = getItemAttribute(item, "Buff"..i)
            if buff and buff >= 0 then
               local ret = {id = pk, cd = buff, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "Buff"..i.."eff"), check = false, 
               buff = getItemAttribute(item, "Buff"..i.."skill"), first = true, attr = "Buff"..i}
                                                                  --alterado v2.9 
    if getItemAttribute(item, "boost") and getItemAttribute(item, "boost") >= 50 and getItemAttribute(item, "aura") then
       sendAuraEffect(pk, auraSyst[getItemAttribute(item, "aura")])        
    if getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(pk), 6598754) >= 1 then
        setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 6598754, 1)                               
    elseif getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(pk), 6598755) >= 1 then
        setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 6598755, 1)
return true
function setWildPokemonLevel(cid, optionalLevel, optionalStatus, optionalNick, optionalExtraExp)
if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
if not pokes[getCreatureName(cid)] then return true end  --alterado v2.6
local levelRange = 0
local off = 0
local def = 0
local agi = 0
local spatk = 0
local vit = 0
local this = getCreatureName(cid)
local ee = 1
if optionalExtraExp then
ee = optionalExtraExp
if optionalLevel and tonumber(optionalLevel) >= 1 then                --alterado v2.8\/
   levelRange = optionalLevel
   levelRange = math.random(pokes[this].wildLvlMin, pokes[this].wildLvlMax) 
local status = getPokemonStatus(this)
if status then
off =
def = status.def
agi = status.agi
vit = status.vit
spatk = status.spatk
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000, (levelRange > 150 and 150 or levelRange)) --alterado v2.8
if optionalStatus and then
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001, optionalStatus.offense)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002, optionalStatus.defense)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1003, optionalStatus.agility)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004, optionalStatus.vitality)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1005, optionalStatus.specialattack)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1011, optionalStatus.offense)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1012, optionalStatus.defense)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1013, optionalStatus.agility)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1014, optionalStatus.vitality)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1015, optionalStatus.specialattack)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001, 5 + math.random(off * levelRange * 0.9, off * levelRange * 1.8))
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002, 5 + math.random(def * levelRange * 0.9, def * levelRange * 1.8))
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1003, math.random(agi * levelRange * 0.9, agi * levelRange * 1.8))
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004, math.random(vit * levelRange * 0.9, vit * levelRange * 1.8))
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1005, 5 + math.random(spatk * levelRange * 0.9, spatk * levelRange * 1.8))
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1011, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001))
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1012, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002))
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1013, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1003))
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1014, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004))
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1015, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1005))
setCreatureMaxHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid) + getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004) * HPperVIT * vitReductionForWild)
doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid))
if pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].exp then
local exp = (50 + pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].exp) * baseExpRate + pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].vitality * levelRange * pokemonExpPerLevelRate
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1006, exp * generalExpRate * ee)
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22546) == 1 then
          setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1006, 750)
          doSetCreatureDropLoot(cid, false)         --edited golden arena
local wildshow = wildBeforeNames and "Wild " or ""
if optionalNick then
if hideWildsLevel then
doCreatureSetNick(cid, optionalNick)
doCreatureSetNick(cid, optionalNick.." ["..getWildPokemonLevel(cid).."]")
if hideWildsLevel then
doCreatureSetNick(cid, ""..wildshow..""..getCreatureName(cid).."")
doCreatureSetNick(cid, ""..wildshow..""..getCreatureName(cid).." ["..getWildPokemonLevel(cid).."]")
function getOffenseInRage(cid)  --alterado v2.8
if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 547888) >= 1 then
return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001)) / 2
return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001))
function getOffense(cid)
if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end
--[[if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 3894) >= 1 then
return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001)) / 2
end ]]
return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001))
function getDefense(cid)
if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end
--[[ if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 3894) >= 1 then
return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002)) / 2
end  ]]
return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002))
function getSpeed(cid)
if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end
return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1003))
function getVitality(cid)
if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end
return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004))
function getSpecialAttack(cid)
if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end
return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1005))
function getHappiness(cid)
if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end
return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1008))
function getSpecialDefense(cid)
if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end
return getSpecialAttack(cid) * 0.85 + getDefense(cid) * 0.2
function getWildPokemonExp(cid)
return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1006)
function getWildPokemonLevel(cid)
return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000)
function getLevel(cid)
if isSummon(cid) then
return getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(cid), 8).uid, "level")
return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000)
function getPokeName(cid)
if not isSummon(cid) then return getCreatureName(cid) end
if getCreatureName(cid) == "Evolution" then return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1007) end
local item = getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(cid), 8)
if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nick") then                          --alterado v2.7
  return getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nick")
if string.find(tostring(getCreatureName(cid)), "Shiny") then
      local newName = tostring(getCreatureName(cid)):match("(Shiny .*)")
      return newName
return getCreatureName(cid)
function getPokeballName(item, truename)
if not truename and getItemAttribute(item, "nick") then
return getItemAttribute(item, "nick")
return getItemAttribute(item, "poke")
function getPokemonName(cid)
return getCreatureName(cid)
function getMasterLevel(poke)
    if not isSummon(poke) then return 0 end
return getPlayerLevel(getCreatureMaster(poke)) --alterado v2.5
function getPokeballBoost(ball)
    if not isPokeball(ball.itemid) then return 0 end  --alterado v2.8
return getItemAttribute(ball.uid, "boost") or 0
function getPokemonBoost(poke)
    if not isSummon(poke) then return 0 end       --alterado v2.5
return getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(poke), 8).uid, "boost") or 0
function getPokemonLevelByName(name)
return pokes[name] and pokes[name].level or 0  --alterado v2.9
function getPokemonLevel(cid)
if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end
return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000)
function getPokemonGender(cid)
return getCreatureSkullType(cid)
function setPokemonGender(cid, gender)
if isCreature(cid) and gender then        --alterado v2.8
   doCreatureSetSkullType(cid, gender)
   return true
return false

Level Tables


function getPokemonExperienceTable(pokemonname)

