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[Erro] Lost Account e Create Acoount.

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Olá pessoal do TibiaKing! Estou tento um problema, em relação aos devidos locais:


- Lost Account :

- Quando o player coloca, nome do char e escolhe recuperar senha ou usar recorvery Key, o email não é enviado para os devidos emails dos jogadores.


Create Account:

- Qualquer email que ponho é valido, mesmo que não exista. Exp: ([email protected])

- Se eu por o mesmo email em diversas contas, ela é criada do mesmo jeito, sem acusar (email já usado).

- O Email também n envia os dados para o email do jogador, acusando o mesmo erro do "Lost Account".


Tanto no Lost Account como no Create Account, o erro do envio de Email é esse:


An error occorred while sending email! Try again or contact with admin.



Grato, desde já.

Editado por olokomeu (veja o histórico de edições)

Eu te Ajudei? Então solta aquele REP+ !!

Meus Tutoriais [Tutorial] Bug "Temple position is wrong" (MySql)

Outros:    [Meu Show OFF | Mapa próprio 8.6] 

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Let's GO!


Você configurou seu gesior no config.php para send_emails?

Se não, sugiro que faça a conta no para enviar os emails

Servidor: smtps.b ou procure no google infirmações de smtp bol...


Se persistir o erro e voce for utilizador de linux, coloque todos os arquivos utilizados como, lostaccount, accountmanagement e afins com permissões 777 de arquivo.


Procure ler mais seu config.php, lá tem a configuração de permitir a criação de 2 contas com o mesmo email, se não me engano de cabeça é o same_email, caso não seja, procure ler mais o config, pois as configurações são setadas em php na linguagem inglesa. Fácil e simples entender.


Demais informações, personalizações estarei a disposição, envie uma PM para discutirmos um acordo.



DeadPoolHost - Confira!





Fui útil? Realmente útil? Obrigado!

Não sabe como compensar?

Doe quanto puder... Seu ato é o que vale!


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Let's GO!


Você configurou seu gesior no config.php para send_emails?

Se não, sugiro que faça a conta no para enviar os emails

Servidor: smtps.b ou procure no google infirmações de smtp bol...


Se persistir o erro e voce for utilizador de linux, coloque todos os arquivos utilizados como, lostaccount, accountmanagement e afins com permissões 777 de arquivo.


Procure ler mais seu config.php, lá tem a configuração de permitir a criação de 2 contas com o mesmo email, se não me engano de cabeça é o same_email, caso não seja, procure ler mais o config, pois as configurações são setadas em php na linguagem inglesa. Fácil e simples entender.


Demais informações, personalizações estarei a disposição, envie uma PM para discutirmos um acordo.

Alguns erros ainda persiste, mas velho, obrigadão mesmo assim. Agora vê so 


Os erros que solucionei :


Creat Account : Ele envia os dados, tudo certo.

Lost Account : Caso usar recorvery Key ela pega de boa, troca senha e email.

Creat Account: O email agora so é usado 1 vez por conta. ( Ou seja, 1 email = 1 acc ).


Agora esse aqui persiste o erro  :


Creat Account: Qualquer email ainda pode ser valido tipow : ([email protected])

(Esse erro esqueci de publicar aqui > ) Account Manager (Comprar recovery Key) : Ele gera a Recovery tranquilo, mas, se o usuario pedir outra ( que no caso é comprando por 5 points), ele não envia o email, mesmo se o usuario tiver points necessarios, o erro é esse: 

  • An error occorred while sending email (Emaildapessoa@gmail) with recovery key! Recovery key not changed. Try again.


E esse, solucionou + ou - :


Lost Account: Ele envia um email para o usuario trocar, porém, ele me dá esse link para eu trocar a senha, um link, que não é do meu Website. O email q ele me envia é esse :




Your account name and password!

You or someone else requested new password for your account on server Dramonio with this e-mail.

Account name: ASTROMI

Password: You will set new password when you press on link.

Press on link to set new password. This link will work until next >new password request< in Lost Account Interface.

or open page: and in field "code" write6byr2ds8vjc9gic7etxaq62w8lggc7

If you don't want to change password to your account just delete this e-mail.

It's automatic e-mail from OTS Lost Account System. Do not reply!


Usa o Otland, tem como você me dizer onde faço pra ele redirecionar para meu site para a troca de senha?.


Velho, mesmo sobrando esses Erro, ja te dou meu REP+ Vlw msm

Editado por olokomeu (veja o histórico de edições)

Eu te Ajudei? Então solta aquele REP+ !!

Meus Tutoriais [Tutorial] Bug "Temple position is wrong" (MySql)

Outros:    [Meu Show OFF | Mapa próprio 8.6] 

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Quanto ao erro do link, voce pode configurar ele dentro do seu config.lua do servidor, procure por url ="ot..." você deve alterar seguindo o exemplo da otland la...


Certo, vou postar aqui um lostaccount.php que utilizo e nunca me deixou na mão.

Vou pesquisar e procurar saber o erro da nova recovery key, se voce puder me informar qual o site que está utilizando eu ficaria grato.




