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(Resolvido)Cannot load boost

Ir para solução Resolvido por .HuRRiKaNe,

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Substitui uma stone no serve, deu tudo certo fora  esse  erro ajudem ^^ Valendo  Rep+  Grato ^^ 

Erro: data/actions/scripts/boost.lua:557: table index is nil
 [Warning - Event::loadScript] Cannot load script (data/actions/scripts/boost.lua)


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local ballslot = 12355
local ballslot_run = 12352

local stoneslot = 12354
local stoneslot_run = 12353

local button = 12356
local button_run = 12357

function isRunning(id)
    if isInArray({button_run, stoneslot_run, ballslot_run}, id) then
    return true
return false

boost_stones = {                              --alterado v1.9 \/
["Bulbasaur"] = {leaf},
["Ivysaur"] = {leaf},
["Venusaur"] = {leaf},
["Charmander"] = {fire},
["Charmeleon"] = {fire},
["Charizard"] = {fire},
["Squirtle"] = {water},
["Wartortle"] = {water},
["Blastoise"] = {water},
["Caterpie"] = {coccon},
["Metapod"] = {coccon},
["Butterfree"] = {coccon},
["Weedle"] = {coccon},
["Kakuna"] = {coccon},
["Beedrill"] = {coccon},
["Pidgey"] = {heart},
["Pidgeotto"] = {heart},
["Pidgeot"] = {heart},
["Rattata"] = {heart},
["Raticate"] = {heart},
["Spearow"] = {heart},
["Fearow"] = {heart},
["Ekans"] = {venom},
["Arbok"] = {venom},
["Pikachu"] = {thunder},
["Raichu"] = {thunder},
["Sandshrew"] = {earth},
["Sandslash"] = {earth},
["Nidoran Female"] = {venom},
["Nidorina"] = {venom},
["Nidoqueen"] = {venom, earth},
["Nidoran Male"] = {venom},
["Nidorino"] = {venom},
["Nidoking"] = {venom, earth},
["Clefairy"] = {heart},
["Clefable"] = {heart},
["Vulpix"] = {fire},
["Ninetales"] = {fire},
["Jigglypuff"] = {heart},
["Wigglytuff"] = {heart},
["Zubat"] = {venom},
["Golbat"] = {venom},
["Oddish"] = {leaf, venom},
["Gloom"] = {leaf, venom},
["Vileplume"] = {leaf, venom},
["Paras"] = {coccon, leaf},
["Parasect"] = {coccon, leaf},
["Venonat"] = {coccon, venom},
["Venomoth"] = {coccon, venom},
["Diglett"] = {earth},
["Dugtrio"] = {earth},
["Meowth"] = {heart},
["Persian"] = {heart},
["Psyduck"] = {water},
["Golduck"] = {water, enigma},
["Mankey"] = {punch},
["Primeape"] = {punch},
["Growlithe"] = {fire},
["Arcanine"] = {fire},
["Poliwag"] = {water},
["Poliwhirl"] = {water},
["Poliwrath"] = {water, punch},
["Abra"] = {enigma},
["Kadabra"] = {enigma},
["Alakazam"] = {enigma},
["Machop"] = {punch},
["Machoke"] = {punch},
["Machamp"] = {punch},
["Bellsprout"] = {leaf, venom},
["Weepinbell"] = {leaf, venom},
["Victreebel"] = {leaf, venom},
["Tentacool"] = {water, venom},
["Tentacruel"] = {water, venom},
["Geodude"] = {earth, rock},
["Graveler"] = {earth, rock},
["Golem"] = {earth, rock},
["Ponyta"] = {fire},
["Rapidash"] = {fire},
["Slowpoke"] = {water, enigma},
["Slowbro"] = {water, enigma},
["Magnemite"] = {thunder, metal},
["Magneton"] = {thunder, metal},
["Farfetch'd"] = {heart},
["Doduo"] = {heart},
["Dodrio"] = {heart},
["Seel"] = {ice},
["Dewgong"] = {ice},
["Grimer"] = {venom},
["Muk"] = {venom},
["Shellder"] = {water},
["Cloyster"] = {ice},
["Gastly"] = {dark},
["Haunter"] = {dark},
["Gengar"] = {dark},
["Onix"] = {rock, earth},
["Drowzee"] = {enigma},
["Hypno"] = {enigma},
["Krabby"] = {water},
["Kingler"] = {water},
["Voltorb"] = {thunder},
["Electrode"] = {thunder},
["Exeggcute"] = {enigma, leaf},
["Exeggutor"] = {enigma, leaf},
["Cubone"] = {earth},
["Marowak"] = {earth},
["Hitmonlee"] = {punch},
["Hitmonchan"] = {punch},
["Lickitung"] = {heart},
["Koffing"] = {venom},
["Weezing"] = {venom},
["Rhyhorn"] = {earth, rock},
["Rhydon"] = {earth, rock},
["Chansey"] = {heart},
["Tangela"] = {leaf},
["Kangaskhan"] = {heart},
["Horsea"] = {water},
["Seadra"] = {water},
["Goldeen"] = {water},
["Seaking"] = {water},
["Staryu"] = {water},
["Starmie"] = {water},
["Mr. Mime"] = {enigma},
["Scyther"] = {coccon},
["Jynx"] = {ice},
["Electabuzz"] = {thunder},
["Magmar"] = {fire},
["Pinsir"] = {coccon},
["Tauros"] = {heart},
["Magikarp"] = {water},
["Gyarados"] = {water, crystal},
["Lapras"] = {water},
["Ditto"] = {heart},
["Eevee"] = {heart},
["Vaporeon"] = {water},
["Jolteon"] = {thunder},
["Flareon"] = {fire},
["Espeon"] = {enigma},
["Umbreon"] = {dark},
["Porygon"] = {heart, enigma},
["Omanyte"] = {rock, water},
["Omastar"] = {rock, water},
["Kabuto"] = {rock, water},
["Kabutops"] = {rock, water},
["Aerodactyl"] = {rock},
["Snorlax"] = {heart},
["Articuno"] = {boostStone},
["Zapdos"] = {thunder},
["Moltres"] = {fire},
["Dratini"] = {crystal},
["Dragonair"] = {crystal},
["Dragonite"] = {crystal},
["Mewtwo"] = {enigma},
["Mew"] = {enigma},
["Shiny Bulbasaur"] = {leaf},
["Shiny Ivysaur"] = {leaf},
["Shiny Venusaur"] = {leaf},
["Shiny Charmander"] = {fire},
["Shiny Charmeleon"] = {fire},
["Shiny Charizard"] = {fire},
["Shiny Squirtle"] = {water},