if isInArray(fastexppokes, pokemonname) then
return fastexptable
elseif isInArray(mediumfastexppokes, pokemonname) then
return mediumfastexptable
elseif isInArray(mediumslowexppokes, pokemonname) then
return mediumslowexptable
elseif isInArray(slowexppokes, pokemonname) then
return slowexptable
print(""..pokemonname.." doesn't have an experience table speed gain. Check it at data/lib/level tables.lua.")
return mediumfastexptable
fastexppokes = {"Diglett", "Dugtrio", "Meowth", "Persian",  
"Shiny Diglett", "Shiny Dugtrio", "Shiny Meowth", "Shiny Persian", 
"Sentret", "Furret", "Unown", "Dunsparce", 
"Shiny Sentret", "Shiny Furret", "Shiny Unown", "Shiny Dunsparce", 
"Plusle", "Minun", "Volbeat", "Illumise", "Spinda", "Chimecho", "Luvdisc", 
"Shiny Plusle", "Shiny Minun", "Shiny Volbeat", "Shiny Illumise", "Shiny Spinda", "Shiny Chimecho", "Shiny Luvdisc", 
"Kricketot", "Kricketune", 
"Shiny Kricketot", "Shiny Kricketune", 
"Basculin", "Emolga", "Karrablast", "Escavalier", "Foongus", "Amoonguss", "Alomomola", "Shelmet", "Accelgor", "Stunfisk", 
"Shiny Basculin", "Shiny Emolga", "Shiny Karrablast", "Shiny Escavalier", "Shiny Foongus", "Shiny Amoonguss", "Shiny Alomomola", "Shiny Shelmet", "Shiny Accelgor", "Shiny Stunfisk",
fastexptable = {
 [1] = 0,
 [2] = 51,
 [3] = 172,
 [4] = 409,
 [5] = 800,
 [6] = 1382,
 [7] = 2195,
 [8] = 3276,
 [9] = 4665,
 [10] = 6400,
 [11] = 8518,
 [12] = 11059,
 [13] = 14060,
 [14] = 17561,
 [15] = 21600,
 [16] = 26214,
 [17] = 31443,
 [18] = 37324,
 [19] = 43897,
 [20] = 51200,
 [21] = 59270,
 [22] = 68147,
 [23] = 77868,
 [24] = 88473,
 [25] = 100000,
 [26] = 112486,
 [27] = 125971,
 [28] = 140492,
 [29] = 156089,
 [30] = 172800,
 [31] = 190662,
 [32] = 209715,
 [33] = 229996,
 [34] = 251545,
 [35] = 274400,
 [36] = 298598,
 [37] = 324179,
 [38] = 351180,
 [39] = 379641,
 [40] = 409600,
 [41] = 441094,
 [42] = 474163,
 [43] = 508844,
 [44] = 545177,
 [45] = 583200,
 [46] = 622950,
 [47] = 664467,
 [48] = 707788,
 [49] = 752953,
 [50] = 800000,
 [51] = 848966,
 [52] = 899891,
 [53] = 952812,
 [54] = 1007769,
 [55] = 1064800,
 [56] = 1123942,
 [57] = 1185235,
 [58] = 1248716,
 [59] = 1314425,
 [60] = 1382400,
 [61] = 1452678,
 [62] = 1525299,
 [63] = 1600300,
 [64] = 1677721,
 [65] = 1757600,
 [66] = 1839974,
 [67] = 1924883,
 [68] = 2012364,
 [69] = 2102457,
 [70] = 2195200,
 [71] = 2290630,
 [72] = 2388787,
 [73] = 2489708,
 [74] = 2593433,
 [75] = 2700000,
 [76] = 2809446,
 [77] = 2921811,
 [78] = 3037132,
 [79] = 3155449,
 [80] = 3276800,
 [81] = 3401222,
 [82] = 3528755,
 [83] = 3659436,
 [84] = 3793305,
 [85] = 3930400,
 [86] = 4070758,
 [87] = 4214419,
 [88] = 4361420,
 [89] = 4511801,
 [90] = 4665600,
 [91] = 4822854,
 [92] = 4983603,
 [93] = 5147884,
 [94] = 5315737,
 [95] = 5487200,
 [96] = 5662310,
 [97] = 5841107,
 [98] = 6023628,
 [99] = 6209913,
 [100] = 6250000,
 [101] = 6400000,
 [102] = 6500000,
 [103] = 6600000,
 [104] = 6700000,
 [105] = 6800000,
 [106] = 6900000,
 [107] = 7000000,
 [108] = 7100000,
 [109] = 7200000,
 [110] = 7300000,
 [111] = 7400000,
 [112] = 7500000,
 [113] = 7600000,
 [114] = 7700000,
 [115] = 7800000,
 [116] = 7900000,
 [117] = 8000000,
 [118] = 8100000,
 [119] = 8220000,
 [120] = 8340000,
 [121] = 8460000,
 [122] = 8580000,
 [123] = 8600000,
 [124] = 8720000,
 [125] = 8840000,
 [126] = 8960000,
 [127] = 9080000,
 [128] = 9100000,
 [129] = 9220000,
 [130] = 9340000,
 [131] = 9460000,
 [132] = 9580000,
 [133] = 9600000,
 [134] = 9720000,
 [135] = 9840000,
 [136] = 9960000,
 [137] = 10080000,
 [138] = 10100000,
 [139] = 10200000,
 [140] = 10300000,
 [141] = 10400000,
 [142] = 10500000,
 [143] = 10600000,
 [144] = 11700000,
 [145] = 11800000,
 [146] = 11900000,
 [147] = 12030000,
 [148] = 12100600,
 [149] = 12200000,
 [150] = 12300000,
 [151] = 999999999}
mediumfastexppokes = {"Caterpie", "Metapod", "Butterfree", "Weedle", "Kakuna", "Beedrill", "Rattata", "Raticate", "Ekans", "Arbok", "Clefairy", "Clefable", "Jigglypuff", "Wigglytuff", "Venonat", "Venomoth", "Mankey", "Primeape", "Doduo", "Dodrio", 
"Grimer", "Muk", "Krabby", "Kingler", "Voltorb", "Electrode", "Cubone", "Marowak", "Koffing", "Weezing", "Goldeen", "Seaking", "Staryu", "Starmie", "Tauros", 
"Shiny Caterpie", "Shiny Metapod", "Shiny Butterfree", "Shiny Weedle", "Shiny Kakuna", "Shiny Beedrill", "Shiny Rattata", "Shiny Raticate", "Shiny Ekans", "Shiny Arbok", "Shiny Clefairy", "Shiny Clefable", "Shiny Jigglypuff", "Shiny Wigglytuff", 
"Shiny Venonat", "Shiny Venomoth", "Shiny Mankey", "Shiny Primeape", "Shiny Doduo", "Shiny Dodrio", "Shiny Grimer", "Shiny Muk", "Shiny Krabby", "Shiny Kingler", "Shiny Voltorb", "Shiny Electrode", "Shiny Cubone", "Shiny Marowak", "Shiny Koffing", 
"Shiny Weezing", "Shiny Goldeen", "Shiny Seaking", "Shiny Staryu", "Shiny Starmie", "Shiny Tauros",  
"Hoothoot", "Noctowl", "Ledyba", "Ledian", "Chinchou", "Lanturn", "Igglybuff", "Natu", "Xatu", "Marill", "Azumarill", "Hoppip", "Skiploom", "Jumpluff", "Cleffa", "Sunkern", "Sunflora", "Wooper", "Quagsire", "Pineco", "Forretress", "Snubbull", 
"Granbull", "Qwilfish", "Shuckle", "Slugma", "Magcargo", "Remoraid", "Octillery", "Delibird", "Phanpy", "Donphan", "Smeargle", 
"Shiny Hoothoot", "Shiny Noctowl", "Shiny Ledyba", "Shiny Ledian", "Shiny Chinchou", "Shiny Lanturn", "Shiny Igglybuff", "Shiny Natu", "Shiny Xatu", "Shiny Marill", "Shiny Azumarill", "Shiny Hoppip", "Shiny Skiploom", "Shiny Jumpluff", "Shiny Cleffa", 
"Shiny Sunkern", "Shiny Sunflora", "Shiny Wooper", "Shiny Quagsire", "Shiny Pineco", "Shiny Forretress", "Shiny Snubbull", "Shiny Granbull", "Shiny Qwilfish", "Shiny Shuckle", "Shiny Slugma", "Shiny Magcargo", "Shiny Remoraid", "Shiny Octillery", 
"Shiny Delibird", "Shiny Phanpy", "Shiny Donphan", "Shiny Smeargle", 
"Poochyena", "Mightyena", "Zigzagoon", "Linoone", "Wurmple", "Silcoon", "Beautifly", "Cascoon", "Dustux", "Lotad", "Lombre", "Ludicolo", "Sedot", "Nuzleaf", "Shiftry", "Tailow", "Swellow", "Wingull", "Pelipper", "Surskit", "Masquerain", "Nincada", "Ninjask", 
"Shedinja", "Skitty", "Delcaty", "Sableye", "Mawile", "Torkoal", "Spoink", "Grumpig", "Cacnea", "Cacturne", "Barboach", "Whiscash", "Baltoy", "Claydol", "Castform", "Kecleon", "Shuppet", "Banette", "Snorunt", "Glalie", 
"Shiny Poochyena", "Shiny Mightyena", "Shiny Zigzagoon", "Shiny Linoone", "Shiny Wurmple", "Shiny Silcoon", "Shiny Beautifly", "Shiny Cascoon", "Shiny Dustux", "Shiny Lotad", "Shiny Lombre", "Shiny Ludicolo", "Shiny Sedot", "Shiny Nuzleaf", "Shiny Shiftry", 
"Shiny Tailow", "Shiny Swellow", "Shiny Wingull", "Shiny Pelipper", "Surskit", "Masquerain", "Nincada", "Ninjask", "Shiny Shedinja", "Shiny Skitty", "Shiny Delcaty", "Shiny Sableye", "Shiny Mawile", "Shiny Torkoal", "Shiny Spoink", "Shiny Grumpig", 
"Shiny Cacnea", "Shiny Cacturne", "Shiny Barboach", "Shiny Whiscash", "Shiny Baltoy", "Shiny Claydol", "Shiny Castform", "Shiny Kecleon", "Shiny Shuppet", "Shiny Banette", "Shiny Snorunt", "Shiny Glalie", 
"Bidoof", "Bibarel", "Burmy", "Wormadam", "Mothim", "Combee", "Vespiquen", "Pachirisu", "Froslass", "Azurill", "Cherubi", "Cherrim", "Shellos", "Gastrodon", "Drifloon", "Drifblim", "Buneary", "Lopunny", "Glameow", "Purugly", "Stunky", "Skuntank", "Chingling", 
"Bronzor", "Bronzong", "Chatot", "Finneon", "Lumineon", 
"Shiny Bidoof", "Shiny Bibarel", "Shiny Burmy", "Shiny Wormadam", "Shiny Mothim", "Shiny Combee", "Shiny Vespiquen", "Shiny Pachirisu", "Shiny Froslass", "Shiny Azurill", "Shiny Cherubi", "Shiny Cherrim", "Shiny Shellos", "Shiny Gastrodon", "Shiny Drifloon", 
"Shiny Drifblim", "Shiny Buneary", "Shiny Lopunny", "Shiny Glameow", "Shiny Purugly", "Shiny Stunky", "Shiny Skuntank", "Shiny Chingling", "Shiny Bronzor", "Shiny Bronzong", "Shiny Chatot", "Shiny Finneon", "Shiny Lumineon", 
"Patrat", "Watchog", "Lillipup", "Herdier", "Stoutland", "Purrloin", "Liepard", "Pansage", "Simisage", "Pansear", "Simisear", "Panpour", "Simipour", "Munna", "Musharna", "Pidove", "Tranquill", "Unfezant", "Blitzle", "Zebstrika", "Woobat", "Swoobat", 
"Drilbur", "Excadrill", "Audino", "Sewaddle", "Swadloon", "Leavanny", "Cottonee", "Whimsicott", "Petilil", "Lilligant", "Maractus", "Dwebble", "Crustle", "Scraggy", "Scrafty", "Sigilyph", "Trubbish", "Garbodor", "Minccino", "Cinccino", "Ducklett", 
"Swanna", "Vanillite", "Vanillish", "Vanilluxe", "Deerling", "Sawsbuck", "Joltik", "Galvantula", "Ferroseed", "Ferrothorn", "Klink", "Klang", "Klinklang", "Elgyem", "Beheeyem", "Litwick", "Lampent", "Chandelure", "Cryogonal", "Mienfoo", "Mienshao", 
"Druddigon", "Pawniard", "Bisharp", "Heatmor", "Durant",
"Shiny Patrat", "Shiny Watchog", "Shiny Lillipup", "Shiny Herdier", "Shiny Stoutland", "Shiny Purrloin", "Shiny Liepard", "Shiny Pansage", "Shiny Simisage", "Shiny Pansear", "Shiny Simisear", "Shiny Panpour", "Shiny Simipour", "Shiny Munna", "Shiny Musharna", 
"Shiny Pidove", "Shiny Tranquill", "Shiny Unfezant", "Shiny Blitzle", "Shiny Zebstrika", "Shiny Woobat", "Shiny Swoobat", "Shiny Drilbur", "Shiny Excadrill", "Shiny Audino", "Shiny Sewaddle", "Shiny Swadloon", "Shiny Leavanny", "Shiny Cottonee", "Shiny Whimsicott", 
"Shiny Petilil", "Shiny Lilligant", "Shiny Maractus", "Shiny Dwebble", "Shiny Crustle", "Shiny Scraggy", "Shiny Scrafty", "Shiny Sigilyph", "Shiny Trubbish", "Shiny Garbodor", "Shiny Minccino", "Shiny Cinccino", "Shiny Ducklett", "Shiny Swanna", "Shiny Vanillite", 
"Shiny Vanillish", "Shiny Vanilluxe", "Shiny Deerling", "Shiny Sawsbuck", "Shiny Joltik", "Shiny Galvantula", "Shiny Ferroseed", "Shiny Ferrothorn", "Shiny Klink", "Shiny Klang", "Shiny Klinklang", "Shiny Elgyem", "Shiny Beheeyem", "Shiny Litwick", "Shiny Lampent", 
"Shiny Chandelure", "Shiny Cryogonal", "Shiny Mienfoo", "Shiny Mienshao", "Shiny Druddigon", "Shiny Pawniard", "Shiny Bisharp", "Shiny Heatmor", "Shiny Durant", 
mediumfastexptable = {
 [1] = 0,
 [2] = 64,
 [3] = 216,
 [4] = 512,
 [5] = 1000,
 [6] = 1728,
 [7] = 2744,
 [8] = 4096,
 [9] = 5832,
 [10] = 8000,
 [11] = 10648,
 [12] = 13824,
 [13] = 17576,
 [14] = 21952,
 [15] = 27000,
 [16] = 32768,
 [17] = 39304,
 [18] = 46656,
 [19] = 54872,
 [20] = 64000,
 [21] = 74088,
 [22] = 85184,
 [23] = 97336,
 [24] = 110592,
 [25] = 125000,
 [26] = 140608,
 [27] = 157464,
 [28] = 175616,
 [29] = 195112,
 [30] = 216000,
 [31] = 238328,
 [32] = 262144,
 [33] = 287496,
 [34] = 314432,
 [35] = 343000,
 [36] = 373248,
 [37] = 405224,
 [38] = 438976,
 [39] = 474552,
 [40] = 512000,
 [41] = 551368,
 [42] = 592704,
 [43] = 636056,
 [44] = 681472,
 [45] = 729000,
 [46] = 778688,
 [47] = 830584,
 [48] = 884736,
 [49] = 941192,
 [50] = 1000000,
 [51] = 1061208,
 [52] = 1124864,
 [53] = 1191016,
 [54] = 1259712,
 [55] = 1331000,
 [56] = 1404928,
 [57] = 1481544,
 [58] = 1560896,
 [59] = 1643032,
 [60] = 1728000,
 [61] = 1815848,
 [62] = 1906624,
 [63] = 2000376,
 [64] = 2097152,
 [65] = 2197000,
 [66] = 2299968,
 [67] = 2406104,
 [68] = 2515456,
 [69] = 2628072,
 [70] = 2744000,
 [71] = 2863288,
 [72] = 2985984,
 [73] = 3112136,
 [74] = 3241792,
 [75] = 3375000,
 [76] = 3511808,
 [77] = 3652264,
 [78] = 3796416,
 [79] = 3944312,
 [80] = 4096000,
 [81] = 4251528,
 [82] = 4410944,
 [83] = 4574296,
 [84] = 4741632,
 [85] = 4913000,
 [86] = 5088448,
 [87] = 5268024,
 [88] = 5451776,
 [89] = 5639752,
 [90] = 5832000,
 [91] = 6028568,
 [92] = 6229504,
 [93] = 6434856,
 [94] = 6644672,
 [95] = 6859000,
 [96] = 7077888,
 [97] = 7301384,
 [98] = 7529536,
 [99] = 7762392,
 [100] = 8000000,
 [101] = 8200000,
 [102] = 8300000,
 [103] = 8400000,
 [104] = 8500000,
 [105] = 8600000,
 [106] = 8700000,
 [107] = 8800000,
 [108] = 8900000,
 [109] = 9100000,
 [110] = 9300000,
 [111] = 9500000,
 [112] = 9600000,
 [113] = 9800000,
 [114] = 9900000,
 [115] = 10000000,
 [116] = 10200000,
 [117] = 10400000,
 [118] = 10600000,
 [119] = 10820000,
 [120] = 11000000,
 [121] = 11300000,
 [122] = 11500000,
 [123] = 11730000,
 [124] = 11804000,
 [125] = 11900500,
 [126] = 12001600,
 [127] = 12200107,
 [128] = 12400000,
 [129] = 12600000,
 [130] = 12900000,
 [131] = 13100000,
 [132] = 13300000,
 [133] = 13500000,
 [134] = 13700000,
 [135] = 13940000,
 [136] = 14260000,
 [137] = 14380000,
 [138] = 14500000,
 [139] = 14720000,
 [140] = 14840000,
 [141] = 15000000,
 [142] = 15100000,
 [143] = 15200000,
 [144] = 15400000,
 [145] = 15800000,
 [146] = 16200000,
 [147] = 16300000,
 [148] = 16500000,
 [149] = 16700000,
 [150] = 16900000,
 [151] = 999999999}
mediumslowexppokes = {"Bulbasaur", "Ivysaur", "Venusaur", "Charmander", "Charmeleon", "Charizard", "Squirtle", "Wartortle", "Blastoise", "Pidgey", "Pidgeotto", "Pidgeot", "Spearow", "Fearow", "Pikachu", "Raichu", "Sandshrew", "Sandslash", "Nidoran Female", 
"Nidorina", "Nidoqueen", "Nidoran Male", "Nidorino", "Nidoking", "Vulpix", "Ninetales", "Zubat", "Golbat", "Oddish", "Gloom", "Vileplume", "Paras", "Parasect", "Psyduck", "Golduck", "Poliwag", "Poliwhirl", "Poliwrath", "Bellsprout", "Weepinbell", 
"Victreebel", "Geodude", "Graveler", "Golem", "Ponyta", "Rapidash", "Slowpoke", "Slowbro", "Magnemite", "Magneton", "Farfetch'd", "Seel", "Dewgong", "Eevee", "Vaporeon", "Jolteon", "Flareon", "Shellder", "Cloyster", "Drowzee", "Hypno", "Exeggcute", 
"Exeggutor", "Lickitung", "Chansey", "Tangela", "Kangaskhan", "Horsea", "Seadra", "Mr. Mime", "Jynx", "Pinsir", "Ditto", "Porygon", "Omanyte", "Omastar", 
"Shiny Bulbasaur", "Shiny Ivysaur", "Shiny Venusaur", "Shiny Charmander", "Shiny Charmeleon", "Shiny Charizard", "Shiny Squirtle", "Shiny Wartortle", "Shiny Blastoise", "Shiny Pidgey", "Shiny Pidgeotto", "Shiny Pidgeot", "Shiny Spearow", "Shiny Fearow", 
"Shiny Pikachu", "Shiny Raichu", "Shiny Sandshrew", "Shiny Sandslash", "Shiny Nidoran Female", "Shiny Nidorina", "Shiny Nidoqueen", "Shiny Nidoran Male", "Shiny Nidorino", "Shiny Nidoking", "Shiny Vulpix", "Shiny Ninetales", "Shiny Zubat", "Shiny Golbat", 
"Shiny Oddish", "Shiny Gloom", "Shiny Vileplume", "Shiny Paras", "Shiny Parasect", "Shiny Psyduck", "Shiny Golduck", "Shiny Poliwag", "Shiny Poliwhirl", "Shiny Poliwrath", "Shiny Bellsprout", "Shiny Weepinbell", "Shiny Victreebel", "Shiny Geodude", 
"Shiny Graveler", "Shiny Golem", "Shiny Ponyta", "Shiny Rapidash", "Shiny Slowpoke", "Shiny Slowbro", "Shiny Magnemite", "Shiny Magneton", "Shiny Farfetch'd", "Shiny Seel", "Shiny Dewgong", "Shiny Eevee", "Shiny Vaporeon", "Shiny Jolteon", "Shiny Flareon", 
"Shiny Shellder", "Shiny Cloyster", "Shiny Drowzee", "Shiny Hypno", "Shiny Exeggcute", "Shiny Exeggutor", "Shiny Lickitung", "Shiny Chansey", "Shiny Tangela", "Shiny Kangaskhan", "Shiny Horsea", "Shiny Seadra", "Shiny Mr. Mime", "Shiny Jynx", "Shiny Pinsir", 
"Shiny Ditto", "Shiny Porygon", "Shiny Omanyte", "Shiny Omastar", 
"Chikorita", "Bayleef", "Meganium", "Cyndaquil", "Quilava", "Typhlosion", "Totodile", "Croconaw", "Feraligatr", "Crobat", "Spinarak", "Ariados", "Mareep", "Flaaffy", "Ampharos", "Bellossom", "Pichu", "Aipom", "Murkrow", "Gligar", "Sudowoodo", "Politoed", 
"Yanma", "Slowking", "Espeon", "Umbreon", "Misdreavus", "Girafarig", "Sneasel", "Corsola", "Mantine", "Skarmory", "Kingdra", "Houndour", "Houndoom", "Porygon2", "Stantler", "Smoochum", "Miltank", "Blissey", 
