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Action%252FTalkaction [TFS 1.x] /looktype monster ou playername

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Um comando para GOD, que permiti trocar o seu looktype, para o de um monstro ou de um player em questão.


/looktype id
/looktype monstername
/looktype id, playername
/looktype monstername, playername

/looktype 262
/looktype Silver Rabbit
/looktype 262, Limos
/looktype Silver Rabbit, Limos


function onSay(cid, words, param)
     local player = Player(cid)
     if not player:getGroup():getAccess() then
         return true

     local t = param:split(",")
     local lookType = tonumber(t[1])
     if not lookType then
         lookType = MonsterType(t[1]) and MonsterType(t[1]):getOutfit().lookType
         if not lookType then
             player:sendCancelMessage("A monster with that name does not exist.")
             return false
     if t[2] then
         playerx, player = player, Player(t[2]:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1"))
         if not player then
             playerx:sendCancelMessage("A player with that name does not exist or is not online.")
             return false
     if lookType >= 0 and lookType ~= 1 and lookType ~= 135 and lookType ~= 411 and lookType ~= 415 and lookType ~= 424 and (lookType <= 160 or lookType >= 192) and lookType ~= 439 and lookType ~= 440 and lookType ~= 468 and lookType ~= 469 and (lookType < 474 or lookType > 485) and lookType ~= 501 and lookType ~= 518 and lookType ~= 519 and lookType ~= 520 and lookType ~= 524 and lookType ~= 525 and lookType ~= 536 and lookType ~= 543 and lookType ~= 549 and lookType ~= 576 and lookType ~= 581 and lookType ~= 582 and lookType <= 595 then
         local playerOutfit = player:getOutfit()
         playerOutfit.lookType = lookType
         player = playerx or player
         player:sendCancelMessage("A look type with that id does not exist.")
     return false

Créditos : Flavio S.

I must not fear. Fear is the mind killer.

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                /`\_/  , `.    }                                      ME DA UMA NOZ!
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