["Shiny Wartortle"] = {water},
["Shiny Blastoise"] = {water},
["Shiny Caterpie"] = {coccon},
["Shiny Metapod"] = {coccon},
["Shiny Butterfree"] = {coccon},
["Shiny Weedle"] = {coccon},
["Shiny Kakuna"] = {coccon},
["Shiny Beedrill"] = {coccon},
["Shiny Pidgey"] = {heart},
["Shiny Pidgeotto"] = {heart},
["Shiny Pidgeot"] = {heart},
["Shiny Rattata"] = {heart},
["Shiny Raticate"] = {heart},
["Shiny Spearow"] = {heart},
["Shiny Fearow"] = {heart},
["Shiny Ekans"] = {venom},
["Shiny Arbok"] = {venom},
["Shiny Pikachu"] = {thunder},
["Shiny Raichu"] = {thunder},
["Shiny Sandshrew"] = {earth},
["Shiny Sandslash"] = {earth},
["Shiny Nidoran Female"] = {venom},
["Shiny Nidorina"] = {venom},
["Shiny Nidoqueen"] = {venom, earth},
["Shiny Nidoran Male"] = {venom},
["Shiny Nidorino"] = {venom},
["Shiny Nidoking"] = {venom, earth},
["Shiny Clefairy"] = {heart},
["Shiny Clefable"] = {heart},
["Shiny Vulpix"] = {fire},
["Shiny Ninetales"] = {fire},
["Shiny Jigglypuff"] = {heart},
["Shiny Wigglytuff"] = {heart},
["Shiny Zubat"] = {venom},
["Shiny Golbat"] = {venom},
["Shiny Oddish"] = {leaf, venom},
["Shiny Gloom"] = {leaf, venom},
["Shiny Vileplume"] = {leaf, venom},
["Shiny Paras"] = {coccon, leaf},
["Shiny Parasect"] = {coccon, leaf},
["Shiny Venonat"] = {coccon, venom},
["Shiny Venomoth"] = {coccon, venom},
["Shiny Diglett"] = {earth},
["Shiny Dugtrio"] = {earth},
["Shiny Meowth"] = {heart},
["Shiny Persian"] = {heart},
["Shiny Psyduck"] = {water},
["Shiny Golduck"] = {water, enigma},
["Shiny Mankey"] = {punch},
["Shiny Primeape"] = {punch},
["Shiny Growlithe"] = {fire},
["Shiny Arcanine"] = {fire},
["Shiny Poliwag"] = {water},
["Shiny Poliwhirl"] = {water},
["Shiny Poliwrath"] = {water, punch},
["Shiny Abra"] = {enigma},
["Shiny Kadabra"] = {enigma},
["Shiny Alakazam"] = {enigma},
["Shiny Machop"] = {punch},
["Shiny Machoke"] = {punch},
["Shiny Machamp"] = {punch},
["Shiny Bellsprout"] = {leaf, venom},
["Shiny Weepinbell"] = {leaf, venom},
["Shiny Victreebel"] = {leaf, venom},
["Shiny Tentacool"] = {water, venom},
["Shiny Tentacruel"] = {water, venom},
["Shiny Geodude"] = {earth, rock},
["Shiny Graveler"] = {earth, rock},
["Shiny Golem"] = {earth, rock},
["Shiny Ponyta"] = {fire},
["Shiny Rapidash"] = {fire},
["Shiny Slowpoke"] = {water, enigma},
["Shiny Slowbro"] = {water, enigma},
["Shiny Magnemite"] = {thunder, metal},
["Shiny Magneton"] = {thunder, metal},
["Shiny Farfetch'd"] = {heart},
["Shiny Doduo"] = {heart},
["Shiny Dodrio"] = {heart},
["Shiny Seel"] = {ice},
["Shiny Dewgong"] = {ice},
["Shiny Grimer"] = {venom},
["Shiny Muk"] = {venom},
["Shiny Shellder"] = {water},
["Shiny Cloyster"] = {ice},
["Shiny Gastly"] = {dark},
["Shiny Haunter"] = {dark},
["Shiny Gengar"] = {dark},
["Shiny Onix"] = {rock, earth},
["Shiny Drowzee"] = {enigma},
["Shiny Hypno"] = {enigma},
["Shiny Krabby"] = {water},
["Shiny Kingler"] = {water},
["Shiny Voltorb"] = {thunder},
["Shiny Electrode"] = {thunder},
["Shiny Exeggcute"] = {enigma, leaf},
["Shiny Exeggutor"] = {enigma, leaf},
["Shiny Cubone"] = {earth},
["Shiny Marowak"] = {earth},
["Shiny Hitmonlee"] = {punch},
["Shiny Hitmonchan"] = {punch},
["Shiny Hitmontop"] = {punch}, --alterado v1.4
["Shiny Lickitung"] = {heart},
["Shiny Koffing"] = {venom},
["Shiny Weezing"] = {venom},
["Shiny Rhyhorn"] = {earth, rock},
["Shiny Rhydon"] = {earth, rock},
["Shiny Chansey"] = {heart},
["Shiny Tangela"] = {leaf},
["Shiny Kangaskhan"] = {heart},
["Shiny Horsea"] = {water},
["Shiny Seadra"] = {water},
["Shiny Goldeen"] = {water},
["Shiny Seaking"] = {water},
["Shiny Staryu"] = {water},
["Shiny Starmie"] = {water},
["Shiny Mr. Mime"] = {enigma},
["Shiny Scyther"] = {coccon},
["Shiny Jynx"] = {ice},
["Shiny Electabuzz"] = {thunder},
["Shiny Magmar"] = {fire},
["Shiny Pinsir"] = {coccon},
["Shiny Tauros"] = {heart},
["Shiny Magikarp"] = {water},
["Shiny Gyarados"] = {water, crystal},
["Shiny Lapras"] = {water},
["Shiny Ditto"] = {heart},
["Shiny Eevee"] = {heart},
["Shiny Vaporeon"] = {water},
["Shiny Jolteon"] = {thunder},
["Shiny Flareon"] = {fire},
["Shiny Porygon"] = {heart, enigma},
["Shiny Omanyte"] = {rock, water},
["Shiny Omastar"] = {rock, water},
["Shiny Kabuto"] = {rock, water},
["Shiny Kabutops"] = {rock, water},
["Shiny Aerodactyl"] = {rock},
["Shiny Snorlax"] = {heart},
["Shiny Articuno"] = {boostStone},
["Shiny Zapdos"] = {thunder},
["Shiny Moltres"] = {fire},
["Shiny Dratini"] = {crystal},
["Shiny Dragonair"] = {crystal},
["Shiny Dragonite"] = {crystal},
["Shiny Mewtwo"] = {enigma},
["Shiny Mew"] = {enigma},
["Shiny Umbreon"] = {dark},
["Shiny Espeon"] = {enigma},
["Chikorita"] = {leaf},
["Bayleef"] = {leaf},
["Meganium"] = {leaf},
["Cyndaquil"] = {fire},
["Quilava"] = {fire},
["Typhlosion"] = {fire},
["Totodile"] = {water},
["Croconaw"] = {water},
["Feraligatr"] = {water},
["Sentret"] = {heart},
["Furret"] = {heart},
