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ai alguém poderia colocar nessa script em baixo para quando um player matar um mc não ganha nada ? Simplesmente nada ?



local config = {
    affected = 10, -- how many players (deathAssits) from table deathList should this script be executed for?

    killStorageValue = 3943,
    deathStorageValue = 3944,

    -- commands for the texts (those inside of ||, example: |KILLS| to show skills): KILLS, KILLERNAME, TARGETNAME
    rewardItem = {
        use = true,
        itemid = 5953,
        minLevel = false, -- false if you don't want any level req
        minLevelDiff = false, -- false if you don't want any level diff req (negative numbers allowed).

    killMessage = {
        use = true,
        text = "You owned |TARGETNAME|! You have now |KILLERKILLS| kills!",
        messageClass = MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE

    broadcastMessage = {
        use = true,
        minLevel = false, -- false if you don't want any level req
        minLevelDiff = false, -- false if you don't want any level diff req (negative numbers allowed).
        text = "|KILLERNAME| [|KILLERLEVEL|] just killed |TARGETNAME| [|TARGETLEVEL|]!",
        messageClass = MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING

    killerAnimation = {
        use = false,
        text = "Frag!", -- Only 9 letters! No "commands" here.
        color = 1

    targetAnimation = {
        use = false,
        text = "OWNED!!", -- Only 9 letters! No "commands" here.
        color = 180

function onDeath(cid, corpse, deathList)
    for i = 1, math.min(config.affected, getConfigInfo('deathAssistCount')) do
        local killer = deathList
        if(isPlayer(killer) == TRUE) then
            local targetKills = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.killStorageValue)) + 1
            local targetDeaths = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.deathStorageValue)) + 1
            local killerKills = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(killer, config.killStorageValue)) + 1
            local killerDeaths = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(killer, config.deathStorageValue)) + 1
            setPlayerStorageValue(killer, config.killStorageValue, targetKills)
            setPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.deathStorageValue, targetDeaths)

            local killerLevel = getPlayerLevel(killer)
            local targetLevel = getPlayerLevel(cid)
            local levelDiff = targetLevel - killerLevel

            local values = {
                ["KILLERKILLS"]         = killerKills,
                ["KILLERDEATHS"]        = killerDeaths,
                ["KILLERNAME"]          = getCreatureName(killer),
                ["KILLERLEVEL"]         = killerLevel,
                ["TARGETKILLS"]         = targetKills,
                ["TARGETDEATHS"]        = targetDeaths,
                ["TARGETNAME"]          = getCreatureName(cid),
                ["TARGETLEVEL"]         = targetLevel

            function formateString(str)
                return(str:gsub("|([A-Z]+)|", (function(a) return values[a] end)))
            if(config.rewardItem.use and (not config.rewardItem.minLevel or targetLevel >= config.rewardItem.minLevel) and (not config.rewardItem.minLevelDiff or levelDiff >= config.rewardItem.minLevelDiff)) then
                local uid = doPlayerAddItem(killer, config.rewardItem.itemid, 1)
            if(config.killMessage.use) then
                doPlayerSendTextMessage(killer, config.killMessage.messageClass, formateString(config.killMessage.text))
            if(config.broadcastMessage.use and (not config.broadcastMessage.minLevel or getPlayerLevel(cid) >= config.broadcastMessage.minLevel) and (not config.broadcastMessage.minLevelDiff or levelDiff >= config.broadcastMessage.minLevelDiff)) then
                broadcastMessage(formateString(config.broadcastMessage.text), config.broadcastMessage.messageClass)
            if(config.killerAnimation.use) then
                doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(killer), config.killerAnimation.text, config.killerAnimation.color)
            if(config.targetAnimation.use) then
                doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(cid), config.targetAnimation.text, config.targetAnimation.color)

    return true

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Em 12/06/2016 at 22:08, helix758 disse:



