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Fala galera, hoje vim trazer o projeto pronto do Magnus Challenger pra vocês instalarem no servidor de vocês!    Pra quem não conhece é um sistema de Tasks baseado no Zezenia onde você pode escolher

vc precisa achar a função que removeItem no 1.0, parece que tiraram ela em 1.0 e substituiram por outra.. o mesmo vale pra onCreatureSay 

@gmstrikker, O tamanho da task fica nesse storage: getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length) e varia de 2 até 4 (pequena - media e grande) @maikons, embaixo de qnt coloca print(qnt) pra verificar q

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uma das soluções que eu propus foi: mexer nessa checagem aqui getCreatureMaster(target) == target.
É justamente o seu problema..

Todos os meus trabalhos importantes estão na seção "Sobre mim" no meu perfil; Dá uma passada lá!

"Há três caminhos para o fracasso: não ensinar o que se sabe, não praticar o que se ensina, e não perguntar o que se ignora." - São Beda


(obg ao @Beeny por fazer essa linda sign <3)

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uma das soluções que eu propus foi: mexer nessa checagem aqui getCreatureMaster(target) == target.

É justamente o seu problema..


Ué, a resposta que vc deu q se remove-se isso iria começar a contar como kill se mata-se summon

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no lugar que tava getCreatureMaster(target) == target coloca getCreatureMaster(target) ~= nil a linha toda fica assim: if isMonster(target) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) > 3 and getCreatureMaster(target) ~= nil and (not(isInParty(cid)) or config.partycount ~= true) then e remove os prints. Dai vc testa e me diz se deu algum erro, se nao der, verifica se ele tá contando summon pra task. pra criar um monstro usa /m nome do monstro, pra criar um summon cria /s nome do monstro.

Todos os meus trabalhos importantes estão na seção "Sobre mim" no meu perfil; Dá uma passada lá!

"Há três caminhos para o fracasso: não ensinar o que se sabe, não praticar o que se ensina, e não perguntar o que se ignora." - São Beda


(obg ao @Beeny por fazer essa linda sign <3)

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Pois bem amigo eu tentei isso e continua a mesma coisa, nada de contar kills e no console só aparece work


local storages = {
name = 95672,
count = 95673,
maxcount = 95674,

local config = {
partycount = true, --- true ou false pra ativar/desativar que os kills dos membros da party contem pra voce
killdistance = 7 --- distancia que conta os kills

function onKill(cid, target, lastHit)
    if isMonster(target) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) > 3 and getCreatureMaster(target) ~= nil and (not(isInParty(cid)) or config.partycount ~= true) then
        if getCreatureName(target):lower() == string.lower(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, then
            setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.count, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.count) + 1)
            if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.count) == getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) then
                doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 19, "You finished your task.")
            elseif getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.count) < getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) then
                doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 20, "Killed ".. getCreatureName(target) .."s [".. getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.count) .."/".. getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) .."].")
    elseif isMonster(target) and getCreatureMaster(target) ~= nil and isInParty(cid) and config.partycount == true then
    leader = getPartyLeader(cid)    
    party = getPartyMembers(leader)
        for i = 1, #party do
        pid = party[i]
        if getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(target), getThingPos(pid)) < config.killdistance then
            if getPlayerStorageValue(pid, storages.maxcount) > 3 then
                if getCreatureName(target):lower() == string.lower(getPlayerStorageValue(pid, then
                    setPlayerStorageValue(pid, storages.count, getPlayerStorageValue(pid, storages.count) + 1)
                    if getPlayerStorageValue(pid, storages.count) == getPlayerStorageValue(pid, storages.maxcount) then
                        doPlayerSendTextMessage(pid, 19, "You finished your task.")
                    elseif getPlayerStorageValue(pid, storages.count) < getPlayerStorageValue(pid, storages.maxcount) then
                        doPlayerSendTextMessage(pid, 20, "Killed ".. getCreatureName(target) .."s [".. getPlayerStorageValue(pid, storages.count) .."/".. getPlayerStorageValue(pid, storages.maxcount) .."].")
return true
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é muito simples, vamos lá:

function onKill(cid, target, lastHit) -- ao matar um monstro qualquer
print("work") -- vai printar work (isso significa que o script tá configurado corretamente e está funcionando)
    if isMonster(target) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) > 3 and getCreatureMaster(target) ~= nil and (not(isInParty(cid)) or config.partycount ~= true) then
-- /\ diversas checagens, vc tem que garantir que TODAS elas sejam verdadeiras. Caso elas sejam ele irá para o próximo passo 

Agora se vc não está chegando no próximo passo, vc tem que garantir que as seguintes coisas existem:
- isMonster(target) retorna true (essa parte não está errado, se estivesse daria erros no seu console.
- getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) > 3 (aqui ele salva o máximo de monstros que vc tem que matar (vc configura isso lá no npc e eu coloquei que 3 é o minimo que tem que estar salvo pra você poder dar continuidade)
getCreatureMaster(target) ~= nil (esse é bem fácil de verificar, só colocar pra printar o resultado disso: print(getCreatureMaster(target)) depois do print("work") e ver oque sai.
Provavelmente o erro está nessa parte.
- O resto da checagem é pra ver se está em party e se a configuração de party está ligada/desligada

print(1) -- aqui é o proximo passo, irá printar 1.

Todos os meus trabalhos importantes estão na seção "Sobre mim" no meu perfil; Dá uma passada lá!

"Há três caminhos para o fracasso: não ensinar o que se sabe, não praticar o que se ensina, e não perguntar o que se ignora." - São Beda


(obg ao @Beeny por fazer essa linda sign <3)

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é muito simples, vamos lá:

function onKill(cid, target, lastHit) -- ao matar um monstro qualquer

print("work") -- vai printar work (isso significa que o script tá configurado corretamente e está funcionando)

    if isMonster(target) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) > 3 and getCreatureMaster(target) ~= nil and (not(isInParty(cid)) or config.partycount ~= true) then

-- /\ diversas checagens, vc tem que garantir que TODAS elas sejam verdadeiras. Caso elas sejam ele irá para o próximo passo 

Agora se vc não está chegando no próximo passo, vc tem que garantir que as seguintes coisas existem:

- isMonster(target) retorna true (essa parte não está errado, se estivesse daria erros no seu console.

- getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) > 3 (aqui ele salva o máximo de monstros que vc tem que matar (vc configura isso lá no npc e eu coloquei que 3 é o minimo que tem que estar salvo pra você poder dar continuidade)

getCreatureMaster(target) ~= nil (esse é bem fácil de verificar, só colocar pra printar o resultado disso: print(getCreatureMaster(target)) depois do print("work") e ver oque sai.

Provavelmente o erro está nessa parte.

- O resto da checagem é pra ver se está em party e se a configuração de party está ligada/desligada

print(1) -- aqui é o proximo passo, irá printar 1.


Cara vc me embolou pra cacete

Onde vc ta querendo chegar com esse post? kkkk


Se é saber onde o cmd ta chegando?

Ele só entra até onkill


por isso só printa work, ele não entra nos outros dois condicionais


    if isMonster(target) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) > 3 and getCreatureMaster(target) ~= nil and (not(isInParty(cid)) or config.partycount ~= true) then


    elseif isMonster(target) and getCreatureMaster(target) ~= nil and isInParty(cid) and config.partycount == true then
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mal a demora, minhas aulas voltaram e tá foda tirar tempo pra ver códigos antigos:: tenta trocar seu creaturescript por esse daqui:

local storages = {
name = 95672,
count = 95673,
maxcount = 95674,

local config = {
partycount = true, --- true ou false pra ativar/desativar que os kills dos membros da party contem pra voce
killdistance = 7 --- distancia que conta os kills

function onKill(cid, target, lastHit)
	if isMonster(target) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) > 3 and (type(getCreatureMaster(target)) == 'nil' or getCreatureMaster(target) == target) and (not(isInParty(cid)) or config.partycount ~= true) then
		if getCreatureName(target):lower() == string.lower(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, then
			setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.count, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.count) + 1)
			if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.count) == getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) then
				doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 19, "You finished your task.")
			elseif getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.count) < getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) then
				doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 20, "Killed ".. getCreatureName(target) .."s [".. getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.count) .."/".. getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) .."].")
	elseif isMonster(target) and (type(getCreatureMaster(target)) == 'nil' or getCreatureMaster(target) == target) and isInParty(cid) and config.partycount == true then
	leader = getPartyLeader(cid)	
	party = getPartyMembers(leader)
		for i = 1, #party do
		pid = party[i]
		if getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(target), getThingPos(pid)) < config.killdistance then
			if getPlayerStorageValue(pid, storages.maxcount) > 3 then
				if getCreatureName(target):lower() == string.lower(getPlayerStorageValue(pid, then
					setPlayerStorageValue(pid, storages.count, getPlayerStorageValue(pid, storages.count) + 1)
					if getPlayerStorageValue(pid, storages.count) == getPlayerStorageValue(pid, storages.maxcount) then
						doPlayerSendTextMessage(pid, 19, "You finished your task.")
					elseif getPlayerStorageValue(pid, storages.count) < getPlayerStorageValue(pid, storages.maxcount) then
						doPlayerSendTextMessage(pid, 20, "Killed ".. getCreatureName(target) .."s [".. getPlayerStorageValue(pid, storages.count) .."/".. getPlayerStorageValue(pid, storages.maxcount) .."].")
return true