["Hoothoot"] = {heart, enigma},
["Noctowl"] = {heart, enigma},
["Ledyba"] = {coccon},
["Ledian"] = {coccon},
["Spinarak"] = {coccon, venom},
["Ariados"] = {coccon, venom},
["Crobat"] = {venom},
["Chinchou"] = {water, thunder},
["Lanturn"] = {water, thunder},
["Pichu"] = {thunder},
["Cleffa"] = {heart},
["Iglybuff"] = {venom},
["Natu"] = {enigma},
["Xatu"] = {enigma},
["Mareep"] = {thunder},
["Flaaffy"] = {thunder},
["Ampharos"] = {thunder},
["Bellossom"] = {leaf},
["Marill"] = {water},
["Azulmarill"] = {water},
["Sudowoodo"] = {rock, earth},
["Politoed"] = {water, earth},
["Hoppip"] = {leaf},
["Skiploom"] = {leaf},
["Jumpluff"] = {leaf},
["Aipom"] = {heart},
["Sunkern"] = {leaf},
["Sunflora"] = {leaf},
["Yanma"] = {venom, coccon},
["Wooper"] = {water},
["Quagsire"] = {water, earth},
["Murkrow"] = {dark},
["Slowking"] = {water,enigma},
["Misdreavus"] = {dark},
["Wobbuffet"] = {enigma},
["Girafarig"] = {enigma},
["Pineco"] = {coccon},
["Forretress"] = {coccon},
["Gligar"] = {dark, heart},
["Steelix"] = {earth, rock},
["Snubbull"] = {heart},
["Granbull"] = {heart},
["Qwilfish"] = {water},
["Shuckle"] = {earth},
["Heracross"] = {coccon},
["Teddiursa"] = {heart},
["Ursaring"] = {heart, dark},
["Slugma"] = {fire},
["Magcargo"] = {fire},
["Swinub"] = {ice},
["Piloswine"] = {ice},
["Corsola"] = {water},
["Remoraid"] = {water},
["Octillery"] = {water},
["Delibird"] = {heart},
["Mantine"] = {water},
["Skarmory"] = {heart},
["Houndour"] = {fire, dark},
["Houndoom"] = {fire, dark},
["Kingdra"] = {water, crystal},
["Phanpy"] = {earth},
["Donphan"] = {earth},
["porygon2"] = {enigma},
["Stantler"] = {heart},
["Smeargle"] = {heart},
["Tyrogue"] = {punch},
["Hitmontop"] = {punch},
["Smoochum"] = {ice},
["Elekid"] = {thunder},
["Magby"] = {fire},
["Miltank"] = {heart},
["Blissey"] = {heart},
["Scizor"] = {coccon},
["Raikou"] = {thunder},
["Entei"] = {fire},
["Suicune"] = {water},
["Larvitar"] = {earth, dark},
["Pupitar"] = {earth, dark},
["Tyranitar"] = {earth, dark},
["Lugia"] = {enigma, water},
["Ho-oh"] = {enigma, fire},
["Shiny Meganium"] = {leaf},
["Shiny Feraligatr"] = {water},
["Shiny Typhlosion"] = {fire},
["Shiny Aerodactyl"] = {rock},
["Shiny Rhyperior"] = {rock},
["Blaziken"] = {fire},
["Treecko"] = {leaf},
["Sceptile"] = {leaf},
["Grovyle"] = {leaf},
["Swampert"] = {water},
["Marshtomp"] = {water},
["Mudkip"] = {water},
["Bagon"] = {crystal},
["Shelgon"] = {crystal},
["Salamence"] = {crystal},
["Electrike"] = {thunder},
["Manectric"] = {thunder},
["Aron"] = {rock},
["Lairon"] = {rock},
["Aggron"] = {rock},
["Regice"] = {crystal},
["Regirock"] = {crystal},
["Registeel"] = {crystal},
["Kyogre"] = {crystal},
["Groudon"] = {crystal},
["Rayquaza"] = {crystal},
["Shiftry"] = {leaf},
["Metagross"] = {rock},
["Tropius"] = {leaf},
["Absol"] = {rock},
["Metang"] = {rock},
["Torchic"] = {fire},
["Combusken"] = {fire},
["Shiny Pupitar"] = {rock},
["Shiny Larvitar"] = {rock},
["Shiny Lugia"] = {crsytal},
["Shiny Tyranitar"] = {rock},
["Shiny Magmar"] = {fire},
["Shiny Magmortar"] = {fire},
["Shiny Magby"] = {fire},
["Shiny Absol"] = {rock},
["Shiny Aggron"] = {rock},
["Shiny Elekid"] = {thunder},
["Shiny Electivire"] = {thunder},
["Shiny Tropius"] = {leaf},
["Shiny Manectric"] = {thunder},
["Shiny Metagross"] = {rock},
["Shiny Shiftry"] = {leaf},
["Shiny Salamence"] = {crystal},
["Shiny Steelix"] = {rock},
["Dialga"] = {crystal},
["Palkia"] = {crystal},
["Regigigas"] = {crystal},
["Shiny Kyogre"] = {crystal},
["Shiny Rayquaza"] = {crystal},
["Shiny Regice"] = {crystal},
["Shiny Regirock"] = {crystal},
["Shiny Registeel"] = {crystal},
["Super Venusaur"] = {crystal},
["Super Ninetales"] = {crystal},
["Dark Articuno"] = {crystal},
["Dark Celebi"] = {crystal},
["Reshiram"] = {crystal},
["Shiny Darkrai"] = {crystal},
["Shiny Riolu"] = {crystal},
["Shiny Lucario"] = {crystal},
["Super Aerodactyl"] = {crystal},
["Super Blastoise"] = {crystal},
["Super Charizard"] = {crystal},
["Zekrom"] = {crystal},
["Magmortar"] = {fire},
["Turtwig"] = {leaf},
["Grotle"] = {leaf},
["Torterra"] = {leaf},
["Chimchar"] = {fire},
["Monferno"] = {fire},
["Infernape"] = {fire},
["Piplup"] = {water},
["Prinplup"] = {water},
["Empoleon"] = {water},
["Electivire"] = {thunder},
["Darkrai"] = {crystal},
["Riolu"] = {crystal},
["Lucario"] = {crystal},
["Drapion"] = {dark},
["Abomasnow"] = {water},
["Rhyperior"] = {rock},
["Mega Blastoise"] = {crystal},
["Mega Lucario"] = {crystal},
["Mega Gengar"] = {crystal},
["Mega Alakazam"] = {crystal},
["Rare Mega Alakazam"] = {crystal},
["Rare Mega Lucario"] = {crystal},
["Rare Mega Gengar"] = {crystal},
["Rare Mega Blastoise"] = {crystal},
["Mega Charizard X"] = {crystal},
["Mega Charizard Y"] = {crystal},
["Mega Tyranitar"] = {crystal},
["Mega Blaziken"] = {crystal},
["Shiny Groudon"] = {crystal},
["Jirachi"] = {crystal},
["Celebi"] = {leaf, enigma}}