local config = {
    affected = 10, -- how many players (deathAssits) from table deathList should this script be executed for?
    killStorageValue = 3943,
    deathStorageValue = 3944,
    -- commands for the texts (those inside of ||, example: |KILLS| to show skills): KILLS, KILLERNAME, TARGETNAME
    rewardItem = {
        use = true,
        itemid = 5953,
        minLevel = false, -- false if you don't want any level req
        minLevelDiff = false, -- false if you don't want any level diff req (negative numbers allowed).
    killMessage = {
        use = true,
        text = "You owned |TARGETNAME|! You have now |KILLERKILLS| kills!",
        messageClass = MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE
    broadcastMessage = {
        use = true,
        minLevel = false, -- false if you don't want any level req
        minLevelDiff = false, -- false if you don't want any level diff req (negative numbers allowed).
        text = "|KILLERNAME| [|KILLERLEVEL|] just killed |TARGETNAME| [|TARGETLEVEL|]!",
        messageClass = MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING
    killerAnimation = {
        use = false,
        text = "Frag!", -- Only 9 letters! No "commands" here.
        color = 1
    targetAnimation = {
        use = false,
        text = "OWNED!!", -- Only 9 letters! No "commands" here.
        color = 180
function onDeath(cid, corpse, deathList)
    for i = 1, math.min(config.affected, getConfigInfo('deathAssistCount')) do
        local killer = deathList
        if(isPlayer(killer) == TRUE) then
            local targetKills = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.killStorageValue)) + 1
            local targetDeaths = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.deathStorageValue)) + 1
            local killerKills = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(killer, config.killStorageValue)) + 1
            local killerDeaths = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(killer, config.deathStorageValue)) + 1
            setPlayerStorageValue(killer, config.killStorageValue, targetKills)
            setPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.deathStorageValue, targetDeaths)
            local killerLevel = getPlayerLevel(killer)
            local targetLevel = getPlayerLevel(cid)
            local levelDiff = targetLevel - killerLevel
            local values = {
                ["KILLERKILLS"]         = killerKills,
                ["KILLERDEATHS"]        = killerDeaths,
                ["KILLERNAME"]          = getCreatureName(killer),
                ["KILLERLEVEL"]         = killerLevel,
                ["TARGETKILLS"]         = targetKills,
                ["TARGETDEATHS"]        = targetDeaths,
                ["TARGETNAME"]          = getCreatureName(cid),
                ["TARGETLEVEL"]         = targetLevel
            function formateString(str)
                return(str:gsub("|([A-Z]+)|", (function(a) return values[a] end)))
	if getPlayerIp(cid) == getPlayerIp(killer) then
		return true
            if(config.rewardItem.use and (not config.rewardItem.minLevel or targetLevel >= config.rewardItem.minLevel) and (not config.rewardItem.minLevelDiff or levelDiff >= config.rewardItem.minLevelDiff)) then
                local uid = doPlayerAddItem(killer, config.rewardItem.itemid, 1)
            if(config.killMessage.use) then
                doPlayerSendTextMessage(killer, config.killMessage.messageClass, formateString(config.killMessage.text))
            if(config.broadcastMessage.use and (not config.broadcastMessage.minLevel or getPlayerLevel(cid) >= config.broadcastMessage.minLevel) and (not config.broadcastMessage.minLevelDiff or levelDiff >= config.broadcastMessage.minLevelDiff)) then
                broadcastMessage(formateString(config.broadcastMessage.text), config.broadcastMessage.messageClass)
            if(config.killerAnimation.use) then
                doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(killer), config.killerAnimation.text, config.killerAnimation.color)
            if(config.targetAnimation.use) then
                doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(cid), config.targetAnimation.text, config.targetAnimation.color)
    return true


Editado por DukeeH (veja o histórico de edições)


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53 minutos atrás, DukeeH disse:

local config = {
    affected = 10, -- how many players (deathAssits) from table deathList should this script be executed for?
    killStorageValue = 3943,
    deathStorageValue = 3944,
    -- commands for the texts (those inside of ||, example: |KILLS| to show skills): KILLS, KILLERNAME, TARGETNAME
    rewardItem = {
        use = true,
        itemid = 5953,
        minLevel = false, -- false if you don't want any level req
        minLevelDiff = false, -- false if you don't want any level diff req (negative numbers allowed).
    killMessage = {
        use = true,
        text = "You owned |TARGETNAME|! You have now |KILLERKILLS| kills!",
        messageClass = MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE
    broadcastMessage = {
        use = true,
        minLevel = false, -- false if you don't want any level req
        minLevelDiff = false, -- false if you don't want any level diff req (negative numbers allowed).
        text = "|KILLERNAME| [|KILLERLEVEL|] just killed |TARGETNAME| [|TARGETLEVEL|]!",
        messageClass = MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING
    killerAnimation = {
        use = false,
        text = "Frag!", -- Only 9 letters! No "commands" here.
        color = 1
    targetAnimation = {
        use = false,
        text = "OWNED!!", -- Only 9 letters! No "commands" here.
        color = 180
function onDeath(cid, corpse, deathList)
    for i = 1, math.min(config.affected, getConfigInfo('deathAssistCount')) do
        local killer = deathList
        if(isPlayer(killer) == TRUE) then
            local targetKills = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.killStorageValue)) + 1
            local targetDeaths = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.deathStorageValue)) + 1
            local killerKills = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(killer, config.killStorageValue)) + 1
            local killerDeaths = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(killer, config.deathStorageValue)) + 1
            setPlayerStorageValue(killer, config.killStorageValue, targetKills)
            setPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.deathStorageValue, targetDeaths)
            local killerLevel = getPlayerLevel(killer)
            local targetLevel = getPlayerLevel(cid)
            local levelDiff = targetLevel - killerLevel
            local values = {
                ["KILLERKILLS"]         = killerKills,
                ["KILLERDEATHS"]        = killerDeaths,
                ["KILLERNAME"]          = getCreatureName(killer),
                ["KILLERLEVEL"]         = killerLevel,
                ["TARGETKILLS"]         = targetKills,
                ["TARGETDEATHS"]        = targetDeaths,
                ["TARGETNAME"]          = getCreatureName(cid),
                ["TARGETLEVEL"]         = targetLevel
            function formateString(str)
                return(str:gsub("|([A-Z]+)|", (function(a) return values[a] end)))
	if getPlayerIp(cid) == getPlayerIp(killer) then
		return true
            if(config.rewardItem.use and (not config.rewardItem.minLevel or targetLevel >= config.rewardItem.minLevel) and (not config.rewardItem.minLevelDiff or levelDiff >= config.rewardItem.minLevelDiff)) then
                local uid = doPlayerAddItem(killer, config.rewardItem.itemid, 1)
            if(config.killMessage.use) then
                doPlayerSendTextMessage(killer, config.killMessage.messageClass, formateString(config.killMessage.text))
            if(config.broadcastMessage.use and (not config.broadcastMessage.minLevel or getPlayerLevel(cid) >= config.broadcastMessage.minLevel) and (not config.broadcastMessage.minLevelDiff or levelDiff >= config.broadcastMessage.minLevelDiff)) then
                broadcastMessage(formateString(config.broadcastMessage.text), config.broadcastMessage.messageClass)
            if(config.killerAnimation.use) then
                doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(killer), config.killerAnimation.text, config.killerAnimation.color)
            if(config.targetAnimation.use) then
                doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(cid), config.targetAnimation.text, config.targetAnimation.color)
    return true


poderia colocar pra não aparecer as msg vermelhas ?

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9 minutos atrás, helix758 disse:

poderia colocar pra não aparecer as msg vermelhas ?

