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(Resolvido)(AJUDA) Erro 2 Erros Furygate/Gray island

Ir para solução Resolvido por Bruno Carvalho,

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Olá Amigos Estou a alguns dias tentando corrigir dois erros no meu Server Global 10.53 TFS 1.0 mas não tenho conhecimento nessas coisas então vejo que meus esforços para corrigir este erros estão sendo falhos e vim aqui pedir a ajuda de vs



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Erro Furygate Arquivo No Final Do Tópico






Erro Gray island Arquivo No Final Do Tópico









local config = {
	teleportId = 1387,
	days = {
		["Monday"] = { {x = 33649, y = 31261, z = 11}, {x = 33641, y = 31233, z = 11}, "tanjis", {x=33647, y=31242, z=11} },
		["Tuesday"] = { {x = 33649, y = 31261, z = 11}, {x = 33641, y = 31233, z = 11}, "tanjis", {x=33647, y=31242, z=11} }, 
		["Wednesday"] = { {x = 33649, y = 31261, z = 11}, {x = 33641, y = 31233, z = 11}, "tanjis", {x=33647, y=31242, z=11} }, 
		["Thursday"] = { {x = 33558, y = 31282, z = 11},{x = 33545, y = 31263, z = 11}, "jaul", {x=33541, y=31266, z=11} },
		["Friday"] = { {x = 33558, y = 31282, z = 11}, {x = 33545, y = 31263, z = 11}, "jaul", {x=33541, y=31266, z=11} },
		["Saturday"] = { {x=33438, y=31248, z=11}, {x=33419, y=31255, z=11}, "obujos", {x=33434, y=31262, z=11} }, 
		["Sunday"] = { {x=33438, y=31248, z=11}, {x=33419, y=31255, z=11} , "obujos", {x=33434, y=31262, z=11} } 

function onStartup(interval)
	local i = config.days["%A")]
	doCreateTeleport(config.teleportId, i[2], i[1])		



Valendo REP



Editado por Tomaxx (veja o histórico de edições)
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Furygate :

function onStartup(interval)
	if (math.random(1,6) == 1) then -- venore
		setGlobalStorageValue(9710, 1)
		doCreateItem(7853, {x = 32833, y = 32081, z = 7})
		doCreateItem(7851, {x = 32834, y = 32081, z = 7})
		doCreateItem(5066, {x = 32834, y = 32081, z = 7})
		doCreateItem(5066, {x = 32833, y = 32081, z = 7})
	    gate1 = doCreateItem(6116, {x = 32834, y = 32081, z = 7})
		doSetItemActionId(gate1, 9710)
		print('>> Fury Gate hoje esta em venore.')
		elseif (math.random(1,6) == 2) then -- ab'dendriel
			setGlobalStorageValue(9711, 1)
			doCreateItem(7853, {x = 32679, y = 31719, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(7851, {x = 32680, y = 31719, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(5066, {x = 32680, y = 31719, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(5066, {x = 32679, y = 31719, z = 7})
			gate2 = doCreateItem(6116, {x = 32680, y = 31719, z = 7})
			doSetItemActionId(gate2, 9711)
			print('>> Fury Gate hoje esta em ab dendriel.')
		elseif (math.random(1,6) == 3) then -- thais
			setGlobalStorageValue(9712, 1)
			doCreateItem(5064, {x = 32264, y = 32163, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(5064, {x = 32264, y = 32164, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(7852, {x = 32264, y = 32164, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(7853, {x = 32264, y = 32163, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(5064, {x = 32265, y = 32163, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(5064, {x = 32265, y = 32164, z = 7})
			gate3 = doCreateItem(6117, {x = 32264, y = 32164, z = 7})
			doSetItemActionId(gate3, 9712)
			print('>> Fury Gate hoje esta em thais.')
		elseif (math.random(1,6) == 4) then -- carlin
			setGlobalStorageValue(9713, 1)
			doCreateItem(5066, {x = 32262, y = 31848, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(5066, {x = 32263, y = 31848, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(7853, {x = 32262, y = 31848, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(7851, {x = 32263, y = 31848, z = 7})
			gate4 = doCreateItem(6116, {x = 32263, y = 31848, z = 7})
			doSetItemActionId(gate4, 9713)
			print('>> Fury Gate hoje esta em carlin.')
		elseif (math.random(1,6) == 5) then -- edron
			setGlobalStorageValue(9714, 1)
			doCreateItem(5066, {x = 33220, y = 31922, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(5066, {x = 33221, y = 31922, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(7853, {x = 33220, y = 31922, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(7851, {x = 33221, y = 31922, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(5066, {x = 33220, y = 31923, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(5066, {x = 33221, y = 31923, z = 7})
			gate5 = doCreateItem(6116, {x = 33221, y = 31922, z = 7})
			doSetItemActionId(gate5, 9714)
			print('>> Fury Gate hoje esta em edron.')
		elseif (math.random(1,6) == 6) then -- kazordoon
			setGlobalStorageValue(9716, 1)
			doCreateItem(5066, {x = 32573, y = 31982, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(5066, {x = 32574, y = 31982, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(7853, {x = 32573, y = 31982, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(7851, {x = 32574, y = 31982, z = 7})
			gate6 = doCreateItem(6116, {x = 32574, y = 31982, z = 7})
			doSetItemActionId(gate6, 9716)
			print('>> Fury Gate hoje esta em kazordoon.')
			return false
return true