	if($action == '')
		$main_content .= '
		<b>Welcome to the Lost Account Interface!</b><br /><br />
		If you have lost access to your account, this interface can help you. Of course, you need to prove that your claim to the account is justified. Enter the requested data and follow the instructions carefully. Please understand there is no way to get access to your lost account if the interface cannot help you. Two further options to change account data are available if you have a registered account.<br /><br />
		<FORM ACTION="?subtopic=lostaccount&action=step1" METHOD=post>
		<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="character" VALUE="">
		<TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'" CLASS=white><B>Please enter your character name</B></TD></TR>
		<TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['darkborder'].'">
		<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="nick" VALUE="" SIZE="40"><br />
		<TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'" CLASS=white><B>What do you want?</B></TD></TR>
		<TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['darkborder'].'">
		<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="action_type" VALUE="email"> Send me new password and my account name to account e-mail adress.<br />
		<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="action_type" VALUE="reckey"> I got <b>recovery key</b> and want set new password and e-mail adress to my account.<br />
		<br />
		<INPUT TYPE=image NAME="Submit" ALT="Submit" SRC="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_submit.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=18></center>
	elseif($action == 'step1' && $_REQUEST['action_type'] == '')
		$main_content .= '<div class="TableContainer">
<div class="CaptionContainer">
<div class="CaptionInnerContainer">     
<span class="CaptionEdgeLeftTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span>       
<span class="CaptionEdgeRightTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span>    
<span class="CaptionBorderTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/table-headline-border.gif);"></span>   
<span class="CaptionVerticalLeft" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);"></span>   
<div class="Text">Error</div>       
<span class="CaptionVerticalRight" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);"></span>      
<span class="CaptionBorderBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/table-headline-border.gif);"></span>   
<span class="CaptionEdgeLeftBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span>   
<span class="CaptionEdgeRightBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span>     
<table class="Table1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> 
<div class="InnerTableContainer">       
<table style="width: 100%;">
Please select action.
					<a href="?subtopic=lostaccount" border="0"><IMG SRC="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_back.gif" NAME="Back" ALT="Back" BORDER=0 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=18></a></center>
	elseif($action == 'step1' && $_REQUEST['action_type'] == 'email')
		$nick = stripslashes($_REQUEST['nick']);
			$player = new OTS_Player();
			$account = new OTS_Account();
				$account = $player->getAccount();
				if($account->getCustomField('next_email') < time())
					$main_content .= 'Please enter e-mail to account with this character.<br /><br />
					<FORM ACTION="?subtopic=lostaccount&action=sendcode" METHOD=post>
					<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="character" VALUE="">
					<TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'" CLASS=white><B>Please enter e-mail to account</B></TD></TR>
					<TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['darkborder'].'">
					Character: <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="nick" VALUE="'.$nick.'" SIZE="40" readonly="readonly" hidden="hidden"><b>'.$nick.'</b><br />
					E-mail to account:<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="email" VALUE="" SIZE="40"><br />
					<br />
<table width="100%">
<tr align="center">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tbody><tr><td style="border: 0px none;">
<a href="javascript:void();">
<div class="BigButton" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton.gif);">
<div onmouseover="MouseOverBigButton(this);" onmouseout="MouseOutBigButton(this);"><div class="BigButtonOver" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_over.gif);"></div>
<input class="ButtonText" name="Continue" alt="Continue" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/_sbutton_continue.gif" type="image">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td style="border: 0px none;">
<a href="javascript:void();" onclick=location.href="index.php?subtopic=lostaccount"><div class="BigButton" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton.gif);">
<div onmouseover="MouseOverBigButton(this);" onmouseout="MouseOutBigButton(this);"><div class="BigButtonOver" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_over.gif); visibility: hidden;"></div>
<input class="ButtonText" name="Back" alt="Back" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/_sbutton_back.gif" type="image">
					$insec = $account->getCustomField('next_email') - time();
					$minutesleft = floor($insec / 60);
					$secondsleft = $insec - ($minutesleft * 60);
					$timeleft = $minutesleft.' minutes '.$secondsleft.' seconds';
					$main_content .= '
					<tr bgcolor=#505050>
					<td colspan=4 class=white><b>Lost Account</b></td>
					<TR BGCOLOR='.$config['site']['darkborder'].'><TD align="center">Account of selected character (<b>'.$nick.'</b>) received e-mail in last '.ceil($config['site']['email_lai_sec_interval'] / 60).' minutes. You must wait '.$timeleft.' before you can use Lost Account Interface again.</TD></TR>
				$main_content .= 'Player or account of player <b>'.$nick.'</b> doesn\'t exist.';
			$main_content .= '<div class="TableContainer">
<div class="CaptionContainer">
<div class="CaptionInnerContainer">     
<span class="CaptionEdgeLeftTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span>       
<span class="CaptionEdgeRightTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span>    
<span class="CaptionBorderTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/table-headline-border.gif);"></span>   
<span class="CaptionVerticalLeft" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);"></span>   
<div class="Text">Error</div>       
<span class="CaptionVerticalRight" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);"></span>      
<span class="CaptionBorderBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/table-headline-border.gif);"></span>   
<span class="CaptionEdgeLeftBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span>   
<span class="CaptionEdgeRightBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span>     
<table class="Table1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> 
<div class="InnerTableContainer">       
<table style="width: 100%;">
Invalid player name format. If you have other characters on account try with other name.
	elseif($action == 'sendcode')
		$email = $_REQUEST['email'];
		$nick = stripslashes($_REQUEST['nick']);
			$player = new OTS_Player();
			$account = new OTS_Account();
				$account = $player->getAccount();
				if($account->getCustomField('next_email') < time())
					if($account->getEMail() == $email)
						$acceptedChars = '123456789zxcvbnmasdfghjklqwertyuiop';
						$newcode = NULL;
						for($i=0; $i < 30; $i++) {
							$cnum[$i] = $acceptedChars{mt_rand(0, 33)};
							$newcode .= $cnum[$i];
						$mailBody = '<html>
						<img src="" />
						<h3>Your account name and password!</h3>
						<p>You or someone else requested new password for '.$config['server']['url'].' your account on server <a href=""><b>'.$config['server']['serverName'].'</b></a> with this e-mail.</p>
						<p><b>Account name:</b> '.$account->getName().'</p>
						<p>Password: <i>You will set new password when you press on link.</i></p>
						<p>Press on link to set new password. This link will work until next <b>>new password request<</b> in Lost Account Interface.</p>
						<p><a href="'.$config['server']['url'].'/?subtopic=lostaccount&action=checkcode&code='.$newcode.'&character='.urlencode($nick).'">'.$config['server']['url'].'/?subtopic=lostaccount&action=checkcode&code='.$newcode.'&character='.urlencode($nick).'</a></p>
						<p>or open page: <i>'.$config['server']['url'].'/?subtopic=lostaccount&action=checkcode</i> and in field "code" write <b>'.$newcode.'</b></p>
						<br /><p>If you don\'t want to change password to your account just delete this e-mail.
						<p><b style="color: #CC0000;">It\'s automatic e-mail from OTS Lost Account System. Do not reply!</b></p>
						$mail = new PHPMailer();
						if ($config['site']['smtp_enabled'] == "yes")
							$mail->Host = $config['site']['smtp_host'];
							$mail->Port = (int)$config['site']['smtp_port'];
							$mail->SMTPAuth = ($config['site']['smtp_auth'] ? true : false);
							$mail->Username = $config['site']['smtp_user'];
							$mail->Password = $config['site']['smtp_pass'];
						$mail->From = $config['site']['mail_address'];
						$mail->Subject = $config['server']['serverName']." - Link to >set new password to account<";
						$mail->Body = $mailBody;
							$account->setCustomField('email_code', $newcode);
							$account->setCustomField('next_email', (time() + $config['site']['email_lai_sec_interval']));
							$main_content .= '<br /><TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="7" WIDTH="100%">
							<tr bgcolor=#505050>
			<td colspan=4 class=white><b>Lost Account</b></td>
<TR BGCOLOR='.$config['site']['darkborder'].'><TD align="center">Link with informations needed to set new password has been sent to account e-mail address. You should receive this e-mail in 15 minutes. Please check your inbox/spam directory.</TD></TR>
							$account->setCustomField('next_email', (time() + 60));
							$main_content .= '<br />An error occorred while sending email! Try again or contact with admin.';
						$main_content .= '
						<div class="TableContainer">
<div class="CaptionContainer">
<div class="CaptionInnerContainer">     
<span class="CaptionEdgeLeftTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span>       
<span class="CaptionEdgeRightTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span>    
<span class="CaptionBorderTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/table-headline-border.gif);"></span>   
<span class="CaptionVerticalLeft" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);"></span>   
<div class="Text">Error</div>       
<span class="CaptionVerticalRight" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);"></span>      
<span class="CaptionBorderBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/table-headline-border.gif);"></span>   
<span class="CaptionEdgeLeftBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span>   
<span class="CaptionEdgeRightBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span>     
<table class="Table1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> 
<div class="InnerTableContainer">       
<table style="width: 100%;">
Invalid e-mail to account of character <b>'.$nick.'</b>. Try again
					$insec = $account->getCustomField('next_email') - time();
					$minutesleft = floor($insec / 60);
					$secondsleft = $insec - ($minutesleft * 60);
					$timeleft = $minutesleft.' minutes '.$secondsleft.' seconds';
					$main_content .= '
					<tr bgcolor=#505050>
					<td colspan=4 class=white><b>Lost Account</b></td>
					<TR BGCOLOR='.$config['site']['darkborder'].'><TD align="center">Account of selected character (<b>'.$nick.'</b>) received e-mail in last '.ceil($config['site']['email_lai_sec_interval'] / 60).' minutes. You must wait '.$timeleft.' before you can use Lost Account Interface again.</TD></TR>
				$main_content .= 'Player or account of player <b>'.$nick.'</b> doesn\'t exist.';
			$main_content .= 'Invalid player name format. If you have other characters on account try with other name.';
		$main_content .= '<BR /><TABLE CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 BORDER=0 WIDTH=100%><TR><TD><center>
					<a href="?subtopic=lostaccount&action=step1&action_type=email&nick='.urlencode($nick).'" border="0"><IMG SRC="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_back.gif" NAME="Back" ALT="Back" BORDER=0 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=18></a></center>
	elseif($action == 'step1' && $_REQUEST['action_type'] == 'reckey')
		$nick = stripslashes($_REQUEST['nick']);
			$player = new OTS_Player();
			$account = new OTS_Account();
				$account = $player->getAccount();
				$account_key = $account->getCustomField('key');
							$main_content .= 'If you enter right recovery key you will see form to set new e-mail and password to account. To this e-mail will be send your new password and account name.<br />
							<FORM ACTION="?subtopic=lostaccount&action=step2" METHOD=post>
							<TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'" CLASS=white><B>Please enter your recovery key</B></TD></TR>
							<TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['darkborder'].'">
							Character name:&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="nick" VALUE="'.$nick.'" SIZE="40" readonly="readonly"><BR />
							Recovery key:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="key" VALUE="" SIZE="40"><br />
							<br />
							<table width="100%">
<tr align="center">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tbody><tr><td style="border: 0px none;">
<a href="javascript:void();">
<div class="BigButton" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton.gif);">
<div onmouseover="MouseOverBigButton(this);" onmouseout="MouseOutBigButton(this);"><div class="BigButtonOver" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_over.gif);"></div>
<input class="ButtonText" name="Continue" alt="Continue" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/_sbutton_continue.gif" type="image">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td style="border: 0px none;">
<a href="index.php?subtopic=lostaccount"><div class="BigButton" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton.gif);">
<div onmouseover="MouseOverBigButton(this);" onmouseout="MouseOutBigButton(this);"><div class="BigButtonOver" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_over.gif); visibility: hidden;"></div>
<input class="ButtonText" name="Back" alt="Back" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/_sbutton_back.gif" type="image">
					$main_content .= 'Account of this character has no recovery key!';
				$main_content .= 'Player or account of player <b>'.$nick.'</b> doesn\'t exist.';
			$main_content .= 'Invalid player name format. If you have other characters on account try with other name.';
		$main_content .= '<BR /></TABLE>';
	elseif($action == 'step2')
		$rec_key = trim($_REQUEST['key']);
		$nick = stripslashes($_REQUEST['nick']);
			$player = new OTS_Player();
			$account = new OTS_Account();
				$account = $player->getAccount();
				$account_key = $account->getCustomField('key');
					if($account_key == $rec_key)
						$main_content .= '<script type="text/javascript">
						function validate_required(field,alerttxt)
						with (field)
						if (value==null||value==""||value==" ")
						  {alert(alerttxt);return false;}
						else {return true}
						function validate_email(field,alerttxt)
						with (field)
						if (apos<1||dotpos-apos<2) 
						  {alert(alerttxt);return false;}
						else {return true;}
						function validate_form(thisform)
						with (thisform)
						if (validate_required(email,"Please enter your e-mail!")==false)
						  {email.focus();return false;}
						if (validate_email(email,"Invalid e-mail format!")==false)
						  {email.focus();return false;}
						if (validate_required(passor,"Please enter password!")==false)
						  {passor.focus();return false;}
						if (validate_required(passor2,"Please repeat password!")==false)
						  {passor2.focus();return false;}
						if (passor2.value!=passor.value)
						  {alert(\'Repeated password is not equal to password!\');return false;}
						$main_content .= 'Set new password and e-mail to your account.<br />
						<FORM ACTION="?subtopic=lostaccount&action=step3" onsubmit="return validate_form(this)" METHOD=post>
						<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="character" VALUE="">
						<TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'" CLASS=white><B>Please enter new password and e-mail</B></TD></TR>
						<TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['darkborder'].'">
						Account of character:&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="nick" VALUE="'.$nick.'" SIZE="40" readonly="readonly"><BR />
						New password:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT id="passor" TYPE=password NAME="passor" VALUE="" SIZE="40"><br />
						Repeat new password:&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT id="passor2" TYPE=password NAME="passor" VALUE="" SIZE="40"><br />
						New e-mail address:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT id="email" TYPE=text NAME="email" VALUE="" SIZE="40"><br />
						<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="key" VALUE="'.$rec_key.'">
						<br />
						<INPUT TYPE=image NAME="Submit" ALT="Submit" SRC="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_submit.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=18></center>
						$main_content .= '<div class="TableContainer">
<div class="CaptionContainer">
<div class="CaptionInnerContainer">     
<span class="CaptionEdgeLeftTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span>       
<span class="CaptionEdgeRightTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span>    
<span class="CaptionBorderTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/table-headline-border.gif);"></span>   
<span class="CaptionVerticalLeft" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);"></span>   
<div class="Text">Error</div>       
<span class="CaptionVerticalRight" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);"></span>      
<span class="CaptionBorderBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/table-headline-border.gif);"></span>   
<span class="CaptionEdgeLeftBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span>   
<span class="CaptionEdgeRightBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span>     
<table class="Table1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> 
<div class="InnerTableContainer">       
<table style="width: 100%;">
<b style="color: red;">Wrong recovery key!</b>
					$main_content .= 'Account of this character has no recovery key!';
				$main_content .= 'Player or account of player <b>'.$nick.'</b> doesn\'t exist.';
			$main_content .= 'Invalid player name format. If you have other characters on account try with other name.';
		$main_content .= '<BR /><TABLE CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 BORDER=0 WIDTH=100%><TR><TD><center>
					<a href="?subtopic=lostaccount&action=step1&action_type=reckey&nick='.urlencode($nick).'" border="0"><IMG SRC="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_back.gif" NAME="Back" ALT="Back" BORDER=0 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=18></a></center>
	elseif($action == 'step3')
		$rec_key = trim($_REQUEST['key']);
		$nick = stripslashes($_REQUEST['nick']);
		$new_pass = trim($_REQUEST['passor']);
		$new_email = trim($_REQUEST['email']);
			$player = new OTS_Player();
			$account = new OTS_Account();
				$account = $player->getAccount();
				$account_key = $account->getCustomField('key');
					if($account_key == $rec_key)
								$main_content .= 'Your account name, new password and new e-mail.<br />
								<FORM ACTION="?subtopic=accountmanagement" onsubmit="return validate_form(this)" METHOD=post>
								<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="character" VALUE="">
								<TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'" CLASS=white><B>Your account name, new password and new e-mail</B></TD></TR>
								<TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['darkborder'].'">
								Account name:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>'.$account->getName().'</b><br />
								New password:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>'.$new_pass.'</b><br />
								New e-mail address:&nbsp;<b>'.$new_email.'</b><br />';
								if($account->getCustomField('next_email') < time())
									$mailBody = '<html>
									<h3>Your account name and new password!</h3>
									<p>Changed password and e-mail to your account in Lost Account Interface on server <a href="'.$config['server']['url'].'"><b>'.$config['server']['serverName'].'</b></a></p>
									<p>Account name: <b>'.$account->getName().'</b></p>
									<p>New password: <b>'.$new_pass.'</b></p>
									<p>E-mail: <b>'.$new_email.'</b> (this e-mail)</p>
									<br />
									<p><u>It\'s automatic e-mail from OTS Lost Account System. Do not reply!</u></p>
									$mail = new PHPMailer();
									if ($config['site']['smtp_enabled'] == "yes")
										$mail->Host = $config['site']['smtp_host'];
										$mail->Port = (int)$config['site']['smtp_port'];
										$mail->SMTPAuth = ($config['site']['smtp_auth'] ? true : false);
										$mail->Username = $config['site']['smtp_user'];
										$mail->Password = $config['site']['smtp_pass'];
									$mail->From = $config['server']['serverName'];
									$mail->Subject = $config['server']['serverName']." - New password to your account";
									$mail->Body = $mailBody;
										$main_content .= '<br /><small>Sent e-mail with your account name and password to new e-mail. You should receive this e-mail in 15 minutes. You can login now with new password!';
										$main_content .= '<br /><small>An error occorred while sending email! You will not receive e-mail with this informations.';
									$main_content .= '<br /><small>You will not receive e-mail with this informations.';
								$main_content .= '<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="account_login" VALUE="'.$account->getId().'">
								<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="password_login" VALUE="'.$new_pass.'">
								</TD></TR></TABLE><br />
								<INPUT TYPE=image NAME="Login" ALT="Login" SRC="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_login.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=18></center>
								$main_content .= 'Wrong e-mail format.';
							$main_content .= 'Wrong password format. Use only a-Z, A-Z, 0-9';
						$main_content .= 'Wrong recovery key!';
					$main_content .= 'Account of this character has no recovery key!';
				$main_content .= 'Player or account of player <b>'.$nick.'</b> doesn\'t exist.';
			$main_content .= 'Invalid player name format. If you have other characters on account try with other name.';
		$main_content .= '<BR /><TABLE CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 BORDER=0 WIDTH=100%><TR><TD><center>
					<a href="?subtopic=lostaccount&action=step1&action_type=reckey&nick='.urlencode($nick).'" border="0"><IMG SRC="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_back.gif" NAME="Back" ALT="Back" BORDER=0 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=18></a></center>
	elseif($action == 'checkcode')
		$code = trim($_REQUEST['code']);
		$character = stripslashes(trim($_REQUEST['character']));
		if(empty($code) || empty($character))
			$main_content .= 'Please enter code from e-mail and name of one character from account. Then press Submit.<br />
					<FORM ACTION="?subtopic=lostaccount&action=checkcode" METHOD=post>
					<TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'" CLASS=white><B>Code & character name</B></TD></TR>
					<TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['darkborder'].'">
					Your code:&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="code" VALUE="" SIZE="40")><BR />
					Character:&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="character" VALUE="" SIZE="40")><BR />
					<br />
					<INPUT TYPE=image NAME="Submit" ALT="Submit" SRC="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_submit.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=18></center>
			$player = new OTS_Player();
			$account = new OTS_Account();
				$account = $player->getAccount();
				if($account->getCustomField('email_code') == $code)
					$main_content .= '<script type="text/javascript">
					function validate_required(field,alerttxt)
					with (field)
					if (value==null||value==""||value==" ")
					  {alert(alerttxt);return false;}
					else {return true}