local config = {
    affected = 10, -- how many players (deathAssits) from table deathList should this script be executed for?
    killStorageValue = 3943,
    deathStorageValue = 3944,
    -- commands for the texts (those inside of ||, example: |KILLS| to show skills): KILLS, KILLERNAME, TARGETNAME
    rewardItem = {
        use = true,
        itemid = 5953,
        minLevel = false, -- false if you don't want any level req
        minLevelDiff = false, -- false if you don't want any level diff req (negative numbers allowed).
    killMessage = {
        use = true,
        text = "You owned |TARGETNAME|! You have now |KILLERKILLS| kills!",
        messageClass = MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE
    killerAnimation = {
        use = false,
        text = "Frag!", -- Only 9 letters! No "commands" here.
        color = 1
    targetAnimation = {
        use = false,
        text = "OWNED!!", -- Only 9 letters! No "commands" here.
        color = 180
function onDeath(cid, corpse, deathList)
    for i = 1, math.min(config.affected, getConfigInfo('deathAssistCount')) do
        local killer = deathList
        if(isPlayer(killer) == TRUE) then
            local targetKills = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.killStorageValue)) + 1
            local targetDeaths = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.deathStorageValue)) + 1
            local killerKills = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(killer, config.killStorageValue)) + 1
            local killerDeaths = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(killer, config.deathStorageValue)) + 1
            setPlayerStorageValue(killer, config.killStorageValue, targetKills)
            setPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.deathStorageValue, targetDeaths)
            local killerLevel = getPlayerLevel(killer)
            local targetLevel = getPlayerLevel(cid)
            local levelDiff = targetLevel - killerLevel
            local values = {
                ["KILLERKILLS"]         = killerKills,
                ["KILLERDEATHS"]        = killerDeaths,
                ["KILLERNAME"]          = getCreatureName(killer),
                ["KILLERLEVEL"]         = killerLevel,
                ["TARGETKILLS"]         = targetKills,
                ["TARGETDEATHS"]        = targetDeaths,
                ["TARGETNAME"]          = getCreatureName(cid),
                ["TARGETLEVEL"]         = targetLevel
            function formateString(str)
                return(str:gsub("|([A-Z]+)|", (function(a) return values[a] end)))
	if getPlayerIp(cid) == getPlayerIp(killer) then
		return true
            if(config.rewardItem.use and (not config.rewardItem.minLevel or targetLevel >= config.rewardItem.minLevel) and (not config.rewardItem.minLevelDiff or levelDiff >= config.rewardItem.minLevelDiff)) then
                local uid = doPlayerAddItem(killer, config.rewardItem.itemid, 1)
            if(config.killMessage.use) then
                doPlayerSendTextMessage(killer, config.killMessage.messageClass, formateString(config.killMessage.text))
            if(config.killerAnimation.use) then
                doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(killer), config.killerAnimation.text, config.killerAnimation.color)
            if(config.targetAnimation.use) then
                doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(cid), config.targetAnimation.text, config.targetAnimation.color)
    return true



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7 minutos atrás, DukeeH disse:

local config = {
    affected = 10, -- how many players (deathAssits) from table deathList should this script be executed for?
    killStorageValue = 3943,
    deathStorageValue = 3944,
    -- commands for the texts (those inside of ||, example: |KILLS| to show skills): KILLS, KILLERNAME, TARGETNAME
    rewardItem = {
        use = true,
        itemid = 5953,
        minLevel = false, -- false if you don't want any level req
        minLevelDiff = false, -- false if you don't want any level diff req (negative numbers allowed).
    killMessage = {
        use = true,
        text = "You owned |TARGETNAME|! You have now |KILLERKILLS| kills!",
        messageClass = MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE
    killerAnimation = {
        use = false,
        text = "Frag!", -- Only 9 letters! No "commands" here.
        color = 1
    targetAnimation = {
        use = false,
        text = "OWNED!!", -- Only 9 letters! No "commands" here.
        color = 180
function onDeath(cid, corpse, deathList)
    for i = 1, math.min(config.affected, getConfigInfo('deathAssistCount')) do
        local killer = deathList
        if(isPlayer(killer) == TRUE) then
            local targetKills = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.killStorageValue)) + 1
            local targetDeaths = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.deathStorageValue)) + 1
            local killerKills = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(killer, config.killStorageValue)) + 1
            local killerDeaths = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(killer, config.deathStorageValue)) + 1
            setPlayerStorageValue(killer, config.killStorageValue, targetKills)
            setPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.deathStorageValue, targetDeaths)
            local killerLevel = getPlayerLevel(killer)
            local targetLevel = getPlayerLevel(cid)
            local levelDiff = targetLevel - killerLevel
            local values = {
                ["KILLERKILLS"]         = killerKills,
                ["KILLERDEATHS"]        = killerDeaths,
                ["KILLERNAME"]          = getCreatureName(killer),
                ["KILLERLEVEL"]         = killerLevel,
                ["TARGETKILLS"]         = targetKills,
                ["TARGETDEATHS"]        = targetDeaths,
                ["TARGETNAME"]          = getCreatureName(cid),
                ["TARGETLEVEL"]         = targetLevel
            function formateString(str)
                return(str:gsub("|([A-Z]+)|", (function(a) return values[a] end)))
	if getPlayerIp(cid) == getPlayerIp(killer) then
		return true
            if(config.rewardItem.use and (not config.rewardItem.minLevel or targetLevel >= config.rewardItem.minLevel) and (not config.rewardItem.minLevelDiff or levelDiff >= config.rewardItem.minLevelDiff)) then
                local uid = doPlayerAddItem(killer, config.rewardItem.itemid, 1)
            if(config.killMessage.use) then
                doPlayerSendTextMessage(killer, config.killMessage.messageClass, formateString(config.killMessage.text))
            if(config.killerAnimation.use) then
                doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(killer), config.killerAnimation.text, config.killerAnimation.color)
            if(config.targetAnimation.use) then
                doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(cid), config.targetAnimation.text, config.targetAnimation.color)
    return true