Vou ver o outro :D


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Furygate :

function onStartup(interval)
	if (math.random(1,6) == 1) then -- venore
		setGlobalStorageValue(9710, 1)
		doCreateItem(7853, {x = 32833, y = 32081, z = 7})
		doCreateItem(7851, {x = 32834, y = 32081, z = 7})
		doCreateItem(5066, {x = 32834, y = 32081, z = 7})
		doCreateItem(5066, {x = 32833, y = 32081, z = 7})
	    gate1 = doCreateItem(6116, {x = 32834, y = 32081, z = 7})
		doSetItemActionId(gate1, 9710)
		print('>> Fury Gate hoje esta em venore.')
		elseif (math.random(1,6) == 2) then -- ab'dendriel
			setGlobalStorageValue(9711, 1)
			doCreateItem(7853, {x = 32679, y = 31719, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(7851, {x = 32680, y = 31719, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(5066, {x = 32680, y = 31719, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(5066, {x = 32679, y = 31719, z = 7})
			gate2 = doCreateItem(6116, {x = 32680, y = 31719, z = 7})
			doSetItemActionId(gate2, 9711)
			print('>> Fury Gate hoje esta em ab dendriel.')
		elseif (math.random(1,6) == 3) then -- thais
			setGlobalStorageValue(9712, 1)
			doCreateItem(5064, {x = 32264, y = 32163, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(5064, {x = 32264, y = 32164, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(7852, {x = 32264, y = 32164, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(7853, {x = 32264, y = 32163, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(5064, {x = 32265, y = 32163, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(5064, {x = 32265, y = 32164, z = 7})
			gate3 = doCreateItem(6117, {x = 32264, y = 32164, z = 7})
			doSetItemActionId(gate3, 9712)
			print('>> Fury Gate hoje esta em thais.')
		elseif (math.random(1,6) == 4) then -- carlin
			setGlobalStorageValue(9713, 1)
			doCreateItem(5066, {x = 32262, y = 31848, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(5066, {x = 32263, y = 31848, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(7853, {x = 32262, y = 31848, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(7851, {x = 32263, y = 31848, z = 7})
			gate4 = doCreateItem(6116, {x = 32263, y = 31848, z = 7})
			doSetItemActionId(gate4, 9713)
			print('>> Fury Gate hoje esta em carlin.')
		elseif (math.random(1,6) == 5) then -- edron
			setGlobalStorageValue(9714, 1)
			doCreateItem(5066, {x = 33220, y = 31922, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(5066, {x = 33221, y = 31922, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(7853, {x = 33220, y = 31922, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(7851, {x = 33221, y = 31922, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(5066, {x = 33220, y = 31923, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(5066, {x = 33221, y = 31923, z = 7})
			gate5 = doCreateItem(6116, {x = 33221, y = 31922, z = 7})
			doSetItemActionId(gate5, 9714)
			print('>> Fury Gate hoje esta em edron.')
		elseif (math.random(1,6) == 6) then -- kazordoon
			setGlobalStorageValue(9716, 1)
			doCreateItem(5066, {x = 32573, y = 31982, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(5066, {x = 32574, y = 31982, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(7853, {x = 32573, y = 31982, z = 7})
			doCreateItem(7851, {x = 32574, y = 31982, z = 7})
			gate6 = doCreateItem(6116, {x = 32574, y = 31982, z = 7})
			doSetItemActionId(gate6, 9716)
			print('>> Fury Gate hoje esta em kazordoon.')
			return false
return true

Vou ver o outro :D

Fiquei Quebrando a cabeça  aqui ai traduzir o erro e conseguir resolver da mesma forma que você posto REPUTADO pela iniciativa

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Me manda o arquivo compat.lua da pasta data

Bruno Carvalho / Ex-Administrador TibiaKing

[email protected]


Em 26/12/2016 em 03:47, Spraypaint disse:

A força da alienação vem dessa fragilidade dos indivíduos, quando apenas conseguem identificar o que os separa e não o que os une.