					function validate_form(thisform)
					with (thisform)
					if (validate_required(passor,"Please enter password!")==false)
					  {passor.focus();return false;}
					if (validate_required(passor2,"Please repeat password!")==false)
					  {passor2.focus();return false;}
					if (passor2.value!=passor.value)
					  {alert(\'Repeated password is not equal to password!\');return false;}
					Please enter new password to your account and repeat to make sure you remember password.<br />
					<FORM ACTION="?subtopic=lostaccount&action=setnewpassword" onsubmit="return validate_form(this)" METHOD=post>
					<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="character" VALUE="'.$character.'">
					<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="code" VALUE="'.$code.'">
					<TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'" CLASS=white><B>Code & account name</B></TD></TR>
					<TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['darkborder'].'">
					New password:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE=password ID="passor" NAME="passor" VALUE="" SIZE="40")><BR />
					Repeat new password:&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE=password ID="passor2" NAME="passor2" VALUE="" SIZE="40")><BR />
					<br />
					<INPUT TYPE=image NAME="Submit" ALT="Submit" SRC="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_submit.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=18></center>
					$error= 'Wrong code to change password.';
				$error = 'Account of this character or this character doesn\'t exist.';
					$main_content .= '<font color="red"><b>'.$error.'</b></font><br />Please enter code from e-mail and name of one character from account. Then press Submit.<br />
					<FORM ACTION="?subtopic=lostaccount&action=checkcode" METHOD=post>
					<TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'" CLASS=white><B>Code & character name</B></TD></TR>
					<TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['darkborder'].'">
					Your code:&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="code" VALUE="" SIZE="40")><BR />
					Character:&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="character" VALUE="" SIZE="40")><BR />
					<br />
					<INPUT TYPE=image NAME="Submit" ALT="Submit" SRC="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_submit.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=18></center>
	elseif($action == 'setnewpassword')
		$newpassword = $_REQUEST['passor'];
		$code = $_REQUEST['code'];
		$character = stripslashes($_REQUEST['character']);
		$main_content .= '';
		if(empty($code) || empty($character) || empty($newpassword))
			$main_content .= '<font color="red"><b>Error. Try again.</b></font><br />Please enter code from e-mail and name of one character from account. Then press Submit.<br />
					<br /><FORM ACTION="?subtopic=lostaccount&action=checkcode" METHOD=post>
					<INPUT TYPE=image NAME="Back" ALT="Back" SRC="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_back.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=18></center>
			$player = new OTS_Player();
			$account = new OTS_Account();
				$account = $player->getAccount();
				if($account->getCustomField('email_code') == $code)
					$account->setCustomField('email_code', '');
					$main_content .= 'New password to your account is below. Now you can login.<br />
					<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="character" VALUE="'.$character.'">
					<TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'" CLASS=white><B>Changed password</B></TD></TR>
					<TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['darkborder'].'">
					New password:&nbsp;<b>'.$newpassword.'</b><BR />
					Account name:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>(Already on your e-mail)</i><BR />';
						$mailBody = '<html>
						<h3>Your account name and password!</h3>
						<p>Changed password to your account in Lost Account Interface on server <a href="'.$config['server']['url'].'"><b>'.$config['server']['serverName'].'</b></a></p>
						<p>Account name: <b>'.$account->getName().'</b></p>
						<p>New password: <b>'.$newpassword.'</b></p>
						<br />
						<p><u>It\'s automatic e-mail from OTS Lost Account System. Do not reply!</u></p>
						$mail = new PHPMailer();
						if ($config['site']['smtp_enabled'] == "yes")
							$mail->Host = $config['site']['smtp_host'];
							$mail->Port = (int)$config['site']['smtp_port'];
							$mail->SMTPAuth = ($config['site']['smtp_auth'] ? true : false);
							$mail->Username = $config['site']['smtp_user'];
							$mail->Password = $config['site']['smtp_pass'];