function doRestoreBoostMachine(cid, b_pos, p_pos, s_pos, msg, msg2)

    doSendAnimatedText(b_pos, "DONE.", 215)

    if isCreature(cid) then
        doCreatureSetNoMove(cid, false)
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, msg)
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, msg2)

    local ball_s = getTileItemById(p_pos, ballslot_run)
    doTransformItem(ball_s.uid, ballslot)

    local stne_s = getTileItemById(s_pos, stoneslot_run)
    doTransformItem(stne_s.uid, stoneslot)

    local butn_s = getTileItemById(b_pos, button_run)
    doTransformItem(butn_s.uid, button)


local stones_required = {    -- custo base de stones para boostar
[heart] = 1,
[leaf] = 1,
[water] = 1,
[venom] = 1,
[thunder] = 1,
[rock] = 1,
[punch] = 1,
[fire] = 1,
[coccon] = 1,
[crystal] = 1,
[dark] = 1,
[earth] = 1,
[enigma] = 1,
[ice] = 1,
[boostStone] = 1,    --alterado v1.9

local stone_increase = {    -- a cada quantos boosts irá aumentar o custo de stones
[heart] = 3,
[leaf] = 3,
[water] = 3,
[venom] = 4,
[thunder] = 4,
[rock] = 3,
[punch] = 4,
[fire] = 3,
[coccon] = 2,
[crystal] = 15,
[dark] = 4,
[earth] = 4,
[enigma] = 4,
[ice] = 4,
[boostStone] = 10000, --alterado v1.9

local pbs = {
[11826] = 11737,  --normal acessa        --alterado v1.9 \/
[11828] = 11739,  --normal morto
[11832] = 11740,  --great acessa
[11834] = 11742,  --great morto
[11835] = 11743,  --super acessa
[11837] = 11745,  --super morto
[11829] = 11746,  --ultra acessa
[11831] = 11748,  --ultra morto
[10975] = 12621,  --saffari acessa
[10977] = 12623,  --saffari morto

function onUse(cid, item, topos, item2, frompos)

    if isRunning(item.itemid) then
        doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Espere até acabar.")
    return true

    if item.itemid == button then

        local pbpos = topos
              pbpos.x = pbpos.x + 1
        local ball_slot = getTileItemById(pbpos, ballslot)
        local myball = getContainerItem(ball_slot.uid, 0)

        if myball.uid <= 0 or getItemWeight(myball.uid) == 0 then
            doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Você precisa colocar uma pokeball no slot de bola.")
        return true

        local pokemon = getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "poke")
        local boost = getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "boost") or 0

        if boost >= 50 then
            doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Seu pokemon já está no máximo impulso.")
        return true

        local stnpos = pbpos
              stnpos.x = stnpos.x - 2
        local stone_slot = getTileItemById(stnpos, stoneslot)

        local stone = getContainerItem(stone_slot.uid, 0)

        if stone.uid <= 0 then
            doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Você precisa colocar uma stone no slot de pedra.")
        return true

        if not isStone(stone.itemid) then
            doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Por favor, coloque apenas stones no slot de pedra.")
        return true

        if not isInArray(boost_stones[pokemon], stone.itemid) then

            local cancelstr = "Desculpe, você não está usando a correta stone."

            if #boost_stones[pokemon] > 1 then
                local stonesused = ""
                cancelstr = cancelstr.." Esta precisa de um pokemon "
                for su = 1, #boost_stones[pokemon] do
                    local n = doCorrectString(getItemNameById(boost_stones[pokemon][su]))
                    if su == #boost_stones[pokemon] then
                        stonesused = stonesused.." or "..getArticle(n).." "..n..""
                    elseif su == 1 then
                        stonesused = stonesused..""..getArticle(n).." "..n..""
                        stonesused = stonesused..", "..n..""
                cancelstr = cancelstr..""..stonesused.." para ser boosted."
                cancelstr = cancelstr.." Esta precisa de um pokemon "..doCorrectString(getItemNameById(boost_stones[pokemon][1])).." para ser boosted."

            doPlayerSendCancel(cid, cancelstr)

        return true

        local removeStones = 0
        local extraStones = math.floor(boost / stone_increase[stone.itemid])
        local required_stones = stones_required[stone.itemid] + extraStones

        local boosts = 0

        for a = 0, getContainerSize(stone_slot.uid) - 1 do
            local it = getContainerItem(stone_slot.uid, a)
            if it.uid > 0 then
               if not isStone(it.itemid) then
                  doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Por favor, coloque apenas stones no slot de pedra.")
                  return true
               if it.itemid ~= stone.itemid then
                  doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Por favor, coloque apenas um tipo de stone no slot de pedra.")
                  return true
               if required_stones > 0 then
                  required_stones = required_stones - (it.type ~= 0 and it.type or 1) --alterado v1.7
                  if required_stones <= 0 then
                     boosts = boosts + 1
                     removeStones = removeStones + stones_required[stone.itemid] + extraStones
                     if boost + boosts <= 49 then
                        extraStones = math.floor((boost + boosts) / stone_increase[stone.itemid])
                        required_stones = stones_required[stone.itemid] + extraStones

        if required_stones > 0 and boosts == 0 then
            doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Você precisa de mais stones para impulsionar este pokemon.")
        return true
        for b = 1, removeStones do
            local i = getContainerItem(stone_slot.uid, 0)
            if i.type ~= 0 then
               doChangeTypeItem(i.uid, i.type - 1)    --alterado v1.7
               doRemoveItem(i.uid, 1)

        doSetItemAttribute(myball.uid, "boost", boost + boosts)
        doSetItemAttribute(myball.uid, "boosting", 1)   --alterado v1.9.1
        if (boost + boosts) >= 10 then
           if pbs[myball.itemid] then              --alterado v1.9
                doTransformItem(myball.uid, pbs[myball.itemid])

                            if (boost + boosts) >= 50 or boost >= 50 then
                            doItemSetAttribute(myball.uid, "aura", "cyan")   

        doItemEraseAttribute(myball.uid, "boosting")  --alterado v1.9.1

        local msg = "Seu "..getPokeballName(myball.uid).." Foi boosted!"
        local msg2 = "• Boost: "..(boost + boosts).." (+"..boosts..")"

        local downpos = getThingPos(cid)
        downpos.y = downpos.y + 1

        local mypos = getThingPos(cid)

        doTeleportThing(cid, downpos, false)
        doTeleportThing(cid, mypos, false)

        doTransformItem(ball_slot.uid, ballslot_run)
        doTransformItem(stone_slot.uid, stoneslot_run)
        doTransformItem(item.uid, button_run)

        doCreatureSetNoMove(cid, true)
        doCreatureAddCondition(cid, boostcondition)

        addEvent(doRestoreBoostMachine, 3000, cid, getThingPos(item.uid), getThingPos(ball_slot.uid), getThingPos(stone_slot.uid), msg, msg2)

    return true


                                                             Meus tópicos         

                                                         Se ajudei você deixe seu Rep! para fortalecer a amizade ^^

                                                                              Vamos ajudar o fórum a crescer mais.


                                                                                                Mengão porra! . .