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Me manda o arquivo compat.lua da pasta data

 Segue Arquivo compact.lua  > não se colocar em spoiler '-


function pushThing(thing)
	local t = {uid = 0, itemid = 0, type = 0, actionid = 0}
	if thing ~= nil then
		if thing:isItem() then
			t.uid = thing:getUniqueId()
			t.itemid = thing:getId()
			if ItemType(t.itemid):hasSubType() then
				t.type = thing:getSubType()
			t.actionid = thing:getActionId()
		elseif thing:isCreature() then
			t.uid = thing:getId()
			t.itemid = 1
			if thing:isPlayer() then
				t.type = 1
			elseif thing:isMonster() then
				t.type = 2
				t.type = 3
	return t

function isCreature(cid) return Creature(cid) ~= nil end
function isPlayer(cid) return Player(cid) ~= nil end
function isMonster(cid) return Monster(cid) ~= nil end
function isSummon(cid) return Creature(cid):getMaster() ~= nil end
function isNpc(cid) return Npc(cid) ~= nil end
function isItem(uid) return Item(uid) ~= nil end
function isContainer(uid) return Container(uid) ~= nil end

function getCreatureName(cid) local c = Creature(cid) return c ~= nil and c:getName() or false end
function getCreatureHealth(cid) local c = Creature(cid) return c ~= nil and c:getHealth() or false end
function getCreatureMaxHealth(cid) local c = Creature(cid) return c ~= nil and c:getMaxHealth() or false end
function getCreaturePosition(cid) local c = Creature(cid) return c ~= nil and c:getPosition() or false end
function getCreatureOutfit(cid) local c = Creature(cid) return c ~= nil and c:getOutfit() or false end
function getCreatureSpeed(cid) local c = Creature(cid) return c ~= nil and c:getSpeed() or false end
function getCreatureBaseSpeed(cid) local c = Creature(cid) return c ~= nil and c:getBaseSpeed() or false end

function getCreatureTarget(cid)
	local c = Creature(cid)
	if c ~= nil then
		local target = c:getTarget()
		return target ~= nil and target:getId() or 0
	return false

function getCreatureMaster(cid)
	local c = Creature(cid)
	if c ~= nil then
		local master = c:getMaster()
		return master ~= nil and master:getId() or c:getId()
	return false

function getCreatureSummons(cid)
	local c = Creature(cid)
	if c == nil then
		return false

	local result = {}
	for _, summon in ipairs(c:getSummons()) do
		result[#result + 1] = summon:getId()
	return result

getCreaturePos = getCreaturePosition

function doCreatureAddHealth(cid, health) local c = Creature(cid) return c ~= nil and c:addHealth(health) or false end
function doRemoveCreature(cid) local c = Creature(cid) return c ~= nil and c:remove() or false end
function doCreatureSetLookDir(cid, direction) local c = Creature(cid) return c ~= nil and c:setDirection(direction) or false end
function doCreatureSay(cid, text, type, ...) local c = Creature(cid) return c ~= nil and c:say(text, type, ...) or false end
function doCreatureChangeOutfit(cid, outfit) local c = Creature(cid) return c ~= nil and c:setOutfit(outfit) or false end
function doSetCreatureDropLoot(cid, doDrop) local c = Creature(cid) return c ~= nil and c:setDropLoot(doDrop) or false end

doSetCreatureDirection = doCreatureSetLookDir

function registerCreatureEvent(cid, name) local c = Creature(cid) return c ~= nil and c:registerEvent(name) or false end
function unregisterCreatureEvent(cid, name) local c = Creature(cid) return c ~= nil and c:unregisterEvent(name) or false end

