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no console do servee fica dando erro no respaw do mad mage,

[C]: in function '__index' 
...cripts/elemental spheres quest/the_elemental_spheres.lua:14: in function <...cripts/elemental spheres quest/the_elemental_spheres.lua:9> 

alguem ai sabe arrumar isso ??

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no console do servee fica dando erro no respaw do mad mage,

[C]: in function '__index' 

...cripts/elemental spheres quest/the_elemental_spheres.lua:14: in function <...cripts/elemental spheres quest/the_elemental_spheres.lua:9> 

alguem ai sabe arrumar isso ??

Poste o seguinte script:

data/creaturescripts/scripts/elemental spheres quest/the_elemental_spheres.lua

Editado por Snowsz (veja o histórico de edições)
                          .-'` `}
                  _./)   /       }
                .'o   \ |       }
                '.___.'`.\    {`
                /`\_/  , `.    }                                      ME DA UMA NOZ!
                \=' .-'   _`\  {
                 `'`;/      `,  }
                    _\   @   ;  }


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Poste o seguinte script:

data/creaturescripts/scripts/elemental spheres quest/the_elemental_spheres.lua

ta a script:


local boss = {
["fire overlord"] = {g_storage = 40064, p_storage = 60027},
["energy overlord"] = {g_storage = 40065, p_storage = 60028},
["ice overlord"] = {g_storage = 40066, p_storage = 60029},
["earth overlord"] = {g_storage = 40067, p_storage = 60030},
function onDeath(cid, corpse, lasthitkiller, mostdamagekiller, lasthitunjustified, mostdamageunjustified)
local pid = Player(mostdamagekiller)
local t = boss[Creature(cid):getName():lower()]
Player(pid):setStorageValue(t.p_storage, 1)
setGlobalStorageValue(t.g_storage, -1)
return true
function onKill(cid, target)
if Creature(target):getName():lower() == "lord of the elements" then
Player(cid):setStorageValue(60031, 1)
return true
function onLogin(cid)
return true

tou com esse erro tbm


[C]: in function '__add' 

...ipts/scripts/their master's voice quest/ServantsKill.lua:77: in function <...ipts/scripts/their master's voice quest/ServantsKill.lua:64> 


fica no creaturescripts\scripts\their master's voice quest\ServantsKill.lua


local magePositions = {
Position(33328, 31859, 9),
Position(33367, 31873, 9),
Position(33349, 31899, 9)
local positions = {
Position(33313, 31852, 9),
Position(33313, 31865, 9),
Position(33313, 31881, 9),
Position(33328, 31860, 9),
Position(33328, 31873, 9),
Position(33328, 31885, 9),
Position(33308, 31873, 9),
Position(33320, 31873, 9),
Position(33335, 31873, 9),
Position(33360, 31873, 9),
Position(33336, 31914, 9),
Position(33343, 31914, 9),
Position(33353, 31914, 9),
Position(33361, 31914, 9),
Position(33345, 31900, 9),
Position(33352, 31900, 9),
Position(33355, 31854, 9),
Position(33355, 31861, 9),
Position(33355, 31885, 9),
Position(33345, 31864, 9),
Position(33345, 31881, 9),
Position(33309, 31867, 9),
Position(33317, 31879, 9),
Position(33311, 31854, 9),
Position(33334, 31889, 9),
Position(33340, 31890, 9),
Position(33347, 31889, 9)
local servants = {
'iron servant',
'golden servant',
'diamond servant'
local function fillFungus(fromPosition, toPosition)
for x = fromPosition.x, toPosition.x do
for y = fromPosition.y, toPosition.y do
local position = Position(x, y, 9)
local tile = Tile(position)
if tile then
local item = tile:getItemById(13590)
if item then
item:transform(math.random(13585, 13589))
local function summonServant(position)
Game.createMonster(servants[math.random(#servants)], position)
function onKill(cid, target)
local targetMonster = Monster(target)
if not targetMonster then
return true
if not isInArray(servants, getCreatureName(target):lower()) then
return true
local storage984, storage985 = getGlobalStorageValue(984), getGlobalStorageValue(985)
if storage985 == #positions and storage984 < 25 then
setGlobalStorageValue(985, 0)
setGlobalStorageValue(984, storage + 1)
for i = 1, #positions do
addEvent(summonServant, 5 * 1000, positions)
elseif storage985 < #positions and storage984 < 25 then
setGlobalStorageValue(985, storage985 + 1)
elseif storage985 == #positions and storage984 == 25 then
Game.createMonster('mad mage', magePositions[math.random(#magePositions)])
targetMonster:say('The Mad Mage has been spawned!', TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY)
fillFungus({x = 33306, y = 31847}, {x = 33369, y = 31919})
return true
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Editado por Caronte (veja o histórico de edições)