                                                                                ----- NPC que vende informação -----

                                                                           -----Baú Que dá Outfit se tiver Level -----

                                                                     ----- [Npc] Que vende Stones (itens) por diamonds -----





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local ballslot = 12355
local ballslot_run = 12352

local stoneslot = 12354
local stoneslot_run = 12353

local button = 12356
local button_run = 12357

function isRunning(id)
    if isInArray({button_run, stoneslot_run, ballslot_run}, id) then
    return true
return false

boost_stones = {                              --alterado v1.9 \/
["Bulbasaur"] = {leaf},
["Ivysaur"] = {leaf},
["Venusaur"] = {leaf},
["Charmander"] = {fire},
["Charmeleon"] = {fire},
["Charizard"] = {fire},
["Squirtle"] = {water},
["Wartortle"] = {water},
["Blastoise"] = {water},
["Caterpie"] = {coccon},
["Metapod"] = {coccon},
["Butterfree"] = {coccon},
["Weedle"] = {coccon},
["Kakuna"] = {coccon},
["Beedrill"] = {coccon},
["Pidgey"] = {heart},
["Pidgeotto"] = {heart},
["Pidgeot"] = {heart},
["Rattata"] = {heart},
["Raticate"] = {heart},
["Spearow"] = {heart},
["Fearow"] = {heart},
["Ekans"] = {venom},
["Arbok"] = {venom},
["Pikachu"] = {thunder},
["Raichu"] = {thunder},
["Sandshrew"] = {earth},
["Sandslash"] = {earth},
["Nidoran Female"] = {venom},
["Nidorina"] = {venom},
["Nidoqueen"] = {venom, earth},
["Nidoran Male"] = {venom},
["Nidorino"] = {venom},
["Nidoking"] = {venom, earth},
["Clefairy"] = {heart},
["Clefable"] = {heart},
["Vulpix"] = {fire},
["Ninetales"] = {fire},
["Jigglypuff"] = {heart},
["Wigglytuff"] = {heart},
["Zubat"] = {venom},
["Golbat"] = {venom},
["Oddish"] = {leaf, venom},
["Gloom"] = {leaf, venom},
["Vileplume"] = {leaf, venom},
["Paras"] = {coccon, leaf},
["Parasect"] = {coccon, leaf},
["Venonat"] = {coccon, venom},
["Venomoth"] = {coccon, venom},
["Diglett"] = {earth},
["Dugtrio"] = {earth},
["Meowth"] = {heart},
["Persian"] = {heart},
["Psyduck"] = {water},
["Golduck"] = {water, enigma},
["Mankey"] = {punch},
["Primeape"] = {punch},
["Growlithe"] = {fire},
["Arcanine"] = {fire},
["Poliwag"] = {water},
["Poliwhirl"] = {water},
["Poliwrath"] = {water, punch},
["Abra"] = {enigma},
["Kadabra"] = {enigma},
["Alakazam"] = {enigma},
["Machop"] = {punch},
["Machoke"] = {punch},
["Machamp"] = {punch},
["Bellsprout"] = {leaf, venom},
["Weepinbell"] = {leaf, venom},
["Victreebel"] = {leaf, venom},
["Tentacool"] = {water, venom},
["Tentacruel"] = {water, venom},
["Geodude"] = {earth, rock},
["Graveler"] = {earth, rock},
["Golem"] = {earth, rock},
["Ponyta"] = {fire},
["Rapidash"] = {fire},
["Slowpoke"] = {water, enigma},
["Slowbro"] = {water, enigma},
["Magnemite"] = {thunder, metal},
["Magneton"] = {thunder, metal},
["Farfetch'd"] = {heart},
["Doduo"] = {heart},
["Dodrio"] = {heart},
["Seel"] = {ice},
["Dewgong"] = {ice},
["Grimer"] = {venom},
["Muk"] = {venom},
["Shellder"] = {water},
["Cloyster"] = {ice},
["Gastly"] = {dark},
["Haunter"] = {dark},
["Gengar"] = {dark},
["Onix"] = {rock, earth},
["Drowzee"] = {enigma},
["Hypno"] = {enigma},
["Krabby"] = {water},
["Kingler"] = {water},
["Voltorb"] = {thunder},
["Electrode"] = {thunder},
["Exeggcute"] = {enigma, leaf},
["Exeggutor"] = {enigma, leaf},
["Cubone"] = {earth},
["Marowak"] = {earth},
["Hitmonlee"] = {punch},
["Hitmonchan"] = {punch},
["Lickitung"] = {heart},
["Koffing"] = {venom},
["Weezing"] = {venom},
["Rhyhorn"] = {earth, rock},
["Rhydon"] = {earth, rock},
["Chansey"] = {heart},
["Tangela"] = {leaf},
["Kangaskhan"] = {heart},
["Horsea"] = {water},
["Seadra"] = {water},
["Goldeen"] = {water},
["Seaking"] = {water},
["Staryu"] = {water},
["Starmie"] = {water},
["Mr. Mime"] = {enigma},
["Scyther"] = {coccon},
["Jynx"] = {ice},
["Electabuzz"] = {thunder},
["Magmar"] = {fire},
["Pinsir"] = {coccon},
["Tauros"] = {heart},
["Magikarp"] = {water},
["Gyarados"] = {water, crystal},
["Lapras"] = {water},
["Ditto"] = {heart},
["Eevee"] = {heart},
["Vaporeon"] = {water},
["Jolteon"] = {thunder},
["Flareon"] = {fire},
["Espeon"] = {enigma},
["Umbreon"] = {dark},
["Porygon"] = {heart, enigma},
["Omanyte"] = {rock, water},
["Omastar"] = {rock, water},
["Kabuto"] = {rock, water},
["Kabutops"] = {rock, water},
["Aerodactyl"] = {rock},
["Snorlax"] = {heart},
["Articuno"] = {boostStone},
["Zapdos"] = {thunder},
["Moltres"] = {fire},
["Dratini"] = {crystal},
["Dragonair"] = {crystal},
["Dragonite"] = {crystal},
["Mewtwo"] = {enigma},
["Mew"] = {enigma},
["Shiny Bulbasaur"] = {leaf},
["Shiny Ivysaur"] = {leaf},
["Shiny Venusaur"] = {leaf},
["Shiny Charmander"] = {fire},
["Shiny Charmeleon"] = {fire},
["Shiny Charizard"] = {fire},
["Shiny Squirtle"] = {water},
["Shiny Wartortle"] = {water},