						$mail->From = $config['server']['serverName'];
						$mail->Subject = $config['server']['serverName']." - New password to your account";
						$mail->Body = $mailBody;
							$main_content .= '<br /><small>New password work! Sent e-mail with your password and account name. You should receive this e-mail in 15 minutes. You can login now with new password!';
							$main_content .= '<br /><small>New password work! An error occorred while sending email! You will not receive e-mail with new password.';
					$main_content .= '</TD></TR>
					<br />
					<FORM ACTION="?subtopic=accountmanagement" METHOD=post>
					<INPUT TYPE=image NAME="Login" ALT="Login" SRC="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_login.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=18></center>
						$error= 'Wrong password format. Use only a-z, A-Z, 0-9.';
					$error= 'Wrong code to change password.';
				$error = 'Account of this character or this character doesn\'t exist.';
					$main_content .= '<font color="red"><b>'.$error.'</b></font><br />Please enter code from e-mail and name of one character from account. Then press Submit.<br />
					<FORM ACTION="?subtopic=lostaccount&action=checkcode" METHOD=post>
					<TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'" CLASS=white><B>Code & character name</B></TD></TR>
					<TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['darkborder'].'">
					Your code:&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="code" VALUE="" SIZE="40")><BR />
					Character:&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="character" VALUE="" SIZE="40")><BR />
					<br />
					<INPUT TYPE=image NAME="Submit" ALT="Submit" SRC="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_submit.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=18></center>
	$main_content .= '<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="1" CELLPADDING="5" WIDTH="100%">
<TR BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'">
<TD CLASS="white"><b>System in maintence</b></td>
<TR BGCOLOR='.$config['site']['darkborder'].'><TD>Account maker is not configured to send e-mails, you can\'t use <b>Lost Account Interface</b>. Contact with admin to get help.</TD>



DeadPoolHost - Confira!





