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Preciso resolver um problema mas não sei o lugar correto.


O heal e runas funciona perfeito sem o player sofre algum attack, mas quando outro player ou monstro ataca da exaust nas runa e magia, demora mais pra sair  a runa e magia..


Aonde que resolvo esse problema?


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Exemplo quando você usa uma runa ou magia e vai usar de novo em pvp tem um exausted normal, mas no meu servidor está com um exausted muito alto no PVP, demora de mais pra sair a magia ou runa, entendeu?


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Se tem algo errado ai não sei mas como eu disse só muda na parte do PVP.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- Attack Runes -->
    <rune name="Poison Field" id="2285" allowfaruse="1" charges="3" lvl="14" maglv="0" exhaustion="1500" groups="1,2000" icon="26" blocktype="solid" event="script" value="attack/poison field.lua"/>
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        <vocation id="3"/>
        <vocation id="7" showInDescription="0"/>

    <!-- Healing Runes -->
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    <!-- Summon Runes -->
    <rune name="Convince Creature" id="2290" allowfaruse="1" charges="1" lvl="16" maglv="5" exhaustion="1900" needtarget="1" blocktype="solid" event="function" value="convince"/>
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    <!-- Support Runes -->
    <rune name="Desintegrate" id="2310" allowfaruse="0" charges="3" lvl="21" maglv="4" exhaustion="1900" range="1" event="script" value="support/desintegrate rune.lua"/>
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        <vocation id="6" showInDescription="0"/>

    <!-- Attack Spells -->
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        <vocation id="2;6"/>
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        <vocation id="2;6"/>
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        <vocation id="1;5"/>
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        <vocation id="3;7"/>
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        <vocation id="1;5"/>
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        <vocation id="1;5"/>
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        <vocation id="4;8"/>
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        <vocation id="4;8"/>
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        <vocation id="1;5"/>
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        <vocation id="1;5"/>
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        <vocation id="4;8"/>
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        <vocation id="1;5"/>
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        <vocation id="3;7"/>
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        <vocation id="2;6"/>
    <instant name="Ice Strike" words="exori frigo" lvl="15" mana="20" prem="0" range="3" casterTargetOrDirection="1" blockwalls="1" exhaustion="1900" groups="1,2000" icon="112" needlearn="0" event="script" value="attack/ice strike.lua">
        <vocation id="1;5"/>
        <vocation id="2;6"/>
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        <vocation id="2;6"/>
    <instant name="Terra Strike" words="exori tera" lvl="13" mana="20" prem="0" range="3" casterTargetOrDirection="1" blockwalls="1" exhaustion="1900" groups="1,2000" icon="113" needlearn="0" event="script" value="attack/terra strike.lua">
        <vocation id="1;5"/>
        <vocation id="2;6"/>
    <instant name="Terra Wave" words="exevo tera hur" lvl="38" mana="210" direction="1" exhaustion="1900" groups="1,2000" icon="120" needlearn="0" event="script" value="attack/terra wave.lua">
        <vocation id="2;6"/>
    <instant name="Wrath of Nature" words="exevo gran mas tera" lvl="55" mana="700" prem="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1900" groups="4,2000" icon="56" needlearn="0" event="script" value="attack/wrath of nature.lua">
        <vocation id="2;6"/>