Também fiz uma opção de pegar a recompensa em skills e dei uma melhorada no script, basta substituir o script do npc por esse daqui:

local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new()
local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler)
local talkState = {}

-- OTServ event handling functions start
function onCreatureAppear(cid)              npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end
function onCreatureDisappear(cid)           npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end
function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg)  npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end
function onThink()                      npcHandler:onThink() end

-------------------------------- EXTERN CONFIG --------------------------------
local config = {
	levelcollect = 30, --- level pra poder fazer tasks do tipo collect
	time = 8 * 60 * 60, --- tempo que vc vai ficar sem poder falar com ele caso abandone uma task (em segundos)
	bonus = 1.2, --- bonus de exp/gold caso a task escolhida seja random (1.2 = 20% a mais)
	multiplicator = 1 --- multiplicador de exp/gold/skills (coloque de acordo com a necessidade do seu server)

local easy = {
	[1] = "Goblin",
	[2] = "Troll",
	[3] = "Rotworm",
	[4] = "Dwarf",
	[5] = "Amazon",
	[6] = "Elf",
	[7] = "Wolf",
	[8] = "Orc",
	[9] = "Minotaur"

local eacollect = {
	[1] = {id = 5880, count = 20}, -- iron ore
	[2] = {id = 5902, count = 15}, -- honeycomb
	[3] = {id = 5878, count = 10}, -- minotaur leather
	[4] = {id = 5890, count = 20}, -- chicken feather
	[5] = {id = 5894, count = 15}, -- bat wing
	[6] = {id = 5896, count = 10}, -- bear pawn
	[7] = {id = 5897, count = 20}, -- wolf pawn
	[8] = {id = 5921, count = 15}, -- heaven blossom
	[9] = {id = 3956, count = 10} --  elephant tusk

local medium = {
	[1] = "Cyclops",
	[2] = "Ghoul",
	[3] = "Dragon",
	[4] = "Mammoth",
	[5] = "Vampire",
	[6] = "Fire Devil",
	[7] = "Fire Elemental",
	[8] = "Valkyrie",
	[9] = "Monk"

local medcollect = {
	[1] = {id = 5876, count = 35}, -- lizard leather
	[2] = {id = 5678, count = 30}, -- tortoise egg
	[3] = {id = 5898, count = 25}, -- beholder eye
	[4] = {id = 5899, count = 35}, -- turtle shell
	[5] = {id = 2229, count = 30}, -- skull
	[6] = {id = 5877, count = 25}, -- dragon leather
	[7] = {id = 5920, count = 30} -- dragon scale

local hard = {
	[1] = "Giant Spider",
	[2] = "Dragon Lord",
	[3] = "Grim Reaper",
	[4] = "Demon",
	[5] = "Crystal Spider",
	[6] = "Demon Skeleton",
	[7] = "Juggernaut",
	[8] = "Destroyer",
	[9] = "Hand of Cursed Fate"

local hardcollect = {
	[1] = {id = 5882, count = 50}, -- red dragon scale
	[2] = {id = 5948, count = 45}, -- red dragon leather
	[3] = {id = 5930, count = 40}, -- behemoth claw
	[4] = {id = 5879, count = 50}, -- giant spider silk
	[5] = {id = 5954, count = 45}, -- demon horn
	[6] = {id = 6500, count = 40}, -- demoniac essence
	[7] = {id = 5944, count = 45}, -- soul orb

local storages = {
	name = 95672,
	count = 95673,
	maxcount = 95674,
	difficult = 95675,
	length = 95676,
	delay = 95677,
	type = 95678,
-------------------------------- END OF EXTERN CONFIG --------------------------------
function creatureSayCallback(cid, type, msg)
    if (not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then
        return false
local talkUser = NPCHANDLER_CONVbehavior == CONVERSATION_DEFAULT and 0 or cid
-------------------------------- INTERN CONFIG CAN BE DONE HERE --------------------------
local short = 0 + (math.random(1,3) * 50) -- quantidade de monstros no curto
local median = 100 + (math.random(1,3) * 50) -- quantidade de monstros no mediano
local long = 200 + (math.random(1,3) * 100) -- quantidade de monstros no longo

local gold = 1000 * ((getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length)) + (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.difficult))) * config.multiplicator
local experience = ((getExperienceForLevel(getPlayerLevel(cid) + 1) - getExperienceForLevel(getPlayerLevel(cid))) / 100) * ((getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length)) * (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.difficult))) * config.multiplicator
-------------------------------- END OF INTERN CONFIG --------------------------