"Shiny Chikorita", "Shiny Bayleef", "Shiny Meganium", "Shiny Cyndaquil", "Shiny Quilava", "Shiny Typhlosion", "Shiny Totodile", "Shiny Croconaw", "Shiny Feraligatr", "Shiny Crobat", "Shiny Spinarak", "Shiny Ariados", "Shiny Mareep", "Shiny Flaaffy", 
"Shiny Ampharos", "Shiny Bellossom", "Shiny Pichu", "Shiny Aipom", "Shiny Murkrow", "Shiny Gligar", "Shiny Sudowoodo", "Shiny Politoed", "Shiny Yanma", "Shiny Slowking", "Shiny Espeon", "Shiny Umbreon", "Shiny Misdreavus", "Shiny Girafarig", "Shiny Sneasel", 
"Shiny Corsola", "Shiny Mantine", "Shiny Skarmory", "Shiny Kingdra", "Shiny Houndour", "Shiny Houndoom", "Shiny Porygon2", "Shiny Stantler", "Shiny Smoochum", "Shiny Miltank", "Shiny Blissey", 
"Treecko", "Grovyle", "Sceptile", "Torchic", "Combusken", "Blaziken", "Mudkip", "Marshtomp", "Swampert", "Shroomish", "Breloom", "Whismur", "Loudren", "Exploud", "Roselia", "Meditide", "Medicham", "Electrike", "Manectric", "Gulpin", "Swallot", "Carvanha", 
"Sharpedo", "Zangoose", "Seviper", "Numel", "Camerupt", "Swablu", "Altaria", "Lunatone", "Solrock", "Corpish", "Crawdaunt", "Lileep", "Cradily", "Anorith", "Armaldo", "Tropius", "Nosepass", "Clamperl", "Huntail", "Gorabys", "Relicanth", 
"Shiny Treecko", "Shiny Grovyle", "Shiny Sceptile", "Shiny Torchic", "Shiny Combusken", "Shiny Blaziken", "Shiny Mudkip", "Shiny Marshtomp", "Shiny Swampert", "Shiny Shroomish", "Shiny Breloom", "Shiny Whismur", "Shiny Loudren", "Shiny Exploud", "Shiny Roselia", 
"Shiny Meditide", "Shiny Medicham", "Shiny Electrike", "Shiny Manectric", "Shiny Gulpin", "Shiny Swallot", "Shiny Carvanha", "Shiny Sharpedo", "Shiny Zangoose", "Shiny Seviper", "Shiny Numel", "Shiny Camerupt", "Shiny Swablu", "Shiny Altaria", "Shiny Lunatone", 
"Shiny Solrock", "Shiny Corpish", "Shiny Crawdaunt", "Shiny Lileep", "Shiny Cradily", "Shiny Anorith", "Shiny Armaldo", "Shiny Tropius", "Shiny Nosepass", "Shiny Clamperl", "Shiny Huntail", "Shiny Gorabys", "Shiny Relicanth", 
"Turtwig", "Grotle", "Torterra", "Chimchar", "Monferno", "Infernape", "Piplup", "Prinplup", "Empoleon", "Mime Jr.", "Starly", "Staravia", "Staraptor",  "Shinx", "Luxio", "Luxray", "Budew", "Roserade", "Shieldon", "Bastiodon", "Buizel", "Floatzel", "Bonsly", 
"Ambipom", "Honchkrow", "Mismagius", "Spiritomb", "Happiny", "Riolu", "Lucario", "Hippopotas", "Hippowdon", "Skorupi", "Drapion", "Croagunk", "Toxicroak", "Carnivine", "Mantyke", "Snover", "Abomasnow", "Weavile", "Magnezone", "Porygon-Z", "Lickilicky", 
"Tangrowth", "Yanmega", "Leafeon", "Glaceon", "Gliscor", "Probopass", "Rotom", 
"Shiny Turtwig", "Shiny Grotle", "Shiny Torterra", "Shiny Chimchar", "Shiny Monferno", "Shiny Infernape", "Shiny Piplup", "Shiny Prinplup", "Shiny Empoleon", "Shiny Mime Jr.", "Shiny Starly", "Shiny Staravia", "Shiny Staraptor",  "Shiny Shinx", "Shiny Luxio", 
"Shiny Luxray", "Shiny Budew", "Shiny Roserade", "Shiny Shieldon", "Shiny Bastiodon", "Shiny Buizel", "Shiny Floatzel", "Shiny Bonsly", "Shiny Ambipom", "Shiny Honchkrow", "Shiny Mismagius", "Shiny Spiritomb", "Shiny Happiny", "Shiny Riolu", "Shiny Lucario", 
"Shiny Hippopotas", "Shiny Hippowdon", "Shiny Skorupi", "Shiny Drapion", "Shiny Croagunk", "Shiny Toxicroak", "Shiny Carnivine", "Shiny Mantyke", "Shiny Snover", "Shiny Abomasnow", "Shiny Weavile", "Shiny Magnezone", "Shiny Porygon-Z", "Shiny Lickilicky", 
"Shiny Tangrowth", "Shiny Yanmega", "Shiny Leafeon", "Shiny Glaceon", "Shiny Gliscor", "Shiny Probopass", "Shiny Rotom", 
"Snivy", "Servine", "Serperior", "Tepig", "Pignite", "Emboar", "Oshawott", "Dewott", "Samurott", "Roggenrola", "Boldore", "Gigalith", "Timburr", "Gurdurr", "Conkeldurr", "Tympole", "Palpitoad", "Seismitoad", "Throh", "Sawk", "Venipede", "Whirlipede", "Scolipede", 
"Sandile", "Krokorok", "Krookodile", "Darumaka", "Darmanitan", "Yamask", "Cofagrigus", "Tirtouga", "Carracosta", "Archen", "Archeops", "Zorua", "Zoroark", "Gothita", "Gothorita", "Gothitelle", "Solosis", "Duosion", "Reuniclus", "Frillish", "Jellicent", "Tynamo", 
"Eelektrik", "Eelektross", "Cubchoo", "Beartic", "Golett", "Golurk", "Bouffalant", "Rufflet", "Braviary", "Vullaby", "Mandibuzz", "Larvesta", "Volcarona", 
"Shiny Snivy", "Shiny Servine", "Shiny Serperior", "Shiny Tepig", "Shiny Pignite", "Shiny Emboar", "Shiny Oshawott", "Shiny Dewott", "Shiny Samurott", "Shiny Roggenrola", "Shiny Boldore", "Shiny Gigalith", "Shiny Timburr", "Shiny Gurdurr", "Shiny Conkeldurr", 
"Shiny Tympole", "Shiny Palpitoad", "Shiny Seismitoad", "Shiny Throh", "Shiny Sawk", "Shiny Venipede", "Shiny Whirlipede", "Shiny Scolipede", "Shiny Sandile", "Shiny Krokorok", "Shiny Krookodile", "Shiny Darumaka", "Shiny Darmanitan", "Shiny Yamask", "Shiny Cofagrigus", 
"Shiny Tirtouga", "Shiny Carracosta", "Shiny Archen", "Shiny Archeops", "Shiny Zorua", "Shiny Zoroark", "Shiny Gothita", "Shiny Gothorita", "Shiny Gothitelle", "Shiny Solosis", "Shiny Duosion", "Shiny Reuniclus", "Shiny Frillish", "Shiny Jellicent", "Shiny Tynamo", 
"Shiny Eelektrik", "Shiny Eelektross", "Shiny Cubchoo", "Shiny Beartic", "Shiny Golett", "Shiny Golurk", "Shiny Bouffalant", "Shiny Rufflet", "Shiny Braviary", "Shiny Vullaby", "Shiny Mandibuzz", "Shiny Larvesta", "Shiny Volcarona", 
mediumslowexptable = {
 [1] = 0,
 [2] = 72,
 [3] = 456,
 [4] = 768,
 [5] = 1080,
 [6] = 1432,
 [7] = 1888,
 [8] = 2512,
 [9] = 3352,
 [10] = 4480,
 [11] = 5936,
 [12] = 7784,
 [13] = 10088,
 [14] = 12896,
 [15] = 16280,
 [16] = 20280,
 [17] = 24960,
 [18] = 30384,
 [19] = 36600,
 [20] = 43680,
 [21] = 51664,
 [22] = 60616,
 [23] = 70600,
 [24] = 81664,
 [25] = 93880,
 [26] = 107288,
 [27] = 121952,
 [28] = 137936,
 [29] = 155288,
 [30] = 174080,
 [31] = 194352,
 [32] = 216168,
 [33] = 239592,
 [34] = 264672,
 [35] = 291480,
 [36] = 320056,
 [37] = 350464,
 [38] = 382768,
 [39] = 417016,
 [40] = 453280,
 [41] = 491600,
 [42] = 532040,
 [43] = 574664,
 [44] = 619520,
 [45] = 666680,
 [46] = 716184,
 [47] = 768096,
 [48] = 822480,
 [49] = 879384,
 [50] = 938880,
 [51] = 1001008,
 [52] = 1065832,
 [53] = 1133416,
 [54] = 1203808,
 [55] = 1277080,
 [56] = 1353272,
 [57] = 1432448,
 [58] = 1514672,
 [59] = 1599992,
 [60] = 1688480,
 [61] = 1780176,
 [62] = 1875144,
 [63] = 1973448,
 [64] = 2075136,
 [65] = 2180280,
 [66] = 2288920,
 [67] = 2401120,
 [68] = 2516944,
 [69] = 2636440,
 [70] = 2759680,
 [71] = 2886704,
 [72] = 3017576,
 [73] = 3152360,
 [74] = 3291104,
 [75] = 3433880,
 [76] = 3580728,
 [77] = 3731712,
 [78] = 3886896,
 [79] = 4046328,
 [80] = 4210080,
 [81] = 4378192,
 [82] = 4550728,
 [83] = 4727752,
 [84] = 4909312,
 [85] = 5095480,
 [86] = 5286296,
 [87] = 5481824,
 [88] = 5682128,
 [89] = 5887256,
 [90] = 6097280,
 [91] = 6312240,
 [92] = 6532200,
 [93] = 6757224,
 [94] = 6987360,
 [95] = 7222680,
 [96] = 7463224,
 [97] = 7709056,
 [98] = 7960240,
 [99] = 8216824,
 [100] = 8300000,
 [101] = 8400000,
 [102] = 8500000,
 [103] = 8600000,
 [104] = 8700000,
 [105] = 8800000,
 [106] = 8900000,
 [107] = 9000000,
 [108] = 9100000,
 [109] = 9200000,
 [110] = 9300000,
 [111] = 9500000,
 [112] = 9600000,
 [113] = 9800000,
 [114] = 9900000,
 [115] = 10000000,
 [116] = 10200000,
 [117] = 10400000,
 [118] = 10600000,
 [119] = 10820000,
 [120] = 11000000,
 [121] = 11300000,
 [122] = 11500000,
 [123] = 11730000,
 [124] = 11804000,
 [125] = 11900500,
 [126] = 12001600,
 [127] = 12200107,
 [128] = 12400000,
 [129] = 12600000,
 [130] = 12900000,
 [131] = 13100000,
 [132] = 13300000,
 [133] = 13500000,
 [134] = 13700000,
 [135] = 13940000,
 [136] = 14260000,
 [137] = 14380000,
 [138] = 14500000,
 [139] = 14720000,
 [140] = 14840000,
 [141] = 15000000,
 [142] = 15100000,
 [143] = 15200000,
 [144] = 15400000,
 [145] = 15800000,
 [146] = 16200000,
 [147] = 16300000,
 [148] = 16500000,
 [149] = 16700000,
 [150] = 16900000,
 [151] = 999999999}
                         --alterado v2.9 \/
slowexppokes = {"Growlithe", "Arcanine", "Tentacool", "Tentacruel", "Gastly", "Haunter", "Gengar", "Abra", "Kadabra", "Alakazam", "Rhyhorn", "Rhydon", "Onix", "Machop", "Machoke", "Machamp", "Hitmonlee", "Hitmonchan", "Scyther", "Electabuzz", "Magmar", 
"Magikarp", "Gyarados", "Lapras", "Aerodactyl", "Snorlax", "Articuno", "Zapdos", "Moltres", "Kabuto", "Kabutops", "Dratini", "Dragonair", "Dragonite", "Mewtwo", "Mew", 
"Shiny Growlithe", "Shiny Arcanine", "Shiny Tentacool", "Shiny Tentacruel", "Shiny Gastly", "Shiny Haunter", "Shiny Gengar", "Shiny Abra", "Shiny Kadabra", "Shiny Alakazam", "Shiny Rhyhorn", "Shiny Rhydon", "Shiny Onix", "Shiny Machop", "Shiny Machoke", 
"Shiny Machamp", "Shiny Hitmonlee", "Shiny Hitmonchan", "Shiny Scyther", "Shiny Electabuzz", "Shiny Magmar", "Shiny Magikarp", "Shiny Gyarados", "Shiny Lapras", "Shiny Aerodactyl", "Shiny Snorlax", "Shiny Articuno", "Shiny Zapdos", "Shiny Moltres", 
"Shiny Kabuto", "Shiny Kabutops", "Shiny Dratini", "Shiny Dragonair", "Shiny Dragonite", "Shiny Mewtwo", "Shiny Mew", 
"Togepi", "Togetic", "Wobbuffet", "Steelix", "Swinub", "Piloswine", "Scizor", "Heracross", "Teddiursa", "Ursaring", "Tyrogue", "Hitmontop", "Elekid", "Magby", "Raikou", "Entei", "Suicune", "Larvitar", "Pupitar", "Tyranitar", "Lugia", "Ho-Oh", "Celebi", 
"Shiny Togepi", "Shiny Togetic", "Shiny Wobbuffet", "Shiny Steelix", "Shiny Swinub", "Shiny Piloswine", "Shiny Scizor", "Shiny Heracross", "Shiny Teddiursa", "Shiny Ursaring", "Shiny Tyrogue", "Shiny Hitmontop", "Shiny Elekid", "Shiny Magby", "Shiny Raikou", 
"Shiny Entei", "Shiny Suicune", "Shiny Larvitar", "Shiny Pupitar", "Shiny Tyranitar", "Shiny Lugia", "Shiny Ho-Oh", "Shiny Celebi", 
"Slakoth", "Vigoroth", "Slaking", "Aron", "Lairon", "Aggron", "Wailmer", "Wailord", "Trapinch", "Vibrava", "Flygon", "Duskull", "Dusclops", "Ralts", "Kirlia", "Gardevoir", "Mahukita", "Hariyama", "Feebas", "Milotic", "Absol", "Spheal", "Sealeo", "Walrein", 
"Bagon", "Shellgon", "Salamence", "Beldum", "Metang", "Metagross", "Regirock", "Regice", "Registeel", "Latias", "Latios", "Kyogre", "Groudon", "Rayquaza", "Jirachi", "Deoxys", 
"Shiny Slakoth", "Shiny Vigoroth", "Shiny Slaking", "Shiny Aron", "Shiny Lairon", "Shiny Aggron", "Shiny Wailmer", "Shiny Wailord", "Shiny Trapinch", "Shiny Vibrava", "Shiny Flygon", "Shiny Duskull", "Shiny Dusclops", "Shiny Ralts", "Shiny Kirlia", "Shiny Gardevoir", 
"Shiny Mahukita", "Shiny Hariyama", "Shiny Feebas", "Shiny Milotic", "Shiny Absol", "Shiny Spheal", "Shiny Sealeo", "Shiny Walrein", "Shiny Bagon", "Shiny Shellgon", "Shiny Salamence", "Shiny Beldum", "Shiny Metang", "Shiny Metagross", "Shiny Regirock", "Shiny Regice", 
"Shiny Registeel", "Shiny Latias", "Shiny Latios", "Shiny Kyogre", "Shiny Groudon", "Shiny Rayquaza", "Shiny Jirachi", "Shiny Deoxys", 
"Wynaut", "Cranidos", "Rampardos", "Gallade", "Gible", "Gabite", "Garchomp", "Rhyperior", "Electivire", "Magmortar", "Togekiss", "Mamoswine", "Dusknoir", "Munchlax", "Uxie", "Mesprit", "Azelf", "Dialga", "Palkia", "Heatran", "Regigigas", "Giratina", "Cresselia", 
"Phione", "Manaphy", "Darkrai", "Shaymin", "Arceus", 
"Shiny Wynaut", "Shiny Cranidos", "Shiny Rampardos", "Shiny Gallade", "Shiny Gible", "Shiny Gabite", "Shiny Garchomp", "Shiny Rhyperior", "Shiny Electivire", "Shiny Magmortar", "Shiny Togekiss", "Shiny Mamoswine", "Shiny Dusknoir", "Shiny Munchlax", "Shiny Uxie", 
"Shiny Mesprit", "Shiny Azelf", "Shiny Dialga", "Shiny Palkia", "Shiny Heatran", "Shiny Regigigas", "Shiny Giratina", "Shiny Cresselia", "Shiny Phione", "Shiny Manaphy", "Shiny Darkrai", "Shiny Shaymin", "Shiny Arceus", 
"Victini", "Axew", "Fraxure", "Haxorus", "Deino", "Zweilous", "Hydreigon", "Cobalion", "Terrakion", "Virizion", "Tornadus", "Thundurus", "Reshiram", "Zekrom", "Landorus", "Kyurem", "Keldeo", "Meloetta", "Genesect", 
"Shiny Victini", "Shiny Axew", "Shiny Fraxure", "Shiny Haxorus", "Shiny Deino", "Shiny Zweilous", "Shiny Hydreigon", "Shiny Cobalion", "Shiny Terrakion", "Shiny Virizion", "Shiny Tornadus", "Shiny Thundurus", "Shiny Reshiram", "Shiny Zekrom", "Shiny Landorus", 
"Shiny Kyurem", "Shiny Keldeo", "Shiny Meloetta", "Shiny Genesect", 
"Pink Caterpie", "Pink Metapod", "Pink Butterfree", "Pink Pidgey", "Pink Pidgeotto", "Pink Pidgeot", "Pink Oddish", "Pink Mankey", "Pink Primeape", "Pink Venonat", "Pink Nidoking", "Pink Nidoqueen", "Pink Dodrio", "Pink Scyther", "Pink Rhyhorn", "Pink Rhydon", "Pink Donphan", "Pink Teddiursa", "Pink Ursaring", 
"Missing No", "Magiking", "Crystal Onix", "Snowmen Snorlax", "Red Munchlax", "Red Snorlax", "Shadow Lugia", "Primal Dialga",
slowexptable = {
 [1] = 0,
 [2] = 80,
 [3] = 270,
 [4] = 640,
 [5] = 1250,
 [6] = 2160,
 [7] = 3430,
 [8] = 5120,
 [9] = 7290,
 [10] = 10000,
 [11] = 13310,
 [12] = 17280,
 [13] = 21970,
 [14] = 27440,
 [15] = 33750,
 [16] = 40960,
 [17] = 49130,
 [18] = 58320,
 [19] = 68590,
 [20] = 80000,
 [21] = 92610,
 [22] = 106480,
 [23] = 121670,
 [24] = 138240,
 [25] = 156250,
 [26] = 175760,
 [27] = 196830,
 [28] = 219520,
 [29] = 243890,
 [30] = 270000,
 [31] = 297910,
 [32] = 327680,
 [33] = 359370,
 [34] = 393040,
 [35] = 428750,
 [36] = 466560,
 [37] = 506530,
 [38] = 548720,
 [39] = 593190,
 [40] = 640000,
 [41] = 689210,
 [42] = 740880,
 [43] = 795070,
 [44] = 851840,
 [45] = 911250,
 [46] = 973360,
 [47] = 1038230,
 [48] = 1105920,
 [49] = 1176490,
 [50] = 1250000,
 [51] = 1326510,
 [52] = 1406080,
 [53] = 1488770,
 [54] = 1574640,
 [55] = 1663750,
 [56] = 1756160,
 [57] = 1851930,
 [58] = 1951120,
 [59] = 2053790,
 [60] = 2160000,
 [61] = 2269810,
 [62] = 2383280,
 [63] = 2500470,
 [64] = 2621440,
 [65] = 2746250,
 [66] = 2874960,
 [67] = 3007630,
 [68] = 3144320,
 [69] = 3285090,
 [70] = 3430000,
 [71] = 3579110,
 [72] = 3732480,
 [73] = 3890170,
 [74] = 4052240,
 [75] = 4218750,
 [76] = 4389760,
 [77] = 4565330,
 [78] = 4745520,
 [79] = 4930390,
 [80] = 5120000,
 [81] = 5314410,
 [82] = 5513680,
 [83] = 5717870,
 [84] = 5927040,
 [85] = 6141250,
 [86] = 6360560,
 [87] = 6585030,
 [88] = 6814720,
 [89] = 7049690,
 [90] = 7290000,
 [91] = 7535710,
 [92] = 7786880,
 [93] = 8043570,
 [94] = 8305840,
 [95] = 8573750,
 [96] = 8847360,
 [97] = 9126730,
 [98] = 9411920,
 [99] = 9702990,
 [100] = 10000000,
 [101] = 10300000,
 [102] = 10600000,
 [103] = 10900000,
 [104] = 11200000,
 [105] = 11500000,
 [106] = 11800000,
 [107] = 12100000,
 [108] = 12400000,
 [109] = 12700000,
 [110] = 13000000,
 [111] = 13300000,
 [112] = 13600000,
 [113] = 13900000,
 [114] = 14200000,
 [115] = 14500000,
 [116] = 14800000,
 [117] = 15100000,
 [118] = 15400000,
 [119] = 15700000,
 [120] = 16000000,
 [121] = 16300000,
 [122] = 16600000,
 [123] = 16900000,
 [124] = 17240000,
 [125] = 17505000,
 [126] = 17810060,
 [127] = 18101007,
 [128] = 18400000,
 [129] = 18700000,
 [130] = 19000000,
 [131] = 19300000,
 [132] = 19600000,
 [133] = 19900000,
 [134] = 20200000,
 [135] = 20540000,
 [136] = 20860000,
 [137] = 21180000,
 [138] = 21400000,
 [139] = 21720000,
 [140] = 22040000,
 [141] = 22300000,
 [142] = 22600000,
 [143] = 22900000,
 [144] = 23200000,
 [145] = 23500000,
 [146] = 23800000,
 [147] = 24100000,
 [148] = 24400000,
 [149] = 24700000,
 [150] = 25000000,
 [151] = 999999999}
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Mas esses dois são na pasta lib, veja na pasta Creaturescripts '-'
PS: usa spoiler.