    <!-- Healing Spells -->
    <instant name="Light Healing" words="exura" lvl="9" mana="20" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" groups="2,2000" icon="1" needlearn="0" event="script" value="healing/light healing.lua">
        <vocation id="1;5"/>
        <vocation id="2;6"/>
        <vocation id="3;7"/>
    <instant name="Cure Poison" words="exana pox" lvl="10" mana="30" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" groups="2,2000" icon="29" needlearn="0" event="script" value="healing/cure poison.lua"/>
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        <vocation id="2;6"/>
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        <vocation id="1;5"/>
        <vocation id="2;6"/>
        <vocation id="3;7"/>
    <instant name="Heal Friend" words="exura sio" lvl="18" mana="140" prem="0" aggressive="0" needtarget="1" params="1" exhaustion="1000" groups="2,2000" icon="84" needlearn="0" event="script" value="healing/heal friend.lua">
        <vocation id="2;6"/>
    <instant name="Ultimate Healing" words="exura vita" lvl="30" mana="160" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" groups="2,2000" icon="3" needlearn="0" event="script" value="healing/ultimate healing.lua">
        <vocation id="1;5"/>
        <vocation id="2;6"/>
    <instant name="Mass Healing" words="exura gran mas res" lvl="36" mana="150" prem="0" aggressive="0" exhaustion="1000" groups="2,2000" icon="82" needlearn="0" event="script" value="healing/mass healing.lua">
        <vocation id="2;6"/>
    <instant name="Divine Healing" words="exura san" lvl="35" mana="160" selftarget="1" aggressive="0" exhaustion="1000" groups="2,2000" icon="125" needlearn="0" event="script" value="healing/divine healing.lua">
        <vocation id="3;7"/>
    <instant name="Wound Cleansing" words="exana mort" lvl="30" mana="65" prem="0" selftarget="1" aggressive="0" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="healing/wound cleasing.lua">
        <vocation id="4"/>
        <vocation id="8"/>

    <!-- Support Spells -->
    <instant name="Light" words="utevo lux" lvl="8" mana="20" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="support/light.lua">
        <vocation id="1"/>
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="3"/>
        <vocation id="4"/>
        <vocation id="5"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
        <vocation id="7"/>
        <vocation id="8"/>
    <instant name="Find Person" words="exiva" lvl="8" mana="20" aggressive="0" params="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="searchPlayer">
        <vocation id="1"/>
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="3"/>
        <vocation id="4"/>
        <vocation id="5"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
        <vocation id="7"/>
        <vocation id="8"/>
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        <vocation id="1"/>
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="3"/>
        <vocation id="4"/>
        <vocation id="5"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
        <vocation id="7"/>
        <vocation id="8"/>
    <instant name="Levitate" words="exani hur" lvl="12" mana="50" prem="0" aggressive="0" exhaustion="1000" params="1" needlearn="0" event="function" value="Levitate">
        <vocation id="1"/>
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="3"/>
        <vocation id="4"/>
        <vocation id="5"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
        <vocation id="7"/>
        <vocation id="8"/>
    <instant name="Great Light" words="utevo gran lux" lvl="13" mana="60" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="support/great light.lua">
        <vocation id="1"/>
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="3"/>
        <vocation id="4"/>
        <vocation id="5"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
        <vocation id="7"/>
        <vocation id="8"/>
    <instant name="Magic Shield" words="utamo vita" lvl="14" mana="50" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="support/magic shield.lua">
        <vocation id="1"/>
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="3"/>
        <vocation id="5"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
        <vocation id="7"/>
    <instant name="Haste" words="utani hur" lvl="14" mana="60" prem="0" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" groups="3,2000" icon="6" needlearn="0" event="script" value="support/haste.lua"/>
    <instant name="Charge" words="utani tempo hur" lvl="25" mana="100" prem="0" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" groups="3,2000" icon="131" needlearn="0" event="script" value="support/charge.lua">
        <vocation id="4;8"/>
    <instant name="Swift Foot" words="utamo tempo san" lvl="55" mana="400" prem="0" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="support/swift foot.lua">
        <vocation id="3"/>
        <vocation id="7"/>
    <instant name="Challenge" words="exeta res" lvl="20" mana="30" prem="0" aggressive="0" exhaustion="1000" groups="3,2000" icon="93" needlearn="0" event="script" value="support/challenge.lua">
        <vocation id="8"/>
    <instant name="Strong Haste" words="utani gran hur" lvl="20" mana="100" prem="0" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" groups="3,2000" icon="39" needlearn="0" event="script" value="support/strong haste.lua">
        <vocation id="1;5"/>
        <vocation id="2;6"/>
    <instant name="Creature Illusion" words="utevo res ina" lvl="23" mana="100" aggressive="0" params="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="Illusion">
        <vocation id="1"/>
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="5"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
    <instant name="Ultimate Light" words="utevo vis lux" lvl="26" mana="140" prem="0" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="support/ultimate light.lua">
        <vocation id="1"/>
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="5"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
    <instant name="Cancel Invisibility" words="exana ina" lvl="26" mana="200" prem="0" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="support/cancel invisibility.lua">
        <vocation id="1"/>
        <vocation id="5"/>
    <instant name="Invisibility" words="utana vid" lvl="35" mana="440" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="support/invisible.lua">
        <vocation id="1"/>
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="3"/>
        <vocation id="5"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
        <vocation id="7"/>
    <instant name="Sharpshooter" words="utito tempo san" lvl="60" mana="450" prem="0" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" groups="2,2000" icon="135" needlearn="0" event="script" value="support/sharpshooter.lua">
        <vocation id="3;7"/>
    <instant name="Blood Rage" words="utito tempo" lvl="60" mana="290" prem="0" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="support/blood rage.lua">
        <vocation id="4"/>
        <vocation id="8"/>
    <instant name="Protector" words="utamo tempo" lvl="55" mana="200" prem="0" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" groups="1,2000" icon="132" needlearn="0" event="script" value="support/protector.lua">
        <vocation id="4;8"/>