Fui útil? Realmente útil? Obrigado!

Não sabe como compensar?

Doe quanto puder... Seu ato é o que vale!


Link para o post
Compartilhar em outros sites

Quanto ao erro do link, voce pode configurar ele dentro do seu config.lua do servidor, procure por url ="ot..." você deve alterar seguindo o exemplo da otland la...


Certo, vou postar aqui um lostaccount.php que utilizo e nunca me deixou na mão.

Vou pesquisar e procurar saber o erro da nova recovery key, se voce puder me informar qual o site que está utilizando eu ficaria grato.




    if($action == '')
        $main_content .= '
        <b>Welcome to the Lost Account Interface!</b><br /><br />
        If you have lost access to your account, this interface can help you. Of course, you need to prove that your claim to the account is justified. Enter the requested data and follow the instructions carefully. Please understand there is no way to get access to your lost account if the interface cannot help you. Two further options to change account data are available if you have a registered account.<br /><br />
        <FORM ACTION="?subtopic=lostaccount&action=step1" METHOD=post>
        <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="character" VALUE="">
        <TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'" CLASS=white><B>Please enter your character name</B></TD></TR>
        <TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['darkborder'].'">
        <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="nick" VALUE="" SIZE="40"><br />
        <TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'" CLASS=white><B>What do you want?</B></TD></TR>
        <TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['darkborder'].'">
        <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="action_type" VALUE="email"> Send me new password and my account name to account e-mail adress.<br />
        <INPUT TYPE=radio NAME="action_type" VALUE="reckey"> I got <b>recovery key</b> and want set new password and e-mail adress to my account.<br />
        <br />
        <INPUT TYPE=image NAME="Submit" ALT="Submit" SRC="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_submit.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=18></center>
    elseif($action == 'step1' && $_REQUEST['action_type'] == '')
        $main_content .= '<div class="TableContainer">
<div class="CaptionContainer">
<div class="CaptionInnerContainer">
<span class="CaptionEdgeLeftTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span>
<span class="CaptionEdgeRightTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span>
<span class="CaptionBorderTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/table-headline-border.gif);"></span>
<span class="CaptionVerticalLeft" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);"></span>
<div class="Text">Error</div>
<span class="CaptionVerticalRight" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);"></span>
<span class="CaptionBorderBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/table-headline-border.gif);"></span>
<span class="CaptionEdgeLeftBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span>
<span class="CaptionEdgeRightBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span>
<table class="Table1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<div class="InnerTableContainer">
<table style="width: 100%;">
Please select action.
                    <a href="?subtopic=lostaccount" border="0"><IMG SRC="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_back.gif" NAME="Back" ALT="Back" BORDER=0 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=18></a></center>
    elseif($action == 'step1' && $_REQUEST['action_type'] == 'email')
        $nick = stripslashes($_REQUEST['nick']);
            $player = new OTS_Player();
            $account = new OTS_Account();
                $account = $player->getAccount();
                if($account->getCustomField('next_email') < time())
                    $main_content .= 'Please enter e-mail to account with this character.<br /><br />
                    <FORM ACTION="?subtopic=lostaccount&action=sendcode" METHOD=post>
                    <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="character" VALUE="">
                    <TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'" CLASS=white><B>Please enter e-mail to account</B></TD></TR>
                    <TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['darkborder'].'">
                    Character: <INPUT TYPE=text NAME="nick" VALUE="'.$nick.'" SIZE="40" readonly="readonly" hidden="hidden"><b>'.$nick.'</b><br />
                    E-mail to account:<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="email" VALUE="" SIZE="40"><br />
                    <br />
<table width="100%">
<tr align="center">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tbody><tr><td style="border: 0px none;">
<a href="javascript:void();">
<div class="BigButton" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton.gif);">
<div onmouseover="MouseOverBigButton(this);" onmouseout="MouseOutBigButton(this);"><div class="BigButtonOver" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_over.gif);"></div>
<input class="ButtonText" name="Continue" alt="Continue" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/_sbutton_continue.gif" type="image">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td style="border: 0px none;">
<a href="javascript:void();" onclick=location.href="index.php?subtopic=lostaccount"><div class="BigButton" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton.gif);">
<div onmouseover="MouseOverBigButton(this);" onmouseout="MouseOutBigButton(this);"><div class="BigButtonOver" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_over.gif); visibility: hidden;"></div>
<input class="ButtonText" name="Back" alt="Back" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/_sbutton_back.gif" type="image">
                    $insec = $account->getCustomField('next_email') - time();
                    $minutesleft = floor($insec / 60);
                    $secondsleft = $insec - ($minutesleft * 60);
                    $timeleft = $minutesleft.' minutes '.$secondsleft.' seconds';
                    $main_content .= '
                    <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="7" WIDTH="100%">
                    <tr bgcolor=#505050>
                    <td colspan=4 class=white><b>Lost Account</b></td>
                    <TR BGCOLOR='.$config['site']['darkborder'].'><TD align=center">Account of selected character (<b>'.$nick.'</b>) received e-mail in last '.ceil($config['site]['email_lai_sec_interval'] / 60).' minutes. You must wait '.$timeleft.' before you can use Lost Account Interface again.</TD></TR>
                $main_content .= 'Player or account of player <b>'.$nick.'</b> doesn\'t exist.';
            $main_content .= '<div class="TableContainer">
<div class="CaptionContainer">
<div class="CaptionInnerContainer">
<span class="CaptionEdgeLeftTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span>
<span class="CaptionEdgeRightTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span>
<span class="CaptionBorderTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/table-headline-border.gif);"></span>
<span class="CaptionVerticalLeft" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);"></span>
<div class="Text">Error</div>
<span class="CaptionVerticalRight" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);"></span>
<span class="CaptionBorderBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/table-headline-border.gif);"></span>
<span class="CaptionEdgeLeftBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span>
<span class="CaptionEdgeRightBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span>
<table class="Table1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<div class="InnerTableContainer">
<table style="width: 100%;">
Invalid player name format. If you have other characters on account try with other name.
    elseif($action == 'sendcode')
        $email = $_REQUEST['email'];
        $nick = stripslashes($_REQUEST['nick']);
            $player = new OTS_Player();
            $account = new OTS_Account();
                $account = $player->getAccount();
                if($account->getCustomField('next_email') < time())
                    if($account->getEMail() == $email)
                        $acceptedChars = '123456789zxcvbnmasdfghjklqwertyuiop';
                        $newcode = NULL;
                        for($i=0; $i < 30; $i++) {
                            $cnum[$i] = $acceptedChars{mt_rand(0, 33)};
                            $newcode .= $cnum[$i];
                        $mailBody = '<html>
                        <img src=""/>
                        <h3>Your account name and password!</h3>
                        <p>You or someone else requested new password for '.$config['server']['url'].' your account on server <a href="><b>'.$config['server]['serverName'].'</b></a> with this e-mail.</p>
                        <p><b>Account name:</b> '.$account->getName().'</p>
                        <p>Password: <i>You will set new password when you press on link.</i></p>
                        <p>Press on link to set new password. This link will work until next <b>>new password request<</b> in Lost Account Interface.</p>
                        <p><a href="'.$config['server']['url'].'/?subtopic=lostaccount&action=checkcode&code=.$newcode.'&character='.urlencode($nick).'">'.$config['server]['url'].'/?subtopic=lostaccount&action=checkcode&code='.$newcode.'&character='.urlencode($nick).'</a></p>
                        <p>or open page: <i>'.$config['server']['url'].'/?subtopic=lostaccount&action=checkcode</i> and in field "code" write <b>'.$newcode.'</b></p>
                        <br /><p>If you don\'t want to change password to your account just delete this e-mail.
                        <p><b style="color: #CC0000;">It\'s automatic e-mail from OTS Lost Account System. Do not reply!</b></p>
                        $mail = new PHPMailer();
                        if ($config['site']['smtp_enabled'] == "yes")
                            $mail->Host = $config['site']['smtp_host'];
                            $mail->Port = (int)$config['site']['smtp_port'];
                            $mail->SMTPAuth = ($config['site']['smtp_auth'] ? true : false);
                            $mail->Username = $config['site']['smtp_user'];
                            $mail->Password = $config['site']['smtp_pass'];
                        $mail->From = $config['site']['mail_address'];
                        $mail->Subject = $config['server']['serverName']." - Link to >set new password to account<";
                        $mail->Body = $mailBody;
                            $account->setCustomField('email_code', $newcode);
                            $account->setCustomField('next_email', (time() + $config['site']['email_lai_sec_interval']));
                            $main_content .= '<br /><TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="7" WIDTH="100%">
                            <tr bgcolor=#505050>
            <td colspan=4 class=white><b>Lost Account</b></td>
<TR BGCOLOR='.$config['site']['darkborder'].'><TD align="center">Link with informations needed to set new password has been sent to account e-mail address. You should receive this e-mail in 15 minutes. Please check your inbox/spam directory.</TD></TR>
                            $account->setCustomField('next_email', (time() + 60));
                            $main_content .= '<br />An error occorred while sending email! Try again or contact with admin.';
                        $main_content .= '
                        <div class="TableContainer">
<div class="CaptionContainer">
<div class="CaptionInnerContainer">
<span class="CaptionEdgeLeftTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span>
<span class="CaptionEdgeRightTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span>
<span class="CaptionBorderTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/table-headline-border.gif);"></span>
<span class="CaptionVerticalLeft" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);"></span>
<div class="Text">Error</div>
<span class="CaptionVerticalRight" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);"></span>
<span class="CaptionBorderBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/table-headline-border.gif);"></span>
<span class="CaptionEdgeLeftBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span>
<span class="CaptionEdgeRightBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span>
<table class="Table1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<div class="InnerTableContainer">
<table style="width: 100%;">
Invalid e-mail to account of character <b>'.$nick.'</b>. Try again
                    $insec = $account->getCustomField('next_email') - time();
                    $minutesleft = floor($insec / 60);
                    $secondsleft = $insec - ($minutesleft * 60);
                    $timeleft = $minutesleft.' minutes '.$secondsleft.' seconds';
                    $main_content .= '
                    <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="7" WIDTH="100%">
                    <tr bgcolor=#505050>
                    <td colspan=4 class=white><b>Lost Account</b></td>
                    <TR BGCOLOR='.$config['site']['darkborder'].'><TD align=center">Account of selected character (<b>'.$nick.'</b>) received e-mail in last '.ceil($config['site]['email_lai_sec_interval'] / 60).' minutes. You must wait '.$timeleft.' before you can use Lost Account Interface again.</TD></TR>
                $main_content .= 'Player or account of player <b>'.$nick.'</b> doesn\'t exist.';
            $main_content .= 'Invalid player name format. If you have other characters on account try with other name.';
        $main_content .= '<BR /><TABLE CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 BORDER=0 WIDTH=100%><TR><TD><center>
                    <a href="?subtopic=lostaccount&action=step1&action_type=email&nick='.urlencode($nick).'" border="0"><IMG SRC="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_back.gif" NAME="Back" ALT="Back" BORDER=0 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=18></a></center>
    elseif($action == 'step1' && $_REQUEST['action_type'] == 'reckey')
        $nick = stripslashes($_REQUEST['nick']);
            $player = new OTS_Player();
            $account = new OTS_Account();
                $account = $player->getAccount();
                $account_key = $account->getCustomField('key');
                            $main_content .= 'If you enter right recovery key you will see form to set new e-mail and password to account. To this e-mail will be send your new password and account name.<br />