local type = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.type)
	if (msgcontains(msg, 'task') or msgcontains(msg, 'challenge')) and (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.delay) - os.time()) <= 0 then
		if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) > 3 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.type) == 1 then
			talkState[talkUser] = 6
			selfSay('Your task is to kill {'..getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount)..' '..getPlayerStorageValue(cid,'s}. Hurry with this or you want to {give up}?!', cid)
		elseif getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) > 3 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.type) == 2 then
			talkState[talkUser] = 6
			selfSay('Your task is to collect {'.. getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount)..' '.. getItemNameById(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, ..'s}. Hurry with this or you want to {give up}?!', cid)
			talkState[talkUser] = 1
			selfSay('I have two types of tasks, you want to {kill} monsters or to {collect} some items for me? You can also let me choose a {random} one for you, garanting a final bonus in your reward.', cid)
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'kill') and talkState[talkUser] == 1) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 2
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.type, 1)
		selfSay('I have all kinds of tasks, you want a {easy}, {medium} or are you up to a {hard} one?', cid)
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'collect') and talkState[talkUser] == 1 and getPlayerLevel(cid) >= config.levelcollect) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 2
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.type, 2)
		selfSay('I have all kinds of tasks, you want a {easy}, {medium} or are you up to a {hard} one?', cid)
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'collect') and talkState[talkUser] == 1 and getPlayerLevel(cid) < config.levelcollect) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 1
		selfSay('You can only do collect tasks once you reach level '..config.levelcollect..'.', cid)
	------- difficult ---------
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'random') and talkState[talkUser] == 1) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 4
		selfSay('Are you sure about this?', cid)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.type, math.random(1,2))
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.difficult, math.random(2,4) * config.bonus)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length, math.random(2,4) * config.bonus)
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'hard') and talkState[talkUser] == 2) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 3
		selfSay('I have all kinds of tasks, you want a {short}, {median} or are you up to a {long} one?.', cid)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.difficult, 4)
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'medium') and talkState[talkUser] == 2) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 3
		selfSay('I have all kinds of tasks, you want a {short}, {median} or are you up to a {long} one?.', cid)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.difficult, 3)
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'easy') and talkState[talkUser] == 2) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 3
		selfSay('I have all kinds of tasks, you want a {short}, {median} or are you up to a {long} one?.', cid)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.difficult, 2)
	------- bye ---------
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'no')) and isInArray({1, 6, 7}, talkState[talkUser]) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 0
		selfSay('Clearly you are not ready. We can talk later...', cid)
	------- length ---------
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'short') and talkState[talkUser] == 3) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 4
		selfSay('Are you sure about this?', cid)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length, 2)
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'median') and talkState[talkUser] == 3) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 4
		selfSay('Are you sure about this?', cid)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length, 3)
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'long') and talkState[talkUser] == 3) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 4
		selfSay('Are you sure about this?', cid)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length, 4)
	----------- give up option -----------
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'give up') and talkState[talkUser] == 6) then
		selfSay('Are you saying that you want to give up this task? I will not give you any other task in the next '.. (config.time/3600) ..' hour(s).', cid)
		talkState[talkUser] = 7
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talkState[talkUser] == 7) then
		selfSay('Since you will not help me, get out of here.', cid)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount, 0)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.delay, os.time() + config.time)
		talkState[talkUser] = 0
	------- checking ---------
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talkState[talkUser] == 4) then
		local length = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length)
		local difficult = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.difficult)
		if type == 1 then
			if length == 2 then
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount, short)
			elseif length == 3 then
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount, median)
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount, long)
			if difficult == 2 then
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, easy[math.random(1, #easy)])
			elseif difficult == 3 then
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, medium[math.random(1, #medium)])
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, hard[math.random(1, #hard)])
			setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.count, 0)	
			talkState[talkUser] = 0
			selfSay('OK then.. your task is to kill '..getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount)..' '..getPlayerStorageValue(cid,'s. Do not spare any monster!', cid)
		elseif type == 2 then
			if length == 2 then
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount, eacollect[math.random(1, #eacollect)].count)
			elseif length == 3 then
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount, medcollect[math.random(1, #medcollect)].count)
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount, hardcollect[math.random(1, #hardcollect)].count)
			if difficult == 2 then
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, eacollect[math.random(1, #eacollect)].id)
			elseif difficult == 3 then
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, medcollect[math.random(1, #medcollect)].id)
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, hardcollect[math.random(1, #hardcollect)].id)
			setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.count, 0)	
			talkState[talkUser] = 0
			selfSay('OK then.. your task is to collect {'.. getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount)..' '.. getItemNameById(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, ..'s}. Bring me the proof that you made it!', cid)
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'no') and talkState[talkUser] == 4) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 0
		selfSay('Ok, come back when you have the guts.', cid)
	------- reward ---------
	elseif msgcontains(msg, 'reward') then
		if type == 1 then
			if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.count) >= getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) > 3  then
				selfSay('You finished the quest, now you want to receive your reward in {gold}, {trainning} or in {experience}?', cid)
				talkState[talkUser] = 5
				selfSay('There is no reward for those who did not complete a challenge.', cid)
				talkState[talkUser] = 0
		elseif type == 2 then
			if getPlayerItemCount(cid, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, >= getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) > 3  then
				selfSay('You finished the quest, now you want to receive your reward in {gold}, {trainning} or in {experience}?', cid)
				talkState[talkUser] = 5
				selfSay('There is no reward for those who did not complete a challenge.', cid)
				talkState[talkUser] = 0
			selfSay('There is no reward for those who did not complete a challenge.', cid)
			talkState[talkUser] = 0
		---------- checking rewards ---------------
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'gold') and talkState[talkUser] == 5 ) then
		if (type == 1) or (doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, getPlayerStorageValue(cid,, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount)) and type == 2) then
			for k, v in pairs(storages) do
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid, v, 0)
			doPlayerAddMoney(cid, gold)
			talkState[talkUser] = 0
			selfSay('Thanks for your help, here is your prize..', cid)
			selfSay('Something went wrong..', cid)
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'experience') and talkState[talkUser] == 5) then
			if (type == 1) or (doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, getPlayerStorageValue(cid,, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount)) and type == 2) then
				for k, v in pairs(storages) do
					setPlayerStorageValue(cid, v, 0)
				doPlayerAddExperience(cid, experience)
				talkState[talkUser] = 0	
				selfSay('Thanks for your help, here is your prize..', cid)
				selfSay('Something went wrong..', cid)
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'trainning') and talkState[talkUser] == 5) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 8
		selfSay('Which skill you want to train with me? choose between {axe}, {distance}, {club}, {sword}, {shield} and {magic}', cid)
	----------------------- SKILL REWARD -----------------------	
	elseif (SKILL_IDS[msg] and talkState[talkUser] == 8) then
		if (type == 1) or (doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, getPlayerStorageValue(cid,, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount)) and type == 2) then
			for k, v in pairs(storages) do
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid, v, 0)
		-- a divisao por 3000 foi porque cada ponto de skill try equivale a 30 tries de skill e nos naturalmente dividimos por 100. 1/30 * 1/100 = 1/3000
		local qnt = math.ceil(getPlayerRequiredSkillTries(cid, SKILL_IDS[msg], getPlayerSkillLevel(cid, SKILL_IDS[msg]) + 1)/3000) * ((getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length)) * (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.difficult)) * config.multiplicator) 
			doPlayerAddSkillTry(cid, SKILL_IDS[msg], qnt)
			doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), 39)
			talkState[talkUser] = 0	
			selfSay('Thanks for your help, here is your prize..', cid)
			selfSay('Something went wrong..', cid)
	----------------------- msg when blocked --------------
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'task') or msgcontains(msg, 'challenge')) and (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.delay) - os.time()) > 0 then
		talkState[talkUser] = 0	
		selfSay('I can not trust you since you failed in the last job. You will have to wait until I feel that I can trust you again..', cid)
return true

npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback)


Você tem que garantir que em data/lib/constant existe essa tabela (se nao tiver, é só colocar):

["fist"] = SKILL_FIST,
["club"] = SKILL_CLUB,
["sword"] = SKILL_SWORD,
["axe"] = SKILL_AXE,
["distance"] = SKILL_DISTANCE,
["dist"] = SKILL_DISTANCE,
["shielding"] = SKILL_SHIELD,
["shield"] = SKILL_SHIELD,
["fishing"] = SKILL_FISHING,
["fish"] = SKILL_FISHING,
["level"] = SKILL__LEVEL,
["magic"] = SKILL__MAGLEVEL

e que essas variáveis possuam esses valores:

Editado por xWhiteWolf (veja o histórico de edições)

Todos os meus trabalhos importantes estão na seção "Sobre mim" no meu perfil; Dá uma passada lá!

"Há três caminhos para o fracasso: não ensinar o que se sabe, não praticar o que se ensina, e não perguntar o que se ignora." - São Beda


(obg ao @Beeny por fazer essa linda sign <3)

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mal a demora, minhas aulas voltaram e tá foda tirar tempo pra ver códigos antigos:: tenta trocar seu creaturescript por esse daqui:

local storages = {
name = 95672,
count = 95673,
maxcount = 95674,

local config = {
partycount = true, --- true ou false pra ativar/desativar que os kills dos membros da party contem pra voce
killdistance = 7 --- distancia que conta os kills

function onKill(cid, target, lastHit)
	if isMonster(target) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) > 3 and (type(getCreatureMaster(target)) == 'nil' or getCreatureMaster(target) == target) and (not(isInParty(cid)) or config.partycount ~= true) then
		if getCreatureName(target):lower() == string.lower(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, then
			setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.count, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.count) + 1)
			if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.count) == getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) then
				doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 19, "You finished your task.")
			elseif getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.count) < getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) then
				doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 20, "Killed ".. getCreatureName(target) .."s [".. getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.count) .."/".. getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) .."].")
	elseif isMonster(target) and (type(getCreatureMaster(target)) == 'nil' or getCreatureMaster(target) == target) and isInParty(cid) and config.partycount == true then
	leader = getPartyLeader(cid)	
	party = getPartyMembers(leader)
		for i = 1, #party do
		pid = party[i]
		if getDistanceBetween(getThingPos(target), getThingPos(pid)) < config.killdistance then
			if getPlayerStorageValue(pid, storages.maxcount) > 3 then
				if getCreatureName(target):lower() == string.lower(getPlayerStorageValue(pid, then
					setPlayerStorageValue(pid, storages.count, getPlayerStorageValue(pid, storages.count) + 1)
					if getPlayerStorageValue(pid, storages.count) == getPlayerStorageValue(pid, storages.maxcount) then
						doPlayerSendTextMessage(pid, 19, "You finished your task.")
					elseif getPlayerStorageValue(pid, storages.count) < getPlayerStorageValue(pid, storages.maxcount) then
						doPlayerSendTextMessage(pid, 20, "Killed ".. getCreatureName(target) .."s [".. getPlayerStorageValue(pid, storages.count) .."/".. getPlayerStorageValue(pid, storages.maxcount) .."].")
return true


Também fiz uma opção de pegar a recompensa em skills e dei uma melhorada no script, basta substituir o script do npc por esse daqui:

local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new()
local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler)
local talkState = {}

-- OTServ event handling functions start
function onCreatureAppear(cid)              npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end
function onCreatureDisappear(cid)           npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end
function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg)  npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end
function onThink()                      npcHandler:onThink() end
-- OTServ event handling functions end

function creatureSayCallback(cid, type, msg)
    -- Place all your code in here. Remember that hi, bye and all that stuff is already handled by the npcsystem, so you do not have to take care of that yourself.
    if (not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then
        return false
local talkUser = NPCHANDLER_CONVbehavior == CONVERSATION_DEFAULT and 0 or cid