    <!-- Party Spells -->
    <instant name="Train Party" words="utito mas sio" lvl="32" mana="60" prem="0" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="party/train.lua">
        <vocation id="8"/>
    <instant name="Protect Party" words="utamo mas sio" lvl="32" mana="90" prem="0" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="party/protect.lua">
        <vocation id="7"/>
    <instant name="Heal Party" words="utura mas sio" lvl="32" mana="120" prem="0" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="party/heal.lua">
        <vocation id="6"/>
    <instant name="Enchant Party" words="utori mas sio" lvl="32" mana="120" prem="0" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="party/enchant.lua">
        <vocation id="5"/>

  <instant name="Pythius Curse" enabled="0" words="mons_pythius curse" prem="0" exhaustion="1900" needlearn="1" needtarget="1" casterTargetOrDirection="1" range="7" script="monster/pythius curse.lua"/>
   <instant name="Pythius Summon" words="mons_pythius summon" exhaustion="1900" selftarget="1" enabled="0" needlearn="1" script="monster/pythius summon.lua"/>

    <!-- Summon Spells -->
    <instant name="Summon Creature" words="utevo res" lvl="25" params="1" exhaustion="1900" needlearn="0" event="function" value="summonMonster">
        <vocation id="1"/>
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="5"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
    <instant name="Undead Legion" words="exana mas mort" lvl="30" mana="500" prem="0" exhaustion="1900" needlearn="0" event="script" value="summon/undead legion.lua">
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>