                            <FORM ACTION="?subtopic=lostaccount&action=step2" METHOD=post>
                            <TABLE CELLSPACING=1 CELLPADDING=4 BORDER=0 WIDTH=100%>
                            <TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'" CLASS=white><B>Please enter your recovery key</B></TD></TR>
                            <TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['darkborder'].'">
                            Character name:&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="nick" VALUE="'.$nick.'" SIZE="40" readonly="readonly"><BR />
                            Recovery key:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="key" VALUE="" SIZE="40"><br />
                            <br />
                            <table width="100%">
<tr align="center">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tbody><tr><td style="border: 0px none;">
<a href="javascript:void();">
<div class="BigButton" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton.gif);">
<div onmouseover="MouseOverBigButton(this);" onmouseout="MouseOutBigButton(this);"><div class="BigButtonOver" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_over.gif);"></div>
<input class="ButtonText" name="Continue" alt="Continue" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/_sbutton_continue.gif" type="image">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td style="border: 0px none;">
<a href="index.php?subtopic=lostaccount"><div class="BigButton" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton.gif);">
<div onmouseover="MouseOverBigButton(this);" onmouseout="MouseOutBigButton(this);"><div class="BigButtonOver" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_over.gif); visibility: hidden;"></div>
<input class="ButtonText" name="Back" alt="Back" src="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/_sbutton_back.gif" type="image">
                    $main_content .= 'Account of this character has no recovery key!';
                $main_content .= 'Player or account of player <b>'.$nick.'</b> doesn\'t exist.';
            $main_content .= 'Invalid player name format. If you have other characters on account try with other name.';
        $main_content .= '<BR /></TABLE>';
    elseif($action == 'step2')
        $rec_key = trim($_REQUEST['key']);
        $nick = stripslashes($_REQUEST['nick']);
            $player = new OTS_Player();
            $account = new OTS_Account();
                $account = $player->getAccount();
                $account_key = $account->getCustomField('key');
                    if($account_key == $rec_key)
                        $main_content .= '<script type="text/javascript">
                        function validate_required(field,alerttxt)
                        with (field)
                        if (value==null||value==""||value==" ")
                         {alert(alerttxt);return false;}
                        else {return true}
                        function validate_email(field,alerttxt)
                        with (field)
                        if (apos<1||dotpos-apos<2)
                         {alert(alerttxt);return false;}
                        else {return true;}
                        function validate_form(thisform)
                        with (thisform)
                        if (validate_required(email,"Please enter your e-mail!")==false)
                         {email.focus();return false;}
                        if (validate_email(email,"Invalid e-mail format!")==false)
                         {email.focus();return false;}
                        if (validate_required(passor,"Please enter password!")==false)
                         {passor.focus();return false;}
                        if (validate_required(passor2,"Please repeat password!")==false)
                         {passor2.focus();return false;}
                        if (passor2.value!=passor.value)
                         {alert(\'Repeated password is not equal to password!\');return false;}
                        $main_content .= 'Set new password and e-mail to your account.<br />
                        <FORM ACTION="?subtopic=lostaccount&action=step3" onsubmit="return validate_form(this)" METHOD=post>
                        <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="character" VALUE="">
                        <TABLE CELLSPACING=1 CELLPADDING=4 BORDER=0 WIDTH=100%>
                        <TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'" CLASS=white><B>Please enter new password and e-mail</B></TD></TR>
                        <TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['darkborder'].'">
                        Account of character:&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="nick" VALUE="'.$nick.'" SIZE="40" readonly="readonly"><BR />
                        New password:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT id="passor" TYPE=password NAME="passor" VALUE="" SIZE="40"><br />
                        Repeat new password:&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT id="passor2" TYPE=password NAME="passor" VALUE="" SIZE="40"><br />
                        New e-mail address:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT id="email" TYPE=text NAME="email" VALUE="" SIZE="40"><br />
                        <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="key" VALUE="'.$rec_key.'">
                        <br />
                        <TABLE CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 BORDER=0 WIDTH=100%><TR><TD><center>
                        <INPUT TYPE=image NAME="Submit" ALT="Submit" SRC="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_submit.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=18></center>
                        $main_content .= '<div class="TableContainer">
<div class="CaptionContainer">
<div class="CaptionInnerContainer">
<span class="CaptionEdgeLeftTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span>
<span class="CaptionEdgeRightTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span>
<span class="CaptionBorderTop" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/table-headline-border.gif);"></span>
<span class="CaptionVerticalLeft" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);"></span>
<div class="Text">Error</div>
<span class="CaptionVerticalRight" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);"></span>
<span class="CaptionBorderBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/table-headline-border.gif);"></span>
<span class="CaptionEdgeLeftBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span>
<span class="CaptionEdgeRightBottom" style="background-image: url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);"></span>
<table class="Table1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<div class="InnerTableContainer">
<table style="width: 100%;">
<b style="color: red;">Wrong recovery key!</b>
                    $main_content .= 'Account of this character has no recovery key!';
                $main_content .= 'Player or account of player <b>'.$nick.'</b> doesn\'t exist.';
            $main_content .= 'Invalid player name format. If you have other characters on account try with other name.';
        $main_content .= '<BR /><TABLE CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 BORDER=0 WIDTH=100%><TR><TD><center>
                    <a href="?subtopic=lostaccount&action=step1&action_type=reckey&nick='.urlencode($nick).'" border="0"><IMG SRC="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_back.gif" NAME="Back" ALT="Back" BORDER=0 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=18></a></center>
    elseif($action == 'step3')
        $rec_key = trim($_REQUEST['key']);
        $nick = stripslashes($_REQUEST['nick']);
        $new_pass = trim($_REQUEST['passor']);
        $new_email = trim($_REQUEST['email']);
            $player = new OTS_Player();
            $account = new OTS_Account();
                $account = $player->getAccount();
                $account_key = $account->getCustomField('key');
                    if($account_key == $rec_key)
                                $main_content .= 'Your account name, new password and new e-mail.<br />
                                <FORM ACTION="?subtopic=accountmanagement" onsubmit="return validate_form(this)" METHOD=post>
                                <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="character" VALUE="">
                                <TABLE CELLSPACING=1 CELLPADDING=4 BORDER=0 WIDTH=100%>
                                <TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'" CLASS=white><B>Your account name, new password and new e-mail</B></TD></TR>
                                <TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['darkborder'].'">
                                Account name:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>'.$account->getName().'</b><br />
                                New password:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>'.$new_pass.'</b><br />
                                New e-mail address:&nbsp;<b>'.$new_email.'</b><br />';
                                if($account->getCustomField('next_email') < time())
                                    $mailBody = '<html>
                                    <h3>Your account name and new password!</h3>
                                    <p>Changed password and e-mail to your account in Lost Account Interface on server <a href="'.$config['server']['url'].'"><b>'.$config['server']['serverName'].'</b></a></p>
                                    <p>Account name: <b>'.$account->getName().'</b></p>
                                    <p>New password: <b>'.$new_pass.'</b></p>
                                    <p>E-mail: <b>'.$new_email.'</b> (this e-mail)</p>
                                    <br />
                                    <p><u>It\'s automatic e-mail from OTS Lost Account System. Do not reply!</u></p>
                                    $mail = new PHPMailer();
                                    if ($config['site']['smtp_enabled'] == "yes")
                                        $mail->Host = $config['site']['smtp_host'];
                                        $mail->Port = (int)$config['site']['smtp_port'];
                                        $mail->SMTPAuth = ($config['site']['smtp_auth'] ? true : false);
                                        $mail->Username = $config['site']['smtp_user'];
                                        $mail->Password = $config['site']['smtp_pass'];
                                    $mail->From = $config['server']['serverName'];
                                    $mail->Subject = $config['server']['serverName']." - New password to your account";
                                    $mail->Body = $mailBody;
                                        $main_content .= '<br /><small>Sent e-mail with your account name and password to new e-mail. You should receive this e-mail in 15 minutes. You can login now with new password!';
                                        $main_content .= '<br /><small>An error occorred while sending email! You will not receive e-mail with this informations.';
                                    $main_content .= '<br /><small>You will not receive e-mail with this informations.';
                                $main_content .= '<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="account_login" VALUE="'.$account->getId().'">
                                <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="password_login" VALUE="'.$new_pass.'">
                                </TD></TR></TABLE><br />
                                <TABLE CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 BORDER=0 WIDTH=100%><TR><TD><center>
                                <INPUT TYPE=image NAME="Login" ALT="Login" SRC="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_login.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=18></center>
                                $main_content .= 'Wrong e-mail format.';
                            $main_content .= 'Wrong password format. Use only a-Z, A-Z, 0-9';
                        $main_content .= 'Wrong recovery key!';
                    $main_content .= 'Account of this character has no recovery key!';
                $main_content .= 'Player or account of player <b>'.$nick.'</b> doesn\'t exist.';
            $main_content .= 'Invalid player name format. If you have other characters on account try with other name.';
        $main_content .= '<BR /><TABLE CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 BORDER=0 WIDTH=100%><TR><TD><center>
                    <a href="?subtopic=lostaccount&action=step1&action_type=reckey&nick='.urlencode($nick).'" border="0"><IMG SRC="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_back.gif" NAME="Back" ALT="Back" BORDER=0 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=18></a></center>
    elseif($action == 'checkcode')
        $code = trim($_REQUEST['code']);
        $character = stripslashes(trim($_REQUEST['character']));
        if(empty($code) || empty($character))
            $main_content .= 'Please enter code from e-mail and name of one character from account. Then press Submit.<br />
                    <FORM ACTION="?subtopic=lostaccount&action=checkcode" METHOD=post>
                    <TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'" CLASS=white><B>Code & character name</B></TD></TR>
                    <TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['darkborder'].'">
                    Your code:&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="code" VALUE="" SIZE="40")><BR />
                    Character:&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="character" VALUE="" SIZE="40")><BR />
                    <br />
                    <TABLE CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 BORDER=0 WIDTH=100%><TR><TD><center>
                    <INPUT TYPE=image NAME="Submit" ALT="Submit" SRC="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_submit.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=18></center>
            $player = new OTS_Player();
            $account = new OTS_Account();
                $account = $player->getAccount();
                if($account->getCustomField('email_code') == $code)
                    $main_content .= '<script type="text/javascript">
                    function validate_required(field,alerttxt)
                    with (field)
                    if (value==null||value==""||value==" ")
                     {alert(alerttxt);return false;}
                    else {return true}