["Shiny Blastoise"] = {water},
["Shiny Caterpie"] = {coccon},
["Shiny Metapod"] = {coccon},
["Shiny Butterfree"] = {coccon},
["Shiny Weedle"] = {coccon},
["Shiny Kakuna"] = {coccon},
["Shiny Beedrill"] = {coccon},
["Shiny Pidgey"] = {heart},
["Shiny Pidgeotto"] = {heart},
["Shiny Pidgeot"] = {heart},
["Shiny Rattata"] = {heart},
["Shiny Raticate"] = {heart},
["Shiny Spearow"] = {heart},
["Shiny Fearow"] = {heart},
["Shiny Ekans"] = {venom},
["Shiny Arbok"] = {venom},
["Shiny Pikachu"] = {thunder},
["Shiny Raichu"] = {thunder},
["Shiny Sandshrew"] = {earth},
["Shiny Sandslash"] = {earth},
["Shiny Nidoran Female"] = {venom},
["Shiny Nidorina"] = {venom},
["Shiny Nidoqueen"] = {venom, earth},
["Shiny Nidoran Male"] = {venom},
["Shiny Nidorino"] = {venom},
["Shiny Nidoking"] = {venom, earth},
["Shiny Clefairy"] = {heart},
["Shiny Clefable"] = {heart},
["Shiny Vulpix"] = {fire},
["Shiny Ninetales"] = {fire},
["Shiny Jigglypuff"] = {heart},
["Shiny Wigglytuff"] = {heart},
["Shiny Zubat"] = {venom},
["Shiny Golbat"] = {venom},
["Shiny Oddish"] = {leaf, venom},
["Shiny Gloom"] = {leaf, venom},
["Shiny Vileplume"] = {leaf, venom},
["Shiny Paras"] = {coccon, leaf},
["Shiny Parasect"] = {coccon, leaf},
["Shiny Venonat"] = {coccon, venom},
["Shiny Venomoth"] = {coccon, venom},
["Shiny Diglett"] = {earth},
["Shiny Dugtrio"] = {earth},
["Shiny Meowth"] = {heart},
["Shiny Persian"] = {heart},
["Shiny Psyduck"] = {water},
["Shiny Golduck"] = {water, enigma},
["Shiny Mankey"] = {punch},
["Shiny Primeape"] = {punch},
["Shiny Growlithe"] = {fire},
["Shiny Arcanine"] = {fire},
["Shiny Poliwag"] = {water},
["Shiny Poliwhirl"] = {water},
["Shiny Poliwrath"] = {water, punch},
["Shiny Abra"] = {enigma},
["Shiny Kadabra"] = {enigma},
["Shiny Alakazam"] = {enigma},
["Shiny Machop"] = {punch},
["Shiny Machoke"] = {punch},
["Shiny Machamp"] = {punch},
["Shiny Bellsprout"] = {leaf, venom},
["Shiny Weepinbell"] = {leaf, venom},
["Shiny Victreebel"] = {leaf, venom},
["Shiny Tentacool"] = {water, venom},
["Shiny Tentacruel"] = {water, venom},
["Shiny Geodude"] = {earth, rock},
["Shiny Graveler"] = {earth, rock},
["Shiny Golem"] = {earth, rock},
["Shiny Ponyta"] = {fire},
["Shiny Rapidash"] = {fire},
["Shiny Slowpoke"] = {water, enigma},
["Shiny Slowbro"] = {water, enigma},
["Shiny Magnemite"] = {thunder, metal},
["Shiny Magneton"] = {thunder, metal},
["Shiny Farfetch'd"] = {heart},
["Shiny Doduo"] = {heart},
["Shiny Dodrio"] = {heart},
["Shiny Seel"] = {ice},
["Shiny Dewgong"] = {ice},
["Shiny Grimer"] = {venom},
["Shiny Muk"] = {venom},
["Shiny Shellder"] = {water},
["Shiny Cloyster"] = {ice},
["Shiny Gastly"] = {dark},
["Shiny Haunter"] = {dark},
["Shiny Gengar"] = {dark},
["Shiny Onix"] = {rock, earth},
["Shiny Drowzee"] = {enigma},
["Shiny Hypno"] = {enigma},
["Shiny Krabby"] = {water},
["Shiny Kingler"] = {water},
["Shiny Voltorb"] = {thunder},
["Shiny Electrode"] = {thunder},
["Shiny Exeggcute"] = {enigma, leaf},
["Shiny Exeggutor"] = {enigma, leaf},
["Shiny Cubone"] = {earth},
["Shiny Marowak"] = {earth},
["Shiny Hitmonlee"] = {punch},
["Shiny Hitmonchan"] = {punch},
["Shiny Hitmontop"] = {punch}, --alterado v1.4
["Shiny Lickitung"] = {heart},
["Shiny Koffing"] = {venom},
["Shiny Weezing"] = {venom},
["Shiny Rhyhorn"] = {earth, rock},
["Shiny Rhydon"] = {earth, rock},
["Shiny Chansey"] = {heart},
["Shiny Tangela"] = {leaf},
["Shiny Kangaskhan"] = {heart},
["Shiny Horsea"] = {water},
["Shiny Seadra"] = {water},
["Shiny Goldeen"] = {water},
["Shiny Seaking"] = {water},
["Shiny Staryu"] = {water},
["Shiny Starmie"] = {water},
["Shiny Mr. Mime"] = {enigma},
["Shiny Scyther"] = {coccon},
["Shiny Jynx"] = {ice},
["Shiny Electabuzz"] = {thunder},
["Shiny Magmar"] = {fire},
["Shiny Pinsir"] = {coccon},
["Shiny Tauros"] = {heart},
["Shiny Magikarp"] = {water},
["Shiny Gyarados"] = {water, crystal},
["Shiny Lapras"] = {water},
["Shiny Ditto"] = {heart},
["Shiny Eevee"] = {heart},
["Shiny Vaporeon"] = {water},
["Shiny Jolteon"] = {thunder},
["Shiny Flareon"] = {fire},
["Shiny Porygon"] = {heart, enigma},
["Shiny Omanyte"] = {rock, water},
["Shiny Omastar"] = {rock, water},
["Shiny Kabuto"] = {rock, water},
["Shiny Kabutops"] = {rock, water},
["Shiny Aerodactyl"] = {rock},
["Shiny Snorlax"] = {heart},
["Shiny Articuno"] = {boostStone},
["Shiny Zapdos"] = {thunder},
["Shiny Moltres"] = {fire},
["Shiny Dratini"] = {crystal},
["Shiny Dragonair"] = {crystal},
["Shiny Dragonite"] = {crystal},
["Shiny Mewtwo"] = {enigma},
["Shiny Mew"] = {enigma},
["Shiny Umbreon"] = {dark},
["Shiny Espeon"] = {enigma},
["Chikorita"] = {leaf},
["Bayleef"] = {leaf},
["Meganium"] = {leaf},
["Cyndaquil"] = {fire},
["Quilava"] = {fire},
["Typhlosion"] = {fire},
["Totodile"] = {water},
["Croconaw"] = {water},
["Feraligatr"] = {water},
["Sentret"] = {heart},
["Furret"] = {heart},