function getPlayerByName(name) local p = Player(name) return p ~= nil and p:getId() or false end
function getIPByPlayerName(name) local p = Player(name) return p ~= nil and p:getIp() or false end
function getPlayerGUID(cid) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:getGuid() or false end
function getPlayerIp(cid) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:getIp() or false end
function getPlayerAccountType(cid) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:getAccountType() or false end
function getPlayerLastLoginSaved(cid) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:getLastLoginSaved() or false end
function getPlayerName(cid) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:getName() or false end
function getPlayerFreeCap(cid) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:getFreeCapacity() or false end
function getPlayerPosition(cid) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:getPosition() or false end
function getPlayerMagLevel(cid) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:getMagicLevel() or false end
function getPlayerAccess(cid)
	local player = Player(cid)
	if player == nil then
		return false
	return player:getGroup():getAccess() and 1 or 0
function getPlayerSkill(cid, skillId) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:getSkillLevel(skillId) or false end
function getPlayerMana(cid) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:getMana() or false end
function getPlayerMaxMana(cid) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:getMaxMana() or false end
function getPlayerLevel(cid) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:getLevel() or false end
function getPlayerTown(cid) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:getTown():getId() or false end
function getPlayerVocation(cid) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:getVocation():getId() or false end
function getPlayerSoul(cid) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:getSoul() or false end
function getPlayerSex(cid) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:getSex() or false end
function getPlayerStorageValue(cid, key) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:getStorageValue(key) or false end
function getPlayerBalance(cid) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:getBankBalance() or false end
function getPlayerMoney(cid) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:getMoney() or false end
function getPlayerGroupId(cid) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:getGroup():getId() or false end
function getPlayerLookDir(cid) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:getDirection() or false end
function getPlayerLight(cid) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:getLight() or false end
function getPlayerDepotItems(cid, depotId) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:getDepotItems(depotId) or false end
function getPlayerSkullType(cid) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:getSkull() or false end
function getPlayerLossPercent(cid) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:getDeathPenalty() or false end
function getPlayerMount(cid, mountId) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:hasMount(mountId) or false end
function getPlayerPremiumDays(cid) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:getPremiumDays() or false end
function getPlayerBlessing(cid, blessing) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:hasBlessing(blessing) or false end
function getPlayerParty(cid)
	local player = Player(cid)
	if player == nil then
		return false

	local party = player:getParty()
	if party == nil then
		return nil
	return party:getLeader():getId()
function getPlayerGuildId(cid)
	local player = Player(cid)
	if player == nil then
		return false

	local guild = player:getGuild()
	if guild == nil then
		return false
	return guild:getId()
function getPlayerGuildLevel(cid) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:getGuildLevel() or false end
function getPlayerGuildName(cid)
	local player = Player(cid)
	if player == nil then
		return false

	local guild = player:getGuild()
	if guild == nil then
		return false
	return guild:getName()
function getPlayerGuildRank(cid)
	local player = Player(cid)
	if player == nil then
		return false

	local guild = player:getGuild()
	if guild == nil then
		return false

	local rank = guild:getRankByLevel(player:getGuildLevel())
	return rank ~= nil and or false
function getPlayerGuildNick(cid) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:getGuildNick() or false end
function getPlayerMasterPos(cid) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:getTown():getTemplePosition() or false end
function getPlayerItemCount(cid, itemId, ...) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:getItemCount(itemId, ...) or false end
function getPlayerSlotItem(cid, slot)
	local player = Player(cid)
	if player == nil then
		return pushThing(nil)
	return pushThing(player:getSlotItem(slot))
function getPlayerItemById(cid, deepSearch, itemId, ...)
	local player = Player(cid)
	if player == nil then
		return pushThing(nil)
	return pushThing(player:getItemById(itemId, deepSearch, ...))
function getPlayerFood(cid)
	local player = Player(cid)
	if player == nil then
		return false
	local c = player:getCondition(CONDITION_REGENERATION, CONDITIONID_DEFAULT) return c ~= nil and math.floor(c:getTicks() / 1000) or 0
function canPlayerLearnInstantSpell(cid, name) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:canLearnSpell(name) or false end
function getPlayerLearnedInstantSpell(cid, name) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:hasLearnedSpell(name) or false end
function isPlayerGhost(cid) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:isInGhostMode() or false end
function isPlayerPzLocked(cid) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:isPzLocked() or false end
function getPlayersByIPAddress(ip, mask)
	if mask == nil then mask = 0xFFFFFFFF end
	local masked =, mask)
	local result = {}
	for _, player in ipairs(Game.getPlayers()) do
		if, mask) == masked then
			result[#result + 1] = player:getId()
	return result
function getOnlinePlayers()
	local result = {}
	for _, player in ipairs(Game.getPlayers()) do
		result[#result + 1] = player:getName()
	return result
function getPlayersByAccountNumber(accountNumber)
	local result = {}
	for _, player in ipairs(Game.getPlayers()) do
		if player:getAccountId() == accountNumber then
			result[#result + 1] = player:getId()
	return result
function getPlayerGUIDByName(name)
	local player = Player(name)
	if player ~= nil then
		return player:getGuid()