                    function validate_form(thisform)
                    with (thisform)
                    if (validate_required(passor,"Please enter password!")==false)
                     {passor.focus();return false;}
                    if (validate_required(passor2,"Please repeat password!")==false)
                     {passor2.focus();return false;}
                    if (passor2.value!=passor.value)
                     {alert(\'Repeated password is not equal to password!\');return false;}
                    Please enter new password to your account and repeat to make sure you remember password.<br />
                    <FORM ACTION="?subtopic=lostaccount&action=setnewpassword" onsubmit="return validate_form(this)" METHOD=post>
                    <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="character" VALUE="'.$character.'">
                    <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="code" VALUE="'.$code.'">
                    <TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'" CLASS=white><B>Code & account name</B></TD></TR>
                    <TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['darkborder'].'">
                    New password:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE=password ID="passor" NAME="passor" VALUE="" SIZE="40")><BR />
                    Repeat new password:&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE=password ID="passor2" NAME="passor2" VALUE="" SIZE="40")><BR />
                    <br />
                    <TABLE CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 BORDER=0 WIDTH=100%><TR><TD><center>
                    <INPUT TYPE=image NAME="Submit" ALT="Submit" SRC="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_submit.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=18></center>
                    $error= 'Wrong code to change password.';
                $error = 'Account of this character or this character doesn\'t exist.';
                    $main_content .= '<font color="red"><b>'.$error.'</b></font><br />Please enter code from e-mail and name of one character from account. Then press Submit.<br />
                    <FORM ACTION="?subtopic=lostaccount&action=checkcode" METHOD=post>
                    <TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'" CLASS=white><B>Code & character name</B></TD></TR>
                    <TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['darkborder'].'">
                    Your code:&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="code" VALUE="" SIZE="40")><BR />
                    Character:&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="character" VALUE="" SIZE="40")><BR />
                    <br />
                    <TABLE CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 BORDER=0 WIDTH=100%><TR><TD><center>
                    <INPUT TYPE=image NAME="Submit" ALT="Submit" SRC="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_submit.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=18></center>
    elseif($action == 'setnewpassword')
        $newpassword = $_REQUEST['passor'];
        $code = $_REQUEST['code'];
        $character = stripslashes($_REQUEST['character']);
        $main_content .= '';
        if(empty($code) || empty($character) || empty($newpassword))
            $main_content .= '<font color="red"><b>Error. Try again.</b></font><br />Please enter code from e-mail and name of one character from account. Then press Submit.<br />
                    <br /><FORM ACTION="?subtopic=lostaccount&action=checkcode" METHOD=post>
                    <TABLE CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 BORDER=0 WIDTH=100%><TR><TD><center>
                    <INPUT TYPE=image NAME="Back" ALT="Back" SRC="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_back.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=18></center>
            $player = new OTS_Player();
            $account = new OTS_Account();
                $account = $player->getAccount();
                if($account->getCustomField('email_code') == $code)
                    $account->setCustomField('email_code', '');
                    $main_content .= 'New password to your account is below. Now you can login.<br />
                    <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="character" VALUE="'.$character.'">
                    <TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'" CLASS=white><B>Changed password</B></TD></TR>
                    <TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['darkborder'].'">
                    New password:&nbsp;<b>'.$newpassword.'</b><BR />
                    Account name:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>(Already on your e-mail)</i><BR />';
                        $mailBody = '<html>
                        <h3>Your account name and password!</h3>
                        <p>Changed password to your account in Lost Account Interface on server <a href="'.$config['server']['url'].'"><b>'.$config['server']['serverName'].'</b></a></p>
                        <p>Account name: <b>'.$account->getName().'</b></p>
                        <p>New password: <b>'.$newpassword.'</b></p>
                        <br />
                        <p><u>It\'s automatic e-mail from OTS Lost Account System. Do not reply!</u></p>
                        $mail = new PHPMailer();
                        if ($config['site']['smtp_enabled'] == "yes")
                            $mail->Host = $config['site']['smtp_host'];
                            $mail->Port = (int)$config['site']['smtp_port'];
                            $mail->SMTPAuth = ($config['site']['smtp_auth'] ? true : false);
                            $mail->Username = $config['site']['smtp_user'];
                            $mail->Password = $config['site']['smtp_pass'];