ai mano ninguem tá ganhando nada, so quem não deveria ganhar item era players do mesmo mc, mas tá todo mundo ganhando nada :( poderia ajeitar ?

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Agora, helix758 disse:

ai mano ninguem tá ganhando nada, so quem não deveria ganhar item era players do mesmo mc, mas tá todo mundo ganhando nada :( poderia ajeitar ?


Roda esse script:

Mata alguem para testar, vão aparecer os 2 ips no console.

local config = {
    affected = 10, -- how many players (deathAssits) from table deathList should this script be executed for?
    killStorageValue = 3943,
    deathStorageValue = 3944,
    -- commands for the texts (those inside of ||, example: |KILLS| to show skills): KILLS, KILLERNAME, TARGETNAME
    rewardItem = {
        use = true,
        itemid = 5953,
        minLevel = false, -- false if you don't want any level req
        minLevelDiff = false, -- false if you don't want any level diff req (negative numbers allowed).
    killMessage = {
        use = true,
        text = "You owned |TARGETNAME|! You have now |KILLERKILLS| kills!",
        messageClass = MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE
    killerAnimation = {
        use = false,
        text = "Frag!", -- Only 9 letters! No "commands" here.
        color = 1
    targetAnimation = {
        use = false,
        text = "OWNED!!", -- Only 9 letters! No "commands" here.
        color = 180
function onDeath(cid, corpse, deathList)
    for i = 1, math.min(config.affected, getConfigInfo('deathAssistCount')) do
        local killer = deathList
        if(isPlayer(killer) == TRUE) then
            local targetKills = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.killStorageValue)) + 1
            local targetDeaths = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.deathStorageValue)) + 1
            local killerKills = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(killer, config.killStorageValue)) + 1
            local killerDeaths = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(killer, config.deathStorageValue)) + 1
            setPlayerStorageValue(killer, config.killStorageValue, targetKills)
            setPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.deathStorageValue, targetDeaths)
            local killerLevel = getPlayerLevel(killer)
            local targetLevel = getPlayerLevel(cid)
			local killerIp = getPlayerIp(killer)
            local targetIp = getPlayerIp(cid)
            local levelDiff = targetLevel - killerLevel
            local values = {
                ["KILLERKILLS"]         = killerKills,
                ["KILLERDEATHS"]        = killerDeaths,
                ["KILLERNAME"]          = getCreatureName(killer),
                ["KILLERLEVEL"]         = killerLevel,
                ["TARGETKILLS"]         = targetKills,
                ["TARGETDEATHS"]        = targetDeaths,
                ["TARGETNAME"]          = getCreatureName(cid),
                ["TARGETLEVEL"]         = targetLevel
            function formateString(str)
                return(str:gsub("|([A-Z]+)|", (function(a) return values[a] end)))
            if(config.rewardItem.use and (not config.rewardItem.minLevel or targetLevel >= config.rewardItem.minLevel) and (not config.rewardItem.minLevelDiff or levelDiff >= config.rewardItem.minLevelDiff)) then
                local uid = doPlayerAddItem(killer, config.rewardItem.itemid, 1)
            if(config.killMessage.use) then
                doPlayerSendTextMessage(killer, config.killMessage.messageClass, formateString(config.killMessage.text))
            if(config.killerAnimation.use) then
                doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(killer), config.killerAnimation.text, config.killerAnimation.color)
            if(config.targetAnimation.use) then
                doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(cid), config.targetAnimation.text, config.targetAnimation.color)
    return true



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4 minutos atrás, DukeeH disse:


Roda esse script:

Mata alguem para testar, vão aparecer os 2 ips no console.

local config = {
    affected = 10, -- how many players (deathAssits) from table deathList should this script be executed for?
    killStorageValue = 3943,
    deathStorageValue = 3944,
    -- commands for the texts (those inside of ||, example: |KILLS| to show skills): KILLS, KILLERNAME, TARGETNAME
    rewardItem = {
        use = true,
        itemid = 5953,
        minLevel = false, -- false if you don't want any level req
        minLevelDiff = false, -- false if you don't want any level diff req (negative numbers allowed).
    killMessage = {
        use = true,
        text = "You owned |TARGETNAME|! You have now |KILLERKILLS| kills!",
        messageClass = MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE
    killerAnimation = {
        use = false,
        text = "Frag!", -- Only 9 letters! No "commands" here.
        color = 1
    targetAnimation = {
        use = false,
        text = "OWNED!!", -- Only 9 letters! No "commands" here.
        color = 180
function onDeath(cid, corpse, deathList)
    for i = 1, math.min(config.affected, getConfigInfo('deathAssistCount')) do
        local killer = deathList
        if(isPlayer(killer) == TRUE) then
            local targetKills = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.killStorageValue)) + 1
            local targetDeaths = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.deathStorageValue)) + 1
            local killerKills = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(killer, config.killStorageValue)) + 1
            local killerDeaths = math.max(0, getPlayerStorageValue(killer, config.deathStorageValue)) + 1
            setPlayerStorageValue(killer, config.killStorageValue, targetKills)
            setPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.deathStorageValue, targetDeaths)
            local killerLevel = getPlayerLevel(killer)
            local targetLevel = getPlayerLevel(cid)
			local killerIp = getPlayerIp(killer)
            local targetIp = getPlayerIp(cid)
            local levelDiff = targetLevel - killerLevel
            local values = {
                ["KILLERKILLS"]         = killerKills,
                ["KILLERDEATHS"]        = killerDeaths,
                ["KILLERNAME"]          = getCreatureName(killer),
                ["KILLERLEVEL"]         = killerLevel,
                ["TARGETKILLS"]         = targetKills,
                ["TARGETDEATHS"]        = targetDeaths,
                ["TARGETNAME"]          = getCreatureName(cid),
                ["TARGETLEVEL"]         = targetLevel
            function formateString(str)
                return(str:gsub("|([A-Z]+)|", (function(a) return values[a] end)))
            if(config.rewardItem.use and (not config.rewardItem.minLevel or targetLevel >= config.rewardItem.minLevel) and (not config.rewardItem.minLevelDiff or levelDiff >= config.rewardItem.minLevelDiff)) then
                local uid = doPlayerAddItem(killer, config.rewardItem.itemid, 1)
            if(config.killMessage.use) then
                doPlayerSendTextMessage(killer, config.killMessage.messageClass, formateString(config.killMessage.text))
            if(config.killerAnimation.use) then
                doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(killer), config.killerAnimation.text, config.killerAnimation.color)
            if(config.targetAnimation.use) then
                doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(cid), config.targetAnimation.text, config.targetAnimation.color)
    return true


17:46 Warning! The murder of Qqweqwe was not justified.

não ganhou nada

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2 minutos atrás, helix758 disse:

17:46 Warning! The murder of Qqweqwe was not justified.

não ganhou nada

Olha no console do server, vão aparecer os ips. Eu não arrumei o script, apenas botei para aparecer se ele está pegando os ips certos.


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2 minutos atrás, DukeeH disse:

Olha no console do server, vão aparecer os ips. Eu não arrumei o script, apenas botei para aparecer se ele está pegando os ips certos.

oxi que viagem, nem minha script tá funcionando mais :O 

39 minutos atrás, DukeeH disse:

Olha no console do server, vão aparecer os ips. Eu não arrumei o script, apenas botei para aparecer se ele está pegando os ips certos.

ja entendi pq não funciona, pq se vc copiar da aqui do forum não funcionar, acho que seja por causa dos espaço sei lá, pq quando eu faço uma copia do bloco de notas funciona normalmente, mas se eu jogar aqui dentro do forum e copiar pra o script nem funciona, Não faz nada :O 

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