[Ajuda] Drown.lua funciona mas tem efeito POFF
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Por Morfar
Hello all its possible someone can make for me a map of underwater temple for a quest of poseidon for 8.6 thanks hope can help me sorry i dont speak portugues
Por Fausto32
function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos) if item.uid == 9951 then if getPlayerStorageValue(cid,9951) == -1 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,25,"You have found a Royal Scale Robe.") doPlayerAddItem(cid,12643,1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,9951,1) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), 17) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), 49) else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,25,"The is empty.") end elseif item.uid == 9952 then if getPlayerStorageValue(cid,9951) == -1 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,25,"You have found a Royal Draken Mail.") doPlayerAddItem(cid,12642,1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,9951,1) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), 17) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), 49) else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,25,"The is empty.") end elseif item.uid == 9953 then if getPlayerStorageValue(cid,9951) == -1 then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,25,"You have found a Elite Draken Helmet.") doPlayerAddItem(cid,12645,1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,9951,1) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), 17) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), 49) else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,25,"The is empty.") end end return TRUE end local newsPosition = {x=32808, y=32632, z=11} local newsPosition2 = {x=32808, y=32630, z=11} local storageWrath = 9951 function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos) if getPlayerStorageValue(cid,9951) == 2 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid,storageWrath) == 4 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid,9951) == 1 then doCreatureSay(cid, "Welcome to Deeper Banuta", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1) pos = getPlayerPosition(cid) if pos.x == topos.x then if pos.y < topos.y then pos.y = topos.y + 1 else pos.y = topos.y - 1 end elseif pos.y == topos.y then if pos.x < topos.x then pos.x = topos.x + 1 else pos.x = topos.x - 1 end else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,22,'Please stand in front of the door.') return TRUE end doTeleportThing(cid, newsPosition, TRUE) doSendMagicEffect(newsPosition, CONST_ME_POFF) else doCreatureSay(cid, 'You dont have enough energy to enter this place.', TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1) end return TRUE end
Dai Faço a quest e tal quando uso o item pra teleportar não vai O.o fica dando "You dont have enough energy to enter this place." Mais fazendo a quest eu obtenho a storage 9951 certo ? então pqê não vai ? O.o
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