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Da pra adaptar esse script pra 3 estagio e possibilitar premiar mais que 1 item? ganhar com lvl 500, lvl 1000 e 1500


esse é um creaturescript


--[script by Renato Ribeiro to]--

local config = {
level = 500,                                             -- level que irá ganhar
storage = 9557,                                         -- storage
msg = "Você ganhou 1 addon doll por avaçar o level 500.",        -- mensagem ao ganhar
qnt = 1000;                                                -- quantidade de crystal coin
msgtp = MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE,                          -- tipo da mensagem
itemid = 11755,                                          -- id do crystal coin (pode mudar se quiser)

function onAdvance(cid, oldLevel, newLevel)
        if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, < 1 and getPlayerLevel(cid) >= config.level then
                doPlayerAddItem(cid, config.itemid, config.qnt)
                setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, 1)
                doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, config.msgtp, config.msg)
return TRUE


Editado por jNo (veja o histórico de edições)

(1º) | [8.60] - Galaxy Server - Download

(2º) | [8.60] - Glorious Server - Download

(3º) | [8.60] - Epic Server - Download

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eu uso esse aqui
se tiver alguma duvida só avisar


local c = {
   [{1,5}] = {
     [1000] = {items = {{itemid = 7958, count = 1}}, storage = 40953},
     [2500] = {items = {{itemid = 7440, count = 1}}, storage = 40954},
     [5000] = {items = {{itemid = 2157, count = 10}}, storage = 40955},
     [7500] = {items = {{itemid = 5891, count = 10}}, storage = 40956},
     [10000] = {items = {{itemid = 7410, count = 1}}, storage = 40957},
     [15000] = {items = {{itemid = 2353, count = 1}}, storage = 40958},
     [20000] = {items = {{itemid = 2157, count = 100}}, storage = 40959},
     [30000] = {items = {{itemid = 2198, count = 1}}, storage = 40960},
     [40000] = {items = {{itemid = 12289, count = 1}}, storage = 40961},
     [50000] = {items = {{itemid = 8982, count = 1}}, storage = 40962}
   [{2,6}] = {
     [1000] = {items = {{itemid = 7958, count = 1}}, storage = 40953},
     [2500] = {items = {{itemid = 7440, count = 1}}, storage = 40954},
     [5000] = {items = {{itemid = 2157, count = 10}}, storage = 40955},
     [7500] = {items = {{itemid = 5891, count = 10}}, storage = 40956},
     [10000] = {items = {{itemid = 7410, count = 1}}, storage = 40957},
     [15000] = {items = {{itemid = 2353, count = 1}}, storage = 40958},
     [20000] = {items = {{itemid = 2157, count = 100}}, storage = 40959},
     [30000] = {items = {{itemid = 2198, count = 1}}, storage = 40960},
     [40000] = {items = {{itemid = 12289, count = 1}}, storage = 40961},
     [50000] = {items = {{itemid = 8982, count = 1}}, storage = 40962}
   [{3,7}] = {
     [1000] = {items = {{itemid = 5803, count = 1}}, storage = 40953},
     [2500] = {items = {{itemid = 7440, count = 1}}, storage = 40954},
     [5000] = {items = {{itemid = 2157, count = 10}}, storage = 40955},
     [7500] = {items = {{itemid = 5891, count = 10}}, storage = 40956},
     [10000] = {items = {{itemid = 8855, count = 1}}, storage = 40957},
     [15000] = {items = {{itemid = 2353, count = 1}}, storage = 40958},
     [20000] = {items = {{itemid = 2157, count = 100}}, storage = 40959},
     [30000] = {items = {{itemid = 2198, count = 1}}, storage = 40960},
     [40000] = {items = {{itemid = 12289, count = 1}}, storage = 40961},
     [50000] = {items = {{itemid = 8982, count = 1}}, storage = 40962}
   [{4,8}] = {
     [1000] = {items = {{itemid = 8932, count = 1}, {itemid = 7456, count = 1}, {itemid = 8929, count = 1}}, storage = 40953},
     [2500] = {items = {{itemid = 7440, count = 1}}, storage = 40954},
     [5000] = {items = {{itemid = 2157, count = 10}}, storage = 40955},
     [7500] = {items = {{itemid = 5891, count = 10}}, storage = 40956},
     [10000] = {items = {{itemid = 2447, count = 1}, {itemid = 7450, count = 1}, {itemid = 7390, count = 1}}, storage = 40957},
     [15000] = {items = {{itemid = 2353, count = 1}}, storage = 40958},
     [20000] = {items = {{itemid = 2157, count = 100}}, storage = 40959},
     [30000] = {items = {{itemid = 2198, count = 1}}, storage = 40960},
     [40000] = {items = {{itemid = 12289, count = 1}}, storage = 40961},
     [50000] = {items = {{itemid = 8982, count = 1}}, storage = 40962}
function onAdvance(cid, skill, oldlevel, newlevel)
         if skill ~= SKILL__LEVEL then
             return true
         for voc, x in pairs(c) do
             if isInArray(voc, getPlayerVocation(cid)) then
                     for level, z in pairs(x) do
                         if newlevel >= level and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, ~= 1 then
                    local text = ""
                    for v = 1, #z.items do
                        count, info = z.items[v].count, getItemInfo(z.items[v].itemid)
                        local ret = ", "
                        if v == 1 then
                            ret = ""
                        elseif v == #z.items then
                            ret = " and "
                        text = text .. ret
                        text = text .. (count > 1 and count or info.article).." "..(count > 1 and info.plural or
                        doPlayerAddItem(cid, z.items[v].itemid, z.items[v].count)
                doBroadcastMessage("O jogador -->["..getCreatureName(cid).."] atingiu ao level: ["..level.."] e obteve "..text..".", MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE)
                                 doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 25, "Parabens, voce atingiu ao level: \n ["..level.."] \n e obteve "..text..".")
                  doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 19, "Parabens, voce atingiu ao level: "..level.." e obteve "..text..".")
                                 doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_FIREWORK_YELLOW)
                                 setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, 1)
         return true