	local resultId = db.storeQuery("SELECT `id` FROM `players` WHERE `name` = " .. db.escapeString(name))
	if resultId ~= false then
		local guid = result.getDataInt(resultId, "id")
		return guid
	return 0
function getAccountNumberByPlayerName(name)
	local player = Player(name)
	if player ~= nil then
		return player:getAccountId()

	local resultId = db.storeQuery("SELECT `account_id` FROM `players` WHERE `name` = " .. db.escapeString(name))
	if resultId ~= false then
		local accountId = result.getDataInt(resultId, "account_id")
		return accountId
	return 0

getPlayerAccountBalance = getPlayerBalance
getIpByName = getIPByPlayerName

function setPlayerStorageValue(cid, key, value) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:setStorageValue(key, value) or false end
function doPlayerSetBalance(cid, balance) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:setBankBalance(balance) or false end
function doPlayerAddMoney(cid, money) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:addMoney(money) or false end
function doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, money) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:removeMoney(money) or false end
function doPlayerAddSoul(cid, soul) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:addSoul(soul) or false end
function doPlayerSetVocation(cid, vocation) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:setVocation(Vocation(vocation)) or false end
function doPlayerSetTown(cid, town) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:setTown(Town(town)) or false end
function setPlayerGroupId(cid, groupId) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:setGroup(Group(groupId)) or false end
function doPlayerSetSex(cid, sex) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:setSex(sex) or false end
function doPlayerSetGuildLevel(cid, level) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:setGuildLevel(level) or false end
function doPlayerSetGuildNick(cid, nick) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:setGuildNick(nick) or false end
function doShowTextDialog(cid, itemId, text) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:showTextDialog(itemId, text) or false end
function doPlayerAddItemEx(cid, uid, ...) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:addItemEx(Item(uid), ...) or false end
function doPlayerAddPremiumDays(cid, days) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:addPremiumDays(days) or false end
function doPlayerRemovePremiumDays(cid, days) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:removePremiumDays(days) or false end
function doPlayerAddBlessing(cid, blessing) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:addBlessing(blessing) or false end
function doPlayerAddOutfit(cid, lookType, addons) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:addOutfitAddon(lookType, addons) or false end
function doPlayerRemOutfit(cid, lookType, addons)
	local player = Player(cid)
	if player == nil then
		return false
	if addons == 255 then
		return player:removeOutfit(lookType)
		return player:removeOutfitAddon(lookType, addons)
function canPlayerWearOutfit(cid, lookType, addons) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:hasOutfit(lookType, addons) or false end
function doPlayerAddMount(cid, mountId) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:addMount(mountId) or false end
function doPlayerRemoveMount(cid, mountId) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:removeMount(mountId) or false end
function doPlayerSendCancel(cid, text) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:sendCancelMessage(text) or false end
function doPlayerFeed(cid, food) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:feed(food) or false end
function playerLearnInstantSpell(cid, name) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:learnSpell(name) or false end
function doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, message) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:popupFYI(message) or false end
function doSendTutorial(cid, tutorialId) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:sendTutorial(tutorialId) or false end
function doAddMapMark(cid, pos, type, description) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:addMapMark(pos, type, description or "") or false end
function doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, type, text, ...) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:sendTextMessage(type, text, ...) or false end
function doSendAnimatedText() debugPrint("Deprecated function.") return true end
function doPlayerAddExp(cid, exp, useMult, ...)
	local player = Player(cid)
	if player == nil then
		return false

	if useMult then
		exp = exp * Game.getExperienceStage(player:getLevel())
	return player:addExperience(exp, ...)
function doPlayerAddManaSpent(cid, mana) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:addManaSpent(mana * configManager.getNumber(configKeys.RATE_MAGIC)) or false end
function doPlayerAddSkillTry(cid, skillid, n) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:addSkillTries(skillid, n * configManager.getNumber(configKeys.RATE_SKILL)) or false end
function doPlayerAddMana(cid, mana, ...) local p = Player(cid) return p ~= nil and p:addMana(mana, ...) or false end
function doPlayerJoinParty(cid, leaderId)
	local player = Player(cid)
	if player == nil then
		return false

	if player:getParty() ~= nil then
		player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You are already in a party.")
		return true