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local boss = {
["fire overlord"] = {g_storage = 40064, p_storage = 60027},
["energy overlord"] = {g_storage = 40065, p_storage = 60028},
["ice overlord"] = {g_storage = 40066, p_storage = 60029},
["earth overlord"] = {g_storage = 40067, p_storage = 60030},
function onDeath(cid, corpse, lasthitkiller, mostdamagekiller, lasthitunjustified, mostdamageunjustified)
local pid = Player(mostdamagekiller)
local t = boss[Creature(cid):getName():lower()]
pid:setStorageValue(t.p_storage, 1)
setGlobalStorageValue(t.g_storage, -1)
return true
function onKill(cid, target)
if Creature(target):getName():lower() == "lord of the elements" then
Player(cid):setStorageValue(60031, 1)
return true
function onLogin(cid)
return true
tou com esse erro tbm
[C]: in function '__add' 
...ipts/scripts/their master's voice quest/ServantsKill.lua:77: in function <...ipts/scripts/their master's voice quest/ServantsKill.lua:64> 
fica no creaturescripts\scripts\their master's voice quest\ServantsKill.lua
local magePositions = {
Position(33328, 31859, 9),
Position(33367, 31873, 9),
Position(33349, 31899, 9)
local positions = {
Position(33313, 31852, 9),
Position(33313, 31865, 9),
Position(33313, 31881, 9),
Position(33328, 31860, 9),
Position(33328, 31873, 9),
Position(33328, 31885, 9),
Position(33308, 31873, 9),
Position(33320, 31873, 9),
Position(33335, 31873, 9),
Position(33360, 31873, 9),
Position(33336, 31914, 9),
Position(33343, 31914, 9),
Position(33353, 31914, 9),
Position(33361, 31914, 9),
Position(33345, 31900, 9),
Position(33352, 31900, 9),
Position(33355, 31854, 9),
Position(33355, 31861, 9),
Position(33355, 31885, 9),
Position(33345, 31864, 9),
Position(33345, 31881, 9),
Position(33309, 31867, 9),
Position(33317, 31879, 9),
Position(33311, 31854, 9),
Position(33334, 31889, 9),
Position(33340, 31890, 9),
Position(33347, 31889, 9)
local servants = {
'iron servant',
'golden servant',
'diamond servant'
local function fillFungus(fromPosition, toPosition)
for x = fromPosition.x, toPosition.x do
for y = fromPosition.y, toPosition.y do
local position = Position(x, y, 9)
local tile = Tile(position)
if tile then
local item = tile:getItemById(13590)
if item then
item:transform(math.random(13585, 13589))
local function summonServant(position)
Game.createMonster(servants[math.random(#servants)], position)
function onKill(cid, target)
local targetMonster = Monster(target)
if not targetMonster then
return true
if not isInArray(servants, getCreatureName(target):lower()) then
return true
local storage984, storage985 = getGlobalStorageValue(984), getGlobalStorageValue(985)
if storage985 == #positions and storage984 < 25 then
setGlobalStorageValue(985, 0)
setGlobalStorageValue(984, storage + 1)
for i = 1, #positions do
addEvent(summonServant, 5 * 1000, positions[i])
elseif storage985 < #positions and storage984 < 25 then
setGlobalStorageValue(985, storage985 + 1)
elseif storage985 == #positions and storage984 == 25 then
Game.createMonster('mad mage', magePositions[math.random(#magePositions)])
targetMonster:say('The Mad Mage has been spawned!', TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY)
fillFungus({x = 33306, y = 31847}, {x = 33369, y = 31919})
return true

                          .-'` `}
                  _./)   /       }
                .'o   \ |       }
                '.___.'`.\    {`
                /`\_/  , `.    }                                      ME DA UMA NOZ!
                \=' .-'   _`\  {
                 `'`;/      `,  }
                    _\   @   ;  }


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ainda ficou dando o erro 
[C]: in function '__add' 
...ipts/scripts/their master's voice quest/ServantsKill.lua:77: in function <...ipts/scripts/their master's voice quest/ServantsKill.lua:64> 

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