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(Resolvido)Player não pega frag

Ir para solução Resolvido por thelifeofpbion,

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Pode matar quantas vezes quiser, que não pega frag, não acho o problema:


18:27 Warning! The murder of Paladin was not justified.


18:28 You currently have 0 frags today, 0 this week and 0 this month.
18:28 You have [0/30] to red skull.
18:28 You have [0/150] to black skull.




local config = {
    loginMessage = getConfigValue('loginMessage'),
    useFragHandler = getBooleanFromString(getConfigValue('useFragHandler'))
pos = {x=927, y=927, z=7}
function onLogin(cid)
local maxaccbyip = 2
local accm = {}
local pbi = getPlayersByIp(getPlayerIp(cid))
function antiTumb(cid)
for _,player in ipairs(pbi) do
if getCreatureName(player) == "Account Manager" then
table.insert(accm, player)
if #accm > maxaccbyip then
print("Foi ultrapassado o limite maximo de contas online com o seguinte ip "..convertIntToIP(getPlayerIp(cid)).."\npor motivos de seguranca todos os accounts managers com esse ip foram kickados\nAnti-Nuker System 2.0")
for _,player in ipairs(accm) do
return true
addEvent(antiTumb, 10, cid)
    local loss = getConfigValue('deathLostPercent')
    if(loss ~= nil) then
        doPlayerSetLossPercent(cid, PLAYERLOSS_EXPERIENCE, loss * 10)
    local accountManager = getPlayerAccountManager(cid)
    if(accountManager == MANAGER_NONE) then
        local lastLogin, str = getPlayerLastLoginSaved(cid), config.loginMessage
        if(lastLogin > 0) then
            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_DEFAULT, str)
            str = "Your last visit was on " .."%a %b %d %X %Y", lastLogin) .. "."
            doTeleportThing(cid, pos, true)
            str = str .. " Please choose your outfit."
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_DEFAULT, str)
    elseif(accountManager == MANAGER_NAMELOCK) then
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "Hello, it appears that your character has been namelocked, what would you like as your new name?")
    elseif(accountManager == MANAGER_ACCOUNT) then
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "Hello, type 'account' to manage your account and if you want to start over then type 'cancel'.")
        doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "Hello, type 'account' to create an account or type 'recover' to recover an account.")
    if(not isPlayerGhost(cid)) then
        doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), CONST_ME_TELEPORT)
    registerCreatureEvent(cid, "Mail")
    registerCreatureEvent(cid, "GuildMotd")

    registerCreatureEvent(cid, "Idle")
    if(config.useFragHandler) then
        registerCreatureEvent(cid, "SkullCheck")

    registerCreatureEvent(cid, "ReportBug")
    registerCreatureEvent(cid, "AdvanceSave")

        registerCreatureEvent(cid, "EffectCheck")
        registerCreatureEvent(cid, "EffectDeath")
        registerCreatureEvent(cid, "EpicAol")
        registerCreatureEvent(cid, "EpicRedAol")
        registerCreatureEvent(cid, "RedAol")

        registerCreatureEvent(cid, "VocReward")

        registerCreatureEvent(cid, "newlook")

        registerCreatureEvent(cid, "hmup")

        registerCreatureEvent(cid, "perderefeito")

        registerCreatureEvent(cid, "SafeCombat")
        registerCreatureEvent(cid, "SafeTarget")

        registerCreatureEvent(cid, "critical")
        registerCreatureEvent(cid, "dodge")

        if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 48902) == -1 then
        setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 48902, 0) 
        if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 48903) == -1 then
      setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 48903, 0)
    return true




	useFragHandler = true
	redSkullLength = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60
	blackSkullLength = 45 * 24 * 60 * 60
	dailyFragsToRedSkull = 30
	weeklyFragsToRedSkull = 50
	monthlyFragsToRedSkull = 100
	dailyFragsToBlackSkull = 150
	weeklyFragsToBlackSkull = 300
	monthlyFragsToBlackSkull = 450
	dailyFragsToBanishment = 1000
	weeklyFragsToBanishment = 1500
	monthlyFragsToBanishment = 2000
	blackSkulledDeathHealth = 40
	blackSkulledDeathMana = 0
	useBlackSkull = true
	advancedFragList = false


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  • Solução

ve se o deathlist ta como false no config lua se tiver coloque true

deathListEnabled = true



Não abandone seu tópico, quando você tiver a dúvida resolvida sozinho tente ensinar aos outros como resolve-la (você pode não ser o único com o problema) e quando ela for resolvida por outra pessoa não se esqueça de marcar como melhor resposta e deixar o gostei.

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Editado por jNo (veja o histórico de edições)

(1º) | [8.60] - Galaxy Server - Download

(2º) | [8.60] - Glorious Server - Download

(3º) | [8.60] - Epic Server - Download

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11 horas atrás, pablobion disse:

ve se o deathlist ta como false no config lua se tiver coloque true

deathListEnabled = true


Excelente jhowwwwwwww

Editado por JcA (veja o histórico de edições)
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