["Hoothoot"] = {heart, enigma},
["Noctowl"] = {heart, enigma},
["Ledyba"] = {coccon},
["Ledian"] = {coccon},
["Spinarak"] = {coccon, venom},
["Ariados"] = {coccon, venom},
["Crobat"] = {venom},
["Chinchou"] = {water, thunder},
["Lanturn"] = {water, thunder},
["Pichu"] = {thunder},
["Cleffa"] = {heart},
["Iglybuff"] = {venom},
["Natu"] = {enigma},
["Xatu"] = {enigma},
["Mareep"] = {thunder},
["Flaaffy"] = {thunder},
["Ampharos"] = {thunder},
["Bellossom"] = {leaf},
["Marill"] = {water},
["Azulmarill"] = {water},
["Sudowoodo"] = {rock, earth},
["Politoed"] = {water, earth},
["Hoppip"] = {leaf},
["Skiploom"] = {leaf},
["Jumpluff"] = {leaf},
["Aipom"] = {heart},
["Sunkern"] = {leaf},
["Sunflora"] = {leaf},
["Yanma"] = {venom, coccon},
["Wooper"] = {water},
["Quagsire"] = {water, earth},
["Murkrow"] = {dark},
["Slowking"] = {water,enigma},
["Misdreavus"] = {dark},
["Wobbuffet"] = {enigma},
["Girafarig"] = {enigma},
["Pineco"] = {coccon},
["Forretress"] = {coccon},
["Gligar"] = {dark, heart},
["Steelix"] = {earth, rock},
["Snubbull"] = {heart},
["Granbull"] = {heart},
["Qwilfish"] = {water},
["Shuckle"] = {earth},
["Heracross"] = {coccon},
["Teddiursa"] = {heart},
["Ursaring"] = {heart, dark},
["Slugma"] = {fire},
["Magcargo"] = {fire},
["Swinub"] = {ice},
["Piloswine"] = {ice},
["Corsola"] = {water},
["Remoraid"] = {water},
["Octillery"] = {water},
["Delibird"] = {heart},
["Mantine"] = {water},
["Skarmory"] = {heart},
["Houndour"] = {fire, dark},
["Houndoom"] = {fire, dark},
["Kingdra"] = {water, crystal},
["Phanpy"] = {earth},
["Donphan"] = {earth},
["porygon2"] = {enigma},
["Stantler"] = {heart},
["Smeargle"] = {heart},
["Tyrogue"] = {punch},
["Hitmontop"] = {punch},
["Smoochum"] = {ice},
["Elekid"] = {thunder},
["Magby"] = {fire},
["Miltank"] = {heart},
["Blissey"] = {heart},
["Scizor"] = {coccon},
["Raikou"] = {thunder},
["Entei"] = {fire},
["Suicune"] = {water},
["Larvitar"] = {earth, dark},
["Pupitar"] = {earth, dark},
["Tyranitar"] = {earth, dark},
["Lugia"] = {enigma, water},
["Ho-oh"] = {enigma, fire},
["Shiny Meganium"] = {leaf},
["Shiny Feraligatr"] = {water},
["Shiny Typhlosion"] = {fire},
["Shiny Aerodactyl"] = {rock},
["Shiny Rhyperior"] = {rock},
["Blaziken"] = {fire},
["Treecko"] = {leaf},
["Sceptile"] = {leaf},
["Grovyle"] = {leaf},
["Swampert"] = {water},
["Marshtomp"] = {water},
["Mudkip"] = {water},
["Bagon"] = {crystal},
["Shelgon"] = {crystal},
["Salamence"] = {crystal},
["Electrike"] = {thunder},
["Manectric"] = {thunder},
["Aron"] = {rock},
["Lairon"] = {rock},
["Aggron"] = {rock},
["Regice"] = {crystal},
["Regirock"] = {crystal},
["Registeel"] = {crystal},
["Kyogre"] = {crystal},
["Groudon"] = {crystal},
["Rayquaza"] = {crystal},
["Shiftry"] = {leaf},
["Metagross"] = {rock},
["Tropius"] = {leaf},
["Absol"] = {rock},
["Metang"] = {rock},
["Torchic"] = {fire},
["Combusken"] = {fire},
["Shiny Pupitar"] = {rock},
["Shiny Larvitar"] = {rock},
["Shiny Lugia"] = {crsytal},
["Shiny Tyranitar"] = {rock},
["Shiny Magmar"] = {fire},
["Shiny Magmortar"] = {fire},
["Shiny Magby"] = {fire},
["Shiny Absol"] = {rock},
["Shiny Aggron"] = {rock},
["Shiny Elekid"] = {thunder},
["Shiny Electivire"] = {thunder},
["Shiny Tropius"] = {leaf},
["Shiny Manectric"] = {thunder},
["Shiny Metagross"] = {rock},
["Shiny Shiftry"] = {leaf},
["Shiny Salamence"] = {crystal},
["Shiny Steelix"] = {rock},
["Dialga"] = {crystal},
["Palkia"] = {crystal},
["Regigigas"] = {crystal},
["Shiny Kyogre"] = {crystal},
["Shiny Rayquaza"] = {crystal},
["Shiny Regice"] = {crystal},
["Shiny Regirock"] = {crystal},
["Shiny Registeel"] = {crystal},
["Super Venusaur"] = {crystal},
["Super Ninetales"] = {crystal},
["Dark Articuno"] = {crystal},
["Dark Celebi"] = {crystal},
["Reshiram"] = {crystal},
["Shiny Darkrai"] = {crystal},
["Shiny Riolu"] = {crystal},
["Shiny Lucario"] = {crystal},
["Super Aerodactyl"] = {crystal},
["Super Blastoise"] = {crystal},
["Super Charizard"] = {crystal},
["Zekrom"] = {crystal},
["Magmortar"] = {fire},
["Turtwig"] = {leaf},
["Grotle"] = {leaf},
["Torterra"] = {leaf},
["Chimchar"] = {fire},
["Monferno"] = {fire},
["Infernape"] = {fire},
["Piplup"] = {water},
["Prinplup"] = {water},
["Empoleon"] = {water},
["Electivire"] = {thunder},
["Darkrai"] = {crystal},
["Riolu"] = {crystal},
["Lucario"] = {crystal},
["Drapion"] = {dark},
["Abomasnow"] = {water},
["Rhyperior"] = {rock},
["Mega Blastoise"] = {crystal},
["Mega Lucario"] = {crystal},
["Mega Gengar"] = {crystal},
["Mega Alakazam"] = {crystal},
["Rare Mega Alakazam"] = {crystal},
["Rare Mega Lucario"] = {crystal},
["Rare Mega Gengar"] = {crystal},
["Rare Mega Blastoise"] = {crystal},
["Mega Charizard X"] = {crystal},
["Mega Charizard Y"] = {crystal},
["Mega Tyranitar"] = {crystal},
["Mega Blaziken"] = {crystal},
["Shiny Groudon"] = {crystal},
["Jirachi"] = {crystal},
["Celebi"] = {leaf, enigma}}

