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Pequeno error ao abrir TFS..

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Aparentemente símbolos não são permitidos em nomes, fazendo com que dê o erro na distro.

Editado por Larissa Azhaurn (veja o histórico de edições)
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Nunca vi esse problema com nome no MySQL, porem, tenta usar o seguinte comando no MySQL:

UPDATE `players` SET `ip` = `` WHERE name = `Ra's al ghul`;

Se nao funcionar edita manualmente o nome do char Ra's al ghul, e tira o '.

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Muitos vêm seus muitos dias de glória, mas poucos vêm seus muitos dias de luta.

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sim mano ae quando alguém quiser criar um char com um simbolo assim " ' "..  vou ter que fazer toda vez?.. 

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Voce usa gesior aac 2012?

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Muitos vêm seus muitos dias de glória, mas poucos vêm seus muitos dias de luta.

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Qual seu AAC?

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Muitos vêm seus muitos dias de glória, mas poucos vêm seus muitos dias de luta.

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sim mano ae quando alguém quiser criar um char com um simbolo assim " ' "..  vou ter que fazer toda vez?.. 

Você remover a proteção do gesior de caracteres especiais o povo vai derruba seu server.
Nenhum OtServ aceita esses caracteres no nome.

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Account Manager? Se sim, desativa. Se for em site, voce pode desativar caracteres como " ', ç, ´ ~ ^ ".

discord.pngDiscord: vankk #7765

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Muitos vêm seus muitos dias de glória, mas poucos vêm seus muitos dias de luta.

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void Player::manageAccount(const std::string &text)
	std::stringstream msg;
	bool noSwap = true;
				managerString = text;
				if(managerString.length() < 3)
					msg << "The name is too short, please select a longer one.";
				else if(managerString.length() > 30)
					msg << "The name is too long, please select a shorter one.";
				else if(!isValidName(managerString))
					msg << "Your name seems to contain invalid symbols, please choose another one.";
				else if(IOLoginData::getInstance()->playerExists(managerString, true))
					msg << "Player with that name already exists, please choose another one.";
					std::string tmp = asLowerCaseString(managerString);
					if(tmp.substr(0, 4) != "god " && tmp.substr(0, 3) != "cm " && tmp.substr(0, 3) != "gm ")
						talkState[1] = talkState[2] = true;
						msg << "{" << managerString << "}, are you sure? {yes} or {no}?";
						msg << "Your character is not a staff member, please choose another name.";
			else if(checkText(text, "no") && talkState[2])
				talkState[1] = talkState[2] = false;
				msg << "What new name would you like have then?";
			else if(checkText(text, "yes") && talkState[2])
				if(!IOLoginData::getInstance()->playerExists(managerString, true))
					uint32_t tmp;
					if(IOLoginData::getInstance()->getGuidByName(tmp, managerString2) &&
						IOLoginData::getInstance()->changeName(tmp, managerString, managerString2) &&
						IOBan::getInstance()->removePlayerBanishment(tmp, PLAYERBAN_LOCK))
						msg << "Your character {" << managerString << "} has been successfully renamed to {" << managerString2 << "}, you should be able to login now.";
						if(House* house = Houses::getInstance()->getHouseByPlayerId(tmp))

						talkState[1] = true;
						talkState[2] = false;
						talkState[1] = talkState[2] = false;
						msg << "Failed to change your name, please contact with staff.";
					talkState[1] = talkState[2] = false;
					msg << "Player with that name already exists, please choose another one.";
				msg << "Sorry, but I can't understand you, please try to repeat.";

			Account account = IOLoginData::getInstance()->loadAccount(managerNumber);
			if(checkText(text, "cancel") || (checkText(text, "account") && !talkState[1]))
				talkState[1] = true;
				for(int8_t i = 2; i <= 12; ++i)
					talkState[i] = false;

				msg << "Do you want to change your {password}, generate a {recovery key}, create a {character}, or {delete} an existing character?";
			else if(checkText(text, "delete") && talkState[1])
				talkState[1] = false;
				talkState[2] = true;
				msg << "Which character would you like to delete?";
			else if(talkState[2])
				std::string tmp = text;
				if(!isValidName(tmp, false))
					msg << "That name to contain invalid symbols, please try again.";
					talkState[2] = false;
					talkState[3] = true;
					managerString = tmp;
					msg << "Do you really want to delete the character {" << managerString << "}? {yes} or {no}";
			else if(checkText(text, "yes") && talkState[3])
				switch(IOLoginData::getInstance()->deleteCharacter(managerNumber, managerString))
						msg << "An error occured while deleting your character. Either the character does not belong to you or it doesn't exist.";

