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Action%252FTalkaction Tammed System - Sistema de Domar Montarias!

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Eai Pessoal! Td Okay??
Estou aqui com uns scripts de domar Algumas montarias!
Eu Postei o Script de Domar a Uniwheel e a Tinlizzard!
Eu testei este script no alissow 5.0 e funcionou direitinho! acredito que funcione em outras versões!

Funciona em Versões de tibia 8.70+
Pronto Vamos Parar de Besterou e Começar!
Em Data/Actions/Scripts Crie um Arquivo Chamado mounts.lua e Adicione Isto Dentro:

local function tameMonster(cid, item, itemEx, tame, run, broken)
n = math.random(100)
if n <= broken then
doCreatureSay(cid, "Vish! O item quebrou!", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
elseif n > broken and n <= (tame+broken) then
doCreatureSay(cid, "Voce Domou a Criatura!", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "Voce Domou o "..getCreatureName(itemEx.uid).."!")
return true
elseif n > (tame+broken) and n <= (tame+broken+run) then
doCreatureSay(cid, "A Criatura Fugio!", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "O "..getCreatureName(itemEx.uid).." Fugio!")
doCreatureSay(cid, "A Criatura Esta Muito Longe!", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "O "..getCreatureName(itemEx.uid).." Esta Muito Longe!")
return false
local function inArray(table, value)
for i,v in pairs(table) do
if ( == string.lower(value)) then
return i
return 0
 local mounts = {
 {item = 13307, name = "wailing widow", id = 1, tame=60, run=20, broken=20},
 {item = 13298, name = "terror bird", id = 2, tame=40, run=20, broken=40},
 {item = 5907, name = "bear", id = 3, tame=90, run=5, broken=5},
 {item = 13295, name = "black sheep", id = 4, tame=40, run=30, broken=30},
 {item = 13293, name = "midnight panther", id = 5, tame=60, run=20, broken=20},
 {item = 13538, name = "panda", id = 19, tame=50, run=25, broken=25},
 {item = 13539, name = "white deer", id = 18, tame=70, run=15, broken=15},
 {item = 13294, name = "draptor", id = 6, tame=60, run=20, broken=20},
 {item = 13537, name = "donkey", id =13, tame=5, run=90, broken=5},
 {item = 13305, name = "crustacea gigantica", id = 7, tame=80, run=10, broken=10},
 {item = 13536, name = "crystal wolf", id = 16, tame=60, run=20, broken=20},
 {item = 13247, name = "boar", id = 10, tame=80, run=10, broken=10},
 {item = 13498, name = "sandstone scorpion", id = 21, tame=70, run=10, broken=20},
 {item = 13508, name = "slug", id = 14, tame=60, run=20, broken=20},
 {item = 13535, name = "dromedary", id = 20, tame=60, run=20, broken=20},
 {item = 13291, name = "undead cavebear", id = 12, tame=70, run=10, broken=20},
 {item = 13939, name = "wild horse", id = 17, tame=60, run=20, broken=20},
 {item = 15546, name = "lady bug", id = 27, tame=70, run=10, broken=20},
 {item = 15545, name = "manta ray", id = 28, tame=60, run=20, broken=20},
 {item = 13938, name = "uniwheel", id = 15, tame=70, run=15, broken=15},
 {item = 13292, name = "tin lizzard", id = 8, tame=70, run=15, broken=15},
 function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
 if isCreature(itemEx.uid) then
 if inArray(mounts, getCreatureName(itemEx.uid)) > 0 then
 i = inArray(mounts, getCreatureName(itemEx.uid))
 if item.itemid == mounts[i].item and not getPlayerMount(cid, mounts[i].id) then
 if tameMonster(cid, item, itemEx, mounts[i].tame, mounts[i].run, mounts[i].broken) then
 doSendMagicEffect(fromPosition, CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE)
 doPlayerAddMount(cid, mounts[i].id)
 doSendMagicEffect(toPosition, CONST_ME_POFF)
 return true

E em Actions.xml Adicione Isto :

<action itemid="13295" script="mounts.lua"/> --reins
<action itemid="13294" script="mounts.lua"/> --harness
<action itemid="13293" script="mounts.lua"/> --leather whip
<action itemid="13298" script="mounts.lua"/> --carrot on a stick
<action itemid="13247" script="mounts.lua"/> --hunting horn
<action itemid="13305" script="mounts.lua"/> --giant Shrimp
<action itemid="13291" script="mounts.lua"/> --maxilla maximus
<action itemid="5907" script="mounts.lua"/> --slingshot
<action itemid="13307" script="mounts.lua"/> --sweet smelling bait
<action itemid="13537" script="mounts.lua"/> --bag of apple slices
<action itemid="13535" script="mounts.lua"/> --fist on a stick
<action itemid="13536" script="mounts.lua"/> --diapason
<action itemid="13538" script="mounts.lua"/> --bamboo leaves
<action itemid="13539" script="mounts.lua"/> --golden fir cone
<action itemid="13498" script="mounts.lua"/> --scorpion sceptre
<action itemid="13508" script="mounts.lua"/> --slug drug
<action itemid="13939" script="mounts.lua"/> --sugar oat
<action itemid="15545" script="mounts.lua"/> --fox tail

Zet0N0Murmurou - Por Editar Muito o Script e Fazer o Tópico
Unknown - Autor Disconhecido mas os creditos vão a "ele" por ter criado o script!

Editado por Zet0N0Murmurou (veja o histórico de edições)

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