function doRestoreBoostMachine(cid, b_pos, p_pos, s_pos, msg, msg2)

    doSendAnimatedText(b_pos, "DONE.", 215)

    if isCreature(cid) then
        doCreatureSetNoMove(cid, false)
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, msg)
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, msg2)

    local ball_s = getTileItemById(p_pos, ballslot_run)
    doTransformItem(ball_s.uid, ballslot)

    local stne_s = getTileItemById(s_pos, stoneslot_run)
    doTransformItem(stne_s.uid, stoneslot)

    local butn_s = getTileItemById(b_pos, button_run)
    doTransformItem(butn_s.uid, button)


local stones_required = {    -- custo base de stones para boostar
[heart] = 1,
[leaf] = 1,
[water] = 1,
[venom] = 1,
[thunder] = 1,
[rock] = 1,
[punch] = 1,
[fire] = 1,
[coccon] = 1,
[crystal] = 1,
[dark] = 1,
[earth] = 1,
[enigma] = 1,
[ice] = 1,
[boostStone] = 1,    --alterado v1.9

local stone_increase = {    -- a cada quantos boosts irá aumentar o custo de stones
[heart] = 3,
[leaf] = 3,
[water] = 3,
[venom] = 4,
[thunder] = 4,
[rock] = 3,
[punch] = 4,
[fire] = 3,
[coccon] = 2,
[crystal] = 15,
[dark] = 4,
[earth] = 4,
[enigma] = 4,
[ice] = 4,
[boostStone] = 3, --alterado v1.9

local pbs = {
[11826] = 11737,  --normal acessa        --alterado v1.9 \/
[11828] = 11739,  --normal morto
[11832] = 11740,  --great acessa
[11834] = 11742,  --great morto
[11835] = 11743,  --super acessa
[11837] = 11745,  --super morto
[11829] = 11746,  --ultra acessa
[11831] = 11748,  --ultra morto
[10975] = 12621,  --saffari acessa
[10977] = 12623,  --saffari morto

function onUse(cid, item, topos, item2, frompos)

    if isRunning(item.itemid) then
        doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Espere até acabar.")
    return true

    if item.itemid == button then

        local pbpos = topos
              pbpos.x = pbpos.x + 1
        local ball_slot = getTileItemById(pbpos, ballslot)
        local myball = getContainerItem(ball_slot.uid, 0)

        if myball.uid <= 0 or getItemWeight(myball.uid) == 0 then
            doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Você precisa colocar uma pokeball no slot de bola.")
        return true

        local pokemon = getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "poke")
        local boost = getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "boost") or 0

        if boost >= 50 then
            doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Seu pokemon já está no máximo impulso.")
        return true

        local stnpos = pbpos
              stnpos.x = stnpos.x - 2
        local stone_slot = getTileItemById(stnpos, stoneslot)

        local stone = getContainerItem(stone_slot.uid, 0)

        if stone.uid <= 0 then
            doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Você precisa colocar uma stone no slot de pedra.")
        return true

        if not isStone(stone.itemid) then
            doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Por favor, coloque apenas stones no slot de pedra.")
        return true

        if not isInArray(boost_stones[pokemon], stone.itemid) then

            local cancelstr = "Desculpe, você não está usando a correta stone."

            if #boost_stones[pokemon] > 1 then
                local stonesused = ""
                cancelstr = cancelstr.." Esta precisa de um pokemon "
                for su = 1, #boost_stones[pokemon] do
                    local n = doCorrectString(getItemNameById(boost_stones[pokemon][su]))
                    if su == #boost_stones[pokemon] then
                        stonesused = stonesused.." or "..getArticle(n).." "..n..""
                    elseif su == 1 then
                        stonesused = stonesused..""..getArticle(n).." "..n..""
                        stonesused = stonesused..", "..n..""
                cancelstr = cancelstr..""..stonesused.." para ser boosted."
                cancelstr = cancelstr.." Esta precisa de um pokemon "..doCorrectString(getItemNameById(boost_stones[pokemon][1])).." para ser boosted."

            doPlayerSendCancel(cid, cancelstr)

        return true

        local removeStones = 0
        local extraStones = math.floor(boost / stone_increase[stone.itemid])
        local required_stones = stones_required[stone.itemid] + extraStones

        local boosts = 0

        for a = 0, getContainerSize(stone_slot.uid) - 1 do
            local it = getContainerItem(stone_slot.uid, a)
            if it.uid > 0 then
               if not isStone(it.itemid) then
                  doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Por favor, coloque apenas stones no slot de pedra.")
                  return true
               if it.itemid ~= stone.itemid then
                  doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Por favor, coloque apenas um tipo de stone no slot de pedra.")
                  return true
               if required_stones > 0 then
                  required_stones = required_stones - (it.type ~= 0 and it.type or 1) --alterado v1.7
                  if required_stones <= 0 then
                     boosts = boosts + 1
                     removeStones = removeStones + stones_required[stone.itemid] + extraStones
                     if boost + boosts <= 49 then
                        extraStones = math.floor((boost + boosts) / stone_increase[stone.itemid])
                        required_stones = stones_required[stone.itemid] + extraStones

        if required_stones > 0 and boosts == 0 then
            doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Você precisa de mais stones para impulsionar este pokemon.")
        return true
        for b = 1, removeStones do
            local i = getContainerItem(stone_slot.uid, 0)
            if i.type ~= 0 then
               doChangeTypeItem(i.uid, i.type - 1)    --alterado v1.7
               doRemoveItem(i.uid, 1)

        doSetItemAttribute(myball.uid, "boost", boost + boosts)
        doSetItemAttribute(myball.uid, "boosting", 1)   --alterado v1.9.1
        if (boost + boosts) >= 10 then
           if pbs[myball.itemid] then              --alterado v1.9
                doTransformItem(myball.uid, pbs[myball.itemid])

                            if (boost + boosts) >= 50 or boost >= 50 then
                            doItemSetAttribute(myball.uid, "aura", "cyan")   

        doItemEraseAttribute(myball.uid, "boosting")  --alterado v1.9.1

        local msg = "Seu "..getPokeballName(myball.uid).." Foi boosted!"
        local msg2 = "• Boost: "..(boost + boosts).." (+"..boosts..")"

        local downpos = getThingPos(cid)
        downpos.y = downpos.y + 1

        local mypos = getThingPos(cid)

        doTeleportThing(cid, downpos, false)
        doTeleportThing(cid, mypos, false)

        doTransformItem(ball_slot.uid, ballslot_run)
        doTransformItem(stone_slot.uid, stoneslot_run)
        doTransformItem(item.uid, button_run)

        doCreatureSetNoMove(cid, true)
        doCreatureAddCondition(cid, boostcondition)

        addEvent(doRestoreBoostMachine, 3000, cid, getThingPos(item.uid), getThingPos(ball_slot.uid), getThingPos(stone_slot.uid), msg, msg2)

    return true


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Continua o msm erro amigo :/   [Error - Action Interface] 
[27/10/2015 16:26:31] data/actions/scripts/boost.lua
[27/10/2015 16:26:31] Description: 
[27/10/2015 16:26:31] data/actions/scripts/boost.lua:557: table index is nil
[27/10/2015 16:26:31] [Warning - Event::loadScript] Cannot load script (data/actions/scripts/boost.lua)


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                                                                                                Mengão porra! . .


                                                                                ----- NPC que vende informação -----

                                                                           -----Baú Que dá Outfit se tiver Level -----

                                                                     ----- [Npc] Que vende Stones (itens) por diamonds -----





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One Punch Man 
Resolvido! peguei esse ai q vc passou, adicionei uma parada e deu certo! ^^ Rep+ pela ajuda ^^ 

Editado por Sepultura (veja o histórico de edições)


                                                             Meus tópicos         

                                                         Se ajudei você deixe seu Rep! para fortalecer a amizade ^^

                                                                              Vamos ajudar o fórum a crescer mais.


                                                                                                Mengão porra! . .


                                                                                ----- NPC que vende informação -----

                                                                           -----Baú Que dá Outfit se tiver Level -----

                                                                     ----- [Npc] Que vende Stones (itens) por diamonds -----





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