	local leader = Player(leaderId)
	if leader == nil then
		return false

	local party = leader:getParty()
	if party == nil or party:getLeader() ~= leader then
		return true

	for _, invitee in ipairs(party:getInvitees()) do
		if player ~= invitee then
			return true

	return true
function getPartyMembers(cid)
	local player = Player(cid)
	if player == nil then
		return false

	local party = player:getParty()
	if party == nil then
		return false

	local result = {party:getLeader():getId()}
	for _, member in ipairs(party:getMembers()) do
		result[#result + 1] = member:getId()
	return result

doPlayerSendDefaultCancel = doPlayerSendCancel

function getMonsterTargetList(cid)
	local monster = Monster(cid)
	if monster == nil then
		return false

	local result = {}
	for _, creature in ipairs(monster:getTargetList()) do
		if monster:isTarget(creature) then
			result[#result + 1] = creature:getId()
	return result
function getMonsterFriendList(cid)
	local monster = Monster(cid)
	if monster == nil then
		return false

	local z = monster:getPosition().z

	local result = {}
	for _, creature in ipairs(monster:getFriendList()) do
		if not creature:isRemoved() and creature:getPosition().z == z then
			result[#result + 1] = creature:getId()
	return result
function doSetMonsterTarget(cid, target)
	local monster = Monster(cid)
	if monster == nil then
		return false

	if monster:getMaster() ~= nil then
		return true

	local target = Creature(cid)
	if target == nil then
		return false

	return true
function doMonsterChangeTarget(cid)
	local monster = Monster(cid)
	if monster == nil then
		return false

	if monster:getMaster() ~= nil then
		return true

	return true
function doCreateNpc(name, pos, ...)
	local npc = Game.createNpc(name, pos, ...) return npc ~= nil and npc:setMasterPos(pos) or false
function doSummonCreature(name, pos, ...)
	local m = Game.createMonster(name, pos, ...) return m ~= nil and m:getId() or false
function doConvinceCreature(cid, target)
	local creature = Creature(cid)
	if creature == nil then
		return false

	local targetCreature = Creature(target)
	if targetCreature == nil then
		return false

	return true

function getTownId(townName) local t = Town(townName) return t ~= nil and t:getId() or false end
function getTownName(townId) local t = Town(townId) return t ~= nil and t:getName() or false end
function getTownTemplePosition(townId) local t = Town(townId) return t ~= nil and t:getTemplePosition() or false end

function doSetItemActionId(uid, actionId) local i = Item(uid) return i ~= nil and i:setActionId(actionId) or false end
function doTransformItem(uid, newItemId, ...) local i = Item(uid) return i ~= nil and i:transform(newItemId, ...) or false end
function doChangeTypeItem(uid, newType) local i = Item(uid) return i ~= nil and i:transform(i:getId(), newType) or false end
function doRemoveItem(uid, ...) local i = Item(uid) return i ~= nil and i:remove(...) or false end

function getContainerSize(uid) local c = Container(uid) return c ~= nil and c:getSize() or false end
function getContainerCap(uid) local c = Container(uid) return c ~= nil and c:getCapacity() or false end
function getContainerItem(uid, slot)
	local container = Container(uid)
	if container == nil then
		return pushThing(nil)
	return pushThing(container:getItem(slot))

function doAddContainerItemEx(uid, virtualId)
	local container = Container(uid)
	if container == nil then
		return false

	local res = container:addItemEx(Item(virtualId))
	if res == nil then
		return false
	return res

function doSendMagicEffect(pos, magicEffect, ...) return Position(pos):sendMagicEffect(magicEffect, ...) end
function doSendDistanceShoot(fromPos, toPos, distanceEffect, ...) return Position(fromPos):sendDistanceEffect(toPos, distanceEffect, ...) end
function isSightClear(fromPos, toPos, floorCheck) return Position(fromPos):isSightClear(toPos, floorCheck) end

function getPromotedVocation(vocationId)
	local vocation = Vocation(vocationId)
	if vocation == nil then
		return 0

	local promotedVocation = vocation:getPromotion()
	if promotedVocation == nil then
		return 0
	return promotedVocation:getId()

function getGuildId(guildName)
	local resultId = db.storeQuery("SELECT `id` FROM `guilds` WHERE `name` = " .. db.escapeString(guildName))
	if resultId == false then
		return false