Att. Featzen.

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De qualquer forma, tente esse level system:

function getPokemonStatus(name, multiplier)
local a = pokes[name]
local m = 1
if not a then return false end
if not a.offense then return false end
if multiplier then m = multiplier end
local ret = {} = a.offense * m
ret.offense =
ret.def = a.defense * m
ret.defense = ret.def
ret.agi = a.agility * m
ret.agility = ret.agi
ret.spatk = a.specialattack * m
ret.specialattack = ret.spatk
ret.vit = a.vitality * m
ret.vitality = ret.vit
return ret
function getPokemonXMLOutfit(name)                --alterado v2.9 \/
local path = "data/monster/pokes/Shiny Kanto/"".xml"
local tpw = io.type(
if not tpw then
   path = "data/monster/pokes/Nesil 2/"".xml"
   tpw = io.type(
if not tpw then
   path = "data/monster/pokes/Nesil 1/"".xml"
   tpw = io.type(
if not tpw then
   path = "data/monster/pokes/Nesil 3/"".xml"
   tpw = io.type(
if not tpw then
   path = "data/monster/pokes/Nesil 4/"".xml"
   tpw = io.type(
if not tpw then
   path = "data/monster/pokes/Nesil 5/"".xml"
   tpw = io.type(
if not tpw then
   path = "data/monster/pokes/Novelty/"".xml"
   tpw = io.type(
if not tpw then
   path = "data/monster/pokes/Shiny Hoenn/"".xml"
   tpw = io.type(
if not tpw then
   path = "data/monster/pokes/Shiny Johto/"".xml"
   tpw = io.type(
if not tpw then
   path = "data/monster/pokes/Shiny Sinnoh/"".xml"
   tpw = io.type(
if not tpw then
   path = "data/monster/pokes/"".xml"
   tpw = io.type(
if not tpw then
   return print("[getPokemonXMLOutfit] Poke with name: "" ins't in any paste on monster/pokes/") and 2
   local arq =, "a+")
   local txt = arq:read("*all")
   local a, b = txt:find('look type="(.-)"')
   txt = string.sub(txt, a + 11, b - 1)
return tonumber(txt)
function doEvolutionOutfit(cid, oldout, outfit)
if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
if getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType == oldout then
doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = outfit}, -1)
doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = oldout}, -1)
function doStartEvolution(cid, evolution, seconds)
if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
local a = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1007)
local b = getCreatureHealth(cid) / getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)
local d = getThingPos(cid)
local e = getCreatureMaster(cid)
if getHappinessRate(cid) < 1 then return true end
local f = getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType
local g = getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(e, 8).uid, "nick") or getCreatureName(cid)
local h = getPokemonXMLOutfit(evolution)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(e, 8).uid, "hp", b)
doCreatureSay(e, "What? My "..g.." is evolving!", TALKTYPE_SAY)
doSummonMonster(e, "Evolution")
doReturnPokemon(e, cid, getPlayerSlotItem(e, 8), 0, true)
local evo = getCreatureSummons(e)[1]
doEvolutionOutfit(evo, h, f)
doCreatureSetHideHealth(evo, true)
doCreatureSetLookDir(evo, 2)
setPlayerStorageValue(evo, 1007, g)
doTeleportThing(evo, d, false)
addEvent(sendSSJEffect, 250, evo)
doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(evo), "EVOLUTION", COLOR_GRASS)
doSendEvolutionEffect(evo, getThingPos(evo), evolution, 20, false, false, f, h)
function doSendEvolutionEffect(cid, pos, evolution, turn, ssj, evolve, f, h)
if not isCreature(cid) then
doSendAnimatedText(pos, "CANCEL", 215)
return true end
if evolve then
doEvolvePokemon(getCreatureMaster(cid), {uid = cid}, evolution, 0, 0)
return true
doSendMagicEffect(pos, 18)
if ssj then
doEvolutionOutfit(cid, f, h)
addEvent(doSendEvolutionEffect, math.pow(1900, turn/20), cid, getThingPos(cid), evolution, turn - 1, turn == 19, turn == 2, f, h)
function sendSSJEffect(cid)
if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
local pos1 = getThingPos(cid)
local pos2 = getThingPos(cid)
pos2.x = pos2.x + math.random(-1, 1)
pos2.y = pos2.y - math.random(1, 2)
doSendDistanceShoot(pos1, pos2, 37)
addEvent(sendSSJEffect, 45, cid)
function sendFinishEvolutionEffect(cid, alternate)
if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
local pos1 = getThingPos(cid)
if alternate then
local pos = {
[1] = {-2, 0},
[2] = {-1, -1},
[3] = {0, -2},
[4] = {1, -1},
[5] = {2, 0},
[6] = {1, 1},
[7] = {0, 2},
[8] = {-1, 1}}
for a = 1, 8 do
local pos2 = getThingPos(cid)
pos2.x = pos2.x + pos[a][1]
pos2.y = pos2.y + pos[a][2]
local pos = getThingPos(cid)
doSendDistanceShoot(pos2, pos, 37)
addEvent(doSendDistanceShoot, 300, pos, pos2, 37)
for a = 0, 3 do
doSendDistanceShoot(pos1, getPosByDir(pos1, a), 37)
for a = 4, 7 do
addEvent(doSendDistanceShoot, 600, pos1, getPosByDir(pos1, a), 37)
function doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, theevo, stone1, stone2)
if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
if not pokes[theevo] or not pokes[theevo].offense then
doReturnPokemon(cid, item2.uid, getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8), pokeballs[getPokeballType(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid)].effect, false, true)
return true
local owner = getCreatureMaster(item2.uid)
local pokeball = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8)
local description = "Contains a "..theevo.."."
local pct = getCreatureHealth(item2.uid) / getCreatureMaxHealth(item2.uid)
doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "hp", pct)
doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "poke", theevo)
doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "description", "Contains a "..theevo..".")
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Congratulations! Your "..getPokeName(item2.uid).." evolved into a "..theevo.."!")
doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(item2.uid), 18)
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 7).uid, fotos[theevo])
doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 173)
local oldpos = getThingPos(item2.uid)
local oldlod = getCreatureLookDir(item2.uid)
local oldlvl = getPokemonLevel(item2.uid)
doSummonMonster(cid, theevo)
local pk = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]
doTeleportThing(pk, oldpos, false)
doCreatureSetLookDir(pk, oldlod)
sendFinishEvolutionEffect(pk, true)
addEvent(sendFinishEvolutionEffect, 550, pk, true)
addEvent(sendFinishEvolutionEffect, 1050, pk)
doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, stone1, 1)
doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, stone2, 1)
doAddPokemonInOwnList(cid, theevo)
local status = getPokemonStatus(getCreatureName(pk))
local off = * 7.5
local def = status.def * 7.5
local agi = status.agi * 7.5
local spatk = status.spatk * 7.5
local vit = status.vit * 7.5
doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "offense", getItemAttribute(pokeball.uid, "offense") + off)
doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "defense", getItemAttribute(pokeball.uid, "defense") + def)
doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "speed", getItemAttribute(pokeball.uid, "speed") + agi)
doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "specialattack", getItemAttribute(pokeball.uid, "specialattack") + spatk)
doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "vitality", getItemAttribute(pokeball.uid, "vitality") + vit)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Evolution bonus: • Offense: +"..doMathDecimal(off).."  • Defense: +"..doMathDecimal(def).."  • Spc. Atk: +"..doMathDecimal(spatk).."  • Agility: +"..doMathDecimal(agi).."  • Vitality: +"..doMathDecimal(vit).."")
local happy = getItemAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy")
doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy", happy + happyGainedOnEvolution)
if happy + happyGainedOnEvolution > 255 then
doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy", 255)
adjustStatus(pk, pokeball.uid, true, false)
if useKpdoDlls then
function givePokemonExp(cid, item, expe, pct, rarecandy)
if expe <= 0 or not isCreature(cid) then return true end
local leveltable = getPokemonExperienceTable(getPokeballName(item.uid, true))
 if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "exp") + expe > 150 then
 doItemSetAttribute(item.uid, "exp", leveltable[150])
 return true
if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "exp") + expe > leveltable[150] then
givePokemonExp(cid, item, leveltable[150] - getItemAttribute(item.uid, "exp"))
return true
doItemSetAttribute(item.uid, "exp", getItemAttribute(item.uid, "exp") + expe)
doItemSetAttribute(item.uid, "happy", getItemAttribute(item.uid, "happy") + 1)
doItemSetAttribute(item.uid, "nextlevelexp", getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nextlevelexp") - expe)
if pct then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Your "..getPokeballName(item.uid).." has received "..expe.." experience points ("..pct.."%).")
if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nextlevelexp") > 0 then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Your "..getPokeballName(item.uid).." ["..getItemAttribute(item.uid, "level").."] has received "..expe.." experience points ("..getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nextlevelexp").." to next level).")
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Your "..getPokeballName(item.uid).." ["..getItemAttribute(item.uid, "level").."] has received "..expe.." experience points and has leveled up!")
if isBeingUsed(item.itemid) then
doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), expe, 215)
if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nextlevelexp") <= 0 then
local summon = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]
if not isCreature(summon) then return true end
doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(summon), "Level up!", 215)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 26, "sounds/Levelup.wav")
adjustPokemonLevel(item.uid, cid, item.itemid)
   doCreatureAddHealth(summon, getCreatureMaxHealth(summon))
function givePokemonExpInBp(cid, item, expe, ballid, pct, hidemessage)
if expe <= 0 or not isCreature(cid) then return true end
local leveltable = getPokemonExperienceTable(getPokeballName(item, true))
if getItemAttribute(item, "exp") + expe > leveltable[150] then
givePokemonExpInBp(cid, item, leveltable[150] - getItemAttribute(item, "exp"), ballid)
return true
doItemSetAttribute(item, "exp", getItemAttribute(item, "exp") + expe)
doItemSetAttribute(item, "happy", getItemAttribute(item, "happy") + 1)
doItemSetAttribute(item, "nextlevelexp", getItemAttribute(item, "nextlevelexp") - expe)
if not hidemessage then
if pct then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Your "..getPokeballName(item).." has received "..expe.." experience points ("..pct.."%).")
if getItemAttribute(item, "nextlevelexp") > 0 then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Your "..getPokeballName(item).." ["..getItemAttribute(item, "level").."] has received "..expe.." experience points inside his pokeball ("..getItemAttribute(item, "nextlevelexp").." to next level).")
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Your "..getPokeballName(item).." ["..getItemAttribute(item, "level").."] has received "..expe.." experience points and has leveled up inside his pokeball.")
adjustPokemonLevel(item, cid, ballid)
function doMathDecimal(number, casas)
if math.floor(number) == number then return number end
local c = casas and casas + 1 or 3
for a = 0, 10 do
if math.floor(number) < math.pow(10, a) then
local str = string.sub(""..number.."", 1, a + c)
return tonumber(str)
return number
function adjustPokemonLevel(item, cid, id, rarecandy)
if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
local exp = getItemAttribute(item, "exp")
local level = getItemAttribute(item, "level")
local leveltable = getPokemonExperienceTable(getPokeballName(item, true))
local newlevel = 1
for x = 1, 150 do
if exp >= leveltable[x] and exp < leveltable[x+1] then
newlevel = x
if newlevel <= 1 then return true end
local levelsup = (newlevel - level)
local pokemon = getItemAttribute(item, "poke")
local happy = getItemAttribute(item, "happy")
local rate = happy / happy
local newhappiness = happy
if happy >= 250 then
newhappiness = 255
elseif happy >= 230 then
newhappiness = happy + 4
elseif happy >= 210 then
newhappiness = happy + 6
elseif happy >= 180 then
newhappiness = happy + 8
elseif happy >= 140 then
newhappiness = happy + 10
elseif happy >= 110 then
newhappiness = happy + 12
newhappiness = happy + 15
local status = getPokemonStatus(pokemon)
local off = * rate * levelsup
local def = status.def * rate * levelsup
local agi = status.agi * rate * levelsup
local spatk = status.spatk * rate * levelsup
local vit = status.vit * rate * levelsup
doItemSetAttribute(item, "level", newlevel)
if not rarecandy then
doItemSetAttribute(item, "happy", newhappiness)
local nextexp = leveltable[newlevel + 1] - exp
doItemSetAttribute(item, "nextlevelexp", nextexp)
doItemSetAttribute(item, "offense", getItemAttribute(item, "offense") + off)
doItemSetAttribute(item, "defense", getItemAttribute(item, "defense") + def)
doItemSetAttribute(item, "speed", getItemAttribute(item, "speed") + agi)
doItemSetAttribute(item, "specialattack", getItemAttribute(item, "specialattack") + spatk)
doItemSetAttribute(item, "vitality", getItemAttribute(item, "vitality") + vit)
if newlevel > getPlayerLevel(cid) + pokemonMaxLevelAbovePlayer then
addEvent(doPlayerSendTextMessage, 30, cid, 18, "Warning: Your "..getPokeballName(item).."'s ["..newlevel.."] level is much higher than yours, so you will not be able to call him to battles.")
if isCreature(cid) and id >= 1 and isBeingUsed(id) then
adjustStatus(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], item, false, true)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "• Level: "..newlevel.." (+"..levelsup..")  • Offense: +"..doMathDecimal(off).."  • Defense: +"..doMathDecimal(def).."  • Spc. Atk: +"..doMathDecimal(spatk).."  • Agility: +"..doMathDecimal(agi).."  • Vitality: +"..doMathDecimal(vit).."")
if happy < minHappyToEvolve then return true end
if pokemonsCanEvolveByLevel then
local summon = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]
local reqlevel = poevo[getCreatureName(summon)] and poevo[getCreatureName(summon)].level or -1
local level = getItemAttribute(item, "level")
local evolution = "none"
local name = getCreatureName(summon)
if name == "Tyrogue" and level >= 20 then
if getOffense(summon) == getDefense(summon) then
evolution = "Hitmontop"
elseif getOffense(summon) > getDefense(summon) then
evolution = "Hitmonlee"
evolution = "Hitmonchan"
elseif name == "Eevee" then
if happy >= maxHappyToEvolve then
if isDay() then
evolution = "Espeon"
evolution = "Umbreon"
elseif name == "Slowpoke" and level >= 28 then
evolution = "Slowbro"
elseif name == "Poliwhirl" and level >= 36 then
evolution = "Poliwrath"
elseif reqlevel > 4 and level >= reqlevel then
evolution = poevo[getCreatureName(summon)].evolution
elseif reqlevel == 2 and happy >= maxHappyToEvolve then
evolution = poevo[getCreatureName(summon)] and poevo[getCreatureName(summon)].evolution or "none"
if evolution ~= "none" then
doStartEvolution(summon, evolution, 4)
function doAdjustWithDelay(cid, pk, health, vit, status)
if isCreature(cid) then                                   --alterado v2.5
   if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
   adjustStatus(pk, getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, health, vir, status)
function adjustStatus(pk, item, health, vite, conditions)
if not isCreature(pk) then return true end
local bonusoffense = getItemAttribute(item, boffense) or 0
local bonusdefense = getItemAttribute(item, bdefense) or 0
local bonusagility = getItemAttribute(item, bagility) or 0
local bonussattack = getItemAttribute(item, bsattack) or 0
setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1000, getItemAttribute(item, "level"))
setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1001, getItemAttribute(item, "offense") + bonusoffense)
setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1002, getItemAttribute(item, "defense") + bonusdefense)
setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1003, getItemAttribute(item, "speed") + bonusagility)
setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1005, getItemAttribute(item, "specialattack") + bonussattack)
local gender = getItemAttribute(item, "gender") and getItemAttribute(item, "gender") or 0
doCreatureSetSkullType(pk, gender)
if vite == true then
local pct = getCreatureHealth(pk) / getCreatureMaxHealth(pk)
local vit = getItemAttribute(item, "vitality") - getPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1004)
setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, getCreatureMaxHealth(pk) + ( vit * HPperVIT ))
doCreatureAddHealth(pk, pct * vit * HPperVIT)
setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1004, getItemAttribute(item, "vitality"))
local nick = getItemAttribute(item, "poke")
if string.find(tostring(nick), "Shiny") then
  nick = tostring(nick):match("(Shiny .*)")
if getItemAttribute(item, "nick") then
nick = getItemAttribute(item, "nick")
setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1007, nick)
local boostlevel = getItemAttribute(item, "boost") or 0
local boostshow = hideBoost and "]" or " + "..boostlevel.."]"
local lvlstr = ""
if showBoostSeparated then
boostshow = hideBoost and "]" or "] [+"..boostlevel.."]"
if hideSummonsLevel then
if not hideBoost then
nick = nick.." [+"..boostlevel.."]"
nick = nick.." ["..getItemAttribute(item, "level")..""..boostshow..""
doCreatureSetNick(pk, nick)
if not getItemAttribute(item, "happy") then
doItemSetAttribute(item, "happy", 120)
if not getItemAttribute(item, "hunger") then
doItemSetAttribute(item, "hunger", 5)
local happy = getItemAttribute(item, "happy")
if happy < 0 then
happy = 1
setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1008, happy)
local hunger = getItemAttribute(item, "hunger")
setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1009, hunger)
if health == true then
local mh = getCreatureMaxHealth(pk) + HPperVIT * getVitality(pk)
local rd = 1 - (tonumber(getItemAttribute(item, "hp")))
setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, mh)
doCreatureAddHealth(pk, getCreatureMaxHealth(pk))
doCreatureAddHealth(pk, -(getCreatureMaxHealth(pk) * rd))
if isSummon(pk) and conditions then                        --alterado v2.5 daki pra baixo!!
local burn = getItemAttribute(item, "burn")   
if burn and burn >= 0 then
  local ret = {id = pk, cd = burn, check = false, damage = getItemAttribute(item, "burndmg"), cond = "Burn"}
  addEvent(doCondition2, 3500, ret)
local poison = getItemAttribute(item, "poison")
if poison and poison >= 0 then
  local ret = {id = pk, cd = poison, check = false, damage = getItemAttribute(item, "poisondmg"), cond = "Poison"}
  addEvent(doCondition2, 1500, ret)
        local confuse = getItemAttribute(item, "confuse")
if confuse and confuse >= 0 then
  local ret = {id = pk, cd = confuse, check = false, cond = "Confusion"}
  addEvent(doCondition2, 1200, ret)                                                --alterado v2.5
        local sleep = getItemAttribute(item, "sleep")
if sleep and sleep >= 0 then
  local ret = {id = pk, cd = sleep, check = false, first = true, cond = "Sleep"}
local miss = getItemAttribute(item, "miss")     
if miss and miss >= 0 then      
          local ret = {id = pk, cd = miss, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "missEff"), check = false, spell = getItemAttribute(item, "missSpell"), cond = "Miss"}
        local fear = getItemAttribute(item, "fear")
        if fear and fear >= 0 then
           local ret = {id = pk, cd = fear, check = false, skill = getItemAttribute(item, "fearSkill"), cond = "Fear"}
        local silence = getItemAttribute(item, "silence")
        if silence and silence >= 0 then      
           local ret = {id = pk, cd = silence, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "silenceEff"), check = false, cond = "Silence"}
        local stun = getItemAttribute(item, "stun")
        if stun and stun >= 0 then
           local ret = {id = pk, cd = stun, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "stunEff"), check = false, spell = getItemAttribute(item, "stunSpell"), cond = "Stun"}
        local paralyze = getItemAttribute(item, "paralyze")
        if paralyze and paralyze >= 0 then
           local ret = {id = pk, cd = paralyze, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "paralyzeEff"), check = false, first = true, cond = "Paralyze"}
        local slow = getItemAttribute(item, "slow")
        if slow and slow >= 0 then
           local ret = {id = pk, cd = slow, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "slowEff"), check = false, first = true, cond = "Slow"}
        local leech = getItemAttribute(item, "leech")
        if leech and leech >= 0 then
           local ret = {id = pk, cd = leech, attacker = 0, check = false, damage = getItemAttribute(item, "leechdmg"), cond = "Leech"}
        for i = 1, 3 do
            local buff = getItemAttribute(item, "Buff"..i)
            if buff and buff >= 0 then
               local ret = {id = pk, cd = buff, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "Buff"..i.."eff"), check = false, 
               buff = getItemAttribute(item, "Buff"..i.."skill"), first = true, attr = "Buff"..i}
                                                                  --alterado v2.9 
    if getItemAttribute(item, "boost") and getItemAttribute(item, "boost") >= 50 and getItemAttribute(item, "aura") then
       sendAuraEffect(pk, auraSyst[getItemAttribute(item, "aura")])        
    if getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(pk), 6598754) >= 1 then
        setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 6598754, 1)                               
    elseif getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(pk), 6598755) >= 1 then
        setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 6598755, 1)
return true
function setWildPokemonLevel(cid, optionalLevel, optionalStatus, optionalNick, optionalExtraExp)
if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
if not pokes[getCreatureName(cid)] then return true end  --alterado v2.6
local levelRange = 0
local off = 0
local def = 0
local agi = 0
local spatk = 0
local vit = 0
local this = getCreatureName(cid)
local ee = 1
if optionalExtraExp then
ee = optionalExtraExp
if optionalLevel and tonumber(optionalLevel) >= 1 then                --alterado v2.8\/
   levelRange = optionalLevel
   levelRange = math.random(pokes[this].wildLvlMin, pokes[this].wildLvlMax) 
local status = getPokemonStatus(this)
if status then
off =
def = status.def
agi = status.agi
vit = status.vit
spatk = status.spatk
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000, (levelRange > 150 and 150 or levelRange)) --alterado v2.8
if optionalStatus and then
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001, optionalStatus.offense)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002, optionalStatus.defense)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1003, optionalStatus.agility)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004, optionalStatus.vitality)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1005, optionalStatus.specialattack)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1011, optionalStatus.offense)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1012, optionalStatus.defense)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1013, optionalStatus.agility)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1014, optionalStatus.vitality)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1015, optionalStatus.specialattack)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001, 5 + math.random(off * levelRange * 0.9, off * levelRange * 1.8))
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002, 5 + math.random(def * levelRange * 0.9, def * levelRange * 1.8))
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1003, math.random(agi * levelRange * 0.9, agi * levelRange * 1.8))
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004, math.random(vit * levelRange * 0.9, vit * levelRange * 1.8))
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1005, 5 + math.random(spatk * levelRange * 0.9, spatk * levelRange * 1.8))
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1011, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001))
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1012, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002))
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1013, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1003))
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1014, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004))
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1015, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1005))
setCreatureMaxHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid) + getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004) * HPperVIT * vitReductionForWild)
doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid))
if pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].exp then
local exp = (50 + pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].exp) * baseExpRate + pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].vitality * levelRange * pokemonExpPerLevelRate
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1006, exp * generalExpRate * ee)
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22546) == 1 then
          setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1006, 750)
          doSetCreatureDropLoot(cid, false)         --edited golden arena
local wildshow = wildBeforeNames and "Wild " or ""
if optionalNick then
if hideWildsLevel then
doCreatureSetNick(cid, optionalNick)
doCreatureSetNick(cid, optionalNick.." ["..getWildPokemonLevel(cid).."]")
if hideWildsLevel then
doCreatureSetNick(cid, ""..wildshow..""..getCreatureName(cid).."")
doCreatureSetNick(cid, ""..wildshow..""..getCreatureName(cid).." ["..getWildPokemonLevel(cid).."]")
function getOffenseInRage(cid)  --alterado v2.8
if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 547888) >= 1 then
return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001)) / 2
return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001))
function getOffense(cid)
if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end
--[[if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 3894) >= 1 then
return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001)) / 2
end ]]
return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001))
function getDefense(cid)
if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end
--[[ if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 3894) >= 1 then
return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002)) / 2
end  ]]
return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002))
function getSpeed(cid)
if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end
return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1003))
function getVitality(cid)
if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end
return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004))
function getSpecialAttack(cid)
if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end
return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1005))
function getHappiness(cid)
if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end
return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1008))
function getSpecialDefense(cid)
if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end
return getSpecialAttack(cid) * 0.85 + getDefense(cid) * 0.2
function getWildPokemonExp(cid)
return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1006)
function getWildPokemonLevel(cid)
return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000)
function getLevel(cid)
if isSummon(cid) then
return getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(cid), 8).uid, "level")
return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000)
function getPokeName(cid)
if not isSummon(cid) then return getCreatureName(cid) end
if getCreatureName(cid) == "Evolution" then return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1007) end
local item = getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(cid), 8)
if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nick") then                          --alterado v2.7
  return getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nick")
if string.find(tostring(getCreatureName(cid)), "Shiny") then
      local newName = tostring(getCreatureName(cid)):match("(Shiny .*)")
      return newName
return getCreatureName(cid)
function getPokeballName(item, truename)
if not truename and getItemAttribute(item, "nick") then
return getItemAttribute(item, "nick")
return getItemAttribute(item, "poke")
function getPokemonName(cid)
return getCreatureName(cid)
function getMasterLevel(poke)
    if not isSummon(poke) then return 0 end
return getPlayerLevel(getCreatureMaster(poke)) --alterado v2.5
function getPokeballBoost(ball)
    if not isPokeball(ball.itemid) then return 0 end  --alterado v2.8
return getItemAttribute(ball.uid, "boost") or 0
function getPokemonBoost(poke)
    if not isSummon(poke) then return 0 end       --alterado v2.5
return getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(poke), 8).uid, "boost") or 0
function getPokemonLevelByName(name)
return pokes[name] and pokes[name].level or 0  --alterado v2.9
function getPokemonLevel(cid)
if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end
return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000)
function getPokemonGender(cid)
return getCreatureSkullType(cid)
function setPokemonGender(cid, gender)
if isCreature(cid) and gender then        --alterado v2.8
   doCreatureSetSkullType(cid, gender)
   return true
return false


Se não der, manda o pokeexp.

Editado por Gabrielbsales (veja o histórico de edições)

Att. Featzen.