    <!-- Conjure Spells -->
    <conjure name="Conjure Arrow" words="exevo con" lvl="13" mana="100" soul="1" conjureId="2544" conjureCount="10" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureItem">
        <vocation id="3"/>
        <vocation id="7"/>
    <instant name="Food" words="exevo pan" lvl="14" mana="120" soul="1" aggressive="0" selftarget="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="support/conjure food.lua">
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="3"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
        <vocation id="7"/>
    <conjure name="Poisoned Arrow" words="exevo con pox" lvl="16" mana="130" soul="2" conjureId="2545" conjureCount="7" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureItem">
        <vocation id="3"/>
        <vocation id="7"/>
    <conjure name="Conjure Bolt" words="exevo con mort" lvl="17" mana="140" soul="2" prem="0" conjureId="2543" conjureCount="5" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureItem">
        <vocation id="3"/>
        <vocation id="7"/>
    <conjure name="Conjure Sniper Arrow" words="exevo con hur" lvl="24" mana="160" soul="3" prem="0" conjureId="7364" conjureCount="5" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureItem">
        <vocation id="3"/>
        <vocation id="7"/>
    <conjure name="Explosive Arrow" words="exevo con flam" lvl="25" mana="290" soul="3" conjureId="2546" conjureCount="8" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureItem">
        <vocation id="3"/>
        <vocation id="7"/>
    <conjure name="Conjure Piercing Bolt" words="exevo con grav" lvl="33" mana="180" soul="3" prem="0" conjureId="7363" conjureCount="5" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureItem">
        <vocation id="3"/>
        <vocation id="7"/>
    <conjure name="Enchant Staff" words="exeta vis" lvl="41" mana="80" prem="0" conjureId="2433" reagentId="2401" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureItem">
        <vocation id="5"/>
    <conjure name="Enchant Spear" words="exeta con" lvl="45" mana="350" soul="3" prem="0" conjureId="7367" reagentId="2389" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureItem">
        <vocation id="3"/>
        <vocation id="7"/>
    <conjure name="Power Bolt" words="exevo con vis" lvl="59" mana="800" soul="4" prem="0" conjureId="2547" conjureCount="10" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureItem">
        <vocation id="7"/>
    <conjure name="Poison Field" words="adevo grav pox" lvl="14" mana="200" soul="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2285" conjureCount="3" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune">
        <vocation id="1"/>
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="5"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
    <conjure name="Light Magic Missile" words="adori min vis" lvl="15" mana="120" soul="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2287" conjureCount="10" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune">
        <vocation id="1"/>
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="5"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
    <conjure name="Fire Field" words="adevo grav flam" lvl="15" mana="240" soul="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2301" conjureCount="3" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune">
        <vocation id="1"/>
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="5"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
    <conjure name="Fireball" words="adori flam" lvl="27" mana="460" soul="3" prem="0" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2302" conjureCount="5" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune">
        <vocation id="1"/>
        <vocation id="5"/>
    <conjure name="Energy Field" words="adevo grav vis" lvl="18" mana="320" soul="2" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2277" conjureCount="3" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune">
        <vocation id="1"/>
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="5"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
    <conjure name="Stalagmite" words="adori tera" lvl="24" mana="400" soul="2" prem="2" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2292" conjureCount="10" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune">
        <vocation id="1"/>
        <vocation id="5"/>
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
    <conjure name="Great Fireball" words="adori mas flam" lvl="30" mana="530" soul="3" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2304" conjureCount="4" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune">
        <vocation id="1"/>
        <vocation id="5"/>
    <conjure name="Heavy Magic Missile" words="adori vis" lvl="25" mana="350" soul="2" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2311" conjureCount="10" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune">
        <vocation id="1"/>
        <vocation id="5"/>
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
    <conjure name="Poison Bomb" words="adevo mas pox" lvl="25" mana="520" soul="2" prem="0" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2286" conjureCount="2" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune">
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
    <conjure name="Firebomb" words="adevo mas flam" lvl="27" mana="600" soul="4" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2305" conjureCount="2" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune">
        <vocation id="1"/>
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="5"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
    <conjure name="Soulfire" words="adevo res flam" lvl="27" mana="600" soul="3" prem="0" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2308" conjureCount="3" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune">
        <vocation id="1"/>
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="5"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
    <conjure name="Poison Wall" words="adevo mas grav pox" lvl="29" mana="640" soul="3" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2289" conjureCount="4" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune">
        <vocation id="1"/>
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="5"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
    <conjure name="Explosion" words="adevo mas hur" lvl="31" mana="570" soul="4" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2313" conjureCount="6" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune">