	local guildId = result.getDataInt(resultId, "id")
	return guildId

function getHouseName(houseId) local h = House(houseId) return h ~= nil and h:getName() or false end
function getHouseOwner(houseId) local h = House(houseId) return h ~= nil and h:getOwnerGuid() or false end
function getHouseEntry(houseId) local h = House(houseId) return h ~= nil and h:getExitPosition() or false end
function getHouseTown(houseId) local h = House(houseId) if h == nil then return false end local t = h:getTown() return t ~= nil and t:getId() or false end
function getHouseTilesSize(houseId) local h = House(houseId) return h ~= nil and h:getTileCount() or false end

function isItemStackable(itemId) return ItemType(itemId):isStackable() end
function isItemRune(itemId) return ItemType(itemId):isRune() end
function isItemDoor(itemId) return ItemType(itemId):isDoor() end
function isItemContainer(itemId) return ItemType(itemId):isContainer() end
function isItemFluidContainer(itemId) return ItemType(itemId):isFluidContainer() end
function isItemMovable(itemId) return ItemType(itemId):isMovable() end
function isCorpse(uid) local i = Item(uid) return i ~= nil and ItemType(i:getId()):isCorpse() or false end

isItemMoveable = isItemMovable
isMoveable = isMovable

function getItemName(itemId) return ItemType(itemId):getName() end
function getItemWeight(itemId, ...) return ItemType(itemId):getWeight(...) end
function getItemDescriptions(itemId)
	local itemType = ItemType(itemId)
	return {
		name = itemType:getName(),
		plural = itemType:getPluralName(),
		article = itemType:getArticle(),
		description = itemType:getDescription()
function getItemIdByName(name)
	local id = ItemType(name):getId()
	if id == 0 then
		return false
	return id
function getItemWeightByUID(uid, ...)
	local item = Item(uid)
	if item == nil then
		return false

	local itemType = ItemType(item:getId())
	return itemType:isStackable() and itemType:getWeight(item:getCount(), ...) or itemType:getWeight(1, ...)
function getItemRWInfo(uid)
	local item = Item(uid)
	if item == nil then
		return false

	local rwFlags = 0
	local itemType = ItemType(item:getId())
	if itemType:isReadable() then
		rwFlags = bit.bor(rwFlags, 1)

	if itemType:isWritable() then
		rwFlags = bit.bor(rwFlags, 2)
	return rwFlags
function getContainerCapById(itemId) return ItemType(itemId):getCapacity() end
function getFluidSourceType(itemId) local it = ItemType(itemId) return ~= 0 and it:getFluidSource() or false end

function doSetItemText(uid, text)
	local item = Item(uid)
	if item == nil then
		return false

	if text ~= "" then
		item:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_TEXT, text)
	return true
function doSetItemSpecialDescription(uid, desc)
	local item = Item(uid)
	if item == nil then
		return false

	if desc ~= "" then
		item:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION, desc)
	return true
function doDecayItem(uid) local i = Item(uid) return i ~= nil and i:decay() or false end

function setHouseOwner(id, guid) local h = House(id) return h ~= nil and h:setOwnerGuid(guid) or false end
function getHouseRent(id) local h = House(id) return h ~= nil and h:getRent() or nil end
function getHouseAccessList(id, listId) local h = House(id) return h ~= nil and h:getAccessList(listId) or nil end
function setHouseAccessList(id, listId, listText) local h = House(id) return h ~= nil and h:setAccessList(listId, listText) or false end

function getTileHouseInfo(pos)
	local t = Tile(pos)
	if t == nil then
		return false
	local h = t:getHouse()
	return h ~= nil and h:getId() or false

function getTilePzInfo(position)
	local t = Tile(position)
	if t == nil then
		return false

function getTileInfo(position)
	local t = Tile(position)
	if t == nil then
		return false

	local ret = pushThing(t:getGround()) = t:hasFlag(TILESTATE_PROTECTIONZONE)
	ret.nopz =
	ret.nologout = t:hasFlag(TILESTATE_NOLOGOUT)
	ret.refresh = t:hasFlag(TILESTATE_REFRESH) = t:hasFlag(TILESTATE_HOUSE)
	ret.bed = t:hasFlag(TILESTATE_BED)
	ret.depot = t:hasFlag(TILESTATE_DEPOT)

	ret.things = t:getThingCount()
	ret.creatures = t:getCreatureCount()
	ret.items = t:getItemCount()
	ret.topItems = t:getTopItemCount()
	ret.downItems = t:getDownItemCount()
	return ret

function getTileItemByType(position, itemType)
	local t = Tile(position)
	if t == nil then
		return pushThing(nil)
	return pushThing(t:getItemByType(itemType))

function getTileItemById(position, itemId, ...)
	local t = Tile(position)
	if t == nil then
		return pushThing(nil)
	return pushThing(t:getItemById(itemId, ...))