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Gabrielbsales Isso Não Resolveu Nada :( Ainda Continuo Com O Mesmo Problema :/ Mesmo Assim Vlw ^^


Quando Eu Deixo Um Poke Pra FIcar Com Lvl 200 Ele Não Vai Por Causa Do Limite Ainda Que Vc Mando Na Script Que É 150 :(

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  • Solução

Ah, você tem que adicionar as tabelas de exp no level table, ta só até 151, bota até onde quer.

e usa esse level system:

function getPokemonStatus(name, multiplier)
local a = pokes[name]
local m = 1
if not a then return false end
if not a.offense then return false end
if multiplier then m = multiplier end
local ret = {} = a.offense * m
ret.offense =
ret.def = a.defense * m
ret.defense = ret.def
ret.agi = a.agility * m
ret.agility = ret.agi
ret.spatk = a.specialattack * m
ret.specialattack = ret.spatk
ret.vit = a.vitality * m
ret.vitality = ret.vit
return ret
function getPokemonXMLOutfit(name)                --alterado v2.9 \/
local path = "data/monster/pokes/Shiny Kanto/"".xml"
local tpw = io.type(
if not tpw then
   path = "data/monster/pokes/Nesil 2/"".xml"
   tpw = io.type(
if not tpw then
   path = "data/monster/pokes/Nesil 1/"".xml"
   tpw = io.type(
if not tpw then
   path = "data/monster/pokes/Nesil 3/"".xml"
   tpw = io.type(
if not tpw then
   path = "data/monster/pokes/Nesil 4/"".xml"
   tpw = io.type(
if not tpw then
   path = "data/monster/pokes/Nesil 5/"".xml"
   tpw = io.type(
if not tpw then
   path = "data/monster/pokes/Novelty/"".xml"
   tpw = io.type(
if not tpw then
   path = "data/monster/pokes/Shiny Hoenn/"".xml"
   tpw = io.type(
if not tpw then
   path = "data/monster/pokes/Shiny Johto/"".xml"
   tpw = io.type(
if not tpw then
   path = "data/monster/pokes/Shiny Sinnoh/"".xml"
   tpw = io.type(
if not tpw then
   path = "data/monster/pokes/"".xml"
   tpw = io.type(
if not tpw then
   return print("[getPokemonXMLOutfit] Poke with name: "" ins't in any paste on monster/pokes/") and 2
   local arq =, "a+")
   local txt = arq:read("*all")
   local a, b = txt:find('look type="(.-)"')
   txt = string.sub(txt, a + 11, b - 1)
return tonumber(txt)
function doEvolutionOutfit(cid, oldout, outfit)
if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
if getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType == oldout then
doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = outfit}, -1)
doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = oldout}, -1)
function doStartEvolution(cid, evolution, seconds)
if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
local a = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1007)
local b = getCreatureHealth(cid) / getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)
local d = getThingPos(cid)
local e = getCreatureMaster(cid)
if getHappinessRate(cid) < 1 then return true end
local f = getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType
local g = getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(e, 8).uid, "nick") or getCreatureName(cid)
local h = getPokemonXMLOutfit(evolution)
doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(e, 8).uid, "hp", b)
doCreatureSay(e, "What? My "..g.." is evolving!", TALKTYPE_SAY)
doSummonMonster(e, "Evolution")
doReturnPokemon(e, cid, getPlayerSlotItem(e, 8), 0, true)
local evo = getCreatureSummons(e)[1]
doEvolutionOutfit(evo, h, f)
doCreatureSetHideHealth(evo, true)
doCreatureSetLookDir(evo, 2)
setPlayerStorageValue(evo, 1007, g)
doTeleportThing(evo, d, false)
addEvent(sendSSJEffect, 250, evo)
doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(evo), "EVOLUTION", COLOR_GRASS)
doSendEvolutionEffect(evo, getThingPos(evo), evolution, 20, false, false, f, h)
function doSendEvolutionEffect(cid, pos, evolution, turn, ssj, evolve, f, h)
if not isCreature(cid) then
doSendAnimatedText(pos, "CANCEL", 215)
return true end
if evolve then
doEvolvePokemon(getCreatureMaster(cid), {uid = cid}, evolution, 0, 0)
return true
doSendMagicEffect(pos, 18)
if ssj then
doEvolutionOutfit(cid, f, h)
addEvent(doSendEvolutionEffect, math.pow(1900, turn/20), cid, getThingPos(cid), evolution, turn - 1, turn == 19, turn == 2, f, h)
function sendSSJEffect(cid)
if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
local pos1 = getThingPos(cid)
local pos2 = getThingPos(cid)
pos2.x = pos2.x + math.random(-1, 1)
pos2.y = pos2.y - math.random(1, 2)
doSendDistanceShoot(pos1, pos2, 37)
addEvent(sendSSJEffect, 45, cid)
function sendFinishEvolutionEffect(cid, alternate)
if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
local pos1 = getThingPos(cid)
if alternate then
local pos = {
[1] = {-2, 0},
[2] = {-1, -1},
[3] = {0, -2},
[4] = {1, -1},
[5] = {2, 0},
[6] = {1, 1},
[7] = {0, 2},
[8] = {-1, 1}}
for a = 1, 8 do
local pos2 = getThingPos(cid)
pos2.x = pos2.x + pos[a][1]
pos2.y = pos2.y + pos[a][2]
local pos = getThingPos(cid)
doSendDistanceShoot(pos2, pos, 37)
addEvent(doSendDistanceShoot, 300, pos, pos2, 37)
for a = 0, 3 do
doSendDistanceShoot(pos1, getPosByDir(pos1, a), 37)
for a = 4, 7 do
addEvent(doSendDistanceShoot, 600, pos1, getPosByDir(pos1, a), 37)
function doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, theevo, stone1, stone2)
if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
if not pokes[theevo] or not pokes[theevo].offense then
doReturnPokemon(cid, item2.uid, getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8), pokeballs[getPokeballType(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid)].effect, false, true)
return true
local owner = getCreatureMaster(item2.uid)
local pokeball = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8)
local description = "Contains a "..theevo.."."
local pct = getCreatureHealth(item2.uid) / getCreatureMaxHealth(item2.uid)
doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "hp", pct)
doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "poke", theevo)
doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "description", "Contains a "..theevo..".")
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Congratulations! Your "..getPokeName(item2.uid).." evolved into a "..theevo.."!")
doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(item2.uid), 18)
doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 7).uid, fotos[theevo])
doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 173)
local oldpos = getThingPos(item2.uid)
local oldlod = getCreatureLookDir(item2.uid)
local oldlvl = getPokemonLevel(item2.uid)
doSummonMonster(cid, theevo)
local pk = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]
doTeleportThing(pk, oldpos, false)
doCreatureSetLookDir(pk, oldlod)
sendFinishEvolutionEffect(pk, true)
addEvent(sendFinishEvolutionEffect, 550, pk, true)
addEvent(sendFinishEvolutionEffect, 1050, pk)
doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, stone1, 1)
doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, stone2, 1)
doAddPokemonInOwnList(cid, theevo)
local status = getPokemonStatus(getCreatureName(pk))
local off = * 7.5
local def = status.def * 7.5
local agi = status.agi * 7.5
local spatk = status.spatk * 7.5
local vit = status.vit * 7.5
doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "offense", getItemAttribute(pokeball.uid, "offense") + off)
doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "defense", getItemAttribute(pokeball.uid, "defense") + def)
doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "speed", getItemAttribute(pokeball.uid, "speed") + agi)
doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "specialattack", getItemAttribute(pokeball.uid, "specialattack") + spatk)
doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "vitality", getItemAttribute(pokeball.uid, "vitality") + vit)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Evolution bonus: • Offense: +"..doMathDecimal(off).."  • Defense: +"..doMathDecimal(def).."  • Spc. Atk: +"..doMathDecimal(spatk).."  • Agility: +"..doMathDecimal(agi).."  • Vitality: +"..doMathDecimal(vit).."")
local happy = getItemAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy")
doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy", happy + happyGainedOnEvolution)
if happy + happyGainedOnEvolution > 255 then
doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy", 255)
adjustStatus(pk, pokeball.uid, true, false)
if useKpdoDlls then
function givePokemonExp(cid, item, expe, pct, rarecandy)
 local levelmax = 150 -- bota o limite aqui
if expe <= 0 or not isCreature(cid) then return true end
local leveltable = getPokemonExperienceTable(getPokeballName(item.uid, true))
if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "exp") + expe > leveltable[levelmax] then
givePokemonExp(cid, item, leveltable[levelmax] - getItemAttribute(item.uid, "exp"))
return true
doItemSetAttribute(item.uid, "exp", getItemAttribute(item.uid, "exp") + expe)
doItemSetAttribute(item.uid, "happy", getItemAttribute(item.uid, "happy") + 1)
doItemSetAttribute(item.uid, "nextlevelexp", getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nextlevelexp") - expe)
if pct then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Your "..getPokeballName(item.uid).." has received "..expe.." experience points ("..pct.."%).")
if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nextlevelexp") > 0 then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Your "..getPokeballName(item.uid).." ["..getItemAttribute(item.uid, "level").."] has received "..expe.." experience points ("..getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nextlevelexp").." to next level).")
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Your "..getPokeballName(item.uid).." ["..getItemAttribute(item.uid, "level").."] has received "..expe.." experience points and has leveled up!")
if isBeingUsed(item.itemid) then
doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), expe, 215)
if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nextlevelexp") <= 0 then
local summon = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]
if not isCreature(summon) then return true end
doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(summon), "Level up!", 215)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 26, "sounds/Levelup.wav")
adjustPokemonLevel(item.uid, cid, item.itemid)
   doCreatureAddHealth(summon, getCreatureMaxHealth(summon))
function givePokemonExpInBp(cid, item, expe, ballid, pct, hidemessage)
 local levelmax = 150 --edita o level maximo aqui
if expe <= 0 or not isCreature(cid) then return true end
local leveltable = getPokemonExperienceTable(getPokeballName(item, true))
if getItemAttribute(item, "exp") + expe > leveltable[levelmax] then
givePokemonExpInBp(cid, item, leveltable[levelmax] - getItemAttribute(item, "exp"), ballid)
return true
doItemSetAttribute(item, "exp", getItemAttribute(item, "exp") + expe)
doItemSetAttribute(item, "happy", getItemAttribute(item, "happy") + 1)
doItemSetAttribute(item, "nextlevelexp", getItemAttribute(item, "nextlevelexp") - expe)
if not hidemessage then
if pct then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Your "..getPokeballName(item).." has received "..expe.." experience points ("..pct.."%).")
if getItemAttribute(item, "nextlevelexp") > 0 then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Your "..getPokeballName(item).." ["..getItemAttribute(item, "level").."] has received "..expe.." experience points inside his pokeball ("..getItemAttribute(item, "nextlevelexp").." to next level).")
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Your "..getPokeballName(item).." ["..getItemAttribute(item, "level").."] has received "..expe.." experience points and has leveled up inside his pokeball.")
adjustPokemonLevel(item, cid, ballid)
function doMathDecimal(number, casas)
if math.floor(number) == number then return number end
local c = casas and casas + 1 or 3
for a = 0, 10 do
if math.floor(number) < math.pow(10, a) then
local str = string.sub(""..number.."", 1, a + c)
return tonumber(str)
return number
function adjustPokemonLevel(item, cid, id, rarecandy)
 local levelmax = 150 -- edita o level maximo aqui
if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
local exp = getItemAttribute(item, "exp")
local level = getItemAttribute(item, "level")
local leveltable = getPokemonExperienceTable(getPokeballName(item, true))
local newlevel = 1
for x = 1, levelmax do
if exp >= leveltable[x] and exp < leveltable[x+1] then
newlevel = x
if newlevel <= 1 then return true end
local levelsup = (newlevel - level)
local pokemon = getItemAttribute(item, "poke")
local happy = getItemAttribute(item, "happy")
local rate = happy / happy
local newhappiness = happy
if happy >= 250 then
newhappiness = 255
elseif happy >= 230 then
newhappiness = happy + 4
elseif happy >= 210 then
newhappiness = happy + 6
elseif happy >= 180 then
newhappiness = happy + 8
elseif happy >= 140 then
newhappiness = happy + 10
elseif happy >= 110 then
newhappiness = happy + 12
newhappiness = happy + 15
local status = getPokemonStatus(pokemon)
local off = * rate * levelsup
local def = status.def * rate * levelsup
local agi = status.agi * rate * levelsup
local spatk = status.spatk * rate * levelsup
local vit = status.vit * rate * levelsup
doItemSetAttribute(item, "level", newlevel)
if not rarecandy then
doItemSetAttribute(item, "happy", newhappiness)
local nextexp = leveltable[newlevel + 1] - exp
doItemSetAttribute(item, "nextlevelexp", nextexp)
doItemSetAttribute(item, "offense", getItemAttribute(item, "offense") + off)
doItemSetAttribute(item, "defense", getItemAttribute(item, "defense") + def)
doItemSetAttribute(item, "speed", getItemAttribute(item, "speed") + agi)
doItemSetAttribute(item, "specialattack", getItemAttribute(item, "specialattack") + spatk)
doItemSetAttribute(item, "vitality", getItemAttribute(item, "vitality") + vit)
if newlevel > getPlayerLevel(cid) + pokemonMaxLevelAbovePlayer then
addEvent(doPlayerSendTextMessage, 30, cid, 18, "Warning: Your "..getPokeballName(item).."'s ["..newlevel.."] level is much higher than yours, so you will not be able to call him to battles.")
if isCreature(cid) and id >= 1 and isBeingUsed(id) then
adjustStatus(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1], item, false, true)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "• Level: "..newlevel.." (+"..levelsup..")  • Offense: +"..doMathDecimal(off).."  • Defense: +"..doMathDecimal(def).."  • Spc. Atk: +"..doMathDecimal(spatk).."  • Agility: +"..doMathDecimal(agi).."  • Vitality: +"..doMathDecimal(vit).."")
if happy < minHappyToEvolve then return true end
if pokemonsCanEvolveByLevel then
local summon = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]
local reqlevel = poevo[getCreatureName(summon)] and poevo[getCreatureName(summon)].level or -1
local level = getItemAttribute(item, "level")
local evolution = "none"
local name = getCreatureName(summon)
if name == "Tyrogue" and level >= 20 then
if getOffense(summon) == getDefense(summon) then
evolution = "Hitmontop"
elseif getOffense(summon) > getDefense(summon) then
evolution = "Hitmonlee"
evolution = "Hitmonchan"
elseif name == "Eevee" then
if happy >= maxHappyToEvolve then
if isDay() then
evolution = "Espeon"
evolution = "Umbreon"
elseif name == "Slowpoke" and level >= 28 then
evolution = "Slowbro"
elseif name == "Poliwhirl" and level >= 36 then
evolution = "Poliwrath"
elseif reqlevel > 4 and level >= reqlevel then
evolution = poevo[getCreatureName(summon)].evolution
elseif reqlevel == 2 and happy >= maxHappyToEvolve then
evolution = poevo[getCreatureName(summon)] and poevo[getCreatureName(summon)].evolution or "none"
if evolution ~= "none" then
doStartEvolution(summon, evolution, 4)
function doAdjustWithDelay(cid, pk, health, vit, status)
if isCreature(cid) then                                   --alterado v2.5
   if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
   adjustStatus(pk, getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, health, vir, status)
function adjustStatus(pk, item, health, vite, conditions)
if not isCreature(pk) then return true end
local bonusoffense = getItemAttribute(item, boffense) or 0
local bonusdefense = getItemAttribute(item, bdefense) or 0
local bonusagility = getItemAttribute(item, bagility) or 0
local bonussattack = getItemAttribute(item, bsattack) or 0
setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1000, getItemAttribute(item, "level"))
setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1001, getItemAttribute(item, "offense") + bonusoffense)
setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1002, getItemAttribute(item, "defense") + bonusdefense)
setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1003, getItemAttribute(item, "speed") + bonusagility)
setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1005, getItemAttribute(item, "specialattack") + bonussattack)
local gender = getItemAttribute(item, "gender") and getItemAttribute(item, "gender") or 0
doCreatureSetSkullType(pk, gender)
if vite == true then
local pct = getCreatureHealth(pk) / getCreatureMaxHealth(pk)
local vit = getItemAttribute(item, "vitality") - getPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1004)
setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, getCreatureMaxHealth(pk) + ( vit * HPperVIT ))
doCreatureAddHealth(pk, pct * vit * HPperVIT)
setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1004, getItemAttribute(item, "vitality"))
local nick = getItemAttribute(item, "poke")
if string.find(tostring(nick), "Shiny") then
  nick = tostring(nick):match("(Shiny .*)")
if getItemAttribute(item, "nick") then
nick = getItemAttribute(item, "nick")
setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1007, nick)
local boostlevel = getItemAttribute(item, "boost") or 0
local boostshow = hideBoost and "]" or " + "..boostlevel.."]"
local lvlstr = ""
if showBoostSeparated then
boostshow = hideBoost and "]" or "] [+"..boostlevel.."]"
if hideSummonsLevel then
if not hideBoost then
nick = nick.." [+"..boostlevel.."]"
nick = nick.." ["..getItemAttribute(item, "level")..""..boostshow..""
doCreatureSetNick(pk, nick)
if not getItemAttribute(item, "happy") then
doItemSetAttribute(item, "happy", 120)
if not getItemAttribute(item, "hunger") then
doItemSetAttribute(item, "hunger", 5)
local happy = getItemAttribute(item, "happy")
if happy < 0 then
happy = 1
setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1008, happy)
local hunger = getItemAttribute(item, "hunger")
setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1009, hunger)
if health == true then
local mh = getCreatureMaxHealth(pk) + HPperVIT * getVitality(pk)
local rd = 1 - (tonumber(getItemAttribute(item, "hp")))
setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, mh)
doCreatureAddHealth(pk, getCreatureMaxHealth(pk))
doCreatureAddHealth(pk, -(getCreatureMaxHealth(pk) * rd))
if isSummon(pk) and conditions then                        --alterado v2.5 daki pra baixo!!
local burn = getItemAttribute(item, "burn")   
if burn and burn >= 0 then
  local ret = {id = pk, cd = burn, check = false, damage = getItemAttribute(item, "burndmg"), cond = "Burn"}
  addEvent(doCondition2, 3500, ret)
local poison = getItemAttribute(item, "poison")
if poison and poison >= 0 then
  local ret = {id = pk, cd = poison, check = false, damage = getItemAttribute(item, "poisondmg"), cond = "Poison"}
  addEvent(doCondition2, 1500, ret)
        local confuse = getItemAttribute(item, "confuse")
if confuse and confuse >= 0 then
  local ret = {id = pk, cd = confuse, check = false, cond = "Confusion"}
  addEvent(doCondition2, 1200, ret)                                                --alterado v2.5
        local sleep = getItemAttribute(item, "sleep")
if sleep and sleep >= 0 then
  local ret = {id = pk, cd = sleep, check = false, first = true, cond = "Sleep"}
local miss = getItemAttribute(item, "miss")     
if miss and miss >= 0 then      
          local ret = {id = pk, cd = miss, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "missEff"), check = false, spell = getItemAttribute(item, "missSpell"), cond = "Miss"}
        local fear = getItemAttribute(item, "fear")
        if fear and fear >= 0 then
           local ret = {id = pk, cd = fear, check = false, skill = getItemAttribute(item, "fearSkill"), cond = "Fear"}
        local silence = getItemAttribute(item, "silence")
        if silence and silence >= 0 then      
           local ret = {id = pk, cd = silence, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "silenceEff"), check = false, cond = "Silence"}
        local stun = getItemAttribute(item, "stun")
        if stun and stun >= 0 then
           local ret = {id = pk, cd = stun, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "stunEff"), check = false, spell = getItemAttribute(item, "stunSpell"), cond = "Stun"}
        local paralyze = getItemAttribute(item, "paralyze")
        if paralyze and paralyze >= 0 then
           local ret = {id = pk, cd = paralyze, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "paralyzeEff"), check = false, first = true, cond = "Paralyze"}
        local slow = getItemAttribute(item, "slow")
        if slow and slow >= 0 then
           local ret = {id = pk, cd = slow, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "slowEff"), check = false, first = true, cond = "Slow"}
        local leech = getItemAttribute(item, "leech")
        if leech and leech >= 0 then
           local ret = {id = pk, cd = leech, attacker = 0, check = false, damage = getItemAttribute(item, "leechdmg"), cond = "Leech"}
        for i = 1, 3 do
            local buff = getItemAttribute(item, "Buff"..i)
            if buff and buff >= 0 then
               local ret = {id = pk, cd = buff, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "Buff"..i.."eff"), check = false, 
               buff = getItemAttribute(item, "Buff"..i.."skill"), first = true, attr = "Buff"..i}
                                                                  --alterado v2.9 
    if getItemAttribute(item, "boost") and getItemAttribute(item, "boost") >= 50 and getItemAttribute(item, "aura") then
       sendAuraEffect(pk, auraSyst[getItemAttribute(item, "aura")])        
    if getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(pk), 6598754) >= 1 then
        setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 6598754, 1)                               
    elseif getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(pk), 6598755) >= 1 then
        setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 6598755, 1)
return true
function setWildPokemonLevel(cid, optionalLevel, optionalStatus, optionalNick, optionalExtraExp)
if not isCreature(cid) then return true end
if not pokes[getCreatureName(cid)] then return true end  --alterado v2.6
local levelRange = 0
local off = 0
local def = 0
local agi = 0
local spatk = 0
local vit = 0
local this = getCreatureName(cid)
local ee = 1
if optionalExtraExp then
ee = optionalExtraExp
if optionalLevel and tonumber(optionalLevel) >= 1 then                --alterado v2.8\/
   levelRange = optionalLevel
   levelRange = math.random(pokes[this].wildLvlMin, pokes[this].wildLvlMax) 
local status = getPokemonStatus(this)
if status then
off =
def = status.def
agi = status.agi
vit = status.vit
spatk = status.spatk
 local levelmax = 150 -- edita o level maximo aqui
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000, (levelRange > levelmax and levelmax or levelRange)) --alterado v2.8
if optionalStatus and then
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001, optionalStatus.offense)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002, optionalStatus.defense)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1003, optionalStatus.agility)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004, optionalStatus.vitality)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1005, optionalStatus.specialattack)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1011, optionalStatus.offense)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1012, optionalStatus.defense)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1013, optionalStatus.agility)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1014, optionalStatus.vitality)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1015, optionalStatus.specialattack)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001, 5 + math.random(off * levelRange * 0.9, off * levelRange * 1.8))
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002, 5 + math.random(def * levelRange * 0.9, def * levelRange * 1.8))
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1003, math.random(agi * levelRange * 0.9, agi * levelRange * 1.8))
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004, math.random(vit * levelRange * 0.9, vit * levelRange * 1.8))
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1005, 5 + math.random(spatk * levelRange * 0.9, spatk * levelRange * 1.8))
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1011, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001))
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1012, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002))
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1013, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1003))
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1014, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004))
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1015, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1005))
setCreatureMaxHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid) + getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004) * HPperVIT * vitReductionForWild)
doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid))
if pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].exp then
local exp = (50 + pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].exp) * baseExpRate + pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].vitality * levelRange * pokemonExpPerLevelRate
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1006, exp * generalExpRate * ee)
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22546) == 1 then
          setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1006, 750)
          doSetCreatureDropLoot(cid, false)         --edited golden arena
local wildshow = wildBeforeNames and "Wild " or ""
if optionalNick then
if hideWildsLevel then
doCreatureSetNick(cid, optionalNick)
doCreatureSetNick(cid, optionalNick.." ["..getWildPokemonLevel(cid).."]")
if hideWildsLevel then
doCreatureSetNick(cid, ""..wildshow..""..getCreatureName(cid).."")
doCreatureSetNick(cid, ""..wildshow..""..getCreatureName(cid).." ["..getWildPokemonLevel(cid).."]")
function getOffenseInRage(cid)  --alterado v2.8
if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 547888) >= 1 then
return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001)) / 2
return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001))
function getOffense(cid)
if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end
--[[if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 3894) >= 1 then
return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001)) / 2
end ]]
return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001))
function getDefense(cid)
if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end
--[[ if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 3894) >= 1 then
return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002)) / 2
end  ]]
return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002))
function getSpeed(cid)
if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end
return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1003))
function getVitality(cid)
if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end
return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004))
function getSpecialAttack(cid)
if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end
return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1005))
function getHappiness(cid)
if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end
return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1008))
function getSpecialDefense(cid)
if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end
return getSpecialAttack(cid) * 0.85 + getDefense(cid) * 0.2
function getWildPokemonExp(cid)
return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1006)
function getWildPokemonLevel(cid)
return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000)
function getLevel(cid)
if isSummon(cid) then
return getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(cid), 8).uid, "level")
return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000)
function getPokeName(cid)
if not isSummon(cid) then return getCreatureName(cid) end
if getCreatureName(cid) == "Evolution" then return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1007) end
local item = getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(cid), 8)
if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nick") then                          --alterado v2.7
  return getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nick")
if string.find(tostring(getCreatureName(cid)), "Shiny") then
      local newName = tostring(getCreatureName(cid)):match("(Shiny .*)")
      return newName
return getCreatureName(cid)
function getPokeballName(item, truename)
if not truename and getItemAttribute(item, "nick") then
return getItemAttribute(item, "nick")
return getItemAttribute(item, "poke")
function getPokemonName(cid)
return getCreatureName(cid)
function getMasterLevel(poke)
    if not isSummon(poke) then return 0 end
return getPlayerLevel(getCreatureMaster(poke)) --alterado v2.5
function getPokeballBoost(ball)
    if not isPokeball(ball.itemid) then return 0 end  --alterado v2.8
return getItemAttribute(ball.uid, "boost") or 0
function getPokemonBoost(poke)
    if not isSummon(poke) then return 0 end       --alterado v2.5
return getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(poke), 8).uid, "boost") or 0
function getPokemonLevelByName(name)
return pokes[name] and pokes[name].level or 0  --alterado v2.9
function getPokemonLevel(cid)
if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end
return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000)
function getPokemonGender(cid)
return getCreatureSkullType(cid)
function setPokemonGender(cid, gender)
if isCreature(cid) and gender then        --alterado v2.8
   doCreatureSetSkullType(cid, gender)
   return true
return false

