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estou usando a versão do xampp 1.6.5  e o gesior 0.6.1




Warning: parse_ini_file(D:/Documents and Settings/User/Pulpit/4235/config.lua) [function.parse-ini-file]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in C:\xampp\htdocs\config-and-functions.php on line 13
Database error. Unknown database type in D:/Documents and Settings/User/Pulpit/4235/config.lua . Must be equal to: "mysql" or "sqlite". Now is: ""

Alguem ajuda?

Editado por cleciotnt (veja o histórico de edições)
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creio eu q seu config.lua esta em sql tenta mudar para mysql


mysqlHost = "localhost"

mysqlUser = "root"
mysqlPass = "sua senha"
mysqlDatabase = "nome da database"
mysqlPort = 3306
mysqlSock = ""
passwordType = "sha1"


e caso o seu config.lua tenha essas partes q vão estar com uns pontilhados remova tambem:


-- Connection Config---------------------------------< remover

-- NOTE: maxPlayers set to 0 means no limit-------< remover
ip = "localhost"
bindOnlyGlobalAddress = "no"
loginProtocolPort = 7171
gameProtocolPort = 7172
statusProtocolPort = 7171

Editado por maper007 (veja o histórico de edições)
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Amigo, sugiro que você abra o seu config lua e coloque na 1 linha isto

sqlType = "mysql"

Espero ter ajudado.



DeadPoolHost - Confira!





Fui útil? Realmente útil? Obrigado!

Não sabe como compensar?

Doe quanto puder... Seu ato é o que vale!


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Troque por :


accountManager = true

namelockManager = true
newPlayerChooseVoc = true
newPlayerSpawnPosX = 1000
newPlayerSpawnPosY = 1000
newPlayerSpawnPosZ = 7
newPlayerTownId = 1
newPlayerLevel = 350
newPlayerMagicLevel = 0
generateAccountNumber = false

redSkullLength = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60
blackSkullLength = 45 * 24 * 60 * 60
dailyFragsToRedSkull = 15
weeklyFragsToRedSkull = 15
monthlyFragsToRedSkull = 15
dailyFragsToBlackSkull = dailyFragsToRedSkull
weeklyFragsToBlackSkull = weeklyFragsToRedSkull
monthlyFragsToBlackSkull = monthlyFragsToRedSkull
dailyFragsToBanishment = dailyFragsToRedSkull
weeklyFragsToBanishment = weeklyFragsToRedSkull
monthlyFragsToBanishment = monthlyFragsToRedSkull
blackSkulledDeathHealth = 40
blackSkulledDeathMana = 0
useBlackSkull = true
useFragHandler = true
advancedFragList = false

notationsToBan = 2
warningsToFinalBan = 8
warningsToDeletion = 30
banLength = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60
killsBanLength = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60
finalBanLength = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60
ipBanishmentLength = 1 * 24 * 60 * 60
broadcastBanishments = true
maxViolationCommentSize = 200
violationNameReportActionType = 2
autoBanishUnknownBytes = false

worldType = "pvp"
protectionLevel = 100
pvpTileIgnoreLevelAndVocationProtection = true
pzLocked = 10 * 1000
huntingDuration = 60 * 1000
criticalHitChance = 7
criticalHitMultiplier = 1
displayCriticalHitNotify = true
removeWeaponAmmunition = false
removeWeaponCharges = false
removeRuneCharges = false
whiteSkullTime = 5 * 60 * 1000
noDamageToSameLookfeet = false
showHealingDamage = true
showHealingDamageForMonsters = true
fieldOwnershipDuration = 5 * 1000
stopAttackingAtExit = false
oldConditionAccuracy = false
loginProtectionPeriod = 10 * 1000
deathLostPercent = 10
stairhopDelay = 2 * 1000
pushCreatureDelay = 2 * 1000
deathContainerId = 1987
gainExperienceColor = 215
addManaSpentInPvPZone = true
squareColor = 0
allowFightback = true

worldId = 0
ip = "localhost"
bindOnlyConfiguredIpAddress = false
loginPort = 7171
gamePort = 7172
adminPort = 7171
statusPort = 7171
loginTries = 10
retryTimeout = 5 * 1000
loginTimeout = 60 * 1000
maxPlayers = 1000
motd = "Mutantes Ot. 24h"
displayOnOrOffAtCharlist = false
onePlayerOnlinePerAccount = true
allowClones = false
serverName = "Mutantes Ot"
loginMessage = "Seja Bem Vindo ao Mutantes Ot."
statusTimeout = 5 * 60 * 1000
replaceKickOnLogin = true
forceSlowConnectionsToDisconnect = false
loginOnlyWithLoginServer = false
premiumPlayerSkipWaitList = false

sqlType = "mysql"
sqlHost = "localhost"
sqlPort = 3306
sqlUser = "root"
sqlPass = "SuaSenha"
sqlDatabase = "SuaDatabase"
sqlFile = ""
sqlKeepAlive = 0
mysqlReadTimeout = 10
mysqlWriteTimeout = 10
encryptionType = "plain"

deathListEnabled = true
deathListRequiredTime = 1 * 60 * 1000
deathAssistCount = 19
maxDeathRecords = 5