						msg << "Your character has been deleted.";

					case DELETE_HOUSE:
						msg << "Your character owns a house. You have to login and leave the house or pass it to someone else to complete.";

					case DELETE_LEADER:
						msg << "Your character is leader of a guild. You have to disband the guild or pass the leadership to someone else to complete.";

					case DELETE_ONLINE:
						msg << "Character with that name is currently online, to delete a character it has to be offline.";

				talkState[1] = true;
				for(int8_t i = 2; i <= 12; ++i)
					talkState[i] = false;
			else if(checkText(text, "no") && talkState[3])
				talkState[1] = true;
				talkState[3] = false;
				msg << "Which character would you like to delete then?";
			else if(checkText(text, "password") && talkState[1])
				talkState[1] = false;
				talkState[4] = true;
				msg << "What would you like your password to be?";
			else if(talkState[4])
				std::string tmp = text;
				if(tmp.length() < 6)
					msg << "That password is too short, please select a longer one.";
				else if(!isValidPassword(tmp))
					msg << "Your password seems to contain invalid symbols, please choose another one.";
					talkState[4] = false;
					talkState[5] = true;
					managerString = tmp;
					msg << "{" << managerString << "} is it? {yes} or {no}?";
			else if(checkText(text, "yes") && talkState[5])
				talkState[1] = true;
				for(int8_t i = 2; i <= 12; ++i)
					talkState[i] = false;

				IOLoginData::getInstance()->setPassword(managerNumber, managerString);
				msg << "Your password has been changed.";
			else if(checkText(text, "no") && talkState[5])
				talkState[1] = true;
				for(int8_t i = 2; i <= 12; ++i)
					talkState[i] = false;

				msg << "Ok, then not.";
			else if(checkText(text, "character") && talkState[1])
				if(account.charList.size() <= 15)
					talkState[1] = false;
					talkState[6] = true;
					msg << "What would you like as your character name?";
					talkState[1] = true;
					for(int8_t i = 2; i <= 12; ++i)
						talkState[i] = false;

					msg << "Your account has reached the limit of 15 characters, you should {delete} a character if you want to create a new one.";
			else if(talkState[6])
				managerString = text;
				if(managerString.length() < 3)
					msg << "That name is too short, please select a longer one.";
				else if(managerString.length() > 30)
					msg << "That name is too long, please select a shorter one.";
				else if(!isValidName(managerString))
					msg << "Your name seems to contain invalid symbols, please choose another one.";
				else if(IOLoginData::getInstance()->playerExists(managerString, true))
					msg << "Player with that name already exists, please choose another one.";
					std::string tmp = asLowerCaseString(managerString);
					if(tmp.substr(0, 4) != "god " && tmp.substr(0, 3) != "cm " && tmp.substr(0, 3) != "gm ")
						talkState[6] = false;
						talkState[7] = true;
						msg << "{" << managerString << "}, are you sure? {yes} or {no}";
						msg << "Your character is not a staff member, please choose another name.";
			else if(checkText(text, "no") && talkState[7])
				talkState[6] = true;
				talkState[7] = false;
				msg << "What would you like your character name to be then?";
			else if(checkText(text, "yes") && talkState[7])
				talkState[7] = false;
				talkState[8] = true;
				msg << "Would you like to be a {male} or a {female}.";
			else if(talkState[8] && (checkText(text, "female") || checkText(text, "male")))
				talkState[8] = false;
				talkState[9] = true;
				if(checkText(text, "female"))
					msg << "A female, are you sure? {yes} or {no}";
					managerSex = PLAYERSEX_FEMALE;
					msg << "A male, are you sure? {yes} or {no}";
					managerSex = PLAYERSEX_MALE;
			else if(checkText(text, "no") && talkState[9])
				talkState[8] = true;
				talkState[9] = false;
				msg << "Tell me then, would you like to be a {male} or a {female}?";
			else if(checkText(text, "yes") && talkState[9])
					talkState[9] = false;
					talkState[11] = true;

					std::vector<std::string> vocations;
					for(VocationsMap::iterator it = Vocations::getInstance()->getFirstVocation(); it != Vocations::getInstance()->getLastVocation(); ++it)
						if(it->first == it->second->getFromVocation() && it->first != 0)