PS: Dentro dele, procura por levelmax, em um lugar pra editar.

ex: levelmax = 150

onde tá 150, bota o limite, sendo que tu tem que ter adicionado no leveltable.

Att. Featzen.

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Pfv Manda A Tabela Editada Ate O Lvl 160 Só Pra Eu Testar Pfv Pq Não Vou Saber Editar ^^ kk Ae Vc Manda Ela Editada E Eu Tiro A Base De Como Vc Editor ^^ Agradeço Se For Possível :D

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function getPokemonExperienceTable(pokemonname)
if isInArray(fastexppokes, pokemonname) then
return fastexptable
elseif isInArray(mediumfastexppokes, pokemonname) then
return mediumfastexptable
elseif isInArray(mediumslowexppokes, pokemonname) then
return mediumslowexptable
elseif isInArray(slowexppokes, pokemonname) then
return slowexptable
print(""..pokemonname.." doesn't have an experience table speed gain. Check it at data/lib/level tables.lua.")
return mediumfastexptable
fastexppokes = {"Diglett", "Dugtrio", "Meowth", "Persian",  
"Shiny Diglett", "Shiny Dugtrio", "Shiny Meowth", "Shiny Persian", 
"Sentret", "Furret", "Unown", "Dunsparce", 
"Shiny Sentret", "Shiny Furret", "Shiny Unown", "Shiny Dunsparce", 
"Plusle", "Minun", "Volbeat", "Illumise", "Spinda", "Chimecho", "Luvdisc", 
"Shiny Plusle", "Shiny Minun", "Shiny Volbeat", "Shiny Illumise", "Shiny Spinda", "Shiny Chimecho", "Shiny Luvdisc", 
"Kricketot", "Kricketune", 
"Shiny Kricketot", "Shiny Kricketune", 
"Basculin", "Emolga", "Karrablast", "Escavalier", "Foongus", "Amoonguss", "Alomomola", "Shelmet", "Accelgor", "Stunfisk", 
"Shiny Basculin", "Shiny Emolga", "Shiny Karrablast", "Shiny Escavalier", "Shiny Foongus", "Shiny Amoonguss", "Shiny Alomomola", "Shiny Shelmet", "Shiny Accelgor", "Shiny Stunfisk",
fastexptable = {
 [1] = 0,
 [2] = 51,
 [3] = 172,
 [4] = 409,
 [5] = 800,
 [6] = 1382,
 [7] = 2195,
 [8] = 3276,
 [9] = 4665,
 [10] = 6400,
 [11] = 8518,
 [12] = 11059,
 [13] = 14060,
 [14] = 17561,
 [15] = 21600,
 [16] = 26214,
 [17] = 31443,
 [18] = 37324,
 [19] = 43897,
 [20] = 51200,
 [21] = 59270,
 [22] = 68147,
 [23] = 77868,
 [24] = 88473,
 [25] = 100000,
 [26] = 112486,
 [27] = 125971,
 [28] = 140492,
 [29] = 156089,
 [30] = 172800,
 [31] = 190662,
 [32] = 209715,
 [33] = 229996,
 [34] = 251545,
 [35] = 274400,
 [36] = 298598,
 [37] = 324179,
 [38] = 351180,
 [39] = 379641,
 [40] = 409600,
 [41] = 441094,
 [42] = 474163,
 [43] = 508844,
 [44] = 545177,
 [45] = 583200,
 [46] = 622950,
 [47] = 664467,
 [48] = 707788,
 [49] = 752953,
 [50] = 800000,
 [51] = 848966,
 [52] = 899891,
 [53] = 952812,
 [54] = 1007769,
 [55] = 1064800,
 [56] = 1123942,
 [57] = 1185235,
 [58] = 1248716,
 [59] = 1314425,
 [60] = 1382400,
 [61] = 1452678,
 [62] = 1525299,
 [63] = 1600300,
 [64] = 1677721,
 [65] = 1757600,
 [66] = 1839974,
 [67] = 1924883,
 [68] = 2012364,
 [69] = 2102457,
 [70] = 2195200,
 [71] = 2290630,
 [72] = 2388787,
 [73] = 2489708,
 [74] = 2593433,
 [75] = 2700000,
 [76] = 2809446,
 [77] = 2921811,
 [78] = 3037132,
 [79] = 3155449,
 [80] = 3276800,
 [81] = 3401222,
 [82] = 3528755,
 [83] = 3659436,
 [84] = 3793305,
 [85] = 3930400,
 [86] = 4070758,
 [87] = 4214419,
 [88] = 4361420,
 [89] = 4511801,
 [90] = 4665600,
 [91] = 4822854,
 [92] = 4983603,
 [93] = 5147884,
 [94] = 5315737,
 [95] = 5487200,
 [96] = 5662310,
 [97] = 5841107,
 [98] = 6023628,
 [99] = 6209913,
 [100] = 6250000,
 [101] = 6400000,
 [102] = 6500000,
 [103] = 6600000,
 [104] = 6700000,
 [105] = 6800000,
 [106] = 6900000,
 [107] = 7000000,
 [108] = 7100000,
 [109] = 7200000,
 [110] = 7300000,
 [111] = 7400000,
 [112] = 7500000,
 [113] = 7600000,
 [114] = 7700000,
 [115] = 7800000,
 [116] = 7900000,
 [117] = 8000000,
 [118] = 8100000,
 [119] = 8220000,
 [120] = 8340000,
 [121] = 8460000,
 [122] = 8580000,
 [123] = 8600000,
 [124] = 8720000,
 [125] = 8840000,
 [126] = 8960000,
 [127] = 9080000,
 [128] = 9100000,
 [129] = 9220000,
 [130] = 9340000,
 [131] = 9460000,
 [132] = 9580000,
 [133] = 9600000,
 [134] = 9720000,
 [135] = 9840000,
 [136] = 9960000,
 [137] = 10080000,
 [138] = 10100000,
 [139] = 10200000,
 [140] = 10300000,
 [141] = 10400000,
 [142] = 10500000,
 [143] = 10600000,
 [144] = 11700000,
 [145] = 11800000,
 [146] = 11900000,
 [147] = 12030000,
 [148] = 12100600,
 [149] = 12200000,
 [150] = 12300000,
 [151] = 12400000,
 [152] = 12500000,
 [153] = 12600000,
 [154] = 12700000,
 [155] = 12800000,
 [156] = 12900000,
 [157] = 13000000,
 [158] = 13100000,
 [159] = 13200000,
 [160] = 13300000,
 [151] = 999999999}
mediumfastexppokes = {"Caterpie", "Metapod", "Butterfree", "Weedle", "Kakuna", "Beedrill", "Rattata", "Raticate", "Ekans", "Arbok", "Clefairy", "Clefable", "Jigglypuff", "Wigglytuff", "Venonat", "Venomoth", "Mankey", "Primeape", "Doduo", "Dodrio", 
"Grimer", "Muk", "Krabby", "Kingler", "Voltorb", "Electrode", "Cubone", "Marowak", "Koffing", "Weezing", "Goldeen", "Seaking", "Staryu", "Starmie", "Tauros", 
"Shiny Caterpie", "Shiny Metapod", "Shiny Butterfree", "Shiny Weedle", "Shiny Kakuna", "Shiny Beedrill", "Shiny Rattata", "Shiny Raticate", "Shiny Ekans", "Shiny Arbok", "Shiny Clefairy", "Shiny Clefable", "Shiny Jigglypuff", "Shiny Wigglytuff", 
"Shiny Venonat", "Shiny Venomoth", "Shiny Mankey", "Shiny Primeape", "Shiny Doduo", "Shiny Dodrio", "Shiny Grimer", "Shiny Muk", "Shiny Krabby", "Shiny Kingler", "Shiny Voltorb", "Shiny Electrode", "Shiny Cubone", "Shiny Marowak", "Shiny Koffing", 
"Shiny Weezing", "Shiny Goldeen", "Shiny Seaking", "Shiny Staryu", "Shiny Starmie", "Shiny Tauros",  
"Hoothoot", "Noctowl", "Ledyba", "Ledian", "Chinchou", "Lanturn", "Igglybuff", "Natu", "Xatu", "Marill", "Azumarill", "Hoppip", "Skiploom", "Jumpluff", "Cleffa", "Sunkern", "Sunflora", "Wooper", "Quagsire", "Pineco", "Forretress", "Snubbull", 
"Granbull", "Qwilfish", "Shuckle", "Slugma", "Magcargo", "Remoraid", "Octillery", "Delibird", "Phanpy", "Donphan", "Smeargle", 
"Shiny Hoothoot", "Shiny Noctowl", "Shiny Ledyba", "Shiny Ledian", "Shiny Chinchou", "Shiny Lanturn", "Shiny Igglybuff", "Shiny Natu", "Shiny Xatu", "Shiny Marill", "Shiny Azumarill", "Shiny Hoppip", "Shiny Skiploom", "Shiny Jumpluff", "Shiny Cleffa", 
"Shiny Sunkern", "Shiny Sunflora", "Shiny Wooper", "Shiny Quagsire", "Shiny Pineco", "Shiny Forretress", "Shiny Snubbull", "Shiny Granbull", "Shiny Qwilfish", "Shiny Shuckle", "Shiny Slugma", "Shiny Magcargo", "Shiny Remoraid", "Shiny Octillery", 
"Shiny Delibird", "Shiny Phanpy", "Shiny Donphan", "Shiny Smeargle", 
"Poochyena", "Mightyena", "Zigzagoon", "Linoone", "Wurmple", "Silcoon", "Beautifly", "Cascoon", "Dustux", "Lotad", "Lombre", "Ludicolo", "Sedot", "Nuzleaf", "Shiftry", "Tailow", "Swellow", "Wingull", "Pelipper", "Surskit", "Masquerain", "Nincada", "Ninjask", 
"Shedinja", "Skitty", "Delcaty", "Sableye", "Mawile", "Torkoal", "Spoink", "Grumpig", "Cacnea", "Cacturne", "Barboach", "Whiscash", "Baltoy", "Claydol", "Castform", "Kecleon", "Shuppet", "Banette", "Snorunt", "Glalie", 
"Shiny Poochyena", "Shiny Mightyena", "Shiny Zigzagoon", "Shiny Linoone", "Shiny Wurmple", "Shiny Silcoon", "Shiny Beautifly", "Shiny Cascoon", "Shiny Dustux", "Shiny Lotad", "Shiny Lombre", "Shiny Ludicolo", "Shiny Sedot", "Shiny Nuzleaf", "Shiny Shiftry", 
"Shiny Tailow", "Shiny Swellow", "Shiny Wingull", "Shiny Pelipper", "Surskit", "Masquerain", "Nincada", "Ninjask", "Shiny Shedinja", "Shiny Skitty", "Shiny Delcaty", "Shiny Sableye", "Shiny Mawile", "Shiny Torkoal", "Shiny Spoink", "Shiny Grumpig", 
"Shiny Cacnea", "Shiny Cacturne", "Shiny Barboach", "Shiny Whiscash", "Shiny Baltoy", "Shiny Claydol", "Shiny Castform", "Shiny Kecleon", "Shiny Shuppet", "Shiny Banette", "Shiny Snorunt", "Shiny Glalie", 
"Bidoof", "Bibarel", "Burmy", "Wormadam", "Mothim", "Combee", "Vespiquen", "Pachirisu", "Froslass", "Azurill", "Cherubi", "Cherrim", "Shellos", "Gastrodon", "Drifloon", "Drifblim", "Buneary", "Lopunny", "Glameow", "Purugly", "Stunky", "Skuntank", "Chingling", 
"Bronzor", "Bronzong", "Chatot", "Finneon", "Lumineon", 
"Shiny Bidoof", "Shiny Bibarel", "Shiny Burmy", "Shiny Wormadam", "Shiny Mothim", "Shiny Combee", "Shiny Vespiquen", "Shiny Pachirisu", "Shiny Froslass", "Shiny Azurill", "Shiny Cherubi", "Shiny Cherrim", "Shiny Shellos", "Shiny Gastrodon", "Shiny Drifloon", 
"Shiny Drifblim", "Shiny Buneary", "Shiny Lopunny", "Shiny Glameow", "Shiny Purugly", "Shiny Stunky", "Shiny Skuntank", "Shiny Chingling", "Shiny Bronzor", "Shiny Bronzong", "Shiny Chatot", "Shiny Finneon", "Shiny Lumineon", 
"Patrat", "Watchog", "Lillipup", "Herdier", "Stoutland", "Purrloin", "Liepard", "Pansage", "Simisage", "Pansear", "Simisear", "Panpour", "Simipour", "Munna", "Musharna", "Pidove", "Tranquill", "Unfezant", "Blitzle", "Zebstrika", "Woobat", "Swoobat", 
"Drilbur", "Excadrill", "Audino", "Sewaddle", "Swadloon", "Leavanny", "Cottonee", "Whimsicott", "Petilil", "Lilligant", "Maractus", "Dwebble", "Crustle", "Scraggy", "Scrafty", "Sigilyph", "Trubbish", "Garbodor", "Minccino", "Cinccino", "Ducklett", 
"Swanna", "Vanillite", "Vanillish", "Vanilluxe", "Deerling", "Sawsbuck", "Joltik", "Galvantula", "Ferroseed", "Ferrothorn", "Klink", "Klang", "Klinklang", "Elgyem", "Beheeyem", "Litwick", "Lampent", "Chandelure", "Cryogonal", "Mienfoo", "Mienshao", 
"Druddigon", "Pawniard", "Bisharp", "Heatmor", "Durant",
"Shiny Patrat", "Shiny Watchog", "Shiny Lillipup", "Shiny Herdier", "Shiny Stoutland", "Shiny Purrloin", "Shiny Liepard", "Shiny Pansage", "Shiny Simisage", "Shiny Pansear", "Shiny Simisear", "Shiny Panpour", "Shiny Simipour", "Shiny Munna", "Shiny Musharna", 
"Shiny Pidove", "Shiny Tranquill", "Shiny Unfezant", "Shiny Blitzle", "Shiny Zebstrika", "Shiny Woobat", "Shiny Swoobat", "Shiny Drilbur", "Shiny Excadrill", "Shiny Audino", "Shiny Sewaddle", "Shiny Swadloon", "Shiny Leavanny", "Shiny Cottonee", "Shiny Whimsicott", 
"Shiny Petilil", "Shiny Lilligant", "Shiny Maractus", "Shiny Dwebble", "Shiny Crustle", "Shiny Scraggy", "Shiny Scrafty", "Shiny Sigilyph", "Shiny Trubbish", "Shiny Garbodor", "Shiny Minccino", "Shiny Cinccino", "Shiny Ducklett", "Shiny Swanna", "Shiny Vanillite", 
"Shiny Vanillish", "Shiny Vanilluxe", "Shiny Deerling", "Shiny Sawsbuck", "Shiny Joltik", "Shiny Galvantula", "Shiny Ferroseed", "Shiny Ferrothorn", "Shiny Klink", "Shiny Klang", "Shiny Klinklang", "Shiny Elgyem", "Shiny Beheeyem", "Shiny Litwick", "Shiny Lampent", 
"Shiny Chandelure", "Shiny Cryogonal", "Shiny Mienfoo", "Shiny Mienshao", "Shiny Druddigon", "Shiny Pawniard", "Shiny Bisharp", "Shiny Heatmor", "Shiny Durant", 
mediumfastexptable = {
 [1] = 0,
 [2] = 64,
 [3] = 216,
 [4] = 512,
 [5] = 1000,
 [6] = 1728,
 [7] = 2744,
 [8] = 4096,
 [9] = 5832,
 [10] = 8000,
 [11] = 10648,
 [12] = 13824,
 [13] = 17576,
 [14] = 21952,
 [15] = 27000,
 [16] = 32768,
 [17] = 39304,
 [18] = 46656,
 [19] = 54872,
 [20] = 64000,
 [21] = 74088,
 [22] = 85184,
 [23] = 97336,
 [24] = 110592,
 [25] = 125000,
 [26] = 140608,
 [27] = 157464,
 [28] = 175616,
 [29] = 195112,
 [30] = 216000,
 [31] = 238328,
 [32] = 262144,
 [33] = 287496,
 [34] = 314432,
 [35] = 343000,
 [36] = 373248,
 [37] = 405224,
 [38] = 438976,
 [39] = 474552,
 [40] = 512000,
 [41] = 551368,
 [42] = 592704,
 [43] = 636056,
 [44] = 681472,
 [45] = 729000,
 [46] = 778688,
 [47] = 830584,
 [48] = 884736,
 [49] = 941192,
 [50] = 1000000,
 [51] = 1061208,
 [52] = 1124864,
 [53] = 1191016,
 [54] = 1259712,
 [55] = 1331000,
 [56] = 1404928,
 [57] = 1481544,
 [58] = 1560896,
 [59] = 1643032,
 [60] = 1728000,
 [61] = 1815848,
 [62] = 1906624,
 [63] = 2000376,
 [64] = 2097152,
 [65] = 2197000,
 [66] = 2299968,
 [67] = 2406104,
 [68] = 2515456,
 [69] = 2628072,
 [70] = 2744000,
 [71] = 2863288,
 [72] = 2985984,
 [73] = 3112136,
 [74] = 3241792,
 [75] = 3375000,
 [76] = 3511808,
 [77] = 3652264,
 [78] = 3796416,
 [79] = 3944312,
 [80] = 4096000,
 [81] = 4251528,
 [82] = 4410944,
 [83] = 4574296,
 [84] = 4741632,
 [85] = 4913000,
 [86] = 5088448,
 [87] = 5268024,
 [88] = 5451776,
 [89] = 5639752,
 [90] = 5832000,
 [91] = 6028568,
 [92] = 6229504,
 [93] = 6434856,
 [94] = 6644672,
 [95] = 6859000,
 [96] = 7077888,
 [97] = 7301384,
 [98] = 7529536,
 [99] = 7762392,
 [100] = 8000000,
 [101] = 8200000,
 [102] = 8300000,
 [103] = 8400000,
 [104] = 8500000,
 [105] = 8600000,
 [106] = 8700000,
 [107] = 8800000,
 [108] = 8900000,
 [109] = 9100000,
 [110] = 9300000,
 [111] = 9500000,
 [112] = 9600000,
 [113] = 9800000,
 [114] = 9900000,
 [115] = 10000000,
 [116] = 10200000,
 [117] = 10400000,
 [118] = 10600000,
 [119] = 10820000,
 [120] = 11000000,
 [121] = 11300000,
 [122] = 11500000,
 [123] = 11730000,
 [124] = 11804000,
 [125] = 11900500,
 [126] = 12001600,
 [127] = 12200107,
 [128] = 12400000,
 [129] = 12600000,
 [130] = 12900000,
 [131] = 13100000,
 [132] = 13300000,
 [133] = 13500000,
 [134] = 13700000,
 [135] = 13940000,
 [136] = 14260000,
 [137] = 14380000,
 [138] = 14500000,
 [139] = 14720000,
 [140] = 14840000,
 [141] = 15000000,
 [142] = 15100000,
 [143] = 15200000,
 [144] = 15400000,
 [145] = 15800000,
 [146] = 16200000,
 [147] = 16300000,
 [148] = 16500000,
 [149] = 16700000,
 [150] = 16900000,
 [151] = 17100000,
 [152] = 17300000,
 [153] = 17500000,
 [154] = 17700000,
 [155] = 17900000,
 [156] = 18100000,
 [157] = 18300000,
 [158] = 18500000,
 [159] = 18700000,
 [160] = 18900000,
 [161] = 999999999}
mediumslowexppokes = {"Bulbasaur", "Ivysaur", "Venusaur", "Charmander", "Charmeleon", "Charizard", "Squirtle", "Wartortle", "Blastoise", "Pidgey", "Pidgeotto", "Pidgeot", "Spearow", "Fearow", "Pikachu", "Raichu", "Sandshrew", "Sandslash", "Nidoran Female", 
"Nidorina", "Nidoqueen", "Nidoran Male", "Nidorino", "Nidoking", "Vulpix", "Ninetales", "Zubat", "Golbat", "Oddish", "Gloom", "Vileplume", "Paras", "Parasect", "Psyduck", "Golduck", "Poliwag", "Poliwhirl", "Poliwrath", "Bellsprout", "Weepinbell", 
"Victreebel", "Geodude", "Graveler", "Golem", "Ponyta", "Rapidash", "Slowpoke", "Slowbro", "Magnemite", "Magneton", "Farfetch'd", "Seel", "Dewgong", "Eevee", "Vaporeon", "Jolteon", "Flareon", "Shellder", "Cloyster", "Drowzee", "Hypno", "Exeggcute", 
"Exeggutor", "Lickitung", "Chansey", "Tangela", "Kangaskhan", "Horsea", "Seadra", "Mr. Mime", "Jynx", "Pinsir", "Ditto", "Porygon", "Omanyte", "Omastar", 
"Shiny Bulbasaur", "Shiny Ivysaur", "Shiny Venusaur", "Shiny Charmander", "Shiny Charmeleon", "Shiny Charizard", "Shiny Squirtle", "Shiny Wartortle", "Shiny Blastoise", "Shiny Pidgey", "Shiny Pidgeotto", "Shiny Pidgeot", "Shiny Spearow", "Shiny Fearow", 
"Shiny Pikachu", "Shiny Raichu", "Shiny Sandshrew", "Shiny Sandslash", "Shiny Nidoran Female", "Shiny Nidorina", "Shiny Nidoqueen", "Shiny Nidoran Male", "Shiny Nidorino", "Shiny Nidoking", "Shiny Vulpix", "Shiny Ninetales", "Shiny Zubat", "Shiny Golbat", 
"Shiny Oddish", "Shiny Gloom", "Shiny Vileplume", "Shiny Paras", "Shiny Parasect", "Shiny Psyduck", "Shiny Golduck", "Shiny Poliwag", "Shiny Poliwhirl", "Shiny Poliwrath", "Shiny Bellsprout", "Shiny Weepinbell", "Shiny Victreebel", "Shiny Geodude", 
"Shiny Graveler", "Shiny Golem", "Shiny Ponyta", "Shiny Rapidash", "Shiny Slowpoke", "Shiny Slowbro", "Shiny Magnemite", "Shiny Magneton", "Shiny Farfetch'd", "Shiny Seel", "Shiny Dewgong", "Shiny Eevee", "Shiny Vaporeon", "Shiny Jolteon", "Shiny Flareon", 
"Shiny Shellder", "Shiny Cloyster", "Shiny Drowzee", "Shiny Hypno", "Shiny Exeggcute", "Shiny Exeggutor", "Shiny Lickitung", "Shiny Chansey", "Shiny Tangela", "Shiny Kangaskhan", "Shiny Horsea", "Shiny Seadra", "Shiny Mr. Mime", "Shiny Jynx", "Shiny Pinsir", 
"Shiny Ditto", "Shiny Porygon", "Shiny Omanyte", "Shiny Omastar", 
"Chikorita", "Bayleef", "Meganium", "Cyndaquil", "Quilava", "Typhlosion", "Totodile", "Croconaw", "Feraligatr", "Crobat", "Spinarak", "Ariados", "Mareep", "Flaaffy", "Ampharos", "Bellossom", "Pichu", "Aipom", "Murkrow", "Gligar", "Sudowoodo", "Politoed", 