                        $mail->From = $config['server']['serverName'];
                        $mail->Subject = $config['server']['serverName']." - New password to your account";
                        $mail->Body = $mailBody;
                            $main_content .= '<br /><small>New password work! Sent e-mail with your password and account name. You should receive this e-mail in 15 minutes. You can login now with new password!';
                            $main_content .= '<br /><small>New password work! An error occorred while sending email! You will not receive e-mail with new password.';
                    $main_content .= '</TD></TR>
                    <br />
                    <TABLE CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 BORDER=0 WIDTH=100%><TR><TD><center>
                    <FORM ACTION="?subtopic=accountmanagement" METHOD=post>
                    <INPUT TYPE=image NAME="Login" ALT="Login" SRC="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_login.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=18></center>
                        $error= 'Wrong password format. Use only a-z, A-Z, 0-9.';
                    $error= 'Wrong code to change password.';
                $error = 'Account of this character or this character doesn\'t exist.';
                    $main_content .= '<font color="red"><b>'.$error.'</b></font><br />Please enter code from e-mail and name of one character from account. Then press Submit.<br />
                    <FORM ACTION="?subtopic=lostaccount&action=checkcode" METHOD=post>
                    <TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'" CLASS=white><B>Code & character name</B></TD></TR>
                    <TR><TD BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['darkborder'].'">
                    Your code:&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="code" VALUE="" SIZE="40")><BR />
                    Character:&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="character" VALUE="" SIZE="40")><BR />
                    <br />
                    <TABLE CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 BORDER=0 WIDTH=100%><TR><TD><center>
                    <INPUT TYPE=image NAME="Submit" ALT="Submit" SRC="'.$layout_name.'/images/buttons/sbutton_submit.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=18></center>
    $main_content .= '<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="1" CELLPADDING="5" WIDTH="100%">
<TR BGCOLOR="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'">
<TD CLASS="white"><b>System in maintence</b></td>
<TR BGCOLOR='.$config['site']['darkborder'].'><TD>Account maker is not configured to send e-mails, you can\'t use <b>Lost Account Interface</b>. Contact with admin to get help.</TD>

Opa! Consegui, redirecionar para meu site ! Vlw msm cara!!


Seu Lost.Acc ta igual ao meu. ( Recovery geral na primeira vez mais nao manda email  e caso player queira comprar caso tenha perdido a primeira recorvery ele nao manda email e nem aparece na tela a nova).


Agora so sobrou esses Erros:


Creat Account: Qualquer email ainda pode ser valido tipow : ([email protected])

Account Manager (Comprar recovery Key) : Ele gera a Recovery tranquilo, mas, se o usuario pedir outra ( que no caso é comprando por 5 points), ele não envia o email, mesmo se o usuario tiver points necessarios, o erro é esse: 

  • An error occorred while sending email (Emaildapessoa@gmail) with recovery key! Recovery key not changed. Try again.


Quando voce citou, qual site vc tá ulilizando quer dizer o link do meu site? se for me avisar q te mando por MP :).


Vlw pela força cara, caso você consiga desbugar essa da Recorvery, me manda MP, fazendo favor :). Brigadão msm pela Força! REP+

Editado por olokomeu (veja o histórico de edições)

Eu te Ajudei? Então solta aquele REP+ !!

Meus Tutoriais [Tutorial] Bug "Temple position is wrong" (MySql)

Outros:    [Meu Show OFF | Mapa próprio 8.6] 

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Esse de qualquer e-mail ser valido não tem solução por que ele so checa se o e-mail tem um formato válido e não se ele é válido.

o formato de um e-mail pra ser válido é '[email protected]'.


Link para o post
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Esse de qualquer e-mail ser valido não tem solução por que ele so checa se o e-mail tem um formato válido e não se ele é válido.

o formato de um e-mail pra ser válido é '[email protected]'.

Entendo... Também pensei dessa forma. Pois, seria erro do proprio jogador em por email invalidos em sua conta. 


Nesse caso, so sobrou esse erro:


Account Manager (Comprar recovery Key) : Ele gera a Recovery tranquilo, mas, se o usuario pedir outra ( que no caso é comprando por 5 points), ele não envia o email, mesmo se o usuario tiver points necessarios, o erro é esse: 

  • An error occorred while sending email (Emaildapessoa@gmail) with recovery key! Recovery key not changed. Try again.
Editado por olokomeu (veja o histórico de edições)

Eu te Ajudei? Então solta aquele REP+ !!

Meus Tutoriais [Tutorial] Bug "Temple position is wrong" (MySql)

Outros:    [Meu Show OFF | Mapa próprio 8.6] 

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