					msg << "What would you like to be... ";
					for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = vocations.begin(); it != vocations.end(); ++it)
						if(it == vocations.begin())
							msg << "{" << *it << "}";
						else if(*it == *(vocations.rbegin()))
							msg << " or {" << *it << "}.";
							msg << ", {" << *it << "}";
				else if(!IOLoginData::getInstance()->playerExists(managerString, true))
					talkState[1] = true;
					for(int8_t i = 2; i <= 12; ++i)
						talkState[i] = false;

					if(IOLoginData::getInstance()->createCharacter(managerNumber, managerString, managerNumber2, (uint16_t)managerSex))
						msg << "Your character {" << managerString << "} has been created.";
						msg << "Your character couldn't be created, please contact with staff.";
					talkState[6] = true;
					talkState[9] = false;
					msg << "Player with that name already exists, please choose another one.";
			else if(talkState[11])
				for(VocationsMap::iterator it = Vocations::getInstance()->getFirstVocation(); it != Vocations::getInstance()->getLastVocation(); ++it)
					if(checkText(text, asLowerCaseString(it->second->getName())) &&
						it->first == it->second->getFromVocation() && it->first != 0)
						msg << "So you would like to be " << it->second->getDescription() << ", {yes} or {no}?";
						managerNumber2 = it->first;
						talkState[11] = false;
						talkState[12] = true;

				if(msg.str().length() == 17)
					msg << "I don't understand what vocation you would like to be... could you please repeat it?";
			else if(checkText(text, "yes") && talkState[12])
				if(!IOLoginData::getInstance()->playerExists(managerString, true))
					talkState[1] = true;
					for(int8_t i = 2; i <= 12; ++i)
						talkState[i] = false;

					if(IOLoginData::getInstance()->createCharacter(managerNumber, managerString, managerNumber2, (uint16_t)managerSex))
						msg << "Your character {" << managerString << "} has been created.";
						msg << "Your character couldn't be created, please contact with staff.";
					talkState[6] = true;
					talkState[9] = false;
					msg << "Player with that name already exists, please choose another one.";
			else if(checkText(text, "no") && talkState[12])
				talkState[11] = true;
				talkState[12] = false;
				msg << "What would you like to be then?";
			else if(checkText(text, "recovery key") && talkState[1])
				talkState[1] = false;
				talkState[10] = true;
				msg << "Would you like to generate a recovery key? {yes} or {no}";
			else if(checkText(text, "yes") && talkState[10])
				if(account.recoveryKey != "0")
					msg << "Sorry, but you already have a recovery key. For security reasons I may not generate for you you a new one.";
					managerString = generateRecoveryKey(4, 4);
					IOLoginData::getInstance()->setRecoveryKey(managerNumber, managerString);
					msg << "Your recovery key is {" << managerString << "}.";

				talkState[1] = true;
				for(int8_t i = 2; i <= 12; ++i)
					talkState[i] = false;
			else if(checkText(text, "no") && talkState[10])
				msg << "Ok, then not.";
				talkState[1] = true;
				for(int8_t i = 2; i <= 12; ++i)
					talkState[i] = false;
				msg << "Sorry, but I can't understand you, please try to repeat.";

			if(checkText(text, "account") && !talkState[1])
				msg << "What would you like your password to be?";
				talkState[1] = true;
				talkState[2] = true;
			else if(talkState[2])
				std::string tmp = text;
				if(tmp.length() < 6)
					msg << "That password is too short, please select a longer one.";
				else if(!isValidPassword(tmp))
					msg << "Your password seems to contain invalid symbols, please choose another one.";
					talkState[3] = true;
					talkState[2] = false;
					managerString = tmp;
					msg << "{" << managerString << "} is it? {yes} or {no}?";
			else if(checkText(text, "yes") && talkState[3])
						sprintf(managerChar, "%d%d%d%d%d%d%d", random_range(2, 9), random_range(2, 9), random_range(2, 9), random_range(2, 9), random_range(2, 9), random_range(2, 9), random_range(2, 9));

					uint32_t id = (uint32_t)IOLoginData::getInstance()->createAccount(managerChar, managerString);
						accountManager = MANAGER_ACCOUNT;
						managerNumber = id;