"Yanma", "Slowking", "Espeon", "Umbreon", "Misdreavus", "Girafarig", "Sneasel", "Corsola", "Mantine", "Skarmory", "Kingdra", "Houndour", "Houndoom", "Porygon2", "Stantler", "Smoochum", "Miltank", "Blissey", 
"Shiny Chikorita", "Shiny Bayleef", "Shiny Meganium", "Shiny Cyndaquil", "Shiny Quilava", "Shiny Typhlosion", "Shiny Totodile", "Shiny Croconaw", "Shiny Feraligatr", "Shiny Crobat", "Shiny Spinarak", "Shiny Ariados", "Shiny Mareep", "Shiny Flaaffy", 
"Shiny Ampharos", "Shiny Bellossom", "Shiny Pichu", "Shiny Aipom", "Shiny Murkrow", "Shiny Gligar", "Shiny Sudowoodo", "Shiny Politoed", "Shiny Yanma", "Shiny Slowking", "Shiny Espeon", "Shiny Umbreon", "Shiny Misdreavus", "Shiny Girafarig", "Shiny Sneasel", 
"Shiny Corsola", "Shiny Mantine", "Shiny Skarmory", "Shiny Kingdra", "Shiny Houndour", "Shiny Houndoom", "Shiny Porygon2", "Shiny Stantler", "Shiny Smoochum", "Shiny Miltank", "Shiny Blissey", 
"Treecko", "Grovyle", "Sceptile", "Torchic", "Combusken", "Blaziken", "Mudkip", "Marshtomp", "Swampert", "Shroomish", "Breloom", "Whismur", "Loudren", "Exploud", "Roselia", "Meditide", "Medicham", "Electrike", "Manectric", "Gulpin", "Swallot", "Carvanha", 
"Sharpedo", "Zangoose", "Seviper", "Numel", "Camerupt", "Swablu", "Altaria", "Lunatone", "Solrock", "Corpish", "Crawdaunt", "Lileep", "Cradily", "Anorith", "Armaldo", "Tropius", "Nosepass", "Clamperl", "Huntail", "Gorabys", "Relicanth", 
"Shiny Treecko", "Shiny Grovyle", "Shiny Sceptile", "Shiny Torchic", "Shiny Combusken", "Shiny Blaziken", "Shiny Mudkip", "Shiny Marshtomp", "Shiny Swampert", "Shiny Shroomish", "Shiny Breloom", "Shiny Whismur", "Shiny Loudren", "Shiny Exploud", "Shiny Roselia", 
"Shiny Meditide", "Shiny Medicham", "Shiny Electrike", "Shiny Manectric", "Shiny Gulpin", "Shiny Swallot", "Shiny Carvanha", "Shiny Sharpedo", "Shiny Zangoose", "Shiny Seviper", "Shiny Numel", "Shiny Camerupt", "Shiny Swablu", "Shiny Altaria", "Shiny Lunatone", 
"Shiny Solrock", "Shiny Corpish", "Shiny Crawdaunt", "Shiny Lileep", "Shiny Cradily", "Shiny Anorith", "Shiny Armaldo", "Shiny Tropius", "Shiny Nosepass", "Shiny Clamperl", "Shiny Huntail", "Shiny Gorabys", "Shiny Relicanth", 
"Turtwig", "Grotle", "Torterra", "Chimchar", "Monferno", "Infernape", "Piplup", "Prinplup", "Empoleon", "Mime Jr.", "Starly", "Staravia", "Staraptor",  "Shinx", "Luxio", "Luxray", "Budew", "Roserade", "Shieldon", "Bastiodon", "Buizel", "Floatzel", "Bonsly", 
"Ambipom", "Honchkrow", "Mismagius", "Spiritomb", "Happiny", "Riolu", "Lucario", "Hippopotas", "Hippowdon", "Skorupi", "Drapion", "Croagunk", "Toxicroak", "Carnivine", "Mantyke", "Snover", "Abomasnow", "Weavile", "Magnezone", "Porygon-Z", "Lickilicky", 
"Tangrowth", "Yanmega", "Leafeon", "Glaceon", "Gliscor", "Probopass", "Rotom", 
"Shiny Turtwig", "Shiny Grotle", "Shiny Torterra", "Shiny Chimchar", "Shiny Monferno", "Shiny Infernape", "Shiny Piplup", "Shiny Prinplup", "Shiny Empoleon", "Shiny Mime Jr.", "Shiny Starly", "Shiny Staravia", "Shiny Staraptor",  "Shiny Shinx", "Shiny Luxio", 
"Shiny Luxray", "Shiny Budew", "Shiny Roserade", "Shiny Shieldon", "Shiny Bastiodon", "Shiny Buizel", "Shiny Floatzel", "Shiny Bonsly", "Shiny Ambipom", "Shiny Honchkrow", "Shiny Mismagius", "Shiny Spiritomb", "Shiny Happiny", "Shiny Riolu", "Shiny Lucario", 
"Shiny Hippopotas", "Shiny Hippowdon", "Shiny Skorupi", "Shiny Drapion", "Shiny Croagunk", "Shiny Toxicroak", "Shiny Carnivine", "Shiny Mantyke", "Shiny Snover", "Shiny Abomasnow", "Shiny Weavile", "Shiny Magnezone", "Shiny Porygon-Z", "Shiny Lickilicky", 
"Shiny Tangrowth", "Shiny Yanmega", "Shiny Leafeon", "Shiny Glaceon", "Shiny Gliscor", "Shiny Probopass", "Shiny Rotom", 
"Snivy", "Servine", "Serperior", "Tepig", "Pignite", "Emboar", "Oshawott", "Dewott", "Samurott", "Roggenrola", "Boldore", "Gigalith", "Timburr", "Gurdurr", "Conkeldurr", "Tympole", "Palpitoad", "Seismitoad", "Throh", "Sawk", "Venipede", "Whirlipede", "Scolipede", 
"Sandile", "Krokorok", "Krookodile", "Darumaka", "Darmanitan", "Yamask", "Cofagrigus", "Tirtouga", "Carracosta", "Archen", "Archeops", "Zorua", "Zoroark", "Gothita", "Gothorita", "Gothitelle", "Solosis", "Duosion", "Reuniclus", "Frillish", "Jellicent", "Tynamo", 
"Eelektrik", "Eelektross", "Cubchoo", "Beartic", "Golett", "Golurk", "Bouffalant", "Rufflet", "Braviary", "Vullaby", "Mandibuzz", "Larvesta", "Volcarona", 
"Shiny Snivy", "Shiny Servine", "Shiny Serperior", "Shiny Tepig", "Shiny Pignite", "Shiny Emboar", "Shiny Oshawott", "Shiny Dewott", "Shiny Samurott", "Shiny Roggenrola", "Shiny Boldore", "Shiny Gigalith", "Shiny Timburr", "Shiny Gurdurr", "Shiny Conkeldurr", 
"Shiny Tympole", "Shiny Palpitoad", "Shiny Seismitoad", "Shiny Throh", "Shiny Sawk", "Shiny Venipede", "Shiny Whirlipede", "Shiny Scolipede", "Shiny Sandile", "Shiny Krokorok", "Shiny Krookodile", "Shiny Darumaka", "Shiny Darmanitan", "Shiny Yamask", "Shiny Cofagrigus", 
"Shiny Tirtouga", "Shiny Carracosta", "Shiny Archen", "Shiny Archeops", "Shiny Zorua", "Shiny Zoroark", "Shiny Gothita", "Shiny Gothorita", "Shiny Gothitelle", "Shiny Solosis", "Shiny Duosion", "Shiny Reuniclus", "Shiny Frillish", "Shiny Jellicent", "Shiny Tynamo", 
"Shiny Eelektrik", "Shiny Eelektross", "Shiny Cubchoo", "Shiny Beartic", "Shiny Golett", "Shiny Golurk", "Shiny Bouffalant", "Shiny Rufflet", "Shiny Braviary", "Shiny Vullaby", "Shiny Mandibuzz", "Shiny Larvesta", "Shiny Volcarona", 
mediumslowexptable = {
 [1] = 0,
 [2] = 72,
 [3] = 456,
 [4] = 768,
 [5] = 1080,
 [6] = 1432,
 [7] = 1888,
 [8] = 2512,
 [9] = 3352,
 [10] = 4480,
 [11] = 5936,
 [12] = 7784,
 [13] = 10088,
 [14] = 12896,
 [15] = 16280,
 [16] = 20280,
 [17] = 24960,
 [18] = 30384,
 [19] = 36600,
 [20] = 43680,
 [21] = 51664,
 [22] = 60616,
 [23] = 70600,
 [24] = 81664,
 [25] = 93880,
 [26] = 107288,
 [27] = 121952,
 [28] = 137936,
 [29] = 155288,
 [30] = 174080,
 [31] = 194352,
 [32] = 216168,
 [33] = 239592,
 [34] = 264672,
 [35] = 291480,
 [36] = 320056,
 [37] = 350464,
 [38] = 382768,
 [39] = 417016,
 [40] = 453280,
 [41] = 491600,
 [42] = 532040,
 [43] = 574664,
 [44] = 619520,
 [45] = 666680,
 [46] = 716184,
 [47] = 768096,
 [48] = 822480,
 [49] = 879384,
 [50] = 938880,
 [51] = 1001008,
 [52] = 1065832,
 [53] = 1133416,
 [54] = 1203808,
 [55] = 1277080,
 [56] = 1353272,
 [57] = 1432448,
 [58] = 1514672,
 [59] = 1599992,
 [60] = 1688480,
 [61] = 1780176,
 [62] = 1875144,
 [63] = 1973448,
 [64] = 2075136,
 [65] = 2180280,
 [66] = 2288920,
 [67] = 2401120,
 [68] = 2516944,
 [69] = 2636440,
 [70] = 2759680,
 [71] = 2886704,
 [72] = 3017576,
 [73] = 3152360,
 [74] = 3291104,
 [75] = 3433880,
 [76] = 3580728,
 [77] = 3731712,
 [78] = 3886896,
 [79] = 4046328,
 [80] = 4210080,
 [81] = 4378192,
 [82] = 4550728,
 [83] = 4727752,
 [84] = 4909312,
 [85] = 5095480,
 [86] = 5286296,
 [87] = 5481824,
 [88] = 5682128,
 [89] = 5887256,
 [90] = 6097280,
 [91] = 6312240,
 [92] = 6532200,
 [93] = 6757224,
 [94] = 6987360,
 [95] = 7222680,
 [96] = 7463224,
 [97] = 7709056,
 [98] = 7960240,
 [99] = 8216824,
 [100] = 8300000,
 [101] = 8400000,
 [102] = 8500000,
 [103] = 8600000,
 [104] = 8700000,
 [105] = 8800000,
 [106] = 8900000,
 [107] = 9000000,
 [108] = 9100000,
 [109] = 9200000,
 [110] = 9300000,
 [111] = 9500000,
 [112] = 9600000,
 [113] = 9800000,
 [114] = 9900000,
 [115] = 10000000,
 [116] = 10200000,
 [117] = 10400000,
 [118] = 10600000,
 [119] = 10820000,
 [120] = 11000000,
 [121] = 11300000,
 [122] = 11500000,
 [123] = 11730000,
 [124] = 11804000,
 [125] = 11900500,
 [126] = 12001600,
 [127] = 12200107,
 [128] = 12400000,
 [129] = 12600000,
 [130] = 12900000,
 [131] = 13100000,
 [132] = 13300000,
 [133] = 13500000,
 [134] = 13700000,
 [135] = 13940000,
 [136] = 14260000,
 [137] = 14380000,
 [138] = 14500000,
 [139] = 14720000,
 [140] = 14840000,
 [141] = 15000000,
 [142] = 15100000,
 [143] = 15200000,
 [144] = 15400000,
 [145] = 15800000,
 [146] = 16200000,
 [147] = 16300000,
 [148] = 16500000,
 [149] = 16700000,
 [150] = 16900000,
 [151] = 17100000,
 [152] = 17300000,
 [153] = 17500000,
 [154] = 17700000,
 [155] = 17900000,
 [156] = 18100000,
 [157] = 18300000,
 [158] = 18500000,
 [159] = 18700000,
 [160] = 18900000,
 [161] = 999999999}
                         --alterado v2.9 \/
slowexppokes = {"Growlithe", "Arcanine", "Tentacool", "Tentacruel", "Gastly", "Haunter", "Gengar", "Abra", "Kadabra", "Alakazam", "Rhyhorn", "Rhydon", "Onix", "Machop", "Machoke", "Machamp", "Hitmonlee", "Hitmonchan", "Scyther", "Electabuzz", "Magmar", 
"Magikarp", "Gyarados", "Lapras", "Aerodactyl", "Snorlax", "Articuno", "Zapdos", "Moltres", "Kabuto", "Kabutops", "Dratini", "Dragonair", "Dragonite", "Mewtwo", "Mew", 
"Shiny Growlithe", "Shiny Arcanine", "Shiny Tentacool", "Shiny Tentacruel", "Shiny Gastly", "Shiny Haunter", "Shiny Gengar", "Shiny Abra", "Shiny Kadabra", "Shiny Alakazam", "Shiny Rhyhorn", "Shiny Rhydon", "Shiny Onix", "Shiny Machop", "Shiny Machoke", 
"Shiny Machamp", "Shiny Hitmonlee", "Shiny Hitmonchan", "Shiny Scyther", "Shiny Electabuzz", "Shiny Magmar", "Shiny Magikarp", "Shiny Gyarados", "Shiny Lapras", "Shiny Aerodactyl", "Shiny Snorlax", "Shiny Articuno", "Shiny Zapdos", "Shiny Moltres", 
"Shiny Kabuto", "Shiny Kabutops", "Shiny Dratini", "Shiny Dragonair", "Shiny Dragonite", "Shiny Mewtwo", "Shiny Mew", 
"Togepi", "Togetic", "Wobbuffet", "Steelix", "Swinub", "Piloswine", "Scizor", "Heracross", "Teddiursa", "Ursaring", "Tyrogue", "Hitmontop", "Elekid", "Magby", "Raikou", "Entei", "Suicune", "Larvitar", "Pupitar", "Tyranitar", "Lugia", "Ho-Oh", "Celebi", 
"Shiny Togepi", "Shiny Togetic", "Shiny Wobbuffet", "Shiny Steelix", "Shiny Swinub", "Shiny Piloswine", "Shiny Scizor", "Shiny Heracross", "Shiny Teddiursa", "Shiny Ursaring", "Shiny Tyrogue", "Shiny Hitmontop", "Shiny Elekid", "Shiny Magby", "Shiny Raikou", 
"Shiny Entei", "Shiny Suicune", "Shiny Larvitar", "Shiny Pupitar", "Shiny Tyranitar", "Shiny Lugia", "Shiny Ho-Oh", "Shiny Celebi", 
"Slakoth", "Vigoroth", "Slaking", "Aron", "Lairon", "Aggron", "Wailmer", "Wailord", "Trapinch", "Vibrava", "Flygon", "Duskull", "Dusclops", "Ralts", "Kirlia", "Gardevoir", "Mahukita", "Hariyama", "Feebas", "Milotic", "Absol", "Spheal", "Sealeo", "Walrein", 
"Bagon", "Shellgon", "Salamence", "Beldum", "Metang", "Metagross", "Regirock", "Regice", "Registeel", "Latias", "Latios", "Kyogre", "Groudon", "Rayquaza", "Jirachi", "Deoxys", 
"Shiny Slakoth", "Shiny Vigoroth", "Shiny Slaking", "Shiny Aron", "Shiny Lairon", "Shiny Aggron", "Shiny Wailmer", "Shiny Wailord", "Shiny Trapinch", "Shiny Vibrava", "Shiny Flygon", "Shiny Duskull", "Shiny Dusclops", "Shiny Ralts", "Shiny Kirlia", "Shiny Gardevoir", 
"Shiny Mahukita", "Shiny Hariyama", "Shiny Feebas", "Shiny Milotic", "Shiny Absol", "Shiny Spheal", "Shiny Sealeo", "Shiny Walrein", "Shiny Bagon", "Shiny Shellgon", "Shiny Salamence", "Shiny Beldum", "Shiny Metang", "Shiny Metagross", "Shiny Regirock", "Shiny Regice", 
"Shiny Registeel", "Shiny Latias", "Shiny Latios", "Shiny Kyogre", "Shiny Groudon", "Shiny Rayquaza", "Shiny Jirachi", "Shiny Deoxys", 
"Wynaut", "Cranidos", "Rampardos", "Gallade", "Gible", "Gabite", "Garchomp", "Rhyperior", "Electivire", "Magmortar", "Togekiss", "Mamoswine", "Dusknoir", "Munchlax", "Uxie", "Mesprit", "Azelf", "Dialga", "Palkia", "Heatran", "Regigigas", "Giratina", "Cresselia", 
"Phione", "Manaphy", "Darkrai", "Shaymin", "Arceus", 
"Shiny Wynaut", "Shiny Cranidos", "Shiny Rampardos", "Shiny Gallade", "Shiny Gible", "Shiny Gabite", "Shiny Garchomp", "Shiny Rhyperior", "Shiny Electivire", "Shiny Magmortar", "Shiny Togekiss", "Shiny Mamoswine", "Shiny Dusknoir", "Shiny Munchlax", "Shiny Uxie", 
"Shiny Mesprit", "Shiny Azelf", "Shiny Dialga", "Shiny Palkia", "Shiny Heatran", "Shiny Regigigas", "Shiny Giratina", "Shiny Cresselia", "Shiny Phione", "Shiny Manaphy", "Shiny Darkrai", "Shiny Shaymin", "Shiny Arceus", 
"Victini", "Axew", "Fraxure", "Haxorus", "Deino", "Zweilous", "Hydreigon", "Cobalion", "Terrakion", "Virizion", "Tornadus", "Thundurus", "Reshiram", "Zekrom", "Landorus", "Kyurem", "Keldeo", "Meloetta", "Genesect", 
"Shiny Victini", "Shiny Axew", "Shiny Fraxure", "Shiny Haxorus", "Shiny Deino", "Shiny Zweilous", "Shiny Hydreigon", "Shiny Cobalion", "Shiny Terrakion", "Shiny Virizion", "Shiny Tornadus", "Shiny Thundurus", "Shiny Reshiram", "Shiny Zekrom", "Shiny Landorus", 
"Shiny Kyurem", "Shiny Keldeo", "Shiny Meloetta", "Shiny Genesect", 
"Pink Caterpie", "Pink Metapod", "Pink Butterfree", "Pink Pidgey", "Pink Pidgeotto", "Pink Pidgeot", "Pink Oddish", "Pink Mankey", "Pink Primeape", "Pink Venonat", "Pink Nidoking", "Pink Nidoqueen", "Pink Dodrio", "Pink Scyther", "Pink Rhyhorn", "Pink Rhydon", "Pink Donphan", "Pink Teddiursa", "Pink Ursaring", 
"Missing No", "Magiking", "Crystal Onix", "Snowmen Snorlax", "Red Munchlax", "Red Snorlax", "Shadow Lugia", "Primal Dialga",
slowexptable = {
 [1] = 0,
 [2] = 80,
 [3] = 270,
 [4] = 640,
 [5] = 1250,
 [6] = 2160,
 [7] = 3430,
 [8] = 5120,
 [9] = 7290,
 [10] = 10000,
 [11] = 13310,
 [12] = 17280,
 [13] = 21970,
 [14] = 27440,
 [15] = 33750,
 [16] = 40960,
 [17] = 49130,
 [18] = 58320,
 [19] = 68590,
 [20] = 80000,
 [21] = 92610,
 [22] = 106480,
 [23] = 121670,
 [24] = 138240,
 [25] = 156250,
 [26] = 175760,
 [27] = 196830,
 [28] = 219520,
 [29] = 243890,
 [30] = 270000,
 [31] = 297910,
 [32] = 327680,
 [33] = 359370,
 [34] = 393040,
 [35] = 428750,
 [36] = 466560,
 [37] = 506530,
 [38] = 548720,
 [39] = 593190,
 [40] = 640000,
 [41] = 689210,
 [42] = 740880,
 [43] = 795070,
 [44] = 851840,
 [45] = 911250,
 [46] = 973360,
 [47] = 1038230,
 [48] = 1105920,
 [49] = 1176490,
 [50] = 1250000,
 [51] = 1326510,
 [52] = 1406080,
 [53] = 1488770,
 [54] = 1574640,
 [55] = 1663750,
 [56] = 1756160,
 [57] = 1851930,
 [58] = 1951120,
 [59] = 2053790,
 [60] = 2160000,
 [61] = 2269810,
 [62] = 2383280,
 [63] = 2500470,
 [64] = 2621440,
 [65] = 2746250,
 [66] = 2874960,
 [67] = 3007630,
 [68] = 3144320,
 [69] = 3285090,
 [70] = 3430000,
 [71] = 3579110,
 [72] = 3732480,
 [73] = 3890170,
 [74] = 4052240,
 [75] = 4218750,
 [76] = 4389760,
 [77] = 4565330,
 [78] = 4745520,
 [79] = 4930390,
 [80] = 5120000,
 [81] = 5314410,
 [82] = 5513680,
 [83] = 5717870,
 [84] = 5927040,
 [85] = 6141250,
 [86] = 6360560,
 [87] = 6585030,
 [88] = 6814720,
 [89] = 7049690,
 [90] = 7290000,
 [91] = 7535710,
 [92] = 7786880,
 [93] = 8043570,
 [94] = 8305840,
 [95] = 8573750,
 [96] = 8847360,
 [97] = 9126730,
 [98] = 9411920,
 [99] = 9702990,
 [100] = 10000000,
 [101] = 10300000,
 [102] = 10600000,
 [103] = 10900000,
 [104] = 11200000,
 [105] = 11500000,
 [106] = 11800000,
 [107] = 12100000,
 [108] = 12400000,
 [109] = 12700000,
 [110] = 13000000,
 [111] = 13300000,
 [112] = 13600000,
 [113] = 13900000,
 [114] = 14200000,
 [115] = 14500000,
 [116] = 14800000,
 [117] = 15100000,
 [118] = 15400000,
 [119] = 15700000,
 [120] = 16000000,
 [121] = 16300000,
 [122] = 16600000,
 [123] = 16900000,
 [124] = 17240000,
 [125] = 17505000,
 [126] = 17810060,
 [127] = 18101007,
 [128] = 18400000,
 [129] = 18700000,
 [130] = 19000000,
 [131] = 19300000,
 [132] = 19600000,
 [133] = 19900000,
 [134] = 20200000,
 [135] = 20540000,
 [136] = 20860000,
 [137] = 21180000,
 [138] = 21400000,
 [139] = 21720000,
 [140] = 22040000,
 [141] = 22300000,
 [142] = 22600000,
 [143] = 22900000,
 [144] = 23200000,
 [145] = 23500000,
 [146] = 23800000,
 [147] = 24100000,
 [148] = 24400000,
 [149] = 24700000,
 [150] = 25000000,
 [151] = 25300000,
 [152] = 25600000,
 [153] = 25900000,
 [154] = 26200000,
 [155] = 26500000,
 [156] = 26800000,
 [157] = 27100000,
 [158] = 27400000,
 [159] = 27700000,
 [160] = 28000000,
 [161] = 999999999}