ingameGuildManagement = true
levelToFormGuild = 8
premiumDaysToFormGuild = 0
guildNameMinLength = 5
guildNameMaxLength = 30

highscoreDisplayPlayers = 10
updateHighscoresAfterMinutes = 3

buyableAndSellableHouses = true
houseNeedPremium = true
bedsRequirePremium = true
levelToBuyHouse = 8
housesPerAccount = 0
houseRentAsPrice = false
housePriceAsRent = false
housePriceEachSquare = 5000
houseRentPeriod = "never"
houseCleanOld = 0
guildHalls = false

timeBetweenActions = 200
timeBetweenExActions = 1000
checkCorpseOwner = true
hotkeyAimbotEnabled = true
maximumDoorLevel = 500

mapName = "Styller"
mapAuthor = "Wagner"
randomizeTiles = true
useHouseDataStorage = false
storeTrash = true
cleanProtectedZones = true
mailboxDisabledTowns = "-1"

defaultPriority = "high"
niceLevel = 5
coresUsed = "-1"
optimizeDatabaseAtStartup = true
removePremiumOnInit = true
confirmOutdatedVersion = false

maxMessageBuffer = 4
bufferMutedOnSpellFailure = false

dataDirectory = "data/"
allowChangeOutfit = true
allowChangeColors = true
allowChangeAddons = true
disableOutfitsForPrivilegedPlayers = false
bankSystem = true
saveGlobalStorage = true
displaySkillLevelOnAdvance = false
spellNameInsteadOfWords = false
emoteSpells = true
promptExceptionTracerErrorBox = true
storePlayerDirection = false
monsterLootMessage = 3
monsterLootMessageType = 25
separateViplistPerCharacter = false

ghostModeInvisibleEffect = true
ghostModeSpellEffects = true

idleWarningTime = 14 * 60 * 1000
idleKickTime = 15 * 60 * 1000
expireReportsAfterReads = 1
playerQueryDeepness = 2
maxItemsPerPZTile = 0
maxItemsPerHouseTile = 0

freePremium = false
premiumForPromotion = true

blessingOnlyPremium = true
blessingReductionBase = 30
blessingReductionDecreament = 5
eachBlessReduction = 8

experienceStages = "yes"
rateExperience = 5000
rateExperienceFromPlayers = 0
rateSkill = 600
rateMagic = 600
rateLoot = 200
rateSpawn = 200

rateMonsterHealth = 1.0
rateMonsterMana = 1.0
rateMonsterAttack = 1.0
rateMonsterDefense = 1.0

minLevelThresholdForKilledPlayer = 0.9
maxLevelThresholdForKilledPlayer = 1.1

rateStaminaLoss = 1
rateStaminaGain = 3
rateStaminaThresholdGain = 12
staminaRatingLimitTop = 41 * 60
staminaRatingLimitBottom = 14 * 60
rateStaminaAboveNormal = 1.5
rateStaminaUnderNormal = 0.5
staminaThresholdOnlyPremium = true

experienceShareRadiusX = 30
experienceShareRadiusY = 30
experienceShareRadiusZ = 1
experienceShareLevelDifference = 2 / 3
extraPartyExperienceLimit = 20
extraPartyExperiencePercent = 5
experienceShareActivity = 2 * 60 * 1000

globalSaveEnabled = false
globalSaveHour = 3
shutdownAtGlobalSave = false
cleanMapAtGlobalSave = false

deSpawnRange = 2
deSpawnRadius = 50

maxPlayerSummons = 2
teleportAllSummons = false
teleportPlayerSummons = false

ownerName = "Mutante Ot."
ownerEmail = "[email protected]"
url = ""
location = "Brasil"
displayGamemastersWithOnlineCommand = false

adminLogsEnabled = false
displayPlayersLogging = true
prefixChannelLogs = ""
runFile = ""
outLogName = ""
errorLogName = ""
truncateLogsOnStartup = false



Preste Atenção em :


sqlType = "mysql"
sqlHost = "localhost"
sqlPort = 3306
sqlUser = "root"
sqlPass = "SuaSenha"
sqlDatabase = "SuaDatabase"
sqlFile = ""
sqlKeepAlive = 0
mysqlReadTimeout = 10
mysqlWriteTimeout = 10
encryptionType = "plain"

Editado por Zet0N0Murmurou (veja o histórico de edições)

Pokémon Dust Evolution
É aonde começa sua nova aventura!! 



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Este tópico foi movido:

De: "OTServWebSitesDownloads de Websites"

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Boa noite consegui mudar algumas coisas mais agora deu este erro


obrigado a todos que me ajudaram mais se pudeream ajudar mais agradeço mais ainda




Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'reason' in 'field list'' in C:\xampp\htdocs\pot\OTS_AccountBan.php:55 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\pot\OTS_AccountBan.php(55): PDO->query('SELECT `id`, `t...') #1 C:\xampp\htdocs\pot\OTS_Account.php(955): OTS_AccountBan->find('1') #2 C:\xampp\htdocs\accountmanagement.php(34): OTS_Account->isBanned() #3 C:\xampp\htdocs\index.php(310): include('C:\xampp\htdocs...') #4 {main} thrown inC:\xampp\htdocs\pot\OTS_AccountBan.php on line 55

Editado por cleciotnt (veja o histórico de edições)
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