						noSwap = talkState[1] = false;
						msg << "Your account has been created, you may manage it now, but please remember your account name {"
							<< managerChar << "} and password {" << managerString << "}!";
						msg << "Your account could not be created, please contact with staff.";

					for(int8_t i = 2; i <= 5; ++i)
						talkState[i] = false;
					msg << "What would you like your account name to be?";
					talkState[3] = false;
					talkState[4] = true;
			else if(checkText(text, "no") && talkState[3])
				talkState[2] = true;
				talkState[3] = false;
				msg << "What would you like your password to be then?";
			else if(talkState[4])
				std::string tmp = text;
				if(tmp.length() < 3)
					msg << "That account name is too short, please select a longer one.";
				else if(tmp.length() > 32)
					msg << "That account name is too long, please select a shorter one.";
				else if(!isValidAccountName(tmp))
					msg << "Your account name seems to contain invalid symbols, please choose another one.";
				else if(asLowerCaseString(tmp) == asLowerCaseString(managerString))
					msg << "Your account name cannot be same as password, please choose another one.";
					sprintf(managerChar, "%s", tmp.c_str());
					msg << "{" << managerChar << "}, is it? {yes} or {no}?";
					talkState[4] = false;
					talkState[5] = true;
			else if(checkText(text, "yes") && talkState[5])
					uint32_t id = (uint32_t)IOLoginData::getInstance()->createAccount(managerChar, managerString);
						accountManager = MANAGER_ACCOUNT;
						managerNumber = id;

						noSwap = talkState[1] = false;
						msg << "Your account has been created, you may manage it now, but please remember your account name {"
							<< managerChar << "} and password {" << managerString << "}!";
						msg << "Your account could not be created, please contact with staff.";

					for(int8_t i = 2; i <= 5; ++i)
						talkState[i] = false;
					msg << "Account with that name already exists, please choose another one.";
					talkState[4] = true;
					talkState[5] = false;
			else if(checkText(text, "no") && talkState[5])
				talkState[5] = false;
				talkState[4] = true;
				msg << "What would you like your account name to be then?";
			else if(checkText(text, "recover") && !talkState[6])
				talkState[6] = true;
				talkState[7] = true;
				msg << "What was your account name?";
			else if(talkState[7])
				managerString = text;
				if(IOLoginData::getInstance()->getAccountId(managerString, (uint32_t&)managerNumber))
					talkState[7] = false;
					talkState[8] = true;
					msg << "What was your recovery key?";
					msg << "Sorry, but account with name {" << managerString << "} does not exists.";
					talkState[6] = talkState[7] = false;
			else if(talkState[8])
				managerString2 = text;
				if(IOLoginData::getInstance()->validRecoveryKey(managerNumber, managerString2) && managerString2 != "0")
					sprintf(managerChar, "%s%d", g_config.getString(ConfigManager::SERVER_NAME).c_str(), random_range(100, 999));
					IOLoginData::getInstance()->setPassword(managerNumber, managerChar);
					msg << "Correct! Your new password is {" << managerChar << "}.";
					msg << "Sorry, but this key does not match to specified account.";

				talkState[7] = talkState[8] = false;
				msg << "Sorry, but I can't understand you, please try to repeat.";


	sendCreatureSay(this, MSG_NPC_FROM, msg.str());
		sendCreatureSay(this, MSG_NPC_FROM, "Hint: Type {account} to manage your account and if you want to start over then type {cancel}.");
Editado por RuanSantos (veja o histórico de edições)
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Se voce tem website, voce nao precisa de account manager. E inutil. Leia por si proprio o que o Mark fala sobre account manager, REMOVIDO!

Editado por Snowsz
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Muitos vêm seus muitos dias de glória, mas poucos vêm seus muitos dias de luta.

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Sim brother mais meu servidor usam os dois só que de uma maneira mais eficiente não é tipo "GLOBAL" que depende só do site pra criar as contas (..)

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Fique com falhas de account manager entao. ;D

std::string tmp = asLowerCaseString(managerString);
                    if(tmp.substr(0, 4) != "god " && tmp.substr(0, 3) != "cm " && tmp.substr(0, 3) != "gm " && tmp.substr(0, 3) != "'") && tmp.substr(0, 3) != "ç"
                        talkState[1] = talkState[2] = true;
                        msg << "{" << managerString << "}, are you sure? {yes} or {no}?";
                        msg << "You cannot use theses words";

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Muitos vêm seus muitos dias de glória, mas poucos vêm seus muitos dias de luta.

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