Att. Featzen.

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slowexptable = {
 [1] = 0,
 [2] = 80,
 [3] = 270,
 [4] = 640,
 [5] = 1250,
 [6] = 2160,
 [7] = 3430,
 [8] = 5120,
 [9] = 7290,
 [10] = 10000,
 [11] = 13310,
 [12] = 17280,
 [13] = 21970,
 [14] = 27440,
 [15] = 33750,
 [16] = 40960,
 [17] = 49130,
 [18] = 58320,
 [19] = 68590,
 [20] = 80000,
 [21] = 92610,
 [22] = 106480,
 [23] = 121670,
 [24] = 138240,
 [25] = 156250,
 [26] = 175760,
 [27] = 196830,
 [28] = 219520,
 [29] = 243890,
 [30] = 270000,
 [31] = 297910,
 [32] = 327680,
 [33] = 359370,
 [34] = 393040,
 [35] = 428750,
 [36] = 466560,
 [37] = 506530,
 [38] = 548720,
 [39] = 593190,
 [40] = 640000,
 [41] = 689210,
 [42] = 740880,
 [43] = 795070,
 [44] = 851840,
 [45] = 911250,
 [46] = 973360,
 [47] = 1038230,
 [48] = 1105920,
 [49] = 1176490,
 [50] = 1250000,
 [51] = 1326510,
 [52] = 1406080,
 [53] = 1488770,
 [54] = 1574640,
 [55] = 1663750,
 [56] = 1756160,
 [57] = 1851930,
 [58] = 1951120,
 [59] = 2053790,
 [60] = 2160000,
 [61] = 2269810,
 [62] = 2383280,
 [63] = 2500470,
 [64] = 2621440,
 [65] = 2746250,
 [66] = 2874960,
 [67] = 3007630,
 [68] = 3144320,
 [69] = 3285090,
 [70] = 3430000,
 [71] = 3579110,
 [72] = 3732480,
 [73] = 3890170,
 [74] = 4052240,
 [75] = 4218750,
 [76] = 4389760,
 [77] = 4565330,
 [78] = 4745520,
 [79] = 4930390,
 [80] = 5120000,
 [81] = 5314410,
 [82] = 5513680,
 [83] = 5717870,
 [84] = 5927040,
 [85] = 6141250,
 [86] = 6360560,
 [87] = 6585030,
 [88] = 6814720,
 [89] = 7049690,
 [90] = 7290000,
 [91] = 7535710,
 [92] = 7786880,
 [93] = 8043570,
 [94] = 8305840,
 [95] = 8573750,
 [96] = 8847360,
 [97] = 9126730,
 [98] = 9411920,
 [99] = 9702990,
 [100] = 10000000,
 [101] = 10300000,
 [102] = 10600000,
 [103] = 10900000,
 [104] = 11200000,
 [105] = 11500000,
 [106] = 11800000,
 [107] = 12100000,
 [108] = 12400000,
 [109] = 12700000,
 [110] = 13000000,
 [111] = 13300000,
 [112] = 13600000,
 [113] = 13900000,
 [114] = 14200000,
 [115] = 14500000,
 [116] = 14800000,
 [117] = 15100000,
 [118] = 15400000,
 [119] = 15700000,
 [120] = 16000000,
 [121] = 16300000,
 [122] = 16600000,
 [123] = 16900000,
 [124] = 17240000,
 [125] = 17505000,
 [126] = 17810060,
 [127] = 18101007,
 [128] = 18400000,
 [129] = 18700000,
 [130] = 19000000,
 [131] = 19300000,
 [132] = 19600000,
 [133] = 19900000,
 [134] = 20200000,
 [135] = 20540000,
 [136] = 20860000,
 [137] = 21180000,
 [138] = 21400000,
 [139] = 21720000,
 [140] = 22040000,
 [141] = 22300000,
 [142] = 22600000,
 [143] = 22900000,
 [144] = 23200000,
 [145] = 23500000,
 [146] = 23800000,
 [147] = 24100000,
 [148] = 24400000,
 [149] = 24700000,
 [150] = 25000000,
 [151] = 25300000,
 [152] = 25600000,
 [153] = 25900000,
 [154] = 26200000,
 [155] = 26500000,
 [156] = 26800000,
 [157] = 27100000,
 [158] = 27400000,
 [159] = 27700000,
 [160] = 28000000,
 [161] = 999999999}

Só seguir a lógica, nessa tabela, aumenta de 300.000 em 300.000

Att. Featzen.

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Ata Ok Te Amo Man KKKK Vc Corrigiu Meu Erro Vey Eu Conseguir Agr ^^ Rep + Pra Vc ^^:D

Mas Só Mas 1 Pegunta KKK Como Faz Pra Tirar O Level Dos Pokes Selvagens Tipo Pra Quando Os Caras Catar Ele Vim Com Lvl 0 ( Obs Eu Tentei Mudar No Confuguration Da Pasta Lib Mas Quando Eu Mudei A Pessoa Não Pode Usar Nem Um Ataque Do Poke )

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