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ERRO their master's voice quest

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Estou com um erro na their master's voice quest, após o player limpar todo o chão o aviso aparece só que na hora de sumonar os bixos aparece esse erro:


Lua Script Error: [Action Interface] 
data/actions/scripts/their master's voice quest/slimeGobbler.lua:onUse 
luaAddEvent(). callback parameter should be a function. 
stack traceback: 
[C]: in function 'addEvent' 
...ions/scripts/their master's voice quest/slimeGobbler.lua:59: in function <...ions/scripts/their master's voice quest/slimeGobbler.lua:50> 


alguem sabe o erro? segue abaixo a script completa , lembrando que uso tfs 1.0


local pos = {

{x = 33313, y = 31852, z = 9},
{x = 33313, y = 31865, z = 9},
{x = 33313, y = 31881, z = 9},
{x = 33328, y = 31860, z = 9},
{x = 33328, y = 31873, z = 9},
{x = 33328, y = 31885, z = 9},
{x = 33308, y = 31873, z = 9},
{x = 33320, y = 31873, z = 9},
{x = 33335, y = 31873, z = 9},
{x = 33360, y = 31873, z = 9},
{x = 33336, y = 31914, z = 9},
{x = 33343, y = 31914, z = 9},
{x = 33353, y = 31914, z = 9},
{x = 33361, y = 31914, z = 9},
{x = 33345, y = 31900, z = 9},
{x = 33352, y = 31900, z = 9},
{x = 33355, y = 31854, z = 9},
{x = 33355, y = 31861, z = 9},
{x = 33355, y = 31885, z = 9},
{x = 33345, y = 31864, z = 9},
{x = 33345, y = 31881, z = 9},
{x = 33309, y = 31867, z = 9},
{x = 33317, y = 31879, z = 9},
{x = 33311, y = 31854, z = 9},
{x = 33334, y = 31889, z = 9},
{x = 33340, y = 31890, z = 9},
{x = 33347, y = 31889, z = 9},
local creatures = {
"iron servant",
"golden servant",
"diamond servant"
local function getFungusInArea(fromPos, toPos)
for x = fromPos.x, toPos.x do
for y = fromPos.y, toPos.y do
for i = 13585, 13589 do
if(getTileItemById({x = x, y = y, z = 9}, i).uid > 1) then
return true
return false
function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
if(item.itemid == 13601) then
if(isInArray({13585, 13586, 13587, 13588, 13589}, itemEx.itemid)) then
if(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 984) + 1 --[[* 1000]] < os.time()) then
doTransformItem(itemEx.uid, 13590, 1)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 984, os.time())
doSendMagicEffect(toPosition, CONST_ME_POFF)
if(getFungusInArea({x = 33306, y = 31847}, {x = 33369, y = 31919}) == false) then
for i = 1, #pos do
addEvent(doSummonCrature, 5 * 1000, creatures[math.random(1, 3)], pos)
addEvent(doSendMagicEffect, 5 * 1000, pos, CONST_ME_TELEPORT)
doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_FIREWORK_RED)
doCreatureSay(cid, "COME! My servants! RISE!", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
setGlobalStorageValue(985, 0)
setGlobalStorageValue(984, 0)
doCreatureSay(cid, "The slime gobbler gobbles large chunks of the slime fungus with great satisfaction.", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
doPlayerAddExp(cid, 20, true, true)
return true
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local pos = {
{x = 33313, y = 31852, z = 9},
{x = 33313, y = 31865, z = 9},
{x = 33313, y = 31881, z = 9},
{x = 33328, y = 31860, z = 9},
{x = 33328, y = 31873, z = 9},
{x = 33328, y = 31885, z = 9},
{x = 33308, y = 31873, z = 9},
{x = 33320, y = 31873, z = 9},
{x = 33335, y = 31873, z = 9},
{x = 33360, y = 31873, z = 9},
{x = 33336, y = 31914, z = 9},
{x = 33343, y = 31914, z = 9},
{x = 33353, y = 31914, z = 9},
{x = 33361, y = 31914, z = 9},
{x = 33345, y = 31900, z = 9},
{x = 33352, y = 31900, z = 9},
{x = 33355, y = 31854, z = 9},
{x = 33355, y = 31861, z = 9},
{x = 33355, y = 31885, z = 9},
{x = 33345, y = 31864, z = 9},
{x = 33345, y = 31881, z = 9},
{x = 33309, y = 31867, z = 9},
{x = 33317, y = 31879, z = 9},
{x = 33311, y = 31854, z = 9},
{x = 33334, y = 31889, z = 9},
{x = 33340, y = 31890, z = 9},
{x = 33347, y = 31889, z = 9},
local creatures = {
"iron servant",
"golden servant",
"diamond servant"
local function getFungusInArea(fromPos, toPos)
for x = fromPos.x, toPos.x do
for y = fromPos.y, toPos.y do
for i = 13585, 13589 do
if(getTileItemById({x = x, y = y, z = 9}, i).uid > 1) then
return true
return false
function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
if(item.itemid == 13601) then
if(isInArray({13585, 13586, 13587, 13588, 13589}, itemEx.itemid)) then
if(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 984) + 1 --[[* 1000]] < os.time()) then
doTransformItem(itemEx.uid, 13590, 1)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 984, os.time())
doSendMagicEffect(toPosition, CONST_ME_POFF)
if(getFungusInArea({x = 33306, y = 31847}, {x = 33369, y = 31919}) == false) then
for i = 1, #pos do
addEvent(doSummonCreature, 5 * 1000, creatures[math.random(1, 3)], pos[i])
addEvent(doSendMagicEffect, 5 * 1000, pos[i], CONST_ME_TELEPORT)
doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_FIREWORK_RED)
doCreatureSay(cid, "COME! My servants! RISE!", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
setGlobalStorageValue(985, 0)
setGlobalStorageValue(984, 0)
doCreatureSay(cid, "The slime gobbler gobbles large chunks of the slime fungus with great satisfaction.", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
doPlayerAddExp(cid, 20, true, true)
return true
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kkk eu vi meu erro era no add event, summoncreature, tava assim summoncratura,

bom sumonou os bixos normalmente n deu nenhum erro , so que quando se mata 1x o respaw ele para, e n da erro, era pra dar mais respaw e dps sumonar o boss mad mage...

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O tópico foi movido para a área correta, preste mais atenção da próxima vez!
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De: "OTServScriptingGeral"
Para: "OTServSuporte OTServSuporte de Scripts"

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