function getTileThingByPos(position)
	local t = Tile(position)
	if t == nil then
		if position.stackpos == -1 then
			return -1
		return pushThing(nil)

	if position.stackpos == -1 then
		return t:getThingCount()
	return pushThing(t:getThing(position.stackpos))

function getTileThingByTopOrder(position, topOrder)
	local t = Tile(position)
	if t == nil then
		return pushThing(nil)
	return pushThing(t:getItemByTopOrder(topOrder))

function getTopCreature(position)
	local t = Tile(position)
	if t == nil then
		return pushThing(nil)
	return pushThing(t:getTopCreature())

function queryTileAddThing(thing, position, ...) local t = Tile(position) return t ~= nil and t:queryAdd(thing, ...) or false end

function doTeleportThing(uid, dest, pushMovement)
	if type(uid) == "userdata" then
		if uid:isCreature() then
			return uid:teleportTo(dest, pushMovement or false)
			return uid:moveTo(dest)
		if uid >= 0x10000000 then
			local creature = Creature(uid)
			if creature ~= nil then
				return creature:teleportTo(dest, pushMovement or false)
			local item = Item(uid)
			if item ~= nil then
				return item:moveTo(dest)
	return false

function getThing(uid)
	return uid >= 0x10000000 and pushThing(Creature(uid)) or pushThing(Item(uid))

function getConfigInfo(info)
	if type(info) ~= "string" then
		return nil
	return _G[info]

function getWorldCreatures(type)
	if type == 0 then
		return Game.getPlayerCount()
	elseif type == 1 then
		return Game.getMonsterCount()
	elseif type == 2 then
		return Game.getNpcCount()
	return Game.getPlayerCount() + Game.getMonsterCount() + Game.getNpcCount()

saveData = saveServer

function getGlobalStorageValue(key)
	return Game.getStorageValue(key) or -1

function setGlobalStorageValue(key, value)
	Game.setStorageValue(key, value)
	return true

getWorldType = Game.getWorldType
Editado por Tomaxx (veja o histórico de edições)
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  • Solução

Como eu pensei, quem compilou este servidor se esqueceu de atualizar o compat...

Bruno Carvalho / Ex-Administrador TibiaKing

[email protected]


Em 26/12/2016 em 03:47, Spraypaint disse:

A força da alienação vem dessa fragilidade dos indivíduos, quando apenas conseguem identificar o que os separa e não o que os une.





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esse servidor usa tfs 1.0 ainda, se usar o compact atualizado vai dar muito mais bug, pegue somente a função de criar teleporte e adicione no compact atual.


lembrando que esses erros so da se tiver usando windows pois o tfs compilado esta em uma versao mais recente do que a as sources com cast postado junto com o servidor.

 Whatsapp: +55 (48) 98815-0709 Discord: Qwizer#5713


Global 100% 7.40 com Website

TFS 1.2 10.97-11.00 + GlobalFull OtherWorld ...


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esse servidor usa tfs 1.0 ainda, se usar o compact atualizado vai dar muito mais bug, pegue somente a função de criar teleporte e adicione no compact atual.


lembrando que esses erros so da se tiver usando windows pois o tfs compilado esta em uma versao mais recente do que a as sources com cast postado junto com o servidor.


Mas o 1.0 já tem a função:

Bruno Carvalho / Ex-Administrador TibiaKing

[email protected]


Em 26/12/2016 em 03:47, Spraypaint disse:

A força da alienação vem dessa fragilidade dos indivíduos, quando apenas conseguem identificar o que os separa e não o que os une.





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Como eu pensei, quem compilou este servidor se esqueceu de atualizar o compat...

Ok este bug saiu mas estou me deparando com um outro parecido com o anterior segue imagem



esse servidor usa tfs 1.0 ainda, se usar o compact atualizado vai dar muito mais bug, pegue somente a função de criar teleporte e adicione no compact atual.


lembrando que esses erros so da se tiver usando windows pois o tfs compilado esta em uma versao mais recente do que a as sources com cast postado junto com o servidor.

vou usar este servidor em linux mas com as sources de cast esses erros vão sair ?

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sim, nao va dar erro nenhum

 Whatsapp: +55 (48) 98815-0709 Discord: Qwizer#5713


Global 100% 7.40 com Website

TFS 1.2 10.97-11.00 + GlobalFull OtherWorld ...


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