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(Resolvido)NPC Marina

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Minha npc marina não esta fazendo a troca dos 10 spider silks por 1 spool of yarn, segue script.


local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new()
local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler)

function onCreatureAppear(cid)			npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid)			end
function onCreatureDisappear(cid)		npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid)			end
function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg)		npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg)		end
function onThink()				npcHandler:onThink()					end

local function creatureSayCallback(cid, type, msg)
	if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then
		return false
	local player = Player(cid)
	if(msgcontains(msg, "silk yarn")) then
		if player:getStorageValue(Storage.FriendsandTraders.TheMermaidMarina) < 1 then
			npcHandler:say("Um. You mean, you really want me to touch that gooey spider silk just because you need yarn? Well... do you think that I'm pretty?", cid)
			npcHandler.topic[cid] = 1
		elseif player:getStorageValue(Storage.FriendsandTraders.TheMermaidMarina) == 2 then
			npcHandler:say("Okay... a deal is a deal, would you like me to create a {spool of yarn} from {10 pieces of spider silk}?", cid)
			npcHandler.topic[cid] = 5
	elseif msgcontains(msg, "honey") then
		if player:getStorageValue(Storage.FriendsandTraders.TheMermaidMarina) == 1 then
			npcHandler:say("Did you bring me the 50 honeycombs I requested and do you absolutely admire my beauty?", cid)
			npcHandler.topic[cid] = 4
	elseif(msgcontains(msg, "yes")) then
		if(npcHandler.topic[cid] == 1) then
			npcHandler:say("Well, everyone would say that in your position. Do you think that I'm really, absolutely the most stunning being that you have ever seen?", cid)
			npcHandler.topic[cid] = 2
		elseif(npcHandler.topic[cid] == 2) then
			selfSay("<giggles> It's funny how easy it is to get humans to say what you want. Now, proving it will be even more fun! ...", cid)
			selfSay("You want me to touch something gooey, so you have to touch something gooey for me too. <giggles> ...", cid)
			npcHandler:say("I love honey and I haven't eaten it in a while, so bring me 50 honeycombs and worship my beauty a little more, then we will see.", cid)
			player:setStorageValue(Storage.FriendsandTraders.TheMermaidMarina, 1)
			player:setStorageValue(Storage.FriendsandTraders.DefaultStart, 1)
		elseif(npcHandler.topic[cid] == 4) then
			if player:getItemCount(5902) >= 50 then
				player:removeItem(5902, 50)
				npcHandler:say("Oh goodie! Thank you! Okay... I guess since my fingers are sticky now anyway, I will help you. From now on, if you bring me {10 pieces of spider silk}, I will create one {spool of yarn}.", cid)
				npcHandler.topic[cid] = 0
				player:setStorageValue(Storage.FriendsandTraders.TheMermaidMarina, 2)
				player:addAchievement(16) -- Achievement Beach Tamer
				npcHandler:say("You don't have enough honey.", cid)
				npcHandler.topic[cid] = 0
		elseif(npcHandler.topic[cid] == 5) then
			if player:getItemCount(5879) >= 10 then
				npcHandler:say("Ew... gooey... there you go.", cid)
				npcHandler.topic[cid] = 0
				npcHandler:say("You don't have the required items.", cid)
				npcHandler.topic[cid] = 0
	return true

keywordHandler:addKeyword({'comb'}, StdModule.say, {npcHandler = npcHandler, onlyFocus = true, text = 'Sorry, I don\'t have a spare comb. I lost my favourite one when diving around in Calassa.'})

npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback)



Nesse campo eu já tentei assim e tambem não foi.









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local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new()
local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler)

function onCreatureAppear(cid)            npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid)            end
function onCreatureDisappear(cid)        npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid)            end
function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg)        npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg)        end
function onThink()                npcHandler:onThink()                    end