        <vocation id="1"/>
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="5"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
    <conjure name="Fire Wall" words="adevo mas grav flam" lvl="33" mana="780" soul="4" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2303" conjureCount="4" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune">
        <vocation id="1"/>
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="5"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
    <conjure name="Energybomb" words="adevo mas vis" lvl="37" mana="880" soul="5" prem="0" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2262" conjureCount="2" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune">
        <vocation id="1"/>
        <vocation id="5"/>
    <conjure name="Energy Wall" words="adevo mas grav vis" lvl="41" mana="1000" soul="5" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2279" conjureCount="4" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune">
        <vocation id="1"/>
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="5"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
    <conjure name="Sudden Death" words="adori gran mort" lvl="45" mana="985" soul="5" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2268" conjureCount="3" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune">
        <vocation id="1"/>
        <vocation id="5"/>
    <conjure name="Antidote Rune" words="adana pox" lvl="15" mana="200" soul="1" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2266" conjureCount="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune">
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
    <conjure name="Intense Healing Rune" words="adura gran" lvl="15" mana="240" soul="2" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2265" conjureCount="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune">
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
    <conjure name="Ultimate Healing Rune" words="adura vita" lvl="24" mana="400" soul="3" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2273" conjureCount="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune">
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
    <conjure name="Convince Creature" words="adeta sio" lvl="16" mana="200" soul="3" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2290" conjureCount="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune">
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
    <conjure name="Animate Dead" words="adana mort" lvl="27" mana="600" soul="5" prem="0" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2316" conjureCount="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune">
        <vocation id="1"/>
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="5"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
    <conjure name="Chameleon" words="adevo ina" lvl="27" mana="600" soul="2" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2291" conjureCount="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune">
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
    <conjure name="Destroy Field" words="adito grav" lvl="17" mana="120" soul="2" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2261" conjureCount="3" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune">
        <vocation id="1"/>
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="3"/>
        <vocation id="5"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
        <vocation id="7"/>
    <conjure name="Desintegrate" words="adito tera" lvl="21" mana="200" soul="3" prem="0" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2310" conjureCount="3" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune">
        <vocation id="1"/>
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="3"/>
        <vocation id="5"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
        <vocation id="7"/>
    <conjure name="Magic Wall" words="adevo grav tera" lvl="32" mana="750" soul="5" prem="0" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2293" conjureCount="3" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune">
        <vocation id="1"/>
        <vocation id="5"/>
    <conjure name="Wild Growth" words="adevo grav vita" lvl="27" mana="600" soul="5" prem="0" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2269" conjureCount="2" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune">
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
    <conjure name="Paralyze" words="adana ani" lvl="54" mana="1400" soul="3" prem="0" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2278" conjureCount="1" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune">
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
    <conjure name="Icicle" words="adori frigo" lvl="28" mana="460" soul="3" prem="0" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2271" conjureCount="5" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune">
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
    <conjure name="Avalanche" words="adori mas frigo" lvl="30" mana="530" soul="3" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2274" conjureCount="4" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune">
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
    <conjure name="Stone Shower" words="adori mas tera" lvl="28" mana="430" soul="3" prem="0" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2288" conjureCount="4" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune">
        <vocation id="2"/>
        <vocation id="6"/>
    <conjure name="Thunderstorm" words="adori mas vis" lvl="28" mana="430" soul="3" prem="0" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2315" conjureCount="4" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune">
        <vocation id="1"/>
        <vocation id="5"/>
    <conjure name="Holy Missile" words="adori san" lvl="27" mana="350" soul="3" prem="0" reagentId="2260" conjureId="2295" conjureCount="5" exhaustion="1000" needlearn="0" event="function" value="conjureRune">
        <vocation id="3"/>
        <vocation id="7"/>

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Nossa me desculpe, abri duas abas e acabei trocando as ajudas q tentei dar, mil desculpas amigo, ignore o post a cima, mais tentei ver aqui no meu servidor algo relacionado pra tentar te ajudar, e isso provavelmente é algo que esta relacionado a sources,  ele foi compilado deste jeito, mais como eu disse isso é a conclusão que EU cheguei, tente achar outro distro e teste.

Editado por blaah snos (veja o histórico de edições)
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