-------------------------------- ALL CONFIG CAN BE DONE HERE --------------------------
local short = 0 + (math.random(1,3) * 50) -- quantidade de monstros no curto
local median = 100 + (math.random(1,3) * 50) -- quantidade de monstros no mediano
local long = 200 + (math.random(1,3) * 100) -- quantidade de monstros no longo

local config = {
levelcollect = 30, --- level pra poder fazer tasks do tipo collect
time = 8 * 60 * 60, --- tempo que vc vai ficar sem poder falar com ele caso abandone uma task (em segundos)
bonus = 1.2, --- bonus de exp/gold caso a task escolhida seja random (1.2 = 20% a mais)
multiplicator = 1 --- multiplicador de exp/gold/skills (coloque de acordo com a necessidade do seu server)

local easy = {
[1] = "Goblin",
[2] = "Troll",
[3] = "Rotworm",
[4] = "Dwarf",
[5] = "Amazon",
[6] = "Elf",
[7] = "Wolf",
[8] = "Orc",
[9] = "Minotaur"

local eacollect = {
[1] = {id = 5880, count = 20}, -- iron ore
[2] = {id = 5902, count = 15}, -- honeycomb
[3] = {id = 5878, count = 10}, -- minotaur leather
[4] = {id = 5890, count = 20}, -- chicken feather
[5] = {id = 5894, count = 15}, -- bat wing
[6] = {id = 5896, count = 10}, -- bear pawn
[7] = {id = 5897, count = 20}, -- wolf pawn
[8] = {id = 5921, count = 15}, -- heaven blossom
[9] = {id = 3956, count = 10} --  elephant tusk

local medium = {
[1] = "Cyclops",
[2] = "Ghoul",
[3] = "Dragon",
[4] = "Mammoth",
[5] = "Vampire",
[6] = "Fire Devil",
[7] = "Fire Elemental",
[8] = "Valkyrie",
[9] = "Monk"

local medcollect = {
[1] = {id = 5876, count = 35}, -- lizard leather
[2] = {id = 5678, count = 30}, -- tortoise egg
[3] = {id = 5898, count = 25}, -- beholder eye
[4] = {id = 5899, count = 35}, -- turtle shell
[5] = {id = 2229, count = 30}, -- skull
[6] = {id = 5877, count = 25}, -- dragon leather
[7] = {id = 5920, count = 30} -- dragon scale

local hard = {
[1] = "Giant Spider",
[2] = "Dragon Lord",
[3] = "Grim Reaper",
[4] = "Demon",
[5] = "Crystal Spider",
[6] = "Demon Skeleton",
[7] = "Juggernaut",
[8] = "Destroyer",
[9] = "Hand of Cursed Fate"

local hardcollect = {
[1] = {id = 5882, count = 50}, -- red dragon scale
[2] = {id = 5948, count = 45}, -- red dragon leather
[3] = {id = 5930, count = 40}, -- behemoth claw
[4] = {id = 5879, count = 50}, -- giant spider silk
[5] = {id = 5954, count = 45}, -- demon horn
[6] = {id = 6500, count = 40}, -- demoniac essence
[7] = {id = 5944, count = 45}, -- soul orb

local storages = {
name = 95672,
count = 95673,
maxcount = 95674,
difficult = 95675,
length = 95676,
delay = 95677,
type = 95678,

local gold = 1000 * ((getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length)) + (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.difficult))) * config.multiplicator
local experience = ((getExperienceForLevel(getPlayerLevel(cid) + 1) - getExperienceForLevel(getPlayerLevel(cid))) / 100) * ((getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length)) * (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.difficult))) * config.multiplicator
-------------------------------- END OF ALL CONFIG --------------------------

local type = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.type)
if (msgcontains(msg, 'task') or msgcontains(msg, 'challenge')) and (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.delay) - os.time()) <= 0 then
	if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) > 3 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.type) == 1 then
		talkState[talkUser] = 6
		selfSay('Your task is to kill {'..getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount)..' '..getPlayerStorageValue(cid,'s}. Hurry with this or you want to {give up}?!', cid)
	elseif getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) > 3 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.type) == 2 then
		talkState[talkUser] = 6
		selfSay('Your task is to collect {'.. getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount)..' '.. getItemNameById(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, ..'s}. Hurry with this or you want to {give up}?!', cid)
		talkState[talkUser] = 1
		selfSay('I have two types of tasks, you want to {kill} monsters or to {collect} some items for me? You can also let me choose a {random} one for you, garanting a final bonus in your reward.', cid)
elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'kill') and talkState[talkUser] == 1) then
	talkState[talkUser] = 2
	setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.type, 1)
	selfSay('I have all kinds of tasks, you want a {easy}, {medium} or are you up to a {hard} one?', cid)
elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'collect') and talkState[talkUser] == 1 and getPlayerLevel(cid) >= config.levelcollect) then
	talkState[talkUser] = 2
	setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.type, 2)
	selfSay('I have all kinds of tasks, you want a {easy}, {medium} or are you up to a {hard} one?', cid)
elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'collect') and talkState[talkUser] == 1 and getPlayerLevel(cid) < config.levelcollect) then
	talkState[talkUser] = 1
	selfSay('You can only do collect tasks once you reach level '..config.levelcollect..'.', cid)
------- difficult ---------
elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'random') and talkState[talkUser] == 1) then
	talkState[talkUser] = 4
	selfSay('Are you sure about this?', cid)
	setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.type, math.random(1,2))
	setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.difficult, math.random(2,4) * config.bonus)
	setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length, math.random(2,4) * config.bonus)
elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'hard') and talkState[talkUser] == 2) then
	talkState[talkUser] = 3
	selfSay('I have all kinds of tasks, you want a {short}, {median} or are you up to a {long} one?.', cid)
	setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.difficult, 4)
elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'medium') and talkState[talkUser] == 2) then
	talkState[talkUser] = 3
	selfSay('I have all kinds of tasks, you want a {short}, {median} or are you up to a {long} one?.', cid)
	setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.difficult, 3)
elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'easy') and talkState[talkUser] == 2) then
	talkState[talkUser] = 3
	selfSay('I have all kinds of tasks, you want a {short}, {median} or are you up to a {long} one?.', cid)
	setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.difficult, 2)
------- bye ---------
elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'no')) and isInArray({1, 6, 7}, talkState[talkUser]) then
	talkState[talkUser] = 0
	selfSay('Clearly you are not ready. We can talk later...', cid)
------- length ---------
elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'short') and talkState[talkUser] == 3) then
	talkState[talkUser] = 4
	selfSay('Are you sure about this?', cid)
	setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length, 2)
elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'median') and talkState[talkUser] == 3) then
	talkState[talkUser] = 4
	selfSay('Are you sure about this?', cid)
	setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length, 3)
elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'long') and talkState[talkUser] == 3) then
	talkState[talkUser] = 4
	selfSay('Are you sure about this?', cid)
	setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length, 4)
----------- give up option -----------
elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'give up') and talkState[talkUser] == 6) then
	selfSay('Are you saying that you want to give up this task? I will not give you any other task in the next '.. (config.time/3600) ..' hour(s).', cid)
	talkState[talkUser] = 7
elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talkState[talkUser] == 7) then
	selfSay('Since you will not help me, get out of here.', cid)
	setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount, 0)
	setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.delay, os.time() + config.time)
	talkState[talkUser] = 0
------- checking ---------
elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talkState[talkUser] == 4) then
local length = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length)
local difficult = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.difficult)
	if type == 1 then
		if length == 2 then
			setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount, short)
		elseif length == 3 then
			setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount, median)
			setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount, long)
		if difficult == 2 then
			setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, easy[math.random(1, #easy)])
		elseif difficult == 3 then
			setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, medium[math.random(1, #medium)])
			setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, hard[math.random(1, #hard)])
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.count, 0)	
		talkState[talkUser] = 0
		selfSay('OK then.. your task is to kill '..getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount)..' '..getPlayerStorageValue(cid,'s. Do not spare any monster!', cid)
	elseif type == 2 then
		if length == 2 then
			setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount, eacollect[math.random(1, #eacollect)].count)
		elseif length == 3 then
			setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount, medcollect[math.random(1, #medcollect)].count)
			setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount, hardcollect[math.random(1, #hardcollect)].count)
		if difficult == 2 then
			setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, eacollect[math.random(1, #eacollect)].id)
		elseif difficult == 3 then
			setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, medcollect[math.random(1, #medcollect)].id)
			setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, hardcollect[math.random(1, #hardcollect)].id)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.count, 0)	
		talkState[talkUser] = 0
		selfSay('OK then.. your task is to collect {'.. getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount)..' '.. getItemNameById(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, ..'s}. Bring me the proof that you made it!', cid)
elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'no') and talkState[talkUser] == 4) then
talkState[talkUser] = 0
selfSay('Ok, come back when you have the guts.', cid)
------- reward ---------
elseif msgcontains(msg, 'reward') then
	if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.count) >= getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) > 3  then
		selfSay('You finished the quest, now you want to receive your reward in {gold}, {trainning} or in {experience}?', cid)
		talkState[talkUser] = 4
		selfSay('There is no reward for those who did not complete a challenge.', cid)
		talkState[talkUser] = 0
elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'gold') and talkState[talkUser] == 4) then
	for k, v in pairs(storages) do
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, v, 0)
	doPlayerAddMoney(cid, gold)
	doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), 13)
	talkState[talkUser] = 0
selfSay('Thanks for your help, here is your prize..', cid)
elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'experience') and talkState[talkUser] == 4) then
	for k, v in pairs(storages) do
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, v, 0)
	doPlayerAddExperience(cid, experience)
	doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), 14)
	talkState[talkUser] = 0	
selfSay('Thanks for your help, here is your prize..', cid)
elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'trainning') and talkState[talkUser] == 4) then
	talkState[talkUser] = 8
	selfSay('Which skill you want to train with me? choose between {axe}, {distance}, {club}, {sword}, {shield} and {magic}', cid)
elseif (SKILL_IDS[msg] and talkState[talkUser] == 8) then
	-- a divisao por 3000 foi porque cada ponto de skill try equivale a 30 tries de skill e nos naturalmente dividimos por 100. 1/30 * 1/100 = 1/3000
	local qnt = math.ceil(getPlayerRequiredSkillTries(cid, SKILL_IDS[msg], getPlayerSkillLevel(cid, SKILL_IDS[msg]) + 1)/3000) * ((getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length)) * (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.difficult)) * config.multiplicator) 
	for k, v in pairs(storages) do
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, v, 0)
	doPlayerAddSkillTry(cid, SKILL_IDS[msg], qnt)
	doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), 39)
	talkState[talkUser] = 0	
selfSay('Thanks for your help, here is your prize..', cid)
elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'challenge') or msgcontains(msg, 'task')) and (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.delay) - os.time()) > 0 then
	talkState[talkUser] = 0	
selfSay('I can not trust you since you failed in the last job. You will have to wait until I feel that I can trust you again..', cid)
return true

npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback)

Você tem que garantir que em data/lib/constant existe essa tabela (se nao tiver, é só colocar):

["fist"] = SKILL_FIST,
["club"] = SKILL_CLUB,
["sword"] = SKILL_SWORD,
["axe"] = SKILL_AXE,
["distance"] = SKILL_DISTANCE,
["dist"] = SKILL_DISTANCE,
["shielding"] = SKILL_SHIELD,
["shield"] = SKILL_SHIELD,
["fishing"] = SKILL_FISHING,
["fish"] = SKILL_FISHING,
["level"] = SKILL__LEVEL,
["magic"] = SKILL__MAGLEVEL

e que essas variáveis possuam esses valores:





Que foda vei, vlw, agora ta contando os kills, ta dando até pra entregar task de kill quando finaliza, mas só tem dois problemas


Parece que bugou o collect, eu tenho o item tento entregar a task, mas não vai, diz que eu não tenho


E task de training não ta indo, mas pode ser pq o meu ta diferente


Essa aqui ta igualzinho

["fist"] = SKILL_FIST,
["club"] = SKILL_CLUB,
["sword"] = SKILL_SWORD,
["axe"] = SKILL_AXE,
["distance"] = SKILL_DISTANCE,
["dist"] = SKILL_DISTANCE,
["shielding"] = SKILL_SHIELD,
["shield"] = SKILL_SHIELD,
["fishing"] = SKILL_FISHING,
["fish"] = SKILL_FISHING,
["level"] = SKILL__LEVEL,
["magic"] = SKILL__MAGLEVEL


mas a segunda o meu ta assim


Será que é pq ta um pouco diferente? Da merda se eu mudar?

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eu q tinha feito uma merdinha, tenta agr hahah eu havia deletado a parte de checar se a task estava terminada.. nessas de dar ctrl c cada hr em uma versão diferente é normal haha
Você não precisa alterar nada, sua tabela está perfeita. A única coisa que não tá testada aí é a de trainning, verifica pra mim por favor se dá algum erro no console qnd vc fala trainning.

Eu não to conseguindo editar meu tópico e nem minhas mensagens mais o.O, enfim, aqui tá a versão com tudo corrigido!!

local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new()
local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler)
local talkState = {}

-- OTServ event handling functions start
function onCreatureAppear(cid)              npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end
function onCreatureDisappear(cid)           npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end
function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg)  npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end
function onThink()                      npcHandler:onThink() end

-------------------------------- EXTERN CONFIG --------------------------------
local config = {
	levelcollect = 30, --- level pra poder fazer tasks do tipo collect
	time = 8 * 60 * 60, --- tempo que vc vai ficar sem poder falar com ele caso abandone uma task (em segundos)
	bonus = 1.2, --- bonus de exp/gold caso a task escolhida seja random (1.2 = 20% a mais)
	multiplicator = 1 --- multiplicador de exp/gold/skills (coloque de acordo com a necessidade do seu server)

local easy = {
	[1] = "Goblin",
	[2] = "Troll",
	[3] = "Rotworm",
	[4] = "Dwarf",
	[5] = "Amazon",
	[6] = "Elf",
	[7] = "Wolf",
	[8] = "Orc",
	[9] = "Minotaur"

local eacollect = {
	[1] = {id = 5880, count = 20}, -- iron ore
	[2] = {id = 5902, count = 15}, -- honeycomb
	[3] = {id = 5878, count = 10}, -- minotaur leather
	[4] = {id = 5890, count = 20}, -- chicken feather
	[5] = {id = 5894, count = 15}, -- bat wing
	[6] = {id = 5896, count = 10}, -- bear pawn
	[7] = {id = 5897, count = 20}, -- wolf pawn
	[8] = {id = 5921, count = 15}, -- heaven blossom
	[9] = {id = 3956, count = 10} --  elephant tusk

local medium = {
	[1] = "Cyclops",
	[2] = "Ghoul",
	[3] = "Dragon",
	[4] = "Mammoth",
	[5] = "Vampire",
	[6] = "Fire Devil",
	[7] = "Fire Elemental",
	[8] = "Valkyrie",
	[9] = "Monk"

local medcollect = {
	[1] = {id = 5876, count = 35}, -- lizard leather
	[2] = {id = 5678, count = 30}, -- tortoise egg
	[3] = {id = 5898, count = 25}, -- beholder eye
	[4] = {id = 5899, count = 35}, -- turtle shell
	[5] = {id = 2229, count = 30}, -- skull
	[6] = {id = 5877, count = 25}, -- dragon leather
	[7] = {id = 5920, count = 30} -- dragon scale

local hard = {
	[1] = "Giant Spider",
	[2] = "Dragon Lord",
	[3] = "Grim Reaper",
	[4] = "Demon",
	[5] = "Crystal Spider",
	[6] = "Demon Skeleton",
	[7] = "Juggernaut",
	[8] = "Destroyer",
	[9] = "Hand of Cursed Fate"

local hardcollect = {
	[1] = {id = 5882, count = 50}, -- red dragon scale
	[2] = {id = 5948, count = 45}, -- red dragon leather
	[3] = {id = 5930, count = 40}, -- behemoth claw
	[4] = {id = 5879, count = 50}, -- giant spider silk
	[5] = {id = 5954, count = 45}, -- demon horn
	[6] = {id = 6500, count = 40}, -- demoniac essence
	[7] = {id = 5944, count = 45}, -- soul orb

local storages = {
	name = 95672,
	count = 95673,
	maxcount = 95674,
	difficult = 95675,
	length = 95676,
	delay = 95677,
	type = 95678,
-------------------------------- END OF EXTERN CONFIG --------------------------------
function creatureSayCallback(cid, type, msg)
    if (not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then
        return false
local talkUser = NPCHANDLER_CONVbehavior == CONVERSATION_DEFAULT and 0 or cid
-------------------------------- INTERN CONFIG CAN BE DONE HERE --------------------------
local short = 0 + (math.random(1,3) * 50) -- quantidade de monstros no curto
local median = 100 + (math.random(1,3) * 50) -- quantidade de monstros no mediano
local long = 200 + (math.random(1,3) * 100) -- quantidade de monstros no longo

local gold = 1000 * ((getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length)) + (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.difficult))) * config.multiplicator
local experience = ((getExperienceForLevel(getPlayerLevel(cid) + 1) - getExperienceForLevel(getPlayerLevel(cid))) / 100) * ((getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length)) * (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.difficult))) * config.multiplicator
-------------------------------- END OF INTERN CONFIG --------------------------