local function creatureSayCallback(cid, type, msg)
    if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then
        return false
    local player = Player(cid)
    if(msgcontains(msg, "silk yarn")) then
        if player:getStorageValue(Storage.FriendsandTraders.TheMermaidMarina) < 1 then
            npcHandler:say("Um. You mean, you really want me to touch that gooey spider silk just because you need yarn? Well... do you think that I'm pretty?", cid)
            npcHandler.topic[cid] = 1
        elseif player:getStorageValue(Storage.FriendsandTraders.TheMermaidMarina) == 2 then
            npcHandler:say("Okay... a deal is a deal, would you like me to create a {spool of yarn} from {10 pieces of spider silk}?", cid)
            npcHandler.topic[cid] = 5
    elseif msgcontains(msg, "honey") then
        if player:getStorageValue(Storage.FriendsandTraders.TheMermaidMarina) == 1 then
            npcHandler:say("Did you bring me the 50 honeycombs I requested and do you absolutely admire my beauty?", cid)
            npcHandler.topic[cid] = 4
    elseif(msgcontains(msg, "yes")) then
        if(npcHandler.topic[cid] == 1) then
            npcHandler:say("Well, everyone would say that in your position. Do you think that I'm really, absolutely the most stunning being that you have ever seen?", cid)
            npcHandler.topic[cid] = 2
        elseif(npcHandler.topic[cid] == 2) then
            selfSay("<giggles> It's funny how easy it is to get humans to say what you want. Now, proving it will be even more fun! ...", cid)
            selfSay("You want me to touch something gooey, so you have to touch something gooey for me too. <giggles> ...", cid)
            npcHandler:say("I love honey and I haven't eaten it in a while, so bring me 50 honeycombs and worship my beauty a little more, then we will see.", cid)
            player:setStorageValue(Storage.FriendsandTraders.TheMermaidMarina, 1)
            player:setStorageValue(Storage.FriendsandTraders.DefaultStart, 1)
        elseif(npcHandler.topic[cid] == 4) then
            if player:getItemCount(5902) >= 50 then
                player:removeItem(5902, 50)
                npcHandler:say("Oh goodie! Thank you! Okay... I guess since my fingers are sticky now anyway, I will help you. From now on, if you bring me {10 pieces of spider silk}, I will create one {spool of yarn}.", cid)
                npcHandler.topic[cid] = 0
                player:setStorageValue(Storage.FriendsandTraders.TheMermaidMarina, 2)
                player:addAchievement(16) -- Achievement Beach Tamer
                npcHandler:say("You don't have enough honey.", cid)
                npcHandler.topic[cid] = 0
        elseif(npcHandler.topic[cid] == 5) then
            if player:getItemCount(5879) >= 10 then
                player:removeItem(5879, 10)
                player:addItem(5886, 1)
                npcHandler:say("Ew... gooey... there you go.", cid)
                npcHandler.topic[cid] = 0
                npcHandler:say("You don't have the required items.", cid)
                npcHandler.topic[cid] = 0
    return true

keywordHandler:addKeyword({'comb'}, StdModule.say, {npcHandler = npcHandler, onlyFocus = true, text = 'Sorry, I don\'t have a spare comb. I lost my favourite one when diving around in Calassa.'})

npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback)

O diálogo após entregar os honeycomb e tentar trocar os silk é:

Player: Hi

Marina: You wouldn't keep a pretty lady like me waiting, would you?

Player: Silk yarn

Marina: Okay... a deal is a deal, would you like me to create a spool of yarn from 10 pieces of spider silk?

Player: Yes

Marina: Marina: Ew... gooey... there you go.

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Bom eu não notei erro no script, porém tente usar um que eu uso no meu próprio servidor, eu irei destacar as partes onde você deverá mudar!





local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new()

local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler)
local talkState = {}
function onCreatureAppear(cid)    npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid)   end
function onCreatureDisappear(cid)   npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid)   end
function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg)   npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg)  end
function onThink()     npcHandler:onThink()     end
local items = {
          item1 = {2160, 2159}
local counts = {
          count1 = {100, 5}
function creatureSayCallback(cid, type, msg)
          if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then
                    return false
          local talkUser = NPCHANDLER_CONVBEHAVIOR == CONVERSATION_DEFAULT and 0 or cid
          if msgcontains(msg, 'yes') then
                    if getPlayerItemCount(cid, items.item1[1]) >= counts.count1[1] then
                              doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, items.item1[1], counts.count1[1])
                              doPlayerAddItem(cid, items.item1[2], counts.count1[2])
                              selfSay('Você comprou 5 small coins.', cid)
                              selfSay('Você não tem TD suficiente.', cid)
          elseif msgcontains(msg, 'no') then
                              selfSay('Ok, deixa para a próxima!', cid)
          return TRUE
npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback)


Azul = É o ID item que o player ira pagar

Azul com Negrito = É a quantidade do item que o player vai pagar.

Dourado = É o ID item que o player ira receber depois de pagar.

Dourado com Negrito = É a quantidade do item que o player irá receber apos pagar.

Verde com Negrito = Mensagem que irá aparecer ápos ter feito a troca com sucesso.

Cyano com Negrito = É a mensagem que irá receber caso ele tentar trocar e não tiver o certo item que ele deve pagar suficiente (Por exemplo, ele precisa ter 6 reais para comprar um passaporte, porém ele tem apenas 5, se ele tentar trocar, a mensagem que irá aparecer é a que esta em cyano negrito)

Rosa com Negrito = Mensagem que irá aparecer caso player falar no 



<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<npc floorchange="0" walkinterval="2000" script="Marina.lua" name="Marina">
<health max="150" now="150"/>
<look corpse="2212" feet="76" legs="40" body="59" head="57" type="134"/>
<parameter value="Eu vendo Small Coins quer comprar? Vai te custar 100 TD." key="message_greet"/>
<parameter value="Obrigado! Boa sorte!" key="message_farewell"/>



Vermelho escuro com Negrito = Nome do arquivo.lua que você criara/mudara com o 1 codigo

Preto com Negrito = Nome do NPC (editei ele ja para você)

Vermelho claro com Negrito = É a mensagem que aparece depois de falar HI



Player: HI

Npc: "Fala que você podera editar"

Player: Yes

NPC: "Fala que vai estar no código acima em Verde com Negrito"



Player: Hi

NPC "Fala que você podera editar"

Player: no

NPC: "Fala que vai estar no código acima em Rosa com Negrito"

Editado por Factur (veja o histórico de edições)
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