Editado por poko360 (veja o histórico de edições)
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8 horas atrás, poko360 disse:

eu uso esse aqui
se tiver alguma duvida só avisar



Deu erro, segue a print, (TFS 0.4).

É possível adicionar mais itens em uma premiação sem ter que aumentar a linha? Algo mais simples; Exemplo:


[500] = {items = {{itemid = 11755, count = 1}}, storage = 40953}, {{itemid = 11755, count = 1}}, storage = 40953}, {items = {{itemid = 11755, count = 1}}, storage = 40953},

local c = {
   [{1,5}] = {
     [500] = {items = {{itemid = 11755, count = 1}}, storage = 40953},
     [1000] = {items = {{itemid = 11755, count = 3}}, storage = 40954},
     [1500] = {items = {{itemid = 11755, count = 5}}, storage = 40955},
   [{2,6}] = {
     [500] = {items = {{itemid = 11755, count = 1}}, storage = 40953},
     [1000] = {items = {{itemid = 11755, count = 3}}, storage = 40954},
     [1500] = {items = {{itemid = 11755, count = 5}}, storage = 40955}
   [{3,7}] = {
     [500] = {items = {{itemid = 11755, count = 1}}, storage = 40953},
     [1000] = {items = {{itemid = 11755, count = 3}}, storage = 40954},
     [1500] = {items = {{itemid = 11755, count = 5}}, storage = 40955}
   [{4,8}] = {
     [500] = {items = {{itemid = 11755, count = 1}}, storage = 40953},
     [1000] = {items = {{itemid = 11755, count = 3}}, storage = 40954},
     [1500] = {items = {{itemid = 11755, count = 5}}, storage = 40955}
function onAdvance(cid, skill, oldlevel, newlevel)
         if skill ~= SKILL__LEVEL then
             return true
         for voc, x in pairs(c) do
             if isInArray(voc, getPlayerVocation(cid)) then
                     for level, z in pairs(x) do
                         if newlevel >= level and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, ~= 1 then
                    local text = ""
                    for v = 1, #z.items do
                        count, info = z.items[v].count, getItemInfo(z.items[v].itemid)
                        local ret = ", "
                        if v == 1 then
                            ret = ""
                        elseif v == #z.items then
                            ret = " and "
                        text = text .. ret
                        text = text .. (count > 1 and count or info.article).." "..(count > 1 and info.plural or
                        doPlayerAddItem(cid, z.items[v].itemid, z.items[v].count)
                doBroadcastMessage("O jogador -->["..getCreatureName(cid).."] atingiu ao level: ["..level.."] e obteve "..text..".", MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE)
                                 doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 25, "Parabens, voce atingiu ao level: \n ["..level.."] \n e obteve "..text..".")
                  doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 19, "Parabens, voce atingiu ao level: "..level.." e obteve "..text..".")
                                 doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_FIREWORK_YELLOW)
                                 setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, 1)
         return true


Sem título.png

(1º) | [8.60] - Galaxy Server - Download

(2º) | [8.60] - Glorious Server - Download

(3º) | [8.60] - Epic Server - Download

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só dar shift enter nessa linha dps das virgulas


     [10000] = {items = {{itemid = 2447, count = 1}, {itemid = 7450, count = 1}, {itemid = 7390, count = 1}}, storage = 40957},

ficando assim:


[10000] = {items = {{itemid = 2447, count = 1},
{itemid = 7450, count = 1},
{itemid = 7390, count = 1}}, storage = 40957},

desculpa, esqueci de te passar oq tem em creaturescript.xml


    <event type="advance" name="VocReward" event="script" value="vocreward.lua"/>

em creaturescript/login


    registerCreatureEvent(cid, "VocReward")


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Ainda não funcionou, upei o level e nada

(1º) | [8.60] - Galaxy Server - Download

(2º) | [8.60] - Glorious Server - Download

(3º) | [8.60] - Epic Server - Download

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