local type = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.type)
	if (msgcontains(msg, 'task') or msgcontains(msg, 'challenge')) and (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.delay) - os.time()) <= 0 then
		if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) > 3 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.type) == 1 then
			talkState[talkUser] = 6
			selfSay('Your task is to kill {'..getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount)..' '..getPlayerStorageValue(cid,'s}. Hurry with this or you want to {give up}?!', cid)
		elseif getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) > 3 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.type) == 2 then
			talkState[talkUser] = 6
			selfSay('Your task is to collect {'.. getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount)..' '.. getItemNameById(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, ..'s}. Hurry with this or you want to {give up}?!', cid)
			talkState[talkUser] = 1
			selfSay('I have two types of tasks, you want to {kill} monsters or to {collect} some items for me? You can also let me choose a {random} one for you, garanting a final bonus in your reward.', cid)
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'kill') and talkState[talkUser] == 1) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 2
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.type, 1)
		selfSay('I have all kinds of tasks, you want a {easy}, {medium} or are you up to a {hard} one?', cid)
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'collect') and talkState[talkUser] == 1 and getPlayerLevel(cid) >= config.levelcollect) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 2
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.type, 2)
		selfSay('I have all kinds of tasks, you want a {easy}, {medium} or are you up to a {hard} one?', cid)
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'collect') and talkState[talkUser] == 1 and getPlayerLevel(cid) < config.levelcollect) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 1
		selfSay('You can only do collect tasks once you reach level '..config.levelcollect..'.', cid)
	------- difficult ---------
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'random') and talkState[talkUser] == 1) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 4
		selfSay('Are you sure about this?', cid)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.type, math.random(1,2))
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.difficult, math.random(2,4) * config.bonus)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length, math.random(2,4) * config.bonus)
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'hard') and talkState[talkUser] == 2) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 3
		selfSay('I have all kinds of tasks, you want a {short}, {median} or are you up to a {long} one?.', cid)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.difficult, 4)
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'medium') and talkState[talkUser] == 2) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 3
		selfSay('I have all kinds of tasks, you want a {short}, {median} or are you up to a {long} one?.', cid)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.difficult, 3)
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'easy') and talkState[talkUser] == 2) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 3
		selfSay('I have all kinds of tasks, you want a {short}, {median} or are you up to a {long} one?.', cid)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.difficult, 2)
	------- bye ---------
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'no')) and isInArray({1, 6, 7}, talkState[talkUser]) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 0
		selfSay('Clearly you are not ready. We can talk later...', cid)
	------- length ---------
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'short') and talkState[talkUser] == 3) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 4
		selfSay('Are you sure about this?', cid)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length, 2)
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'median') and talkState[talkUser] == 3) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 4
		selfSay('Are you sure about this?', cid)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length, 3)
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'long') and talkState[talkUser] == 3) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 4
		selfSay('Are you sure about this?', cid)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length, 4)
	----------- give up option -----------
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'give up') and talkState[talkUser] == 6) then
		selfSay('Are you saying that you want to give up this task? I will not give you any other task in the next '.. (config.time/3600) ..' hour(s).', cid)
		talkState[talkUser] = 7
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talkState[talkUser] == 7) then
		selfSay('Since you will not help me, get out of here.', cid)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount, 0)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.delay, os.time() + config.time)
		talkState[talkUser] = 0
	------- checking ---------
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talkState[talkUser] == 4) then
		local length = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length)
		local difficult = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.difficult)
		if type == 1 then
			if length == 2 then
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount, short)
			elseif length == 3 then
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount, median)
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount, long)
			if difficult == 2 then
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, easy[math.random(1, #easy)])
			elseif difficult == 3 then
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, medium[math.random(1, #medium)])
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, hard[math.random(1, #hard)])
			setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.count, 0)	
			talkState[talkUser] = 0
			selfSay('OK then.. your task is to kill '..getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount)..' '..getPlayerStorageValue(cid,'s. Do not spare any monster!', cid)
		elseif type == 2 then
			if length == 2 then
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount, eacollect[math.random(1, #eacollect)].count)
			elseif length == 3 then
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount, medcollect[math.random(1, #medcollect)].count)
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount, hardcollect[math.random(1, #hardcollect)].count)
			if difficult == 2 then
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, eacollect[math.random(1, #eacollect)].id)
			elseif difficult == 3 then
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, medcollect[math.random(1, #medcollect)].id)
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, hardcollect[math.random(1, #hardcollect)].id)
			setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.count, 0)	
			talkState[talkUser] = 0
			selfSay('OK then.. your task is to collect {'.. getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount)..' '.. getItemNameById(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, ..'s}. Bring me the proof that you made it!', cid)
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'no') and talkState[talkUser] == 4) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 0
		selfSay('Ok, come back when you have the guts.', cid)
	------- reward ---------
	elseif msgcontains(msg, 'reward') then
		if type == 1 then
			if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.count) >= getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) > 3  then
				selfSay('You finished the quest, now you want to receive your reward in {gold}, {trainning} or in {experience}?', cid)
				talkState[talkUser] = 5
				selfSay('There is no reward for those who did not complete a challenge.', cid)
				talkState[talkUser] = 0
		elseif type == 2 then
			if getPlayerItemCount(cid, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, >= getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) > 3  then
				selfSay('You finished the quest, now you want to receive your reward in {gold}, {trainning} or in {experience}?', cid)
				talkState[talkUser] = 5
				selfSay('There is no reward for those who did not complete a challenge.', cid)
				talkState[talkUser] = 0
			selfSay('There is no reward for those who did not complete a challenge.', cid)
			talkState[talkUser] = 0
		---------- checking rewards ---------------
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'gold') and talkState[talkUser] == 5 ) then
		if (type == 1) or (doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, getPlayerStorageValue(cid,, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount)) and type == 2) then
			for k, v in pairs(storages) do
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid, v, 0)
			doPlayerAddMoney(cid, gold)
			talkState[talkUser] = 0
			selfSay('Thanks for your help, here is your prize..', cid)
			selfSay('Something went wrong..', cid)
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'experience') and talkState[talkUser] == 5) then
			if (type == 1) or (doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, getPlayerStorageValue(cid,, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount)) and type == 2) then
				for k, v in pairs(storages) do
					setPlayerStorageValue(cid, v, 0)
				doPlayerAddExperience(cid, experience)
				talkState[talkUser] = 0	
				selfSay('Thanks for your help, here is your prize..', cid)
				selfSay('Something went wrong..', cid)
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'trainning') and talkState[talkUser] == 5) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 8
		selfSay('Which skill you want to train with me? choose between {axe}, {distance}, {club}, {sword}, {shield} and {magic}', cid)
	----------------------- SKILL REWARD -----------------------	
	elseif (SKILL_IDS[msg] and talkState[talkUser] == 8) then
		if (type == 1) or (doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, getPlayerStorageValue(cid,, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount)) and type == 2) then
		-- a divisao por 3000 foi porque cada ponto de skill try equivale a 30 tries de skill e nos naturalmente dividimos por 100. 1/30 * 1/100 = 1/3000
		local qnt = math.ceil(getPlayerRequiredSkillTries(cid, SKILL_IDS[msg], getPlayerSkillLevel(cid, SKILL_IDS[msg]) + 1)/3000) * ((getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length)) * (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.difficult)) * config.multiplicator) 
			for k, v in pairs(storages) do
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid, v, 0)
			doPlayerAddSkillTry(cid, SKILL_IDS[msg], qnt)
			doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), 39)
			talkState[talkUser] = 0	
			selfSay('Thanks for your help, here is your prize..', cid)
			selfSay('Something went wrong..', cid)
	----------------------- msg when blocked --------------
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'task') or msgcontains(msg, 'challenge')) and (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.delay) - os.time()) > 0 then
		talkState[talkUser] = 0	
		selfSay('I can not trust you since you failed in the last job. You will have to wait until I feel that I can trust you again..', cid)
return true

npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback)

Todos os meus trabalhos importantes estão na seção "Sobre mim" no meu perfil; Dá uma passada lá!

"Há três caminhos para o fracasso: não ensinar o que se sabe, não praticar o que se ensina, e não perguntar o que se ignora." - São Beda


(obg ao @Beeny por fazer essa linda sign <3)

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eu q tinha feito uma merdinha, tenta agr hahah eu havia deletado a parte de checar se a task estava terminada.. nessas de dar ctrl c cada hr em uma versão diferente é normal haha

Você não precisa alterar nada, sua tabela está perfeita. A única coisa que não tá testada aí é a de trainning, verifica pra mim por favor se dá algum erro no console qnd vc fala trainning.

Eu não to conseguindo editar meu tópico e nem minhas mensagens mais o.O, enfim, aqui tá a versão com tudo corrigido!!

local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new()
local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler)
local talkState = {}

-- OTServ event handling functions start
function onCreatureAppear(cid)              npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end
function onCreatureDisappear(cid)           npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end
function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg)  npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end
function onThink()                      npcHandler:onThink() end

-------------------------------- EXTERN CONFIG --------------------------------
local config = {
	levelcollect = 30, --- level pra poder fazer tasks do tipo collect
	time = 8 * 60 * 60, --- tempo que vc vai ficar sem poder falar com ele caso abandone uma task (em segundos)
	bonus = 1.2, --- bonus de exp/gold caso a task escolhida seja random (1.2 = 20% a mais)
	multiplicator = 1 --- multiplicador de exp/gold/skills (coloque de acordo com a necessidade do seu server)

local easy = {
	[1] = "Goblin",
	[2] = "Troll",
	[3] = "Rotworm",
	[4] = "Dwarf",
	[5] = "Amazon",
	[6] = "Elf",
	[7] = "Wolf",
	[8] = "Orc",
	[9] = "Minotaur"

local eacollect = {
	[1] = {id = 5880, count = 20}, -- iron ore
	[2] = {id = 5902, count = 15}, -- honeycomb
	[3] = {id = 5878, count = 10}, -- minotaur leather
	[4] = {id = 5890, count = 20}, -- chicken feather
	[5] = {id = 5894, count = 15}, -- bat wing
	[6] = {id = 5896, count = 10}, -- bear pawn
	[7] = {id = 5897, count = 20}, -- wolf pawn
	[8] = {id = 5921, count = 15}, -- heaven blossom
	[9] = {id = 3956, count = 10} --  elephant tusk

local medium = {
	[1] = "Cyclops",
	[2] = "Ghoul",
	[3] = "Dragon",
	[4] = "Mammoth",
	[5] = "Vampire",
	[6] = "Fire Devil",
	[7] = "Fire Elemental",
	[8] = "Valkyrie",
	[9] = "Monk"

local medcollect = {
	[1] = {id = 5876, count = 35}, -- lizard leather
	[2] = {id = 5678, count = 30}, -- tortoise egg
	[3] = {id = 5898, count = 25}, -- beholder eye
	[4] = {id = 5899, count = 35}, -- turtle shell
	[5] = {id = 2229, count = 30}, -- skull
	[6] = {id = 5877, count = 25}, -- dragon leather
	[7] = {id = 5920, count = 30} -- dragon scale

local hard = {
	[1] = "Giant Spider",
	[2] = "Dragon Lord",
	[3] = "Grim Reaper",
	[4] = "Demon",
	[5] = "Crystal Spider",
	[6] = "Demon Skeleton",
	[7] = "Juggernaut",
	[8] = "Destroyer",
	[9] = "Hand of Cursed Fate"

local hardcollect = {
	[1] = {id = 5882, count = 50}, -- red dragon scale
	[2] = {id = 5948, count = 45}, -- red dragon leather
	[3] = {id = 5930, count = 40}, -- behemoth claw
	[4] = {id = 5879, count = 50}, -- giant spider silk
	[5] = {id = 5954, count = 45}, -- demon horn
	[6] = {id = 6500, count = 40}, -- demoniac essence
	[7] = {id = 5944, count = 45}, -- soul orb

local storages = {
	name = 95672,
	count = 95673,
	maxcount = 95674,
	difficult = 95675,
	length = 95676,
	delay = 95677,
	type = 95678,
-------------------------------- END OF EXTERN CONFIG --------------------------------
function creatureSayCallback(cid, type, msg)
    if (not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then
        return false
local talkUser = NPCHANDLER_CONVbehavior == CONVERSATION_DEFAULT and 0 or cid
-------------------------------- INTERN CONFIG CAN BE DONE HERE --------------------------
local short = 0 + (math.random(1,3) * 50) -- quantidade de monstros no curto
local median = 100 + (math.random(1,3) * 50) -- quantidade de monstros no mediano
local long = 200 + (math.random(1,3) * 100) -- quantidade de monstros no longo

local gold = 1000 * ((getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length)) + (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.difficult))) * config.multiplicator
local experience = ((getExperienceForLevel(getPlayerLevel(cid) + 1) - getExperienceForLevel(getPlayerLevel(cid))) / 100) * ((getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length)) * (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.difficult))) * config.multiplicator
-------------------------------- END OF INTERN CONFIG --------------------------

local type = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.type)
	if (msgcontains(msg, 'task') or msgcontains(msg, 'challenge')) and (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.delay) - os.time()) <= 0 then
		if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) > 3 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.type) == 1 then
			talkState[talkUser] = 6
			selfSay('Your task is to kill {'..getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount)..' '..getPlayerStorageValue(cid,'s}. Hurry with this or you want to {give up}?!', cid)
		elseif getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) > 3 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.type) == 2 then
			talkState[talkUser] = 6
			selfSay('Your task is to collect {'.. getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount)..' '.. getItemNameById(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, ..'s}. Hurry with this or you want to {give up}?!', cid)
			talkState[talkUser] = 1
			selfSay('I have two types of tasks, you want to {kill} monsters or to {collect} some items for me? You can also let me choose a {random} one for you, garanting a final bonus in your reward.', cid)
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'kill') and talkState[talkUser] == 1) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 2
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.type, 1)
		selfSay('I have all kinds of tasks, you want a {easy}, {medium} or are you up to a {hard} one?', cid)
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'collect') and talkState[talkUser] == 1 and getPlayerLevel(cid) >= config.levelcollect) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 2
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.type, 2)
		selfSay('I have all kinds of tasks, you want a {easy}, {medium} or are you up to a {hard} one?', cid)
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'collect') and talkState[talkUser] == 1 and getPlayerLevel(cid) < config.levelcollect) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 1
		selfSay('You can only do collect tasks once you reach level '..config.levelcollect..'.', cid)
	------- difficult ---------
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'random') and talkState[talkUser] == 1) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 4
		selfSay('Are you sure about this?', cid)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.type, math.random(1,2))
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.difficult, math.random(2,4) * config.bonus)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length, math.random(2,4) * config.bonus)
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'hard') and talkState[talkUser] == 2) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 3
		selfSay('I have all kinds of tasks, you want a {short}, {median} or are you up to a {long} one?.', cid)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.difficult, 4)
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'medium') and talkState[talkUser] == 2) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 3
		selfSay('I have all kinds of tasks, you want a {short}, {median} or are you up to a {long} one?.', cid)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.difficult, 3)
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'easy') and talkState[talkUser] == 2) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 3
		selfSay('I have all kinds of tasks, you want a {short}, {median} or are you up to a {long} one?.', cid)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.difficult, 2)
	------- bye ---------
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'no')) and isInArray({1, 6, 7}, talkState[talkUser]) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 0
		selfSay('Clearly you are not ready. We can talk later...', cid)
	------- length ---------
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'short') and talkState[talkUser] == 3) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 4
		selfSay('Are you sure about this?', cid)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length, 2)
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'median') and talkState[talkUser] == 3) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 4
		selfSay('Are you sure about this?', cid)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length, 3)
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'long') and talkState[talkUser] == 3) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 4
		selfSay('Are you sure about this?', cid)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length, 4)
	----------- give up option -----------
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'give up') and talkState[talkUser] == 6) then
		selfSay('Are you saying that you want to give up this task? I will not give you any other task in the next '.. (config.time/3600) ..' hour(s).', cid)
		talkState[talkUser] = 7
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talkState[talkUser] == 7) then
		selfSay('Since you will not help me, get out of here.', cid)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount, 0)
		setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.delay, os.time() + config.time)
		talkState[talkUser] = 0
	------- checking ---------
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talkState[talkUser] == 4) then
		local length = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length)
		local difficult = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.difficult)
		if type == 1 then
			if length == 2 then
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount, short)
			elseif length == 3 then
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount, median)
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount, long)
			if difficult == 2 then
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, easy[math.random(1, #easy)])
			elseif difficult == 3 then
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, medium[math.random(1, #medium)])
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, hard[math.random(1, #hard)])
			setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.count, 0)	
			talkState[talkUser] = 0
			selfSay('OK then.. your task is to kill '..getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount)..' '..getPlayerStorageValue(cid,'s. Do not spare any monster!', cid)
		elseif type == 2 then
			if length == 2 then
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount, eacollect[math.random(1, #eacollect)].count)
			elseif length == 3 then
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount, medcollect[math.random(1, #medcollect)].count)
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount, hardcollect[math.random(1, #hardcollect)].count)
			if difficult == 2 then
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, eacollect[math.random(1, #eacollect)].id)
			elseif difficult == 3 then
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, medcollect[math.random(1, #medcollect)].id)
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, hardcollect[math.random(1, #hardcollect)].id)
			setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.count, 0)	
			talkState[talkUser] = 0
			selfSay('OK then.. your task is to collect {'.. getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount)..' '.. getItemNameById(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, ..'s}. Bring me the proof that you made it!', cid)
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'no') and talkState[talkUser] == 4) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 0
		selfSay('Ok, come back when you have the guts.', cid)
	------- reward ---------
	elseif msgcontains(msg, 'reward') then
		if type == 1 then
			if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.count) >= getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) > 3  then
				selfSay('You finished the quest, now you want to receive your reward in {gold}, {trainning} or in {experience}?', cid)
				talkState[talkUser] = 5
				selfSay('There is no reward for those who did not complete a challenge.', cid)
				talkState[talkUser] = 0
		elseif type == 2 then
			if getPlayerItemCount(cid, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, >= getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount) > 3  then
				selfSay('You finished the quest, now you want to receive your reward in {gold}, {trainning} or in {experience}?', cid)
				talkState[talkUser] = 5
				selfSay('There is no reward for those who did not complete a challenge.', cid)
				talkState[talkUser] = 0
			selfSay('There is no reward for those who did not complete a challenge.', cid)
			talkState[talkUser] = 0
		---------- checking rewards ---------------
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'gold') and talkState[talkUser] == 5 ) then
		if (type == 1) or (doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, getPlayerStorageValue(cid,, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount)) and type == 2) then
			for k, v in pairs(storages) do
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid, v, 0)
			doPlayerAddMoney(cid, gold)
			talkState[talkUser] = 0
			selfSay('Thanks for your help, here is your prize..', cid)
			selfSay('Something went wrong..', cid)
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'experience') and talkState[talkUser] == 5) then
			if (type == 1) or (doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, getPlayerStorageValue(cid,, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount)) and type == 2) then
				for k, v in pairs(storages) do
					setPlayerStorageValue(cid, v, 0)
				doPlayerAddExperience(cid, experience)
				talkState[talkUser] = 0	
				selfSay('Thanks for your help, here is your prize..', cid)
				selfSay('Something went wrong..', cid)
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'trainning') and talkState[talkUser] == 5) then
		talkState[talkUser] = 8
		selfSay('Which skill you want to train with me? choose between {axe}, {distance}, {club}, {sword}, {shield} and {magic}', cid)
	----------------------- SKILL REWARD -----------------------	
	elseif (SKILL_IDS[msg] and talkState[talkUser] == 8) then
		if (type == 1) or (doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, getPlayerStorageValue(cid,, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.maxcount)) and type == 2) then
		-- a divisao por 3000 foi porque cada ponto de skill try equivale a 30 tries de skill e nos naturalmente dividimos por 100. 1/30 * 1/100 = 1/3000
		local qnt = math.ceil(getPlayerRequiredSkillTries(cid, SKILL_IDS[msg], getPlayerSkillLevel(cid, SKILL_IDS[msg]) + 1)/3000) * ((getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length)) * (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.difficult)) * config.multiplicator) 
			for k, v in pairs(storages) do
				setPlayerStorageValue(cid, v, 0)
			doPlayerAddSkillTry(cid, SKILL_IDS[msg], qnt)
			doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), 39)
			talkState[talkUser] = 0	
			selfSay('Thanks for your help, here is your prize..', cid)
			selfSay('Something went wrong..', cid)
	----------------------- msg when blocked --------------
	elseif (msgcontains(msg, 'task') or msgcontains(msg, 'challenge')) and (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.delay) - os.time()) > 0 then
		talkState[talkUser] = 0	
		selfSay('I can not trust you since you failed in the last job. You will have to wait until I feel that I can trust you again..', cid)
return true

npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback)


Muito foda, parabéns!

Só tem alta coisas mínimas, ta funcionando quase tudo


23:43 Magnus: You finished the quest, now you want to receive your reward in gold, trainning or in experience?
23:43 Paladin [35]: trainning
23:43 Magnus: Which skill you want to train with me? choose between axe, distance, club, sword, shield and magic
23:43 Paladin [35]: axe
23:43 Magnus: Thanks for your help, here is your prize..

Não mexeu nem 1%


E desse jeito não vai ter tipo paladin com skill de axe alta, ou mage


Como é a formula?

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Show de bola!

Como eu faço pra fazer uma comparação com o tamanho da task que ele pegou?

Ex: Depois que entrega a task um

if pegoutask == short then
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.delay, os.time() + 2 * 60 * 60)
elseif pegoutask == medium then
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.delay, os.time() + 4 * 60 * 60)
elseif pegoutask == long then
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.delay, os.time() + 6 * 60 * 60)
Só o tamanho mesmo, sem dificuldade e tal, só tamanho
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@gmstrikker, O tamanho da task fica nesse storage: getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length) e varia de 2 até 4 (pequena - media e grande)

@maikons, embaixo de qnt coloca print(qnt) pra verificar q valor ela tá assumindo. 

Todos os meus trabalhos importantes estão na seção "Sobre mim" no meu perfil; Dá uma passada lá!

"Há três caminhos para o fracasso: não ensinar o que se sabe, não praticar o que se ensina, e não perguntar o que se ignora." - São Beda


(obg ao @Beeny por fazer essa linda sign <3)

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@gmstrikker, O tamanho da task fica nesse storage: getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length) e varia de 2 até 4 (pequena - media e grande)

@maikons, embaixo de qnt coloca print(qnt) pra verificar q valor ela tá assumindo. 


embaixo do que?

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porra maikons, vc não sabe ler? auheuha 




embaixo de qnt coloca print(qnt) pra verificar q valor ela tá assumindo. 

 Só dar ctrl + f em qnt..

é essa linha enorme aqui:

local qnt = math.ceil(getPlayerRequiredSkillTries(cid, SKILL_IDS[msg], getPlayerSkillLevel(cid, SKILL_IDS[msg]) + 1)/3000) * ((getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length)) * (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.difficult)) * config.multiplicator) 		

Todos os meus trabalhos importantes estão na seção "Sobre mim" no meu perfil; Dá uma passada lá!

"Há três caminhos para o fracasso: não ensinar o que se sabe, não praticar o que se ensina, e não perguntar o que se ignora." - São Beda


(obg ao @Beeny por fazer essa linda sign <3)

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porra maikons, vc não sabe ler? auheuha 


 Só dar ctrl + f em qnt..

é essa linha enorme aqui:

local qnt = math.ceil(getPlayerRequiredSkillTries(cid, SKILL_IDS[msg], getPlayerSkillLevel(cid, SKILL_IDS[msg]) + 1)/3000) * ((getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length)) * (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.difficult)) * config.multiplicator) 		


Poxa cara me desculpa, eu sou meio retardado, juro q n tinha visto essa variavel kkkk


printou 0


nunca mexi nisso, mas deve ta ligado ao calculo doido de adicionar skill, como nunca mexi com skill nem to ligado

-- a divisao por 3000 foi porque cada ponto de skill try equivale a 30 tries de skill e nos naturalmente dividimos por 100. 1/30 * 1/100 = 1/3000

Editado por maikons (veja o histórico de edições)
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ele só printa 0 se vc tiver zerando o storage antes de gerar o qnt, por isso que eu postei aquela versão atualizada que já tá com isso corrigido.

Todos os meus trabalhos importantes estão na seção "Sobre mim" no meu perfil; Dá uma passada lá!

"Há três caminhos para o fracasso: não ensinar o que se sabe, não praticar o que se ensina, e não perguntar o que se ignora." - São Beda


(obg ao @Beeny por fazer essa linda sign <3)

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@gmstrikker, O tamanho da task fica nesse storage: getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storages.length) e varia de 2 até 4 (pequena - media e grande)

@maikons, embaixo de qnt coloca print(qnt) pra verificar q valor ela tá assumindo. 


Opa, vou tentar fazer aqui obrigado, mais duas dúvidas...

Com relação a skills....


Como configurar pra dar mais skills?

No lugar dessa 'qnt'?



E como fazer igual ao zezenia, as skills de forma estagiada.

Exemplo: do 1 ao 40 - cada task da +/- 5 skills

40 60 cada task da +/- 3 skills

60 70 cada task da +/- 2 skills

70 ao 80 cada task da +/- 1 skill

90 ao 100 cada task da +/- 0.5 skill

100 pra cima cada task da 0.1 skill

Editado por gmstrikker (veja o histórico de edições)
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já está estagiado, ele dá 1% a partir do nv 90 multiplicado pela dificuldade (*4 no hard), multiplicado pelo comprimento (*4 no long) e multiplicado pelo multiplicador.
Isso dá +- de 8 a 9% na configuração atual. Os niveis mais baixos upam mais rapido e é no 'qnt' mesmo que vc configura a quantidade de pontos q vai ganhar. A idéia foi deixar 1% vezes comprimento e dificuldade mas isso é ajustável e vc pode simples colocar um * 5 ali no final que vai dar certo.

Todos os meus trabalhos importantes estão na seção "Sobre mim" no meu perfil; Dá uma passada lá!

"Há três caminhos para o fracasso: não ensinar o que se sabe, não praticar o que se ensina, e não perguntar o que se ignora." - São Beda


(obg ao @Beeny por fazer essa linda sign <3)

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